The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 The Sicriesmcm. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday, April 23, 1947
Spertie sorties: Net only will
Klamath Tans middle we Igbt
gsskoetbie Jack Snapp be featured
mm M. Tex Salkeld s Best fistic
hew. bat m win the new Keller
Warner. Big Keller, out ef shape
aad eene.aently thumped la his
poet-war dehnt a few weeks
hack, is sew ia much better con
sHOo and ready to go again. In
faet here's an oddity concerning
the Kialte Sapper, now under
no Bare' wmg: Keller kajroed
tn two heats a S-foot 6-inch giant
tn Klamath Falls the other night
and leaked geed ia doing so; The
Wan pole fear nights later -went
to Tacoma and knocked eat ' ill
tea reends a highly prised 6-foot
1-laeber of that sector! So that
afcoold snake Keller " a welcome
addition to Salkelffs May 7 show
ia the feature four-rounder. . .
ate the local gladiators; Salkeld
has gtlUedged plans for Feather
weight Hal Fries if he keeps im-
prering. Tattles - Tex: "Fries has
the best chance to gain good
fights if ho can prove himself-
fights with the likes of Bobby
atichards. Snooks Lacey or any
other rood feathers in the north
west.' . . V Red Rocha's visit to
Woaeland Hawaii was suspicions
indeed. Be baeketed 21 points In
sutring an all-star quint to a
.44-41 win over the Harlem
Globetrotters, the first loss for
the Trotters in 12 games!
Spokane's opening- .night attend
ante wasn't If, SO ,aa reported,
bat nil. Which is sufficient, and
sa indication that the Spokes, if
they keep " winning, will do
the 2N.N mark for the
The Opening Wat Closed
The bir laf f of last week's Sa
lean opener came at the front
door when Sportservlce holler
gay Jesse Lee Wood, all tuned
np to do a. big night's business.
came np with laryngitis and was
forced to whisper his wares! . ,
Tfcia Man Steve Gerkln. now
with Minneapolis In the Amcri
can Asia, allowed but two hits
in 14 Innings of spring training
too. . V Before they left town
Sunday night . the Vancouver
Caps, mainly ia the personage of
Cew. Mgr. Baby Robert Brown,
told that tbey had offered Wally
Flager . $354 per month to play
shortstop, bat that Walter J.
nixed it
Brents, Yak Hare Vets
Add WTL toughles, Bremerton's
Bhse Jackets. The Brems are
loaded with Just about the same
capable who pulled them Into
third place last year, namely
Bill Reese. Joe Gedsins, Scrappy
Carts, Hooks De Vaurs. Frank
VolpL home run king Bill Rar!
mCT, Hnb Kittle. Beak Federmey
er, Jim Lawman. Joe Sullivan
and Bill Ahearn. And la First
Baseman Stanton and Outfielder
Al A kins they have two mere
sharpies. . , . The Yaklmas are
Jut about as writ off also, boast
fa? many of their 1944 standouts.
... Shell be a tough league be
fore she's over mates. ...
Ayers A Right Guy
Ralph Ayers. the popular
lamping-jackster who, ran Into a
surprise loss at the armory last
week, wants no snore ' fighting
for oac solid month not nntil
he gets himself ia shape. Ayers
rame to as following- his loss,
displayed two very badly swol-
lest hands be had picked up tn
a scrap two weeks previous, an
ankle the siso of a Babe Rath
kodel bat fa log had rolled on It)
and a midriff most unbecoming
to a member of the pugilistic
fainaOy. The evidence spoke for
Itself but avers, apologizing to tlje
press and Maestro Tex Salkeld
"for letting you down insisted
he win spend one month at hard
training, after which , he wants
a retnrn scrap with the negro
Paul Kennedy who beat him. Af
ter the rematch Ayers says he
will hanr 'em up. for his lumber
business Is far more lucrative to
kfan than the fight game. Bat so
serious is Ralph. to show the
fans I can beat Kennedy" that
be will hire a man to. work for
him tn the lumber blx for a month
w-feile he devotes all time to con
ditioning. The puffed hands and
ankle alibis? No. Just a nice fel
-low who wants to show the fistic
pubBe. he Is mach mere .than they
mm ! i ,1-1 1 1 i
uuum S3. ...
Cvcle Races Set
Bv Eugene Club
' The Euf ene Motorcycle Club,
Inc, will sponsor a racing program
Sunday over its new Benton-Lane
park track. 18 miles north of Eu
gene on Highway 99W between
tugene and. Conrallis. The track.
constructed ;of oiled beach sand.
