IX--ThV Start man, Salam. Orgon.' Thursday. April ' IrV"l 947 j Additional Classified Ads on Page 11 FOR sale Team food work horses, fair harness. $106. Out S. River road to Hails Ferry, left 2 mile. Boy Check. Rte 3- bolt 7i- rOSSE type pur white albino horse, 3 yr old sorrel colt, standard bred. Black two year old filly. Brown saddle mare. 8778 Sirverton Road Ph. 2-4389. NEW HA MP. chicks from trapnested stock Parsnenter Red Chicks. - Write for price utt, Gehrlng's Hatchery. Sil verton fcA1ED All kinds u cattle and noes Will call at farm Write E I rwthe. 1550 Lancaster Drive Pn 3135 mom or rve CUSTOM dressing, of chickens, any rutnbri Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our . specialty. Phone 3-2961 Lee a Hatchery. , VanTE1J AI.ktnos at rattle, lat hocv nwi a boar At your farm or delivered Market price E C MrCand lth Rl 9. Bo 233. across from y5'e B" Pars on g 23 St Ph 9147 hClX. Sei vice by artificial imBi tnatMMt Stres frwm the nest of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per eonaUy supervised bv licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlf wal Insemina tion ?ltton Ph 6585 "BABY Chicks hatching twice week ly m . seven , varieties New Hamp. rhtres alwats available in chicks Crowing pullets any age Phone 22861 I-'" Hatrherv . - - rOR SALE Christie N H bahv Chicks "ever Wed Bovmctons 3710 Slate S Phone 4969 - - HIGHEST QUALrTYCHTClfS New Ham pr hi res and White Rocks. 1004 free of pulloriirn. Hatches every Tues day Send for tree catalog. Wilson's Hatchery a Poultry farm, Lyons. Ore. Auriion Salem Community V Auction ' 3626 Silverton Road Everv Sat.. 10:30 a.m. Furniture 7Tues. 7:30 p.m. Lota of good merchandise Including ranges, beaters, hot water ' tanks, dressers. . tables. blankets. towels, cnemlie bed spreads, wool blankets, stew linoleums.- etc. i LIVESTOCK - Cows, heifers, calves, pigs. Chickens, rebbits, 4 Farm Machinery fsrm Produce i If yott have no way of hauling your consignment are are equipped to do Jut that for you. This barn run by a disabled vet eran. - -- - - Phone J-8424 Miller. Manager. : Alderman, Auct Help Wanted EARN Good money selling a new botwhold Invention, costs 32c, retails at Mc. Send 3Se (or sample to 1315 E. W. . Salmon. Apt. 107. Portland 1. WANTEDl Fry cook, eight work". Place A- While Cotfce Shop. "MEN for hop srd work But wilf Mck up at farm labor oflee at 7 am. Working hours' from 1:30 a.m. w 4 SO pro WOJ White Hop Farm. Ph. Salem 23681, - Jlrlp Wanted Male . WANTED: Young married man for grade A dairy. Must be experienced and -dependable. Box - 213, care of " Statesman. - - ' rW"AT5TED: Single man en dairy. $180, board and room. Phone 67FI3. J. M N x-fioK Route . box 141. Salem. Ore. """WANl til f Respons lb le men" for sales 'nark, average earnings A0 SO per week. Car and references required. Give ad Cress and phone number . tn answer. Vrtte Box 111, care of Statesman. "RSlAfiUt middleagedman for Lent clerical poinioa.. Box 113, Btates- llrlp vV anted - Female DENTAL Assistant:' Ke experience required, we train. Good wage .while tr.m.nfc App)jr 110', N. ComX Ph. 3311. Dr. Harry Scmler. GIRL or worasnw care for 2 child rem one or two Pays a weePb-4ra. t3fERJENCEr Office worker with awe stenographic ability, permanent position. For appointment call 4171. -WTtsGSXXFEm. Single. 4o nour I -week. No Saturday work. life, aecl- mt and health tnaurance. Mospitaltza- taosi a surgical benef ita provided. Call . In person at 113 Masonic Bldg, Mctro- pnlrten Life Ins, office. Vf AXTI33Kouekeeper for family of 5. Room, board and wages. 380 S. 3C7RINCD alteration woman. Must have local reference. Barns rdtjr's. rjtm 2no rirstJMatlonalJBnkBldf. .ilS TERED nurses, preferably -pwbc health esperience. government erncy. hour day week, excellent salary, living quarters. Write Helen freeman, Citv Hall Bldg.. Corvallis, HHOT'Iarawanted Woman w ilta emails child considered. Farm heawe. Room, board and good Wages. Mrs. C M Robinson. Rt. 1. box 134. Sftvertan. Phone Main 230 day. Blue 1T2 everimgr. - rTklfOregon Statesman has an open fcig for aa office rrl. Must type, short fcaad would be desirable. See Mr, Will, rarth tn the buine office. um,TlS:atiSirlickrTT Coffee Shop. - - . ; - "WOMAN for light housework and -Tjelp with care of 2 children. Ph. 244441 STfcsOfiRAPllXR for sawmill office near Salem. Salary to start $45. Only erperteneed need apply. Write box ' 212.eare of Statesman. " LADVO to 40. referencea. off Thurs Savs. on Sundays.. Ice cream counter aerrtce. Tbe Pike. 13 8. Liberty. ' nrSHJSUCTTES., Apply in' person. Grand Theatre -.i . Saletraen Wanted If you are interested in celling and have a car -Call between 9 & 12 sr. 147 jN. Commercial,' Rm. 4. Ask for Mr. Evans. CO UP AS Y represenUtive will be at Bote! Marion, Salem, a. m. until noon May to interview perron Inter ested aa operating own retail business tn Maries County. Car necessary. Write at once for advance In format Km and appointment: Bawleixns Dept. 154. Oak . land 7. CaL ' ? j Situations Wanted IXECl'RlCAL Contracting. No de la tnal .11740. Ace taectric Co. - ""TRTJoC"dYiVMg wanted, irxp. driver. ew type truck preferred Ph 2-2512 VsT,tRANAen5ni actoowanti afternoon : and Sat. work. Box 216 f a'ewn.an. - Plowing Ford equipment, phone 4074 or 2-12ng. Kill Lawn Weeds - tns! PtilUp W." Bellk "TZOiinZTt body work and painting on all makes of cars. mrrcHiNS body ftn dfr shop 3514 N. Rrver Rd. ' Krn Hutchlns Pri 4733 - - fctS CNTNf5hnes a hd small bulJd"- tnr. Ph 331 or I3n N. Com I. " CAflE)T.N plowing with rotary til ler Ph. 3U. WILircare for children in mr gtomc by day or hour. Ph. 31. Situations Wanted . Spray Painting i OUR SPECIALTY - ' Roofs; barm, houses, etc. free csti- mate Pnone. 2-la. LAWN mowed and trimmed1. Write card or call 1895 Berry St. D5TCN fS7?hornes and small bult- rllnr Ph. $321 or 1309 N. Com'!. PO' tronlng Ph. 26411. . CURTAINS wahed and, stretched. Call after 2 p. tn. 70S N. 17th. Ph. 25351. VCUNG"Iady wants part time work" ifnv kind considered. 