For Sale Rc! EUite' f For Sale -Heal EiUte T&faMmv For Saliiii. For Safe UstmI Cars For Ssle Used Cars TWStaWomqfL Salem. Orsxyotv friday, Aprfl- it. 197H For Sale Used Can For Sale Used Cars ? . HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP PHONE 25224 . i .; " - . v i , ' CITY PROPERTY ! - fttfltf AW furnished S Bedroom home wtth bath. UK. K. Builtlns. Cooking and . water Mtia -gas, aeuale garage. cIoh to bus and schools. Si TOO N Seaman style borne. 1 bedroom, bath. LR. K. Builtina. Venetian; Blind. caoKBi. water besting and heating all electric, garage, all furnished. .lose to by sn4 school. Possession immediately. - $7300 1 are t north, ati plastered bungalow. 2 Bed rooms,, bath. LR. DR. K, Aribm, Baaament. cooking electric, water beating gas. heating- KM. ciLM bus and achooia. fruit trees. j. SUBURBAN PROPERTY . ' . 15900 Acre Kmzct District. 2 Bedroom bungalow all fumlsbed. cooking - etectne. water -heotmg electric, garage, chicken houae. fruit, nuta. rriS lT AT&oraoonfalow. bath. LR. Dinette. K. Builtlns, Venetian Binae. automatic oU beat, garage, bua by door, fruit trees, j ag i. Acre. 2 Bedroom name. bath. U a D combined. K. Bull tin. Cook ing and water nesting electric. aU plastered, garage, eioae to bua, fam ily orchard, grope, nice yard with outdoor fireplace. , - , S00 , Acre, new g Bedroom home, alt plastered, hardwood floors. Cooking, water beating and heating all electric garafa. close to bua. j BUSINESS PROPERTY i ' 0300 Service Station. Crae. and 2 Bedroom Living- quarter, partly Mocked. rhM it a good investment in a good location. Be sure to see this. fan. -ps, inventory amys Grocery Store complete, stack, fixtures and real estate, with living ejaarters. , ! PHONE IfHM -j HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP REAL ESTATE jais Fairground stood r . , Evenings Phone 2,-0600 SALEM REALTY COMPANY j ; A -nv ac 1 bdrm. nouse an lot 60 x ZOO. Greek In pack. Coo location. 2 bdrnbns?ot Ketaerw.. very good in every detaiL vj blinds. Irice t7S We bebeee either as the above- Witt go GX . L.,,. j Brn. borne! Attractive and new. unflniahed attic. Englewood district. 'iSverr Ranch Type- wawae. S bdrms. auto oil Heat, comer Jot. Englewood eUst la. Caa he j lii aay tin. Call Mr. Holmes or Don Tungate. SUBURBAN -i'i A. eultrra4 tand. Comfortab,le 1 bdrm. house, furnished Including XL , tove and Wash tl tr rnni. rL UOOO ACTe- B1C "VT.". -.TaTT. H Ai-n, U7 I Willi add houae with eieCTrumr ra ptsuiy TXcer Unol Wding ail. tr.ri a i and view, mar crey aim, ucuw -. AcwaTastTi AatMivated. 4 acres small Umber and pasture. Ideal to develop, -a work . T1JMr I Crorer, ..Wiet-raod laioStock fWuTe. Included 1 pric gsaj K icsipoom antowaauon. Pleasa esil In person. SALEM REALTY COMPANY j -REALTORS 1 N. agk Street ErcaiAC, (1M: ,773: 8. Tor Sale Real Estate PHONE 6472 New S tm. plastered hew with dn. Liv R as kit. t'nimtahed up. Wired JU Tfre elec. bet waten Garsge. t300. Call Mr. Gardner. . S yrs. .Jd. J Bdrms. On. Wt. Wired for ranee. Eiec bt water. Oil fur nace. fireplace, garage. CaU Mr. Gardner. : 9 yrs ok!. V Bdrms, rUwred home. P uU bsmt- OU furnace, lrge lot. trays. Wired for rW83. water. Garage. 35e. Call Mr. Gard- 1 Chair Barber ko with aU eguip snent. Reasonable rent. oad leaae, YloiO sSaeTavailaowa for beeoty Shop. Call Mr. Crawford. 51 Completely "J? wtth furniahed baaManaart apt. mont Dm. Very neat. SMOe. Call Mr. Craa-ford. Kew. wekMTat, t BR - th. Hwd. floors; Oil beat, tMaed for range. Large lot. $8000. CaU Mr. Crawford. Burt Picha, Rcaltora whone vn TjO Fartlapq Koaa l se x lis J 50 a 124 J 50 X U i - w i m $550 seoa. TOO an. fOOea. These lots are acqaccm a bought m a groan at a eonaiderabie aavuig. An ideal Ceort sate. T. A. Bergland Real Estate . f.'' ; "S20S Portland Road -Phone 2-10T3 Res. H for Sale-arma 4i A. I A. strawbarriea. 