12 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Sunday. April 20, 1947 fMI ! -er. nl B Sharp Relief Job by O'Boyle Saves 54 Battle For Lazor; Soderburg, Sinovic Due for Action " By AI LlghtnerL x - Sport Editor. Th Stalrtman -Dick O'Boyle, pudgy, freshly married and possessor of one of the hard-to-master "slider pitches, last- night came to the rescue of Vince Lazor in the seventh inning at Waterspark, unfurled a no- Vitt cfint hi 1947. ctartr nH cavftl a 5 ir a w tnrv fnr fh tnum Kpnatnn nvr Viinivmvmft Pant- - lanos. Tbe win sends Jack Wil son s crew into lis ursi twin diii .of- the WIL campaign today at 1:30 p m, an unbeaten ball club. Leitennan Paul Soderburg and Freshman Dick Sinovic draw the opening hill assignments for the double bill, and one of. the Cap servers -wih be veteran Ronnie Bryant, with, the Canadians last season. - llard-th rowing Lazor, from Renter. Wash., and a 15-game winner in the Cal-State loop last semester breezed4hrough the Caps for fiveTieats" in his debut, but was pulled by Wilson in the seventh when the enemy got to Kim la three hits and two runs. Vancouver had picked up two tallies in the sixth on a pair of hits, two walks and art error which, if not made might have pulled the blond righthander through the frame unscathed. With two -gone and the tying run at first In the seventh, Wilson called in O'Boyle, with Yakima last seafon, and he responded beautifully after walking the first bitter to face him. " He got the next one on pop-up to retire the side, and in the eighth went through the Caps easily after an other error had allowed a runner to reach first. Salem's fourth er ror, this an excusable miscue by O'Boyle himself after fielding Frank Mullens' bunt with one out he tossed it far into the outfield to allow Mullens to reach third had him in trouble, but be took care of big Lou Estes on weak tap to Mel Nunes and Lavis York on a lazy third-out fly to Lou Kublak to rescue the rasle and tend 1289 shivering clients home happy. And much of Mgr. Wilson's pitching worries will be nil if -the. Irishman can such as his chore of last night. Lazor and Lefty Jim Hedgecock duelled pertly through the first three chapters, the only run go ing to thitownies in the third on two walks, an error and an ; infield cut. Another costly error helped two more Senator funs across in the fourth that and singles byBill Beard. Hank Bar tolomei and Al Spaeter, those by Iirard and Bart driving home the unearned tallies. No sooner had Vancouver rt,fiM if im tn 5-3 In th sixth " than the Solons, in their half. shoved aiTO? two more for a 5-2 kaoV Hedgecock himself figured i rominently in this scoring " by Walking Beard as first up, allow ing Lazor life on y fielder's choice tnd then a run on Bartolomets tingle to left Spaeter sacrificed and when Hedgecock fielded the ball he tossed it wide at third and in came Lazor from second Before he was through Hedgecock loaded the sacks with a walk to Halter to. escape further damage. In all Hedgecock was an unfor tunate lefty for only one Salem run was earned for the night Lazor burled hltless ball for three frames before giving up a scratch single to York in the fourth -md"a liner to right by Bob Stumpf in the fifth. The big righthander tired in the seventh after two were out, and when Len Tran singled, Mullens doubled and Ettas singles. Wilson waved for O'Boyle. Richard then , pro-? reeded to shut the door. . Salem collected eight bingles off Hedgecock, all singles and two apiece by Bartolomei and Spae ler. The Caps biffed seven. Dick Gentxkow made his pro debut at first base but went hit lers in four trips? He did drive in the first Salem run with ground-out, however, and belted a long liner to left in the fifth w-hich Mead hauled down after a lengthy trip. . Alro,r Dick- swiped the first bare of the season, a r.eat theft in the eight after forc ing Mel' Nunes at second7" VucNvcr 441 Salem B H OA B H O A 4 I Jl BartoWH-.s 4 S 1 3 VohrJ TranJ tS ulln.m Wrmfttx YcrkJ UexU 1 4 Spaeter 2 4 2 1 0 6 N unes J 9 1 0 0 OOnUkw.l 4 0 Kublak J 3 0 1 14 1 4 9 Halter j- 9 1 Hjelmaa, 3 0 5 Lucheljn 1 1 S 1 Beard .c J-l 3 Lazor p 1 t 1 1 OOBoyfc.p 1 0 &tumpO 4 Ked(ckj) 4 Ete J- 4 jKTUf.l 0 0 Total XS 7 24 IS Total M 77 10 Vancouver . 