For Saleeal fotattV . '. For SehaJljilte1 GRABENHORST SPECIALS SMALL ACREAGES Swegle District. 1 A. with rm. hoUM with uniut attic. ele. water system, batn wired for elec. range. Family .iw. .mil 1 m. rolls. Price l acre located E. on Mecleay Road, ej. of Peon 4 convert. New 4 rm, house with 1 beraa. Very neat Ac clean. Lge. dble. garage. Ele. water heater, elec. . atrr system. Horn furniahed. Price saotie. "r" 33 A. approx. a. of fine bearing fil bert. Mine family fruit Ac berrie. Bal. Ksture Ac timber. Good 4 no. plaat. .use with garage. Nw tiia machine abed could b used far chicken or brooder house-. Price $1,S09. CHERRY AND WALNUT FARM Located mile out on paved road. I a. of bearing Royal Ann cherries. 4 a. of bearing walnuts. Some filberts. Good 7 rm. plast home with elec. wat er -system, barn Ac carafe. IMMED IATE POSSESSION. Price 111.000. CLOSE IN ACREAGE , . 14 a. good dark soil. u under cult. 4c irritation. Modern 4 rm. home with 'IwKiceot, 4c U furnace, ramily fruit. Carsre. tarn Ac chtcken nouse. uooa tractor, disc, plow, harrow, implement trailer Ac cow go with sate. A real good place located close in. met ituu feuOS down. bal. $504 per year at 5. EXCELLENT HOME NORTH Close-in 2 bdrm. unlin attic, auto ail beat, nice basement. Venetian blinds. Howie is clean as a whistle! tore rr sells." No. 3 business lot located M l. 12th Street. 5 x 140 ft Price 42194. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES Excellent . view s v seal aking the city. - cry large attractive grounds, land ?araped perfectlv. All pice large rooms, large bailment with matd's quarters. GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS .134 SO. LIBERTY STREET 4131 Oenlngs TH3, Far Prompt. Cawrteoua Service. Uil Your property wren ui SALEM REALTY COMPANY , Are wooded tract. A neat 3 bedroom home, plastered Interior, knotty j pine tn living room, wired lor range, Price ISOSt . . 1'. .acre sightly locayen. one One acre tract Kerxer -district Lat warn wi kv j w rmnee electric : water heater, variety tional biniding being converted into spsrtment $8500. ATTENTION GX Here la a home youll tike. Beautiful polished pecan floors, tile; bath, in..), hwlrMM with aoacious closets, utility room with laundry: trays and electric water heater. Nicely arranged kitchen with corner sink, ; auto- $natic oil furnace, roomy garage. All Very wefl located four , acres Keiwr Ecai ee. barn: nearly ail tn ercnara. l on tton yon will enjey price fezae. SALEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 144 X. High Street NELSON ma SACRrFICE t Kaviate anstalled thermostatically controled oil heat and made other substantial improvement thi owner will sell at a loss of about- $2000 nrw mt am because of opportunity to acquire a suttabie income i oroperty. This Is a very substantial home, fairly new with 3 bdrm., high, Eil iSth ate aWe for additional bdrms. Ac playroom within 1 block I . PP "w"JT"-- - If you are not ht a' market for a mds who might be konting a good mg them t contact u gee detail a. griends telling NELSON & Cbet I Kelson " SPECIALIZING Rm. 300-2 Mason Bldg.. 495 State Paulus Bros. Cannery . ....... . TO" cm out l"" Z?!2Er7S? -ri,.ixiTw AKrr ti. A UHNTH LTTVaUX J JVW .w F" aww WM. BLIVEN OR 429 Oregon Bldg. Evenings $3429 ' - -Dutch colonial 1 bedroom home, like aww 2 lota. her wus service, oiled Street. Oat building IX 14. North. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 -Oiemefceta St. Ph. 994L eves.3434 Kew 1 bwtrooma, bath, hvir.g room, atchen. srrred for raoe. electric wat er beater; Garage. Lot 4 x ,IL Ea'Bvrkit, Realtor $39 Chemeketa 'Sf Ph 9981. eve. . 3434 (79 - Move right in. lrasd 'new S room snodem heme with utility room on acne Eoor. Venetian blaads. hardwood 1 rtaora. oil floor rurMC. besrutiful aatchea. lots of built-ma. ettached ga rage, large lot Ed Byrldt, Realtor? ga Chemeketa St. Ph. 9941. eves. 34M : iamm 3 bedrms,large living reem, dining worn, in one, hardwood fleers thru awt fireplace, guest closet. Nook. Ga rage. Good location. North eat bus bo. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St Ph. 341. eves. 3434 $11,723 . Kew 3 bedroom, home. This la really a fine hosne. Large living room. with fireplace, good sized dining room, nice kitchen, utility room. PatM. attached Earage. large lot. This is a lovely home i a new sub-division with- high re- v atrirtions. - Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St Ph. 99t. eve. 3434 L0rs At city Rinlts on bus line Viith city 4vater, $350 and up. R. E. Meredith 176 S. Commercial r Phone 8841 or 24644 - Immediate Possession i KM. HOUSE. 2 bedrm . Uv; rm. dinette, kitchen, utility rm. Some fur suture included: elec. range, car heat er, curtains at all windows. Price $3, W 1st. payment $1009. bal. $50.00 per anonui. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 Stat St. Room 4 30 ACRES, 20 ACRES to orchard.' room bouse. Electric water system. Exchanre for 3 bidioeui bouse er sell at S7j0u0 0fi. WUl accept down. 9 rules out on Skyline road. i acres with 1 acre strawberries near Broad acres. Trade for car or sell at $1ooj. S bedroom, living room, kitchen, took. Hardwood fleers. - Immediate pur anon. Electrie cooking WUl take another bouae ee automobile eav deal. Located North 80th. $4544. Close in t bedroom plastered home. Basement sew d est furneoe. Electric or gaa. Has apart aunt la rear. laeome $44 04 per anoath. A buy at, CT.500.M. We have several large houaes well located. Suttabie for renting out AJao apartment bouae . and P. H. Bell, Realtor 91 GTJARDtASf BUILDING SALEM. OREGON PHONE 4894 Best We Have Bake Shake f rm. kracne. fuU bsmt, 4fbL garage; wnflnished upctasrs, newly redecorateaV. ferepiaee. hwd. floors, nice fenced yard, bus at door. Full price Sullivan Realty Co. Realtors i 3T36S PerOand Rd. Ph. 3233. Eve 7037 Auto-oil beat. hrwr. floors, plenty of closet i pace, nice plbg. This home Is very attractive in design and has a beautiful settinf . MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. Price Hljm. PICTURESM3UE VIEW PROPERTY " Ona of SiWm'i finest Colonial hon One of SaWms finest Colonial homos red brick front, dble. garage. J lge. bdrms. plus den. or kit. rm, spacious rm. thru-out, commanding view of city Ac mtns. s a. well landscaped grounds. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT; 9 bdrm. buns, tvoe home, auto-oil Vi full basement, lust redecorated Inside Ac out. completely lumisnea. h IS A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY $6500. S. SALEM Modern 4 bdrm. horn. 1 yrs. old. hdwd. floors, excellently arranged floor plan auto-oil heat. elec. n.w. neater, ible. plbg, THIS IS A REAL FAMILY home. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Thi new home trtth elec. heat, late type water beater, drilled well, elec water system, all plast. modern. pltaR-. a ac. of good land, paveo roaa. mi nf Salem in the Swesle District. Price $7200. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THIS HOME Ht-r UKI tuu bu x, m rAprror, street i CREEK FRONTAGE Don't miss this home, 7 bdrms. complete dble. plbg. auto-oil heat, lge. living Quarters. Beautifully decorated, carpeted thru out downstairs, refrigerater Ac drapes o. dole a-arase. THIS HOME CAN BE adapted to apt. Current income over $ioo per mo. -spacious COUNTRY HOME Dutch Colonial. 4 bdrms.. dble plbg.. spacious rmi. . thru-out. auto-oil heat, rumpus rm. In basement, dble. garage outside n replace. oeauurui grouna. Close to schools Ac bus. 3-500. X-3SU. 2-5338, I-445T. TVHj. 4643 electric waier ikski, " " U " " ; . . t ..4 iVa I buUt.two iwi":. ' small mm ana xamuy wbim; this for liitto. only lO'i down. - district three bedroom home, t large is a very oenriDw propenj ana a Phone 7660 NEWS FOR QUICK SALE Z r ,Cl. "V' ,a v. home of this class yourself and have -home you will do them a favor by to this home. NELSON REALTORS The. G. Nelsoa St, Ph. 4419 or 4623. Eves. 2-135 Workers Attention w - , , r vr nnoc n i onnrnnn .TOTAL PRIfTE tSdOO. SEE i T L. C. C00NEY Phone 7904 8914 . Burt Picha, Realtors ' HOUSES $5750 NEW Home, convenient loca tion. Plastered, Hwd firs. Cone. fdn. A bargain. Only $1250 Dn. Bal. very easy terms, call "elmek" amundmin. $950 4 BDRMS. LR. DR. Kit bath, Bsmt. Dbl. Garage. 3 lot. Paved St. l bik to bust a stare, tau "clmjlh AMUNDSON. APARTMENT HOUSE 97950 INCOME 985 per me. plus 4-rm owner's apt Dbl. plumbing. See this at 945 S. 12th St Ac can CRAIG. Ph. Eve. 3053. - LOT $600 Lot with ft. frontage North Church St. Paved St Close te school. Call BURT PICHA. SUBURBAN $3500; ACRE. 1 mile East 1 BR'. LR. Dinette, Bath, Plastered. Cone. Fdn. Garage. Call "ELMER" AMUNO I SON. I 95950 i ACRE NORTH of Salem. 3 BR's. LR. Kit. Dinette. Bath. Plastered. Km. for 3 BR's up. School 3 blka. Fur niture extra. All reduced to bargain orl re Call -ELMER" AMUNDSON. $7200 FINE HOME and , Acre 9 mi. from dty limits. 9-rm. bouse, good condition. Bant At chicken hse. Wired for range. Elec. hot water, on good rd. Bus by door, ceil bukt ncriA.j FARM 1 : MAKE OFFER 6 Acre. 4 miles south on eld Pacific Hiway. Old -rm house, large barn. 91 acre bottom ground. 17 acres oak timber, fenced. Year-round creek. Owner will take V down, Bal Vt. Call BURT PICHA. ACREAGE 1 X90V rEA ALUS tor an or pan. luzj Acres. 21, miles N.E. of Salem limits.! on gooa rose, wouia maxe gooa suo- division. Cili BURT PICHA. i $3654 9 ACRES good soil. 3 Seres 1 young ninem. aooui a mues as ou buverton ltd. cau hurt pit ha. j BURT PICHA, j REALTORS j Phone 3219 337 N. High Street SPECIAL 4 Bedroom house, cement foundation. plastered walls, double garage. 3 lots. on paved street and creek, perfect court site. Must sell this week. Priced at $5950. No telephone- information. R. E. Meredith, Realtor C""" ' s. tomraenrau $&M)Q. 10 A. FARM with 4-Riu heme. I Ha . barn, and large brooder house. I This place is equipped to bring in a I good Income. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phon 4121 Tvnlnea tnM t2.. 1 L-l! SUBURBAN Gr ocery. tion. Good fixtures. Doing State Finance Co. ReaUors 153 S. High Phone- till . Evenings 3-8206 OWNER LEAVING SALEM ULTRA MODERN HOME. Well locat ed close te Catholic echeol. Spaeieu TlrX for bedroom. All : Ul floors carpeted, beau-1 tlful bath with aeoarat te anower. a most eearrenlent kitchen with gla brick for extra light Completely fin ished basement with maid's rat large party - room, furnace rm. (automatic gas furnace, air conditioned). Utility rm, attached garage. Lawn sprinkler system. A very' desirable and well planned home. Shown by appointment onty. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 Fa? Sili -Farms FILBERTS & WALNUTS. 1SJ acres la all. 12$ A. In cultivation. 10 A. walnuts. 10 A. filberts and me timber. Comfortable 4 room home modern oil burning 3 runner dryer. towu rwner, must liquidate estate for immediate sale $32,500. Also includes late model tractor, disc and seeding drill. LEE OHMART & 477 COURT ST. - For Sale Real Estate CIIAS. HUDKINS & SON $5254. s bedroom home In I good cond. Living, dining I room, kitchen, bath. Large I gaage. Fruit trees. South S- lem. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON $8500. Five room in the fin est of condition. New paper, paint and linoleum thruout tTSVv . : fXT a c TTT TT V TTXO 9 C"iAT I f.H AS . HiriJKlNS & hOIN I MM . m 1-1 rZm:iJ? heat G.I. Can buy for $800 1 n .lioiKIa. for Oil "CPJL!2. W1U1 VIII J fWUV UWWU. tn immediately. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON BfuSyuUAuVroti heat Large lot $2000 down. $100 per month will nandte. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 23a w. High St Phone 3-4129 I I ( ' I SneriaiS ' I FROM A 100 G.I. FDXM r - i I OM A lOO G.I. FIRM : I , I. B nR.. full bath. 2 BRmJ This hftmy M 5 T. Old & TIICC. t This home Is 5 yrs. old Ac very nice. I - . - .zt - 1 hi tv m Onlv tfiSOO. nice kitciu. UtiUtv Rm.. Only $8500. Call Colbath. Eve. oh. 2-6923. You will oo proua to own inn cove- i ly new modern home. Very large L.R-. D.R, Bath, Kitch. Garage and riwd. firs. Easy terms: $soo an. cau toi- bath. Eve. Ph. 2-6923. and kitchen. Hwd. floors. Ga New 3 bedrooms, bath, living room. rage art $7000. See Dick Fones, Eve. New 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, I dinine roam, kitchen. Hwd. floors. Ga rage att uu. see uick. iwm, xrw. Ph. 4340. 3 bedroom.. Plastered, nome. about 900 so. ft. floor space, t mile from down town Salem, 5 acres ground, Otfa er out building, bmoo. see joe. Joe- L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol St phone 8216 Res. t-n. 7217 ... ev Awn suburban home, I , TZZi d-kien hwd. firs thru-out T..' f1." terms. t 1 ' Olson & Reeve, Realtors g C(mct gt 46B00. 1 BDRM. HOME, close to McKinley school. Large ot. Imm. Poss. aasy lerms. vi t . t 1 : I t iisonffl neeve. ixeaiiors r ' I $2000 DOWN Buys this 3 bdrm. home. hwd. firs, coved ceiling, att garage. 1mm. Poss. i . . ' . i . " I ! Olson & Keeve, Realtors 943 S. Cornel. St Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5830 $10,000. nunH nome svuui, ciow to school Ac bus. Double plumbing hwd firs, fireplace. fuU bsmt. 1mm POM. Ewy term. fllsnn X Kpovp Kpaltora I 943 S. Comcl. St Ph. 4590; Eve 2-5830 arituu. , '17 a. oats. 10 room house, bed 19 ACRES of Strawberries, first good I bath, new electric mm 40 eal. C t year, this wUl pay out in 60 days. i Olann JL Raavp Kpnltnr I UlSOn a lieeve, XXCailOrS I 943 S. Cornel. St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 1-5830 Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors SUPERIOR VALUES OWNER SAYS SeU for 96000. 2 story 4 bedrm. plastered home. Has urge livinff mran Htnlne rtumt and kitch-' en. Double garage. Lot appro. 150 x 150. Insnection invited. READY FOR OCCUPANCY ; New home of 5 rm. and bath. Hardwood floors: oil furnace: laundry rm: ga rage; lot approx 64 x 120. This is I the fast disatmearm kind. lutao. NORTH SUBURBAN DL5T. lovely 1 . acres. Modern a rm. home. Elec. water system. Barn: woodshed: family orchard. You will want to I see thi for 17500. HERE IS VALUE: A , soundly built comfortable Z bedrm. nome wun living rm.. delightful kitchen and dinette. Hardwood floors and insu lated. Large double garage: chick en house. acre of rich soil. Well landscaped and young xamuy or chard. Located N.E. on bo line. $9600. EVERYONE Loves a spacious ranch type. This one has 3 bedrm.. living rm. dining rm. kttcnen. plenty 01 closet and built-in; knotty pine enuoaca ii.. ""; "" "f"1-. Jzr CJ-JT ....Z. I CALL or SEE JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHEES with Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors - "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 9281 EXCLUSIVE. ROOSEVELT St.. II bdrm- full basement wired for range. mnrm kit SteloO 1 vra oldt wUl sell 1 or trade for 9 Ddrm. nome. 3 years old, bdrm., hdw. floors tnrougnout Venetian onnas, niasterea utility room, garage, $8250. Will take car or trailer house aa part payment T TI r 1, T XX. XX. VjUUUUtk, ItcatlUI 110 Ore, Bldg. Ph. 8902 $514 For Salt4anna 45 ACRES NORTH, several acres berries, which are showing a high re- turn on investment About 1 acre fil- berts. almost new house, several out buildings, 3 tractors, farm equipment, 3 dairy cows. Amity silt soil. Full price $14,000-00. Liberal terms can be arranges. a ACRES NEAR AURORA 32 acre beaverdam, $ room, house, I autrmlldlnea. Close to school. Thi farm is a Thi farm a real money maker. Full orico 822.000.40 12 ACRES JOINING LAKE LABISH ' - . atawjmai sjgjy ar wui wwa tvi9 places, double bathroom, automatic beat. Chehalis silt soil. Urge barn. with Irvine Quarters, double construct - ea cnicxen neuse, macrune sneo. au- I tomatie elec. water system. Beautiful . . 