For Sal HcaI Estate For- Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Eatate For SalFarma Fop- Salc Farm Wanted Real Evtate Th Surhsgman. ScJm. OrwqrtatLTudaY AprB 21' lSIT-H5 LEE OHM ART & BEDROOMS 85959 Older style 1 room heme with large double lot, 100 ISO. fruit and nut tree. This ham has S bedrooms down and a bedrooms tip. basement, double gsrare. will sell furnished for $6300. -MODERN SUBURBAN HOME ONLY Located, about 1 miles North of towjC attractive modern home, about 1 2-4 r art eM. acre of land, this home " H wired for range, has electric water heater, unfinished upstairs, small chicken house, lots of trees. Located Cke to Clear Lake. - - ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Immediate possession of this com forts bie modern home, only years old. has 3 bedrooms, ts wired for ranee smd has elec water beater. Lot 1 90 19. walnut trees. Located close to edge of town, bus at door 888 iO. KEIZLR ISTRICT A. well built new home, has living room. dmn( room, t bedrooms, kitch en and bath, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, wired for ranee, elec. water heater. V. blinds, lot ts 8O-120 Just twpieed move right b terms S79S0. - ' ' FARM SPECIALS " DAIRY 272 acre, large T roam older style home, bath and electricity, new modern btrn, 24 . MChran. feed bins, box stalls, garaae and other out buildings. 130 A- in urtrrawm. eetl largely Willamette and. Amity soil. 143 A. of timber and brush, app. 5O0.0O9 ft.- of aaw logs and considerable pole timber. Located on good country road, level land. Deduct the cash market value of this Umber And ye j mill have a dandy ranch. Total price $40,000. , iv. . S174 ACRES UNIMPROVED LAND : Willamette and 'Amity silt loam, slightly oyer half of this tract in cultiva tion, balance in fir timber, located on paved hiway, due east of St. Paul. A dandy tract of level land, can be developed into a top grade ranch $20,500. LEE OHM ART & 477 COURT ST. Eves, and Sua. GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD DI3TR1CT Owner leaving city offers this S rm. Cape Cod home. Completely furnished. Full basemt, auto-sawdust heat. h.w. Crs. fireplace, nice yard. Price $11,500. N- CAPITOL ST. CREEK FRONTAGE Don't miss this borne, 1 bdrms, complete dble. tribe, auto-ot! heat. lee. Irving quarters.- beautifully decorated, carpeted thru-out downstairs, refrigerator. St drapes go, dble. garage. This home can ear!? be adapted to apt. Current in come over $128 per mo. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT f II 806 buys this new mod. 4 bdrm. home with nook, auto-oil heat. Carpet ing thru-out. A real nice family home tn a fine location. , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 SO. LIBERTY STREET Phone 41M Evenings 7772, 3-5089. 1-2948. 3-5338. 1-4457. 1973. 4863 For Prompt. Courteous Service. List Your Property With Us SALEM REALTY COMPANY - ' a Acre wooded tract. A neat. 1 bedroom home, plastered Interior, knotty Wise in hving room, wired for range, electric water heater, city water. Price Kow. A - Va acre sightly location, one bedroom home, practically all furniture Deluded. Bay this and get your moneys worth. Price $4750. One acre tract Ketoer district. Late built two bedroom home, wired for range, electric water heater, variety small fruit and family orchard, addi tional building being converted into apartment. $8500. ' -. ATTENTION G J. Here is a home youll like. Beautiful polished pecan floors. tile bath, two lovely bedrooms with spacious closets, utility room with laundry trays and electric water heater. Nicely arranged kitchen with corner sink, auto lestic oil furnace, roomy garage. All this for $7950. Only 10 down. . A GOOD BUY - . Very weS located four acres Keizer district, three bedroom home, large Erase, barn; nearly all in orchard. This is a very desirable property and a ration you will enjoy Price 99250. SALEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 149 N. High Street NELSON 1 BDRMS. NORTH. $330. Well located cottage, nicely land scaped en paved t, close to bus. 1 rgl. aa it 1 small bdrm, L.R, Kit. St bath, ideal for coup or single person. GOOD W. SALEM HOME -A' -plastered hse. with L.R, dinette. 1 Kit., 3 bdrms. At bath, utility rm. in g-arae. eiee. water heater, elec. heat. carae. la.'fe lot. close te bus. stores SCCOCJS, ixuu. cumnure avail, una. NELSON & Chet I. Nelson SPECIALIZING Rm. 300-J Masonic Bldg.. 495 State Burt Picha, Realtors HOUSES $5750 XEW Home, convenient loca tion. Plastered. Hwd. firs. Coae. fdn. A . bargain. Only (1230 Dn. BaL very easy term. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. S5S50 4 BERMS, LB, DR. Kit. bath. BsmU Dfc!. Garage, 3 lots. Paved St. 1 b!k to bust St store. CaU "ELMER" AMCNDSON. APARTMENT HOUSE fS5 INCOME $85 per mo. plus 4-rm. owner's apt. Dbi. plumbing. See this at 45 S. 12ta St. St Call CRAIG. Ph. Eve. - t rvp 8509 Lot with 95 ft- frontage -on Worth Church St. Paved St. Close to ecfcooL Call BURT PICHA. SUBURBAN 83500, ACRE. 1 mile East 3 BR'f. JJL, Dinette. Bath. Plastered. Cone. Fdn. Garage. Call "ELMER" AMUND SON 30 ACRE NORTH of Salem. 3 BKi LR, Kit. Dinette. Bath. Plarfered. Jtm. for 3 BR's up. School 3 blk. r"ur suture extra. ATi reduced to bargain parr. Cail "ELMER" AMUNDSON. $"200 FINE HOME and 5 Acres 3 iro. from city limits. 