H The SfaH mem. Safcto. Oregon. Friday, April 18, 1947 RIoney la Loan For Sale Real Etate For Sale Real Estate For . Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate ; J For , Sale Real , Estate. Additional Classified Ads on Page 13 For Sal- Miwrtlancou GOOD Used sing beds complete including bleached wood beds. Coil rprmrs and pood mattresses. While ti-ev last at $22. 1 . WOODRVS FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer COME In today and see th Triad Universal Loader at Wards Farm Store. High and Trade SU, Salem. It picks up loads and unloads, -baled hay. sacked gram, sacked vegetables, boxes. A marvel of Speed. Efficiency and Modern Engineering! Two men do it e!V Faster and Better. Will pay for jte n one reason. ""rTrTfriTTTeiectrie two door farm aire refg.. A-l condition. Barrel type tsash burner with copper coils install ed Inquire 1535 Madison Street. TREADLE Sewing machine US. WOODRVS I URN ITU RE MARKET . ITS N. Summer " fOR SALE OR TRADE' " Mod. A Ford Sed, 18 in. tires and wheel. Ear y wash, macrw Hot Point elect, range. Model 40 8-tube cabinet mod. Sitvertone red. Ice box. 2 -cycle i motor. Set musical i car boms. Ijv'i fur coat cheap. See any time at 34 Park Ave. Go out Center, turn left on Park. - ITC. A X K ERftY Wire. Alto 12 inch plow. Oil drum. I furnaces lor doers. Jet. m. Boxsasrn. jo. "REGlNA Vacuum cleaner $15. WOODHYS FURNITURE MARKET isns Jf Summer aCTTJSTa 1"lC Wsiher7food Condi tion. Ph 7480. STRETCH Your feed dollars with Wards Hammermills Quality mills for every purpose at , LOWEST PRICES! We have the mm to meet your need. Wards Farm Store. High and Trade Stv Salem. Tit IN Suool beds, maple finish. In- e-lade tor inn spnngfilied mattresses Kailhead rpreads. $90. Ph. 3768 LARGlfEJectric range, recondition ed. White enamel. SsS. WOODHY S FURNITURE MARKET lens N. Summer HESTER 22 reoeater 812. New -rmriattte ohonocranh. hand cranK. via. 1, mi. -E. off WE S. from Hilltop Cafe Rt J. Box 113. Tomer CRAWFORD Electric raace. Coils indi htrrner SI2S. 1117 Hlnes. Ph. 483. ""IRSnER, Ironrtte. DuFold7"Excellent rnnditwm. 123. Ph. 21871. "fe'tSTUiGHOlfSE Refrigerator rt vrr sas ran re tsa Cascade ur. MAHOGANY 7 drawer kneehole desks. soid oak interiors, very high grade $4730. WOODRY S FURNITURE MARKET 1)S N. Summer 'stands, atoo extra hives, Wrll more than pay for themselves each rear. Rt. 8. Box 508. first house south stde Cummings Lane at June- jm of Chen-v Ave. River Rd LIGHT Yw farm with POWEH- IJtTX. Enlov the economy of eieerrt crty. W'e now have m stock the size to meet your, needs. Can be purchased on Wards Tune Payment plan. Wards Farm Store. Hi eh and Trade Sl.. Salem CAftAGE-toor and track $12 50. h. 4T71 or 7M-. X7lQ5'S crib, jars, cactus. PtT7074. CHAJUSCorsetierTDresses -4. Al ter. Mrs Bales. 437 S. Liberty. Ph. 7074 JTLLDirt for the haulms. Ph. 26757 after 9 I' M "HOUSEHOLD Furnishings for a fix room house, including washing ma . rhmr and electric ranee. Ph. 6989. C E WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist 1 do not sell new machines Parts for all makes Pinking shears rround. Ph. 5763. 1040 N 18th DESK and pedestal tans for offices-. fEarages. restaurants.; loace rooms, can neries Y eater Appliance Co, 255 N Liberty. ' - OIL. Burner rales A service. Wm. C. Ph 5395. T3CBTC7Grixlures lor kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent mcandescent YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty; riSHIThG Tactile boxes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty gas rang with , train fcurnee. 20 Beach Ave. BABY-buggy, play pen.: 471 Gerth, W tfl Si tem. - - . ' ' . TOS SALE or trade: Combination wood and elec. Dutch wen range, low back, all white enamel with water tank and coils. 3S7S Monroe. Ph. 23114. River Silt MASON S.r CONCRTTt MDL READY MI AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 3-1968 - J -31 OS tulips. all kinds of varieties. Will deliver n laree orders. Paul Schaad EL 1. Bx. 271. Salem. Ph. 23418 Salem Watch Shop 2381 State St. Ph. 21957 D. E. Decker, licensed watchmaker. prompt servwe. Cash paid fmr old fold For sale:, used guaranteed watches. all makes. RIVER SILT Phone 2-174V tit saint, the celloDhane ftnu tor floors, furniture.- automo biles o wood, metal, concrete and linoleum ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty - RIVER SILT Ph. 25912 LARGE. bOUND muunUio grown rsdar posts, also hop poles. L. D. Eg bert. 8L 7. Box 412. SUverton highway S first, left band road past Middle Grove school, firrt hou-e, 7 . w ill HV i for i:a. seu ut trade runs. sHrtois ammunition i boats or traiiees - Dm Madisn 5M Nn HlCh ' PEXSSlTRE Coolters. sauce pan type.1 1LA1ER APPliANCE CO. . 255 N.r Liberty "EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls all makes. See Ed EI 1st at Nelson Bros, furniture Store. 3 N Liberty. 1 out and seU luroiutie. twwis twves dishes molars, radios Electric oMiance household goods KLIG TOASTERS 3 slice. $XI 4 slice S3 83 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. " 253 N. Liberty ZLLCTklC Fans, kitchen and TrT- Si us trial exnauat. desk modeit. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. Liberty FIASHTJGHTS. ' guaranteed forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N., Liberty " TELEPHONE A ' intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty GAS -range and tank, nearly new. Trade or sale. 730 Mill St. S 1 U-L frame. 1$ in. wheel trailers. UM0 lb. trailer axle. Cher. S' tires. 1790 H. Front wheels, -BUILDING 1 BLOCKS P.' i"e one wle south on Rfver Road. ALWAV5 a big siocx. - . , Woodrv t Furniture Mkt Ph. 3110. Voik Your cabin at" the coast a radio that assures good- reception. The Tropic Master." , ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. Liberty "GAEEI5J Tractor including plow, disc, cultivator harrow. 9 Hi. Wls cxieatm motor. $195. 