Portland Produce. PORTLAND. Ore, April 24 (AP) BuTterfat ttatatlTt (subject lo im mediate change), premium quality maximum 1 ii of I per cent acidity deliver- to Portland. "7-c lb.: first aahty ag 87 lb: second qualiW l Jc: v alter route and country point, to less tun first or 64-63c lb. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk. M lb cubes, trade AA. 93 scores tic: A. S3 -swore. Cue. B 90 score 90c; C. 89 acora. 7C V Cheese Selling price to Portland vhoicMitix: Oregon singles. 37-S2C; Oregon lost 40'.-54c; triplet. 37-52C. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. hrf. 52',-i3'c: medium. , HMjC; A grade small. 43c; B trade, large, ji j -4 1 jc. E?gs Purchased from farmers: Current receipts, 44 lftc; buyer pay 3-3 're below wholesale quotations on graded baas for best hennery eegs. Live chickens Paying price to pro- - rucers: No. 1 broilers, under X lbs. 30c lo: fryers. 2 to 3 lb. 2-30c: 3 to 4 lbs. 34-35c B: roasters. 4 lbs and .over. 34 15e lb: fowl. Leghorn, under 3', lbs. ls-JGc: 3'i lbs and over. 20-23c: colored. "all weights, 32-33C B; stags. all weights. ' 14-i6r. j Rabbits Average to retailers. 4-52c Jb driaai d; prices to producers. 43c: fryers, live, white. 20-24C lb; colored, 17-2JC Ito. Or.ion. green local, mid -Columbia. 40-9OC I. 2 mcaea and larger Z i)-.7J f la sack. 23-2jc; medL, 40-4:: truck 1: MOW ABOUT! WILD ANIMALS . r u&v0 fM A VVCEDC S7 Wo tTBViNG TO THINK L grymro a. w j. "" IV" " v r-"" w-wc waucM i TOPIC 9 re luncheon BLONDS TTsTi i Of I j( ff9J 1 81 1 Mill DICK TRACT VOU HEARD WAMT LEARK ' MS1MY WTEtTESTTO LITTLE AltTCE BOOHZT AKNlEi STD0Y-NOW tl IDIEARHWHY Ma.'P WiS SO EXTwEMELY ( I in FiNOtKteri 1 r i ll f ( - Liom er m rsxett t a ruu ococstra of FCOfcS AND (KVDSOUlTOES ACCOMRANlCDBY ; : kr buzz sAwrn r 6OSKM0SE9TVC! WTTU A PUNCH UETUAT.M WOW COULD NOU MICZET MOUS1 B0(. wEVt? 'been NORION' A VEAR, AN TVCN TM!5 HACK rrc av m o axi Tiarv an tu o CASOLCIX ALLEY THT CUTE LITTLE 9UTJCH OF flOAR9 VOU PlflNTEO MPPOJCD TO D8 A JERV O09TLV B5ENCH HrVT, BASKET CCOGL8 prlfTj4fi cars fcl sale. Text! Bermuda BO Xbi f2.49 Texas prtUM wax 54-4-. .1 . Potatoes Russets.-' No., J- petMHin tfredwetght, $3 75-4 00; baker size M.50 4 70: No. 2s. 3 10-3 25: No. 2 A 25-lb, $1.00-1.05. 15-lb. 0-5c; Deschutes. No. 2s. 50-ib. tl.2S-l0: Baker Ore , Russets. No. Is, $3.50-3 90: new crop: SO-lb sack. No. 1. S2.75-3.00: 1 00 -lb sack Potatoes- New Crop, Texasj 93 M: track sales. Shafter.. $2.35-2.53 a 50-lb sack; old crop. Wash- No. 2. 50-lb sack. 95c; Idaho No. 1. $3 50 cwt; ria. Bliss Triumphs. 50-lb sack, S3 .35: others im change; No. 1 CaL. knj white, 100 lbs. $3.90. I Dressed meats Veal Light, top quality. 3S-30c; heavy, top quality. 28 30c; B. 2S-29c: C. 2?-24c: cull. iX-20c: hogs block butchers, packer style, 125-180 lbs. 37 -38c; over 213 lbs. 36 37c lb: sows, all wts. 29-34c lb; lambs AA. 38-tOc; A. 37-38c: B. 34-S8c; C. 28-30C lb: mutton 10-lSc lb. accord ing to quality: beef best quilty. 32-34c; B. 25-26c: C. 22-24c; canner and cut ter. 18-21e: bologna bulls. 25-26 . Cascara bark Green. 8-8 'c; dry. 20c. Mohair toe lb on 12-months growth. Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Al falfa. No. 2 r better. $33.00-33.60 ton; No. 1 timothy. $31.50-37.00 ton: oats and vetch. $22.00-27.00 ton. depending upon quality: clover hav, uncertified, baled on farms, $22.00-27.00 ton. Portland Livestock . PORTLAND. Ore, April 24 AP (USDA) Cattle salable 150. total 223; calves salable and total 50; mar ket , only moderately active but gen Mr MEN REP08T MR. MEAN Y 1 BELIEVES TWE CHILD IS DEAD-" HE SEEMS 10 HAVE LOSrHOPglt fVFVFD HEQ AGAIN -fi' law fBOMB NOUS) I OOMT WOQLO OP .5 KNOW AN ) I ?) WILD v.i rJiri y ANIMALS J ILl.'lr. l.'ltV2L a 11't tt QIT4Y NOISES, F(?GMTruJ NOISES: A PUtL CROCODILE Sfc5ctfADlN& HIS MATE. RUNNtNd ELEPHANTS, THE ROAR OF A LION - n OM .. X MEVE TRIED TO rnrr imo oimsi it vyguu;i WL-RT DEW. fJ,M ljbJ-t HEKE WE AE IM THE SAME WE'RE ceTTNG ON CKAV, HUE COT A RASE. OL'JCJWr. AN ITS 4 WD2SE P1PNT WET Tlr TtUF WHOD A-THUNK IT? 1 r I CtTTtf' Vall 4 R3OC0 NCXAION, X IOONENeD PACKAGES UNLESS L ?25?,.' 4 eially" 1 sle (Jy jefntrulr" eeargTfC iresn supply; oaa common -meaium steers 15.50-22.00; common - medium heifers 13.00-20.00: fairly good heifers to 21.00; gutters down to 13.00: can ner and cutter cows largely 11.00-13.00: shells down to 8:00; fat dairy type cows 14.00-15.00; heavy Holsteins to 14.00; good beef cows 18.00-19.00; good beef bulls 18.23; medium sausage bulls down to 13.50- good -choice vealers tteady at 24.00-27.00. odd head to 21.00. Hogs salable 150. total 1100; market mostly steady: extreme earlv top M higher at 25.73 on cloaely sorted 219 227 lb. weights: bulk good-choice 180 240 lb. 25.25; 250-300 lbs. 23.50-24.i; good sows 21.00-22.00; good-choice 107-111 lb. feeder pigs 28.00. Sheep salable and total SO: demand limited for -relatively plain kinds of fered; good-choice woo led lambs this week 19.50-20.50: spring lambs up to 22.00; shorn lambs 19.00 down; good choice ewes 7.00-50; wooled ewes to too. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, April 24 (AP) Wheat futures not quoted: Cash wheat (bid) : Soft white 2J7; soft white (excluding Rex) 2J7; white club 2.37; western red 2.37. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 37; 10 per cent 2.40; 11 per cent 2-46; IS per cent 2.56. Hard white baart: 10 per cent 2.40; 11 per cent 2.44: 12 per cent 2.51. . Today's car receipts: Wheat 06. bar ley 4. flour 2. corn 14. hTWATS A SUBJECT FOR ONLY ITHE MOST BWLUANT MINOS. IN THE WORLD IT WOULD COUIBE EICWAl ICTTVP STUOV AND PREPARATION I COULPNT TACKLE THAT By MYSELF , GPP OWN 1 ' -iaw fr Ut.' ' its N"M I rVaVT U1T -TUrs-aa--. HOW DO VOU EVPECT TO WIN A FISMT 7 t) m tpm mrT iT IP THEKE SOT HIL1,fttdn 3g a.. , m ITHAT MAY BE ONLY A CLEVER RUSE-KEEP HIM UNDER ICONSrANT SURVEILLANCE tfC'jf 1 EVENTUALLY ME MAY LEAD VfcTw,US TO MRS. MEANY-' FORGET IT, SAKE. VOU'RE JEALOUS OF HAOC IT WU. ANVBOPV I MATE m AN OPTIMIST.' WH P1PNT THEY GIVE HIM THE CLP SHACK AN' 6ULP COME OUT RIGHT. U5 A NEW ONE? Stocka-andolTdsPTnE-YOlJNC "IDEA" By Mossier (Compiled by the Associated PrevO April 24 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS IS 60 Indus. Rails ITtil. Stk. Thursday" 81.1 31.3 42.8 62.0 Previous day 27.5 31.3 43.0 62 3 Week ago 86.0 30.8 42 8 61.3 Month ago 914 345 44.8 654 Year ago 106.6 46.0 54.1 78.8 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Indust. 