4 walnut trees. S5 R. A. cfaernea, U A- pasture. A. oats. 1 room Iksuae. bed R bath. new electric range. gal. CX water heater, oil circulator heater. Barn. imp. shed. -I chicken- houses, wood shed, smoker asaaae. pig houae. cow barn to psatmre. Will sell all or keep the furniture- 1 wule west, U mi. norm wf Maeieay. . a. Boa; XI. Jt. H. Edwards. - ' -'- BARGAIN TODAY v mrm 9 mflea from SUvertoo. on Higbvsjr. ma yeaw erwpk. bedroom borne, pressure aretec ssabla garage, barn, same fruit and nttts. $5500.00 . E. P. HITT , ! 3D5b North "Water, SHverton . rbawe Ot - a SEAL nice wama on' la east.'Lv rm. D rm. kitcwen. X bdrms, bath, hwd floors, fireplace, oil furnace. eurtra room wta nrepiace wt raw -meet. A food buy at i tau mi. WALTERS. Huff Real! Estate Qo. Besttors Ml Oesneketa $t Phrase t79S Eves. 1-SIW t3M-fOl'R SU tone on S acres good sort. Lota trout, apples, pears, grapes, 1 acre alberta. CaU Mr. WAL TERS. Huff Real Estate Co. - Realtors Ml Cnemeketa St. 1TJM tM 2-5260 " J RM HOUSE an . A. Fruit, nuts ax bono. Elee. water sysiem. wsua. Jiorth. Call IO SMITH. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ml Chemeketa St - Phone 1-1S4 , Evea. 041 Walnut Orchard! 1J Acres, never has paid less than SV on SM000. . C. H. SANDERS PI W. Wth i 8gH STOCKED AND EQUlFr'ttl US V e Vmrw niM mrtrfl n a been bouse. Lrv. R, Din. R, Kit. bath. M A. CUIt.. M crop. UK. waier aysMcui. Wired for ranee. Elec. water heater. 1 iAv zjk K.i-n IS atuu-humm- eood aoO. 11 cows. 1 boll, smtkmg equip- -snecx. JOfm u. wui. nnmKK farm eorpment. shop. tttJOO. R. A. Forkncr, Realtor H yrs. Bollywood 1853 N. Caoitol St. . Phone 3031 CITY COUNTRY 10 Acres with perpetual wst- . er. Family orchard. Very mod ern 7 rm becne. Lots of ma chinery. 10 mi am tea from down town. $3000 gets poasesaton. No.' 2. . . A PARMER'S PAUd Present naatt reUring after IT yrs on this 00 acres, to A. bottom. It A, orchards. All crops in. 0 room house, good bam and other out bldesx Price $144)00 includes 4 milk cows. 4 young stuff, and crops. Ho. 1811. Reimann Real Estate 1 South Hteh " Phone 0a03 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR " 454 Court, St. Phono 78M FARM VALUES Fruit Or Nut Farm.. Z5 A rm House, North High Prod, IS A Walnuts aV, peaches. V A fUberts, A berries. very fine farm. -33 A. South, i rm house, barn. toul- try bouse, garage, lis A timber, bal ance cult, u A orchard, live springs. uoae m. Joe Hutchison Realtor. 455 Court -St. phone 7690 "to ACBXS. acres berries. 21 acres oats, stock, machinery and. furniture available. For information can 2-2280. Joseph Karbens. Rt. 3. Bos: O30. "TOR SALE OREGON STOCK RANCHES And divert it led farms If Interested .arrita far iialinea. JL. H. SCHMITT. Real Estate .Broker trtnevue. Oregon W w- aaM imTeA- VTV afatftfl A YT. erases, assies, sr m T " t-t "iisn, - . j , JgJ.X4 Phone 7600 Aereaer 7 ACRES EXCli. FIRST TIME L,llt.Lf ! OompL fum. 3 B.R bam. lovely ftmitnrn till tsOOimt furasaacRL 4 A. orchard, baU In pasture at alfalfa I JL. nl.a loa rhlrkrm. This is really a nice place. $l0. i Terms. . . .... r. . t w. 0 . , i - - with j William E. Moses SSI "4 State St. - Phone 4993 i- jw u r suhuriun nuiuauiv. uv rwu. din. rm, bdrm, hwd. floors. Nice w .... v. Mrifli Snr van, elee. hot water heater., well. elec. pump, i sevr ersi trees. Mel vin Johnson 540 N. Cottage 'phone 8723 ainna TViwn Unfinished haaj t A. Good ' dist. Modern const. Bus line. Edge of city. j Olson & Reeve, Realtors 045 8. Comcl. Ph. 4590; Eve. OS30 (500. 0 ACRES. 5 rm. modern hie. Also small has. Vsriety fruit; Tele phone. Close to school & store. 