Cl! AMBER LISTS MEMBERS ' New member received by Sa lem Chamber M Commerce this week include F. Gilbert Lieser, Challenger Publishing Co, West Salem; Ralph W. Bent, route 9, Salem; A. P. Mennis and Merle IX La pp. set-rite station operator art 485 S. Commercial st4 W. P. Roble, Salem fire chief; Ernest A. Boock, Boock Building Block Co.; W. W.- Stewart, Kemper Thomas Co.; Charles D. Co. Du rand Motors;' - A. Gorton and Lee Andrews of Marion Electric Co. Northern Lawr mowers, limited Quantity. R. I Elfstrom Co. Plate (lass now available. Don Brown. EHstrom'a. Dance Toni ght, Crystal Gardenia River silt, top soil and fin dirt Co ail Sand U Gravel. Ph. 21960. NDKBEKT NOKTOX HOME Home on 22-day leave aftsr av rear's navy duty in China is Jforbert Norton, S 2c, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Norton, route 4, box 309, Salem. Another son, Rob ert, .now an Oregon State college student, served with the navy in - China before his discharge..-. G. E. automatic blankets a year "round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept. R. L. Elfstrom Ca - - V Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens. For factories, offices Sc business uses, 12 General -Electric wall docks. $12.48. Uz incL R. L." Elf strom Co. Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens. BUDGE REPLACED A fill and pipe culvert axe be ing installed on the South River road, about five miles south of Salem, to replace a small wooden bridge, Marion County Commis sioner Ed Rogers said Friday. Obituary StHIT Mrs. Elizabeth DeHut at th rest' aencc. S4S Division street, Wednesday. April IS.. Wife of Charles DeHut of Salem; daughter of W. L. Thomas of Salem: another of Mrs. Leon KiUingeT rf Salem, and Mr. Detoris Newcum of Los Anreles; and sister of Mrs. Edith FVld In Vircinia. Services will be held Saturday. April It. at 2 p.m.. In the Oougb-Bamck chapel. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. WOODS Lotus D. Woods, late resident of Portland, at Pendleton. April. IS. Aunt of Robert Monroe. Inflewood, Calif. travestde services wiu be neld Man day. Aoni St. at 1 JO pjn. at the Forest Lawn Park cemetery at Cresham. Ore gon., Direction W. T. Ktgdon company AN SEN Hubert Hansen, late resident of 14S Cefelle St.. at a local hospital, Thurs day. April 17. Survived by bis wife. day. April IT. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Ollie Hansen; a sister. Mrs. Carl An port. Salem; a brother. Leon Han' en. Salem. Services will be held Sat urday. April IS. at 1:30 p m. at the Cloush-Barrtck chapel. Ritualistic serv Sees bv Salem SPOE No. 136. Inter' ment at the . City View cemetery, the Jtev.'rrana: uuiver omciaung. - wEsjr- ' Mrs. Saltna B. West, at the residence 255 Market st April IS. Survived by her dauxhter. Edna May West of Sa- lr.: four sisters. Mrs. Alice Nash of Salem. Mrs. Eva Hayes of Seattle, wash, Mrs. Clara Hotter of Redlands, Cal:f, and Mrs. Lueile Barnert of Port land: and a brother. Charles Ross of Senora. Calrf. Servteaa will be- Monday, April Zl. at S p in the Clouch-Bar- nck chapel. Shipment will be made to Montana or interment. W A Of Eat . v- Michael 3. Warner, at the residence on route Z. Salem. Thursday, Asm 17, at the at of S3 years. Survived by eiffct boos and daughters. Chris War ner. Lodt. Calif.: Mrs. Mary Rieb, Van couver. B.C.: Jacob T. , Benjamin, J. L. and Michael Wagner and Mrs. Kate jsraunoerger and Miss Betty Warner, all of Salem, and by IS grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. . Member of Seventh Dmy Advenust church. Serv ices will be held at Howell-Edwards chapel Monday. April 21. at 2 pm-, with Elder G. T. Dickinson officiating. ar-Tfi i ii 1 1 at itt v lew c-meterv . .EVERY- FUNERAL " 1 SERVICE entrusted to jus is individually planned and personally direct ed --its cost determined by the family's wishes. - HOWELL . EDWARDS Salesa Faaeral Chapel 545 N. Capitol 8L Fhane Hit Garload KuJlES Sioch Up at These WHOLESALE PRICES Fadorf Packed CASE 1 case 1.93 8 doz. 1.C3 1 dez. Don't Miss This Money-Sarinr Opportunity At Ft of Bridie WEST SALEM . MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Mothers dismissed from Salem General hospital Friday with, their inlant daughters are Mrs. Har vey Anders. 3225 Silverton rd., Mrs. Francis O. Allen, 780 . N. Winter at, and Mrs. Robert Irwin, 1313 N. 16th St. Dismissed with their sons were Mrs. Robert D. Morrow, route t, Salem; Mrs. M. H. tgriman, 3311 Center st; Mrs. Doyle Satter, route 8, Salem; Mrs. C H. Godsey, 128 Hansen ave and Mrs. Floyd R. BickelL i route SMiiem. r Exnert Wralrh Ar f-lrwk ronalrln, S day service at Stevsns Jewelry. Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens. Dancer-Salem Armory. Marine Corps, League presents Say April 19. Ulen Williams and his all vet. erans orchestra. 85c, tax included. Novelties. ' Dance Sat Silverton Armory. 1VTE BKOUGHT HERE Walter Ronald Ivie of I Bend was held in Marion county jail Friday night under 750 bail on a Salem justice court warrant charging larceny, and will appear in that court for arraignment this morning. - Ivie was brought to Sa lem Friday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff William DeVall after his release from Rocky Butte jail in Multnomah county. ! A New location Cronise Studio, 439 Court St, over Smith Baking ;Ca Dexter lawn mower and grinding aenrifw. Ih orb r-enter. . Dance Sat Silverton Armory. Reduce the health way. Be slim and feel good. Phone 6253.! CHECKS OS LABOR NEED Ernest Leonettl of Portland, rural industries supervisor for the Oregon state employment I serv ice, was in Marion county Friday, along with C. M. Litchfield of Sa lem's office, contacting key can- nerymen regarding expected la j5or needs for the - approaching season and discussing plans for labor supply. Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens." I! Insured savings earn more than two per. cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li' berty street. ! ' Dance Salem Armory. 'Marine Corps. League presents Sat April 19.. Glen Williams and his all vet erans orchestra. 85c, tax included. Novelties Dance Sat Silverton Armory. FILES FOR LAUNDRY Assumed business name as the De Lux "Serve-Seir laundry, 385 Jefferson st- was filed with Mar ion county clerk Friday by C. H. and Edna H. Sanders, 231 N. High st. j Dr. Wiles Dentist, 701 First Nat Bank. Phone 492,1 for immediate appointment. , " j Top dirt and fill dirt free for the hauling. Reinholdt & Lewis, 580 S. 21st st . . j Dance Tonight Crystal Gardens.' - i .. For sale: Mollis Azaleas in bloom, Strayer Azalea Fields, 589 Lo- ' CmZI'N CLASS TONIGHT Regular meeting of the Salem YMCA citizenship class 'will be at 8 o'clock tonight at the YM with C. A. Kells, general jsecre- tary, in charge . Dance at Norma ndv Manor Fri day and Saturday nights, Ben Clay Trio. Dance Sat Silverton Armory. . i- Electrical contracting. No ! delay. Births ranMSflUTZ - To Mr. and "Mrs. 1 G. Trommlitz. 330 Acade my st, a daughter, Friday; April 18 at Salem General hospi'?' STEVENS To Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Stevens, 230 N. 18th st., a son, Friday, April 18, at; Salem General hospital. KANOFF - To Mr. and Mrs. James Kanoff, Lebanon, a son, Friday, April 18, at Salem Dea coness hospital. f - J 1 1 5c Vi ML N. U Vaderpaaa SALEM Mead I NOHLGRENS INCORPORATE Articles ' of incorporation for The Nohlgrens" were filed with Marion county clerk Friday by Ralph, Roland F. and . Evelyn Nohlgren of Salem. The corpora tion with 150 shares of capital stock totaling $3000 par value, lists its business as preparation and serving of food, dealing in automobile service and various other tourist trade. The enter prise la the restaurant and hotel concession at Silver Falls state park, leased by the Nohlgrens. Wanted, experienced waitress, evening shift steady, Sundays m m s a m ou, nae s couee anop, ii fiaic st Dance Tonight Crystal Gardens. Johns-Manville Asphalt Shingles applied by expert Roofers. Terms to suit your purse. Buy the best at no extra cost. Free estimates. Ph. 4842. Mathis Bros., 164 S. CommerciaL . TRAINING SESSION SET , Second in a series of training meetings for employment security deputies in the Salem office, state employment service, is slated for Tuesday and Wednes day at the public school adminis tration building, according to W. H. Baillie, : Salem manager. , The course is taught by Chandler Ste vens and Clark Woodcock of the Portland OSES office. Dance Sat Silverton Armory. Weslx electric 2.i 1C W. & 2 BL W built-in' wall heaters now avail able.1 It L, Elfstrnm fn . Dance Tonight Crystal Gardens. CAMP HEADS TO MEET ' John Gardner and Chet Good man, director and assistant for the Salem YMCA camp at Silver Creek recreational area, are to spend Tuesday at Camp Wild- wood, near Canby, at a meeting of camp directors in he Oregon section of the American Camping association. Wanted to rent 2 or S bedroom house.' City or suburban. Reliable tenant In btuineca. Ph. 7311. 