The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Salem IOOF
To Entertain
Grand Master
Oregon Odd Fellows will en
tertain their lodge's ' Sovereign
Grand Master , of the World for
the first time in 16 years when
Judge C A. Wheeler of Austin,
Tex., visits Salem next Wednes
day. . ; '
The highest IOOF officer will
inspect officially Chemeketa lodge
1, IOOF. A feature of tWe visit
will be a public reception ban
ruet Wednesday evening in First
Methodist church, with all Ore
gon IOOF officers expected to at
tend. Salem is .Wheeler's only
stop in Oregon on his current tour. J
Following dinner Wednesday
the local lodge will, hold its reg
ular Wednesday night meeting in
s.e lodge nau at 7 ociock. uiii-
rialc hr crat that lh .lalm
lodge has not missed a weekly
meeting in 90 years.
- Grand Master Wheeler will ad
dress a meeting of lodge mem
bers, their wives and the public
at 8 pjn, in- the, First Methodist
church. . -
Stocks Make
4tli Advance
NEW YORK. April 23 -VP)- The
stock market achieved its fourth
successive advance today but only
by a narrow margin alter, recov
ering from an early dip; The im
provement .was selective and
many, steels, rubbers and rails
failed to participate. .
The- Associated Press 60-stock
composite was up .1 of a point
t 62 Ji, the first time this year
ft has climbed for four consecu
tive sessions. Transfers totaled
Following reports of lower soap
prices, Colgate - Palmolive - Peet
closed down 2 points at 43. Proc
tor & Gamble at 61 was off
2fe. American Ice common touch
ed a new low and closed down 1
t 74, while its 6 per cent hon
cumulative preferred finished
im lower, at 95 after directors
deferred dividend action.
Kotiee is hrby given that th un-
iuBpiri by an order of tbe Circuit
Court of Marioa County. Oregon, has
born appointed at administrator of the
xtat of Thomas Noot. 1292S deceased
AH persona having ciaims against such
ktate are required to present them
Witnut ci month from the date of
nt notice, with the DroDer vouchers.
to the undersigned at the office of
Edward K. Piaaeckt. Ladd Si Bush Bank
Biec Salem. Ore ion.
. Dated tins End dar of April. 1947.
A4rrinitrator of the Estate of Thomas
Noot. deceased. Ap 2-Mr 1-S-1S-Z2
Lodge Chief
Jodie C. A. Wheeler of
Tex. world Odd. Fellows' lodge
chief. wIm wilt snake of Octal
Inspect lost of Chemeketa lodge
I, IOOF, and address a public
banquet at First Methodist
charch ext Wednesday even
tag. . , t
Mrs. Eggiman Dies
At Central Howell;
Rites Saturday J
Mrs. Oliva Eggiman, 53, route
2, Salem, died Wednesday at her
lifelong home on the farm which
was her .birthplace' in Central
HowelL She was a member of the
Pratum Mennonite church.
The funeral will be held at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at
the Pratum Mennonite church, the
Rev. John Franz officating. Con
cluding services will be at Pratum
cemetery. Services are in charge
or. me w. t. Kigdon company.
Surviving are her husband. Al
bert E. Eggiman of Silverton; two
sisters, Mrs. Alma Zurcheri and
Mrs. Henry Baer and two broth
ers, Louis and Eldon Gerber, all
oi baiem. !
- Garter snakes have been re
ported, as far north as the Yukon.
Lois Hamer
Top Speaker
Lois Hamer, young peoples di
rector; at First Congregational
charch and president -of Toast-
mistress, won the. local speaking
contest Wednesday night. Aman
da Anderson, debate coach at Sa
lem high school and 1948 local
winner of the contest, placed sec
ond. ' x : " .. .
Judges were Dr. Helen Pierce,
Willametfe university English de
partment; George R. K. Moorhead
and W.4 E. Hanson, members of
Salem Toastmasters.
Olga Wikberg, chairman of the
speech contest committee, was
toastmis tress of the evening. Pos
sibility that an Oregon speaking
contest might be held in Salem,
June 7, when an Oregon council
meeting -will be held here was
" Loretta Friderick was - named
Toastmistress speaker at a lunch
eon meeting of the Oregon
Speech association which meets
on Willamette university campus
Saturday, .May 10.