5-rm. house, good condition. Barn 8c chicken hse; Wired tor range. Elec. hot water. On good rd. Bss by door. Cail BURT PICHA. FARM MAKE OFFER 88 Acres, 4 miles acta, on old Pacific Hiway. Old s-rm. koute. large bam. 51 acres bottom (round. 17 acres oak timber. - fenced-Year-round creek. Owner wit! take dov.-o. Bai IV. CaU BURT PICHA. - ACREAGE 9309 PER ACRE for all or part 102 Acres. 2 miW N.E. of Salem hmits. n cood road. Would make good sus 4mm Call BURT PICHA. - $3650 S ACRES "good soil. 1 acres youcg filberts. About 3', miles east off Ljverton Rd. Call BURT PICHA. v BURT PICHA,, REALTORS TVnrte 3218 327 N. High Street $8420. 10 A. FARM with (-Rm home. Bas bam and large brooder house. This place is equipped to bring in a cood income. Call a t. Hume with Slate Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High V Fhone 4121 Evenings 2-5206 SUBURBAN Grocery. Best of loca tion. Good fixtures. Doing over $4500 per rno- Lease on Bldg. reasonable rent. Prke for fixtures end stock $8500. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High : PiOTe 44- Evenings 2-5208 PHONE 6472 . $C300 Buys a new 2 bdroom home In good district South. Call Mr, Craw ford. v 18300 Burs completely furoinhed bone with bemt and apartment. Very neat and dean. Good location. . Call Mr. Gardner. , -.NEW 2 Bedrm. home, close in with b?nt garage, hwd. floors. $11,000. Call lor Mr. Crawforde WANTED Farms, Jtcreage and . city listings. - -0 Burt'Piclia. Realtors PHONE 872 - ' ' 2543 Portland Road 8KS0 FUftNISHED. 2 BJt, DJt, Lv. rm. plus fur. apt. All fur. is good, sue location, only g blocks from down town. Can 4. Lujcinbeai. Huff Real Estate Co. Bealtors Fhone 3783 341 Chemeketa St . Eves, 2-6680 CO., ' REALTORS : JUST LISTED INCOME A t room home with a newly: com pleted apartment in the basement, in cluding; new elec. range, refer,; dav enport, etc., this i home is equipped with gas water heater, has wood fur nace, carafe well located. A good buy for $8500. i ZONED FOR - BUSINESS i ' ' Older stylo 3 bedroom home, located on a- 0240 foot tot on State street. This home is wired for range, ha l elec tric water heater, etc. Full price is $8950. $3500 cash will handle. 1 HOMES 1 LOT j 3 attractive small home on one lot. each has living room, 1 bedroom, kitch en and bath, hardwood floors, wired for range, elec. water heater,- oil cir culator heat, deep lot. Located North $10,500. - MODERN 3 BEDROOM. HOME Very attractive family home located about 4 blocks from the -- Englewood school and less than 3 blocks from hi school. This home has a large living room with fireplace, dining room. 1 bedroom, den. kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrooms up, basement and furnace. Nice yard $12,500. RANCH CO REALTORS PHONE B680 OR 4033 Phone 3779 $15,750 buys this strictly mod. bung, style home. S nice rmi, h.w. firs, thru out, L-R. Jc Din. rm. carpeted. Home in excellent cond- nice party rm. in base- roen.t' RESTAURANT FOR SALE Near Salem on Pac. high. New bid., new equip, 3 bedim, mod. apt. fur nished in connection with restaurant bide. Includes large garage with mod, one-bedrm. apt. above, all furnished. 10$ ft, frontage' on highway, good lo cation. Neon signs. Price $30,000. SMALL HOME ! - $42004 mi, with 3 bedrms, plas tered, garage, bath, located in N-: Sa lem. Lot 73 x B0 ft. -$42004 rms. with 3 bedrms, bath, located outh. Lot 100 x 100 ft, j Phone 7600 NEWS - EDGE Or CITY, $1100 DOWN, Neat, 3 bdrm'. cottage. L.R. St Kit with dining area, wired for elec range, bath, elec' water heater, oil circulator included, about ac. viand with elec. water system, convenient to bus, total price only $4100. Imd. poss. If neither of these meet your re quirement tell us what you want. We probably have it. NELSON REALTORS Theo. O. Nelson : St, Ph. 4419 or 4623. Eves. 3-1350 ) CHAS.HUDKINS & SON $5250. 3 bedroom home I in good cond. Living, dining room, kitchen, bath. Large gaage. Fruit trees. South Sa lem. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON ' $8500. Five rooms in the fin est of condition. New paper, paint and linoleum thruout. Located on Center street near Walnut park. . CHAS. HUDKINS & SON J- $8000.Tew- $ room home' In Vista Acres. Fireplace, elec. heat G.L can -buy for $800 - down. If not eligible for CX loan, ' it can be purchased with only S25O0 down. Move in immediately. j CHAS. HUDKINS & SON ' $1000. New S room borne. ' Beautifully finuhed. Auto, oil heat Large lot $2000 down, $100 per month will handle. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 Leo N. Childs, Inc., 1 Realtors 1 SUPERIOR VALUES i OWNER SAYS SeU for $6000. 1 story 4 bedrm. plastered borne. Ha large living room, dining room and kitch en. Double garage. Lot approx, 150 x no. inspection invitea. READY FOR OCCUPANCY: New home of $ rms. and bath. Hardwood floors; oil furnace: laundry rm: ga . rage: lot approx CO x 120.