10 10 Util For"n 105-S 74.51 103.4 744 1054 73.1 105.3 76.0 107.5 78.7 1055 76.6 1044 745 Thursday 93.6 103.8 Previous day ' 93.7 Week ago 93.6 Month ago 944 Year ago 103.8 103.7 103.7 103.9 103.6 1042 1034 1947 high j 97J 1947 low .. 93.3 New 1947 high, t New 1947 low. The word "ventriloquism' is derived from the Latin "venter," Or belly, and "loqui" or to speak, and originally was supposed to result from the peculiar use of the stomach during the process of in haling. When snakes shed their skins even the covering of the cornea of the eye is shed. 1 i. IER0-AINT IT GRAND?- THIS ( I LL, HELP ) V VOU. X T OEARJ -v-XiN 1 7 THAT WAS Al GREAT BIG GARDEN bKOWIN INA CAVE-MR. M5C0SMIC MAXES HIS SUNSHINE An RAIN KEEP IT6R0WIN,- ir vattE u?! m V' KNOW I sy- , n.n-'tVrri VST nCH y II NEVER. T'OUSUT Ofs DAT I r TN p rr does I'll be WSAepONTEP.i a-l LI I DONE EMPTIED yft7ctttfPi& W TRASH BASKET. Z?W I .tLj- i-:-rr Capr. It47 ay (Mtas Fw Sraafcj. lac "Don't you think yon really New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. April 24 AP Today Al Chem St Dye 173 4 Gen Foods American Can JHHijGen Motors ' Am Power & Lt 12liGoodyear Tire Am Tel & Tel 164 Gt North pfd Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif. Pack Canadian Pae Case J I Chrysler Com with Sou Cons Edison Cons Vulteo Cont Ins Crown Z-l Curtis Wr Douglas Air Duponfc de Ne Gen Electric 368 ilnt Harvest 80 Int Paper pfd 31 J Manville 84i!Kennecott 18 Lng Bell A 25 1 4 Maytag lf Miami Copper 34001 Ward 91 Nash Kelvin 3 Nat Dairy 27 N Y Central 15 Vx North Am Co 50 Northern Pac 26i Pac Am Fish S Pas Gas Elec 624 P T tc T 181a!Pn American 35 (Penny J C Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS ' Wholesale .. Retail . : .67 .86 .62 .'. .64 .69 JSO .L .48 43 JO i 36 4 2 2 -32 i M J4 F.GGS, Baying Prlrs Extra large Medium and Standard ... Standards . Pullets." cracks . -FGGS. Selling Prica Wholesale, large Mediums POULTRY Colored bens. No. 1. . No. 2 . Fryers , LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Spring lamb i 20 00 1S46 lambs, woolled 19.50 1946 lambs, shorn ; 1730 Ewes , 00 Dairy cows B OO to 14.00 ..10.00 to 13.50 .12.00 to 23.00 Dairy bum Veal Ho prices 3Sc pet hundred under Portland prices for each particular class Staas bought aubiect. Dtodnn) i lPrcgiraims Fri. KSLM KOIN KCW KEX B.ADIO (I39t k) i (978 kel . (829 ke) (1199 ke) CrSS (News (News 6:11 Timekeeper iKOIN Klock t-M .March Tims jKOIN Klock :4S ei IKOIN Klock (News Wise 'n Shlna News Orchestra . KOIN Klock I Farm time T.-1S 7:36 1:43 News Bob Garred Fact Finder S:S S:IS 4) :4S (Haven Rest Haven Rest .Pioneers iLindlahr User News Art Baker Grand Slam Rosemary. .- 9:1S :3 . :4i (Camera Club (Kate Smith Orchestra Aunt Jenny Pastor s Call I Helen Trent Art Baker IGal Sunday it: !: 1S.3S I6:4S News Bing Sings Song Road Harmony !Blg .Sister Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Road of Life 11: 11:13 11:3 11:43 Waltz Time Itin Tempos Queen for Day Queen for Day Nooa Pioneers INews 12.15 News ICome Get It 12:30 Hillbilly (Bob. Victoria 12:43 Variety Show I King's Jesters 1:M (Checkerboard I House Party 1:15 News I i 1:39 (Orchestra (Newspaper 1:45 Orchestra I 2:09 2:13, 2:3 2:43 (Bill Gwinn (Bill Cwinii IHeaVt s Desire Qleart's Desire IScliool of Meet Missus 3.