HTba SfcrWsmcm, Salem. Oregon, Friday, April It, 1947 '-at d fa Senators! "Opeii--tt WDL ign With Vancouver at Waters IParCi- TonigBit Mai Sederksrg Dkk VBtylt Carl Geaaarsea ' Dick giaerle Bill Bear Te4 Kerr Da Cook Marty Krif Dick GiUkw Al Spaeter Carl Peterson Mcl M Im KaMak 1 J. ;:, 1 wi ft I V Y V . Bm tMrtr Vtact Laser. rBl BUlter Frank Lneekeal Mauler Eyes Title Gor LOS AXGELE8, April 17 Former bearyweUht ehamplea Jack Denpaej aald today he wold be Interested la larachlnf KmmUm of Utlc fifht la Lm Aaf elea betweea ehamploa Jm Lwh aad Joe Bakal of PeaasylTaala. - j ; "I don't know whether Joe weald be Interested, er Bakal either, for that matter," aald Dempsey, apeakinff Informally at a apetia lancbeen, "bat I belleTe the flfht weald draw coed money here.- . . . ' . ' . - :. Dempaey Indicated he was net tee impressed with either Jer sey Jee Weleeyt er Melie Bettiaa aa jrate attractions here. , Dusette Gets Title Geerre (The Muscle) Dusette. as popular and capable aa they riT aad en U tied for the past aaeath to Uke his shot at the roast Junior heary out title belt, g-eta that shot next Taeaday ntf ht at the araaery. Matchmaker El ton Owes annonneed last alfht he had aimed the French power house to Uncle with Bill (Ball) rid iter for the Utter's eoTeted belt. Dusette wea the rtfht to meet Weidner here a month ate. bat the match has been held off. Acclaimed by the' malUtade at mat followers as the un crowned champ- of all matadors bmw opera tinr klonc the coast. Xasette aad Weidner met here weeks back. Georres nabblnt the only fall In aa hour of solid grappling-. To ret that fall. Du sette sairived one of Weidners terrific airplane spins and then slammed on, his own btc aqaeese t aU nelsoa for the clincher. It was a wow of a match. The suo pertinr card for Taeaday will be 'set Uter. Vildngs Wliack Bearcat JW Coach Harold Hauk'a ; Salem fcith baseball band chalked up their fifth straight win of the season yesterday as they slam- . xned the Willamette Jayvee nine, 19-2. in a racsed and wild tilt 'The "Cat crew were no match for the Viks as- they committed TO errors, which, coupled with wUdness on the part of their hur- x lers, piled up the winners' mar grin. .The Hauks Jumped to the front with, four runs in the third and wound the seven-frame go tip with a bang by tallying 10 runs in the sixth. Ray Coursey went the route for the high schoolers, scattering eight hits, whiffing eight and walking but one. - - ' Dick Allison, Del Kleen and Coursey were the top stick men - for the Viks with two "blows each. Walker, Medley and Stocks hit twice for the JVs. h The Salems next meet the Ore gon State Rooks at Corvallis' Sat- - crdar. - ' .' ; Willamette " 008 110 I 10 ' kalem 004 321 O IS 10 S Zafeare. Acker (3). Stocka (() and Walker; Course? and Alliaon. , Elks Firing To Resume 1 Salem Goll Men clubbers ran through a nine hole Roodles tour ney and enjoyed a whopping good feed last night, occasion being the weekly get-together. , Bob King came out on top in the Roodles with- a 35-2-21. Knotted for the second spot were Leo Estey, 35-1 20, and O. E. McCrarey, 37-3-20. First round play in the Elks Mid-Willamette Valley tourney will likely hit the local course hot and heavy beginning today and continuing through to the Sunday sught deadline. Russians Get Olympic Snub LONDON, April 17 -VP- Rus sia, which has made application for membership in various inter national athletic bodies, was not listed among the nations to whom Invitations for the Olympic games were mailed today by the British organizing committee. If the Russians are granted memberships in the international bodies controlling the individual sports and then form an Olympic committee of their own the indi cations are that they will- receive a bid to the 1948 Olympic -con tests here July 28 to Aug. 19. lUSWEIX HOSPITALIZED CHICAGO. April 17 - (AP) -Charles W. Bid