1 . . . yard and shrub. More land available across roaa. woura exenang or mi M- - Humphreys, Realtor 3284 Fairground Road Phone 24396 BARGAIN TODAY t acre t miles from Silver-ton, ea I anrrkT7 bedroll JSSz. .."TL ".T"" bars, some fruit and nuts. $5500.00 E. P. HITT ' S03!k North Water, Silverton Phone 2392 ; ft!! fclT ' OREGON 8TOCK RANCHES And diversified farms It Interested write for listinrs. H, H. SCHMITT. Real Estate Broker rinevuie, oregoet For Sal Farm lights water and bath, large barn Well located on paved Hiway. Out of CO., REALTORS PHONE 680- OR. 4033 For Sale---Fgflrm Fine Waldo Hills Farm 230 acres. 305 In cult. Year round creek Pudding River. Modern 7 room house. Elec, plumbing. Large barn. sheep shed, etc. 11 miles East of Sa lem State St.. paved road, near Silver-ton. As compels owner to sell at once. Worth $150 per A. Priced to sell quickly at si is per A. C. D. 5TRINGEK BROKER 334 Main St.. Lebanon, Oregon Phones: Hes. 31Z3: Office 3771. 10 A. NORTH of Kcizer. Has old 3 BK nome wun ngnts ana eject water system. About 1. A timber, bal in cumvaiion. nas u cnerry ire es, aiao muu. fUberU.. applef pe and P- S5OV Huma with U' "UIT With State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 Evenings 2-5206 This Will Stir Your Soul Serenity of country life within easy reach of Salem, over Macadam road, 4 mi. from Ladd and Bush Bank. The lilt of the thrush Robins ' brooding their families, the babble of the brook at the rear of this acre breath-taking views of all the principal peaks In the NnrthwHt Til- K.tW JL. ttla rirain boards in kitchen spring water tinder pressure amusement room m oase- - fmtr hulninm.-'U.n i th ral thrill only $9000. We will show it R-11 rx 7 A. E. Danielson, Realtor Phone 2-4483 148 No. 12th Street 54 A. 7V mi east 25 A in cult with buildings, $7900. B'i a. ail in cult new barn, new drilled well, no house, family orchard, $7500. 304 A. Grand Island. Chehalis and New berg soil. Best for seed crops and " f -"' 22 A. 125 cult, with bldgs. $15300 For good farms see A. N. Duncan, Realtor 12-14 Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg. Attractive Log House 27 Acres. 10 cleared. Some timber orchard, berries. Modern house. Spring water piped. 3 miles Salem, good road. Barn, chicken house, shop, some tools, Priced to sell at $5750 or trade for Sa- -out. coved 1 lem house. , -1mm. Poss. I r T? n Til- T 1 1? . . Turner Ore m TrBF.s M MCRES, M on Phone 22 Modernized HOME, beauti- good barn, family -fruit Ford Ferguson equipped TRACTOR. 2 cows. Chehalis Ac Willamette silt soil. Wooded pasture, FREE irriga- i tion from Butte creek. Will take a- iem home a part & . . . . . r,nr"- ' WOODBURN. OREGON A REAL nice home on l' acres VUU AWT I III aV 111 aVlWHCIl, at IAJ1 I1U wd noo. fireplace, on east Lv rm. D rm. kitchen, X bdrms, A good luy it (ltJOt, CaU Mr. (WALTERS. Huff Real Estate Co. naa1t94t 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5260 L Phone, 3793 ,55 R. A. cherries IS A pture: water heater, oil circulator heater. Barn lmp- 1 chicken houses, wood ,hed. smoke house, pig house. cow barn in pasture. Will sell all or keep the, furniture.. 1 mile west, '4 mi. north of Macleay. Rt 9. Box 274. J. H. Edwards 7 RM HOUSE on . A. Fruit nuts Ac berries. Elec. water system. $4500. North. Call ED SMITH. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 Phone 2-1549 CITY COUNTRY 10 Acres with perpetual wat er. Family orchard. Very mod - era 7 rm home. Lot of ma chinery. 10 minutes from down , town. $5000 gets possession. No. 824. A FARMER'S FARM Present owner retiring after 17- yrs on this 60 acres. 25 A. . bottom. 13 A. orchards. All crops in. 8 room house, good bam and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 Includes 4 milk cows. 4 young stuff, and crops. No. 1013. Reimann Real Estate ' 201 South High Phone 9203 oau. stock, machinery .and furniture available, f or information caU Z-2Z89, Joseph Karbens, Ht. 3. Box 3. $5IMM-F0Un RM home oh S acres good soil. Lots of fruit, apples, pears. grapes. 1 acre nroeru. tau Mr. WAL TERS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Eve. 3-5260 i Phone 3793 Acreage Choice Place Located 99E. North. acre rich soil, 4 A. filberts IS yrs. old. other fruit and I berries. Good 3 B.R. plastered home. i barn bides. Only $13 000 cash, I s acres North, cIose,99E. older 3 B.R I home. $7500. i acre. N. East, with fruit, modern , BR. home. hwd. floors, double I Dlumbing. Only 911.800. j's a. au rruit. line view, ata. Sold on easy terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 SWEGLE LISTINGS t A. 4 room house, hdw firs. $4450. 1 A. a-e rm.. com. furnished, mod- I era house. $7350. See HESS NELSON ; with William E. Moses 331 State. Sunday I to 9 Ph. 4993 Bargain Acreage Exceptional buy. the crop will almost pay for thi 10 acre of cherries, pears and armies, owner must sacrifice. $3250. I Terms csn be arranged. This will sell . . I " ' lntt Ta RnnrnP Rpaltnr 1149 N. Capitol St 1 BuLPh. 8218 Res. Ph. 7217 I . . J.wi. I I I. ill. . . ( alhs wooaea Dunaing sues. I water. $673 each. Ph. 7805. 1725 Madison I ' OWNER. 1 acre fine berry and ear. i M Und. Garage. Some lumber. AH in cult.- Near city limit. $1299 Terms. HT 7808. 