- This is the last disappearing Kin a. uu. NORTH SUBURBAN DIST. . lovely acres. Modem rm. home. Elec, water system. Barn: woodshed: family orchard. You will want to see this for 87500. HERE IS VALUE: A soundly built comtortaDie z Dedrm. nome wun living rm, delightful kitchen and dinette. Hardwood floors and lnsu la ted. Laree double carafe: chick en house, acre of rich soil. Well landscaped and young family or - chard. Located . NX. on bus line 99600. EVERYONE Loves a spacious ranch type. This one has t bedrms, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, plenty of closets and built-ins; knotty pine enclosed nation. Auto, oil air cond overhead heat - Nice lot in one of Salem's best neighborhoods. $12,600. CALL, or SEE . JAMES B. HARTMAN OB X. N. VOORHEES with Leo N. Childs, Inc., i Realtors , - "31 years of dependable service to home owners." - - 344 State St. Phone 9261 $260022' Acres. T miles West in Polk Co. Good bldg. site. Enough oak umoer to pay tor place, cm good grav eled road. Call Burt Picha. $7500 35 Acre Farm, Lge. barn, poul try hse. Brooder hse. Old style house Land is level and partially irrigated. Has 2 year-round creeks. Runs 15 head of cows. Some terms. Call Mr. Callahan. 40 ACRE FARM $21,000. Extra lge. Barn. 28 stanchions. : Grade A milk house. Walk-in cooler. Bldgs. in excel lent shape. Less than 8 miles from Sa lem. Must see to appreciate. Call Mr. Burt Picha, Realtors PHONE 6472 2543 Portland Road NICE 3 bdrm. plastered house, con crete found. L. trys, bath, wired for range water heater. Oil beat - Vi acre. Shrubs, trees, garden. 8x berries. $5950. or furn. $6750. 4 mL North of car limits on N. River Rd. Rt 3, tsox z4u. near uearuuM. $12,800. LOVELY 3 bdrm horn close in. This home has Everything a real home needs. Imm. Poss. Shown by ap pointment only. Olson Sl Reeve, Realtors 945 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 1-5830 $7750. ! NEW HOME N. V, Acre, large room, hwd firs. Elect. H. water heat er, 2 bdrms down, unfinished attic. Elec. water sys, wired for range, fir. furnace. Priced to sell. Olson St Reeve, Realtors 945 S. ComT St. Jfh. 4890; Eve. 9538 $8300. NEW HOME in Keizer Dist, hwd firs, plastered, wired for range, on pavement, near school. Attached ga rage. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 9538 $6850. FIRST TIME lister. 3 bdrms, fireplace, V. blinds, close to school and bus. Easy terms. Imm. Poss. Olson & Beeve, Realtors 945 S. Coml St. Pm. 4590: Eve. 9536 .V BEAUTIFUL VIEW $11,300 will buy this lovely view home, large spacious, rooms, fireplace, double garage, near bus, owner mov ing to country must aelt Appointment only. - . , , Olson & Reeve, Realtors 949 S. ComT St. Ph. 4890: Eve. 9536 " i. C Sfi&SA. .KfW HrtlKf f ... I . filberts. Elec. water heater, near school. L. rm. D. rm, 3 bdrms, kitchen St bath. Wired for range. -. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 9336 COnn VAT I : x? umr 4 Bdrm hnm. r 1 n In maw - - ... au. m. .Vl 1. pletely furnished with good quality new furniture including-h.w. beater, ''c- range, washing machine, etc. All fnv 9r7 kbA . J NICELY LOCATED - , elec. range, deep drilled well, water SVStemJ Lota nf kniuin. I a $3250, , i v""- '1. "NICE LOT W. Salem, 90x100, fruit trees, $800. " Lawrence Real Estate 520 N. High . - Phone 7508 $4500 lakue B-rm. older type house ra Bmu nouse adjoining, 3 lots. Paved street oln. i n - Too need lots of room, see this. $4250 New 2-rm. house furnished. rAA los Some terms. $4500 New 3-B.R. home not far out urge tot. septic tank. City wat- awl" ... $57505 Acres 5 miles out South. Good riome. smaU barn- Close to nil linA WlOO Very nice 5-rm. furnished house. "u ' uoor. outs, to grade sch. I In, L,. , . $7000 Good 3-B.R. home. Good loca- " r- sen. dc bus. Oil circ $78O0-New 3-B.R. home. L.R, D.R, i tk- ""cnea garage. Close 8600ut Gn Rd,J2-XS. Phe. , t u. aa wa. tin, unfinished upstairs, wired for range, on , acre tract Some terms. " IrV'alter Ipsgrave, . - Realtors '- ' 1233 EDGEWATFB-. - PHONE 5109 $795-Moderii $ fiJt. with nice L.R, JrrW2 B.R' om ln Turner. Good location on 't acre. This home has Just been completely redecorated and Is modern throughout. '8rModfn B R. just redecorat- Ne.r Thli k cU hi .South. .T S,hoola- bus and stores. S21 OtKl T nrii,in... . 2U?.?ltra-m.oden homeset in cen- 7..i ..r . "J rcnard with a beau- H, J !?X f h.1U PP mountains. "V lo" eost more than this price to build. Shown only between 10 and f .vfiuuiuneni. See Mr. Chipman With A. A- LARS EN. Broker. Pb, 4108 , WUU ACREAGES- yMr Royal Anne cherries. Modern 3 B R. home. beautifuUy land cped and close in. Fos at door. Pric- ably situated for iiiKHitri.i. -i mug- ern 2 BJt home with hdw. firs, and fua basement. Poultry house and dou ble garage. Could sell up to 13 lots at $600. Priced at $12,000. Close in on bus line, s acres with nice electric heat ed 8 B.R. home, double garage, barn and poultry house. Crop already In. . ' See Mr. Chipman ' with - With A. A. LARS EN. Broker, Ph. 410$ Guardian Building . RETMANN REAL ESTATE ' Englewood Home. Nearly Nu-weU built oak floors. 4 bedrms. DbL plumb ing. Delightful for $14,250. No. 405. 2 rooms-modern ?i acre South. $3700. Terms. No. 3. Beautiful MU1 Creek location. Un usual 3 bedrm home. Very . modern. Make an offer. No. 204. ' ' Keizer District. 3 bedrooms. large liv ing room & kitchen. $4800. No. 215. Nu-Complete-V scant 3 bdrm. Very modern. East of Garden Rd. $8750. No. ZZ4. North 5th. A good buy. 3 bdrm. full basement rurnace. 86950. No. 340. i . Nu and large. 2 bdrm. hardwood fls thruoot. Located East. Completely ap- powiea. Bojw. mo. zu. - " Very well built and arranged, all eiecinc,- z oearooms. saiu. Z4B. - . Fairmount Hill. A grand, gracious ooroora nome. guoo. no. 250. Very modern, radiant heat reallv da llghtful bdrm Rosemont dist $11.