460 N.- 23rd. - CfMEKT and stucco buildings re f inched. Business places a specialty. Referencea. C E. Todd, 1047 South Commercial. CURfAlNS WASHED tk stretchedi 315 o. 2nft PA INfiNG at DECORATING, Pn. PLoWlKG; For ' unmcdlate service with Ford equipment Ph. 4074 or 21208. SPRAY NOW. Best prompt work. Ph. 22822.- fiAR&Ef? Plowing A discing. Frrgu or troHnr. 1HH0 f:Mifer. pn. Boa. C6NcklttrW6liK Sldewslks, driveways and basements. Jot E. Wilson. Contractor Ph. 24371 CRAWLER a wheel tractor plowing a discing, any amount. Ph. ' 22127. HpOwERDustlng. trees, berries and hops, any amount. Ph. 22127, Lawn mower shapening by factory machines at your door. Work guar entee Call 8745 Mr Kel'er. WILL "do small cement jobs and oatchmg. 471 S. 17th. Ph. 2-4751 after " WANTED: " Srhal! Joba. Carpenter wots, rn. zoiwi "Yes, w . Spray Roofs Only Try Our Rates . Phone 3900. 3 to 7 p m. .Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. - - PAtn. BASSETT ! Rt. 8. Box 33 Phone 22308 Spray Painting r Ralph Alsman. 1730 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-28. - r t - - 'iNWwHAliEXCREENS. cab lnet doors, drawer 4 regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Convenient location ' blk. Ladd Bush. Masterwoods Cabinet Shop. 184 S. Com'l. Ph. 8598. i TOPPING and danger , trees removal anywhere. 413 Evergreen Ave. Phone 2MI7. AKllED: Furniture to glue A re- patr. Lee Bros. 4020 E. State. Ph. 21233 PAlNf IN3 ANI5 decoraung Int.. ext where Interior are a specialty, commercial or residentiaL also now taking work orders for exteriors. Brush or spray painter, house roofs, barns, farm buildings anywhere In slate Insured. Phone 25444 or (255. Salem. Dick Orey. 4 " - PAINTING: Best quality work-Reas. free estimates.-Chet Horn. Ph. 5313 Garden Plowing Garden plowing and discing. Ford tractor. Ray Batter. Ph. 32504. - SALTM HeigriUaTPringU pickup 4 garbage service. Ph. 9673. Hollywood Transfer : for local A long distance i hauling Ph. 9784. Burton s Mobile Station, af- ter 7 p m.. Ph. 7804. . - PLOWING and discing. No job too large or too small. Chas. B. iavne Sonr, 1920 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 25753.. iu Custom plowing see C U. Danv lei. Rt. t. Box 503. Ph. 22458. - - .1 ROTO ItOOTlR Sewer service.-Sew-ers St drains cleaned. Emergency calls on Sun. Free estimates. Prompt serv-h-e Ph 8327 hr 988. - For your lawn & garden ing work call Laam Y, ph. 255fSt. ' FOR Better orchard and tree spray k roll ttVtt. . Mike s. Septic Service ' 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 9488 or 9327 HARRY Hill. Gen cement contr. Ph 7841. 470 8 18th st If your lawn has weed? rail Laams for Extermina tion. Ph. 25564. 1 PAIn rCR and Paperhanger Reaaorw shle prices Pre estimates H J Wnrxl worth Ph 3015 ' HtAftTnTlovlng. Basemen U. Ditches. Canals Leveling. Pacific Excavating Company Power Shovels. Bulldozers., .Trucks - - - Salem. Oregon i 'Pn MSS or 8783 ! ' HOSPITAL tTalned1 nurse to nurse mvotir home Ph 4313 "FAlfmN(l "Is " Paperhanging " W .",' Cmwlv 857 Sihinping Phone 9513 bRAWlN3 and designing Douse 'w Phone 9821 ' Pi eSchool Playschool. 1381 . State Ares 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. 1 D. A. Huston ; . j General Designer OFFERS ' A creative and constructive design ing and planning service . roR ' t-v Homes, stores, office, building. In dustrial - desien. patent drawing - - 411 OREGON BUILDING Modernizing Ph 26972 Remodeling Laams Waxing and ; Polishing Shop P ' Window cleaning i floor waxing It putting In wood. Ph. 2-5564. Septic , Tanks Cleaned K. P. Hamet 1143 tth. Wert Salem Phone 7404 ALL 1 Work gua ranteed. Window, walla, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457., For Sale Miscellaneous RESTAURANT Grill. automatlo) electric 14 Inches square. i . Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N Liberty WEST1NGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR. SO cu. ft., ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. . Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty JUMASAKE and Grandiflora camel lia plants, 73c each. Many other shrubs ana plants. 995 N. Zlst 30-40-50 and 68 aaL . water healers for immediate delivery. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO- zs n. Liberty J'PRESSUBE Coolcerifg L r Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty : TRANSPARENT Piasti-kW "for draaiboards. floors and furniture. Y EATER APPUANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty LOOM Wire, 12- analvT : Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pup pte. pure bred. Female $25. male $35 Roy H. Stmmona. Rt 4. Box 270. Pn ZIM3. IRONING Boards, metal and wooden pad a cover. Y EATER APPUANCX CO. . 253 Ni Liberty " STOVE Repairing "and parts. Woodf-v' MkL. 16Q5 N. Summer St. SIDEARM water heaters, automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. - 258 N. Liberty LAWN CaH. air mitaL rubber tired, lawn and garden tool. - Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty PALLETONE, one coal; washable eil paint for walla, ceiling and wall paper, ones in one nour. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty FARMERS. Attention: Portable clean easy milking mach. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. UN. Liberty For Sale Miscellaneous JAPANESE binoculars 7x50. 1210 S. 18th. Apt. 4. afternoons or eves. FORD V motor in A 1 condition. 4 wheels wtth casings and tubes all practically new. All kinds of other parts tor Ford V at 1477 Marion St. Ph. 3421. LARGE Oak dining table and buf- let. Call 8918. - THOR Washer, recently overhauled, New rollers. $85; Phone 9335. BUILDING -BLOCKS Drive nne mile south on River Woait. DAVENlX 8 pc dining room act $85.00. Man's bicycle. Wood range $29.50. Breakfast sets $10 to $29.50. Lawn mowers. Ice box. Dark 5 pc. dining set $39.50. Davenport $25.00, Good used beds, springs k maltresres. MARTIN'S . FURN. CO. 420 So. Com'l. LAWN Mower $5. 