The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mid-Willamette ValleNeVv
from Tkm Statesman' Community (lvrrrpuiHlnl ' i V-4
EffffrMii-Mri. Suan C Sham
berger, mother cf Mrs. Roy Will
iam.", is improving following an
operation on one eye an is at
a Salem hospital, j .
Amity Richard Johnson, vali
dictorian for the 1947 graduating
class at Amity high school, hasJ
been given ine l Jin annual awara
of the Readers Digest association
fer outstanding high school stu
dents. It includes a certificate
from the editors in recognition of
his past accomplishments and an j
tiopation of-future achievements.
8 SUverUrn Hills Mrs. Lawson
O. Hadley is convalescing at home
following treatment at the Silver
ton hospital. She became sudden
jy ill a few days ago and was tak
en to the hospital for observation.
Amity ' Elearor Moddemeye&l
has been awarded the Gregg .golal
pin for her record m the typing
content. She typed 120 words per
minute for five minutes.
) ' "
Brash Creek Mrs. Martha
Issacson spent the weekend in
Portland. A teacher at Brush
Creek she plans to attend six
weeks summer school this year.
- Bethany, Mr. and Mrs.' Silas
Torvend are completing the build
ing of their new residence on
property between their present
place and his brother . Samuel's,
Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips now
living with the Torvenda but will
occupy the old place when they
move to their new. Mrs. Phillips,
the former Agnes Torvend,; Js a
daughter, of the; Silas Torvends
and is teaching in the North How
ell school. .' - ".---
Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Harold
(Rocky) Johnson are the parents
of a son born April 16 at Dallas.
This is their third child, all boys.
North Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Mason of Dallas j were
guests Thursday of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Harrington. Elgin! Mc
Cleary, former water superintenrd
ent at Silverton, now .holds the
same position at Dallas, j
Brooks Mrs. Mamie Kirk of
Springfield visited at the Dun
lavys .last week. Mrs. Marie Cole
of Stayton has returned home af
ter spending a week with her
Bethany Mrs. Harry Bentson
reports that while she wasj gone
overnight "Tome one removed
clothing from one clothesline and
left .the other one, alongside of the
' V
Phone 7918
Trade and nigh
For irrigation mains, 6" diameter
Foot. '
Phone 7948
Farm Store-
Trade and High
- j - - - i
Trees, Shrubs, Fruit Trees j
A Pood Selection Uilh I
r Reductions np io 50 !
Room 7943
Farm Store
Trade & High
lost deceived
i ' - --s .: -:; - ! i -I
Large ilssorimeni of !
Ponllry Supplies
of all kinds 1
first. Intact Ether they were
frightened away or did not find
the clothing on the second, line
so attractive as that on the first
ine, she believes. ..-- Tj.. "'
Silverton H. J. Lehr. pleading
guilty to a charge of disorderly
conduct was given a $150 fine
and a 90-day suspended jail sen
tence Saturday in justice court by
Judge Alf O. Nelson. Lehr had
plead guilty to similar offenses
twice recently in police court,
paying heavy fines in each in
stance. Suspension of jail sen
tence provided for his voluntary
submission to interdiction and ab
stinence from liquor for one year.
Brooks Mrs.- Mary Wampler
will entertain Brooks Garden club
Thursday for a 1 o'clock lunch
eon. ' ; . -i .::y
Bethel Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Flanigan of Stevensville, Mont,
have been visiting their daughter
Mrs. J. G, Lauderback, jr. While
here they visited. Camp Adair
where their son trained with the
104th orTimberwolf division in
1943, Oregon State college cam
pus and various industrial plants
in and near Salem, and made a
trip to the Lincoln county beaches.
Lauderbacks took them to Port
land from where they: left by
plane for Missoula, Mont, en
route home. Lauderbacks' visited
Mrs. Nellie Brandow while in
Portland and found her much im
proved from a recent serious ill
ness. .