7l,t mi. S.W. of Salem. i Olson & Reeve, Realtors Q40 S. Comcl. Ph. 4S90: Eve. 9836 ' : VtEw. site 1 to acres. mi. South of Salem. Owner will plan $ build to suit right nartv. Minimum total investment re quired $12,000. George E. . Weeks. Rt. 3. bo otwe. bsiem. in. ijibi. S ACRES NORTH i ' Dandy 3 BJt. home with attach, ga range. basement and furnace, only four years old. excellent soil. $19,900. Sullivan Realty Inc. ; REALTORS " H " ' 3365 PortUnd Rd. Phone 3255 : AcRftS j 'LARGE 2 BR. aU modern ! home, completely furnished,' Inc. new ref. and elect, range. 10 x 14 chicken house, variety of 16 fruit trees, 3 acres boy era berries. $9050. - - , r Sullivan Realty Inc. ' . . REALTORS - I ' " 3305 PortUnd Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves; 3-5031 - 2 ACRES TWO BEDROOM MODERN HOME. aB completely furnished wtth new fur niture, rugs, elect, range. V.B.. a v.ery nice looking place with white fence around front. You must see this one at $9000. f Sullivan Realty Inc. - REALTORS . " j 3303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves: 2-5831 U ACRE FRUIT AND BERHT FARM Six acres R.A. cherries. 4 acres Ital ian DruaeL l'.i acres Imp. Elberta paachn. 3 acres aoganberries. 0 acres strawberries. 1 acre gooseberries. S acres filberts, year round spring, dark sou. beautiful building srte. Should net around $4000 this year, ihn nrilea from Salem, saooo to pwxw an. wtu nanaie. $0500 full price. j Sullivan Realtv Inc. realtors' i 33S0 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: EveaJ 2-5031 $4450. 2 A. WITH clean 2-BR home North. Close to bus. Goragej Elect water heater. Good well, elect pump. Chicken house. Immediate pases salon. $6990. , A. large ftlberta with new modern S-BR hosne East. Caraga. elect water heater. Good well, elect pump. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with ' State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 2-5501 ' SSOOO. NSW s-room home and .a A. in Fruitland dist. This bouse is at tractive with an attached garage. Gar den space- and fruit trees. t $11X00. Late built 9-RM home NX with 0 acree. This home has oak floors. Attached garage. Beautiful fir grove on paca oc acreage nice urwn ana shrubs. . CaO O. V. Hume with' ; State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High "St. Phone 4121 ' $2500. UVAbLC but not finished heme in SJL section -oi city. Nice lot. This is a buy for the right person. $3050. 2-BR home and k A. close te 4-Corners. Well as elect pump, car $4300. 3 A, and S-room homo close to bus line South. Has bath, elect water htr. wired for range Garage chicken house. This is . an extra good Call O.' V. Hume with i State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hieh St. Phone 4121 . io Acres i Mod. house, f urn. Farm tools, tratrtor. AU go for sssoo. in $4 ACRES " i BJL house, laundry trayi. and ga rage, nam. cntcxen house. Terms, E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Commercial ' ; Phone ;-5497 -40 A. near Cloverdale school. 30 A. eultrvated. Well drained soil, good im provements, 3 houses. Spring water, also small creek. Family fruit. : Price sharply cut for quick sale. Only 17350. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig I 147 H. Commercial St. ' BY owner: 2a acres. 4 bedroom house, chicken house, barn and stock Ideal for large family. Rt. 7. box 104. On Lancaster Drive. P. W. Foley. BY OWNta, $ acres on Lancaster Drive. 2 acres In strswbenies. 3 in boTsenberries. Sot owner at 041 Hign- isna are. v Suburban M.t srmrrRRAMT Small cuts home, ideal for 'small family. Extra building site. Just out side City limits, uood terms may do arranged, run price $54Z9. j Murphv Realty Coi v . REALTOR 1260 S. Commercial PH. 603; ve, 1789 FILBERTS 4 WALNUTS 155 t acres In aU. 125 A. In culUvation. TO A. walnuU. 