7 Madiaon ' EDGE of city. H acres, good gar- a en sou. au in cult fiuo. xerma. 1739 Madison. Ph. 7BQ5 7 Acres Excl. FIRST 'TIME LISTED COMPL. FURN. IB. K. home, love ly furniture, full bsmnt, furnace, 4 A. I orchard, bal. in pasture Ac alfalfa tt3l,rio.:ch I - Z1- HESS NELSON With William E. Moses i 331 State St. Phone 4993 ; ACRE Suburban bungalow. Liv. rm. din. rm. bdrm, hwd. floors. Nice kitchen, wired fop range, elec. hot water heater, well. elec. pump, sev erai trees. Melvin Johnson 949 N. Cottage Phone 3723 Acreaire OUT in the sticks. 44 A- 7 A. cult. 3 Ai strawberries, last yrs. crop $3000. Shade and' barn. All fenced. $2000 $500.40 cash. , . Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueresstg 147 N. Commercial St. Only $2800 1', Acres. Near N. Santiam school. 4 room house, elec. water system, shower, cement floored utility porch Ac fruit room. Email barn,chicken house, garage. Owner leaving. 14. real buy. r v- ii n Vlin . Li. Ci. ioviiie, ileal iCiState Turner, Oreeon 'Phone 22 NEW all electric home. 2 BR. with LR. dinette, nice kit. bath, utility room. attached gar. electric hot water heat er, excellent construction and location in restricted district, convenient to stores, bus. and school. Only $7500. Im- med. poss. f . Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Coml. St. Phone 8389 ACREAGE ' $1000 Down. Unfinished hae. i A. Good dlst. Modern const. Bus line. Edge of city. , . Olson & Reeve, Realtors 043 S. Cornel. Ph. 4590: Eve. 4534 S6500. 8 ACRES. 5 rm. modem hae. Also small hse. Variety fruit Tele phone. Close to school Ac store. 7Vs mi. S.W. of Salem. . Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Cornel. Ph. 4590: Eve. 9536 $4450. 2 A. WITH clean 2-BR home North. Close to bus. Garage. Elect water heater. Good well, elect pump. Chicken house. .Immediate possession. aonsu. a. targe iuDerxs wun new I moaern i-dh nome un. oarage, eiect waier nearer, uooa weu. eiect pump. Immediate poasession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St Phone 4121 Evenings 2-5561 ; BY owner: 2a acre. 4 bedroom house, chicken house, barn and stock Ideal for large family. Rt. 7. box 184. uo Lancaster Drive. F. w. Foley. 5 ACRES NORTH Dandy 3 B.R. home with attach, ga range, basement and furnace, only four years old. excellent soil. $10,000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3383 Portland Rd. Phone 325S 5 ACRES .- LARGE 2 B.R. all modern home, completely furnished. -: inc. new ref. and elect, range, 10x14 chicken house, variety of 1$ fruit trees, 3 acres boy- scnDerries. $9650. - Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves. 2-5831 2 ACRES TWO BEDROOM MODERN HOME. ail completely furnished with new fur niture. rugs, elect range. V.B.. a very nice looking place with white fence around front You must see; this one at $9000. ' Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS S 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 32S5: Eves. 2-5831 2 ACRE FRUIT ' AND BERRY FARM Six acre R.A. cherries. 4 acres Ital lan prunes.; l',i acres Imp.s Elbert peaches. 3 acres . loganberries! 3 acres strawberries. 1 acre gooseberries. acres filberts, year round spring, dark soil, beautiful building site. Should net around $4000 this year. 3 miles from Salem, xaooo to 44000 dn. will handle. $8500 full price. Sullivan Realtv Inc. ' REALTORS 3366 Portland Rd. PH. 3255: Eves. 2-531 Specials 1 Acre place. 3 BR house. North $3000. first come. North. 15 acres, all in cultivation B.R. house, barn, paved highway, close tO SChOOl. ' S4700. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Commercial Phone .8841 Suburban SUBURBAN HOMES $4750. 2 bdrm. home, about A. Heater Ac lin. incl. $5000-. 2 bdrms. Approx A. $1500 dn. $6300. 4 rm.. nook 2 bdrms. . elec. h.w. heater, utility rm., about a A. I A corner). Rm. for morei houses. North. Good bus ser. Ac Hi Sch. bus. Willamette Real E$tate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 $3750 ACRE and 3 rm. house, south. 3 bik! to school and bus. $4500 4 rm house. 2 bedrm. large lot. , bik to bus. Immediate posses sion. Part cash and bal ; $50 per mo. !, $4800 A new 4 rm house. 1 bedrm. 5 blks to school. Some cash and bal like rent T. A. Bergland , " Real Estate ! 3205 Portland Rd. CaU Geiger. phone 2-107 Resort Property BAY FRONT Waldport Income prop erty. A stx room home plus a four room and three room cottage all for $7350. i BAY view waldport. close to docx and business section. Three bedrm. modern home, garage. $5800. ALSEA hiway river view 3 bed room home on half acre, only $6350. ALSEA HIWAY to river acreage with lovely 3 bdrm. home, dble plumb ing. 30 ft Uv. rm, fireplace, oil fur nace, garage. $13.000 terms. ;,, ALSEA HIWAY to river, over 2 acres. small modern home, boat dock, on tide water, full price $7900. ON TIDEWATER 12 acre. 1000 It Alsea river frontage, small house, wat er, light dock: garage and boat land ing on hiway side ot rtver. ideal oiag. Sites $6500 terms. ALSEA HIWAY to river, three level acres, 16x20 cabin, water, light, only $3008. ALSaA HluHWAT to Fiver, tv acres. 3 bedrm. lodge nome. 3 rental units. dock, boats, garage, barn, chick hse, creek, fruit, a well known resort, $18,- 500 terms. ALSEA BAY 1500 ft. frontage. 