Silverton Ted Burian is Lions
club Boy Scout chairman and re
places Dr. A. L. V. Smith, who
has been named Lions representa
tive on the regional Scout board.
Boy Scout Troop 77 was presented
a troop-flag by the Lions club
with Edward J. Gotch of Portland
making the presentation at the
Lion club meeting -f last week.
Robert Simpson is the new scout
North Santiam Mrs. Rex Kim-
sey of Mehama will finish teach
ing the school term as principal
and upper grade teacher.
Roberta Dorothy Saltsenberg
has been awarded the 4-H schol
arship to attend 'the school at
Corvallis this summer, by the
Mothers club of Roberts School.
' Bethany Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hoyt of Silverton have purchased
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heyett's farm.
It is understood Hoyts do not plan
to move to their new property but
will continue to rent it The prop
ertyHJ the pioneer home of the
Ben L. I McGinnis family. The
Hyetts plan to move to Salem.
. Roberta Mothers club was
served cake and coffee made dur
ing the test Friday afternoon by
thf 4-H Club girls at school. Da r
lene Kleen, Dorothy Saltsenberg
and May Lou Hoi col m took the
test which completed their year's
work in 4-H. '
Waldo : Hills A palomino colt
was born to a mare at the Ted
Riches ranch. Mr. and Mrs.
Riches are members of the Salem
Saddle club.
Hayesville The Tom An
drews have as their house guest
LMrs. Bert Allen of Mill City. Mrs.
Alien nas Deen a patient at the
Salem Deaconess hospital for six
weeks having suffered, an infec
tion and had three toes on her
left foot amputated.
Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Howard attended a meeting of
the ML i Pisgah Farmers Union
Friday, y
Hayesville Mr. and Mrs. Tofn
Andrew are announcing the birth
of a son to their daughter Eliza
beth (Mrs.1 James Kanoff) of
Lebanon, ' Friday at the Salem
Deaconess. The Kanoffs have a
six year old daughter Patsy.
Union Hill Mrs. A. L. Kos
tenborder will entertain the Wo
man's club Thursday afternoon,
AprtJ 244
- Bethany Mrs. Nels Nelson has
left by plane for Ashland, Neb.,
to see her mother who is ill. Jim
my Nelson ' is staying 'with Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Hatteberg dur
ng his mother's absence.
Tfayesvllle Mrs. E. L. Moor;
Portland highway, entertained the
Hayesville Woman's club: Thurs
day. The white elephant and plant
sale was an afternoon feature and
was successful. Mrs. Xavjer Eck
hout was a guest. May meeting
will be a no-hostess luncheon at
the George Strozuts. j
Roberts Mrs. Everett Mc
Rae of Stayton, who is) stiying
with her brother-in-law and sif
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer; Minch.
is somewhat: improved in health
although unable to return home
for some time.
CHt The first pumice
block residence to be erected in
the Mill City area will be that
one now under construction at
the Arlo Tuers oropertv. The
house will be finished with stuc
co . Blocks have already been de
livered on the property.
, SnbnShlty First communion
is being planned for St Boni
face church here Sunday, April
Frnitland Mr. and Mrs. Clare
Strawn and Lor en entertained
with a picnic dinner and; wiener
roast on Sunday. Guests were Mr.
and Mr. E. L. Gray, IfVLee and
Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fritz all
of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Randall of Kalama, Wash.
Silverton John Jordan, re
cent manager of the J. C. Pen
ney Silverton store, left this week
for a trin to IndianapoHsj Jordan
resigned his position and Will take
a brief rest before entering real
estate in Albany, his horpe town
until he came here as J. C Pen
ney company store manager.
Waldo HUM Frank Egan who
has been ill for several weeks
following a heart attack, s grad
ually improving although still con
fined to bed. He is being cared
for by Mrs. Egan. j
Hayesville . The Hersc h e 1
Robertsons entertained Saturday
with a surprise party for Lyle
Car row at their home. Assisting
the hostess were Mrs. Paul Car
row and Mrs. Lyle Carrow.
