Valley Briefs P ratlin , Commun ity . club iwrts Friday, April 18, at school : bouse. Lender Brother of Salem will show scenic films at 8 p.m. bur nf meeting will follow. , 'Fr.tUaaa' Mr. and Mm. Arn ' ld Aarerude have named thelf son, born April 3, William Char les. They also have an older ton, Bobby, and a daughter, Janet: Tarner -i Mrs. Art Kirchrier .. of Salem arid Mrs. Ben WTpper have turned from a vacation in Myr tle CreeJc where they visited their sister Mrs. Gordon Sheaf fer and family. : " - "- . "' Jeffersea Construction of the new dial telephone o f f ie e on Church street is underway with four men working. Foundation for the building is completed for the zi loot concrete diocis. anu frame building. Ha-esville At a party given last night by the Henry Barnets plans were announced for a pub lic ground breaking ceremony at 3:30 pjn. Sunday. The Rev, Lloyd Anderson of Salem First Baptist church will officiate. Plans have been completed for a new church on the site of the old one that burned down several years ago. Lyaas. The Women's club, meeting at the clubhouse Thurs day, elected Mrs. George Huff man president: Mrs. Floyd Bas sett; vice president; Mrs. Clyde Bressler, secretary-treasurer. Del- LyM Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn of Portland and Fred Vaughn of Salem were guests of the Clyde Lewises Sunday. Mrs. Haisy Johnston, Mrs. Clyde Bress er and Elmer Hiatt visited the Joe Weutmans in AumsvilleMon. day. Weutmen is canvalescing from a major operation. - r i n 1 1 1 u f n n i n 1 rrmn h : mm roxt if OTonxsTS AMIl 17-23 y There's plenty , to do this' V " week in the Northwest Roam down any compass point, on almost any day, ., and youH find a wealth of . events that will make those " regular scenic tours- more interesting; and jnore edu-' . catkmaL If you're looking for a placer to go, perhaps one of these events will add interest to your travels. .,, CENTRAL WASHING ' TON MUSIC FESTIVAL I Etferoburg, Washington, I 'April 18 ,." i :-v., Approximately 900 high school contestants will . participate in this annual event, ;'"- -':". v.;;''.-" " i 4-h club stock ; show ' -. ' Odessa, Washington, ! April 19 . ' Young farmers will partici- . : pate in the eighth stock - show of this typesince 1940. HUNTOON SKI HANDICAP ML Baker, Washington, April 20 BROWN SWISS SALE Centralia, Washington, ? April 22 Sponsored by the Brown Swiss Breeders Associa tion. Cattle to be sold at this sale are picked ''from quality herds throughout th North and Mid-west. . SPRING FESTIVAL McMinnville, Oregon; April 22 V IDAHO STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONV. Boise, Idaho, April 17-18 Youll find plenty, of fun -and interest wherever you. go. For extra enjoyment along the way, we'd like to suggest a tankful of the sew Richfield higher oc tane gasoline. SUMMTXSK1CL0 NOW :. V North Kantian Mrs, . Kaiser and her Cub Scout troop attend ed the scout circus at Salem Sat urday. Cubs going were Donald Keiser, Teddy Hendron,1 " Glen Hatch, James McKaskey, Richard and James Bethell. Detroit A spit bull bruled David Bray's eye 1 so severely Thursday that he was taken to an oculist in Salem. Detroit --lMrs.5 Harold Pugh and her daughter Joan of Bend visited Pugh here Sunday where he works at - Arthur's cafe. Bethany -i- Mrs. Steward Mc Clure, who has taught in Bethany school for several years, has re signed and will attend Mt. Angel normal next fall. Mrs. D. Wolfard will teach in herplace. 1 Detroit Reception " for the teachers will be given Friday, April 18, at 8 p.m., by the Detroit Woman's Civic club, to which parents, members of the school board and the husband of club members are invited. , Lyons;-- JMr. and Mrs. W,, M. Talbott and daughter Wilma of Grand Ronde visited Sunday at the Loren Chamberlains. Mrs, Talbott is a daughter of Mrs.' Chamberlain. ' ' - SfolU MUU Shirley Strauser, who has been at the Sllverton hospital for treatment, returned home this week. Brush Creek Mr. and Mrs. Russet J. Harris returned here following "their' marriage $t the Salem Baptist church. Mrs. Har ris is the - former , Mrs. Lucinda Brown of Si 1 vert on. Harris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harris of Salem and will continue teach