For Sale Real fUute ( LEE OHMART 4 NORTHEAST Off Sdvrrtoa Raerd. partiaUy fin ished X t-rdraom borar witii IS lets, all urvejresU it's gooe my for only sbtsjJsIW, tOO. ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom bom. about M rears old, Ctrepiace. wired foe mw. ae water beater, gas hnuct, sre. amall kit. cU located just oH -rj street. NEAT HOOT nose Cok to the ede f town, livin rmn. 2 fcedrooms, large kitchen, wir ed lor nr. eieetne water neater. Mtit yrars old. lot sf W1M. t tmt tree. WFARM SPECIALS ., ftf ACRES room modem home, newly built. 1 car garage, gravely loam son, recently cleared. House alosa worth mora than asking puce of 18500. M ACRES - Good 7 room home, wired for range, large barn being remodeled, silo bog sned and poultry house. Willamette and. Amity soil. Ill health forces owner to sen. See this and make an offer. LEE OHM ART & CO., REALTORS 477 COURT ST. : PHONE MM OR 403$ Eves, and Son. Phone 3779 HOLLYWOOD ;McKILL0P PHONE . 25224 fSOuO 0--d location, class to bus and schools, small bungalow with cement tpnastinri caeAmg; and water hearing fas. garage. SJ7W Ljrfe k. 3 bedroom home, bath. Lit. DR.- K. Bull tins. Very close to bos and school, possession Immediately, $1430 down wlU buy this. . SS8HS a Bedroom bungalow, bash. LR, DR. K, Builtins. Nook, Cement founda ta, all Diastase, carpet wall to wall, garage, close to bus and school. 8T0O 3" Bedroom bom, bath, LR, DR. It, Builtins. all plastered, cooking and wtr hesttnf electric, garage, bus by door, close to schools and stores. OTtto arge lot. 3 Bedroom home, double plumbing. LR. DR. K. Builtins, Nok. all plastered, cooking and water beating electric, garage close ' - t schools r ' ftaooa Very good location, view lot. 3 Bedroom Cap Cod stylo home, with LR, DR. K. Built int. Basement, cooking gas, beating automatic gas furnace, boas baa been newly decorated. SUBURBAN' PROPERTY M90C 15 Acres. 1 Act of Beaverdam land, with 4 year old 3 Bedroom home, bath. LR, DR. K. BiMlttns, Garaje, and Poultry house. STSOO 1 jre very eiumm in with nice' 3 "bedroom home, bath, LR. K, Builtins, i Ctrtitr. garage, and ban, family orchard, good soil, bos by door. gttOb-e Acres. 3 Dedreoea borne, bath, LR. DR. K. Builtins. Venetian Blinds, Cooking and water beating electric, basement, barn, chicken house, bod bouse, family orchard, good terms. . . PHONE 3- 3 3 3 4 HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP REAL ESTATE SOTS ratrgrotanda Road ' EXTRA GOOD 3 bedroom home, un-tva- sttic. insulated, auto, heat. Im mediate poss, Goodwin & McMillin Realtors "bone 477 CM Court St. Eve. rm or llfll M Court Phone 1"4 unu Btsnlnra Broad war. 3 ocrtn.. modern $5000 Eselrwoe4. 3 Mm. modem $4300 Woodbura. 4 bdrm. Md, le- lot Si5O0 nn. Mm " linxl.l ii . . ft 7 500 W. Sairm, 3 bdrm, modem 17730 Worth. 3 bdrm. mod, large tot .382S0 Jteuer. S non, xuoely Xmuhed $7350 Joe Hutchison, Keaitor. 455 Court St. Phone 1999 G J. or Civilian Tn irerv nice new nomas, well eon arucied. hardwood floors, automatic Steai. I oearooirts luumuim ujniti . ttached garees. Engiewoed school dis trict. Mil. S850 down for U4. see uen CsJbata. ' . Joe L.' Bourne. Realtor K Capitol Pa. B2ML Eve. 3-090 Out of the Rain Good building lot and 1 33 build- tag for sua, if yon are naway wtui taola ton toad better hurry. 