Is one cf the finest in the north
west and numerous Tares will he
held on It starting with time trials
at 12 noon SundayT w
Gervais Winner -
GERVA1S. April 22 -(Special)
Coach Paul Ceiling's Gervais
county B league baseball win
from St Paul 11 to 1 on Wate's
five-hit icitchin. H fannArf 12
end was backed by 10-hit sup
port. i
. . . ' . - t
- . t -. . ' ' ?
r i
1. 1
Rookie Parade: Robinson
NEW YORK, April 21 W)
One short week after opening
day the pew crop of major
league rookies is headed - by
Dave PhUley of the Chicago
White Sox and Jackie Robinson
of the Brooklyn Dodgers. '
.' Assigned to the center field
Job by Manager Ted Lyens on
opening day. Fhllley, who bat
ted .329 for MUwaukle last
summer, has socked two triples
and a double in his five blows
and has- stolen one base. 1
' Robinson; the highly publi
cized first negro to play modern
big league ball,, started slowly
under heavy pressure. He fin
ally resorted to his old Inter-
Senator Win
, 8-3;
terhational league was snapped
with an. 8 to 3 win,' before 3500
Vancouver banged ' nine hits off
Kenny Yyatt and ' Reliefer Bus
Sporer,;.five; off Wyatt in four
innings. ' I'l ' .
The Salen team had the, honor
of executing the first triple play
of the season in the second inning
when. Shortstop Hank Bartolomei
speared Anderson's grounder at
I short," doubled Bill Brenner at
second with a tpss to Al Spaeter
who in turn got Anderson at first
Bod Hjelraaa, trying to icore
from third on the play was then
thrown out at. the- plate." Marty
"Krug to Ted Kerr. : ,
. Frank Mullens, with . a , first
inning ' homer, . and La vis 1 Yoxk
with a double and triple, -driving
In two runs, were , the .big stickers
for ' Vancouver. .Salem collected
three runs in the fifth but could
not reach Anderson other than
then. He fanned eight. . ;
. The two teams play again to
morrow night. - - -
Salem . nnfl 030 0008 4 4
Vancouver 120 320 00 8 3
Wyatt. Sporer (3) and Kerr; Ander
son and Brenner.
Spokes, Tigers,
Stars Victors I :
By the Associated Press i
A record 4,100 fans turned: out
at Bremerton last night but j the
Spokane Indians gave them a
glum evening, nosing the home
town Blue Jackets 5-4 In a West
ern International league fracas.
The four-hit hurling of Veteran
Cy Greenlaw gave the Tacoma
Tigers an 8-2 win .over the We
na tehee Chiefs, with an opening
Tacoma crowd of 5,236 watching
the proceedings. Yakima's Stars
whipped the -Victoria Athletics
11-7 on the4 strength of a 14 -hit
attack off two A's pitchers. ! '
Wenatcnee 000 100 001 J 4 t
Tacoma ..000 004 Ux S AS S
Vivalda. Adams ) and Winter;
Grrrnlaw and Kuper.
Yakima 400 320 02011 14 4
Victoria . 000 US 0U 7 1
Simon and Phillips: Woop. ' Palmer
(it and Mastro. Losing pitcher Woop.
Spokane ;,.,,, . ,.' 001 103 000 S 10 2
Bremerton 201 100 0004 7 1
Spitxer and Bufflsp; yedenneyer
Ahearn (I) and Volpi. ;
.8 -
Pullmans Rap
CORVALIJS, Ore., April 22.
MCatcher John Wilburri of
Washington State belted in a home
run with the bases loaded in the
eighth inning here today to five
the Cougars a 11 to 10 victory
over Oregon State and the second
straight northern division game
off the Beavers, I
Washington State .110 000 450 11 1J 4
Oreaon State . 000 200 44010 15 1
Hockey. Cramer and Wilburn: Si
mas, Calls gner. KTuger and Roelandt.