1 ml. west 8 mi south o Maclcay. Rt. 5. Box 277. j. O. Joliey. Sat. Sun. ENGLISH SPR1NGERSPAML' "pu p Piesi pure bred Females $23. males $ S Boy H. Simmons. Rt 4. Boa 270, Ph J1I43. ; J. R- Watkins Co. products 1717 Cen ter St, Sakan. Ph. 3393. Free deL For Salr Miscellaneous GUERNSEY, a yr.. fresh hi June. Jersey Cuernrey heifer, single unit milker, separator. cntcK brooder, urn new Duo Therm heater and drums. Kt. box 237 Sunnvside. "TRON bedsteadand coil spring. Ph. 8660. IIS Marion. ! " BLTtBXhRTTable and seed potatoes. "jBOYSENBERRY tips. Ph.; 2228L JOHN Deere Model "D" tractor. Ph. 21140. Richfield service station 3',k mi. gyum vrt iiiEiiwj, Stop! ! Look! ! Listen! ! Davenoes. full coil construction, at tractive covers. Matching swing rock er. Regular value $119. Yours today for only 889. You save 830. Terms as low as $19 down, balance monthly. WOODRY FURNITURE HAKUT 1605 N. Summer ; OIL Corcu'lating heater. Good cond Call Nelson Bros 4149 ; 1948 .FARNSWORTH radio conjole A automatic phonograph. Excellent cond. A real bargain. $125. 1621 Cross SL, Apt I. Call after p. m. BRXKFXBT tabic.' swing chair: Ph. C370 COMBINATION Wood elec. range. very modem, full enamel, smooth top. WOODRY fUKNITUKE MKT. 1805 ; N. Summer J MOTOR Scooter or parts. 110 Ewald Ave. Ph. 24271. i PFJimANEnT Wave machine $270. Breakfart sets 910.50 to $31.50. Youth bed with msttrewi $27.50. i STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State Ph. 7598 WOOD range with oil burning at- tachment. uwd 8 months. 3870 Moil' roe. Phone 23114. ""CORONADO washer, cond. Rt. 4. box 4"4F. good running ARE YOU TIRED? Of HIGH PRICES? THEN BY ALL MEAN'S READ THIS k m,mrln ml inn tl fam nui mkt davennort. suite. 1941 atvline Guaranteed construction. 100 wool mohair covers. In choice of color. Guaranteed to be a bonafide S259 set. Yours today for only $189. You save 1 170. Terms as low as su, paiance easy WUUUHT IVItnilUHI. MAAMl 1805 N. Summer i leadouarters for thrifty btivers. CONCRETE Drain Tile. Building Blocks, Sewer. Culvert. Irrigation and Well - Pipe. Freh regular Keene dt White Cement: White Sand: Fire Clay Fire Place Dampers. Reinforcing Steel it Mesh & Sash; Expansion Joints. Oregon Gravel Co. 1405 N. Front St. PhOne 3417 rARMAW rllractor 3 yrs. ofd. Also heavy 4 wheel trailer. Geo. Knaupp, 4'., ml. N. of Independence. j TWIN or Duns ocas, aoupie con yprlnen. Maltre. used s mw. 2-256 GOOD ice refricefator. $ burner gas stove with oven. 983 Saginaw after 3 p. m. ; I Here's Real Value High grade coll box springs and tnnersoring mattress. Very special $49. WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1803 N. Summer Terms. Trades Lowest Prices MARSHALL strawberry, very good flants. $3 per 1000 in field. C. T. weDD, tar Rte.. Silverton. - raTEX7"txiriJx. lexSl Jexi'te Rte. 7. bov 431L. McCain Ave. off Sil verton road. Wanted Furniture WANT TO Buy Used Cameras lense. McEwsn Photo Shop. 435 State. USED rUHNITU KK. Ph. 9183 "W"RY TAKE less for your furniture? See Runs Bright Ph 7511. EDTRNrTlJREPhone '8110. ' CASH - lot used piano other mu sical instruments. Call 4841 days or 537 evenings or send description to Jsoulth Music Co.. 191 S. High. 'CASlfIor your used furniture. Ph i 7390 Slate st Furniture iwo tat Wanted Miif-rllaneous . WILL Give home and share ex penses for elderly lady to live with me for company. 1940 Lee St, or Phone 21828. -' ! - " -TklCVCUC. Is inch, tor J or! 4 year old. Must be In good condition. Ph. 773:. - : . ""ANTIQUES of all kinds. olddshes. bric-a-brac, dolls, bells, old furniture. 220 N. Lib Ph. 7100; L AWt3Sr6fddishes' over J4 years old. Hiahest prices paid. Upstairs An tique Shop, 439 Court SL j Miscellaneous i NEW Hemes. New roofs A altera tions. 1 to 1 years to pay. Kans Con ttruction Co. Ph. 4830 or 23108. HEAVY Hauling. Excavst on and Kuad Building. Land Clearing : Uuaei Work Ditchlna Basement Exeavatlon Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock i Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement i Salem Sand & Crave! Co. 1403 N Front St v - Satem Oregon ! Phone MIK or 21924 " W EATHKR strips. Pullman. Ph. ow Mattrerses. CapltaTBedrcSrP. 4059 AU1U oainting lust a snaoe oiie Call Shrock; Motor Of Ray ETTER r gsfrf permanent wavers. ; Phone 3883. Special this week. $7 JO oil per manent for 85. - - - X)ON1TThrow that damaged' fumt lure away. Let Lambert restore It for you Ph. 9S84. - i LUMBER CUSTOM planning ' and ear ioadinf. Lumber Industries Ine successors to' H. and S. Lumber Co, Wallace road. West Salem. Ph.; rws. BULLDOZING. EARTH moving i dramare ditches due Ph 4047; Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - CASES - f Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State at Com Ph 3311 Guitar. Studio. Banjo. Ukulele, etc 1533 Court Ph !758t PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and aas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur 8t Mnerr 173 to Cnml Phone 8223 WATER WELL drilling. Domestic ot irrigation Duffteld Bros. Rt t. Box 423 Phone 2-131 ! MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocaed $100 LES SPRINGER. 484 Court Financial $S First MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE $$$ i WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved real estate. Salem and vi cinity, amounts $500 to 85000 NET In vestors 3 interest Make your' own selection. Collections of all principal ic Interest payments made by us without charge to the investors. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. I MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE If you are capable of building 10 to too nouses, saiem or vicinity, curing 1947 and need financial assistance. CONTACT US. Wt art atoo Interest ed In financing one or two ; large a prima in nouse unioL STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. s:i$-M223 IS3 S High St TeL 4111 Money to loan Auto Loans I .Willamette Credit Co. $TH ' FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159, S 154 CASH FOR SPRING . f23 to $230 or morion signature, furniture or auto.L No outsiders. .$8 38 a mo. repay $100 loan in full In IS mo. You gt full amount of loan. 4- out pt i who ask for a ' loan at Personal get Ifi Call today. Personal - Finance Company. ! 