-99 3:15 3:3 3:45 Red Cross Invader I Alt Kirkham E. Winters ISerenade ! Hot it Trout News Orchestra 4:99 Fulton IWash. Report IThls Woman IRhythm 4:13 - Rex Miller iMeloay House (News j Northwest. 4:3 E. Johnson ll.inftep ILiie Beautiful Dick Tracy' 4:45 News Milton Charles C Foster iTrnn. Jed 5:99 5:13 5:39 5:43 III. Harrigan Superman ICapt Midnight rroui Mix iBob Garred 49 4:13 6:3 6:45 G. Heatter Rock Wool (News (Orchestra G Simms Durante 7:99 1:15 T-J Meet Press fMeet Press . (Cisco Kid Ic'isco Kid Sports Spot. ITheatr 1st range Friend Irma .Bill Stern Friend Irma I Music 849 8:13 8:39 9:45 (George Do It (George Do It (Burl Ives (On Future L Thomas ISupper Club back Smith ILawton iFree tor All I Alan Young (Free for All I 9:99 9:13 9:39 9:45 News Fanny Brtce Pictorial Sports Thia Man Hi J. Taylor 19:99 19:15 19:39 19:45 IFultnn Lewis 3 Star Final Be Ignoiant Leii Brown (News Orchestra -4 1149 11:15 11:39 11:45 11:55 12:99 Open Hous Open House Open House News Serenade Air-Flo News Sign Off ISilent ROAC 559 kr. 10 00 News: 10:15 F.s pectallv for Women: 11:HI School of the Air; 11:19 Concert Hall: 12:00 News: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 140 Ride Kin Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air: 1:30 Melody Time: 2:00 The Club women's Half Hour: 20 Memory; Book of Music; 340 News: 3J5 Music of the Masters: 440 Oregon Reporter; 4:15 ouxht to ask him to play, dear?" 's closing quotations: 40TaRadio Corp 57s!Rayonier 514 Rayonier pfd 39 4j Reynolds Met 8 Hi! Richfield Safeway n7iSears Roeb 44 H Sinclair Oil 17 jSo Pacific IStan Brands 16 I Stan Oil Cal 50Stew Warner 16V4!Studebaker 314 Sun Mining 154iUnion Oil 262iUn Pacific 16Vs'Un Airlines 11 Un Aircraft 374 U S Steel 108 4! Warner Bros. 124 West Elec 40 V4! Wool worth 20i 14S 214 32 4 154 374 30 53 164 19 84 129 264 194 69, 14 244 444 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account of Mabel Sullivan, as admin Utratrix of the estate of Brooke T. Hedges, deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the 9th day of May 1S47, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock AM. has been duly appointed by such Court for the hearing of objections to such final accounting and settlement there of, at which time any person interest ed in such estate may appear and file objections thereto tn writing and eon- test the same. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26th day of March. 1947. MABEL SULLIVAN Otto K. Paulus Administratrix Attornev for Estate Address: 410 First Natl Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon. First Publication: March 28. 1947. Last Publication: AprU 25. 