234 down. 30 per .SFtont. Also other excellent tmUding iota jot iz aown, iw per Joe li Bourne, Realtor Ho y cpiKi a...v-.i 8318 THIS" Choice Corner Hywsy No. M, 1 acres. Close in North. Goodwin' & McMillin Realtors - 474 Court St fhone 47PT r Eve. 3715 or llftl BY OWNER Lovely modem home tare livmir room with fireplace, din ette, kitcttea. 3 large bedrooms, hard wood fwr full baeement. automatic oil furnace. Recreation room with fireplace. AO this on l's acres good land Priced rUrht SIS Moreen Ave G J. or Civilian .: New 1 bedroom bouse. Largo living room. isnv room, micnen. uuiiij room. (arae att Unfinished upstairs. MM sq. foot floor pace, for only $9500. Be Dick rones. - ' Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 140 N. Capitol P- s71; Eve. 9340 G J. Special New 3 bedroom house in new dis tnct. Just the house for Vet. wUhing ta est. own bouse. Nfce living ; room. anmng room dc srrtcnen romp, wrut fmrage att- See Dtck Fanes.. Joe L. -Bourne, Realtor 1140 140 N. Canito! Pk. P18: Eve. 9340 3 -BEDROOM HOME WITH BATH. LJt KITCHEN, IN FAIR CONDmON AND WELL LOCATED ON j ACRE OF LAXD. CLOSE TO PAVED HIGHWAY AND BUS. MILE FROM WEST SALEM SCHOOL. HOCSE NOW RKWTING FOR SIS PER MONTH. POSSESSION IN 3 DATS. HAS SMALL CHICKEN HOUSE AND ALL GOOD LAND, SOME FRUIT TREES: BETTER LOOK THIS OVER. ! McKillop Real Estate Agencv 14 So. Bkrh St. Phone 3131 ; Phone erersings. 040 - TIO - 0901 - 4937 13.300 UJJUi modern 4-BS home pa rt!v furnished. Inelewood dut. Hard wood floors, basement, furnace, beau- ttfoi yard Jk snrmam. Immediate poa easion. . S7S0 Clean modern 3-BR home (dose In East Hardwood floors, auto as! furnace. Auto water beater. Wired tor range. J-car garage.. . - W2S0 2 lots and clesn S-BR home cioae in North. Venetian blinds. Oil Circulator 4k cook stove go with place. Lata of frutt trees, berries, etc Im mediate pottoaiiow. 3SS60 New Modern 3-BR home worth. Attached garage. Hardwood doors, oil furnace. Xarge lot, immed iate possession. ' $6000 t A. and clean 3-BR home Close tn North on bus line. Elect water beater. Wired for range. Chicken house. Fruit trees. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 3S3 S. Hirh : . Eveninrs 3-8501 4131 Your Future Homesite Beautiful View lots, excenent loca. tfon. weil restricted. Small down pay snent. balance easy monthly payments. Rawlins Realty & Insurance, Realtors 2013 Fatrgrotrnda Bd. Phone T81 Specials: - i 3S053 Very nice 3 BJL modern house. Plastered. Prewar built. Best of con . dinon. North . of Salem. Paved high way. Close to sebooi-& store. Terms. $JL375 Down Saburban. NX. Late ' buiK 3 BJl. ' bouse. Daawtte, attic, well arranged kitchen, attached garage. Extra good kx Restricted district. Place must $10,900 Keixer. 3 BJL. English type house. Bw Soars, fxrepiace. bawnwat, auto U furnace, lot antra size. Fruit trees. Case to school. - R. E. Meredith, Realtor Plwjwe OMf 174 s. Commercial MONEY TO LOAN on rtrst mon Esxes 4 te IV Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS dteaoeketa Street Phone 9901 For SiLleReal Eaate CO., REALTORS SUBURBAN NORTH NTW Immediate possession of this new homa located In the Keizer District. iust completed. rooms.-3 bedrooms, lardwood floor, oil floor furnace. V. blinds, elee. water heater $8500. NORTH 5th STREET Close in, semi colonial home. 3 bed rooms and den, full basement with, auto oil furnace, fireplace, elee. water heater corner lot terms $16,000. NORTH WINTER STREET blocks from town, has livinf room, S bedrooms, kitchen and bath down. 1 large bedroom and bath up. base ment and furnace, elee. water heater, wired for range. Excellent location very neat and clean $11,000. Evenings Phone 3-36M 34009. 