. j
Grants Pass Eure
For Two Coaches
T ... . ' "
. GRANTS PASS, April 22-JPf-Mel
Ingram, who coached ;the
Roseburg high school football team
to the district finals last year,
signed today as head football
coach at the high school here. His
appointment, followed by a few
days the naming of Hank Ander
son of Medford to the school's
basketball coaching position. 1
The trout season - opens Satur
day, April 26, in -most waters of
the state and will extend until
October . 15. Exceptions to the gen
eral opening are to be found list
ed in the official synopsis of an
gling regulations, printed copies of
which are now available at license
agencies. Special attention j is
called to the fact that tidewater
areas will not be open to trout
angling until June 15. In Harney
county the trout season opens May
31 and In Lake county on May 20
with certain exceptions. -.f
General front bag limit is 10
fish or 15 pounds and-1 fish in
any one day but not to exceed 20
fish or 20 pounds and 2 fish in
any 7 censecutiTC days or in pos
session at any one time. There is
no bag- limit, however, for white
fish or Dolly Varden. j
The minimum length limit 'for
trout is six inches except that an
eight-Inch limit will prevail in
that part of the main McKenzie
river below Blue river; that part
of the Una river and tribu
taries below highway bridge at
Scottsburg; that part of the Rogue
river and tributaries below the
Ferry Hole near the head of tide
water; and in all ether waters
tributary to the Pacific ocean" south
of the Columbia river. -
national league .technique to
bea eat a bunt - for his first
big time single after going
for I up to that time. Once
Jackie started to swing with
out restraint he began to con
nect more solidly. They say he
has no power but the 90,409
'fans who watched the two-day
series between the Dodgers 'and
the New York Giants ia the
- Polo grounds are not convinced.
' After fitting a : home run off
' Dave Koslo and following
through with a single,' he banged
out two doubles and a single
off Monty " Kennedy and Bill
Voisello Saturday.
V . Ferris Fain, Connie Mack's
Binge Halted as Caps
Locals R3aIte
22-(Special).-Salem'i four-game winning streak in the Western Inj
here tonight as the Vancouver Capilanos opened their home season
fans. The Senators were held to four hits by Veteran Hunk Anderson.
Jim Dlmit (above), YMCA ath-
leUe director, has been named
to the' coaching post at Leslie
Junior high succeeding Bob
Keuscher who steps out at his
. jpowa request with the ' end - of
the current year.
'Keusch' Quits
Coaching Post
Bob Keuscher, for the past four
years head coach and director of
athletics at Leslie junior high, is
stepping out of that post effect
ive at the end of the current
school year and Jim Dimit, YMCA
physical- education director - has
been hired in his place it was an
nounceJ . last night following a
meeting of the Salem school
Keuscher asked to be' relieved
of the coaching chores because of
press of duties in his position as
assistant principal at Leslie which
he will devote full time to next
year. Dimit, for a year and a half
a member of the Y staff and for
mer coach at Mill City high, will
take over his new job next fall.
Keuscher, during, his coaching
tenure at the Rocket school ac
complished several precedents,
among them being two city bas
ketball titles at the expense of
Parrish, one captured only . this
year. His last, 'grid club --the
only. Leslie eleven ever to be ra
ted a favorite - - dropped the City
title tut to Parrish, 6-0.
OSG Jayyees Top
Monmouth Wolves
MONMOUTH. April 22- (SDe-
rial) The Oregon . State college
Jayvees, taking advantage of Ore
gon College of Education errors
early in the game today downed
the Wolves, 10-7. The visitors had
seven runs in the second Inning
before the Wolves settled down.
Jayvees 340 oil 01010
Wolves 100 040 110 1 1 6
Brauner. Reddway 4. Hammond
(7) and GUI; Jeans. Banter 4) and
Hufford. . -
Staytons Win, 9-8
STAYTON The Stayton Pack
ers won a Willamette Valley lea
gue baseball game from Estacada
here Monday. 9-8. Wagner was
winning pitcher.
Estacada ; '001 020 005-0 4 T
Stayton .001 002 3110 0 0
Wagner and Lierman: Abnert, Rich
ardson (4) and HowelL
rcc OKAY
SEATTLE, April 22-(P)-Victor
Schmidt, Pacific coast conference
commissioner of athletics, ex
pressed the belief here today that
the conference is in a healthy
state and the rule against recruit
ing of athletes is working reason
ably welL
Weidner Holds Mat Title
Bill (Bull) - Weidner found I
Georges Dusette's vulnerable !
spot In their Coast Junior heavy- '
weight mat session last night ;
at the armory, worked on it dill-
gently after spotting the
Frenchman the first fall and
finally retained his coveted title '
belt after 41 minutes of ding ;
dong grappling. Weidner used
a reverse leg twist on Dusette's
heatlhy gams to squeeze out the ;
No. 2 and 3 falls and the win.1
Dusette had taken the first fall
In 22 minutes with his big
squeeze full nelson and at the
time appeared to be en route
to lifting Wetdner's title. The
match was a sweat-dripper all
the way and held but one pain .
for the clients Dusette didn't
The - senaiwindup came near
swiping the show. It being a :
Showing 'Em
' new' first baseman from San
: Francisco, has been gettinghls
eye on the ball at a .273 clip.
