The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    . I i
2 Ths SlcrtmaA." Scdm, Oregon. Thursday. Apru IT, 184T
Council Asks ,
Building Profit
Margin Cut -
Story also on pae 1.)
A city-wide appeal for smaller
margins f profit by builders in
order to make possible construc
tion of low cost homes for vet
erans was favored by a city coun
cil resolution Wednesday i night
after tbe Salem housing authority
recommended building of two
bedroom houses, at a costT of
$5.000 'each.
- Proposed plans - are- similar to
project begun at Yakima, Wash.,
early in the year and which has
already begun to prove its worth.
MayorrLL. His tram, who has
followed the Yakima program's
development, said..
Far Veterans -
Mayor Efstrora spoke of this
, . .V. ! ; 1 M .
reaj ana wui uiwiuic iw uic
eran ' ' . - n:
Old business renewed : by the
council Wednesday was-Southern
W - " - - J t , J A -
jraciuc nuroaa request iw
20-year franchise for Its Union
street spur, which was squelched
by an ajnencment to reauce me
franchise to a one-year, duration
and to . make more certain the
area to- be included. City Man
ager J. L franzen pointed out to
the council that the customary
specific deflnement of the rail
. road's location, which Is on Union
street, was not included in the
original franchise request. ,
Asks Samarar FrTObitil
Alderman Howard Maple's or
dinance bill to prohibit 'smoking
at boxing and wresting matches
In Salem armory cad its, first
reading, i ; .
A minor Care-up was' caused by
lire Chief W. P. ROble's recent
order that permits foe all bonfires
and other outside firesmust be
obtained from the fir depart
ment. P ' ;
tested the order "on behalf of the
people that I -represent," stating
. that it would cause unnecessary
inconvenience for citizens : to be
compelled to obtain a special per
mit to burn trash ami other refuse
'.outside, '-r? . . a .
Fire Chief Roble replied that
be intended no inconvenience and
ithat the order, an effort to con
trol open fires, would be in force
only during the dry seasons. The
order is a result of a study made
over a period of years, he said
Keralstiaa remitted
0Haras questioning of -the .le
gality of the - fire chiefs order
brought answer from City " At
torney. Chns J.jKowitz that an
existing ordinance does permit
such regulation., ,. ,
Council action approved pav
ing of 15th streef-from Market to
. Norway street and rejected H pel
tiiion to pave 22nd streeC 33V feet,1
. south from Mill street, as only 32 1
per cent of the area s voters had
signed the petition, whereas 63
In Wake of Texas City Explosion
" M . .
TEXAS CTTT, TesL, April IS A shipboard explosion In the harbor at Texas City, Texas, today lev
eled the city. Twisted buildings and wrecked tomoblles litter the area. AP Wlrephoto te the
gtatesman.) ff ::.
per cent is the minimum require
ment. -;
N aesasastranees :' ! '
Two zone changss granted from
class I residential to class III bus
iness were" on Center, at 17th
street, to Jess Walling and at 17th
and Market streets. Public , hear
ings were held and no remon
strances were made . against ; ei
ther location. ' , i
A deed to land making possi
ble extension of East Hob Kill
street from Ohmart-to Waldo
streets was accepted by the coun
cil from Waldo Ohmart and Quin
Blackburn' and others.
. Public hearing on Richard
Young's request to zone a resi
dential block at 21st and Mission
streets for business was set for
the next council meeting, which
will be at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May
7. Young Is operator of a trailer
camp' at the location. j
Tug, Ship Hit;
10 Rescued
CAPE MAY, N J, April 17-flV
The coast guard reported early
today that the tug Great Isaac
collided with the ship Dandeirante,
on .the fog-shrouded Jersey sea
coast. .
- A spokesman for the coast guard
said that 10 men were believed
to have been aboard the tug and
that' all were ' picked up by the
larger ship, whose bow he report
ed was damaged. The Great Isaac,
an 185-foot vessel, was sinking.
Mat. Dally Free 1. ML
ibhis ef tin
Opes t:4S PJL
" Kswf TssB Drake i
Dsnaa Eeed , . :
Tatthfal la Uy faahn"
MarJorte Beyswlos i
"Meet Ms est Bdwy."