1047. M 28- A 4-1 1-1 B-5 Livratock and Poultry FOR SALE: Good family milk cow. flenty miilc. til. 3. Box 807 N. 1 JERSEY-Guernsey family milk cow with 3 weeks heifer call. 1 gal. me z. box 173. L,. . cross. ENTIRE Stock New Zealand White rabbits, hutches included. Best of stock, priced to sell. Rte. 3, Box 915E on s. River Kd. K. c. Lone. YJ6REDrrryersrtf aTeVSeTghti: Honey m'n NY. 1 Bugler X Honeym'n NY. IBugler X Kneass. News Bugler X Dave West I Bugler X Singing Cowboy lAgronsay The Old Songs (James Abba !8am Hayes I Stock Market Fred Waring Breakfast Club iBreakfast Club Jack Berch IBreakfast Club James Abbe IBreakfast Club I Music (K. Baker Kneass. News tK. Baker Lew Lacey tBreneman Words. Music IBreneman Matinee G. Drake ITed Malone ITrue Story ITrue Story iQutntet IJ Jordan Mrs. Burton (Today's Child I Hymns Perry Mason White Women Melodies Ine Journey Masquerade (Listening Post Rose I Light World 'Ethel. Albert IKneass. News W. Kiernan IMa Perkins Istars Today IPepper young IE. C. Hill I Happiness ICome Get It (Backstage Wife Sunny Side Up Stella Dallas I Sunny Sid Up I Lorenzo Jones I Kay West IWidder Brown I Kay West Air Girl Marries What's Doin" What's Doin Bride, Groom Bride, Groom Portia. Life Just Plain Bill Karrell I Road of Life I Be Seated llxira I. awl on Be Seated I Aunt Mary I Dorotliv Dix IDr. Paul IN. W. Today Knox Manning 'Stars Today Mu'.c G. Moor ad . News ISing. America IPirates Sky King Uack Armstrong IF. Hemmtngway INews I People I (Waltz Tim (Sports Week IPIeasure iTh Sheriff (The Sheriff (Sports ISports (Music Moods I Music Moods Seems 1 (Air Strip ICbeer Songs (Your FBI (Your FBI King's Men (Break the Bank B Grayson Break the Bank Public Interest Western Skies (Western skies INews riashes I Music (Orchestra IBand Wagon INews Here's to Vets It'oncert Hour (Concert Hour INews (Concert Hour (Speaker Concert Hour Rose Bowl Ore Rose Bowl Ore. Ron Salt News Sign Off X-Tra Hour rxons Time: 4:30 Strictly Jars; 4:43 Children's Theatre: 3 00 On th Upbeat; 5:55 Spotting Sports: 640 News; 8:15 Weekend in Town: 6:30 Music of Czechoslovakia; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8 CO Here's to Veterans; 8:15 Youth and Music; 8:43 News: 940 Music That Endures; 9:45 Evening Med itations; 10:Q0 Sign Off. Th Skrt menu BqIohl Oroii. Frf3cry.'April tS.lS4713 Livefttock and Poultry JERSEY Cow. mlllking I gal., fresh S weeks. 9200. O. G. Sturgis, Brooks. Phone 2-5IIW. FOR sale On 4 year old "Jersey to freshen tn it weeks. Gentle and stake broke. Win tell reasonable.. t mile south Swegle school. Rte. 9. box 6 A. FOR sale or trade 20 does with litter. 4 proven bucks. Also hutches. Lloyd Cook Rte. 1, Monmouth. Ore. Ph. Monmouth 466. NEW HAMP. chicks from trapnested stock Parmenter Red Chicks. Write for prica list. Gehring's Hatchery. Sil verton. BULL Service by artificial Insernt tnation. Sires from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licenced vet erinarians Saleni Artlftcal Inaemtna tton SSatton. Ph 655 - WANTED: Ail kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Writ C I Snethea. 1550 Lancaster. Drive . Ph 21345 morn or eve CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Drew ed poul try wholesale bur specialty. Phone 2-2861. Lees Hatchery. WANTED: All Kinds of cattle, fat hoes, sows ft boars At your, farm or delivered Market price E C McCand lish. Rt. 9. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St. Ph 8147 FOR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks avery Wed. Boytnctorta 2710 Stat St Phone 499 "BABY Cfm-ks hatching twice week ty in seven varieties. New Harnp zhires always available In chicks Growing pullets any age. Phon 22861 Lee's H atctterv ' - HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New Hampthires and Whit Rocks. 