The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tree Resources
Are Discussed
LEBANON Conservation of
forest resources and utilisation of
uaste'vere the matter strewed
by speakers Monday "night when
the Ivebanon chamber- ft com
merce entertained representatives
of government and industry in
this section. The principal address
by W. H. HornuTngrregional man
ager of the land management di
vision of the department of the in
terior for this f ection traced the
relation between the coramunitief .
btines and socbl activities and
the wise use of the timber re
source?. George Gerlinger predict
ed that within ten year mills hav
ing waste burners will be penal
ized or c!oed down. Carl Crow
of the Pacific Coast' Lumber Di
gest was master of ceremonies
and other special guests were city
officials of the communities in
this part of the valley, members
f the county court, state officials
Governor Earl Snell and mem
bers of the state legislature.
ble Grand club served a covered
dish dinner followed by a business
meeting. Mrs. Ida Hartley read
the scripture. Mrs. Nettie Hawk
was , installed as ecretary, in
place of Neva Kester. Plans were
discussed for the celebration of
Mother's Day. I
Members will I visit two mem
. bcrs of the club:- Mrs. Grace
Thurston in jthe Odd Fellows
Home and Mri. G. W. Humphrey
. in a convalescent home.
Members sewed blocks for the
eiub qiult
VFW Croups Have
Public Installation
MT. ANGEL Fennimore pot
end auxiliary of the VFWj held
color dedication and installation
of officers at St. Mary's (audi
torium Aoril 21. The post (colors
were dedicated by oast depart
ment commander, George E.
Watts. The dhtrirt auxiliary pre
sident, Mrs. Leon H?roon and past
district prefident, Mrs. Arvin
Strayer and the . Salem degree
team installed auxiliary officers.
Officers include Miss Florence
Hawing, president; Mrs. AlJSaal
feld, senior vice-president;! Mrs.
Ernest Crowder, Junior vice-president;
Mrs. Kenneth Kehoe, rec
retary; 'Miss Francei Hissing,
treasurer; Miss Peggy Skonetzni,
chaplain. Miss Margaret Traeger,
conductress; Mrs. Luke Schmidt,
guard; Mirs Evelyn Froemel. pa
triotic instructor; Miss Mary jTrae
eer. Miss Regina Hoffer, ) Miss
Helen Froemel MLs Mildred Du
da. color bearers; Miss Mary Trae
py. Miss Regina Hoffer and Mrs.
"Frarik Walker, trustees.
Past department commander,
Watt, and his degree, teamj from
Oregon City officiated at the post
installation of Leo A. Traeger,
commander; Gil vert Hoffer. senior
vice-president; Anthony Schultz,
junior vice-president; Kenneth
Kehoe.. quartermaster; Ira Here
ford, trustee; Alvin Saalfeld post
advocate; E. I. Bernt, surgeon,
Vincent Smith, chaplain.
EAST SALEM Guests for the
rst (en days at the homes of Mr.
afid Mrs. B. E. Braucht and Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Braucht on Garden
road were the parents of Mrs. E.
F. Braucht from Miruit. North Da
kota, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kather
roan. 1 ,
LEBANON A needle broke
off in the forehead of Buddy Mil
ler, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Miller, when he struck his head
against a pin cushion while play
in Pt hore Sunday. The needle
was located by probing of a phy
sician and several stitches were
necessary to clos e the wound.
Cattle Expert on
Visit in Area
SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Kehne Wain and guests, Mr; and
Mrs. F. A. Sloan, Lincoln, Neb
national secretary of the Red Poll
Cattle club of America, attended
the Oregon Red Poll Breeders club
meeting and field day, at the C.
E. Lewis farm, Aumsyille." '"'
Sloan commented on the quality
and type of the cattle, explaining
the desirable points in classes
shown. t
Luncheon- was served by the
ladies after which a business
meeting was presided over by Fred
Corns tock of Marion. Plans were
discussed to participate in the
Pacific International Live stock
show at Portland this fall.
Elmo Abbot, Chilco, Idaho, at
tended the meeting and was a
overnight guest at the Wain home.
Mill Citv Folk
Increase Population
MILL CITY M. and Mrs. Don
Smith are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a daughter,
April 17, at the Salem Deaconess
hospital. She has been named
Judith Ann. ;
Mr. and Mrs. James Kanoff
(Elizabeth Andrews) of T
are parents of a son, April 18, at
Salem Deaconess' hospiia!. lut-y
are former residents of Mill .City,
and have a daughter Patricia, 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten are
the parents of a 'Forty Robert Char
les, born April 22 at the Salem
Dcaconefs hospital. He weighed
8 pounds, II oz. Mrs. Roten is
the former Florence Shepherd.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and
Mrs. M a 1 1 i e Murdock are the
Bridal Shower
For Stayton Girl
STAYTON ' Honoring Miss
Alice Dickman, whose marriage
to Elmer Raymond Fehlen will
be celebrated Saturday at the
Immaculate Conception church in
Stayton, Miss Colleen Fehlen was
hostess for a bridal shower at
the Nick Fehlen home April 18.
Bidden were Mesdames Wil
liam Fair, Floyd Booze, Karl
Kreitzer, Richard O'Connor, Del
bert Berry, Richard Minten, Al
Brand, , George Fery, Joe Maertz,
George Butler, Fred Dickman,
Neal Dickman, Nick Fehlen, and
Misses Shirlee Freele, Vera Hass
ler, Lucille Albus. Helen Harvey,
Eleanor Welter, Clara Pepper
ling, Dorothy Fehlen and the
honored guest. -
- : - i - I
Till iKIJj-
Prices in Effect Today thru Ilonday O Open Daily 9 All. !o 8 PJL, Sundays 10 All. lo 8 P.IL
Sweel Peas 2 n 10c liii ; , mr Pimienio Cheese 5 89c
; doverbloom
Cheese American. 2-lb. box 89c
Sweet Pickins, Westward
-; Fancy t ..No. 2 can 15c
Del Monte . 1 .No. 2 can 18c
Fancy Corn
uNo. 2 can
Del Mais Cream Style or j.