4 RM. HOME with - nook, bath, garage. uUlity rm, gas heater. Immed. poss, good terms. Call RAY DAVIS.' , Huff Real Estate Co. ReaHors r Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 0441 $9300. Dandy 3 bdrm English type home. LR. Dn rm. kit. full fin. base ment, elee wtr htr, dble garage, beat locatton. Call RAY DAVIS. . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeket 8L Phone 3793 Eves. 0441 S5SO0. GOOD 3 bdrm home am -niee corner lot. Fruit trees Sc 'shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. Huff Real Estate Co. BeaMors 341 Chemeketa St. Pnone 3793 Eves. -S2W $10.5OCREEK Drooerty. lot 100 x 100. S rm home.' basement, furnace, fireplace hwd floors, beautiful lawn. Call Mr. WAUIN3. Hfaff Real Estate Co. BeaHors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 ' Eves. 1-IS3W NEAR kf(3HLAND SCHOOL $3750. . Nice 3 bdrm borne, Liv rm, kit. bath. 3 extra lots a bailable. CaU OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa' St. Phone S-tS49 Eves. 3-5001 $13,000. 3 BDRM Colonial home. Lg liv rm. dining rm. kit. den. dble plumb, hwd firs, oil - furnace; very moe location. Call UMUt. - Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-5091 DL'PtEX t737S. Uving rm. kit. bath, I bdrmi down: same up. Call-OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. - 'Phone 3-1543 Fves. 8-5091 23 ACRE FRUIT AND BERRY FARMT cherries, prunes, peaches, loganberries. trawoerries and gooaeberriea. year 'round spring, beautiful bldg. site. Should net $3000 to 34000 this year, 3 Is mites irom baiem. $8300. Sullivan Realty, Inc. REALTORS 33SS Portland Rd? Ph. 32S5. Eves. 1-5831 '. VIEW HOME, new 3 B R. home, all on one floor, lota of closet space, oak floors throughout, fireplace. MM x 16S lot ana run oamt. Att for flQ.MO. Sullivan Realty, Inc. REALTORS 33a Portland Rd. Ph. 3233, Eves. 7057 NORTH V. ACRE. 3 B R. home S rears old. nice yard. D. furnace. Sullivan Realty, Inc.- in mss 3303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355. Eves, 7057 $4S00. SMALL HOME In Enelewood dist. Large lot. paved aL, close to bus ana " Sullivan Realty, Inc. "REALTORS 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 3285, Eves. 7057 ' - or CIVILIAN Price to pam a C I. loan, very pica new S rm. plastered home with un- zinjsnea upstairs, mite. heat, beautt aws fcvan nwu. uuvn MIL. cerage, m,j acre lot. $7300. We else have other Gl Sullivan Realty, Inc. 33a Portland Rd. Ph. 3258. Eves. 7057 ttPCf usfff 1 tn a trv Rake Shake rm. home, full bunt, dble garage, unfinished upstairs, new ly redecorated, fireplace, hwd. floors, nice -fenced yard, bus at door. Full price $9509 j Sullivan Realty, Inc. ' " REALTORS 338S Portland Rd. Ph, S3S8. Eves. 7037 $11,600. LOVELY suburban borne', latest design, hwd firs, thro -out, coved ceilings, firenlace. oil heat, tmm Pnn "Easy terms. Olson and Reeve. Realtors I3 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 3-5830 $6800. 2 BDRM. Home. -lo tn McKinley aebooL Large lot. 1mm. Poss. Easy Terms. - Olson and JReeve, Realtors 94$ S. ComT St. Ph; 4590: Eve. 2-5830 S2000 DOWN Bun (hit 4 hdnti hnm. hwd firs, coved ceiling, att, garage. 1mm Poss. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Comj St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 3-5830 310.000. 