100T, free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues day. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery a Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore SPRING fryers, i', lb. $1J. 1505 Alder. Ph. 24225. N. of Aluminum pint. Auction SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION 3610 SUverton Rd. Sat, Apr. 26 Wa arc having good .stock sales. This week have some good Whit Face cattle. 1 White Face bull 2',, yrs, 1 Durham a Whit Face cow 6 yrs. with 34 mo. old calf, 1 Hereford calf 4 mo., and other Whit Face and Shorthorn cattle. Also milk cows, calves. W are getting top prices. Miller, Mgr. Alderman, Auctioneer Phone 25424 Salem Community Auction 3610 SUverton Road Every Sat., 10:30 a.m. and Furniture Tues.7:30 p.m. Lots of good merchandise Including ranges, heaters, hot water . tanks, dressers, tables. blankets. towels, chenille bed spreads, wool blankets, new linoleums, etc, .- LIVESTOCK Cows, heifers, calves, pigs, chickens, rabbits. - Farm Machinery Farm ' Produce If you have no way of hauling your consignment we are equipped to do lust that for you. This barn la run by a disabled vet eran. - Phon 2-5424 , Miller. Manager. Alderman, Auct. Help Wanted WANTED Strawberry pickers to register. Rt. 7, Box 409. SUverton Rd. Ph. 3-1363. Near Middle Grove School. HERR Ac RIENSCHE MESSENGER WANTED Someone who would like to work three hours a day, 6 days a week, at $1.00 per hour. Must be steady and reliable and can be bonded. Someone between 40 and SO years of age pre- lerreo. bive pnone number and ad dress so you can be reached Monday the zsth. Box number 239. Statesman-. FRY Cook. Black - Whit Coffee Shop. STRAWBERRY PICKERS register now. 21 acres rood clean berries, no old patches. Mrs. C. A. Zielinski. phon 22018 and Joseph Henny, phone svo. Help Wanted Male WANTED: Journeyman Chevrolet mechanic in th most modern equip ped shop on the West Coast. Apply in person. See Mr. Thompson. Doug las McKay Chevrolet Co., 519 North commercial. YOUNG Man ' for part time work nights. See Mr. Edwards in th press room ot the Oregon Statesman - after 10 P.M. Wanted: , Men to hoe strawberries. Rt 7. Box 40. SUverton Rd. Ph. 2-1363. Near Mid die Grove school. HERR At RIENSCHE BUS boy. Marion hotel. , MAN with light car lo collect regu lar monthly accounts. Salem and vi cinity. Writ or apply 721 .Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Ore. J lW or institution maintenance worn. mncresT sen, fix. ZJUZZ PART Time bus boyTThe Spa. WOOD CUTTERS. $6 per cord. 4 ft Ph. R. W. Maker. 7888. 90 Beech Ave A REAL OPPORTUNITY Wanted, a first class all round me chanic, one who Is also able to meet the public. Thia position is better than the average. Ask for Van at TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED all around beauty operator. 823 a week plus commis sion. Apply In person. MarineUo. 245 N. High. '- 1 MORNING Waitress. 232 N. High. GIRL or Woman. Gen'l. hse. worK. Stay night?. 