Another new first sacker, Earl
'. Torgeson, Snohomish, Wash of
the Boston Braves, got away
slowly but had one perfect 4
for 4 day that accounts for his
.294 average. : Clint Hartung,
highly advertised Gianta's rook
ie, has been falling short of
advance notices with a .200
mark. .,-C '..', -.'." "':
" In . the pitching department,
' Don Johnson, of Portland, Ore
. who edged Phil Marchildon yesterday-in
a 10-lnning battle, has
turned In the standout flrst--
year Job. - : - t .
Triple Play
Bearcats Top
I -The ' two-hit pitching of - Fred
Richardson and the early stick
work by Earl Hampton, Joe Dis
penzierre. Bob Perry and Bill Pat
terson . gathered the : Willamette
university Bearcats a S-lverdict
over '.Lewis St' Clark af Waters
park yesterday, the second straight
Northwest conference win for
Walt ;- Erickson's heavy - hitting
gang. .- -' .. '' y " ,
A : walk" to 4Marv Goodman,
Hampton's triple ; and . singles' by
Dispenzierre and Perry brought in
two runs In, the first and then in
the fourth Patterson tripled and
Hampton's fly scored him. Mean
while Richardson's sidearm stuff
was holding the Matty Mathews
team well In cneck. The Bearcats
play at Ltnfield Friday.
L-C " 0O8 001 0001 2 3
WU . .. .200 100 90 3 7 2
- Signer and Atchenson; Richardson
ana ocnaaa. .
Lesser Links
Flights Named
Those golfers defeated in the
first round of the Elks club spon
sored Mid-Willamette Valley golf
tournament at the Salem course
last week have now formed pew
flights, each a step lower. From
here In any loss eliminates a golf
er from the 189-man tournament,
however. The:' new flight and
this week's, pairings in them are
as follows: '
First: Kraus vs. ; Albrich, Wahlgren
vs. Manning. Painter vs. Xctey and
Needham vs. Baxter. Third: Daven
port vs. Mapes. Potts vs. Wood. Peter
son vs. Goodwin and Moore vs. Csrt.
ruth: Blsisdell vs. Thrush or Mc
Burnett. Trapnell vs. Pappin. Stolten
berg vs. Jayno and Parker bye. Sev
enth: McCrary vs. Kunmell, Paulson
vs. Emlen. Joseph vs. Gustafson and
Dyer vs. bye. Ninth: Job vs. Chase.
Needham vs. Chambers. Bonesteele vs.
Phillips and Convey vs. Haman. Elev
enth: Copeland vs. Sloan. Larson vs.
Kitchen. Mediord vs. Matkuson and
Roth- vs. bye. Thirteenth: Co vs. B.
Price. Kletzing vs. Woodry or Filler.
ugniner vs. u-oss ana Kenyon vs
Fifteenth: L. Folsom vs. Pickens, C.
marun vs. wmenDerger. Harp vs,
Stevenson and W. Thomas vs. bye,
Seventeenth: I. Johnson vs. Quisen
berry. Dr. U Wood vs. Hauk. Hobos
vs. Benson and Murdock vs. Ted
wonnson. Nineteenut: Biadine vs. S.
Smith. Johns vs. J. Thompson. H,
Morrow vs. J. Wortman and Hoar vs,
Folsom. Twenty-firtt: Ripp vs. J. D,
Graham. Salmon vs. A. McClain. B.
faraer vs. J. schimberg and J. Arm
Erirs. vs.- rnoiisinger. rwenty-tntrd:
k Perry vs. V. Perry, English vs. Bell.
Cooley vs. Campbell and Prince vs.
Wolves Announce
1947 Grid Schetl
MONMOUTH, April 22 -(Spe
cial)- The Oregon College of
Education football schedule for
next fall was announced here
today. Athletic Director ' Bob
Knox has lined up seven games
as ronows:
September 27 - Linficld here.