318 State St.. Rm. 125-P(on 3191. Lie. S-I22; M-183. E. GaJlinger, Mgr. Ceneral Finance' Corp. offer money at once on cart, trucks. furniture, trailer houses. iivesucx, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 138 Sou'b .Commercial SU. Salem Phone: 9168 License- S-138 M-3?8 FARM and CITY LOANS 4'.i and 5 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 807 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7182 8 MONEY 8 REAL ESTATE LOANS . PERSONAL LOANS . CAR LOANS W Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-218 M-222 ,153 S High SL For Rent Rooms LIGHT Hskpg. room wltjp garage, near Shattuc's Chateau. Write Box 217 Statesman. jr "XOVELY Rm. for 2 business girls. No smokinc. 1415 S. ConVl. BASEMENT Room, kitchen privi leges, employed people. 585 N. Cottage SLP. Rm. for miin. 395 NTl4th. ELDERLY Man alone has comfort able home for middle aged lady alone who would share its car and living cost. Ph. 9327 before 2 p m. Room and Board WANTED: Room and board In com fortable home. Rm. 320. Senator hotel. For Rent louses FOR RENT or Sale, furnished or un furnished modern home large enough' 2 families. Ph. 21828. LARGE Cabin. Near hop yards. Dal las Hiway. Rt. 4. Box 469. . 4-RM. Unfur. Modern house; prefer Vet w.th -small child. Silver HeiehU Ranch, t Ml. SE Salem, Ml. East Intersection No. 222 and No. 214. Sil ver Creek Highway. 840. COUPLEwouTd exchange furnished home in Portland for apt. or house in Salem. No children. 3 mo. only. Phone 2-4202. For Rent TRAILER Space. All modern, near bus. 1005 S. 21st. 21st Mission; . FOR lease or rent. Welding shop or garage with or . without equipment. Good business. 4 ml. north. 99 E hwy. to Portland. See Lake Labish Welder. PAINT sprayers, gas and elec, 2'i gal. pots with hoses or quart, guns. Reasonable rates. Howsers Rent-A -Tool. FLOOR sanders. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Howcer s Rent- Tool. Ph. 3646. FOR your tool needs, call or see Howsers RenUA-Tool, Ph. M48. 1132 Edeewater ""RENT one of these time aavers. Elec. hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, skillsaws, belt and disc Sand ers. Dower cement mixers, drills., auto tools, plumbing tools, weed burners, etc. Howsers Kent-A-Tool. PAINT Time: Kept a sprayer do your own work save, ana Lynn Ave. Ph. 24344. - " TRAILERS 75c first hr, $0c hrs. following. Woddry s, Mkt, , 1605 , n. summer. TLOOR' SaKdER for rent Mont gomery Ward. - TRUCKS for rent You drive. Mc- Cune A LovelL Phone 9600. ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rer.t-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17 4692 IMKIU llseo Piano H Stiff BEN'l fn. 9062 U-DK1VE TRUCKS OK Hankers fum 197 8 Ltbertv FLOOR Sander elec .floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store. Ph, 6877. i Wanted to Rent EMPLOY ' Local couple want 3 room apt., unfurn. or partly furn. See John M. Doerfier. Valley Motor co VACANTGarage building suitable for small shop, north, or east of Salem ctty proper. WriteBox 218 Statesman. PERMANENTLY Employed Veteran fc family desperate for house. Will keep up repairs. Ph. 25124. WAN TTb: Unfurnished bouse. Cou ple only. Ph. 25841 APARTMENT needed for Veteran. wife St 3 months infant. Living In one room. No drinking. Phone 26658. YOUNG Lady wishes room. priv. ent. Must allow baby. Please Ph. 8418. ask for Mrs. Lenninger. WANTED: NICELY furnished med ium sized apartment: middle aged dentist and wife, no children, no pets. no drinking; substantial and price no object for the rtgnt place. . box zoi Statesman. 3 BED Room house wanted by re liable party. Phone 8754. SALEM Ball player wife desire furnished idL or house. Ph. 24302. .VET. state employed, bride need furn. or unfurn. apt before June 1. Ph. 8248 PLEASE help. An ex-GI and fam ily would like to have it in a sub urban part. Pay $40 to $43 month, 1475 N. Ojm'l. A. Holmes. - ' XSPONSIBLE party will pay up to $80 a month for unfurnished or $100 for furnished 3 or 4 bedroom house. Will sfrn lease. Please call 8331 TBAliraVER7wtfeland oaby would like furn. apt or small house. Call Paul Soderburg. Marion hotel. BALLPLA'YER-and wife would like furnished apt or small house. Call Ben Gregory. Marion hotel. URNIsHED OR partly 'furnisned house or apt. for vet and family. Pre fer suburban. Will pay 3 months in advance. Box 208. Statesman APT, for employed couple. Ph,OQ63. " 3 BED Room house by April 10. Call 9101 bet 5,30 id pm. Ask for Mc- Caln. LOCAL, dept store floor manager wife and infant child desire . small bouse, partly furn Will pay up to $53 per monm. can Jim, asx tor Anqy. RELIABLE GOVERNMENT em- ployee and family - need 3 BR. house or apt References. Mrs. Carl E. An derson. 437$ N. E. 90th St, Port land. CIVIL Service employee would like turn, hse. Will pay substantial re ward for inf. Can give best of ref. Ph. 21692. WANTEdT 3 BEDROOM house turn, or unfurn. Family of 4. 2 xirls hlab St jr. high school age. Best of refer ence, occupancy July 1. Box 187. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate FOR , efficient and effective sales service raj I the Salem Realty Co NOW " 50x100 LOT near Hansen Ave. $373. inq. 3570 com l. LARGE Home, income creek prop erty, ciose in. rn zooia. . BY OWNER: Older home. 4 br, Ige. lhr. rm.. din. rm, kit, bath, furn, two lots, s i sou, rn zei. BY OWNER $4S50 Small 3 BR home, gas heat k hot water, close to bus & schools. Call 4917 3 BED Room house. I 'acre. Good outbuildings. Ph. 24504 OWNER being transferred. Must sell modern 2 bedroom newly decorated home. Phone Z6450. ROOM house, barn, garage. 1 acre milt ana nut trees, large garden space, rzo parx Ave., saiem 5 ACRES, uncleared. Southeast Ph. aois. BY OWNER New $10,000 3 bed room home for $3830. finished with exception of J bed rooms. Lawn and sidewalks in.. Lot 76x190. 697 Norman Ave., off Center St. BY OWNER: 3 bed rm. house, full bsmt., firepl. $7300. Term. Open Sun, and Mon. lies snipping st VIEW LOT 100x330. Bus and city water. New tract S. Salem. Reason. able. Phone 9494. $500 DOWN $40 MONTH 4 NU Unfinished but livable houses located just off- Park Ave- between Market h D Streets. Watch for Rel- minn Real Estate for Sale signs. No. z. SPECIAL 9510 6155 $5500.00 1 bedrm. North,' bus service. Nice location, fireplace j Aut. oil heat. Dining room. Kitchen with nice builtins. Util ity room. Garage with concrete floor. Immed. poss. Terms. I12S0 down. Bal. easy monthly payments. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mte. I-onn NEW X BR hse. close to Dallas, set ting on approx, 2 acres of prune or chard. Reduced for quick sale. Price $5000. or 1 acre and hse. goes for $4450. 2 BR hse, in W. Salem, on paved st. nr. school and bus, gas range and circulator lncl. Price $4500. 88 acres, Va cult, good farm land, 'i pasture and timber, 4 rm. hse. elec. w. system, dbl. gar., deep freexe unit. 2 barns. Stan, for 12 cows. 2 pltry hse. 3 sheds, fam. orch. yr. around springs, on good paved rd. located 7 Is mi. S. of Dallas. Ore. Price $12,000. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS New 1 BR hse. insulated, elec. w. heat. w. elec.. range, garage, on 52x 129 lot. good location. Price $6500. Furnished 2 BR home, in West Sa lem, LR. Kit, Bath, w. elec. range, gas w. heat, includes New elec range. New refrig.. Maytag Wash. Mach. Dinette set. 1 BR suite, bed 6c dresser, etc. Total price. $7500. Garage hse 12 BRM elec. heat. bath, on large lot. located In Kelzer district, for quick sale. Price $3430. Hansen's Real Estate Phone 2-566 971 Krleewsler St. Larsen Horned Loan Co. "Specials' $10,500 Drive by 490 N. 23rd St. and see this real value in a home. Full basement, furnace, fire place. 2 B.R.. L.R.. large kit. with nook. Full insulated, dou ble plumbing. Immed. poss. Easy terms. $6500 Hollywood Dist. Furnished 2 U.K. plastered, newly refin ished inside and out. 1 j basm't. oil furnace. Priced to sell quick. $6900 Suburban mod. 3 B.R. plastered home, on choice 'i A., North on paved rd. Trees, shrubs, ber ries 8c fruit. Incls. new elec. rge.. washer, 'radio 8c other furni ture. 86200 without furniture. $10.300 Lovely suburban, home on 1 A. good soil, dose in Norm. - This heme Is 8 yrs. old & com plete In every way for pleas ant living. ' Business Opportunities $20.000 Service Station St Lunch Rm.. plus beautiful 3 B.R. mod. home with some furniture. Acre, well landscaped grounds. This is on highest traveled section of Pa . cific highway. Ideal for court development. You will be proud to own this. $12.500 Large .mod. Restaurant on Pa cific highway, bcneduied bus stop. Big sealing eapacity. Fur nished living quarters. Long lease. Good for $50,000 per yr. Owner in ill health. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 184 S. Commercial St. Phone 8389 Eve. 7440 or 2-4591 SPECIAL Phone 6155 9510 $6500.00 New 3 bedrm. Kelzer dist. Lot 60x 121. good soil for thst garden. Plenty of room in .all parts of house. Elec. Water Heater. Wired for range. Vene tian blinds. Nice kitchen builtins. and at these reasonable terms: $1000 down, balance monthly terms, or should go Gl at $800 down. - A Ahrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Mtg. Loans Insurance Burt Picha, Realtors HOUSES: $5950 3 Bdrm. home on paved st & sidewalk, with extra apt. rented for $33 per mb. Basement, garage, alley, shade St walnut trees. Terms. A good buy. Call Burt Picha. $99503 Bdrm. home. Living rm. din. rm. and Kit south in Nob HU1 dist: mastered, oak floors. V -blinds, full bsmt Auto, oil fum. A good deal. Call Burt Picha. $39504 Bdrm. home. North lust out side of. city limits. Living rm. Din ing rm., and Kit Corner lot. Call Burt Plena. ACREAGE 20 Acres 14 Acres in wheat. $ A. in cherries, walnuts. A very good building site. $6300. Call "GARDNER." 10 Acres, close to cannery. Walnuts and prunes. $3000. Call "GARDNER." Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. Hieh Street FURNISHED HOLLYWOOD Newly refinished inside and out plastered 3 bedr. house. i basement. oil furn.. trees, flowers, pav. St., fur nished. $6500. NEW KEIZER $7950. $4500 down. 60x120 tot. 3 bedr. plastered. Liv. r., . din. r.. kit, bath, all hwd. firs, oil furn.. large garage, laundry r.. Elec. water heater. FIVE ACRES $6850 buys this neat nice litUe two bedr. house. Elec. heat, , wired for range, water heater. Elec. pump, dou ble garage, paultrv house, close in. SUBURBAN $8350. Neat fully plastered. 4 rooms, extra building, garage. Elec. water system, elec. water heater. Apples, wal nuts, peaches, strawberries, pav. rd. A REAL HOME $10,500. 4 large bedrooms, large liv. r, din. r.. very nice kitchen, wired for range, water heater, hardwood floors, full basement, new furnace. Lot has 120 ft frontage, flowers, shrubs and fruit. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 18 yrs. in Hollywood 1853 N. Capitol St. Phone 3031 Must Sell! New extra nice. I BR. home. hwd. floors. Price $5250. Look this over and make your own terms. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 For Rent 3 bedroom home South Salem. $60 rr mo. Will give a year's lease, first mo. and last 2 mo in advance. No. telephone information. Personal in quiry requested. , Brand New We have 3 new 3 bedroom homes that can be bought with a small- down payment and the balance like rent. Be sure and Inquire about these places. Four Bedrooms - Nice 4 bedroom home, corner lot South Salem, close to schools and bus. Price $10,000. Can be bought furnished1 or unrurnuned. Best buy in town. Morris Realty Co. 970 S. Commercial Phone 4217 TWO bouses, double garage, barn, nearly 4 acres ot best level cleared land, all in best condition. ' Perfect court trailer camp or other business location. Quarter of mile above De troit schools ' on Brettenbush - Hot Springs road. $7000 cash. Rowland L. Girt Box 80. Detroit. Ore. BY OWNER: Must seU 6 R. modern home. Base, oil furnace, large ga rage, comer lot nice- shade trees, fruit Ideal location. 1003 N. Cottage St. Price low at $6850. Hurry. Call any time or Ph. 25364. - BY. OWNER: Beautiful modern 3 rm. home, full brmt. hdw. floors A first quality materials throughout. Can be bought furn. or unfurn. House may be seen any day up to 8:30 P.M. 1420 Market. 