will, 51, owner at the Chicago Cardinals of the Na tional Football league and heavily interested in. thoroughbred racing, w&s rushed to a hospital (Critically Tussle BtU Gregory . JUn Wtrt Starting Hurlers Set SPOKANE, April 17 luP)- Pete Zmitrovich, one of the new Spo kane Indians' best ' pitching pros pects, and veteran Cy Greenlaw, 18-game winner for Tacoma last year, will be starting'hurlers to morrow v night when i the two teams open the Western Interna tional league baseball season here. Bearcats At Pacific U Coach Walt Erickson'f - Wil lamette university baseball team opens its Northwest conference play today in an afternoon game at Forest Grove with the Pacific U Badgers. Erickson intends to start Johnny Slanchik on the hill for his club. Slanchik has looked good in pre-season engagements and has impressed as being the most effective flinger on the club. Following today s game the Cats will play Lewis & Clark in an other league tussle at Waters park April 22. . ; ; Oregonians In the Majors B R H O A K RBI Poaky. Rod Sox -4 1 S S S O 1 Doerr. Red Sox 4 II 1 1 Cordon, Cleveld. No game i scheduled. Vico. Detroit Did not play. Joe Erautt. Detroit Did not play, Bevona, Yankees Won today. To date won I, lost 0. j Jansen, Giants Pitched J'i innings; loss sot counted against him. To date won 0. lost ft. j Play M .-.----rr --MMsssasssssssssasssssolaSSSsaasiasasssssssssi I r i i " ..... . . .. Tea. WIL Prexy Bob Abel mast tnsly believe the 1947 campaign win aSdo last year's great year. Any tim. UsebaU leagoe presi- of mind. Along; with , the pix the prexy opines, "I an eonfiaent we are off to ear greatest: season."; Considering that the 194C - WIL bow was tops foe Claaw B base balling la the nation, the boos is aa aspiring gent, V. Speaking of big years, the .nestlo bobs ap again, -WU1 the Senators do 110,000 at the tares tiles again this yearr Yoa may Jast as well ask the answer to who's gonna play ia . the world series next fall as that ne, for too many items must be considered. Among them, (1) the towBles must bo ap in the 1-Z-Z spots as they were last season, (2) the weather : most be ' good (never will they over go through another . season as . last, ! escaping withoat a single rainoot) and (3) the league race must be a hot one. not a runaway for one or twa dabs. AU entertainment fea- .BOB ABEL tares la the nation are supposed to be down 49 per cent this year OTer last, bat with the assistance, of the three Items mentioned the Wilsons could again bring smiles to George Norgan and his stock holders. , . The same1 three could make or break Prexy Abel's aspirations for another 900,000 year for the league also, . . . Well! The third year Is the charm. This season, believe It or not, the AP will actually carry the ps and downs of Bill Bevens la Its "Ore gonians in the Majors' nightly feature. So pat Bev on the first team after aU. The feature will carry aba the doings of George Vico, Eddie and Joe Erautt. Don Johnson and Larry Jansen along with 1948 holdovers Johnny Pesky, Bobby Doerr and Joe Gordon, . Turner's Home Starter Auspicious Indeed i Aa auspicious home start Jim Turner made Wednesday as Bevo boss. Tanking Key Helser with one out. the bases loaded and two balls and no strikes aa the batter, replacing him with Ad Ltoka and hoping for the best was aa abrupt move by Turner. But it turned out perfectly and sent the huge opening-day gathering home con vinced Mr. Turner is a brainy gent. Had it turned out the other way for a Seals win, the same customers still would be cursing the guy. Such Is the life of a baseball manager. . . Speaking of Turner, surely he's smart enough to knew both Hal Summers and Duane Crawford would develop' much faster playing regularly la a Class B league than they will shivering nightly on a Triple-A bench. Turner Isn't playing either one and his present lineup seems to click. How's