The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1947, Page 12, Image 12

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    13 Tho Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, Aprfl 22. 1947
Mrs. S. Apple
Valley Briefs
Pumper Adds Fife Protection
Dies in Salem
Hayesville The Harry Millers,
proprietor of the Salem Blueprint
Co.. had as week end guests the
Carl Halls of Portland. The Mill
ers are former residents of Ta
coma, Wash, having purchased
a, place from Virgil Pade last
September in t his district, on
Chemawa road.
Mrs. Sophina Bell Apple, 1420
' 4
Bellevue st, an Oregon resident
for 40 years, died at a Salem hos
pital Sunday. The funeral will be
at 1 pjn. Wednesday at the Howell-Edwards
"chapel," Elder G. T.
Dickinson officiating. Burial will
Pedee Mrs. Glen Edwards'
was elected president of the PTA I
VTr Vor-1 C1tm1 first vim ni-o-i
follow at Rose City cemetery in
Portland. : . v . - - ,.-;
. w sA-'t ay
sident; Mrs. Eldon Cates, second
vice president; Mrs. Morris Bouil
lot secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Ed
wards will be delegate to the Ore
gon Congress of PTA in Portland.
The film "Adventures of Tom
Sawyer", was shewn.
- Pedee Mrs. Ivan Blanken
baker is confined to bed with an
infection on her ankle.
Froltland Civic Players of
Salem will present the three act
comedy "How Could You?" at the
school house, Friday, April 25 at
8 pjn.
Born Dec. 16. 1861. at Bates-
ville. Ark..' Mrs. Apple crossed the
plains with her parents to Salub
ria, Ida., when she was' 16 years
old. She married the. late Samuel
S Apple in Idaho.
She was a member of the Salem
Seventh Day Adventist church.
New Reductions Each Dayl
Save More Now, at Wards!
Surviving are a son, Oliver A.
Apple of Salem; two daughters.
Mrs. Edith M. Arnett of Mission,
Kans- Mrs. Pearl Hutson of War
rington, Fla.; seven grandchildren
and nine great-grandchildren. .
(Mflrinx areas f Salem which are still withoot hydrants are assured
f Ore protection now that the new tank track shown above la In
service. Shewn at the controls of the SSt-raUen vnlt b Capt. Ells
worth L. Smith, while Fireman Paul' Phillips handles the : hose.
The track has a powerful pomp to draw water from sloughs.
cisterns or streams. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman photographer.)
Gum Vendors
To Help With
Child Welfare
A hundred sum ball machines
were? ready for placing in Salem
today by the Kiwanis club to aug
ment funds for its boys' and girls'
welfare activity.
The devices, manufactured by
the Ford Gum and Machine com
pany cf Xockport, NYn were or
dered last October. Eventually the
dub expects to have about 250.
The club is to keep 20 per cent
cf gross receipts i the usual
"take from machines operated
commercially. Space for them is
to be sought in leading businesses
throughout Salem.
Funds derived from the ma
chines are to be kept la a trust
account separate from all other
club funds, leaders declared Mon
day, and will be used, solely for
educational and recreational work,
clothes, health improvement and
other child welfare activity in
which the dub is engaged or is
Similar: projects are under way
by Kiwanis clubs in well over 100
cities, - including Tacoma, Port
land. Albany. Corvallis, Eugene
and McMinnviHe, and child wel
fare activities already have been
stepped up greatly in many places,
St was declared.
Heading the Salem club's com
mittee is Carlton Greider, assist
ed by Bussel Pratt, Guy Hickok,
Walter Morse, W. W. McKinney
and T. H. Tomlinson.