4 kORUrf ttnin. fLntl .l to school & bus. Double plumbing, hwd firs, fireplace, full bam't, Jmm Poaa. Easy Terms. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 343 3. ComT St. PH. 4590; Eve. 2-5830 SPECIAL 10 ACRES of Strawberries, first good year, this will pay out In 00 days. Olson and Reeve, Realtors $43 S. ComT St. Ph. 4590; Eve. 3-5830 SPECIAL Phone 6155 9510 New 3 bedrm. NE. in a restricted disL. of all new homes. Part hard wood floors. AuL beaC Elee. water heater. Wired for range. Attached gar. A dandy kitchen lust abundant with bnlltina, Concrete driveway and walks. Terma 920M down, or Should go CI at $800 down. AbramsJS Skinner, Inc. 411 BifasonicSldg. Phone 9510 fnortiee Mtg. Loans BY OWNER: Kew home. 1 b.r. un. 3 down, bath, liv. rm- Igor kitchen. hub ox Dtuit-ins. now. zioors, uur. rm, rarage, fenced la yd. Mr. sen. A bus. Down payment. boL like rent. Ph. 25019. Must be sees to be appreciated. For Sale ileal Estate SPECIAL Phone 6155 9510 $6500.00 New 3 bedrm. Keizer dist. Lot 80x 131, good soil for that garden. Plenty of room in all parts of house. Elee. Water Heater. Wired for range. Vene tian blinds. Nice kitchen builtins. and at these reasonable terms: $1000 down, balance monthly terms, or should go CI at $600 down. Ahrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Mssonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Mtg. Loans Insurance EXTRA LARGE CREEK LOT Very lovely 3 bedroom home, living room finished in knotty pine, fire place, hardwood floor, nice kitchen, oil furnace, utility room, bath, garage beautiful grounds. For more inf. call me. ..-.-. Very nice 4 bedroom home, close in East. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, I bedroom & bath down, maple- floors, 3 large bedrooms plus an unfinished room, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, elect, water heat er, wired for range, some Venetian blinds, double garage, large lot. This home is worth more than the asking price of $10,500. Lovely home on So. Church St. Large L.R.. O.R.. kitchen, bath. 3 B.R. down, finished attic with 1 large B.R Vene tian blinds, fireplace, basement, auto, gas furnace Ac water heater, laundry trays, wired for range, double garage, corner lot 83 by 125. This home has been redecorated and la n good buy at $11,750. , Floyd Volkel Real "Estate Phone 7327 3 BEDROOM home. Ire. rm, din. rm.. kitchen, bath, wall to wall carpet ing in liv. and din. rms. 1183 Tile Rd., Phone 8788. -. v . R. A. Forkner, Realtor $4500 Neat, attractive 1 bedr. bse. Garage. - $4500 FURNISHED $ r. plastered hse. Close-in. Hollywood district. ATTRACTIVE Beautiful spot with nice home. Lawn, shrubs, trees. High VIEW LOT. fUUOO. GENUINE BARGAIN Lot has 120 frontage. SUBURBAN HOME. Full basement, new furnace. hardwood floors, Venetian blinds. Large liv. r din. r nook, large bedr. Or bath downstairs, 3 large bedr. up. Wired for range. Elee. water neater. Double gar. Frutt. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. $10,500. JOE SPURLOCK BILL ESTEP R. A. Forkner, Realtor " U yrs. Hollywood Diet. . 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3031 Burt Picha, Realtors HOUSES: 8S9S0 3 Bdrm. home on paved st. at sidewalk: with extra apt. rented far 339 per mo. Basement garage, alley, shade tc walnut trees. Terms. A good our. call Burt Plena. 