000 0U2 ZOO 17 J Hit . 000 112 300 - Salem 001 202 00 8 4 Hrt 100 311 11 Pitrtoer IPAB H R ER SO BB Hedcecock . S J4 1 2 0 1-ax.r 27 f 4 2 I I O BoyU 2' . 1 ' WUt pitch: O'Boyle. Left on banes: Vancouver . Salem 12. Errors: Hlel mu. Bartolomei 2, Tran. Hedgecock, Centkcw. Two baa hits: Mullen. Stun batted W: Centzkow, Beard, Bar tototnet 2. Mead 2. Mullens. Kates. Sac rifices: Tran. Lazor, Spaeter. Stolen bases: Centkow. Time: 2:11. Umpires: fciaVicfc and Day. Attendance: 12B9. Rain Halts Vik Rook Encounter Coach Harold Hauk's Salem high Viking base bailers encoun tered another one of their num erous rain-outs yesterday as rain washed out the scheduled Salem Dregon Book tilt at Corvallis. The Viks open their Big Six season Tuesday m they meet Albany here. The Hauk's pre-league re cord -shows five wins against no .losses. Bing Tries 'Casting PITTSBURGH, April 18 -J&-Bing Crosby, one of the new own ers of the Pittsburgh Pirates, tried his hand as sports announcer to day when he broadcast the play by play account of several innings of the Buc's home opener with the Cincinnati Reds at Forbes field. - , . . . ; - x .- J -wV I j V . 'J f ' - 3 . -:: - V . - J' . . - A : v :y .. - . , i , - . DEBUT TODAY: Prized rookie Dick Sinovic (above) of the Sena tort will make his professlona4ebiit at Waters park today In one of tbe two games starting at 1 JO o'clock with Vancouver's Capl lanes. Sinovic hails from Portland. (Statesman photo) t Fll I I II I ll-l The Spokane-Taeoma Inaugural and Its 10.000 patrons Friday night may have dwarfed the Waters gathering of 4335, bnt when yon have tbe governor of the state, the mayor and a baseball big tbe, likes of Coast league boss Clarence Rowland on hand for your opener, spiced with the facthat year club won Its starter,' yea can ask for little more. It was an suspicious beginning for Jack Wilson's troupe and, as the big Irishman i pat It to the lads Immediately following: "By gad. we're not gonna lose all of 'em this year, that's for surer . . . , Speaking of tbe governor, either he's an ambidextrous gent or his past, press notices have been phoney. Ilizzoner. one of the best opening day ball tossers In the business and once upon a time a pitcher In his own rightist home town Arlington, Ore., always has been Indexed as a southpaw. Bat Friday night , he ap and wbif fed Mayor Elfstrom with a right-handed serve. And it wasn't a blooper p.'ich either. The gov may have bad a mite of trouble combine his' hair Sat morn, bat he did , put some snap on his part of the In- CHARLEY PETERSEN aagnral ceremonies .... Was the 4335 of Friday a record for enen tnc nlshts? Until somebody bobs up with the actual and official eoant of opening night 1940 tbe first game played In tbe park we Insist It is. The 1949 total has been highly controversial ever since, as Biddy Bishop, then maestro of the ball works and one net immune teWress exarreration Insisted .7500 were present that nifht Biddy was so excited at the time we doubt If he counted the tickets. And Inasmuch as no actual figures were yielded then, last week's 4335 must be considered as the record. The 4335 bested the 1948 turnout by 2 easterners . . j Pete Clipped of Chance to Manage Club' Were It not for a fee! of $1000 Charley Petersen would today be managing Blsbee In the Arisona-Texas league, a New York Yankee farm dab. Pete got the Job bat the Yakima WIL club wanted $1000 for his contract' The Yankees refased, and so did Boss Fred Mercy of the Yaks. Which doesnt give Yakima a very high rating in oar book, for almost any dab will