2 BR house, utility room, large lot. rarage, fifth house on Browns road. Open between 9 and 4 o clock. SAVE $540. By owner: new 3 bedrm'. home. 7 rooms and terrace. 1200 sq. ft oax floors, insulated throughout, heat olator fireplace, garage. Hollywood dist red. housing ceiling. F. H. A. loan available. Inquire 1925 Maple Ave. "" GI hOmTT by owner. 2 bed-Tmr, liv. rm.. din. tm kitchen, utility rm in . attached garage. All electric. Close to school and bus. $6500. Inq. 995 Highland Ave. Ph. 8O09. MODERN 2 bed room. 1 year old. 1981 Warner. Ph. 878a. $4250 Furnished 2-rm. plastered house. hdwd-1 fir., cone. fdn.. nice lot near bus. Elect.' refrig.. water tank, gas range, bedroom suite, etc. Some terms. 5 Acres Good, neat 4-rm. home, about 5 mi. out. 1 Acre in blackberries At 3 in timber. This is a well kept place and a good value at $3500. 3 B.R. Home & Acre A comfortable 3-B.R. plastered home 4 mi. north, 'i acre excellent soil. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Full price furnished $6900. $7500 Furnished Attractive 2-B.R. home on one acre, close in north. One year old. insulated throughout, elect, heat. Comp. furnish- $7800 ; Very nive 3-B.R. home close In. 10 mos. old. Nr. school St b6s. If you are looking for a- nice home don't oass this up. Will Take Car iii 1ade Fine 2-B.R. home 3 yrs.! old. 3 blks. from Englewood sch. Cone. fdn.. plas tered, Venetian bPnds. oil circ. Im ned. Poss. "Will take car or trailer house in trade. $8250. Walter Musgrave, Realtors I iy3 ffTXjFWATFR PHONF 510 $12,600. LOVELY subulbari home. latest design, hwd. firs, thru-out. coved ceilings, fireplace, oil heatj Imm. Poss. Easy terms. j Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Cornel. St. Ph. 4S9oj Eve. 2-.W0 9O0. 2 BDRM. HOME, close to McKinley school. Large lot Easy terms. Olson & Reeve. 943 R. Cornel. St. Ph. 4590 Imm. Pos. ealtors Eve. 2-S830 , $2000 DOWN Buys this 2 bdrm. home, hwd. firs, coved ceiline. iatt earaee. imm. ross. Olson & Reeve. Realtor 945 S;. Cornel. St. Ph. 459oi Eye 2-SW30 $10,000. 4 BDRM Home South', rinse to school Si bus. Double -plumbing, hwd firs, fireplace, full pstn't. Imm Poss. Easy terms. j Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Cornel. St. Ph. 4590-j Eve. 2-5830 Special T 10 ACRES of Strawberries, first good year.this will pay out in j60 days. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S Cornel. St Ph. 4590:! Eve. 2-M130 SPECIAL 4 Bedroom house, cement; foundation. plastered walls, double garage, 3 lots, on paved street and creek, perfect court site. Must sell this week. Priced at $5950. No telephone information. R. E. Meredith, Realtor Phone 8841 ' 176 S. Commercial EXCLUSIVE LISTING Nearly new 2 bedroom mod. home. Hdw. floors, con. foundation, wired for R. Plastered. Full price $4950. $1500 dn.. $33 per month. j Trailer Owners LOOK I 4 bedrm. house in good cond., 'i bsmt. Close to school and bus. 3 big lots. Would take, good 241 trailer on trade, or Full price $6500; , down. 2 houses on one lot, Hollywood tkst. One all electric bed room home. Other house mod. with gas heat. $4250. $2550 down. Bal $30 per month. ! HESS NELSON ' with I William E. Moses 331 State St. Phone 4993 Brand New We have 3 new 2 bedroom homes that can be bought with a small down payment and the balance! like rent Be sure and inquire about these places. Four Bedrooms Nice 4 bedroom home. Scorner lot. South Salem, close, to schools and bus. Price $10,000. Can be bought furnished or unfurnished. Best buy in town. Morris Realty j Co. 970 S. Commercial ' phone 4217 SIX YEAR OLD 3 B.R. home well located in new dist.. paved st. Well constructed, fully insulated St weath erstripped. pice yard. 50x140 lot St only icw steps to dus. i uu price sesoo. Sullivan Realty) Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Wfl ph. 3255 Eves. 7057 G.I. SUBURBAN CLOSE IN EAST new 3 B.R. home in new well developed dist. Auto, heat hwd. floors, wired for range, elect water system St very nice i 75x150 lot This one is really priced right 8c will seU G.I. or Civilian. $7500. Sullivan Realty! Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 32551 Eves. 7057 i OUR BEST BU $9500 DANDY 2 bdrm Enelish tvoe home.' LR. Dn rm. kit. full, fin. base ment, elec wtr htr. dble garage, best location. Call RAY DAVIS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 9441 S580O GOOD 3 bdrm heme on nice corner lot. Fruit trees St shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5260 $2300 DOWN, bal $45 per mo buys these 3 nice houses on one. lot. Front home completely furnished, rear house partly furnished. 16th St Market st. Dist. Call RAY DAVIS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 G.I. ONLY j $7900 NEW 3 bdrm home. LR. kit. br nook, bath. Hwd firs thruout. gas furnace, utility rm. weatherstripped, immed poss. Call RAY DAVIS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 $5300 SEE THIS 3 rm home on cor ner lot Double garage. Adjoining lot 50 x 100 can be had. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phon 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 $13,0003 BDRM Colonial home. Large liv rm 8c. dining rm, kit den. hwd firs, fireplace, lg bsmt, oil fur nace, can OMER. ! Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phon 3-1549 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-5091 4 HOUSE COURT.. 3 bdrms each, liv rm. dinette, kit 8c bath. Hwd. firs, fire place, full finished basement, furnace. very nice location, can umlk. . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phon 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-5091 STROUT REALTY $3000 DOWN buys 9 A. inside city limits. Mod. 6 RM attached garage, plast. 2 BR. Pvd. St Fruit 8c nuts. 3 BR plast V. bids. bsmt. all electric lawns in. Hi yr. old. $8950. LOW. down payment. NEW 7 RM Mod home, corner lot. $8000. Royal Ann cherries St walnuts. 9' A Pvd. rd close in. Modern 7 room home. Orchard full prod. Only $12,000. 