0M5O 3 Bdrm. home. Living: rm. din. ... uu. xrt - ......i. tmm nr.... um plastered, ogk -floors V-bllnds, full bsmt Auto, oil turn. A good deal. Call Burt Picha. S3950 4 Bdrm. home. North lust out side of city limits. Uving rm. Din ing rm. and Kit, Corner lot. Call Burt ricna. . r - ACREAGE 30- Acres 14 Acres In wheat. 0 A. In cherries, walnuts. A very good building site. $8300. Call "GARDNER." 10 Acres, close to cannery. Walnuts and prunes. $3000. Call GAKDN Ea." Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 . 337 N. High Street Larsen Home & Loan Co. "Specials" $10.100 Drive by 400 N. 33rd St. and see this real value In a home. Full basement, furnace, fire place, z -K.. l-H large kit. with nook. Full insulated, dou bt plumbing. Immed. poss. Easy terms. $8900 Hollywood Dist. Furnished 3 B.R. plastered, newly refin Uhed Inside and out. Vt baam't. oil furnace. Priced te sell quick. Suburban mod. 8 B.R. .plastered nome. so cnotc vm A.. Nortn an pavna rd. Trees, shrubs, ber ries tt fruit. Incls. new elee. rge., washer, radio & other furnl- ture. $8200 without furniture. $10.900 Lovely suburban home on 1 A. good soiL Close in North. This home la 8 vrs. old Ac com plete in every way for pleas ant uvmg. Business Opportunities $30,000 Service Station A Lunch Rm, . . plus beautiful 3 BJl. mod. home with some furniture. Acre, well landscaped grounds. This is on highest traveled section of Pa . cific highway.. Ideal for court development. You . will be proud to own this. $11,500 Large mod. Restaurant on Pa cific highway. - Scheduled bus - - stop. Big sealing capacity. Fur nished .living - quarters. Long lease. Good for $54,000 per yr. Owner m ill health. . Larsen Home & Loan Co. 104 S. Commercial St. Phone 8380 Eve. 7440 or 3-4591 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This new home with elee. heat, late type elee. water neater, drilled well, elee. water system, all piasL, . mod. plumb, M, acre of good land, paved road, oast of Salem in the Swegle school dist. Price $7200. It will pay you to see this home before you buy. See D. J. Dawaon with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St, Phone 4131. Eve. 25338 HOME" BUSINESS LOcAtlfiN Immed. possession, good 7 rm. home with -basement A furnace, 4 bdrms.. ell plast, located on ME north In the city. Price $10,500. ' x See D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 413L Eve. 25333 4 fe 1 1 ...H;.- . . 3 BR house, utility room, laree lot garage, fifth bouse on Browne road. open oetween 0 and 4 o'clock. SAVE 8349. Be owner; new S kJrm' home. 7 acres and terrace, 1200 sq. ft, oak floors, insulated throughout, heat o la tor fireplace, garage. Hollywood dist. Fed. housing ceiling. F. H. A. loan iTiuiPw. inquire ivza Mapie Ave. . j ' 1 1U k..u, HahKI. nearly 4 acres of beat level cleared land, all in best condition. Perfect court, trailer camp or other business location. Quarter of mile above De troit schools on - Breitenbush Hot Springs road. $7000 cash. Rowland L. Girt, Bok 80. Detroit Ore. ; Low Priced Homes 99E FRONTAGE. 8 A. good 8 rm borne. Mod.. Close to Salem. ONLY $7500. $5500. COZV 2 BR bath, pressure syst, pvmt. and bus. 2 A. fruit Or nuts. Ktzer. 2 A. New Mod. FurnUhed home. Only $6500 buys this subur ban. $3800. COZY home on 4 A, near Sa lem Airport. See this one. No. 3 Busn. 