always release a player free If he gets a ebance to manage somewhere. Last we heard, Pete returned to the Yakima team for 1947 play ... . Just between yoa and me. Skipper J. Wilson would like very- much having his talented brother-in-law on the Senator nine, right along with Messrs. Daane Crawford and Hal Summers. And 1 Wilson has lots of company in that wish, lncladlng oars .... The club Is badly In need of power hitting, some thing last season's outfit had In gobs. When yon take distance swats men such as Woody Salmon, Dick Wenner, George Vlco and Hal Summers off a ball, club-along with a .340 hitter like Crawford, you're not leaving much for next year's manager. And J. Wilson happens to be the fall gay In his very first year of managing .... More help for Tacoma's Ttges. Now they've picked ap Roy Paton. once wun Vancouver injuus league ana ttus spring almost good enough to make the grade with the parent Los Angelinos. Paton hit .323 in the Class AA Southern Ass'n last season . . . Sad 8am Gib son, departed manager of the Bremertons will take a regular tarn on the hill for his Reldsvllle team in the Trl-State loop this time. Sambo la only 4t years young .... And when the veteran Hob Kittle waltxed Into the Brent camp last week be was sporting fall Mexican regalia, complete from spars to sombrero. Kittle piched la a chill bean semlpro loop daring the winter .... Cottage Groove, Henley Nab Class B, C Relay Gonfalons I EUGENE, April IMAVCottage Grove upset Ashland and de fending champion Beaverton today to win the Class B honors in the tenth Hayward relays In which five new records were established in the nine event program. Henley, grabbing 39 points, won the class C tournament with Mo hawk second as two new records . Wayne Iloaser, Salem ; acad emy, took first place honors In tbe Class B discos event with a toss of 130 HJi". . were established in the six events in that division. ; Mediord won the class A cham x rP.llli "TP - n pionship yesterday as the entries of fifty schools opened the two day track and field tournament in which over 700 athletes partici pated. . Cottage Grove rolled up" 41 points, winning three individual events and setting two new rec ords. Ashland and Hood River tied for second with 21 points each.' Redmond placed third and Molalla next in the class B show. Owen Completes Title Mat Mat Matchmaker Elton Owen yesterday closed eat the entry list for his Coast Junior heavy-( weight title belt production at the armory Tuesday night, bringing In two brand new faces for ap pear a nees in the prelims. One of the newies is a Bill Murray of Van couver, B. C. who is herald ed a, one of dusette the clean and scientific boys. (Q3 League-leaders! Bevos Tip Seals, Gain Lead on Padre Setback By the Associated Press The fighting'Portland Beavers, making the critics who said they didn't have it eat their words, moved all alone to the top! of the Pa cific Coast league standings last night as they took their; fifth straight game from the Champion San Francisco Seals, 7-5, while the San Diego Padres were losing to Hol lywood. Other results last night saw Los Angeles nose out a 3-2 win over the Seattle Rainiers in 15 innings7 and Oakland defeat Sacramento, 5-4. The Beavers had to come from behind to gain their victory and did it in smashing manner with six runs over the 4th, 5th and 6th frames. Helping the Portlanders along were home run wallops by Harvey Storey and Hal Summers and a clutch dou ble by Pitcher Jack Salveson who went the route for the Bevos, though touched for 11 hits. Baa rraaeisea Portland B H OA BHOA Uhalt.m S 2 2 0 Dobbins. 5 114 LubyJ S JeninssJ 4 Sanders.l 4 WhiteJ 4 Sheridn,r 4 1 1 1 F.ncobar 2 2 4 Wenr.r-m 111 0 storey J 1 2 01 Relch.l 1 0 Murator.e 1 2 S'Summrs.I 0 2 2GorboldJ 10 0 Salvesn.n Trower 4 1 Leonard,c 1 0 Werle.p 2 1 Mathwn.p 0 0 Taormn 1 0 Seward. p 0 0 Restelli 1 0 Ogdwsk.c 11 Orteig.t 0 0 1 0 0 s 0 M.Smth,m 0 0 0 1 0 0! 