50 A. filberts and some timber. Comfortable 0 room home, lights, water and bath, large barn, modern oil burning 2 tunner dryer. Well located on paved Hiway. Out of town wner, must liquidate estate for immediate sale-$32,500. Also includes late- model tractor, disc and seeding drill. ? ... - -" . LEE OHMART & 477 COURT ST. Suburban Suburban Market St. road. Better built S room house, h.w. floor, fully Insulated. Tub Si shower bath. Elect, water system. Double garage. A. good sou. As sorted family orchard Sc berries. For quick sale. $9600. HayesvUle Dist. $ acres. Best of soil. Excellent 5 room house, h.w. floors, coved ceiling. Attached garage. Per fect country setting. $10,900. 10 A, paved highway. Berries, or chard, barn, fir grove. 3 BJL modern house. Close to school, store as bus line. $9000. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 170 So. Commercial Phone 0841 NX. SUBURBAN Just three years old. Excellent con dition. 4a acre of ground. Quality home at a reasonable price of $8600. Shown by appointment, r - Murphy Realty Co. REALTOR 1200 S. Commercial Ph. 0020; eve. 0705 EAST by Pen 4 Corners: By Owner. 4 acre. 4 room house, bath and ga rage, dinette living room has hard wood floors. Lota of built-lns. $6400. 3050 Mahrt Ave. - Resort Property BEACH Or RESORT BROPERTY RESTAURANT 4t BLDG, RENTAL sV large lot, center of Oceanlake. Res taurant did $679 last Sat. and Sun. Total business last yr. $56,700 net, ss shown from 1040 income tax $11,000 net. This whole set-up. everything in cluded, only $22,000. $11,000 will han dle. Immediate possession. SERVICE STATION. SHOP, GROCERY AND CABINS Located on busiest hiway on Oregon coast. Present owners retiring. AU equipment, stock tc house furnishings included in price of $15,750. Terms. See this now if interested in a good going $7500 PUTS YOU IN POSSESSION Of thia: Apartment house witn a renuua; 3 houses: and 3 bedrm. owner's home, aU furnished, on the bay at Tsft Boom for expansion, or a store or other income. Easy paymenta on bal ance, j ; -3 COTTAGES ON BEACH AT NEL SCOTT, both very good rentals; total mHm am inn tMma. OCEAN VIEW COTTAGES. CLOSE TO BEACH at Nelscott: tnese two cot tages completely furnished, tub bath. Live In one and let the other pay you $120 per mo, in season. $5000 total price; terms. MYRTON M00RE REAL ESTATE Theatre Bldg, Oceanlake, Ore. Exchange Real Estate 40 ACRES HOWELL PRAHUE SIX ROOM modern home, large chicken house and barn, $17,500. Will exchange for home m Salem up to $8000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 336$ Portland Rd. Phone 32SS Wanted Real Estate Wt HAVE buyers. We need listinsjs badly for 2 and 3 bedroom homes, acreage farms and arge or small blVlAoCeWa E. M. Hunter, Real Estate TT0 S. Commercial Phone 2S40T 1 n irfr iic iMVt-h4 for aU tvnea of city and suburban property. For prompt ana courteous uttki um FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker 555 N Llbertr - rnone mi An aaclusive listing is a mark's confidence: wormy oi every exirt aonsiaeration. Wby not grve ts an ex clusive listing OI your proserijr JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 450 Court - .. Butiness Opportusitiea CLOSX-XN Apt. house. S apss. both for each, bsrot.. sawdust burner fur nace, $1209. Melvin Johnson 040 N. Cottaee ' Phone 1723 NICELY rURKlSttEB S bedrm. home. Close to school and store. On bus. $7250. The Real Estate Market 423 W. Hieh St. ' Phone 2-4793 crrann HA.N arocerv stock and fix tures. Dotng better than $4000 per ik wlr a mr eeriea- Reai- aonabla rent. Better laveatigate this. CaU U,,v. uuna wiio State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hieh St. Phone- 4121 ' 'JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court St. Phono 7690 envirr cTiTiriN North. 09E. Busy intersec. 3 pumps. 