1410 S. 12th. 5 ROOM Size oil air cond. furnace. Seme metal 120 gal. oil tank. Exc. eond. Installing elec. hesL Chinese- Tea Garden. 162', N. ComM. Closed Tues. 184TONTiAf5Tcar radio, $ tube deluxe pushbutton) model. AIko ' fit '48 Pontiac or '42 or '48 Olds. Reason-h'-. Ph. y-1802. RADIOS. Record players.' recorders for immediate delivery. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LLTkA Violet (sun lamps. Infra red heat I lamps and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PIN-UP and table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty ' 2 WHEEL Trailer, new box. good tires. Make an offer. Ph. 21531. Bedding Plants ' Pansles.' geraniums petunias, etc. Also vegetable - plants. Rice's, Holly wood Dr. Out Silverton highway to first hell station, turn rieht HOT Plates cingie 2-bumer.' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -255 N. Liberty FERTILIZE as you irrigate with con eentrated scientific Hy-Min Liquid fer tilizer. Increase your yield up to 25 per cent. Now available In any quan tity and any. formula. Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade Sta.. Salem. ' Shingles Cedar shingles, lumber and building supples on direct, mill sale. PHONE 1-5950. ' - . EOLA LUMBER COMPANY , Salem-Dallas Hl-wav FXXC Floor polishers, Ideal for home or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' ' : ' 255 N. LIBERTY PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST. BLOCK CO.. S. 12th St at Vista Ave. Ph. eve.. 9904. IRON and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , . , zzo n. Lioerty. "GIBSON (Tarden tractor and equip- menl , available now. You ride. L. C Miller. Rlckreall, Ore. ANV ASPa tnt to make awnings, buggies and lawn furniture look like new. . . - Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. - 355 N. Liberty tXJS. Lamps and Torch iers. YEATER . APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 1 NEARLY NEW TDS blade St drum less than 100 hrs. 122 Caterpillar with blade. 1 Electric power saw. Atkins. 4-5 and S-ft. bars. 2-4 ft. chatna 2-8 ft. :" chain 1-8-ft. chain. Extra cable. . Approx. 720 ft, ' 1 Custom ' built dual axle logging trailer.' 9:00x20 0 rubber. 4 new. 8 used tires. - 'PHONE STAYTON 748 Rt. I. Box 149. Stavtnn 1 HUl r juicers -and can - openers. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.-Liberty - ' SEWING . Machines repaired , and rented. Cash paid for ' machines, re gardless of condition. Ph. 7871 or write W Davenport.. 1930 North 11th. Work Guar. . - - . l943 ZJCMITrf V combination radio phonograph, arm chair model. Call 8907 , FOR SALE: Busher trombone in good cond Clarence Holmsn. YMCA. "TTOHaTO . plants. 25e ooz. Petunias, marigolds, ageratum. stocks. 3Se dos. Supdraross -40c. Sllke's Greenhouse. Rte. 0. box 249. Out Center, 1 mile east Friiitland school. , - - GrT4C'SblkTr7or " saJer In" excelieni condition. 1391 Market St. ""WASHING Machine - that fit on your laundry trays, full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty $250 DIAMOND ring. Tiffany aet tlnr. side diamonds. Will sacrifice for 8125. Call 25419 after 10 a. m. FT. refrirerator. 858 S. 15th GREENHOUSE grown vegetable and flower plant. 20c and 35c dozen. First house west Keller school. -""IlOTPOINT electric range, large style. 150 Roberts Ave. ' ; WE5T1NG H6IJSlfelectrlc range. 840 Gaines. Ph. 3641 after 8:30 p. m. . NEW Wisconsin air cooled 20 h. p. gaa engine. Karl Hey den, RL 3. box 920.Salem. Ph. 22827. iPIECr" dining room set. Walnut studio couch and library table. 2105 Yew Street. " DISSfON chain saw. See us for parts. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem, 1058 S. Commercial St .Phone 8023. TORSADE: Blue "Tag Marshall strawberry plants certified by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are contracting additional straw berry acreage. Phone 5502 or write United Growers, Inc., Salem, Oregon. USED tin and galvanized hot air furnace pipe. in. round. Sell cheap. rnone zivto OIL Circulators. 24 nr. service. Parts available. Ph. 6072. . ""ELECTRICAL and mechanical door chimes. - ' ;- , - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -, 253 N. Liberty FASTER, i cleaner, easier! Milking costs lees with milking: machines from Ward's Farm Store. High and Trade t.. ssiem ALARM clocks, electric desk, man tle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N. Liberty WARDS hydraulic manure loader for all popular ) makes of tractors now available. It' loads tons In minutes. Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade ais.. aaicm.1 YOUNfiBERRY tins. due. Se eacli Bring conUiners.;T?os. J. Bartoaz. Rte. $. box 100. Salem. 1 mile SX. of HU1- crest school. KEftRlCK portable" steam cleaner, large aizei good condition. Les' Mo bil station. 2505 Plrtland rd, Good car' heater. $20. Bed stead A springs. $5. Baby bed and mat. $8. Also ige. Bassinet. 2410 Simpson St. AWNING Sli ft., com Diet wlu frame. 1580 Norway. Ph. 8078. V FAT young beef. 30a. Ib. Inspect- m. mow saicm z2oj. "MONTAG ranae. food conSl PTT. 24315after 5:30 p. m. . - ft WHJ'iE nurses uniforms, size li, good eond. 353 Leslie St.. resr. DAVENPOftT and chair, pre war, $35 each piece. 1344 Edgewater St. ELEC. sewing, machines. Rt. 4, box 473EE. Dallas hwy. Ph. 8468. ROY A L typewTiter. Ph. 632 1. CEDAR" fence posts, shakes nop post. Order now, any amount. Also reasonable hauling. Phone 23162. CO MMERCTAL-Ranges - 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - ; 255 N. Liberty " ELECTROLUJT-Va c uum cleaners $69.75 complete. Limited amounts available. Phone 6088. 175 So. High. "TtLEOTRIC Room heaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty BUTTER Crjufns electric -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. n Liberty J. R. WatkTna Co" products. 