- ZUU. MO. DU. ... City-Countrr living. Up to date 2 bdrm North, Acre. $8950. No. 255. - Small farm. 1 A. close in. North, grand 3 bdrm house, delightful setting, 810.500. No. 255A. 20 yrs. old but well modernized. S bdrms, full basement furnace, etc. siauv. no. m. GX Loans Secured .FJIA. . Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Phone 9203 $7000 GOOD going cafe in Salem. $3500 Music Store, good lease, low rent, can Kay Davis. Huff Real Estate Go. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 ' $7775 WELL located 2 bedrm. home with LR, D.R. St Com. Kit, bath base ment & furnace, large lot north. Call itay Davis. , Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors . Phone 3793 441 Chemeketa St Eves. 9441 $9250 HOME with income of $65 per mo. completely furnished with nice modern furniture. This is a good clean, well located place, a good buy. Call Kay- Davis. , Huff Real Estate Co. Bealtors " Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 9441 hftltf NAME $24,5004 b.r, double plumb, dining room. hwd. floors. 3 fireplaces, party room in feasm. Auto oil heat, insulated, weather tripped, dbl. ga, nice lawn St snruDs. (au xa. JUUKinoeai. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors ' : Phone 8793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-6680 r $7500 NICE 1 yr. old 2 bJ. cottage close to bus. school St (tore. Neat & clean, nice lawn, immed, poss. Call Ed LukinbeaL Huff Real Estate Co. Bealtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-6680 BY OWNER: U. story 6 room houM Vt acre land on Hiway 99E.- V mi! south of Hubbard. See any time. Vcr E. Cockran, FILBERTS & WALNUTS j 155 ii acres in all. 123 A. in cultivation. 70 A. walnuts. 50 A. filberts and some timber. Comfortable 6 room home, lights, water and bath, large barn. modern uu burning z tunner dryer, well located on paved Hiway. Out of town wner. must liquidate estate for immediate, sale 832.500. Also includes late model tractor, disc and seeding drill. LEE OHMART & 477 COURT ST. V For Sale Real Estate This Is the Farm Home (You Are Looking For Just 3 miles from Silverton on Stay- ton Hiway 5 large Rooms. St bath, plastered, fireplace, all on one floor. Cement foundation, fruit cellar, nice walks, utility room, with stool St show er. Guest house. 3 room, with range. Large barn. 2 large chicken nouses, earaae. 37 acres, all in erase St orchard. About 23 acres plow land. Three springs, pressure water system from spring. Buildings about 10 years old. If you want a real nice home see this one today. The improvements alone are worth the price. $14,500. Owner at place this week, 5th house on left past Evergreen school. James L. Taylor, Owner Rt. 3. Box 111 Silverton. Ore. FURNISHED Drive a few minutes, save $1500. 3 year old Better Built 3 BR house. HW. floors, nice size rooms, everything you will expect for tm. sale $6650. R. E. Meredith, Realtor, 178 S. Commercial Phone 8841 Beats to Rent Problem 9510 - 6155 $5500.00 Modern ' 1 bedrm. - north, fireplace. aut oil heat, bath and plastered, wired for range. Elec. water neater, laundry trays, garage, located on a nice lot with bus service available. Terms $1250 down: Bat monthly payments. Immed iate Poss. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtg. toans A Fine Home 9510 6155 $8650.00 Brand new 2 bedrm. NE. Large lot. Convenient location, wired for range. Elec. water heater. Aut. heat. Part hardwood floors, attached garage, roomy kitchen with plenty of built ina Venetian blinds. Immediate pos session. Terms $2000- down or should go GX. at 880Q. down. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance ; Mtg. Loans $7000 New 2 bedroom home on acre just of Glenn Creek Drive. This place can be bought for $1000 down, balance lixe rent $7500 3 Bedroom home. Pecan. floors, at tached garage, swell yard, located north on bus line. $6500 Neat 3 bedroom home on choice cor ner lot south. Newly redecorated, ga rage, garden in. bus by the door. Bet ter look at this. $8750 A swell 2 bedroom homeN on south 12th at Hardwood floors, wired for range, electric hot water heater. Good lot and yard. $8300 to $9500 3 New 2 bedroom homes located east. $1009 to $1500 down, balance like rent. These are well built modern homes. Don't miss out on these, they won't last long. Inquire at Morris Realty Co. 970 So. Comm. Phone 4217 New Home 2tict flntahMf 2 bedrooms Me bath. Large lot Only $3750. . C. E. Coville Real Estate Turner, Ore., Phone 22 For Sale Farms Grade "A" Dairy Here la one of the Willamette val ley's finest grade "A" dairies, located in a setting tnat cant be oeat, aooui 15 minutes from downtown Salem. This is a complete at modern plant, with -65 acres of excellent soil all tiled St under cult. Drop in 8c let us show you the pictures of it Price 930.000, reasonaoie terms. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER J. t ' PHONE 5109 SPECIAL bantain 51. acre farm with two houses. 4 and 3 room each. electric water system. 3 acres of first crop strawberries and Boysens, good. Includes crop, cow, pig. some furni ture, ana a new 1 ' 2 norse tsearcai tractor. All for $5500 if sold soon. Harold Anderson. Rte 6. box 278. Sa lem. $ miles east on Center St, N. mile of Fruit land. BARGAIN TODAY T acres 3 miles from Silverton. on Highway, all year creek. 