2 hoists. 2 car garage, steam cleaner, large volume of business. S yr lease on premises. Excel.- equip- Adjoin, bldg avail for oooy at tenoer snot ada uTimrr mrntT. . Coast. New. 0 units 4V owner's quar ters, garages. 1 blk. fr. ocean, esty water, gas heat St cooking. Ideal looa- uon. Modern, Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St Phone 7000 Auto Court 11 units, an electric. aU furnished. including 3 BJt. house I or manor on 09E. Price $34,000. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Commercial Phone 3-5407 Repairing and Welding Automotive Euulpmentt Parts Ac Ac cessories; also Machine Shop Equip ment: S responstbas operators can or ranee lease for concrete bldg. 00x00, Original owners now ready to retire. A real money maaer. . N. J. Lindgren or Ed D. Potter REALTORS 211 S. High St. Phone S0 GOING Grocery in valley town, do- mg around Svuuo month. Hem aao. Stock and equipment $12,500. Shown hv annninttnMit I C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 883$ Comnlete Cafe In oaeellent Salem location with Cine fixtures- Grosses $60 to $70 per day, Gooa lease, fuu pricetwo. Barber Shop 1 Chairs. Modern oauinment. l-vr, lease at $20 per month. Fine location! Health forces sale. $1500 comp. Walter Musgrave, , v Realtors VtXt rDGTWATER ' ..TOO srit. kkk Neighborhood grocery doing a very satisfactory business with an exclusive trade. Fine equipment, Look tnto tt, sww. no. isi, - Reimann Real Estate 201 South High r phone 0203 " BY OWKEft: A' photography studio in the heart of Salem business district that Is selling for Inventory and will pay for itself many times over In snort time- mono toza; CO., REALTORS PHONE 0080 OR 4033 Business Opportunities v 90 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE S acres, wonderful buiklins site, laree fir trees. Good well. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 LOT and build ins arraneed for clean ing and pressing business. Ideal loca tion. $21,000. C H. SANDERS -Sl N. High - 5(30 For Sale Wood Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR " 4 ft. Slab 16 in. Slab & Mill i Planer Trimmings Sawdust Highway Fuel Co. STOVE Or DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT. SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH West Salem Fuel Co. 10-D DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone t Salem 2-4031 SPECIAL Rates: Old fir A nlvwood cores. Ph. 3380. 844 Mill. Elmer Boje WOOD If" mm block and hearv slab wood Can be burned now. No sawdust, dirt or edgmea. Good clean wood. Phone 0453. 2025 South 12th St- Salem. Ore Tri-City Fuel Ph. 6683 2 -cord load. $10 10 millwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust , Dry 10 slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft. slab W Give S. Sc H. Green Stamps 16 24 Inch dry fir. Ph. 25140 Mill blocks & planer ends. Immediate delivery. Phone 8254 MCORD on nite del. 1$' slab a. eogmes r"h. wb, HAND Picked 16 Inch block a. slab wood. Ph. 24554 GOOD DRY 16" wood. 1mm. deL Or- eron Fuel Co. Phone 5533. .T LARGE block and Slsb, no Agings! to 00 per ed. Phone 4063 or stop at 107$ av l 13th St Wood Sawing WOOD Sawtng. R B. Cross. Ph. $178. Wanted Used Cars WE NEED Can. Win pay good prices for clean ones or sell it for you. KXNCWOOD USED CAR MARKET 1221 Edgewater -WANTED" Your ear for cash fWUl pay more for clean ones) "See us now square DEAL USED CARS 1150 So. 12th St.. Salem Hudson SALES SKRVICB PARTS Free estimates overhauling body oad fender repair painting "Giro Shrock a try. you'll know why" , Shrock Motor Co. Phone 50 Saleaa "cash r6a UghT cAa. ph 45ii Trailers TRAILER House, well built, lots of bulH-lna, Priced to seU. $400. 445 S. Winter St. SEE our factory made trailers be fore buying, at Kingwood Used Car Market. 