about sending 'em to 1st Li. J. Wilson, James? . . . Pitchers DuckRariso Coming Back " . A snip from the Eugene Register-Guard tattles that the Active club of that village mailed the Oregon High School Activities asso ciation a check for 930,604.65 from ticket sales: for the annual state prep hoop tourney - staged at - McArtbur court last March. After taxes,' et al are deducted, the net Uke for the OHSAA should be around 915,000 which was usually the gross receipts. ; . . Senator servers start ducking that lad with the big bat Is back again. The Bill Barisoff -New York Giant deal blew up suddenly; it seems, and Barisoff is headed back for Bremerton, the outfit he belted 49 home mas for last season. The Giants, were to have paid the Brems 912,009 for the slugger. V. . News Item for rabbit-eared clients-who like 'the third base side of the Waters grandstand: Doug- Williams, the "Cmon You Babe" third sacker for . Wena tehee last semester has been released and won't be back to keep yon away nights this Mr. Jack WlUm Traclonen Set For -HayvarcF I Annual Relays Draw State Prep Crews The annual Hayward relays, No. 2 prep track party in Oregon every spring,- gets off today, at Eugene on the U of Oregon's Hayward field. The two-day carnival ' has attracted 60 en tries. Including all -three de fending champions of 1946, Med ford in class A, Beaverton in class B and Sheridan in class C 4 r Coach Vera Gilmore's Salem Vikings, a green and inexperienc ed outfit "a year or two away," according to the mentor, will en ter a 25-man squad, but Gilmore expects to pick up few points if any t all. The Vikings have en tered, all 10 events listed in the class A division. - : Vandals Boot Beaver Game CORVALI4S, Ore April 17-CP)-The Idaho Vandals today booted away the second game of their northern division baseball series with Oregon State, losing 12 to 4. The Vandals outhit the Beavers, 10 to 9, but committed 10 errors and Pitcher Arnold Beebe went down to defeat " The Beavers meanwhile com mitted only two errors behind Pitcher Pete Kruger. He helped his own cause ' by blasting ' a home run in the second Inning and then coasetd to victory. GALS HOT GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., April 17-(P)-The Los Angeles combina tion of Laveme Thompson and Leona ; Thomas rolled into third place in the doubles of the wom en's ' international bowling con gress today with a smashing 1104 totaL ' : ' . "ia, Wyatt to Hurl In Inaugural Festivities Precede 8 O'CIock Takeoff ; By Al lightner : The eighth, annual Western In ternational baseball league sea son, -sporting the earmarks of an other banner year as in ,1946, to night embarks at Waters field when -the Salem Senators tangle with the Vancouver Capilanos at 9 o'clock, weather permitting, of course. A 10-minute program of pre-game festivities, arranged by Booster Chairman Cliff Parker and starring Governor Earl Snell, Secretary of State Robert S. Far relL Mayor R. L. FJfstrom and Warden - George Alexander will precede the long-awaited inaugu ral. Should tonight's try be lost to the weather, another effort will be made Saturday night. : The Senators, under the wing of a new skipper in Jack Wilson, who himself will be making his debut as a manager, will square off with Manager Bill - Brenner's Canadians, an outfit loaded with veterans. ' The opening series will continue with, a single game . Saturday night and a 1:30 p. m. double bill Sunday. The townies then hit the road to Vancouver. Elsewhere In the league tonight; Tacoma opens at Spokane. Vic toria at Wena tehee and Bremer ton at Yakima. So little has been reported on the strength of most of the league clubs that choosing a pre-season favorite is sn im possibility. As is the case with the Wilson crew, many new faces are in Prexy Bob Abel's brigade this time. Letterman Lefthander , Kenny Wyatt, 15-ganve winner with the