1717 Cen ter St Salem Ph. 53S3. Free del. Woodry's Furniture Mitt Ph. 8110. roLLER"Brushe.'"1745 Grant P. 8357 FSR Your cabin at the coast a radio that assures good reception. "The Tropic Master." - ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty For 'SaleMIseeflaneoiis HOUSEHOLD Furnishings for a rtx room house, including washing ma chine and electric range. Ph. 6989. C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist 1 do not sell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N 18th DESK and pedestal fans for offices" garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, csn neries. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N Liberty. . 4 CYCLE Garden tractor 3 II. P. Tlow-cultivtor. discs. c n. sickle bar RW 1. 1 mile west of Independence. Lee B. Sawtell, Rt. I. Box 208. B5'SBicycl. 395tlvUion. Bsmt Apt. OIL Burner tales 4 service. Wm. C. Drew Ph 8395. LIGHTINGPixtures for kitchen and bathroom, fluoretcent k Incandescent YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -" 255 N. Liberty OIL Circulating heater. Good cond Call Nelson Bros 4149 HrTsTTlNGTac kle boxes. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty MONARCH gas range with trash burner. 20 - Beach Ave. BABY-buggy, play pen.. 47$ Certh. West Salem - T"OR SALE or trade: ' Combination wood and elec, Dutch oven range, low back, all white enamel with water tank and coils. 3870 Monroe. Ph. 23114. River Silt MASON SANfl CONCRETE MIX. - READY MIX AND FILL DIRT v ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1968 - 2-3100 CUT tulips, all kinds of varieties. Will deliver on large orders. Paul Schaad. Rt 2. Bx. 272. Salem. Ph. 23418. Salem Watch Shop 2381 State St Ph. 21957 D. E. Decker, licensed watchmaker. Prompt service. Cash paid for old gold. For sale: uaed - guaranteed watches. all makes. RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 PLASTI-KOTn paint the cellophane finish for floors,, furniture, automo biles on wood, metal, concrete and linoleum.' YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty RIVER SIL Ph. 25912 LARGE. SOUND mountain grown cedar posts, also hop poles. L. D. Eg bert. R. 7. Box 412, Silverton highway to first left band road past Middle urove arnooi. rimt noue W ILL BUY lot oaan. ecu or trade guns. Sttstois ammunition . boats or trailers Don Madison B0 No - Hieh ""r'Tiie- H. J. Store ' 330 Chemeketa Ex.- specials in beds, used furniture, stoves, radios, guitars, tools. See us and save.'- . PRESSURE Cookers, sauce pan type. -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ' EXPERT. . washing .machine service and winger rolls all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. Liberty. ' - Wfc ouy ao4 sell lurniture, luvn stuvea. disltea. motors, radio. Electric aopiiance. household goods KLIG MAN'S 2W.N Commercial Ph anas "TOASTERS I slice. .$2.104 slice $3 S5. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Fanakitchen and dustrial exnaust, desk models. ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. aag n. , Liberty - -FLASHLIGHTS, guaranteed forever Ilghta requiring.no battertes. , YEATER. APPLIANCE CO. - - 258 N. Liberty "TELEPHONE A Intercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. x N. Liberty GAS. rang and tan k. nearly new. Trade or sale. 730 Mill St - S'lrXtTrrame. 18in. wheel trailers. 12.000 lb. trailer axle. Chev. wheels. $itlres." 1790 N. Front DOUBLE' bed mattress. In excellent cond. Ph, 38441. "WOOD range with oil burning at tachment used months. 3870 Mon roe. Phone 23114. ' C'OROfjADO washer, good running cond. Rt 4. box 454F. LARGE circulating oil heater. Ph. 22478 GUERNSEY 3 jr.. (resti in June. Jersey Guernsey heifer, single unit milker, separator, chick brooder. Large new Duo Therm heater and drum. Rt 4, box 227. Sunnvside. ROrT bed.teadfcnd coil spring. Pfi. 9660. 118 Marlon. 50.000 MOUNTAIN grown Improved Marshall strawberry plants. Maurice Dorgan. Scotts Mills. Oregon, Rt 1. "BURBXNK Uble and seed potatoes. Ph. 22281. - . B5YSENSER"RY tips. Ph. 22281. "JOHN Deere Model "P" tractor. Ph. 21140. Richfield service station. 3' i mi. south on highway. 1948 FARNSWORtH radio conrole k automatic phonograph. Excellent cond. A real bargain. $125. 1621 Cross St., Apt 1. Call after 9 p. m. ' OEXTER double tub elec. washing machine, almost new. Ph. Black 246. Wood burn. Ore. "CHALLENGER Movie screen, 39x52. like new. $20. Ph 4979; BREAKFASTTaEle. swing chair. Ph. 6370, TRIG ID AIRE. Cold pot. very good cond. 2030 Hazel Ave. . . FARMAlTTH tractor 3 yrs. old. Also heavy 4 wheel trailer. Geo. Knaupp, 4',i mtN. of independence. TWIN . or bunk beds, double coil sprines. Mattrca used 6 mos. 2-2564. GOOD ice refrigerator. 3 burner gaa stove with oven. 995. Saginaw after 5 p. m. "MARSHALL strawberry, very good plants. 93 per lOOO In field. C. F. Webb. Star Rte Silverton. VELOUR daverib. good cond.. Hol lywood bed like new. Reasonable. 498 8. lth. . "TlRTEX; 4x8. 12x24. 16x32. lSxTlt. Rte. 7. bov 431L. McCain Ave. off Sil verton road. . Wanted Furniture WANT TO Buy Used Cameras k lenc McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State ' USED rORNITURE. Ph 18ft. " WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright Ph 751t. "ITSfcQ TtJRjVlTlJRg Phone iliol - CASH fix used piano k other mu sical Instrument. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co.. 191 S High. CASH-For your used furniture. Ph 75M SUte St Furniture 1900 Slate Wanted M if cellaneous TRICYCLE. 18 Inch, for 3 or 4 year old. Must be in good condition. Ph. 7736. ANTlGufcS of all kinds, old dishes. bric-a-brac, dolls, bells, old furniture. 220 N. Lib Ph. 7100. WAWttOT ClddiKes over STTeiTs did. Highest prices paid. Upstairs An tique Shop. 439. Court St Miscellaneous HEAVY Hauling, Excavat'on and Koad Building. Land Clearing. Duxer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1465 N Front St . Salem Oregon Phone 94Q9 or 24 . WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph.' 5965. Mattrcgses.' Capital Bed7Co. P. 4059 AUTO painting lust a shade oeUel' n Rav ETTEa. 