ing in Salem but will live on his Brush Creek ranch. ' Bethany ,Bethany circle of Immanuel " Lutheran church met Wednesday with Mrs. Anton DahL , Brush Creek Mrs. Fred Krug of Silverton has been staying with her son and daughter-in-law, the Lyle Krugs, here since her husband's death. Post Selects Beaver .Boys' State Delegates Boyg whom American Legion post 138 will send to Beaver Boys' state this summer were an nounced Tuesday night by the post, which also nominated off i- Deu-oit - Perry (Butch) Fry, son of the Perry Frys, has been ill for a week. Union Hill Annual party of Union Hill Woman's club will be held at the Earnest Speeds home Saturday night, April 19. It is for members and their families. Froitland The Rev. and Mrs. Harvey de Vries and Lynda Jean of Sheridan visited Fruitland and Pratum relatives Monday. North Santlam Home Ex ten -tion unit meets Friday, April 18 with Mrs. Leland Keithely at 11 am.'. No host luncheon at noon. Great New Savings on j Thai. Spring Wardrobe! I It ss? m ; V VY" I i All Henri 1 - r One Group I f Bendel - I of I I Cosmetics- II ! Fabric Gloves I f V and Soaps J J Val. to $1.98 I i .. . 1 tr ' i The Capital's cers at Its meeting. Twelve new members were inducted by the post and 18 by the auxiliary. The Salem high school students choen, all of whom have accept ed, are James Girfgrick, 53d N. Summer t.; Jack Brook. 10 Ev ergreen ave.; WMHm ( FannacM, 1090 N. 18th ft.; Carl Bench, 965 N. Capitol t., according to Post Commander Tyrone Gillespie". The post made plans for its Saturday night party at the Le gion hall, for. all Salem -Legionnaires and their guestsj Kenneth Schomaker.j member of the post, - was announced as a new member of the state veterans apprenticeship . council. Lloyd Ambrose was. presented) a combi nation radio-phonograph for se curing the mo5t new memberships in the March contest. Nominations made Tuesday for elec tion May were: Commander. Chester Frits. Irving E. Brown. Robert Brady and Wayne Perdue: . first S vice com mander. Carl Crelder: econd vice commander. Homer Smith. Jr.. and Lr Beard: adjutant. Harrison.lKin; judge advocate. Sam Harbison: service offi cer. Jorepti Devers: finance officer, Fred Remington: quartermaster. Theo dore Ullakko: serpeant at arms, Uoyd Ambrose: chaplain, the Rev. Lewis Style Center-Court and Liberty FBIOffieial Addresses Rotary Club Juvenile delinquency is not new. but was known in the days of the Napolenic wars, Howard I. Bobbin, oPrtland Rotarian and officer in charge of the Port land FBI office, told Salem Ro tarian Wednesday. Sixty two per cent of the cri minals are repeaters and the bureau has : on file finger prints of six million criminals. With speedier forms of transportation the time is approaching when offi cers will work on- an international scale, Bobbitt predicted. Mrs. H. J. Thomas sang two solos for the musical feature of White: executive committee. Tyrona Gillespie. Dow LoveU. Chariea Clark. William Snvder. Jack Sullivan. Coburn Grabenhorst. Martin Mockford, Jack Wt kins. Ed Khppert. Robert Trwin. Clinton Stand ish. Walter Wood. Wayn Doughton. George Glier and Jo DiFiltppt The Statesman. Sdlern. Oregon. the program. Robert Goffricr.. vice prident of S a 1 e m high . ...... : t i school student body, was intro- duced as the Rotarian of the! month by James Nicholson, r-l Uring high school 'Rotarian. ' c'"i of the nominating committee by R. L. Elf strom. Others .nominated were Harry Johnson, Chester Luther and Dr. W. J. Stone for vice president; L. O- Arens and Loring -Grier, treasurer; Coburn Grabenhorst. Harris Lictz, Win stanjey Jenks and Paul : Bales, directors. " INSPECTOR APPOINTED ' Appointment of -Alvin W. Abrams, Huntington, as.: deputy brand inspector' with assignment to the North Portland stockyards was announced Wednesday by M. E. Knickerbocker, chief of the animal industry .division, state agricultural department. : Thursday April 17, 19473 HAZEL. GREEN TROOP SET , A hw Boy Scout unu. troop 57, sponsored by the- Hazel Green community cJub WM fornwd thlf weej( an begin regular weekly meeting Friday in tN Haxfl Green school house. .A. J. Rickard, Otis wuuips, J. l- c- Donald, W. H. Rossow and Pat Bryant All are of route 7, Salem. ) (M l J