1231 Edfewatetv 1042 LIBERTY House trailer. 24 ft. air conditioned, sleeps $. new elec brakes, butane gas, 3 clotbc cktaeta. Venetian blinds. Priced right for quick sale. 1904 State. 1044 34-FOOT National trailer house. 2 blocks east Four Corners on Starte street. 120 tt. Eima Ave. 18-FT. Glider trailer house. Sleeos 4. Good condition. Call after S. Most sell. R. B. Gallatin. Shady Rest Trail er nri. SMALL P. B. trailer house, Best &f- f er over $500 takes. 3023 N. Cherry Ave. FOR SALE: Trailer house, furnished. $350. Phone 32202 Eves. Apartments f or, Sale : New Spartan. Columbia, Universal, Schults, Luxury Liner. Indian and others, AU sixes from 14 ft. to 27 ft. Some with tandem wheels. Either oil or butane heat. Aluminum and Masan-ite- revered. See us for bargains tn used trailers. Jayhawk Trailer Sales Portland Rd. Phone 0049 Trailers Many makes a sizes. New Oj used, cash or terms. Every trailer. a bargain at Security Motors & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded. U mile north of Underpass on Port land Rd. Portland Rd. Pb, SS184 Motorcycles WANTED, to buy a Barley motor cycle, preferably '45 model or any late model. Call 0079. 1043 61 OVH Harley Davidson motor overhauled, painted. For sale or trade lor car. 315 Brown St, Dallas. Ore. Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS All nakea used motorcycles bought gold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Lost and Found LOST: One lady's golf rubber. Ph. 4500. ' LOST: Billfold. Eota district. Finder keep money, return billfold. ; Pat A. McCargar. 1798 Fairmont Ave. Personal I wQl not be responsible for any bills except mr own and the children. Mrs. Veronica Venteicher. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. P.O. Box 124. m ORVAL'S USED CARS For Quality and Guaranteed Used Cars 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 Chrysler Windsor Sedan Dodge DeLuxe Tudor Mercury Convertible Mercury Tudor Ford Super DeLuxe Club Coupe Ford Super DeLuxe Sedan Ford Super DeLuxe Tudor Chev. Stylemaster Sedan Chev, Mylemaster MANY OTHERS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center & Church Sts. IF YOU INTEND TO BUY A CAR BY ALL MEANS SEE, THESE. THEY ARE ALL IN SWELL CONDITION ' BURGOYNE'S 1 AT CENTER AND HIGH 1941 Chev. Spec. Deluxe 5-Pass. Coupe 1941 Chrysler Royal 5-Pass. Coupe 1941 Hudson Super Brougham 1940 Buick Super Sedan, R&H 1941 Ford Special Tudor, R&H 1940 Chev. Special 5-Pass. Coupe 1940 Chevs. "2" Tiulors, dandies COMMERCIALS 1941 Chev. 1-Ton Pickup, 4 speeds, overload springs, stake bed, good tires 1937 International Vi-ton Pickup 1939 Ford Panel Delivery, clean ALSO 1942 CHEV. IV, TON FLAT TRUCK. YOU CAN BUY THIS RIGHT. 1933 l'.i TON CHEVROLET TRUCK. SEE ART HANSON AT Burgoyne Motor Company $00 CENTER ST. - SALEM. ORE. - PHONE 2-1530 A. B.C. MOTORS ALWAYS BETTER CARS 1940 DeSoto 4 door 1940 Pontiac Sedanette. 1942 Dodge 4 door, radio and heater. 1941 Buick Sedanette. radio and .heater. 1941 Pontiac 4 door Sedan. 1941 Ford Tudor, radio and heater. 1941 Ford Tudor, heater. 1941 Ford Pickup, radio and heater, use new. 1939 Nash Amb. 6. rsdio and heater, overdrive. 1940 Chevrolet Hi ton refrigerator truck. SPECIAL 1937 Ford 4-Door Sedan 70S South 12th ; Good Cars Priced to Sell M Chevrolet I dr. 30 Ford Sedan 3$ Ford Sedan - $395 . 395 . 393 365 .. 295 . 303 30 Chevrolet Master Six 3$ Chevrolet Sssndsrd 3 dr 3t Auburn Sedan STEVENS USED CARS $$$ St $7$ S 12th Street "1940 WtLLVS Civilian eep. Just right for any number of farm Jobs. Has many extras including buss saw and drag saw. SeU very reasonably with or without saws. Durand Motors. B4 Union. Ph. ziwa. .... Mfvrv - '.vn wifAll auDer sygjaa. rjay r apwasease ws)v"f model, excellent motor, bodyjmd tires. A 2-owner car. Trade and terms. Du mnd Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 21002. 