33 wooded acres, ocean view bldg. sites, livable hae. water, fruit. All for $6300. Ocean Front, Ocean view, Hrway 101 hemes, auto courts, building sites. Buaines opportunities, farms In the moat beautiful section of the : Oregon coast Alsea Bay. Waldport Yachats, Seal Rock. LINCOLN REAL ESTATE Ac ACCT. SERV. P. O. Box 187 Waldport. j Oregon Exchange -Real Estate 44 ACRES HOWELL PRAIRIE SIX ROOM modern home, large chicken house and barn. $17,500. Will exchange for home in Salem up to $9000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS. 336S Portland Rd. Phone 3253 Wanted Real Estate HOMES NEEDED: We have i several cash buyers desiring : t bedrm. homes priced between ' $3000 and $7000. They prefer South ! Salem. For results LIST your property with. Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors 344 State St Phone 9291 WE HAVE buyers. We need listings badly for and bedroom 'homes, acreage farms and large or small business. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 779 8. Commercial Phone 23497 I HAVE CASH BUYERS for all types of dty and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker 553 N Liberty Phone 7327 LISTINGS WANTED ' An exclusive listing, .le a mark of confidence: worthy or every eriort ana consideration Why not give us, an ex elusive listing of your property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 4M Court - Phone 760 Wuited Read Estate . WANTED: Listing of Good Farms. Large A Small. Will give your listing our oest effort see JAMES F. PARKER. REAL ESTATE 147 N. Com'l. St. WANTED: Property owners to list inetr place for sal with C. If. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 383 Business Opportunities Income Pronertv GROCERY with residence. Excellent local. Best equip. Furnished 3 RM mod home. Large income. Land, bldgs. equip, stock, and furniture goes for $25,000. SUPER STAT. GARAGE. Tile and stucco const., fully stocked and equlpt Everything goes lncl. wrecker, service truck, land, bldgs. Large stock and equipment $26,300. . All types lncomevyopertv $3000 and in Free Lists and Catalogs STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. AUTO COURT $34,000 Nice Liv. Quart Service Station. 99000. Small Apt. Hse. Business Lot. 47950. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 INCOME of $410 a month, plus liv- ing quarters, completely (urn., all elec. heated. Ph. 8307. GOING Grocery in valley town, do- ing around $7000 a month. Rent $50. Stock and equipment $12,500. Lot and building arranged for clean ing and pressing business. Ideal loca- irrfj pno q jr. SA SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 ELECTRICIAN take notice. Large Brick Bldg. 2-Apt above. Stocked elect store, mod. RADIO shop equtpped. More work than owner can do. All for $15,000. Consider some trade. niTMlV Rnltv Fjre Wmvthnrn ' OrMon I . 1 CAFE LOCATED in city limits. Brand new fixture throughout Some stock. Low rent. 2 year lease with op - tion to renew. Living Quarters avail-I able for only $35.00 per month. Full I nrice. 94ootMio. I Business bldg. and 3 bedroom home choice locatfon. FuU price $12,000.00. ' M. O. Humphreys, T) I. I ilCdll 0 I 2284 Fairground Road Phone 24596 T II. r JUC ilUltlllSUIl, ItCclllUI 459 Court St. Phone 7696 B US IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCHROOM. Indus, district poss-l Ibil., $2750. lunchroom, good iocs non. nice busln. 94Z50. STATIONERY STORE With lewelry, drugs, fountain Ac photo supplies. large volume of busin. , Long lease, Apartment avail. No phone informa tion pii CHOICE Hollywood business proper ty. A. with 9 ft. frontage.-Good investment, xza.ueu. Cham store property, only yrs. old. excellent long term lease, szzjoo. Owner win build for long term lease. a 'very choice downtown location. 260 sq. ft. available. North Salem business property. large bldg. trackage available, soo.uoo. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com'l. St. Phone 8389 SEVERAL VERY GOOD INCOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES AT The Real Estate Market 433 N. Hieh St. Phone 2-4793 MAKE BIG MONEY AT HOME pre serving baby shoes in metal, pearl. goto, silver, Dronze. no experiences! necessary. 300-1000 profit Your I own business, kmtavi cu. Mm so. Kurneien. ios yvngeies . yam. GROCERY and Meat Market In Sil verton business" area. Well stocked and i equipped. 109 W. Main. Silverton. Ore. FULLY Equipped Electric Shop in Oregon's . fastest growing community. Will sell or lease building. Write Box 219 Statesman. BY OWNER" A photography studio hi the heart of Salem business district that is selling for inventory and will pay for itself many times over in a short time Phone 4522. 99 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 3 acres, wonderful building site, large fir tree. Good well. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 Trailers Trailers Many makes A . sixes. New A used, cash or terms. Every trailer bargain at Security Motors & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded. ta- mil north of Underpass on Port-1 - Und Rd. 3389 Portland Rd. Ph. 25164 Trailer Houses SIZES RANGING from 14' to 27; new and used, with aluminum or mn- aonite construction, also new luggage! trailers. Cash or terms. Javhawk Trailer Sales -'"j Ro.d Phne 8043 1 rtVlT tlniM. trailer Will ilm S .cJrntein S.. oeen uvea, eiiuw. rn. nisi or on 958. Rt. 3. South River Rd. 18-FT. Glider trailer house. Sleeps 4. Cood condition. Call after 5. Must il. iPaq Eigmn ai.. w. aaiem. NEW 2-wheel trailer. ply tires. 