'Caii fthrock Motor C 8503. Miscellaneous CASTLE permanent wavers. Phone 3663. -Special this week. 81 50 oil per manent for $5. j "DON'T Throw that danu.eti furni ture away. Let Lambert restore it for you Ph. 5564. UXjMtitM LUaiUM . pianiiiiik -and car loading. Lumber ' Industries Inc successors to H. and S. Lumber Co . Wallace mart. VVr-rt Palrmi Ph. 9593. BULLOOZ.I.NU. kAlfl M i moving a dramaee ditches due Ph I 4047 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE EN MOST cases; I Bring or Mail Your P bites for Repair DA HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide. State A rom-ePh 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc 1533 Court j Ph 758S PLUMBING Supplies watei yini electric and gas automatic w.tei heat ers, general repair work i Decatur A Maerr 17 'n m'l Phne. 8223 "W ATT.H ELL drifimg""frmestic or Irrigation Duf field Bros.. ! Rt 9. Box S3 Phone 2-131 j MDN'h HATS cleanru and blocked $100 LES SPRINCER. 464 ; Court Financial $$$ First MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE $$ WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real estate. Salem and vi cinity, amounts $500 to S5000 NET in vestors' 5i interest. Make your nun selection. Collections of all principal ac interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. State Finance Co,, 153-S. High St. MONEY FOR EVEKYPUKPO.sk, If you are capable of building 10 to 100 houses. Salem or i vicinity, during 1947 and need financial 'assistance. CONTACT US. We ase alto Interest ed In financing one or j two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S216 M223 153 S High St. Tel. 4121 Monev to lian CASH FOR SPRING $25 to $250 or more on Signature, furniture or auto. No 'outsiders. $838 a mo. repay $100 loan In full In IS mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan at Personal get It Call today. Personal Finance Company. SIS State St . Rm. 125. Phone 3191. Lie. S-122: M-I6S. E. Gallinrer. Mr. General Finance j Corp. offers money at once on car, trucks furniture, trailer houses. " livestock, farm mgrchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signer General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying; of a loan Ap plication for loan made by phone '138 Sou'h Commercial St. Salem Phone: 9168 ; Lscens -l3S A- M-33 . Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and t Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 "money REAL ESTATE LOANS f PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS W Buy Real Estate Mortgage and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie S-216 M-23X 153 S j High 8t For Kent Rooms HOPSEKEEPINO rm. Phi 8490. LARGE sleeping rm, bus.i cafe near. inone zoo is. SLP. Rm. for man. 395 Ni 14th. ELDERLV Man alone - has comfort able home for middle aged lady alone who would share its care and living cost. Ph. 9327 before I P m. i Room and Board WANTED: Room and board In com fortable home. Rm. 320, Senator hotel. For Kent Apartments 2 ROOM Apt. 874 N. Church. 3 ROOM Furnished apt Adult. 1935 Center. 3 rm. apt furn. 310 Bellevue. Call after 8 p. m. ' FULLY furn. light hskping rm. West Salem. Call 2S49S. For Rent Houses COUPLE would exchange furnished houre in Portland for apt. or house in Salem. No children. 8 mo. only. Phone 2-4302. For Rent TOH lease or rent: Welding shop or garage with or without equipment Good business. 4 mi. north. 99E hwy. to Portland. See Lake Labih Welder. PAINT sprayers, gas and elec.. 2.s SaL pot with hoses or quart guns. easonaWetesoWjejrsJRenJ FLOOR sander. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Howrers Rent- A-Tool. Ph. 3648. FOR vour tool needs, call or see Howser's Rent-A-Tool, Ph. j 3646. 1132 Edgewster R'ENT one of these time savers. Elec. hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, skillsaws. belt and disc Sand ers, power cement mixers, drill, auto tools, plumbing tools, weed burners, etc. Howsers Kent-A-iooi. WELDING shop for rent fully equipped. $90 mo. 1790 N. Front PAlNTTTme": Rent a sprayer, do your own work save. 3173 Lynn Ave. Ph. 24344. J " TRAILERS 75c first hr..; 50c hrs. following. Woodry's Mkt. 160S N. Svummer. rLOOft SANDER for rent Mont- gomery Ward. i TRUCKS for rent You drive. Mc- Cune k Lovell. Phone 8600. TffMORAYS. Ozone. Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh, 684 N. 17 4692 IKXH) llsert Piano H l.i Stiff . U-UK1VC TRUCKS FUm KF.NI Blankets furn 197 S Libert v' PI. 9082 FLOOR Sander elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Weils store Ph. 6877. j Wanted Kept 3 BED Boom house wanted by re llable party. Phone 5754. j SALEM BaU player 4 wife desire furnished apt, or house. Phj 24302. VET, state employed. St bride need furn. or unfum. apt before June 1. Ph. 8248. I PLEASE heln. An ex-GI and fam- fly would like to have it in a sub urban part Pay $40 to $45 month. 1475 N. Com'l. A. Holmes. "RESPONSIBLE party will pay up to $80 a month for unfurnished or 8100 for furnished 3 or 4 bedroom house. Will sign lease. Pleasecall $331. "BALLPLAYER, wife and baby would like furn. apt or small house. Call Paul Soderburg. Marion hoteL " BAlJJUt YERimT w if e wouTd like furnished apt or small house Call Ben Gregory. Marlon hotet I URGENTLY needed by employed la dy and employed son veterart apt or small house. Phone 4979 dayj 5090 eve. VOUNG couple-desire furn. or uii" furn. 3 or 4 rm. house -or apt. Box 214. Statesman. I rUKNi&HKD OR partly luinisned house or apt. for vet and tastily. Pre fer suburbsn. Will pay 3 months tn advance. Box zoo. statesman ATT. for employed couDle.' Ph. 9065. 