37 WILLYS 4 deer. 41 rw tor. low mileage. $300 340 Vista. Tel. 2-1653. ISM PONTIAC f coupe, new paint, A 1 tires. R, a H. Good cond. throueTi- out. OQ4 Lesne. ism SY1RD 4 dr. S263. 995 Highland Ave. Phone 0000. .YMOUTH 4 -dr. sedsn, gooa cond mechanically. od We needs a grill. A real value ati $395. McCall s Used Cars, icti ami. -"' Auto Painting $ coat Job $45. Daniels Paint Shop. 1841 S. 12th. Ph. 7850. USED Car. good condition, $125. 715 Columbia. - . "1941 CHfV. i dr. sedsn. clesn. good rendition. 23S3 SUte St. j937 CHEV. s ton psnelhgne0771. Taua rmjtK: all cood tires. A 1 shape, flat bed. aolid oak box; $1200. at. m. oeros, sjo ""f"'"" 1037 FO ,r mmAmn 85 H. P. Radio and heater, condition like new. See thia to believe it. iaMPiS: " -27 STANDARD Buick cpe. for sale. Good motor. 75 tires. Rt. $. Box 292. D. L. Moore. Macleay Rd. ; 1S3 DODGE 4 door sedsn. perfect condition, very food rubber, heat el and defroster. $050 cash. Mrs. W. D. Clad will. 2500 Brooks St- Sslem. 4TUlC"K-Spec ial. very low mileage, radio, heater. Phone 0273 during business hours sTSLDSMOBHX. low mileage, radio. heater. Ph. $273 during business hours. 1935 CHEV. 2 door Master, an ex ceptionally good running car. Clean Inside and out. Good tires. Compare this car tor real value. $445. McCall'a Used Cars. 1297 SUte. Dial 0108. 1S37 rORD Coupe, low mileage, ex cellent condition throughout. Radio, heater. M. Akeaon, 1200 Court after 2 P.M. - - 1937 FORD Truck. ls ton. new mo- tor, 3 new 10 ply tires, new battery, air buster brakes, very good condi tion, $875. See at Burton's Mobile Sta tion. Hollywood. Ph. $784. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. A. F. iV- A. M. Stated meeting. Friday. ynjf April 18. 7:30 P.M. Address by NV David B. Trefethen on the subject of "Practical Masonry L O. O. F. meets every Wednesday. Visitors welcotne. Second, degree. ...$2695.00 ... 2195.00 .... 2495.00 ... 2195.0t ... 1995.00 ... 1995.00 ... 1895.00 .... 199500 ... 1995.00 Club troupe TO CHOOSE FROM Phone 4702 ...$475.00 Phone 0543 REAL VALUES 1942 Oldsmobile Sedanet 466' $1095 1942 Hudson Super Six Tudor .... 995 1940 Mercury Club Cpe .... ... ... 995 ORVAL'S USED CARS Center St Church Phone 1702 34 CHEV. coupe, top condition. Good tires, $350. Rt. i. Box 122. 3 mi. east Kruegcr s store. GET YOUR TRUCKS FROM SALEM'S TRUCK SPECIALISTS 1 1941 International Model K-5. 1 ton. 1 1941 Reo Model OSL. heavy duty stock rack. LWB. 1 1940 International Model D 400 cab over engine, stock rack. LWB. 1 1937 G.M.C. m ton with tag-a-long. Ideal for lumber haul for acnaB mUL 1 1937 G.IIC cab-over with van body. LWB. All the above trucks are in A-l con dition and are becked by our guar- nJAMES H. MADEN COMPANY International Truck Dealer 2959 Silverton Road Salem, Oregon Phone 2 -4133 HURRY. Hurry, if you want that tractor for spring work. We still can give immediate delivery. Nothing bke it in IU class. See it at Kingwood UgarMarket. 1221 Edgewater. BLACK 1930 Ford convertible road ster. Radio, heater, fender skirts, road lights, new tires, perfect shape. Rob ert Feller, nine miles south of Salem on Hiway we. '37 FORD l'.b ton dump truck. Ph. I-22RO , ""EQUITY in "41 Dodge 4-yd. dump truck. A-l cond. 5 N. Cora l. St 42 FORD Deluxe Sedan. R St H 42 Willys 4-dr. Sedan. RAH, with overdrive. 40 Plymouth Coupe. Very clean. 40 Dodge Convertible Coupe. RAH. 37 Buick Coupe. R&H. 37 Hudson 4-dr. Sedan. RAH. 35 Chevrolet Coupe. Hancock Service Station 540 N. HI eh Phone 2-1440 mi Chevrolet 'funedtruck,Ti ton. 90 rubber, new bed. or will trade for late model car. Please call forenoons. Sat. or Sun. Rt. S. Box 27$. L. H. Foster. 1 ml. west of Macleay. 