Harry Hage, 81,
Dies iri Silverton
SILVERTON, April 23 Harry
Hage, 81, died here early .this
morning. Born in Norway, he had
lived in this community for 55
years. The funeral will be an
nounced later by the Ekman fune
ral home.
Surviving are 11 children, Ben
Hage and Annie Carlsob of Los
Angeles, Calif.; Ellen, Zurcher.
Hilda Pollack and Oscar Hage of
Seattle; Roy Hage of Silverton;
Charles Hage of Calgary, Alberta;
Henry Hage of Sparks, Nev.; El
mer Hage of Imley, Neb.; Jennie
Hage of Oakland. Calif, and Clara
HaU of Klamath Falls; 16 grand
children and two great-grand
children. .
Hygiene Panel
Plan Skirted
An organizational meeting to
inaugurate local hygiene discus
sion panels over Marion county
was conducted a the YMCA. this
week by F. G. Scherer, Portland,
director of the social hygiene ed
ucation of the Oregon Tuberculo
sis association.
. The - social hygiene institute,
sponsored by the Marion county
public health association, was at
tended by SO women from as many
communities in the county. Scher
er outlined the technique of set
ting up -discussion groups in the
'Delegates heard. a discussion of
the need and purpose of social hy
giene education among parents
especially -concerning youth. They
were urged to work through their
local churches, civic and social
groups In sponsoring group edu
cation meetings". In general charge
of the institute was Mrs. Ruby
Bunnell of the county public
health association.
Klamath Base
Tally Started
Six Salem representatives of
the state vocational education de
partment are in Klamath Falls in
ventorying the marine barracks
there which soon will be con
verted into a state vocational
The training center is expected
to open not later than July IS, it
was stated Tuesday by O. I. Pauls
son, director of the state depart
ment of vocational education.
Paulson said equipment already
available for classes in diesel
engineering, automobile mechan
ics, typing, office machine work.
cooking and baking, carpentry
and mill work, and that remodel
ing will begin as soon as the con
tract with the federal government
for using the barracks 25 years
ior 9i is signed.
Paulson, who has received 800
applications from prospective stu
dents, estimates the school will
accommodate about 430 the first
year and 600 the second year.
Notice is hereto? given that tha City
Manafer of the City of Salem. Orece.
will receive sealed bids Dp to the hour
of Ji pj, Monday. Mar 1. 147. for
the construction of a bridge over North
Mill Creek, between Union and "D"
Streets in the City of Salem.. Oregon.
Bids win be opened by the City
Manager, in his office. Qty Hall, Sa
lem. Oregon, on the above date.
Awarding of the bids will be made by
e Common Council at the hour of
S OS pm. Wednesday. May It, 1947. at
the Council Chambers. City Hall. Sa
lem. Oregon.
Copies of the plans and specifications
wnaj be had at the office of the City
nineer upon depositing the sum of
Si 00.
Principal Items: (Approx.) -
Wrecking old Bridge
1.0S3 C. Yds. Excavation ,
: M Ca. Yds. Excavation Below Datum
200 Cn. Yds. Concrete . .
41.000 Lbs. Metal Reinforcement
10 tan IX Handrail
Vbo Sq rt. Sidewalk
Each bidder will be required to file
wttn his bid a certified check or bid
hond payable to the City of Salem in
the amount of 5 per cent of tha amount
of the bid. which will be forfeited to
the City in case the bidder shaH fail
r refuse to enter Into a cootBast for
she construction of said bridge, if
awarded the bid. - -
The right is reserved by the Common
Council to accept any or to reject all
Mis ta the interest of the City
i - Citjr Recorder
.Endurin g IB c a u t.y ;
in Vonetian Blinds
Oyster .White Pure White
The most adaptable tones to blend with
today's decorating colors
Unaffected by atmospheric
changes. Neither salt air nor
moisture will rust or corrode,
Slats will not burn, and even
the smooth plastic finish la
flame-proof. ,
t--JJP SUN PR00F ' "
. Plastic finish will
not chip.
crack, peel or discolor.
mm . L .