Solons last season, is Mgr. Wil son's mound choice for the open er. Cap Boss Brenner, who herd ed his charges Into town yester day, - has nominated . Righthander Bob Snyder to oppose Wyatt Snyder won 15 for the Caps last season. Elsewhere in the starting line up for the townies it will be Rookie Marty Krug on first, hold over Al Spaeter at second, 1946 handyman Hank Bartolomel at short, Portland Beaver hand-down Mel Nunes at third, veterans Lou Kubiak and Frank Lucchesi in left and center, and . slugging rookie Bill Gregory In right. Wilson may Insert Rookie Paul Halter Into one - of the - outfield spots.1 Catching will be the veter an Bill Beard, recently acquired after being released by Seattle. The starting Vancouver team stacks up thusly: Brenner, catch er, a powerful .285 hitter last sea son, with Bom Stumpf who hit .348 at Victoria in reserve; Lavis York at first, a .307 hitter in a south era B league in 1946; Jim Estra da at second, a .285 hitter in the WIL; Rookie Bud Hielmaa st short, and Rookie Len Tran at third;' Slugging Bill1 Wright in left, a .380 rapper a season back; Veteran Frank Mullens in center after hitting .260 last season, and Holdover Charley Mead in right who biffed .301 Big Lou Estes is in reserve and he belted .307 last season hitting four homers in a week in Waters park. The usual amount: of "first" prizes are available to the home players and have been donated by many Salem merchants. If the evening is balmy, the crowd for the opener is expected to hit the 5000 goal set by. the Boosters. Tucmtf , , - , Salea Brenner S L Beard Snyder - J Wyatt Yorsi-, , B : - Krug Estrada t B. Spaeter Nunes Tran . 3 B- Hjelmaa Wright . Mullens Mead S S . i.L F c r .R F Bartolomei Kubiak Lucchesi Gregory t ies Carry Giant Hopes PHILADELPHIA April 17-(P-Mel Ott Is mighty confident his New York Giants wont finish In the National league cellar for the second straight year and he's Just as sure that his aew crop of rookies will play aa Important role In the team's up-swing. As rain washed out the second game with Philadelphia today, the 38-year-old Giants manager talk ed of his rookies, three of whom' were - in the " lineup yesterday when the Giants dropped the sea son's Inaugural by one run to the Phillies. They,, were Clint Bar tuns, with oaly one season of professional ball back of him and that In class D competition, ' Al White and Bob Thomson. "And I've got several more" that rate right along with them." said Ott. There's Lloyd Gearhart, Joe Lafata, Jack Lohrke and the best of them all Carroll Lockman. 'Git Netters Lose :" " EUGENE, , OreV April ltrV The University of Oregon tennis team opened its 1947 season to day by defeating Willamette uni versity, 7-0, without losing a set. Oregon will open the northern division schedule here Saturday ' ' " jSK--. KENNY WYATT ' He'll hurl opener. Weather Okay, Truman Reay WASHINGTON, April 17 -(JPl Washington will open Ha delayed homo baseball season tomorrow, and its two top pitchers Harry Truman and Bo bo Newsom are ready. The president will throw out the first ball (at 8 pjn EST), bands will tootle, and a vast as sortment of politicians will try to look vastly . Important Again the Yankees win be the opposition. Allie Reynolds, who wore a Cleve land uniform last year, probably will be their pitcher. ! The weather man, evidently trying to atone for Monday's downpour, has promised ran and warmth. A crowd of 82.oaa is expected. Bomber's Next Rival Puzzle NEW YORK. April H.