695 N. Liberty. JANITOR wanted. Hours from 6 6 A.M. to 11 A.M. Maudies Inn, Ph. Z1Z4. - MIDDLE Aged lady as chambermaid days per week. Box 231 Statesman. WOMAN wanted for newspaper of fice. No previous experience, neces sary. Call Oregon Journal office. 433 Ferry. 10 to 12 A.M. or 4 to 9 P.M. Ph. 7769. WAITRESS, day shift- only. Applyln person. The Ace, 127 N. High. ASSISTANT' cook, house mother. bookkeeper and asst bookkeeper. Hill crest Sen. TEnIOGRAPHER. Salem. Till Co.. 285 State St.. Salem. EXPERIENCED lady's ready to wear saleslady wanted at Sally's. NEAT Attractive gtrks as full or part time usherettes.- Apply in per son. Grand Theatre. . Situations Wanted PAINTING, papering, reas. prices. Phone 3193. MANT white, past 50. single. Indus. trious. sober, aom farm xperM wants work on poultry ranch or tn cottar camp or filling station. Box 229 States man ELECTRICAL Contracting. No de lay Dial 9740. Ace Electric Co. Plow im Ford equipment. Phone 4074 or 1-1209 P AlNTlNC " " 'DEC'OTtATTNCT Ph" 2-5839 - GARDEN Plowing It discing. Fergu son Use lor. 1880 Center. Ph. 9909. FALSE TEETH That Loom- Noexl Not E-abarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plat dropped, slipped or wab bled at lust th wrong tim Do not uv In fear of this happening ta you fust sprinkle a little fASTtETIL the alkalla non acldt powder - on- your plates Holds fab teeth more firmly so they f e I mort comfortable. Does no sowr. Checks 'plate odor" t den tur breath). Get FAS TEETH at any drug store. Situations Wanted EXP. accountant stenographer, anr line. Permanent position. Box 23. Statesman. - - - garden wot k of all kinds, Ato truck for small hauling. Ph. 26835 after 8:30 ' ORNAMENTAL pruning, law bu.UU ing landscape work. Address Geo. Far ta, 1210 Alder Ave, Salem. HSTaLnUT tree rrafUn. L. A. Faulk ner. Rte. 1. box 36. Corval ! ts. Ore. CABINETWork of all kinds. Wu. dow fnmM W IMM m4m IT. - sonable. L. D. Scott. Rt ft Box 819. -.4 ""'e wesi or neizer scriool. . ALL Makes of clocks repaired. 19$ S 14th Clock Doctor. t"- 2TltNwlth7 power saw want falling timber. Walter Pound. roM S. 21st. A 75SC A P f?tx perrW U ns ar( shmbhsrv sTawkts-4 ,. .. 13r0? before 9 AM. ii l KiUH Decorator by hout ar contract. Your material or mine. Worst riMnnlrfriJ iri u.n- , . - - --. - . . w"w yrmm .Rit Uk cmrt ot y orders. VQVKti. v-t iU - ll. clerk- exp. Ph aSil fsgaHed an. stretched: HOME BUILDERS W. D. GARRETT General Designer Is now at 370', Stat SL Dnimt Wnm Vt. sj "-- " S Ul to. feSHOEepairing. Good leather. maA warx. reasonable nrim n w tr . Gene. Ph. 9792 " - . PAEVTEVg " GoodjWorkReasonable. Ph. 53T3. m" a-fj -mi. rn. &zym " w noft rnone ossi oxrRtTirixoRK Sidewalka H ri ... w . T U 7 'Ull.lllS. JEw'?".Contrac1or. Ph 24371 CRALR 4 wheeTlictorlowiiii discing, any amount. Ph ?1T7 POWER Hi itmo , ' J bops, any amount Ph. 22127. Painting Contract er by tn hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt. 9. Box 363 Pho. 22309 Snrav Pairrtin inet doors, drawers regular cabinet vrge or snau oroers accepted. Convenient location ,, blk. L dd a Bush. Uulrrauwwh r-.v.it an. . S. Cpm'L Ph. 5M?. " "" PAEMTIVfi a?cr ' ITT ext, where interiors are a specialty. . ,A Y1 resroenrtai. also now taking work orders for exteriors. Brush or spray painter, house roofs, barns, firm K,,iLHin. . w TT ata Insured. Phone 25444 -or 62 I Garden Plowing Garden plowing and dcng Ford tractor. Ray Satter. Ph 22504. SAM HeighU Pnngl pickup' A garbage serric. Ph. 9675. WILL" do small - jii . .a oatchlng. 