560 So. 2l8t SL
Phone 3143
For the Year Ended December 31, 1946
" of the' !' ,,-
of 111 William Street in the State of New York'
made to -the Insurance CcMtimissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law
Net premiums reeerVerl . , ; ,, ;
Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income
Income from other sources "
Total income :', ,. , ' - - -
Net amount paid for losses '
Locs adjustment expense ' "T .. - '
underwriting expenses
1 40,Sa2.69
Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, 138.49; stock, 0)
Dividends paid or credited to policyholders .,;:.
All other expenditures (incL investment expense $843.32)
Total disbursements ' - -- f l
Value of real estate owned (market value)
Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc,
Value-of bonds owned (amortized)' .
Value of stocks owned (market value)
Cash in banks and on band.
Premiums in course of collection written since
September 30, 1948
Interest and rents due and accrued
Other assets (net) . - :
Total admitted assets. ; ,,, ',
t 38.49
.l,4756.O0 '
ll, :? 52
Total unpaid claims
Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims
Total unearned premiums
All other liabilities
Total liabilities, except capital
Capital paid up
Special surpjui funds: Z...
Unassigned funds (surplus . ;
Surplus as regards policyholders
Total :
0 f ,
$ 210,315.00
x 119,710.62
$ 768,128.
Net premiums received '. --It,..,,;,,.,!.;........",.:.,.!...,,..
Net losses . .paid " ,T -.''.; ,,,, ' ; , ;'; . ".,.';j,.l ;.
Dividends paid or credited to policyholders
East Burnside and Grand, Portland, Oregon, 215 Vi Kennewick Ave.. Kenne wick, Wn.
S-257 M-317 i .
hnvjl Contracts
Break Sliarply-
PENDLETON, April 23 -MV-
Several hundred delegates are ex
pected here tomorrow for open
ing of the four-day state Chris
tian Endeavor association con
CHICAGO. April 2340-GramsJ-Vention
closed firm en the board of trade
today, but lard contracts broke
sharply with the November con
tract moving to a new seasonal
low. " ;
Wheat closed -2ti ) higher.
May 2.85 Vi-ti; corn unchanged
to IV higher. May $L7i-1.73V4;
oats unchanged to s higher, May
89-88Ts, and lard 45 Cents to
$1.45 a -bund, red pounds lower,
July $210. - i
Weather and crop reports from
the northwest .were somewhat
unfavorable, emphasizing heavy
moisture and low temperatures.
Some farm land is under water
around the Red river and one
grain elevator concern said "there
is a distinct possibility that some
of this flooded area may not be
in shape to farm this season.
G. G. Tliurman
Dies in Idaho
George Clifford Thurman, for
mer Salem contractor and resi
dent here "for 30 years, died Tues
day . at hit home in Fruitland,
Idaho, at the age of 55.
Graveside services will be con
ducted at Belcrest Memorial park
Ths Strrleaman. Salam. Orsxyon, ThuradWr flprg L 19477
at 10 a.m. Friday under the direc
tion of W. T. Rigdon company. Dr.
Joseph RL, Adams will officiate.
Surviving, besides , the widow.
Bertha Mae Thurman of Fruit
land, are three son's in : Salem.
Donald. Gerald and Richard
Thurman. and four daughters,
Roberta Thurman and Mrs. Reba
Mariels of Salem; Mrs. Cecil AJ
britton, Hebo. and Mrs. Miles
Carlson. Cloverdale. Six grand
children and four brothers and a
sister in California also survive.
Venus's Fly Trap is a plant
found in North and South Caro
lina which feeds on small insects
which it traps in its leaves.
Oa All Hakes )
All Work Gaaraateesl
42S Coavt St. Call 752J
Rom where I sit Jy Joe Marsh
"As Homelike
As a Barn"
Cy Hartamaa fiaalry gt kLs mew
Wrm palated, bt ptenty of foUca,
had a kaad hi it. Wkeaerer sosae
aa get a free day, er a little extra
time, they'd coma srrer astd help
Mt with paiat aa4 brash.