--Sol Strauss, acting director of the Twentieth Century Sporting club, said today no decision on the June 26 opponent of the Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis would be made until tomorrow. ; He added that it was up to Louis, now in Los Angeles, whe ther Jersey Joe Wanott of Cam den, N. J., or Melio Bettina of Beacon, N. Y., was designated. Ben Clay Trio Friday and Saturday Normandy Manor Sonus UNDBt Avmoearr or Saltm Ckca-Cola Bottllncj Bevens Beb.iits;-Wi4ft Bevos Trip SealsgaSG-: Liska Again -Saves Turners 5-Run First Helps; Padres Tighten Lead By the Associated Press PORTLAND, April 17-0P)-The surprising Portland Beavers chalked up their second straight win over the San Francisco Seals here tonight, 6-5, and with the victory climbecUinto the first di vision. At Hollywood the lead ing San Diego Padres stamped on the Stars; 7-4, tightening their hold in the first place spot. Sac ramento edged into third place by walloping the last place Oakland Oaks, 11-7. It was little Ad Liska who came in as a relief hurler and again pulled the game out of the fire for the Portlands just as he did in the Wednesday opener. He re tired three successive batters in the ninth after coming in far Johnny Bianco who had walked Hal Taormina. The Beavers all but sewed the tilt up in the ini tial inning with a five-run out burst which sent Lefty Al Lien to the showers. Two walks, a sin gle and three doubles did the trick. Reich and Gorboisjd paced the Beavers, with two hits apiece. Bianco was credited with the win. Saa Francisco Portlaai B H O TJhaltjn .83 LubyJ 4 14 A B H O A 0 Dobbins. I 0 4 3 Escobar j 4!Wnnr jn 2 Storey. 0! Reich.l O' Murator.e 3' Sutnmrs.l 0 Garboldj l'Bianco.p 0 Liski.p 1 Oi a o! 3 111 JennlngiJ 4 0 2 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 2 3 1 10 0 3 3 13 1 3 2 5 t 0 0 0 0 0 Sanaers.1 937 WhiteJ 4 S X Sheridn.r 4 1 1 Trowerji S S Ojtdwsk,c 4 0 4 Lien.p 0 0 RestelU 10 0 Kasprvc.p SOI OrteicV 0 0 0 Matwsn.p 0 0 0 Taormnat 0 0 0 Chesnest 0 0 0 Totals 34 9 24 14 Totals 27 f 27 12 Batted for Lien In 2nd. Batted for Kasparovitch in 8th. . t Batted for Mathhewson in Bth. t Ran (or Taormina in Bth. San Francisco oil 020 100 S Portland 501 000 00 Errors Jennings. Dobbins. Garbould 3. Buna batted in Reich 2. Summers 2. Garbould 2. Trowers 3. White. San ders. Two base hits Reich, Summers. Garbould. White. Sacrifices Wenner. Muratore. Double plays Jennings to Luby to Sanders, Dobbins to Gar bould to Reich. Jennings to Luby to Sanders. Left on bases San Francis co t. Portland 5. Bases on balls Bianco 4. Uen 2, Kasparovitch 3. Matthew son 1. Strikeouts Bisnco 7. Lien 1, Kasparovitch 3. Hits off Lien 4 In 1 inning: Matthewson 0,tn 1: Liska 0 in 1: Kasparovitch 3 in S: Bianco S in a. Winning pitcher Bianco; losing pitcher Lien. Umpires Powell, Todd. Time 2:03. Attendance 2917. Sacramento . 120 034 01011 IS 1 Oakland 020 010 400 7 13 1 Orphan. McCollum (7). Cronin 7I and rttsgerald, Pesut (7); W. Hafey, T. Hafey (31. Speer (), Far la (71, Palica () and Raimondl. Kearse (S). San Diego 031 011 0107 t 2 Hollywood 000 113 0004 1 Seats and Rice; Smith. Romple ), Gregory () and Nnsser. Cameron. Hoopers' Feie Set PORTLAND, April 17-;P)-The Oregon State i college basketball squad will be honored at a din ner here April 23 by the Ore gon State Alumni association, Oregon State Dads' club and Mothers club. Motion pictures of the western regional NCAA basketball tourna ment at Kansas City will be snown. RAIIDALL'S Announce the Opening of their ELKHOmi Guest Ranch on 1 APRIL 26 far the opening ef fishing season. Dae to the limited namber we can accommo date, RESERVATIONS WILL BE REQUIRED. .Write -the ranch at Mchama, Oregon. 16 miles E. at Me hama en the Elkborn Rd. 5 Time out for Coke taa coca-cou coswamt st Company ol Scdtm, Ortaon NATIONAL W UEAGVB : L Pet. WLPct. 0 1000 St. Louis .1 2 J33 01.000 New York 0 2 .000 1.000 Boston 2 .000 1 .077 Chicago . 