October 4 Humboldt State at
Areata, CaL; Oct. 11 Pacific
college there; Oct. 18 Southern
Oregon here; Oct. 25 Vanport
here; November 1 Eastern Ore
here. Nov. 8 Lewis and Clark
Baksi Willing
PRAGUE. April 22JF-Joe
1 Baksi of KulDmont Pa.. recen
conqueror of British Heavyweight
Champion Bruce Woodcock, ar
rived today for a brief vacation
and said "Sure, I am willing to
fight Joe Louis, but not in June."
Baksi repeated that he was will
ing to fight Louis in September
or next .year.
sizzling SO-minute session be
tween Tony Ross and newcomer
Jimmy Lott, the former U. of
Alabama footballer. Lott won
the only fall with a full crab
but Ross, In the best shape he's
been In for a year, made a
whale of a batUe of It And
whoever said this Lott Is a
cleanie must have been think
ing of two other guys. The
.Hainan with the Atlas body Is
a devout meanie, and a dang
good one. Ross ralght've lost the
match but he gave the visitor a
time of It en route to the dress
ing room, winning that heated
session In a walk. So adamant
was Anthony la the post-match
scuffle that be even floored
. Matchmaker Elton Owen twice
as Owen tried to Intervene. In
the opener Gorilla Poggi flopped
Bill Murray twice easily. .
FelBer in SL-IHlitter; Beveois lnjoini0;
Figh-fting! Bevos BowBiyADn
Portlands Remain in Top-Place
Tie as Padres Trounce Oaklands
By the Associated Press
The Portland Beavers continued yieir not-supposed-to-be win
ning streak on their home! grounds and maintained their first-place
tie with the San Diego Padres as they knocked over the Los Angeles
Angels, 4-3, in the initial contest
The Padres jumped all over three
Oakland hurlers to win 1242. The
San Francisco Seals, fresh from
their disastrous series with Port
land, dropped Seattle's Rainiers
7-2, while Hollywood's Stars
downed Sacramento 4-3. j
The Beavers' victory was typi
cal of .most of their recent wins
in that they had to come from
behind for the win and they
found themselves on lhe short
end of the hit column. Veteran
Ad Liska once again was; called
in to save the game in the ninth
as relief for Starter John Bianco
when the Angels threatened with
a two-run burst The Seraphs
opened the scoring in the fifth
with one, the Bevos coming back
to tally two times in both the
seventh and eighth.
Los Angeles . AB It O A
Garriott M , 4'0 I 0-f-
schuster tS) , 4
Sauer ft) ;
Marshall (L) . ;5
Ostrowski (3) , 3
Barton (1 ) 1 .. 7 5
Stringer (2) a3
Novotney (C) . 4
Adams (P) . .3
a z
0 0
Gtllespfe (X) . 1 i 0
O 0
Totals- 37.80-24 12
X batted for Novotney in :8th.
Dobbins (S) -Gorbould
Laaor (R)
Storey (3)
M. Smith (L)
Reich til
4 1 0 J
2 S
2 1
1 1
0 12
1 2
0 4
0 1
0 0
Wenner (M)
Mu rat ore C)
Bianco (P)
Liska (P)
7 27 15
Los Angeles
000 010 002 3
Portland .: 000 000 22 x
. Errors nort, Hun batted in Marsh
all. Storey 2 .Wenner. Gorbould. Bar
ton 2. 2 bassv. hits Schuster. Adams.
Barton, Storey. Home run Barton.
Stolen base Storey. Left on bases
Los Angeles 14. Portland 4. Bases on
balls Bianco 7. Ad ma X. . Strikeouts
Bianco 3. Adams 9. Earned; runs
Bianco 3. Adams 4. Hits Of ' Bianco
10 in gs; tiska 0 in i: Winning
pitcher Bianco. Umpires Englen. Orr
and Warneke. Time 1:58. Attendance
San Francisco 202 At 0037 10 0
Seattle 000 100 1002 7 4
Lien and Gladd; Ripple, Orphal (6).
Ford 9 and Hill.