1 2! 0 01 Totals 36 11 24 IS Totals 34 S 27 11 " Batted for Matthewson tn 6th. Batted for Leonard -In 7th. t Batted for Seward in 9th. : San Francisco 102 001 001 5 Portland 000 213 01' 7 Errors Luby. Sanders, Trower . 2. Storey, Reich. Runs batted in Jen nings. Sanders 2. Reich 2. Dobbins. Sheridan. Storey, Salveson 2, Summers, Uhalt. Two base hits Jennings, Uhalt, Reich. Dobbins, White. Salve son. Three base hit Sanders. Home runs Storey, Summers. Double plays Dobbins to Gorbould to Reich. Storey to Gorbould 3 Reich. Bases on balls Salveson 1. Werle 2. Seward 1. Strikeouts Salveson 4. Werlc 2. Sew ard 1. Earned runs Salveson 3, Werle 2. Seward 1. Hits off Werle S runs 4 on 9Ji; Seward 3 and 1 in 2: Matthew- son 1 and 2 In i. Wild pitch Werle 1. Seward 1, Salveson 1. Losing pitch er Werle. Umpires Powell, Ford and Kazziev Time 138. Sacramento ..... 000 000 040-U 6 2 Oakland 120 020 00 5 12 1 Harrell, Somenski 8t. Barthelson S and Pesut; Hayes, Buxton (8) and Raimondi. San Diego . -. 000 00! 0001 S 1 Hollywood 000 000 002 2 10 1 Olsen and Rico; Hollingsworth, Yay lian SC and Sheely. Softball Opens Monday Salem softballers 1947 style swing Into action Monday as six clubs Inaugurate the spring campaign with 0 o'clock! frays on Leslie and dinger "fields. Nine teams are participating in the early league this year, playing three nights a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Competition will be limited to one round. Monday's schedule: Papermakers vs. Master Breadi on field No. 1 at Leslie; VFWs vs. Golden Pheasant, Leslie's field No. 2; Campbell's Rock-Wpolers vs. Salem Navigation on No. 3 at Olinger. Wednesday's action will see Knights of. Columbus vicing with Moo try's Bollywoods on field . No. 1. Papermakers tangling with Golden Pheasant at field No. 2 and Master Bread and Salem Navi gation clashing on the Olinger lot. League President Charley Davis has approached Gurnee Flesh er In the matter of taking over business managership; of local Softball this yean . Flesher has for many years been associated with the sport. Probable umpires for the spring session will be Don 'Hendrie, Harry Mason and Mel Pillette. j A's, Yakimas Pocket Wins By the Associated Press The Victoria Athletics contin ued to make Wenatchee fans un happy last night as they txirnmed, that city's Chiefs for the second consecutive time, 4-3, in the very new WIL campaign. The A's won on Dave Jensen's 10th inning sin gle which drove in Vic Mastro. Homers by Jensen and Mike Haf e necker helped the winners along. At Yakima the Stars evened their sries with the Bremerton Tars, taking a 5-3 decision before 1,100 fans. The Bremertons threatened repeatedly throughout the latter stages of the tilt but couldn't hit in the 'clutches. The Tacoma-Spokane game in the' lat ter city was called off because of wet grounds. Bremerton - 100 000 1102 1 3 Yakima - 020 020 01 S 2 Federmeyer, Prosser (7). Marshall (8) and Volpi; Nowels, Ward () and Phillips. ; .... Victoria ' 011 000 001 14 S 4 Wenatchee ' 100 000 200 03 S 1 Prio. . Blankenship 10 and Master; Sutherland. Adam (10) and Dalrymple. Angel To wnies Open Season MT. ANGEL Mt. Angel will open the town baseball season next Sunday with the opening game of the Willamette Valley league between Mt Angel and Sandy at the Ebner ball park. A, short opening program will start at 2 p.m. with the game starting at 2:30 pjn. Rex Appleby is playing manager of the Mt. Angel club and Bob Griesenauer, with plenty of good tall behind him while in the army, will pitch for the local club. Owen will find out 1 pronto, as he has matched Murray with Gorilla Poggi the hairy charac ter whose only ei(M$e is a belt on tbe snoot or a handful of hair. . Jimmy Lolf of Alabama is the other newcomer, , and he comes unadvertlsed In other than that he is from the Crimson Tide state. His foe will be Villarer Tony Ross, so whether