7- foot steel bed. Also 4-foot .ideboards ana strap co cover, rnsro '' N. Canital St SEE OUR factory made trailers be fore buying at Kingwood Used Car Market, lzzi Kogewaier. NEW 1 ft trailer house, nice built- ins, priced ' right Arch Sweartngen.' Rt. B. Box 472. mi. out Wallace Road SILVER Dome trailer house. 24 ft.. birch finish, butane equipped. Duo- therm heat, Winchester dollie. in good condition, a good buy. L. D. Scott Rt. . Box BIO. Salem. mile West of Keizer school. MUST SEU 1944 Aluminum 30 ft. Glider house trailer. Excellent cond. Accommodates four. Furnished. Imm. poss. Cash terms Hiel Whlttter. Cas tle Hall Cottage Trailer Park at 12th St. Junction. NEW Schult Trailer house. 2T. 3 1 rms.. sleeps 4. tandem wheels. Terms. 1943 continental Trailer nouse. sr. sleeps 4. 4 ft. electric refrigerator. elec hot water heater, vacuum brakes. Terms can be arranger. Ph. 21073. 3205 Portland Rd. lttfTJ&SrTY House trailer. 34 ft. air conditioned, sleeps 8. new elec. brakes, butane gas, a clothes closets. Venetian blinds. Priced right for quick sale. 1984 state. Motorcycles 1942 ! OVH Halrley Davidson motor overhauled, painted. For sale or trade for car. l Brown 'St., paiiaa, ore. Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS An makes used eaotorcycies bought sold repair ed Shrock Motor Co. Ph' Salem Transportation AM Drtvine to Ohio about Apr. 23rd. Would tike 1 or 3 passengers to ahare driving A expenses. Write Statesman BOX ZZX. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A.F. Ac I AM, Wed.. April 33, M M. de gree, raw p.m. Ainsworth Lodge 201. A. P. A A. M, 24 N. Com'l.. Tues, April 23. 7:30 PJ. F. C I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Tuva aegree. Ths Stat4inttnv Soleutl'Of'cjoa. Sunatry. April Ifll 137 Yf: For Sale Wood Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR 4ft.Slah 16 in. Slab & Mill Planer Trimmings Sawdust Highway Fuel Co. STOVE At DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 4444 West Salem Fuel Co. 14-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem "-4031 Elmer Boje WOOD If" mill block and heavy slab wood. Can be burned now. Ne sawdust, dirt vw". iiri auuu. rnpno 45X-ao2 south iztn St. Beiem. ore. Tri-City Fuel Ph. 6683 il - eerd load. $1 1 mUlwood Screened fresh cut fir aawduat Dry 14" slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft slab We Clve S. At H. Green Stamp Mill blocks & planer ends. 6LTrrn7p 3380. 844 Mill Ash era ft 4 COItb on nlto deL 14" alah 1 edgings Ph. 6683. I HAND Picked 1 Inch block slab I wood. Ph. 24554 GOOD DRY 16" wood. liwnFdel. Or- I eron Fuel Co. Phone 5533. LARGE Block and Slab, no edging. I $8 40 per cd. Phone 486$ or stop at I 1979 S. 12th St Wood Sawing WOOD Sawing. R. B. Cross. Ph. 817 Wanted Used Cars WE NEED Cars. Will pay good price for clean ones or sell it for you. KINGWOOD USED CAR MARKET - 1221 Edgewater -WANTED" Your car for cash -(WiO pay more for clean ones) -See Us Now' SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 So. I2th St. Salem Hudson SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting I "Grve Shrock a try. youll know why" rt i a a . r - dtUOCK AlOtOr J0. pjmn, gso, . 5 item I y. i frj w? CASH FOR LIGHT CAR Ph 459 Lost and Found LOST Sat: Set of key in leather container. In or near Capitol er Li brary Bldg. Ph. $584 or 4653. LOST: Small brown corde purse with black billfold containing numerous identifications. Also S.P. annual R.R pass. Please mail to Hand or Theo. Bender. P.O. box in, Eugene, ore or phone 404. Saiem. Reward. - nLcT7G7mima"hi Betaaorority pin. jeweled. Reward, m. asm. Personal GET-ACQUAINTED CLUB. Box 1251 Denver. Cow. 1 will not be responsible for any bills except my own and the children. Mrs. Veronica Venteicher, ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. P.O. Box T24. I For Sale Used Cars Sell now "to get Today 8 Top Price Clean late models for sale ELSNER MOTOR CO. 353 N. High Phone 7903 uar Bargain : 1940 4-door I D Olds 98. Radio and heat w, lilrn as w I er. LtOOKS 1IKC HCW I 4" APA TnnnSrp 1 9r J.UOU. inquire lOO i o. , f. J State ot. I 4l i4.Ton j,. pickup, e real clean Job. 35 Graham 4 Dr, fine Urea, finish tk motor. Don Madison. 500 Ne. High. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Cheat (slang) 5. Co on foot 41. Female sheep 42. Guidewmy In a knitting 9. Egress 10. Melody 11. A row. as of seals 12. Native of Finland 13. Glowed 14. Old Norse works 16. Fold ever end sew down 17. Conflict 19. Piece out 20. Mulberry 21. Lair 22. Small, stinging insect 23. Turf 2i.Diatrfa aignal 25. Chopped . . to piece 27. Goblin ' 28. Geranium (aym.) 30. Baying 31. River (Pol.) 32. Cola (Swed.) 33. AmTk over letUr (Sp.) 25. Unusual 37. Astringent rruit 38. Silkworm 39. Hang out, asadog tongue 40. Converts . into leather. machine (Var.) DOWN 1. A seaman' chapel 2. Proverb 3. Bearing 4. Scattered o.Thin.D7ittl cookie 6. Parched 7. Tree 8. Native of Hawaii For Sale Used Cart "37 FORD Cpe. Excel, cond. Just ever hauled. New tires, trans, paint fob.' Lou ertrs. 