Opem 1: P3L -
Ksw! Sosaa Bayward
Pasl Lakas '; V
at Dawn .
Texas Jamboree"
:45 PJd.
Swede Suggested.
For Trieste Post
-f LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., April 18
-CffV-For governor of Trieste the
Russians have - suggested George
B ranting, 60-year-old Swedish at
torney who came to, the United
States in 1927 to help the defense
in the famous Sacco-Vanzetti case.
The United 1 Nations security
council eventually must name a
man for the International post and
13 HUE
UBitelli Gonte Utinon
Cs-mt! ' . - , , v . '
- Gladys, George Jau .
it was learned today that the Rus
sians had. ended a two-month si
lence by advancing the nam of
A member of the Swedish par
liament since 1931 and a son of
Former Premier Hjalmar Bran
ting, Branting was described as a
social democrat.
Bomb Found in
British Office
LONTX5N, April 18 Tight
precautions against the long
threatened wave of Palestine ter
orism in the heat of London were
taken tonight after the discovery
of a home-made bomb in a branch
of the colonial office and a tele
phone threat to blow up the war
Military and civilian police con
ducted a busy search for the per
sonpossibly a woman who left
the bomb in the colonial office
with the mechanism set to ex
plode at 1 un, about time Dov
Bela Gruner and three other con
victed terrorists were hanged In
Palestine. , ,
Chang New
China Premier
NANKING, April 18-(P-Oen.
Chang Chun, who served on two
committees seeking to end China's
civil war and who advocates
building up this republic b
peaceful industrialization, toda,
became tts premier. . -
He succeeds T. V. Soong, who
had taken a strong anti-communist,
stand and who resigned
March 1 under counting criticism
that his policies contributed to
China's economic crisis early this
year. .
Chang, governor of Szechwan
province and a friend of General
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek sine
they were classmates at the Jap
anese military academy, was re
ported in line for the post as
much as 14 months ago.
PORTLAND, Ore, April lt-JP)
The Port of Portland's negotia
tions to lease Swan Island to the
Kaiser company were broken off
today after the war assets admin
istration declined to act on the
port's bid for the island facilities
by last midnight. :
179 N. ,
This coupon antitlas you
to $1.00 Discount on ctnT
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Bring It with you.
Have ' your Beauty work
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ENDS -A gesntil U tttW
TODAY . G1rt Of St-
i Aim x
Lucille Ball
John Ifodidk
Melodv Murder!!
NsaJi Lets VJ,
Beery,- Jr. Collier
j "Crimson Canary
Phone Unions
Defy Company
WASHINGTON. April 18-(flV
The leader of the striking tele
phone workers said tonight the
countrywide tie-up will continue
until the Bell system "gives in or
until the workers are starved into
submission. " ; " '
- Joseph A. Beirne, 38-year-old
president of the National Federa
tion of Telephone Workers, an
independent union with 39 strik
ing affiliates, made the statement
in an ABC broadcast
Administration officials said
privately that seizure would be
undertaken only as a last resort.
Cubs Organize
In West Salem
West Salem's first Boy Scout
cub unit, pack 15, was formed
there Tuesday night at the West
Salem school in a meeting of Cas
cade council scout executives and
The pack was divided -into six
dens,' each with six club. Den
mothers and pack committeemen
will meet Monday night at the
home of Mrs. Lois Moore,. 1771
Rosemont st, to complete organ
ization of the new pack.
Den mothers chosen at Tues
day night's meeting are Mrs. H.
R. Berlin, Mrs. Lou Moore, Mrs.
Paul Wishart. Mrs. Victor. Utter
back, Mrs. D. W. Tucker and Mrs.
Neal VanHees. Pack committee
men are H. R. Berlin, D. J. Burns,
. D. Castle, Leonard Jenson and
. L Williams. .. .
Deyers Named to
National Board
J. M. Devers, chief counsel for
the state - highway . commission,
Wednesday was appointed a mem
ber of the new right-of-way com
mittee created by the American
Association of State Highway Of
ficials. ,
Purposes of the. committee are
to investigate, right-of-way ac
quisitions, - recommend needed
amendments to present laws deal
Ing with right-of-way problems.