Lott is meanie or eleanie he'll be in with a capable cruncher in eith er style. Both prelims will be two-of-three falters, j limited to 30 minutes. ! .The Tuesday topper Is the long-awaited title belt brawl between' Georges Dusette . and 'Cats Capture Triangle Meet Willamette university's track squad opened its season in a win ning way yesterday bn dinger field, taking top honors in a tri angular Northwest Conference meet with Pacific and! Lewis and Clark. The Bewrcat chalked up 64 points, as against L Sc C's 59 and the Badgers' 40. j Elmer Schaake's 'Cats, paced by Ron Runyan who captured firsts in the mile and two-mile events, nabbed the No. 1 spot in six of the fifteen events. Marvl Goodman won the broad jump jwith a . re pectable 20 foot leap j and John Macy pocketed the . quarter-mile with a time of 52 seconds. Other Bearcat winners were Miller who took the shot-put with a 37' ll", toss and Loter with a "Winning dis cus throw of 112 f eet. j Ellmers, L & C, and Howard, Lj& C, also were double victors, Ihe former taking the 100 and half mile and the latter the Jhigh jump and high hurdles. j Summary: Shot put : Miller (W) Boardman (Wt Marston LC Austin I Pi 3711V- Pole vault iBakke (LC Austin ip) Goodman Wl brooks p If 6". High Jump Howard I LCI Warner tpl Gatke tWl Urie (p 6 Discus Ioter W) Boardman (W) Westling- tlAJl Johnrrud (W) 112 Javelin Wilcox l pi Frtrsrren (LC) Howard (LC) Burgers W 164'. Broad lump Goodman (Wis Reder 1W1 Srhults p) Buntin (pi 19' 11V' Mlle Runyan (W) Stark Ip) PreUs IW) Westerberg (LCt 4:54:1. 440 Macy W) Radmore LCt Buh ton tP) Grimm (Wl 52:2. 100 Ellmers (LC) McCrae (LCi Goodman (W) Kamai W) 10:6. 120 high hurdles Howard iLC)- Scholtz (P Gatke (W) Wilcox (PI 17:0. 880 Ellmers ILO Ohling (W) Radmore (LC) Urie IP) 2:06. 220 Bunton (P McCrae (LC) Macy (W) Whipple (P) 23:3. Two mile Runvan (W) Brooks (PliPreiss iW) Westerberg (LC) 41:10:2. 220 low hurdles McRae tLC) iSchultz (P) Howard (LC) Gatke (W) 26 8. Mile relay LC (Ellmers. Radmore, Eld ridge. Tindail) WU. PU. : 3:38:9. Maple Leaif s Capture Title TORONTO, Ajjril 19( JPy- The Toronto Maple teafs won the Stanley cup, emblemajtic of the rorld hockey championship, by hosing out- the defending world champion Montreal Canadiens, 2 to 1, before 14,546 partisan fans here tonight. Oregonians In the Majors-" By the Associated iPresa Ab R H O A E Rbl Pesky. Red Sox -4 1 2 2 2 0 0 Doerr. Red Sox 4 0 1 2 40 0 Gordon. Indiana 4 0 3 1 4 0 1 Joe Erraut. Georce Vtco did not plav. Pitchers: Nona of the : Oregonians pitched Saturday. j thorough SEQVIIIG S ALELI HViny - n i Card Lineup Bill (Ball) Weldner, tbe two strongest matadors In tbe north west today. This match was doe a month ago when Dusette sur vived one of Weidner's terrific airplane spins and pinned the Atlas-like title holder in 54 min utes for tbe only fall In an boor long match. Dusette later clinch ed a try at the belt by winning a tournament here. He finally gets to go for the big prize Tuesday night, and it will be his powerful full nelsons and head locks against Weidner's spins and nelsons. Owen will assian a referee Monday, and there will be no hike in admission fees for the tiUe party. , LOUISVILLE, Ky April JET PILOT, one or the favorites to win this year's running of the - Kentucky Derby, Is pic tured being lead down the ramp by hi trainer, the veteran Tom Smith, on his arrival here to day. Jet PHot is owned by the Maine Chance farm. (AP Wire photo to The Statesman). NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Pittfbgh 4 0 1.000 St. Louis 2 3 .400 Philadel 3 2 .600 Cincintl 2 3 .400 Brooklyn 2 2 M0 Boston 2 3 .400 New Yrk 2 2 .500 Chicago 1 3 .250 Yesterday's results: At St. Louis 1, Chicago 2: at Pittsburgh S. Cincin nati 1: at New York 4. Brooklyn 3; at Boston 9-2. Philadelphia 3-B. AMERICAN LEAGUE . W L Pet. W L Pet. Boston 4 0 1.000 St. Louis 1 2 .3.13 Chicago 2 0 1.000 Clevelnd 