Pedee Margaret Howard at
tended Junior Farmers Union
meeting and party in Salem Wed
nesday, ,
Frnitland Woman's Circle
meets at the church annex Thurs
day, April 24 at 2 p.m.
Evens Valley Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Melton, who came here
from California, have bought the
Ralph Nichol farm. They have
three children, Melvin. Donald and
Myra who will attend school in
the Bethany district.
Pedee Quilts for the Red"!
Cross occupied members at the
Womans club meeting Thursday.
Thirteen members were present
and visitors were: Mrs. Arnold
Mills of Alpine. Mrs. M. Lacey
and Mrs. Pete Burbank.
Woodburn Lt. (jg) Edwin E.
Rastin, USN, husband of Mrs. Ed
na Pearl Rastin of 1110 East
Cleveland stM Woodburn, is ser
ving aboard the light cruiser USS
Wilkes Barre, which is carrying
Admiral Richard Lancing Conolly,
USN, and his staff, on a visit to
Antwerp, Belgium. Officers and
enlisted personnel will have par
ties, and JLances held in their hon
or in the city of Antwerp while
Union Hill Grange Home Ec
club meets Wednesday afternoon
April 23 with Mrs. A. L. Kos ten
border. Mrs. Ernest Speed will be
The Slot man, Solom. Oroqon. Tueadcry April 22. 19473
Hayesville ""Beginning Mon-
aay construction or the new SZ8.
000 Havesville Bant 1st chnrrh will
get under way on the site of the
oia cnurcn destroyed oy lire sev-
eran years ago.
Silverton Harry L. DflliiV
nrrttlrtrnt nf f .1 11 f i 1 ri rnli
spoke on LH.n . T t
Rotary club Monday. John Main, '
jeweler, is a ntw . .. . u.
club, the 47th.
On every ear brought to Teague Motor company, no
strings attached just drive your car to Teague Motor
company, and you'll get a regular $1.50 lubrication job
on your car --all work done by factory-trained men!
- . .
355 N. liberty St. Salem, Oregon
v (That goes for Ford Service, tool)
You'll find it pays to bring your Ford "back'home" for
Genuine Ford Service. Here are four important reasons why:
Who know your Ford fcosf.
For fasfer, bmttw work.
rior a fob don rghf.
AWe rghf . rignf as! longer
And here's a j time-aaving
Ford -Extra: Immediate service
on all jobs! Once you've tried
Genuine Ford Service, we're
sure youH agree . .
mfffr'r .. I,,., ,
A M- 1
. . that's how EASY it Is f o
arrange for Credit at any
of Dr. Semler's Dental
offices. No waiting . . no
red tape no third party
ort finance company to
deal with. On -approval of
your credit, your work is
started IMMEDIATELY.. .
pay, later In small weekly
or monthly amounts. - '
Wake 7cuf Qm
Credit TemS
irllfcfji tlemsmm
Traasparoot Palot
Deatal Plofet ere o
"lifelike" In detail, they
tend to enhance your per
sonal appearance . . will
help you overcome plate
consciousness end embar
rassment. Their excep
tional lightweight elfordi
Added Comtort . . .
they bring New Eating
Visit year nearest
Or. Scmler Dental
Office at any time.
3 offices to serve
von ... Portland.
Salem and Engene. A
. . . Will show you. samples and explain the
many advantages of these new-style Dental
Plates . . . unsurpassed for Beauty, Comfort
and Durability.
aamfc " -o
O Wear Your Platen
Teeth Are Extracted
Learn of the many advantages of
Service ... helps avoid the incon-
venlence and embarrassment of
"Toothless Days." ' !
w-Tti Z it L
STATE & COi.u.lERCIAL fran
Salem, Oregon
HOUSt 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM . . . Satwraaytt 9:30 AM
J 375 Center St.