2 BErJRoomhouse'by April 10. Call Hi 01 bet 8:30 10 p-m. Asa: for Mc- vain. Wanted to Rent LOCAL dept store floor manager, wile and infant child desire small house, partly furn Will pay up to $55 per month. Call 3194. ask for Andy. KtLlA dla oOvtrutiMbMi em ployee and family meed 2 BR. houst or apt. References. Mrs. Carl E. An derson, 4373 N. E. 90trt St . Port larvf CIVIL Sei vice employee would like fuin. hse. Will pay substantial le ws rd fot inf. Can give best of ref Ph. 21692. WANTED.' if BEUHOOM house furn or unfurn. . Family of 4 2 girls high 8c ir. high school age. Best of refer ence. Occupancy July 1 Box 157. Statesman. Kor Sale r Real rtate SPECIAL Phone 6155 9510 S6500.G0 New 2 berlrm. Keizer dist. Lot 60x 121. good soil for that garden. Plenty of room In all parts of house. F.lec. Water Heater. Wired for tanpe. Vene tian blinds. Nice kitchen built ins. aii'a at these reasonable terms: $1000 down, balance monthlv terms, or tiiould go GI at $600 down. Ahrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. tnurnce Phone 9510 Mte. oan EXTRA LARGE CRKEK LOT Very lovely 2 bedroom home, living room finished in knotty pine, fire place, hardwood floor, nice kitchen, oil furnace, utility room, bath, garage beautiful grounds. For more inf. call me. Very nice 4 bedroom home, close in East. Large living room, dining room, kitchen. 1 bedroom St bath down, ma ple floors, J large bedrooms plus an unfinished room, full basement, fur nace, laundry frays, elect, water heat er, wired for range, some Venetian blinds, double garage, large lot. This home is worth more than the asking price of $10,500. Ixvely home on So. Church St. Large L R . D R.. kitchen, bath. 2 B.R. down, finished attic with 1 large B.R:, Vene tian blinds, fireplace, basement, auto, gas furnace 8c water heater, laundry trays, wired for ranee, double garage, corner lot 65 by 125. This home has been redecorated and is a good buy at $11,750. Floyd Volkel Real Estate Phone 7327 3 BEDROOM home. Iiv. . rm.. din. rm.; kitchen, bath, wall to wall rarnet Ing in Iiv. and din, run. 1163 Tile Rd.. Phone 87M. Burt Picha, Realtors HOUSES: $5950 3 Bdrm. home on paved st at sidewalk, with extra: apt. rented for $35 per mo. Basement garage, alley, shade St walnut trees. Terms. A good buy. Call Burt Picha. $9950 3 Bdrm. home. Living rm. din. rm. and Kit. south in Nob Hill dist; & lettered, oak floors. V-blinds, full mt Auto, oil furn. A good deal. Call Burt Picha. $3950 4 Bdrm. home. North Just out side of city limits. Living rm. Din ing rm. and Kit. Corner lot. Call Burt Plena. - ACREAGE 20 Acres 14 Acres tn wheat. 6 A. Ip cherries, walnuts. A very good building site. $6300. CsU "GARDNER." 19 Acres, close to cannery. Walnuts and prunes. $3000. Call "GARDNER." Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 ' 337 N. Hieh Street Larsen Home & Loan Co. "Specials' $10.500 Drive by 490 N. 23rd St. and see this real value in a home. Full basement furnace, fire-place,- 2 B.R.. L-R large kit with nook. Full insulated, dou ble plumbing. Immed. poss. Easy terms. $6500 Hollywood Dist. Furnished 3 B.R. - plastered. newly re fin ished inside and out. h basm't. oil furnace. Priced to sell quick. $6909 Suburban mod. 3 B.R. plastered home, on choice A. North on paved rd. Trees, shrubs, ber ries St fruit. Inc Is. new elec. rgc. washer, radio St other furni ture. $8200 without furniture. $16.500 Lovely suburban home on t A. good soli. Close In North. Thte home is 8 yrs. old St com plete In every way for pleas ant living. . . Business Opportunities $20.000 Service Station gt Lunch Rm.. plus beautiful 3 B.R. mod. home with some furniture. Acre, well landscaped grounds. This is on highest traveled section of Pa cific highway. Ideal for court development. You will be proud to own this. $12.500 Large mod. Restaurant on Pa . cific highway. Scheduled bus stop. Big sealing capacity. Fur nished living quarters. Long lease. Good for (50,000 per yr. Owner in ill health. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Commercial St, Phone 8389 Eve. 7440 or 2-4591 2 BR. house, utility room, large lot. garage, fifth house on Browns road. Open between 9 and 4 o'clock. SAVE $540. fiyowner: new 2 bedrm. home. 7 rooms and terrace. 1200 sq. ft. oak floors, insulated throughout heat olator fireplace, garage. Hollywood dist. Fed. housing ceiling. F. H. A. loan a va liable. Inquire 1923 Maple Ave. TWO houses, double garare ' barn, nearly 4 acres of best level cleared land, all in best condition. . Perfect court, trailer camp or other business location. Quarter of mile above De troit schools on Breitenbush Hot Springs road. $7000 cash. Rowland L. Girt Box 80. Detroit. Ore. 3 BEDROOM House East near State St.. Basemtn. furnace, attached ga rage, small lot. near creek. Price $6500, with furniture. Best buy in small house. 3 R. plas tered, full bath, wired for range. Laun dry trays. Built 4 years. Price $3850. $800 down. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig 147 N. Commercial St. INVESTIGATE THIS Choice Corner Hyway No. 99, 2 acres. Close in North. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. Phone 4707 Eve. 8715 or 81F21 $3500 1-BEDROOM HOME WITH BATH. L.R. KITCHEN. IN FAIR CONDITION AND WELL LOCATED ON i ACRE OF LAND. CLOSE TO PAVED HIGHWAY AND BUS. MILE FROM WEST SALEM SCHOOL. HOUSE NOW RENTING FOR $25 PER MONTH. POSSESSION IN 30 DAYS. HAS SMALL CHICKEN HOUSE AND ALL GOOD LAND. SOME FRUIT TREES. BETTER LOOK THIS OVER. McKillop Real Estate Agency 189 So. High St. Phone 8131 Phone evenlncs. 930 - 7183 - 8901 - 4S37 FUR efficient ana ertecttve saies ervlre cs.l i he Salem Realty Co NOW' 50x100 LOT near Hansen Ave. $375. Inq. 3570 S Com'l. LARG E Home income creek prop ertv. close In. Ph 25619. W "4 Y0W N ErT Older hoTfieTTTrTTgi: llv?. rm , din. rm.. kit . bath. furn.. two Ms. $7$no. Ph 25619. M6DER14 Home. elec. heat,- com pletely furnished with good furnish ings, equipped with elec. refrigerator, stove k washer. Priced low for quirk sale, owner leaving state. Reasonable down payment at balance like rent Inq. 2090 Mill. 3 BED Room house. 1 acre. Good outbuildings. Ph. 34504. 