San Diego 700 004 100-12 IS 1
Oakland . 000 200 ooo I g l
Carrtgan and Rtee- Buxton, Faria
(1), Speer (9) and Raimondi. Jearse
Sacramento Ml 000 0103 11 1
Hollywood 000 300 lOx 4 10 0
Orphan. Holeombe (8. and Fitz
gerald; Smith. Gregory (9). and Shee-
Trappers Top
Vik Trackmen
VANCOUVER, April 22 (Spe
cial ) -Vancouver's Trapper jtrack
men played host to Salem high's
Viking today and proceeded to
trounce Vern Gilmore's lads
94 16 to 27 86. The Vikings
could wrangle but three: first
places among the 14 events; those
by Jim Jensen in the 100 dah
with a time of 10.7; Bill Arm
strong in the broad jump and
Bob Craig in the shot. Jensen and
Craig paced the losers with six
points each. Clyde Leaf topped
the trappers with 13.
120 high hurdles-Leaf (V) Han
cuf (V Van Osdol S) lit 100
dash Jensen S PoaFrrtl S) 'Berirer
V 10.7. Mile Perry V Bennett V
Leahy V :4J. 440 dash Strtht V)
Mishler (V) Jensen (S) 54:5. 200 low
hurdles Hancuff (V) Leaf (V De
Clark (V) 24:7. 220 dash Predilette
tV Hall S Berber V) 24:5. SS0
dash Becker (V( Barnett V) Wil
son (V) 2:08.3. Pole vault Rood (V)
Stetcher (V Coleman and iBeraer
(V) (tie) 11' g". High lump -Gup5-ness
(V) SchulU (S and Ksys IV)
(tie) DeClark V) 5' 91,,''- Broad Jump
Armstrong S Sills (S) and Kor
ner (VI (Uet Brownell (S) 19' V.
Shot Craig S) Korner V) Beutow
tV) 47' a . Discus Benton IV) Cla
baugh V Komer (V 141 1 Jave
linLeaf (V) Leichner (V) Craig IS)
158' r Relay Vancouver (Strahl. Ber
ger. Prediletto. Henshaw).
Bid well Funeral
One of Biggest j
CHICAGO, April j 22 - (JT) -Charles
W. Bidwell, 51, owner of
the Chicago grid Cardinals and
millionaire sportsman, was buried
today after one of Chicago'sarg
est funerals, a 500-car procession
that included sports leaders, poli
ticians and the "sidewalk alumni
association" of Bid well's Chicago
The legion of friends Bidwell
had throughout the country sent
an estimated $100,000 worth of
Qiurch Softball
Senior results yesterday includ
ed: Nazarenes 12, Youth Center
11; First Baptist 24, Presbyterian
6; St. Mark's 2, Calvary Baptist
0; First Evangelical 9, Englewood
UB 7.
-Jrt the Majors-
ab r h o m a rbi
3 1 1 2 0 0 3
4 0 2 3 3 1 0
Gordon. Indians
Pesky, Red Sox
uoerr, riea sox
Did not play.
day. To date: won two, lost none.
The. Only Complete Body Shop in Salem
One Stop Service Frame and Wheal Alignment
Wracks Completely Rebuilt Painting Lacquer or
Enamel Convertible Tops Custom-Built Seat Covers
Plastic or Fiber Steam Qeming and Washing
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company
510 North Commercial Ph. 3188
of their Pacific Coast league series.
' ?
W 'L Pet. W L Pet.
tl .sno Tacoma 2 2 -O0
2 .SS7 1 Yakima 2 S .400
3 1 .M7Wentche . 1 4 J50
3 2 .600
Last night's results: At Vancouver 8,
Salem 3; At Tacoma 8, Wenatche 2:
At Victoria 7. Yakima tl; At Brem
erton 4, Spokane S.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Chicago 8 1. OOO 'Detroit I 8 .400
N. Y. 8 2 .714 Wash. II .400
Boston 2 .SS7 ISt. U 1 3 MO
Cleve. 2 8 .500Phila. 1 8 .187
Yesterday 'a results: At Cleveland 8.
St. Louis 1: At New York S. Boston 4.
(Other games cancelled, sold).
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Pitts. 8 1 JUS 'Chicago 3 4 .429
Brook. I 2 .000 New Y. 8 3 .400
Phiia. 4 8 .471 'Boston 2 8 .400
Cirfci. 4 8 .444 St. U 2 4 JS33
Yesterday's results: At Brooklyn 1.
Philadelphia 0: At Chicago . Cincin
nati 7. (Other games cancelled, cold).
W L Pet.
W L Pet.
11 11 300
10 12 .455
14 .363
San D.
U A.
13 7 ,.650'San T.
13 7 .050 Hotly.
12 10 .54SeatUe
11 tl t Knairtslr
lit JO
i ..i.iki'i r-anlt- At Inrtland a.