1 2 .333 Detroit 2 2 .500 Philadel 1 3 .250 New Yrk 2 2 .500 Washin 1 3 .250 Yesterday's results: At Washington 4. New York 2: at Detroit 3. Cleve land 5: at Philadelphia 2. Boston 4. (At Cnicago-St. Louts, rajn.) WIL W L Pet. W L Pet. Salem 2 0 1 000 Bremertn 1 1 .500 Victoria 2 0 1 000 Tacoma 0 1 .000 Spokane 1 0 1.000 Wenachee 0 2 .000 Yakima 1 1 .500 Vancouvr 0 2 .000 Last night's results: At Salem 5. Van couver 4; at Yakima 5. Bremerton 3: at Wenatchee 3. Victoria 4 (10 innings): at Spokane-Tacoma, postponed wet grounds. COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Portland 11 6 .647 San Frisco 9 10.474 Sn Diego 10 7 .588 Hollywood 910.474 Sacrmnt 11 8 .57 9 Seat tie 811.421 Los Ang 10 10 .500 Oakland 6 13.316 Last night's results: At Portland 7. San Francisco 5; at Oakland 5, Sacra mento 4; at Hollywood 2. San Diego 1; at Seattle 2. Los Angeles 3 (15 innings). PIRATES WIN ROSEBURG, April 19-iT) Marshfield high school success fully defended its state prep ten nis championship by defeating Roseburg high, 5 to 2, here yesterday. I ft feu intra The Only Complete Body Shop in Salem On Stop Service Frame and Wheel Alignment Wrecks Completely Rebuilt Palntina-Lacquer or Enamel Convertible Tops Custom-Built Seat Covers Plastic or Fiber Steam Cleaning and Washing Douglas I IcKay Che vrclel Company 510 North Commercial Ph. 3188 A Lodcr 'Tune-up' ViU Avoida'Breahdovm' Being towed back to a garage because of engine failure is an aggravating experience . . . but it could have been and 'will be avoided if you let Loder Bros, give your car a motor tune-up ... drive in AIID VICCIIT7 IPirates, Hedi Sox COBI Williams' Homer Helps Bosox Trim A's; Pitts Stop Cincys The ominous impact of Ted Williams' bat is beginning to be iivsti va wa uuvil was;. ukii i.hii ivituv uiiu vucasaas a a jvivu) so a. the loop's hurlers. . Following up on his initial circuit clout of the campaign Friday against Philadelphia Ted walloped another yester $5,000 Event Set, Meadows PORTLAND, Ore, April 19-P) The stakes program for the Port land Meadows horse racing due to open May 1? will feature a $5,000 Memorial day mile and one-sixteenth handicap. General Manager W. P. Kynej said today. The Memorial day program will open at 2:00 p. m., the only day light event of the 25 day or more meeting. Weekday races will start at 7:30 p. m. and the Saturday cards with 10 races at 7:00 p. m. The May inaugural will feature two $1,500 purses. 'Handy' Aces Make Advance Second-round action in Class A, B and C singles of the YMCA's Four-Wall Handball tourney was completed Saturday and the decks cleared for resumption of doubles competition on Monday. Feature match of the singles doings saw Lee Shinn beat Fred Hagemann. 21-18, 21-19 Saturday to go into the class A Finals Wed nesday opposite Henry Singer who had downed Jack Teague, 21-18, 21-14 on Friday. Other singles re sults included: Class B Cobe Grabenhorst topped Ned Burriss, 21-16, 21-12; Bob Parks trimmed Don Douris, 21-11, 2118; Warren Doolittle decisioned Bob Hamil ton, 21-15, 10-21, 21-7; and Joe Devers whipped Bob Rethke, .21 12, 21-14. Class C Doug Cham bers beat Bill Shepherd, 21-17, 10-21, 21-19; Lee Weins tipped Cecil Quesseth, 21-18, 21-10; and Dick Chambers dropped- Nichols, 21-18, 21-10. The B and C win ners next go into the semi-finals, to be played Tuesday. , Louis-Murray Bout Sought DETROIT, April IMVHeavy weight Champion Joe . Louis to day was offered a flat $150,000 guarantee to. defend his title in Detroit next summer against Lee Q. Murray' of South- Norwalk, Conn., Matchmaker Nick Londes announced. Londes, who did not specify where the fight would be staged, said he Was awaiting word from Louis and his handlers on the proposition. , Bearcat Divoters Wallop Badgers Willamette's golf squad handed Pacific a 14-4 trouncing yesterday on the local course to up their season's record to two wins against one loss. Jack