971 S. 17th. Ph. 21 after 5 p m. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Clm. West Salem Ph 9468 or 5JTT HOUSEWORk by Uir. ph. 6704 FOR Better orchard and tre spray ing call 22922. tl A ftrtb 1 1 ......... . rm cement contr. 764l. 479 3. 18th st - abl prices , Free estimates. H. J. Wood worth Ph 3015. - - PAINTING eV Paper nanging WS CtowIv 857 Shipping Phnne 9513 DRAWING - and itnlmtna hous nliw wn 9621 , Pi eSchool Playschool. 1381 Stat. g.--,rt..r. all day. Ph. 8430. ROTO ROOTER Sewer servvc. Sw era & drains cleaned. Emergency rails on Sun. Free estimate Prompt assri ice Ph 5327 or 9468 ltttTH Moving. Biasnwnt- Ditch. Canals Leveling. Pacific Excavating Company ' Power Shovels. Bulldozers. Tracst Salem. Oregon Phone 3456 or 8793 D. A. Huston General Designer OFFERS A creative Ind construe-v dastga tng and planning servlc FOR Homes, store, office, buildings, in dustrial design, patent drawings- 411 OREGON BUILDING Modernizing Ph 26972 Remodeltnaf Septic Tanks Cleaned K F. Hamel. 1143 tth. Wast gslsisi Phon 7404 ALL Wurk guaranteed. Windows, walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed Insured workmen., n nfi IiiimI Cleaning Servic. Pboo 4457. -.-u For Sale X- Miseellaneotn SEE the famous new 25 ft. Steel, craft Sedan rulser now at Salem Boat House. - 3USf Received 15 washing ma -chines.' complete with pump. Mad by Monarch. City Electric Cb.. 245 -Center. ONE 16 ft all sprue boat with oar and waternraof fmvr m i - u D Johnson outboard motor and ak traUer equipped with ply tire. AU in- good top shape. Call at 439 N. Com'l. Call for C. J. T. TLaISCOaT su 4t 3214 Portland Road. Camp Joy. . auiua Hearing aid. complete gaO. Ph. PIANO Accord ian. 120 bass. Rt 4. x mu -t. u- speibrmk. WOOtTTUnge. enameTlik new. copper coll. reasonable. Phone 8744: 20 CAL. Gasnot water heater in excellent condition. 143 Fir. i PIANOS-' Betsy Ross Spinets. Blond Man sr any. Lima Oak. Leatherette and oris Mahoeanrv finishes. Immediate deliv. ery. Shop Tallman'a and save. 39ft S. lztn. corner of MiU. TCNABE SPINET PIANO Beautiful walnut eaa. TaUmaaa. 395, S. 12th. a mile from high jprjeea. KRAKAUER SPINET PIANO America's greatest Dtano value. ee at Tallman's. 399 S. 12th, a mil from hleh prices. MARSUaTJ Strawberries, verv am 1 niants. S3 00 per thousand in th f w4d. c r. webb. star Rte., SUverton. Ore. SMALLDog pupa. Mother dog Mexf can Chihuahua. Inquire at 1039 St Com'l. FOR &AL7--nBiu Yag'MaraHaA strawberry plants certified by Oregon Stat college. It pays to plant th beat w ar contracting additional straw, berry acreage. Phon 5602 or wrtt ITnlted Growers, Inc Salem. Oreeon. . . -- 1 " . 1 11 - . - ii .... m ... .wais a oig su tea. Wmdrv Fumttiir Mkt. Ph 8119. " JCTCaVkinaTo. produrtsTTllt Cs ter St. Salem. Ph. 535. Free det DISTL1ICT AGEIIT : T7AIITED Salen and Ilarica Coaniy Far. experienced life aasl Disability bub wh desiree verwrite eommlsslens per sonal sad tab agenU aales. State backgtoand mad 9jmatin cations. InqntHes treated e ridentially. Bx Z21 States-