20-30 sponsors rummage sale above Greenbaums, Knights of Pvtfiiaa hall 240 N. rnm'l SI Rummage sale Friday and Satur day at Knights of Pythias hall. 240 N. Com'L upstairs. GROCERY NAME FILED Harold D. Abbott and WilUam Whitmore, both of Hubbard, filed with the Marion county clerk Fri day an assumed business name certificate for the Hubbard food market at Hubbard. Another shipment "Clmens mow ers $32.95. Farmers Hdw. Co., 115 So. Com. Overhead earaae door sets 115.00 Farmers Hdw. Co, 115 So. Com. Saturday service on Plumbing, Heating, Wiring and Pumps costs No Extra at Judson's. Ph. 4141. DISMISSED BY DEACONESS Two mothers dismissed from Salem Deaconess hospital Friday are Mrs. Milo Syverson, 940 Wil bur st., with her daughter and Mrs. Elmer McCarty of route 2, 2aiem, with her son. J Pink dogweed. azaleas, rhododen drons, magnolias, camellias. Knight Pearcy nursery. So. Lib erty, .3 blks. S. of State. FLAX CARPET LAID . A moss green colored flax car pet made in Salem, was laid in the manager's office of Salem Chamber of Commerce Friday. It is the gift of Oregon Flax Textiles. Old Time Dance tonight 259 Court, mleat FARMER'S SUPPLY HOUSE Attention Boarding Houses, Restaurants, Meat Markets . Buy Wholesale, Save $$$ Sleer Beef (Grade A) Sides L Jb. 36c SPECIAL PRICES ON BEEF CUTS Pork Loins U-Lb. Averare.i ...Ib. 49 c Pork Shoulders 12 im 14-Lb. Areraae lb. 41c Bacon Back JTimTw. S4c Picnic Hams Sarar-CarecL. Old Style Polish Hing$ Cooked Salami u Lb. sucks.. Fancy Lillle Pig Link Sansages n. 50 C Across from Ualers Ball Park i25lh and Turner Road --''. . Phon 3013 - - Opn 8 to 8 - - 8-Day Weak IncL Saturday How long has it been since your eyes were ; examined? MA, 1 Dr. 1 L E.Brif . y Your old glasses may not only be out oi style . , . they, may not b -what your eyes need today I Come in for . cm eye-examination now. Improve your eyesight, and your appearance ... both. Dignified Credit BORING OPTICAL COMPANY TAYLOR DELEGATED E. A. Taylor, chief deputy state fire marshal, has been delegated by Gov. Earl Snell to represent Oregon at the President's con ference on fire prevention May 6-8 in Washington, D. C. Taylor has been appointed to the con vention committee which will study and make recommendations on building codes, public use of safety devices, fire safety regula tions and financing of structural improvements by property own ers. Refinish your own floors. Rent a floor sander from Wood row's, 440' Center St ! PLANS APARTMENT HOUSE M. Cramer was issued a permit by the city engineer's office Fri day to build a $14,000 apartment house at 647 N. High st Other permits issued were to H. E. Pade and C. B. Keen, for a $6,800 house at 360 S. 20th st; Abrams & Skin ner, $6,000 house at 560 N. 21st st; Milton Larsen, for $850 alter ations to a house at 2241 Claude st, and to L. D. Brennen, for $50 repairs to a house at 1245 N. 19th st Bedding and vegetable plants. Azaleas, perennials. Pemberton's, 1980 S. 12th SL Ph. 23318. STATE POSITIONS OPEN Openings for a . vitaf statistics registrar and an accounts execu tive with the state board of health in Portland were announced Fri day by the state civil service com mission which will accept appli cations at 444 Center st until May 10. , Competitive examina tions will be given. Starting 'pay is S30U per month for the accounts executive and $280 for the regis trar. Air-Steamship tickets i anywhere. Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol St AUTOS COLLIDE Cars driven by Ernest Earl Porter of route 8, Salem, and Ru fus A. LitUefield of Seattle, Wash., collided at 9 a.m. Friday at Center 4and Summer streets, city police report Policemerf said Sam Olsen, of Tacoma, a passen ger in the LitUefield car, struck his head on the windshield, shat tering the pane. Olsen told poliee be was unhurt. Dahlia bulbs, cabbage, lettuce, to mato bedding plants. Pansys, pe rennials, shrubs. Boyd Nursery, 2440 Stat St LINDBECK GOING TO CHINA Lt Cmdr. John Land beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck, of Salem, is aboard the USS To ledo which left New York this week for Shanghai via the Medi terranean. Lindbeck expects to be placed on destroyer duty upon his arrival in Shanghai. HIT-RUN REPORTED J. W. Clark of route 2, Turner, told city police that the left rear fender of his car, parked in the 400 block of Marion street was damaged at about 12 JO p.m. Fri- day, when struck by a car- which did not stop after the crash. Oil your road 8c settle the dust. rail Turti 089(1 NONE HURT IN CRASH ' No one was