Goodman took medalist honors with a 76. Graham, Moore, Dow, and Wicks each garnered three points for the Bearcats, with Schultz carding 14 and Benage 4. The "Cats next match is with Portland Uni versity here Friday "Waltons Slate Meet SILVERTON John McKean, head biologist of the state game commission, will be the speaker at the Monday night open meet ing of the Silverton - -chapter, Isaak Walton league, .announces Allen Gribble, chapter president; Voice now Promoter LOS ANGELES April 18 -1 Crooner Frank Sinatra announced today the signing of Heavyweight Joe Walcott, Camden, N and Joey Maxim of Cleveland for an outdoor bout in June at Holly wood's Gilmore stadium - r J today! FOD 19 YEilDS I UrBbeateiu day against the A s and also chip ped in with a double and single to lead the Boston Red Sox to a 4-2 wih-the Bosox fourth straight of. the new season. In other American league games Washington's Sid Hudson held the New York Yan kees to four hits as the Solons won out, 4-2and Cleveland slapped an extra-base barrage at Freddie Hutchinson, downing the, Detroit Tigers, 5-3 the Tribe's first vic tory of the year. The Chicago White Sox and St. Louts were rained out. -."The.. Pittsburgh Pirates contin ued to ride high in the National circuit as they kept their record unmarred with a 6-1 nod over the Cincinnati Reds behind the three hit pitching of Nick Strncevtch and some clutch hitting by,, Jan Russell. The Chicago Cubs chalked up their initial win, routing the SL, Louis Cardinals and Alpha Brazie. 7-1. Home runs by Johnny Mize and Bill Rigney pushed the New Brooklyn, and in a Boston Patriot's uay uouote-neaaer r,m craves iogk the opener from Philadelphia, 9-3, with the Phillies coming back to grab the nightcap; 9-2. NATIONAL LEAGUE Clucaso ; 100 200 3011 IS St. Louts . T cio oue ooet a i Chlpman and Scheff.nc: Braxle. Dckson 7) Burkhart Hi and R.ce. Cincinnati i..T. 000 001 oa- J t Plttsburch ;320 100 00 S O Lively,- Helkl 111 Hidd:e i aod Mueller; Strincevari) and Jarvm. - Brooklyn . 003 000 OfKKJ - 7 New York - ...... 1 010 00 -4 It t Branca. Ihshe ill Cmr (l and Fdwurdr; Kennedy, Votwie fit ad Conner, (first) Philadelphia OfiO M3 OoS 3 S 3 Boston ,050 Oli) 12- 12 t HuKhes. Koerher t7 and Padg-ett; Wright and Masi. - , t..- (Second fame) Philadelphia 52fl 020 000 t It 1 Boston 000 002 00 3 SS Raifensberrer and Semmtck: Bar rett. G. Elliott (2) Lanfrancor.i S and Camelli. . New York . 600 000 2002 4 I Washington 000 04.J 00 4. Page. Gum pert 5) Byrne (Si Drewa (7) Shea (7) and Robir.son. Hudson and Evans. Cleveland .100 202 0005 t I Detroit . 000 030 0943 1 Black and Lopez; Hutchinson and Tebbetts. . -Boston :... . 000 000 0C2 24 t 1 Philadelphia - 100 900 013 ft 2 S Hushson. Dnrif h (Sj and Wacner Coleman and Rosar. Middle Bout Set, Chicago ; - CHICAGO, April lM-Tony Zale, world's middleweight cham pion, will risk his- title for the second time against his fiery chal lenger, Brooklyn's Rocky Grazi ano, in a return I5-rouhi -match in Chicago late In June or early July. . - The bout was approved today at a special meeting of the Illinois- athletic commission which required the managers of both boxers each to post' $10,000 for feit within 30 days for the scrap. Tin ian Mittmen Win - Chemawa Indian school boxers won a 'number of -matches to a Eugene appearance Friday night. In the 135-pound class Fred Whitewolf TKO'd Dick Hogan, Vancouver, B. C, In the second round, and in the 126-pcund di vision Al "SUckagoo decisioned Wayne DeWitt of Eugene. RAIIDALL'S Announce the' Opening of their ELIaHOmi Guest Hansh on 'v. APRIL 28 for the opening ef fishing season. Dae te the limited number we eae iframm date. EESE K 1TATIOXS WILL BE EEQU1EED. ' Write the ranch at Mehama, Oregon. 18 miles E. efMe hama ea the ETkhora Kd. Available new. Baseball Caps la All Sixes and Colors. lTave yoa left rour ume for tbe free pair of fUhinx Boots? liSlilauW iz nci.