3 bedroom home, pressure water, double garage, barn, some fruit and nuts. $5500.00 E. P. HITT 205 ',i North Water. Silverton Phone 2392 FOR SALE" OREGON STOCK RANCHES And diversified farms If Interested write for listings. H. H. SCH MITT, Real Estate Broker prinevtiie. Oregon Fine Waldo Hills Farm 23$ acres. 205 in cult. Year round creek Pudding River. Modern 7 room nous. Elec, plumbing. LArge Darn, sheep shed. etc. 11 miles East of Sa lemState St, paved road, near Sil verton. Age compels owner to sell at once. Worth $150 per A. Priced to seU quickly at 91 15 per A. C. D. STRINGER BROKER 336 Main St, Lebanon. Oregon Phones: Res. 3123; office arn 10 A. NORTH of Keizer. Has old 3 BR home with lights and Elect water svstem. About 1 A timber, bal in cultivation. Has 70 cherry trees, also walnuts, filberts, apple, pear and grapes. Price s&soo. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 Evenings 2-5208 54 A. 7 Is mi east 25 A in cult with buildings. $7500. 8'i A, all in cult new barn, new drilled well, no house, family orchard. $7500. 300 A. Grand Island. Chehalis and Newberg soil. Best for teed crops and truck garden or mint. 228 A, 125 cult, with bldgs. $15,500, For good farms see - A.-N. Duncan, Realtor 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bldg. 54 ACRES, Modernized HOME, beauti ful view, good barn, family fruit Ford Ferguson equipped TRACTOR, 3 cows. Chehalis St Willamette silt soil. Wooded pasture, FREE Irriga tion from Butte creek. Will take Sa lem HOME as part. $18,500 JUNN Realty Exc, Pacific Highway WUUUBUKN, UHCUUN ' ' i CO., REALTORS ! PHONE 9680 OR 4035 For Sale Farm This Will Stir Your Soul Serenity of country life within easy reach of Salem, over Macadam road. 4 mi. from Ladd and Bush Bank. The lilt of the thrush fiobins brooding their families, the babbie of the brook at the rear of this acre breath-taking views of all the principal peaks in the Northwest. Tile bath 8c tile drain boards in kitchen spring water under pressure amusement room in base mentfour bedrooms. Here li the real thrill only $9000. We will show it any time. A. E. Danielson, Realtor Phone 2-4483 M8 No. I2th Street CITY COUNTRY I 10 Acres with perpetual wat er. Family orchard. Very mod ern 7 rm home. Lots of - ma chinery. 10 minutes from down town. $3000 gets possession No, 824. i A FARMER'S FARM; Present owner retiring after 17 yrs on this 60 acres.. 23 A. bottom. 12 A. orchards. ; All crops in. 8 room house, good barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 includes milk cows. 4 young stuff, add crops. No. 1013. Reimann Real Estate 201 -South High Phone 9203 60 ACRES. 3 acres berries.-! acres oats, stock, machinery and furniture available. For information call 2-2288. Joseph Karbens. Rt. 3. Box 636. Acreage ACREAGE with aood home, water system. Carries $4000 loan. $7500 full price. Luse Realty Oregon Bldg Phone 7952 89850 N ICE HOME on 5 acres, east lg. lv. rm. 16x26 ft. D. raw. kitchen, 2 bedrm.. bath, stairs to unfinished at tic, berries At fruit trees. Call Mr. Walters . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5260 Phone 3793 17'. ACRES. 10 a. cultivated. 89800. 5 rm. plastered house, elec. water sys tem. 1 good milk cow. 2 heifers. 50 hens, lots of rabbits it" hutches. Range, curtains 8c floor coverings go. Thu is a clean neat .place. Call Ed. Smith Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 a ACRE with NEW all electric home. Two BR. large closets. LR & DR. eood fireplace, hardwood floors thruout. bath with tub St shower, large 2-car ga range, excellent construction. $10,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com'l St. Phone 8389 S ACRESTvfagnif icent view property Willamette Valley and Cascade mts. 15 minutes from downtown, paved rd. 4 blocks from school. 9 1500. Ph. 6828. 45 Acres North Several acres berries, which are showina a high return . on invest ment About 1 acre filbers. almost new house, several outbuildings. 2 tractors, farm equipment. 3 dairy cows. Amity silt soil. Full price 818.000. Lib eral terms can be arranged. 56 Acres Near Aurora 22 acres beaverdam. S room -house. several outbuildings. Close to school. This farm is a reaf money maker. Full price 12 Acres Joining Lake Lahish Beautiful 9 bedroom home. 3 fire places, double bathroom, automatic heat, Chehalis silt soil. large ) barn, could be converted to dairy barn for about 50 dairy cows. Dog kennels with living quarters, double construct ed chicken house, machine shed, au tomatic elec. water system. Beautiful yard and shrubs. More land available across road, would exchange for city home as part payment Full price $27,SO0.Q0. r M. 0. Humphrey Realtor 2288 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24a SWEGLE LISTINGS ' 3 A. 4 room house, hdw firs. .94450. I't A. - rm.. com. furnished.:: mod ern house. $7350. See HESS NELSON with ; William E. Moses J 331 '1 State. Sunday 1 to 5 Pri. 4993 Bargain Acreage Exceptional buy, the crop will almost pay for this 19 acres of cherries, pears and apples, owner most sacrifice. 83250. Terms can be arranged. This will sell quick. It is good. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol St. Bos. Ph. 8216 ' Res. PH 7217 , ACRE wooded buildink sites. Cltv water. $675 each. Ph. 7805. 1125 Madison "' MI-Tt&k 1 . . -,: unnin, acre line ocrry ana gar den land. Garage. Some lumber. All in cuii. near city limits. sizk. Terms. Ptv 7805. 172S Madison. EDGE of city. 1-. acres, eood ear- den soil, an in cult. " $1795. Terms. i U3 Maaison. Ph. 7805. - NEW all electric home. 2 BR. with LR. dinette, nice kit bath, utility room, attached gar, electric hot water heat er, excellent construction and location in restricted district convenient to stores, bus, and school. Only $7500. Im med. poss. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Coml. St. Phone 8389 BY owner: Si acres. 4 bedroom house, chicken house, bam and stock Ideal for Urge family. Rt 7, box. 184, On Lancaster Drive. F. W. Foley. Specials 1 Acre place. 3 BR house. North. $3000, first come. North. IS acres, all in cultivation. 3 B.R. house, barn, paved highway, close to school. $4700. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S. Commercial Phone 8S41 Suburban $3750 Vr ACRE and 3 rm. house, south. 3 blks to school and bus. $4500 4 rm house, 8 bedrms. large . lot 'i blk to bus. Immediate posses sion. Part cash and bal $50 per mo. $4800 A new 4 rm house, 1 bedrm, 9 blks to school. Some cash and bal like rent T. Ai Bergland Real Estate 3208 Portland Rd. Call Gelger, phone 3-1073 : Exchange R eal Estate REAL EST. FOR EXCHANGE Is your house too small? Ours is too large for us. We would like at least a two bedroom nice house Knot new) worth at least $9,000. Ours is modern 7 rooms at edge of town, ex cellent Condition. Call owner 26325. WANTED to buy from owner; Mo dern 5 room home with basement Preferably north. Call 5813. WANTED Dairy farm. From 40 to 100 acres. Will pay from 87000 to $11,000 cash. Call Mr. Callahan, Ph. 6472. HOMES NEEDED: We have several cash buyers desiring 2 bedrm, homes priced between 85000 and $7000. They prefer South Salem. For results LIST your property with Leo N. Childs, Inc:, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 921 WE HAVE buyers. We need listings badly for 2 and 3 bedroom homes, acreage farms and large or small business. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 70 S. Commercial Phone 25497 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS for aJllypes of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list your property- wrth FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broke 555 N Liberty Phone 7327 LISTINGS WANTED " An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence: worthy of every effort and consideration Why not give us an ex clusive listing of your property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 453 Court Phone 7698 Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Good hiway cafe in city limits on Portland Rd. Living quarters in rear, plenty of frontage. This place is well equipped and new. A steal at $12,500 $5000 down. Machine shop fully equipped, doing $1509 per month. Wilt do more as it is near Detroit dam-site. $6500. See Mr. Chipman with With A. A. LARSEN. Broker. Ph. 4108 Guardian Building 4 BLKS N. OF CENTER $7500. Apt. house. 1 Apts. Income per mo. $180. 64 ft of frontage on Lib erty St. This lot alone is worth the price. A good investment Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Here's a good buy in a pool hall, card room and restaurant, doing better than $1000 net per month. Completely equip ped, property and all equipment go at $15,500. Hurry on this one. It won't last See Mr. Chipman with With A. A. LARSEN. Broker. Ph. 4108 Guardian Building Electric Shop" Price Incl. bldg. about 1 yr. old In good location, stock, pick-up delivery truck 8c business. $12,000. Court Apartments Here are two excellent business in vestments that will produce a good re turn on the dollar with a minimum of personal effort. 1. Ten-unit court apt. one yr. old. all insulated 8c elect, heated, unfurn. ex cept for ABC ranee. 2 large laundry & utility rms. Each unit rented for $37.50, tenants pay utilities except wat er St ht foF hot water. Full Price $32,500. 2. Court apt. with nine very attrac tive individual units. Each unit rented at 8-12.50 per month. Tenants pay util ities except water St garbage. Full price $38,500. Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 3109 $3500. GROCERY Store 81 Service Station, close In. very good location. 5 rm house rents with this deat Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 Grocery Store Good location in downtown Salem. Ideal set-up for 2 people. Can be bought for inventory plus fixtures, to tal $4100. Good lease at $50 per month. Morris Realty Co. 970 So. Comm Phone 4217 Cafe Located In city limits. Brand new fixtures throughout. Some stock. Low rent. 3 year lease with option to renew. Liv ing quarters available for only $35 per month. Full price. $4000. Business bldg. and 3 bedroom home in rear. Highway frontage, close in, choice location. Full price $12,000.00. M. 0. Humphreys, Realtor 2288 Fairground Road Phone 24596 ELECTRICIAN take notice. Large Brick Bldg. 2-Apt. above. Stocked elect store, mod. RADIO shop equipped. More work than owner can do. AU for 813.000. Consider some trade. DUNN Realty Exc... Woodburn. Oregon racinc niway Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St. Phone 7698 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCHROOM. Indus, district poss ibtl.. $2750. LUNCHROOM, good location, nice busin.. $4250. STATIONERY STORE with Jewelry, drug, fountain St photo supplies. larKe volume of busin. Long lease. Apartment avail. No phone informa tion Dlrase CHOICE Hollywood business proper ty. a A. with 90 ft frontage. Good investment $25,000. Chain store property. -only 8 yrs. old. excellent long term lease. 