8 LOTS with nice view, in citv. 50x220. all improvements, .only $650.00 OLAF THON3TAD. REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St Phone 7903 OWNER peing'UansferredrMust sell modern 3 bedroom newly decorated home. Phone ; 26450. $ ROOM house, barn, garage. 1 acre fruit and nut trees, large garden space. 120 Park Ave- Salens For SaleReal Estate For SaleWleal Estate aBaaBBBsssssBSBSSssssssss PHONE $131 OR S620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South "500 ALL FURN SHED, Urge lot. two tory. 4 BR home. LR. DR. K. BatV' I eat garage, bus and grade school 4 blocks, closed in back porch, fu -tuture mciudes electric range, washing machine, good furniture, .nd floor coverings. ; i . -1 wo bedroom house. LR. DR K. Bath, plastered interior, fir floors. OTtposition roof, basement, laundry trays, .electric or gas cooking, one block to bus, electric, range, irfrlgerator. 'davenport and tew other items go. Apartment In basement now rented. $11 ISO Very nice district. 3 BRbome: Bath, large cheerful DR. LR. Kitchen with lota of buililns, FltcpLace, Basement, automatic air conditioned gaa 5 heating plant with thermostat control, automatic gas water hearer, lots of builtins for fruit and storai in basement, double garage with ce-itM-nt flour, large corner lot, good lawn, shrubs and flower, good gar ; den spot back yard ienced close to bus, grocery store and grade -and 1'J- High school. : ' " : $11.750 very nice some, clean, beautiful hardwood floors, stucco exterior. p. astered interior, composition roof, 2 BR bungalow. LR. Dit. K. Bath, utltins. Fireplace. Basement with wash trays, electric cooking. Garage, ous by door, grade and high school close. SUBURBANS - '..:--! $5000 Five Acres South, one Bedroom house. bath, LR. K, single garage, -sc Ml by bus. 4 acres cherries end 1- acre mixed fruit. $10.00 Just Suburban with One and one-trnth acres, two story.' 3 BR house, .R, DR. K. Nook, Bath. Venetian Blinds, plaster and firtex interior, fit floors, electric, rooking, oil heat, garage, bus by door, one acre in filberts, garden toots go with place, very nice. $11,500 FURNISHED, acre. English style. 2 BR house. LR. DR. K, Bath, uostatrs unfinished but "sub-floored.- 11 W floors. Fireplace, Basement, electric cooking, garage, bus by door. -school by bus. house well built s id arranged nicely, nice yard and shrubs and shade trees, nut and fruit trees, all furniture. ? $19,50u -Portable SawmilL 8 room house and 120 acres of rolling land, beautiful -surroundings with North Santiam cutting thru one corner, of property with 16-inch trout Sawmill ia number one American make, brand new. 100 horsepower diesel motor, new. approx. to million tret of Umber, can get additional timber. 14 acres fescue, 12 acres osta an! vetch, land cieared for cultivatlcn. hot and cold water, spring water piped to house, electricity, telephone. Barn with 9 stanchions . end a milking machine, chicken house with approx. 50 chickens, 3 milk cows, calves, team of horsesv mowing machine, rake, disc, wagon, seeder drill. Fam ( ily orchard, $ men. to operate mill. - ' - ' ' FARM "V $30,000 EQUIPPED. 310 Acres, outstsndtng turkey fern. S BR house, sled rie lights, electric water pump, Bath, Basement. Garage. Bam with 4 stanchions. 10 poultry houses. 14Q acres cultivated. 3 acres orchard, IHO acres pasture, is acres timber, all fenced, one spring and stream, tractor. 4 horses. 2 cows, drill, spring-tooth harrow, com plant er, hay rack, etc. 4Oti0 or 5000 turkeys going in brooder April 15. ais two five-room tenant houses. PHONE 8131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High $5425 Dutch colonial 2 bedroom horn, like new. 2 lots. hour bus service, oiled street. Out building II x, 16. North. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3961. ve. 34.14 $5500 New i bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen., wired for range, electric-w at. er heater. Garage. Lot 60-.x ,121. j Ed Byrkit, Realtor i 339 Chemeketa St. Ph 5981. eves. 3434 - $7950 " : Move right In. brand new $ room modern home with utility room on same floor. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, oil floor rumace. beautiful kitchen, lots of built-ins. attached ga rage, large .lot. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 9981. eves. 3434 $10,300 3 bedrms. large living room, dining room, in one. hardwood floors thru out, fireplace, guest eloeet. Nook. Ga rage. Good location. North on bus lint. Ed Byrkit, Realtor S3t ChH7ffcts. St. Ph. 5981. evw, 3434 Kw t bMlroom horn. ThU Is really m. aTlsss kMnn I sftVsSdk living VAsAffVl With m lUix jiwiii. a- av - -as ' fireplace, good sited dining- room, nice Kiicnen, uuuiy iwn. Sarage. Urge lot. This is a lovely home a new sub-division with high re strictions. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 985 N. Summer. 3 B.Rs. Large living room. Dining room. Modernistic kitch en Basement, H.W, nest,. . , R; E. Meredith, Realtor 176 St. Commercial Phone 8M1 Close In East X bedroom unfinished upstairs. Ex tra large lot Fireplace. Bus service I bloc. Attached garage. About years old. Cement foundation. Part hardwood floors. Furniture can be bought. We believe this is very good buy tor anly $7900. Suburban ; 4 1 acre. 2 bedroom hose, close tn. Fsmlly orchsrd. Near good school. Lo ested north, close to 99E. Cement foun dation. Private well with electric wat er system. Liberal terme . arranged Full price only $6500. Hubbard l, acre. S bedroom house. Garden tractor. New stoves. Double ' garage. IVa acres in thornlesa boy sen berries. acre strawberries. Several walnut trees. Low taxes. Stone throw from school. All for only $8500. Better hur ry on this one. Swegle School 4 acre modern clean 2 bedroom house. Several outbuildings. Family orchard. Very close to school., Low taxes. Bus service. Paved street. Full price $6500. . Auto Court k units. 2 finished. 