hurt in a collision at Cottage and Mill streets at about 4:30 p.m. Thursday involv ing cars driven by LeRoy Wilson of route 8. Salem, and by Sidney Smith of 454 Ferry st., city police report Ben Clay, Trio Friday and Saturday Normandy Manor ib. 39 c ib 35 c .... .lip 45 c by Dr. Sasa Hacfces ABANDONED CAR FOUND An abandoned car. stolen from Harold E. Sherman, 835 D st. was found about two miles north of Keizer school on the Lakebrook hop yard road Thursday! by city detectives. All the tires and wheels, a new battery, the seat and seat covers had been! stripped from the car, according to the detectives" reports. i Standard Cleaners & Dyers. Also rug Be drapery cleaning. Pick up Sc delivery service at no extra cost. Give S&H green stamps. Ph. 8779. . ELECTRONICS TO LOCATE A permanent site fori Salem's electronics warfare unit, U. S. na val reserve, will be announced at the 8 p.m. Monday meeting- at the YMCA, Cmdr. E. A. Meola. in charge of the group, said Friday. Meola also said that assignments for drill pay billets will be made Monday . MRS. LAMOUREUX DIES Mrs. Elsie Lamoureux. native of Salem and formerly a matron at Fairview home, died Thursday night in Seattle where she had lived in recent years. She was a sister 'of Mrs. Emma Murphy Brown of Salem and of Mrs. J. H. Robnett of Albany. The funeral will be held Monday in Seattle. OLIVER DILLESIIAW DIES Oliver C. Dilleshaw, Astoria restaurateur and brother; of Wil liam Dilleshaw of Salem, died this week in Astoria, according to word received here. He had sut fered a heart attack. , f. Izaak Walton, who achieved im mortality writing about j the joys of fishing, was a London iron monger by trade. Don't "Guess WHEN YOU BUILD CompleU plana & mater ial lists. Prevent , Expensive Mistakes I George E. Weeks RU. X. Box 689E Sales Paul 23181 So gay o and pretty . . . You'd never guess they're for Mothers-to-be 7 98 It's time to wear the gayest, v mo-t becoming frocks you evrr ownedt Sketched here are two of WarJ four brand new styles, that are flatter ing ... young . . . concealing. Rich floral patterns in soft-as-a-clouil rayoa that's clev erly cut for letting out.T la sites from 12 to 20. AJ4 this purchae to your Monthly Payment Account. Allen Lauds Legislature Though legislative processes, as demonstrated here recently by the 83-day state session, are "seem ing confusion, the new laws which result are by and large con structive, Eric Allen, secretary to Gov. Earl Snell. told the Salem Board of Realtors Friday. In the long run, this is "still the . best and fairest type of government" he declared. Alien said some criticism of the legislature is justified, but that much of the slowness of decision is due to lack of teamwork, oc casioned by the presence of many excellent leaders and "few to fol low. The fact that many people now fWYodW's si: 1 ' Let our Registered Optometrist examine your eyes and fit them with fine modern eyewear that flatters your personal appearance, ' - Optical Service Member Better Vision Institute iJi : ' J ST - Sized 12 to Th Statesman, Salem, Oregon. look to government for security was credited by Allen with cre ating an enlarged welfare prob lem. He said the latest legislature appeared to have returned to an earlier theory of welfare, pfat it should depend on need, rather than any right to security. Show Profits to Co to- Conserve Myrtlewoods Profit made by the Salem Men's Garden club from the spring gar den show April 26-27 will go en tirely to the statewide fund for conservation of Oregon ' myrtle wood trees. President Mark Tay lor of the local dub said Friday. Many clubs of the Salem area will exhibit early blooms at the two-day show in the local YMCA. scheduled to open at Z pjm. next It i. i.C ' -"""'-- asa" - ' a) V mum Saturday, April 18. 1347 5 Law Club Fetes Visitor at Dinner Jason Lee Law dub ofT Wil lamette university entert lined Friday night with a dinner party at Normandy Manor in honor of Milton Greene of University oCr Washington, province president at Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. Supreme Court Justice Arthur Ot , Hay and Seward Reese, dean V ' the Willamette college of law. The club has petitioned - fo election as a chapter of Phi Delta Phi. In charge of arrangements. Friday night were Richard Spooo . er of Portland, chairman, and; Orville Hager of Lincoln, Nebtv. club president . Saturday. Mercnandize prizes wiDi be awarded winning exhibitors. 0 s rritiiii. .,ii julIi 1 'wi' Sizes 12 to IS tlllUQ tt) CeaH Phesw Mf