JHeart of Valley Whole Kernel
Stringlcss Deans 9c
Blue Spot Fancy... ..No. 2 can 17c
Santiam Fancy .....No. 2 can 19c
Pork & Deans 23c
slant's Fancy Quality
LNo. 2 can
Van Camp's with Tomato Sauce ,
m UiUOlUCa. No. 2 can
.Tasty Pack Choice -
2 for 29c
Qoverbloom C0i
Grade A.... lb. DOC
Canned Elilk
Darigold 2 cans 23 C
- All Others. 12e can
Clover bloom A 9 m
Cheddar.. fWC
Kraft Velveela
American processed 09M
cheese food. J! lb. 00 C
American, 2-lb. box
Clovtrbloom Pastearlied
IK-Ho Crackers w 25f
Round, crisp butter wafers
Sunshine Vhet Toast Wafers, O J
salted, crisp.rL 1-lb. box tViG
Apple Sauce 17c
Apricots Large No. 10 can 69c
Whole Uopeeled
Cherries Libby's, No. 2 can 29c
A-.- -. Royal Anne
Deluxe Plum Preserves ! -lb. jar 19c
' j ; StarrNote the Saving .' ' : , j
Peach Preserves Libby's, 1-lb. 3-oz. jar 31c
Oranue Elarmalade i -lb. jar 25c
1 Welch's Fancy -
Apple Duller Dude Ranch . 28 -oz. jar 29c
Strained Honey Evans 1-lb. jar 39c
5-Ib. can 2.19
Cranberry Sauce
1 Tall can'
Ocean Spray. Whole
Ocean Spray
.Tall can
Darileli Pears
Del Rome, Snlder's in heayy symp
Ubby's in heavy syrup.. L
..No. 2 2 can 29C
No. 2H can 33e
No. 2t can 39e
Walla Walla Green Point
Blue Tag Fancy :...No. 2'i can
' Deluxe in Ilesvy Syrup
No. 22 can 1IU
No. tJi can 14e
IQdney Deans ; 2 cans 25c
. , - Joan of Are, No. SOS can k
Saucrlrraoi ' ko. 10c
Higk Qualily Heals
At Money-Saving Prices .
at; Ericksons . .
Picnic HamSo.o
Deef Rqasl.oo IB. 44c
Blade or arm cut -Armour's
" quality Steer Beef
Rib Steak ..... lb. 59c
Gorernmnet Inspected, Grade A Beef
Pork Roast oooolh. 59c
Grain fed picnic style
Ilince Ileal ... lb. 22c
Swift Premium for. just one more
delicious mince meat pie
Dahy Foods . . . can 7c
Gerber strained or chopped
Pahlum . . . lh. pkg. 37c
3 lb. pkK. L25
Swift Jewell '
Dromedary, 9Q
14-oz. pkg!Ll..aW C
Spice Cake
Aagur'g, just add water,
mix and! bake. OCm
1-lb. pkj L..gC
Ilirikcle Whip
Salad Dressing, QQ
pint ' jar;... .:..0yC
Vegetables and Fruit
IIgw Potatoes: 6 ibs. 29c
Cncnmbers........2w 43c
Fresh and crisp, long carrots
2 doz. 59 c
Sunkist 220's
Sunkist 344s case 3.65
Lemons Large Size -doz. 33c
..No. 10 bag 89c
Tho Staleaman. Salem. Oregon, rridcry. April 25.' 19473.
Class Meets at
Edward Rupp Home
MILL CITY The Friendship j
class ol the Presbyterian church
met Friday at the home of Mrs.
Edward Rupp. President Is Mrs.
Delos Hoeye. Mrs. Clayton Bal-1
timore led the devotions.
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, Mrs. Her
bert Schroeder. Mrs. Arlo Tuers,
Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Viola i
Bee be, Mrs. Alvie Fisher, Mrs. i
Claude Miller, Mrs. Charles Kelly,
Mrs. Delos Hoeye and the hostess. ;
"BIG YAIffi"
Illue Chambray
IVorh Shiris
Sizes 142-17
O Elbow Action
O Strain Proof
O Fabric Sanforized
Special purchase of this heavy weight
crystal set to sell at
Back lo a Price We All Like
Flared Mouth
Ladies Two-Piece v
sin sns
Halter Top Ijice Trim Shorts
izes 12-18 Finely Woven Material
Rough Rider
Sanforized Shrunk
Guaranteed not to rip. Double
j stitched. (TNJQ
AH sizes IpKJ
May 11th
Come in several
colors. Regular
Mother's lay Cards
Maple Out and E-2oIasses
Hint Ehevs
Delicious and fresh. Individually
wrapped. A real buy at Pound
the greenlawn
Three arm rotating style. Save money
by buying one this Friday or Satur
day Reg. $1.79
M l v ;' 1
Ladies Tearose
Eayon Slips
Size 32-40
A slip tbat would normally sell
at $3.00. A Great Honey Sav
er at - -
Over 300 Pieces
Slake picture size !6x20
Variety of subjects
Yellow Pansies
English Daisies
AU Types. of Bedding PUnts
.Hungry Jack, "Jf)
No. 10 bag JC
Bmire mm mm