2 under construc tion, which will be completed st this price. Modern 2 bedroom house com pletely furnished with new furniture. Chicken house which could be con verted Into 2 cabins. Private eil with electric pump. 1 acre highway front age. Room for about 15 more cabins. Located north. A bargain at $15,000. This is one of our choice lutings. ' M. 0. Humphreys 2288 Fairground Road ' Phone 2-4598 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to t. Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors GRAND VALUES $3650. ONE ACRE good soil;, some - timber. New one bedrm. . home: $ elec. water system; close to bus. Priced for Immediate sale. COZY. CLEAN COTTAGE:. 2 bedrms.. living rm.. i large kitchen, bath; closets: built-ins. Garage; nice lot.' $4200. Terms. - - READ THIS ONE: Large living rm.. nice dining rm. kitchen with built-ins. 2 large bedrms. one small bedrm.; full basement-: oil furn.; large garage. Fenced-in large corner lot; tots of fruit and nut trees. Good location close in. $6850. SPACIOUS COMFORTABLE ROME: Only 3 yrs. old. Living rm, fire place, dining rm.. . kitchen and nook. 2 lovely bedrms; full base ment witlt knotty pine rec. rm. and fireplace, also extra, bedrm, and double plumbing. Att. garage. Very well landscaped lot $10,500. CALL or SEE JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHEES with , Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 9261 EXTRA GOOD 2 bedroom home, un fits, attic, insulated, auto, heat. Im mediate poss. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707 474 Court t. Eve. 8713 or 81F21 Your Future Homesite Beautiful View lota, excellent loca tion, well restricted. Small down pav ment balance easy monthly pay menu Rawlins Realty & Insurance, Realtors 2019 Fairground Rd. ' j Phone 7819 BY OWNER; 3 bdrm. country home, modern kitchen, fireplace, range, re frigerator, elec. water heater, dble. garage, tennis court, boat dock. 500 ft. river frontage on truly beautiful grounds. Call 8W7 for tetaOa High t Evenings 6901 - 7183 - 4937 - 9340 $3000 full Price Brand new 2 rm. house, plus bath. If. -Jot; South. Completeiy furn city wat er. 1 blk. from store at bus. Imm. pons. $4700 Full Price , I bdrm: elder type boose, Btrtity as bath, gar, lg. lot. Souttv, wty walec, 1 blk. from mkt ac bus. Gas range as wood neater included m this price. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds -Rd. Pftonc 2-45941 $18500 CREEK property, lot 109 x. 100. S rm home, basement, furnace, fireplace, hwd floors, beautiful lawn. Call Mr. WALTERS, i Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Pnonc -3793 341 Chemeketa PL Ev. 2-5280 1 NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL ' $5750. Nice bdrm home. Liv rm. kit. bath. 1 extra lots aoatlab. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. . Realtors 341 Cherr.eketa St. - Phcne 2-1549 r Evs. 3-5091 $13,000. ' 3 BDRM Colonial home. Lg h rm, dining rm. kit. den, dbl plumb. . hwd - firs,-oil furnace; . very -nice location. Call ; OMER. -. : Huff-Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-1549 Eves. 2-5061 : ' .duplex : : $7375.' Living rm. kit. ba'h. 2 bdrm down: same up. CaU OMER- Huff Real Estate Co. RealU- 341 Cre:r.eeta St. Phofv2.1S49 ' Erea. 2-50SI Yg$WNEft; New home. $h r. up, 2 down, bath, liv. run . ie. kitctveo. sots of built-ins. ttdw. floor, utit na, -garage, fenced in yd,. Nr. acb. bun. Down payment bal. I:ke rent. Fn. 25619 Must be seen to be appreciated. MONEY TO LOA on nrst toom gstfes 4 to 6 Call for detail. ; BYRKIT & POTTS , 239 Cbemebets Street ' - pxteme 99! S4OU0. 4 Mat. MUMS , i -ta om a. ' ', bath, garage, utility rm. gas neater. Immed. poas. good term. Call RAT . DAVIS. - ' .. ' Huff Real Estate Co., '. Realtors 341 Chemeketa ft. Phone 3793 Eves, 9441 "r. our JfetsT bly $9500. Dandy 3 bdrm English type) home. LR. Dn rm. ki'. full ftn. base ment. elec wtr htr. dble gatsge. best location. Can RAY DAVlJ. - Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. ; phone 3793 gves. 9441 $5800. GOOD 3 bdrm home on ckr corner let. Fruit trees A shrubbery. 'M CsU Mr, WALTERS. . j Huff Real Estate Co. j Realtors 341 Oerr.eketa St. ' Phone 3793 Eves.. 2-538Q - $53003 B.R. ON , ACftZ. close5 . achool, stores and bus. Immed. - Poss. SCS00 2 B.R. on , acre- near school, store and bus. Barn and poul- : try house. $8500 New 2 B.R. nice district, close in. North.-WiU go 80 FHA. . $90004 B.R. full basement. Hdw. firs, f fireplace, comer lot N.E. $11 J00 Beautiful 3 B-R. wittt nice) . - " view, full basement, hdw. firs, - large lot $11,600 Large 2 B R, electric heat ex- -tra large rooms, hdw. Crs, . beautiful surroundings. For these and many other fire hemes " See W. M. C1IIPMAN. Phone 4108) with . ik. A. Larsen. Broker . Guardian Building . ' ao Arnrs live stream, nice building site. 2S A. culti. Beaverdam. $10 M. $2000 DOWN AND ITS YOURS 4 hot and nook, lots of shade. tuce lawn. $4800. acre. 3 BEDROOM HOME - Close in North large lot lots ef shade and fruit. $72). .'? Lawrence Real Estate 520 N ; Hlrh - ps.on. 7Sftt GI HOME bv ownor f iU4 . " . liv. rm.. din. rm, kitchen, utility rm! M. au eiecxnc. ut to school and bus. $6500. Inq. sag Hichlsnd Ave. Ph. 8009 NFTTHREE R66M HOtSI WITH BATH: ON g-HALF ACRE: terme. $3700.00 C E. NELSON. 483 MA DRON A AVE. ADVERTISING - Western Advertising Representatives, Ward-Griffith Company, tn. it compans rrsnclsco 8m " Eastern Advertising 'Representatives Ward-GrUftth Company, trie. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta - . Member rdflc Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Fnfered at Ike PostoffVe ef 5a. lent. Orepon s Second Class Mat ter Pubuaned ecery rsontms r cent Mondv Biiinni office JJ . SotOk Commercial Street, . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Malt Subscription Rates m Ad ranee: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 60 cents; $ mos. $3 23; I year. $6 M Elsewhere 00 cents per mo er $7 20 for t year to advance. Per copy 5 cents. -By City Carrier. 73 cants a month. $9 00 a year tn advance in tiartaas and adjacent oounke. -ii- V