Got. Earl Snell Monday, ap
pointed Homer I. Watts, Athena,
as circuit Judge for the 6th Judl
cial district (Morrow and Uma
tilla counties) to succeeed Circuit
Judge C I Sweek, who resigned
effective May 1 because of ill
ness.. - ; i '
Social Hygiene
Classes Today
Local application of the Oregon
Tuberculosis association's - social
hygiene education service will
take form today with a public
institute to be conducted at the
Salem YMCA bj the Marion
County Public Health association
Any interested person is eligi
ble to join various group repre
sentatives in the sessions between
10 ajn. and 3 pjn.. Secretary
Ruby Bunnell announced 'Mon
day. - . ... . -. V- :-.'.
The initial social hygiene insti
tute will feature F. G. Scherer,
social hygiene education director
of the state association. A . home
study course and study ' group
methods will be outlined;
Coffee will be served at noon,
as many are expected to bring
lunches to the institute.
Size of Containers
For Fruit Specified
Standard inside measurements
for all cherry- and apricot con
tainers in Oregon, effective May
1, were set Monday by the state
department of agriculture. .
- A variation of -inch is per
mitted in the prescribed measure
ments of 37s inches deep by 10 &
by 15 inches. - -i : :
. ' v-
v .fc;l ' . .
ar r oazzunowith
the Album
Recorded directly from the sound track of the
M-G-M production of the same name, these art
ists, and these songs by Jerome Kern
Till the Clouds Roll By - Lennle Heyton
Make Believe Martin & Grayson '
Wbe Cares If My Boat Is Upstream Martin Grayson
Look For the Silver Lining Judy Garland
Life Upon the Wicked Stage Virginia O'Brien
Cant Help Lovin' Dat Man Lena Heme
Who Jndy Garland
Leave It to Jane Jane Allyson
Cleopatterer Jane Allyson
Ol' Man River Caleb Peterson
PRICE $3.93
340 Court St.
Phone 9221
i f, A J A I
A glass of Mayflower Milk
with every meal gives you
your vitamins in their Nat
ural form - - as well as a
wealth of bo d y building
minerals and essential food
elenntsEnjoy tliis'fvital
ity boost' by serving May
flower znilk with ev e r y
ISoth tie-iue and pin-,
back styles in long alceTed thirts of
rib-knit cotton. In white only.
America's (Greatest Sale!
Is Now Going Full Blast!
Their strong seams wSl
take lots of strain! They're double
crotch elastic waist. Sizes from 10-16.
Girls Suits, regular 5.98 to 13.98. Assort-
s7u9n7 717
14. Now... GJeUf to I u Ml
Little Girls' Coats, sizes 1 to 6. Regular
5.98 to 12.98. As
sorted colors
styles. Now .
Little Boys Coats, sizes 1 to 4. Regular
5.98 to 9.98. As
sorted styles
colors. Now
2 07 5.47
Jumpers, wool and corduroy.
Assorted colors and styles. Sizes
4 to 14 . . .
Girls Cotton
Dresses, assorted
styles and colors.
Sizes 3 to 12.
Girls' Skirts, as
sorted styles and
colors. Sizes 2 to
57c. 2.77
97c 2.77
Little Girls' Jackets,, assorted styles and
colors. Sizes 3 to
14. Reg. 5.98
6.98, now only.;.
H 2 07 3,07
Hand-made Rompers, regular
2L30t now ...
Girb White Blouses, with m in
trim. Sizes 7 to 14. Res. 1.98, I A f
now ...
Coveralls, sizes 2 to 6. All .J jj
Combed yarn shirt with easy,
to-slip-on shoulder feature. Ia
short-sleeved sizes. With Pan
ties, reg. 1.59.
The . "crawler shoe for
fntennediates. Of fine cape
skin in white only. Sizes 1-3.
Cotton knit creepers in
soft pastel colors. Shoulder button, or
button-front. Sizes 6 months 2 yrs.
Please, Return Your Empty Bottles
At Your Store or at Your Door
All-wool sbetland.type
coat with dainty lace-edged "collar
In aqua, copen, scarlet, rose. 3-6 t
Pert little dresses trim- ,
med with rick-rack, lace and embroid
ery. Prints and solid colors. 3-6x.