822300. Owner will build for long term lease, a very choice downtown location. 2600 sq. ft. available. North Salem business property, large bldg, trackage available. $50,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Coml. St. Phone 8389 SEVeRALTVERY GOOD INCOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES AT The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 GROCERY and Meat Market in Sil verton business area. Well stocked and equipped. 109 W. Main. Silver-tori. Ore. FULLY Equipped Electric Shop in Oregon's fastest growing community. Will sell or lease building. Write Box 219 St a teaman. BY OWNER: A photography studio in the heart of Salem business district that is selling for Inventory and will pay for itself many times over in a short time. Phone 4522. Wanted Used Car Hudson SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and tender repair painting "Give Shrock a try. youll know why" Shrock Motor Co. ; Phone 8502 Salem CASH FOR LIGHT CAR Ph 4598 Motorcycles Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone 8502 Salem Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A.F. St AM, Wed.. April 23. M M. de gree, 7 wo p.m. Ains worth Lodge 201. A. F. 4 A. M.. 248... Com'l.. Tues., April 22. 7:30 P.M. r. C. L O. O. F.' meets every Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Third degree. For Sale Wood Capital. Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR " ' ' " ' .' " 4 ft. Slab 16 in. Slab & Mill Planer Trimmings " Sawdust Highway Fuel , Co. -STOVE J DIESEL OILS -FRESH CUT SAWDUST PRY SLAB. PH. 8444 West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem 2-4081 Elmer Boje " WOOD" 16" mill block and heavy slab wood. Can be burned now. No sawdust dirt or edgings. Good clean wood. Phone 9453. 3025 South 12th St Salem. Ore Trl-City Fuel Ph. 6683 2-cord load. $10 18" mOlwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 16" slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft slab We Give S. 8c H. Green Stamps Mill blocks & planer ends. immediate delivery. Phone 8254 OLD FIR and Dlvwood cores. Ph. 3380. 844 Mill Asheraft. 84 CORD on nit del. it" slab A edgings Hh. 6683. HAND Picked 1$ inch block A slab wood. Ph. 24554. LARGE Block and Slab, no edgings $8 00 per ed Phone 4869 or stop at 1979 12th St Trailers liam P. Jones, care of T. A. Garbe. Aumsville. Ore. 2 16-FT. house trailers, furn. Rea sonable. 20 Williams Ave. NEWLY ref inished trailer house. $525 cash. Call evenings or before noon, sou urove. mu, TRAILER house. '44 National 23. ft. 120 N. Elma. 2 blocks E. Pen 4- Corners. 21-Foot Trailer House Sleeps 4. furn. with .radio.' 2 beds. oil stove and heater, plentv of . built- ins, run price $495. call 21200. Trailers v '- Many makes A sizes. New A used, cash of terms. . Every trailer a bargain at Security Motors & Trailer Sales Licensed br state and' bonded. Mk mile north of Underpass on Port land Rd 3385 Portland Rd. Ph 23164 Trailer Houses SIZES RANGING from 14 to 2T: new and used, with aluminum or ma onite construction, also new luggage trailers. Cash or terms. , Javhawk Trailer. Sales. 2840 Portland Road Phone 8043 16 FOOT House trailer. Will sleep four. Used 3 months. New tire. Bu tane gas. Clean. Cannot tell it has been used. $1100. Ph.21181 or Box 958. Rt. '3. South River' Rd. 18-FT. Glider trailer house. Sleeps 4. Good condition. Call after 8. Must sell. 1050 Eighth St.. W. Salem NEW 2-wheel trailer. 6 ply tires. 7- foot steel bed. Also 4-foot sideboards and strap to cover. Priced right 1191 ft. Capitii st SEE OUR factory made trailers be- fore buying at King wood Used Car Market. 1221 Edgewater. NEW 18 ft trailer house, nice built- ins, priced right Arch Swearingen, Rt g. Box 472, '.4 mL out Wallace Road SILVER Dome trailer house. 24 ft. birch finish, butane - equipped. Duo therm heat Winchester doUie. in good condition, a good buy. L, D. Scott Rt 8. Box 810. Salem. 4 mile West of Keizer school. MUST SEU - 1948 Aluminum 20 ft Glider house trailer. Excellent cond. Accommodates four. Furnished. Imm. poss. Cash terms. Hiei Whrttter. Cas tle Hall Cottage Trailer Park at 12th St. Junction. NEW Schult Trailer house. 27. 3 rms.. sleeps 4, tandem wheels. Terms. 1943 continental Trailer house. 33 sleeps 4, ft electric refrigerator, elec. hot water heater, vacuum brakes. Terms can be arranger. Ph. .21072. 32ns Portland Rd. Personal Babee-Tenda Co. Representative, giving : demonstra tions this week. Call Mr. Burton for aooointment. Hotel Salem. ' "AXCtiTioaSSnoormous- F0Box 724. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Sleeveless garment (Arab.) 5. Push 10. Quick 12. Rude hut 13. Ascended 14. Mine entrances 15. Guided 16. Juice of plant 18. Female deer 19. Tendon of a muscle 4. Little girl . 