4 2 .000 'a results: At Cincinnati t. at Brooklyn 12. Boston S; Brooklyn 3 PhUadelp 2 Pittsburg S Cincmati 2 Yesterday St. Louis 4; at Chicago adelphia 11, 1. Pittsburgh 7; at Pttil New York S. AMERICAN LEAGl'g W L Pet. - WLPct. Boston 3 0 1.000 New York 1 1 J00 Chicago 1 SI OOO! St. Louis 1 1 300 PhUadelp 1 1 .500 Cleveland 0 1 JDOO uetrott l i -soo Washington 3 4)00 Yesterday's results: At New York 2. Philadelphia 1: at St. Louts 4. De troit 3: at Boston 4, Washington 1. (Only games scheduled). if COAST LEAGCB 'tf W 1. Pet. W L Pet. Sn Ditn 10 .M7Lm Anals S JS Sacrmnt 10 7 ,3S9 Holly wod 710 .412 Portland I .371' Seattle 1Q J"5 Sn Frisco t 7 .M3 Oakland S 12 5mJ ."it i . swuiw.v n ' liana, . San Francisco S; at Oakland 7. Sacra men to 11; at Hollywood 4. San Diego 7; at SeatUe, Los Angeles (no report received). a? 'ft Chicago May Get Title Go CHICAGO. Aoril 17 -UP- Sam Pian. co-manaeer of .'Tonr.-Zale. worlds middleweight champion. said today that a title rematch of Zale with Rocky Graziano, New York challenger, would, be held in Chicago late in June" or" earl v in July "if the Illinois athletic commission, will approve the bout- . .'V'- The commission is. exnected to proceed cautiously . because if Graziano s suspension hy the New York commission for, -failure to report a bribe offer. The National Boxing association, with which Illinois is affiliated, refused to recognize the New York suspen sion. The YMCAV Fear-Wall Handball Championships re sume today with second round ' action in Class A B and C sin gles. .. . rJ. ; i- II r; f i f . - New EITEDIIATIOIIAL IlcicI EB-5 James H. linden" Company Phone 24123 2955 Silverton Road , How long has it been since your eyes u ere examined? it 4 ; . ' . Dr. K. E. Bering Your old glasses may not only be out of style . they may not be what your eyes need today 1 ; Come in for an eye-examination now. Improve -your eyesight, and your appearance ... both. Dignified Credit " BORING OPTICAL COMPANY SS3 Court Phene fSff BUI Muffles 1 : -- . . . .. Athletic Bats GretnlHrT Hit. Onit . ----- ?5 J- . 16 RBIs for Jorzenson By the AasocUted Press - The waiting obviously didn't hurt New York Yankee Hurler Floyd Bevens.' , The big right hander 'from Salenv Ore alter being rained out of his season's debut two times in a row, made bis bow with a bang yesterday as he.twirled the Yanks to a 2-1 win -over Philadelphia, permitting the Mackmen but three hits. Bevens, who won 18 and lost nine for the New Yorkers last year, shut the) As out after the initial ftming when they tallied their only. run. Other American league results saw the St. Louis Browns drop the Detroit Tigers, 4-3 and the Boston Red Sox trim Washing ton, 4-1. behind the effective hur ling of Joe Dobson. In the National circuit Hank , Greenberg hit his first senior loop -homemin as the PitUburg Pirates walloped the Chicago Cubs, 7-1, with Preacher Roe permitting tha Cubs but five blows. The Cincin-" nati Reds unlimbered four cir cuit blows in downing the World Champion SL Louis : Cardinals, 9-4, and takkig the series. 2-L Rookie Johnny Jorgenson belted in six runs as the Brooklyn Dod- gers beat the Boston Braves. 12 6. while the Philadelphia Phillies topped the New York Giants, 11 5, with the aid of a six-run fourth frame. Philadelphia : 100 SOS IIS 1 SI New York J. SOS SOS tl S3 Fowler aad Cesar; Bereas aad Bok tasoa. . -i Detroit. St. Louis .-Trout.- Benton OS 030 990 03 I I 000 201 000 1-4 It 1 10) and Tebbetts; Kroner and Moss. Washington 00! nan an i e Boston. . 130 000 000 10 Haefner, Ferrtck 43.-Masterson Oi and Xvans; Oobeon and Parte; New York 3O0 200 0t S S 000 SOt !! U 14 (41. Abwth i7 Philadelphia Ayera. Jansen and Cooper; Leonard and Seminick. HemsieyfQ) St. Louis 300 Ott BOS 4 1 ClnclnnaU . SOS lot t0-a It I Dickson. Wilks (J). Crodckt 44), Hcarn (4 and Rice; Lively. Peterson tl) and Lajnanno. Boston , ,;;':',"'.. ;.;,, OSS 004 00O t It t Brooklyn . t Cooper, Karl -(3), G. Elliott . Johnson t), Macon 7t ar1 iuw; hi -be. - Taylor (I), Casey. . i?) aad Ed wards. - . . u - - Pltuburgh so 0OS-.7 t Chicago ... too one ooi 1 S t . Roe end Jarvls; Wyae, Kaah 7, Meyer and Setter flag. Zfi it Mil Salem, Oregon ' Dr. Sam Baghes ill today from pneumonia. :