2350 Broadway. Ph. 2-994, tttord i 'ir: &oavnK.w j motor: brakes battery, $295 OO. U99 BO. 13th DICK'S USED CARS " -41 NASH 3 pas, duo coupe. Radiol eater, red ' leather unholsterr. ill Park Ave. Phone T580. 194 OLDS deluxe 4 door sedan. Nes paint heater and radio. Ph.- 3513 er 3443. .- CLEAN 1834 V I eoup. 9$ U. . motor. Priced to sell.' Lots of extraa. 941 N. Capitol. Phone 3229. i 34 V $ Tudor, seal beam lighm. new leatner upnoinering. 1890 so. 12th DICK'S USED CARS 34 CHEV. coupe a, top condition. Good' tires, $350. Rt 9. Box 122. I mL east Kruerert Store. GET YOUR TRUCKS FR6M SALEBTk TRUCK SPECIALISTS 1 1941 International Model K-S. IM tart 1 1941 Rco Model OSL, heavy duty siocx racx. lwb. 1944 International Model D 404 cab over encine. stock rack. LWB. 1 1937 G.M.C I. ton with tsg-a-long. Ideal for lumber haul for aniiU milL 1 1937 GMXU cab-ever with vsa body. lwb. - , All the above trucks are in A-l con dition and. are backed by our guar antee. JAMES H. MADEN COMPANY International Truck Dealer 2865 Silverton Road , Salem, Oregooi Phone 3-4133 . 35 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan, heater. $32To I8SQ So. 12th DICK'S USED CARS HURRY. Hurry, if you want that tractor for spring war rk. we still give immediate delivery. Nothing like t in its cuss. See It at Kinrwood Used Car Market 1221 Edgewater. "37 FORD l'.a ton dumn truck. Ph. 2-2288. - EQUITY in '41 Dodge 4-yd. durno truck. A-l cond. 2095 N. CemT St 1937 CHEVROLET flat bed truck. 1. : ton. 90 rubber, new bed. or wil trade for late model car. Please caU forenoon. Sat or Sun.. Rt S. Box 273. L. H. Forter. 1 mL west of Mscieey. 35 STUDE. 4 dr. sedan, food eondl new paint $345 00. . 1890 SO. 12th 1941 BUICK Special 4 dr. aedanl radio A underseat heater. 1st claae rubber. A-l tnechanicallv. Private owner. 320 Sunset. 1936 V- Fordor. Good Uansporuw tion. $183.00. 2562 Lee St. FOR SALE: Cood 1932 Buick. eng. lust overhauled. 3 new tires, and new inner tube. Price $430. Ph. 6321 or 1694 N. Commercial. 1938 OLDSMOBTLE coach, healer. radio. $699. See after 9:30 Sat or any time sun. IZ33 center. 1941 CHEVROLET Mstr. delx. 4 dr. sedan, orig. owner, exc cond. 344 E. Superior. - 1941 CHEV. t dr. sedan, clean, good cond. Also 1942 Ford Sw ton pickup. i.nn,aa vs W 47. f i 1 oft -vIC n 49 49 SPECIAL Thi Weekend.' 1941 Chev- roiet 2 dr. sedan, radio A heater, me chanically in good. cond, $1173. 193$ fir mouth 4 dr. sedan with neater $383. Salem Used Cars. 300 Portlaawt Kd. Ph. 7377. 1940 FORD Dump truck, g axles, new motor. $150. Ph. 9021. 3 PLYMOUTH COUP $400. 1790 N. Front St 43 BUICK Special, very low mileage. radio, beater. Phone $373 during business hours. 4T6Lb3MafiHJE, low mileage, rad, heater. Ph. 8273 during bostnewa hours. A v Roadster, all bopped uo. clock. ed at 114 MPH. 93M.00. DICK'S USED CARS - 189 So. 12th 37 WILLYS 4 door. 41 motor, toss mileage. $300 94 Varte. TeU 2-1653. 1934 PONTIAC ceupe. new paint A 1 tires, R. K, Cood cond. through out 944 Leslie. Auto Painting. 3 coat fob $43. Daniels Paint Shea. 141 S. IZUl. Ph. 7S50, NEW Indian Chief motorcycle $300. Accessories. Onlr 5009 miles. Really a honey; .- . IBS so. IZlft DICK'S USED CARS "1941 FORD 4door sedan, radio M healer. $1193. j 1939 Chev. 4 door. Radio and heater. $825.. - 1937 Plymouth 1 door. $400. -WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 W. Cornl ' Phone 729 FOR SALE or trade: 1W7 Lmcoia. Zephyr coupe. New tire. See at Rob erts Hop Farm, after 3 p.m. . 1929 MODEL. A Ford sedan convert ed to panel. Cood ear for doing rough work, f 175. Ph. 8894. ... 1937 PLYMOUTH 2 door. Radio, heat er. No dealers 1444 Ferry. Ph. 2-SoVt '41 DE SOTO.i Radio, heater, geoi art n ri ssa awiivai il raw new ar-i wsraa a at i i mm. 1978 Highland, i- used Cars Wanted Regardless of year, make or model we will make you spot cash offer for your automobile, A bonus lor clean original ones. McCavUa Uaod" Car. 1297 State. Dial 10. 1938 CHEVROLET town sedan, cleen new tires, 1630 Roosevelt St 32 V-4 Convertible. 42 Mercury mo tor. Full Cam S t14 In. pistons.. Pad ded top. New' paint Good tires. Dreg) center axle. See at 84 No. 21st Sun day after 12 noon. - . . - -. l935CHEV:i door Master, an t ceptionally good rumung car. Cloaai inside and out Coed tires. Corn pore that car for real value. $443. McCall'A Used Cars. 1297 State. pal i0. 1937 FORS coupe 40. motor over hauled, new paint excellent tires, clean Inside. $493. McCaU Used Cars. 1291 State. Dial 810. - - 143o"PLYMSUTH 4-4r." aedan; gool cond. mechanically, good tire, needs a grill. A real value at $396. McCaU a Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 9109. - I940 CHEV. panel. exoelSnT ceodl tion. May be seen Sun. at 19 S. 34th. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi A mmsm Ml 4 13. Chinese silken fabric 15. Adjust 18. Indefinite articl 21. Put on, as clothe 22. Sailor 23. Bird 24. Poems 23. Head iXU 'JO -L 3lM;Jlk i? la.! Yeaterday Aaavat 3L Close th -;; yesof. taamwk 32. Sheep-Uke 34. Peal out spaxingly -3-Verbal covering 28. Isolate (Poet) 27. Exc lama- tion 28. Oily . 29. Lamprey 4-1 in i II MeVf); 7W- r- r- r-Tzs r-1 r- j m ML- , - m m im