33 A. CREEK farm. 5 rm home, electric water syst. Equipped. $7500. FREE LISTS Sc CATALOGS ON REQUEST 959 J, 12th St. Salem BY OWNER: Cozy, modern 2 bdrm. home North. Hwd. floors, rues, elect. heat. Venetian blinds, furnished, new elect, stove, refrig., washer, sewing machine, newly decorated : inside out nice year, garden. Garage. Lawn mower, and dishes. Bus blk. Poss, soon. $8950. Terms. 665 Norway. MODERN Home. elec. heat, com pletely furnished with good furnish ings. eauiDDCd wttn eiec. refrigerator, stove 81 washer. Priced low for quick sale, owner leaving state. Reasonable down payment A balance like rent Inq. 2080 MiU. $5423 Dutch colonial 2 bedroom home, like new. 2 lots, ' hour bus service, oiled tieet. Out building 12 x 16. North. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3981. eves. 3434 $5500 New 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen, wired for range, electric wat er heater. Garage. Lot 60 x 121. Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph598l. eves. 3434 $7950 Move right In. brand new 3 room modern home ' with utility room on same floor. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, oil .floor furnace, baatutiful kitchen, lots of built-ins, attached ga rage, large lot. Ed Bvrkit. Realtor ."9 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 $10,500 3 bedrms. large living room, dining room, in one, hardwood floors thru out, fireplace, guest closet. Nook. Ga rage. Good location. North on bus. line. Ed Bvrkit. Realtor 33 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 $11,725 New 3 bedroom home. This Is really a fine home. Large living room with fireplace, good sired dining room, nice kitchen, utility room. Patio, attached garage, large lot. This Is a lovely home in a new sub-division with high re strictions. Ed Bvrkit. Realtor .TM Qemekeia St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES D ELF EL CONVALESCENT HOME ' Completely equipped. 6 room con valescent home, now showing Income of $450 month. Well located North, with concrete foundation, part base ment, oil furnace. 50 x 120 lot. Come in and let us show you this paying proposition. $8600. Sal 201 X GRAIN St STOCK RANCH 215 A., 187 A. cult.. 15 A. rye grass. St hairy vetch. 86 A. Willamette vetch 8c oats, 15 A. barley, 17 A. white oats. 25 A. oak timber which has been sowed to pasture grasses. 8 room mod ernized home, new combine. 2 discs, drill, hay bailer, model "M" Farmalt. lots of other excellent equipment. Dodge truck. $40,000 takes all. or will trade for Eastern Oregon stock ranch up to 3000 acres. NEAR McMINNVILLE Estimated income $12,000 this year from this fine orchard. 60 acres. 50 cult. 21 acres cherries. 7 A. peaches, 1 A. walnuts. 4 A. filberts. 1 A. prunes. 2. A. apples. 4 room bung, packing house, tractor St equipment, $32,000. ONLY $7500 DOWN. No. 595. 4 MILES EAST 18 acres, all cult. 2 acres prunes,, 'i acre cherries, 'j acre apples, rest In grain. 28x32 barn. 2 chicken houses. 20x 30 ea.. dble garage, horse, cow. some equipment. Fine 5 room modern home with full basement, xzo.goo. Terms can be arranged. Sal 172. BUILDING SITE 1 383 acres, ' acre in prunes. Near Kelzer school. $2000. Terms, $1000 down. bal. $20 per month" LARGE SCALE FRUIT RANCH 320 Acres. 225 cult. 110 a. prunes. 31 a. cherries. 4 a. walnuts. 15 a. pears. should gross $50,000 this year. Too much here to, 4ell about In an add. come in. and let us give you the de tails. Ask for Sal 139. Charles Delfel, Realtor 615 N. CAPITOL Phone 7002 Call us anv time, day or night Close In East" 2 bedroom unfinished uostairs. Ex tra - large lot. Fireplace. Bus service 1 bloc. Attached garage. About 6 years old. Cement foundation. Part hardwood floors. Furniture can be bought. We believe this is a very good buy for aniy $7900. Suburban 1 acre; 2 bedroom hose, close In. Family orchard. Near good school. Lo cated north, close to 99E. Cement foun dation. Private well with electric wat er system. Liberal terms arranged Full price only $6500. Hubbard 24 acres. 3 bedroom house. Garden tractor. New stoves. Double garage. Pi acres in thornless boy sen berries a4 acre strawberries. Several walnut trees. Low taxes. Stone throw from school. All for only $8500. Better hur ry on this one. Swegle School & acre modern clean 3 bedroom house. Several outbuildings. Family orchard. Very close to school. Low taxes. Bus service. Paved street Full price $6500. Auto Court 4 units. 3 finished. 3 under construe. tion. which will be completed at this price. Modern 2 bedroom nouse com pletely furnished with new furniture. Chicken house which could be con verted into 3 cabins. Private well with electric pump. 1 acre highway front age. Room tor about 13 more cabins. Located north. A bargain at $15,000. This is one of our choice listings. M. 0. Humphreys 3286 Fairground Road Phone 2-4596 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to . Call for details. BjYRKJT a POTTS S3g Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 Leo N. Cliilds, Inc. Realtors GRAND VALUES $3630. ONE ACRE good soil; some timber. New one bedrm. home; elec. water system; close to .bus. Priced for Immediate sale. COZY. CLEAN COTTAGE: 3 bedrms living rm.. large kitchen, bath: closets: bunt-ins. uarage; nice lot 84200. Tersns. READ THIS ONE: Large living rm, nice dining rm..' kitchen with built-ins. 3 large bedrms. one small bedrm.; full basement: oil furn.: large garage. Fenced-in large corner lot: lots of fruit and nut trees. Good location close in $6850. SPACIOUS COMFORTABLE HOME Only 3 yrs. old. Living rm., fire place, dining rm.. kitchen and nook. 3 lovely bedrms: full base ment with knotty pine rec. rm. and fireplace, also extra bedrm. and double plumbing. Att. garage. Very weU landscaped lot $10,500. CALL or SEE JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. K. VOORHEES with Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 9361 BY OWNER: Jbdrm. country home. modern kitchen, fireplace, range, re frigerator, eiec. water neater, dble garage, tennis court boat dock. 500 ft. river frontage on truly -beautiful grounds, tall 8907 for details. BY OWNER: New home. 3 b r. up, 3 down, bath, liv. rm.. Ige. kitchen, lots of built-ins. hdw. floors, util. rm. garage, fenced in yd. Nr. sch. 81 bus. Down payment bal. like rent. Ph. 25619 Must be seen to be appreciated MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 8. Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS T Chemeketa Street Phone 3981 SPECIAL Phone 6155 9510 New 3 bedrm. NE. in a restricted dist.. of all new homes. Part hard wood floors. Aut. heat Elec. water heater. Wired for range. Attached gar A dandy kitchen lust abundant with builtins. Concrete driveway and walks Terms $2000 down or should go GI at $800 down. Abrams & Skinner. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. ,. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtev I,ons EWTHREE ROOM HOUSEWlTH BATH: ONF-HALF ACRE: terms. $370000. C E. NELSON. 483 MA DRONA AVE. NEW Small 4 room unfinished house. partly furn. New. 55x100 lot, lots of shrubs. By Owner. $3450.00. Second bouse on right Toshoki Rd Silverton, PHONE 3131 OR 36S0 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High . : $7500 ALL FURNSHED, large lot. two story. 4 BR home. LR. DR. K. Bath, o 1 neat, garage, bus and grade school 4 blocks, closed In back porch, fu -niture incudes electric range, washing machine, good furniture. :.id floor coverings. $850u Iwo bedroom house. LR. DR. K. Hath, plastered Interior, fir Coots. opposition roof, basement laundry trays, electric r gas cooking, one block to bus. electric range, refrigerator; davenport and few other . ' items go. Apartment in basement now rented. $11750 Very nice district. 3 BR home. Bath, large cheerful DR. LR. Kitchen with lots of builtins. Fireplace. Baserrent automatic air conditioned gaa heating plant with thermostat control, automatic gas water heater, lota of builtins for fruit and storage In basement, double garage with re- m-nt flour, large corner lot. good lawn, shrubs and flower, good gar den spot, back yard fenced close to bus, grocery store and grade and J- High school. ' $11.750 very nice some, clean, beautiful hardwood floors, stucco exterior, ,asiered interior, composition roof. 2 BR bungalow. LR. DR. K. Bath, ouiltlns. Fireplace. Basement with wash trays, electric cookjig. Garage, ous by door, grade and high school close. SUBURBANS $5000 Five Acres South, one Bedroom house. bath. LR. K. single garage. scVjoI by bus. 4 acres cherries and 1 acre mixed' fruit. 10.00 Just Suburban with One and one-tenth acres, two story. 3 BR house. -R, DR. K. Nook, Bath, Venetian Blinds, plaster and firtex interior, f ii floors, electric cooking, oil heat garage, bus by door, one acre tn filberts, garden tools to with place, very nice. $11.500-FURNISHED.. acre. English uostairs unfinished but sub-floored. HW floors. Fireplace. Basement, electric cooking, garage, bus by door, school by bus. home well built a id arranged nicely, nice yard and Shrubs and shade trees, nut and fruit trees, all . furniture. $19,50u -Portable Sawmill. 8 room house surroundings with North santlam. cutting thru one corner of property with 16-inch trout Sawmill la number one American make, brand new. 100 horsepower dlesel motor, new. approx. to i million feet of timber, can get additional timber. 14 acres fescue. 13 acre oats and vetch, land Cleared for cultivation, hot and cold water., spring water piped to house, electricity, telephone. Barn with stanchions and a milking machine, chicken house with approx. 30 chickens. 3 milk cows, calves, team of horses, mowing machine, rake. disc, wagon, seeder drill, fun ily orchard. 3 men to operate . mill. ;'" FARM $30,000 EQUIPPED. 310 Acres, outsandmg turkey farm. 3 BR house, eleetrle lignis, electric water pump, Kain. easement, uarage, earn wnn stanchions. 10 poultry houses. 140 acres cultivated. 3 arret orchard. 160 acres pasture, IS acres timber, all fenced, one spring and one stream, tractor. 4 horses. 2 cows, drill, sprtng-tooth harrow; corn slant er. hay rack. etc. 4000 or 5000 turkeys aoing tn brooder April IS. aiso two five-room tenant houses. - - PHONE 5131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High V Evenings 6901 7163 4937 - $348 LEE OHMART & NORTHEAST . rl CilMAV4MM Dnul ; rmri I atl fin ished 2 bedroom home" with 12 lots, all surveyed, ifs a good buy for only $4500. $6300. ATTRACTIVE V..... mnm kAm . Ks.ll! 1 ft V.ir, ftM ,UI . www., .aw n..nl. wiMH f mm : water heater, g'as furnace garaffe. small tot. weU located Jusi on- u sireci. NEAT HOME $7000 Close to the edge of town. living room. 2 bedrooms, large xncnen. wir ed for range, electric water heater, about 9 years old. lot is 30100. 8 wal nut trees. FARM SPECIALS -DAIRY. RANCH 979 trm. tare T room elder atvle hoii.e. bath and electrtdtv. new modern barn. 24 I'anchions. feed bins, box stalls, garage and other out build ng. 13 A. In cultivation, soil largely Willamette and Amity soil. 142 A. of Umber and brush, app. 500,000 ft. of saw logs and constdcranie poie iimser. ixx-aiea on good country road, level land. Deduct the cash market value of this timber and vol will have a dandy ranch. Total price S40.0OS. - 174 ACRES UNIMPROVED LAND Willamette and Amity silt loam, slightly over half of this. tract In cultiva tion, balance in fir timber, located on paved hiway, due east of St. Psui. A dandy tract of level land, can be developed into a top grade ranch $20 ,38w LEE OHMART & 477 COURT ST. ' Eves, and Sun. GRABENHORST SPECIALS 3 bdrms full basemt, auto-sawdust heat, et, n.w. neaier, n.w. i... fireplace, nice cor. lot. well landscaped. Completely redec orated. Price $11,600. a, COUNTRY HOME '.' full basement auto-oil heat rumpus rm lir.nllPM L DUmDlllI SYStem, A REAL FAMILY HOME. PICTURESQUE vitw rnurt-1 1 t c-1-.m. ir-Mt Colonial homes red brick front, dble. garage, 3 large bdrms.. plus den. brkft rm.. spacious rooms thru -out. comma no in a v city, valley 8c mts.. i A, well land scaped rround.. SHOWN BY AP POINTMENT ONLY. TEN AtKlS umaa-ii' . a fri.,m- basement. auto-Oil heat. barn. $ A. under cult New trac tor St other farm equip, goes. See this before you buy- GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS X34 SO. LIBERTY STREET " ; Phone 4131 . ?t?TTn- For Prompt wourteoua acrCT. NELSON SPARKLING NEW NORTH ...th.i mmw-xut firs, throughout IIY-I. . r-ZZ., l.S dinette. vivi iaiea. m-t . Kit.. 3 bdrms.. utility tm. L. trays. auto, water neater, wirra "-" lmd. pos. priced , UUUU DUI w-wa a.