1941 BUICK Special 4 dr. sedan, radio a underseat heater: 1st class rubber. A-l mechanically. Private owner. 320 sunset. 1930 V-0 Fordor. Good transporta- Uon, $185.00. 2562 Lee St. 1938 NASH 2 dr. sdn. Good motor, original upholstery, like new. 95 tires, fair paint, sale cheap, trade St terms. Durand Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 21002. T93l i TOrf Model A truck. 90S Highland Ave. Phone 0009. TSeWT7 Studebaker ton pick up. Radio, beater, fog lights, etc. Ph. a-541L CLEAN RECONDITIONED USED CARS Two Big Lots 3-42 Chevrolet Sedans 42 Plymouth Convertible Cpe Like new 1765.00 42 Ford Sedan (6) Heater .. ..................... 1395 .00 42 Plymouth Sedan Heater ... 1365.00 42 Hudson DeluxeVSedan 41 Oldsmobile Sedan ...J.l:.... .: 1365iH) 41 Oldsmobile 5-pass Cpe. R. & IL... 1365.00 41 Ford Sedan New Paint 1245.00 41 Nash 5-pass Coupe-R. & H, , 1195iX); 41 Studebaker 5-pass Coupe 1195.00 41 Nash Sedan Radio & Heater ..;.. . 1095.00 2-41 Willys Sedans--Your Choice. 895.00 2-40 Pontiac Coupes 5-pass Choice. 1165.00 38 Buick Special Sedan 2-dr- 695.00 37 Pontiac Sedan 2-dr. R. & H. 695.00 And. many other 'good buys STE-VENS USED CARS 68S and 678 South 12th Street REAL VALUES ' . 1942 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan k$1395.00 1942 Studebaker Qiampion Coupe 1245.00 1942 Dodge Sedan . . ... 1395.00 1942 Nash "600M Sedan ..... ....... 1245.00 1941 Chev. Spec. DeLuxe Sedan ... 1395.00 1941 Chev. Spec. DeLuxe Club Coupe 1395.00 1941 Chev. Spec. DeLuxe Tudor 1295.00 1940 Ford Tudor .. . 1195.00 1940 Pontiac Tudor . 1095.00 . ar - - i 1939 Chev. Master DeLuxe j 995.00 ORVAL'S USED CARS Center 4 Cliurch BARGAIN VALUES 1946-Chev. Fleetmaster Sedan lite new 1946-Dodge Pickup 7000 miles 1942-Studebaker Sedan, 0. D. R&H. A dandy 1942-Americar Sedan, 0. D. Perfect -1940-Chev. 5.Pass. Cpe. R&H. One owner 1940-Buick Spec. Sdn. R&H. Clean inside & out 1940-Buick Super Sdn. R&H. A real car 1936-Chev. Standard runs good 1936-Plymouth Sdn real good 1942-Ford Dump Truck 1940-Chev. L. W. B. Truck. Just right ANDERSON'S USED CARS EQUITIES BOUGHT 240 Center CONVERTIBLE COUPES Buy Now While You Have a Choice 104 BUICK SUPER CLUB CONVERTIBLE. Radio and neater. . t$41 PA KARD CLUB lit. AU the extras and Watte side woQ tires. A beaut 1041 FORD CLUB, radie and heater, dean throughout. 1941 PLYMOUTH CLUB. Radio and heater. 1043 motor. Perfect. 1930 PLYMOUTH SPORT CONVERTIBLE. Automatic top. stadia ass baa tee. 1037 DODGE SPORT CONVERTIBLE. Rsdio and beater. Very good- ELSNER MOTOR CO. ' ... 352 N. High, Salem, Oregon DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. BaA i. Eldest son 1. A flower . aWJnVMintoina - of Noah a, Conspiracy (Russ.) 23. Eager 11. Immense 4.Urxt 24. Capital 12. Sphere of B.EleYaUoa (Switx.) actSon . -(coif 2S. Helps 13. Maxim . CFrolie 28. A bunch 14. Trifling 7.Boetoa 2.Breero 15. Chief deltjr .Discloes, 31. Insect (BabyL) ma a secret 34. Gangs 18. Terror i. Insect 53.0neofUio lT.Onoofa 10. Place senses set oX steps -18. Expression 37. SolitafT 20. Beast of IS. Seise 39.Msa's burden 19. Past nickname 23. Jewish 21-An 40. Flock month auction 4LNotg-ood 2S. Crow old 28. Nurse (Orieot) 27.Wa0sard 29. Pmswarewar, : as la a theater . 50. Voided eacutcheosi ' . 51. Offer .. 52. Tnoinasuro 33. Antelope fSo.Afr.) 84. Explode 18. Dross of netai as. Tree 41. Wand for beatlnt; timt ' (mtts.) 43.Dirlskm of society (Ind-J 45. Correct 48. Place of worship 47. Ventures 4S.U1X DOWN X.Talk unwisely Cash, Trade or Terms Your Choice......$1395.00 Heater ... 1095-00: Phone 4702 BANK FINANCE Phone 3734 , oof. Xftp i TJ; :C. ' Tiiritrs Asowee . 43. Wine . roceptacS :i 43. Pitofa loeomotive 44. Entire asnovnt - I1 1 h 1 li I' K r t I ZM- tt " ML 11 y ' I v? i j F