And Cy, to show his apprecla-
tion. held a big "barn warminsr"
Saturday for all the folks who'd
helped him (but not barring those
'who couldn't). 11a Hartman sup
plied sandwiches, and Cy rolled
ut a mellow keg of beer.
Toa'd swver tkiak of a bar as
"boose like." Bat with those Uaterasj
haagiac frosm the rafters; smake
sliift Ubless spread heary with
food; and Ed Carey's kiddie play
lag wkila the folks eajoyed their
beer Cya bars was aire a saigkty
boapitable-looklog place! (
From where I sit, it's jost about
- as appropriaU to bare 'a. barm
warming as hoosewarming , . .
if only because ifs another chance
to get ' neighbors together in a
spirit of good fellowship. T
Copyright. 1947, United SaaSes Brnrt Ft
JX HflMP wiTJ-l
Lor UFE'5
See Our Ctassirieda
for the Bargains
Hop QhjMm;,!
A' A t
Dlhiini S'SitdCs
Because you, as a telephone User, have an im
portant stake in the issues, weM like to give some
straight answers to questions you may have
about the strike situation up to late.
J. Why Is There a Telephone Strike?
The unions made large clrmaiids. We could not
agree to these demands hut offered to extend .
contracts while bargaining continued. But the
unions refused. We then offered to arbitrate the
basic issue, wages. The unions again refused and
went oat on strike.
v 2. What Are the Unions Demanding? v
They are demanding scores oj changes in con
tracts which would, if granted amount to an in
crease of more than $100,000,000 a year in the
- cost of telephone service.
This amount is five times our J 9 46 earnings.
It would make our payroll alone larger than all
the ihoney we took in last year
3. What Do These Demands Mean to
Telephone Users?
The union demands equal t a year added to
each telephone bill. A 40 ier cent increase in
all telephone rates.
4. How Well Are Telephone Employes
Paid Now?
Studies show telephone wages are in line with
tbose paid for other jobs on the coast requiring'
similar skill and training. Telephone wage rates
now average 58 per cent above the 1941 level.
Here are typical examples: Operator even a
girl right out of high school starts at a basic rate
of $30 a week while learning - in small towns,
$28 to $29. Actual earnings kre higher due to
overtime and premium pay. There are frequent
pay raises, too. At the end ipfjthe first year the
new operator can be earning over $1900 .a year.
A supervising operator can earn over $2700 per
year working a 5-day week. Plant Maintenance
Men: actual earnings of many experienced men :
last year were more than $5000. The basic rate
for inexperienced men is $34 at the start and scales
up to $72. Overtime and premium pay are in ad
dition. 5. What Other Benefits Do Employees Get?
Among other extra advantages are paid vaca
tions up, to three weeks, depending on length of
The Pacific Telephone and
Death Benefits
. . Holidays with pay . .
, . Pensions . . .
. Sickness and
good working
And telephone work is steady . . . the kind a
person can count on.
6: Why Cant the Company Agree to
Union Demands?
Wages and other costs of service are paid by the'
people who use the telephone. We .can't give '
blanket agreement to the unions huge demands
because we cannot justify them to our customers
who pay the bill.
7. Hour-Has the Company Tried, to End '
the Strike? -
We wanted to extend the liberal working con
tracts while bargaining continued. But the
unions refused. We repeatedly offered to sub
mit the wage question . . . the basic Issue . . . to :
arbitration. But the unions continue to refuse.
We have offered the unions a practical plan to
settle the strike . . . a plan that is fair equally to -our
employees investors and customers.
8. When Will the Strike Be Over?
We don't know. But we believe that no matter
how long the strike lasts, it is in the public in
terest to face it rather than to capitulate to the
unions huge demands which would require large
increases in telephone rates. .
Meanwhile we will continue to do our best to
handle your calls.
Calls from dial to dial telephones, which make up f
the bulk of calls in many cities, are completed
without interruption. Many calls which require
the service of an operator are-also being com
pleted. Many telephone company people are workings
days and nights on strenuous shifts to keep ser
vice going. They have been joined by many others,
who put the public interest first. We appreciate
this loyalty.
We wish to thank the public for their helpfuL
cooperation during this troublesome period.
The Public Interest Must Come First