Devers expects to attend
meeting of the committee which
will be held in Chicago May . 7
Mail Deluges
State Tax Office
A half dozen largo snail sacks
filled with 1947 slate Income tax
returns arrived at the stats tax
commission Wednesday. The time
for filing these returns expired at
500 Due at I '
Indian School
Education Meet
Preparations are under way at
Chemawa Indian school for this
summer's educational conference
which is expected to bring nearly
500 Indian school and reservation
leaders to the Chemawa institu
tion, j
The conference, will open June
18 for Alaskan Indian leaders and
June 30 for educators and, ad
ministrators throughout ! the
United States, according to Myr
thus W. Evans, Chemawa super
intendent and business manager
for the summer conference;
Evans said training work will
continue to July 25 for the large
group, of teachers, medical per
sonnel, law enforcement agents
and other Indian institution ofli
cials and for outsiders interested
in Indian welfare; , - j
Conference Leaders
Evans conferred Wednesday
with Edna A. Gerken supervisor
of health education in the U. S.
Indian office in Chicago.' Miss
Gerken will conduct health' train
ing courses for teachers and
nurses at the conference. An
other conference leader will ' be
Dr. Ruth Underbill, anthropolo
gist and Indian authority who is
author of "Indians of the North
This first post-war Indian
leaders' training conference will
be followed by a similar confer
ence m Santa Fe, N. M., for
southwest Indian officials.;
Meet Mar Be Biennial
Evans said yesterday that it is
contemplated that Chemawa will
be host to the summer confer
ence In alternate years in the fu
ture. Before the war the confer
ence was held at various places,
twice at Chemawa. Summer ses-
sion director will be Homer How
ard of the Chicago national Indian
Capt, Hockett
TT ' T
xiome on ieave
Capt Verden E. liockett, for
mer Salem physician now with
the U. S. navy, arrived at his
home here Wednesday on a few
days leave prior to a new as
signment on Saipan, where he will
head the navy dispensary.
Capt and Mrs. Hockett and
their family will sail early in May
for his new post
Severely injured several months
ago In an auto accident while sta
tioned in the Panama Canal
Zone, Hockett has been stationed
at Alameda, Calif., naval air sta
tion, since leaving Bethseda, Md.t
naval hospital. He is to report
back to Alameda from here.
Farmers Union ;
Note Denounces
Truman's Policies
Copies of a resolution denounc
ing the "Truman Greek policy and
the Truman witch-hunt" adopted
by the board of directors. Nation'
al Farmers Union, have been re
ceived in. Salem and will be pre
sented to the Marion county chap
ter of the State Farmers Union at
its next meting, Ronald Jones,
state president! announced
The resolution said the "witch
hunt would result in penalizing
many people who are guilty of
nothing more than a Christian at
titude toward other men. Com
plaint also was made that ap
proximately $350,000,000 of the
total grant proposed to Turkey
would be f or military purposes,
midnight Tuesday but all re
mittances bearing postmark prior
to that hour will be accepted.
Tax commissioners said several
weeks would' be required to open
this mail, deposit the checks, and
tabulate returns. Taxpayers who
failed to file returns within the
statutory period are subject to
penalty and Interest '
ISccirical Gonirccisrs
Spcnnlisb In Adequate
nuAiL mm
Stressing Speed,
Service Quality
and Reliability
Call Ut For en Estimate
3055 Portland Rd.
Salem, Oregon
200 Club Plans for :
District Convention
Club leaders reported to the
20-30 club Wednesday night in
Nohlgren's restaurant that plans
are. In progress forv.the.mldJune
district 20-30 convention to be
held here in the Marion hoteL
Charles Dunlap, visitor from
Huntington Park. Calif, describ-20-30
activities in that city.
i Two boys, escaped; from Oregon
state training - school Wednesday
night are Jay McMuIlin Dicken
son, 17, and Harold Aiden Hayes. .
IS, school officials reported to
state police.
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