--. - -a ' -.-a ss.tak4snsdi hnm With L. Jt.. dinette. Kit. 2 bdrms. St bath, utility rm. in garage, elec. water heater, elec. . " t.rmm Int elna tO bUS. neat . stores St schools, $7900. lmd. poss. Fur niture avaa. v NELSON Chet I Nelson STOAU2INC REALTORS Rm. 300-3 Masonic Bldg.. 4S5 Statoj St , Ph. 4413 or 4622. Eves, 3-1350 .j mum awMi .(...wm x fsr. rfn . fine tw-vm. e-wv- " - - - - location. N. E. Auto heat No. 303 $26 000. 3 bdrms. a tnarveioua owiw In a grand setting. No. - $5850. 3 bdrms. Large kitchen with nook. Pretty good. No. 324 - $10,500. 3 bdrms. Psrty Toorn. 2 fire places. In top condition. No. 3?A ...nM . MrM HollVWOOd. W ClI designed A finished. No. 323 . $13,200. 3 norms, aaanosany " Auto oil heat Very complete. No. 320 ... ca a SJt hnu-a. Air cond. heat' Good yard ft location. Noi 405 Make, offer. Dorm, oia lyps.--tential Income. Modern. No. 414 $15,000. A very fine 4 bdrm. home. Englewood. Really homey. No. 416 $7900. Very neat 3 bdrm. Fireplace, full basement furnace. Vacant No. 259 kitchen bath. Nicely finirhed. extra Urge double garage. . ot - 38500. Close in South. Acre, 2 hdrm. mod. house, pleasant setting. $8950. i Acre, a bdrm. wow. xr. coved ceilings. Auto oA heat Well improved yard. No. 283. . $11,500. Large z rjorm. iufcnni Fleet, heat Unusually good appear ance. No. 28 .. $7350. . Acre Keiser improved 3 R. mod. house. No. 267- $11,600. Very Nu Very modern. Englewood. 2 bdrm. Unique. No. 269 RE1UANN REAL ESTATE Ml CLrviith Hirh Ph. 9203 mmtk vs. t.l,-w4 hAm. North a JJiJV. 1. C M Ml . v . w - - on large lot 60x200. Attached garage. . . -i . 1 w rtnnr. All wirea ana rvaivij - ing. plaster, etc go with place. . Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Go. Realtors 133 S. High .St . ,.Phon 41J1 Evenlnrs 2-5561 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 453 Court St Phone 76841 , CITY HOME . .. Brick. 3 bedroom. 1 yr did. HW floors, fireplace, plenty closets. Well planned. Nice lawn, shrubs garden space. . Joe Hutchison Realtor 453 Court St Phone 7696 BY OWNER: Who-wants nice 3 bed rm. home only 10 yrs. old, h.w. floors, firepl.. cove ceilings, for $1500 down. $55 per mo. Full price $6950. 2183 Berry St. 2 Bedroom Cottaze Good location, close to schools, stores 3c bus. Has living room, full bath. t,.iwt Wltrh.n nnntr and laree Utll'.tV room. THIS YOU SHOULD SEE FOR ONLY $5400, Call Ben coibain. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol St Ph. tail. Eve, 2-6823 style. 2 BR house, LR. DR. K. Bath. and 120 acres of rolling Ursd beautiful CO., REALTORS SUBURBAN NORTH NEW Immediate oossession of tnis home located in the Keiser. District, lust completed. $ rooms. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace. V. blinds, elec. water hea'-r $850. NORTH 5th STREET Close in. semi colonial home. 3 bed rooms and den, full baserrent wttts auto oil furnace, fireplace, elee. water heater comer lot terms $!0w. NORTH WINTER STREET S blocks from town, has bring room. 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bath down. 1 large bedroom and bath uo. base ment and furnace, elec. water heater, wired for range. Exeef ent Location. -very neat and clean $11,000. CO., REALTORS PHONE 9380 OR 4033 Phone 3779 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT . 3 bdrm. bung. home, auto-oil' heat, full basement. Just redecorated insto St out "completely furnisl-.ed. IT IS A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY $6500. 8. SALEM Mod. 4 bdrm home. 7 yrs. old. k.w. firs., excellently arranged floor plan, auto-oil heat. elec. h.w. heater, dbss. plumhg. THIS IS A REAL FAMILY HOME. Price $13,000. - -, S. SALEM -3 rm. plast home with h.w. firs, to L.R. 8c D.R-. brkfst. nook, basemt, sawdust burner, large lot. Familv frurt. Garage. On bus line. Price $8300. .7 rtn. bias, home with h w. firs, ta L.R. Sc D R. B.wnil. furnace, cor. kst fine location near Leslie it. High. Price $9730. " . it."" -.- - w -vv NEWS BDRMS. SUBURB AS E. A very good substantial mod. horn with large spacious L.R. D.R. Kit. bdrm.. bath. 3 Urge bdrms. up. elee. water heater, hwd. firs., full basmt, new furnace, weather stripoed doors) St Insulated, completely redecorated. dbL garage,' approx. s ac. family or chard, close to ctty limits. r If' neither of these meet your re quirements tell us what you want We probably have it listed. - t NELSON Nelsoa G.I. Special New two bedroom house. Very ..ato tractive kitchen, attached garage, for only $7000. See Dick Fones. Tw T.. Rnnme Realtor at VV M09 -fa- W "- 4as-wr Make An Offer a ftm hnuv eould be several scare. ments. swell location. Bus at door. Immed. Possession. Terms. , E. M. Hunter Keal H-stato TW S. CommerCal Phore 3-54ST Englewootl Kip nwwtem home Enelem'ood diss. trict priced to seU $UM. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Canitol St. Ph. 8276. eve. TUT 2 BED Room home., living bath room, kitchen.; eiec.- hot heater. Ven. blinds, - and ..garage, oss acre lot $4800. to Roberts Ave. off Silverton Highway, . ; ADVERTISINO Western Advertlsdnf Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. . Bin Francisco - Eastern AdvertisJnf ! Representatives . Ward-Grlffith-Company. tne, ' Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta . - -. " Member Pacific Coast Dlvlslon Bureau of Advertisinf Entered at the PomtoWn at Saw torn. Oregon as Secosuf Clam M es ter Pvbluhed every norminj . cept Mcrmdev Btutness office - 313 South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates ht AdV i vsnce: Within Oregon: Daily and) Sunday. Mo 60 cents; $ mos. $3 23; 1 year. $8 00. Elsewhere 60 cents pet mo or $7 20 for I rear hi advance. Per copy 3 cents. - - By City Carrier. 73 cents a month, ft 00 a year tn advance in llanost and adjacent counties. .