Lost Angeles 3: At Seattle 2. San FYan
cisco 7: At Oakland 2. San Diego 12;
At Hollywood 4. Sacramento 3.
BONOLULU, April 22-(iF)-The
Hawaiian Golf association an
nounced today it will try to lure
the country's top linksmen to the
islands for a 110,000 open tourna
ment early in December.
DALLAS-(Special)-B o b Dag
gett's Dallas baseball crew nosed
Stayton in 11 Innings, 10-9, Fri
day in a Willamette Valley league
Bolting Drivers
CHICAGO, April It-Wf-Otn-cials
of the American Society of
Professional Automobile Racers
tonight assembled te discuss
with, several mldwestern and
eastern racing promoters the
possibility ef holding a Memo-,
rial Day race for name drivers
who have refused to compete in
the 504-mile race at Indianapo
lis. Joe Lencki, Chicago racing
car owner and spokesman for
e society In its dispute ever
tKepurse size in the Indian
apolis event, said the group "de
finitely has made plans to race
somewhere on Memorial Pay.
The society has withheld 28 en
tries from the holiday classic
at Indianapolis.
Lencki met earlier today with
Ralph Hepburn and Rex Mays,
present and past presidents re
spectively ef the society, which
Is demanding a prize money In
Cleveland Wliiz Regains Form to
Smash Record; Bill Beats Bosox
NEW YORK, AprU 22-Blazing Bob Teller returned to form
today and broke one of his major league pitching records as he
hurled the Cleveland Indians to a 1-hlt, 5-0 win over St. Louis at
Cleveland. Al Zarilla't single to center in the seventh Inning spoiled.
" . ' .
SAME OL JOE: No sooner bad
Jee DiMaggto re-entered the
Yankee lineup Jsuiday tkaa he
hit a home ran. Here be Is
shewn trotting tn te score alter
the blew with Charley Keller
and Bobby Brown waiting te
slate the stagger. The . Tanks
are tabbed as a toagh outfit
with DtMag hack 1b the lineup
after; a feet operation. (AP
Wlrephete) , . :.r
Women Slate s
Stroke Meet
SEATTLE, April 22.--The
entry list passed the 50 mark to
day for the women s national in
door A. A. U. swimming and div
ing championships here May 2-3-
4 and Bay Daughters of the spon
soring Washington Athletic club
said the total led A. A. U. officials
to hope that new power would be
found in this meet for the U. S.
Olympic team.
Brenda Helser of Los Angeles
and Ann Curtis of San Francisco
will renew their duels in the free
style events. - Miss Helser holds
the title in the 100 and Miss Cur
tis is 440 champion. Zo Ann Ol
sen of Oakland, Calif. will return
to defend her one-meter v diving
crown and attempt to lift, the
three - meter title held by San
Francisco s Patsy Elsener.
Softball Tilts
Slated Today
Director Game Flesher has
announced the following soft
bail gaaaes for Wednesday In
the spring editkm of the City
league: at Leslie Knights af
Columbas vs. Moetry Pharmacy
and Paper Makers ts. - Golden
Pheasant. At Ollnger - Master
Bread vs. Salem Navigation. All
games begin at rieaher
furthered. The fall spring
schedule Is to be anneanced
Deck Pins
City leagve reselU last Bight
at B A B Bowling ceurta in
eladed: Stevens Jewelers' S,
Lea Newman's I; Reaaugto
Raad X. United Grewers 1;
Larsea noma Loan 4,- Comet
4Caie . Tom Wood had high
aerie with fit and Harry
Creasy niched high gaaae, S48.
Plan 0W Run
crease from $75,000 te $150,001
tn the 500-mile event.
The Indianapolis motor speed
way management already has
anneanced the close ef entries
with a full field of 33 driven.