5. Form 6. A coal scuttle 7. Greek poet 8. Forbid by authority 9. Otherwise 11. Craving 17. Some 19. Scatter 20. Make, a cloth 21. Disease of chickens 22. Sayings 23.1ndehiscent fruit 21. Closet for ' food 24. Comfort . 28. Harden 29. Nobleman 30. Crown of the head 31. Port 32. Inacribe 34. Chinese silken fabric 37. Cereal grain 38. Unhappy 4L Artist's stand 43. A hard, black wood 45. A ring- shaped coral reef 46. Way 47. Conditions 48. Malt beverag-es DOWN 1. Inland sea (Asia) 2. Unadorned 3. Footless For Sale Used Cars Car Banrain: 1940 4-door Olds 98. Radio and heat;, er. Looks like new. $1050. Inquire 1326 State St. : 41 '.-Ton Dodge pickup, a real clean job. 38 Graham 4 Dr, fin tires; JDoti '39 CHl Madison, 89 No. Hlrt dio. heater, good rubber. 3690 Sunny-' .-. i haku- , a " "' Jr?" eves, . 37 FOR D coupe. Lo w mileage, ex cellent cond throughout. R t H. MV ' lyj?:.'?!- Court. Call after 3pm- ligT -6230. call eventnpTj """ mi, coupe a. xooq corww Good buy. $500. Call anytime. 319 Vav. ta Ave. . -'31 OLDS S door sedan, good coni gO-Jdrlers- Summer. Ph.SairT, reR "it or Uade 18J3 Ford coe. A1 1838 Ford 1!. ton true. WiU tradeor, livestock or anything I can uy.pthi Branch. Turner. Ore yr" H. 52.600 mL after'g ehape. 34$ X.-Myers, dthfF 'i Poft'lac. clean, fee:, hind 180 Union tn trailer. "TiynXysvilian leep. 3uU right for any number of farm Job. Has many extras tnclufling buzz saw. and drag saw. Sell very reasonably with pr without saws. Durand Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 21803. 1940 BUlCK ataTiaa model, excellent motor, body and tires. A 2 -owner car. Trade and terms. Du- ' rand Motors. 849 Union. Ph. 2102. 1938 MASrf 2 dr. aed.. Good motor; original upholstery like., new. tires. fair paint, sale cheap, trade A terms. Durand Motors. 548 Un ion. Ph. 21602. l936 FORD 2 door sedan! Good moZ ' tot and tires. Fair bodv. Sell reason. ' able Durum Motors, $40 Union. Ph. 21602. - 37 FORD Cpe. Excel, cond. Just over, hauled. New Urea, trans, pairtt $nb. Lots extra. 23S BnadantPh. 2-59.- 1. hftnn . -A - . V. I. J 36 FORD 2 rfr Iri.n K.'.o Va' brakes battery. $295 00. 1890 So 15th PICK'S USED CARS 34 V 8 Tudor, seal beam lights, new leather upholstering. $295.00. 190 Sn 19th DICK'S USED CARS 35 CHEV 4or. sedan. heater7?32yo6." 1890 So. 12th DICK S USED CARS HURRY. Hurry, if you want that tractor for spring work. We still can give immediate delivery. Nothing like it in its class. See it at Kmgwood uwd car Marxet. 1ZZI gagewater. 35 STUDE. 4 dr. sedan, aood conL. new paint $343.00. 1890 So. 12th 1941 CHEVROLET Mtr. delx. 4" dr. sedan, orig. owner, exc cond. 348- E. Superior. ' 1941 "CHEV. t dr. sedan. cleanT good cond. Also 1942 Ford ton pickup, clean. 2382 State St. SPECIAlTThis Weekend: 1941 Chev rolet 3 dr. sedan, radio A heater, me chanically in good cond"., $11.73. 1933 Plymouth 4 dr. sedan wrth heater $385. Salem Used Cars. 3008; Portland Rd. Ph. 7377. - 1944, FORD thuno trucw. 3 speed axles new motor $1630. Ph. 3021. 38 PLYMOTffH coupe $408n790r7. rroni st. A V 8 Roadster, all hoooed uo. clock. ed at 114 M.P.H. $395.00. DICK'S USED CARS 1890 So. 12th '37 WtLLVS 4 door. 41 motor. 'low mileage'. 8300 340 Vista. Tet 21633.n Antn Paintlno' : Job $. Daniels Twhx Sho' h Pit 9J ' I coat 1841 S NEW Indian" 3kief mAlnrpv.1. Accessories. Only 9009 miles. Really a honey. 1890 So. 12th DICK'S USED CARS FOR SALc. i trade: 1937 Lincoi Zephyr coupe. New tires. See at Rot erts Hop Farm, after 9. p.m. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2 door. Radio. bel er. No dealers. 1444 Ferry. Ph. 2-580, TH rTr tAfA B.J;.1 l .J J rubber. Runs life new. Private. Call at 1078 Highland. USED CARS WANTED Regardless of year, make or model we - will make you a spot cash offer 1 for your automobile. A - bonus for ' clean original - ones. McCall'a Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 8108. "T936 CHEVROLET town sedan, deaiv new tires. 1 630 Rooreve It St. 1933 CHEV. 2 door Master, as ex ceptionally good running car. Glean Inside and out Good tires. Compare this car for real value. $445. McCall a Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 8108. 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan, goo cond. mechanically, good tires, needs a gnu. a. reai value at iw. Mcvaii s Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 8108, Lost and Found . LOST, V. S. treasurers way check No. 2221966, dated April IB. 1947. nay' aoie to nooen t . birong. Hcwarn ix returned to 1519 NE 45th Ave, Port- LOST Sat: Set of keys in leather container, in or near Capitol or Li brary Bldg. Ph. 5584 Or 4853. "XoST; SmUf brown corde puiae itl black billfold containing numrroui Identiflcationa. Also S P. annual R R. paaa. Please mail to Hazel or Theo. Bender. P.O. Box 189, Eugene, Ore, or phone 4049 Salem. Reward. LOST: Gamma Phi Beta sorority pm. Jeweled. Reward. Ph. 5820. Wood Sawing Wmn Sawtne H (Vnaa Pb tit 25. Part of "to be" 24. Male descendent 17. Half ems ' 29. To slope - backward. as a wall 31. Crested hawk- parrot 33. Wraps up 34. Site, 25. Detest 3. Hebrew musical instrument 38. Spirit Yesterday's Aaer 39. Poker stake 40. Colors. ' as cloth 42. Tree '44. Crushing snake 1 A "p- AIt trri . I ; TTft IaU i U I llf T ftg; Cjl Ink. I iSffi0pVpS .' tTT l Pier vjioMi'- i. 0 UU iT AjNjj r wiiiJTrrTtyi, i . i WfiMt I I I I u " " ST" mMiizzmw w w 'WTft7 I ill j ;l I LI