NEW YORK. April 22 -MV
Heney-haired Pauline Beta flew
home from Europe today, still
undecided about turning profes
sional but not the least bit peev
ed at the U. S. Lawn Tennis
association which has ordered
her te stand in the corner for
flirting with ' a p 1 a y-fer-pay
career. '. . " , '
The world's foremost feminine
net star, suspended two weeks
age by the governing body ef
amateur tennis . in this country .
was met at LaGuardia field by
Sarah and Elwood Cooke, her
partners tn a projected money -making
tear which led to her
banishment from' the amateur
ranks. 'v. y -r'"
And good steady work, excel
lent training, the opportunity
to travel, the savings you make
by .having your food, quarters,
clothing, medical and dental
care provided to you, a retire
ment plan second-to-none,"--all
of these make the new
Regular Army one of the most
attractive careers you can
choose today. Get the facts at
your U. S. Army Recruiting
Station. 211 - Pest Office Bldg.
what might have been Teller'g
third no-lrl 1 1 e r. The -one-hit
game was his ninth, setting a
new; record. Joe Gordon's. three
run homer in the sixth provided
the artillery for the victory. Fell
At -f Si nrtatst IA mwiA laftal s.nlw
batters, walking -one.
Feller's feat- wasn't the only
sparkler of the day in the majors.
Brooklyn's Hal Gregg," making '
ms iirst start or me season also
pitched a noe-hitter, in downing
PhiladelDhia - - 1-0. tal Pnwii'
first irming two-bagger was the
lone hit off Gregg. The winning
run was scored by Jackie Robin
son In the eighth when he singled
to center, stole second, went to
4V.I 1 : . .
uuiu wi mii error ana came in ot
Gene Hermanski's' single. Dutch
Leonard was th loser.
In the only other American lea
Floyd (Bill) Bevens notched hig
gue game played at New York,
second straight win by turning
back the Boston Red Sox, 5-4,
despite the fact that the .Yankees
got only three .hitg In the, gam.
Both Rudy York and Ted Wil
liams hit homers for the Sox be
fore . 23,053 chilled . fans, Rookia
Sam Mele .of the Sockers also,
homered among; the seven hits
off Bevens. One of ther three
Yankee hits was a three-run
horrier In the first inning - by-
Charley Keller. .
Shortstop Eddie. Miller smash
ed out a homer in the second
inning to start Cincinnati to a
7-6 win over Chicago in 10 inn
ings at Chics Wo in the National
league. All other games in both,
leagues were called' off becau&a
of cold weather.
st. ixhjis , : ,. ono ooo ooo e t a
. 002 003 00" 8 8 4
Fannin (8). and Moss?
Feller and Megan.
.001 100 020-4 T
New York
-JOB 000 0 8
Dobeon. Z. Johnson 7 Oorish
and. Partes; Bevens and Robinson.
Philadelphia . , OOO 000 OOO 1 ft
Brooklyn . . 000 000 01 I t I
Leonard and Semiaick; Gregg and B6
wards. -. .
Cincinnati 111 110 008 1 T 13 I
Chicago 030 OOO 030 8g 11 1
Beggs. Hetki (8 Gumbert aa4
Mueller: Lade. Mayer 43) Lee 4r
Kush it) Xrickson (8) and Scfiet&ag
Province Hurls
1-Hit Victory
ALBANY, April 22 (Special)'
Rod Province's 1-hit pitching, a
single. "by Catcher. Don Alien
helped give the Salem Vikings a
3-0. victory over Albany undoc
the lights here tonight in a Big-
baseball league game. Alien s hit
came In the second Inning. Thj
Vikings jgot but two hiU off SimV
on, a triple by Carlos Houck an
a. single by Province, scoring twd
runs in the fourth. Province fan,
ned 12 and walked but one. Sim
ons whiffed eight and passed two.
A large crowd witnessed th
Vikings 000 200 Mil
Bulldogs ooo 000 04 I I
Province and Allison; Simon and
eHaiidy9 Aces
Gaiii Finals
The decks Wfre cleared for sin
glea play in the YlfCA's four-wall
handball tourney Tuesday as B
and C class competitors saw ac
tion.' In the B group Bob Parks
upset Cobe Grabenhorst, 21-1,
21-4, while - Joe Devers boppai
Doolittle, 21-12. 21-14 to gain fi
nals slots today. Welns "whipped
Dick Chambers, 31-18, A-Zl, 21-6.1
to go opposite Doug Chambers ia
pay-off play today. Hank Siager
faces Lee Shinn In for the A sine
glei crown, also today.
'Huskies Repeat Win '
SEATTLE, April 22.-VTha?
University of Washington. sJam
med out IS hits. Including a tri-'
pie by First Baseman Sammy
White, to trounce Idaho 10 to
and sweep a two-game northern
division baseball series. It was
Idaho's sixth straight conference
loss. 4
' : dislincliveness !o
your kilchen wiih our
(We alse ' make built-Ins te
year order) .
S75 N. LaBcaater Drive
Phene 414