'Zone. 3 lota, 0 room fur nished home. Real opportunity. NORTH. Over 1 A. with Mod. 4 room. Only $4500. Low down pymL t : Strout Realty - 950 S. 12th St. ' Salem. Ore. FKEg LISTS Of REQUEST 2 BEDROOM House East near State St, Basemtn, furnace, attached ga rage, small lot, near creek. Price $6500, with furniture. Best buy in small house, 3 R. plas tered, full bath, wired forrsnge. Laun dry trays. Built 4 years. Price $3850. $800 down. ' ' Alfred Dumheck or j W. A. Saueressig ii rv. commercial si. GARAGE House, nicely finished, plenty of builtins and electricity. Drill ed well, hot water heater, with one acre of land. Full price $2250. terms. . m Acres. 3 BR home, modern, on paved road. 06300. 13 Acres, good modern home, full basement, large dairy barn, all fenced and cross-fenced, all in grain and good pasture. Owner selling on acci of health, Thia is close in on paved road. T. H. WEIR REALTOR 1247 S. Commercial Phone Mil ATTRACTIVE H6mE and iNCM. S Aptav and small rear bouse, com pletely furnished or without owner's furniture, 929 N. Winter. Ph. 34861. Business Opportunities PHONE $131 or 8620 McKILLOP'S OPPORTUNITIES I ISO South High $2700 Truck Van and all equipment and tools It takes to move, number one fUC license, can go anywhere in State of Oregon, use of telephone and office, best transfer in its section of town, brand new set of truck tires and tubes. $4300 Restaurant, stock and equipment as is. seats. 34 people, nets approx imately $8S a week and business is picking up each month, good loca tion, 3 waitresses. 1 dishwasher and owner to operate, now have dish washing machine. 3S500 '.j ocery. Restaurant and Beer, on highway west, lot 78 x 100. nice lo cation, good property, business just starting. $6750 Service Station and Garage, also living quarters. Pumps approx. 150 als. a day. has 3 year lease with option for more. $50 a month rent. Garage has room for 3 cars. 2 hydraulic hoists and stock. Equipment consists of, acetylene generator and welding .outfit, brake relining ma chine, 1 quick battery charger, paint aprayer, 1 slow battery charger, body and sander and grinder, steam cleaning jerry, jacks,; 500 gals, ot gas. nets approx. $650 to $700 a month. $8000 Fountain Lunch very well located in -business district, doing a won derful business grossing approx. $100 per day and can be increased. Employs three people, rents at $40 a month, has a 4 year lease with - ot on ot S years. i , $13,650 Apaitment House. 3 furnished apartments and basement. plastered ir terror. HW and Fir floors, gas cooking, sawdust heat, buss by door. C ose to schools and shopping center downtown, all apts. now rented. $19 ,500 Chicken Farm. 10 acres, more or less, three miles out of Sslem. 4 bjdroom house, electric lights, plenty of water, basemen, poultry tvtuse 38 x 110. LR and DR carpets (wall to wall, very nice home with excel'ent view, brooder house violet-ray equipped, hen house 20 x 40. produced 000 fryers weekly, picking machine, city gas, family orchard, ail nice and clean, close to shopping and school. PHONE 3131 or 8620 McKILLOP REAL 169 outb High For Sale Real Etate $5423 Dutch colonial 2 bedroom home, like new. 3 lots. V hour bus service, oiled street. Out building 12 x 16. North. ' Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 85500 New 2 bedrooms, bath, Uving room, kitchen, wired for range,- electric wat er beater. Garage. Lot 00 x 121. Ed Byrkit, Realtor - 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981. eves. 3434 Move -right in. brand new 3 room modern home with utility room on same floor. Venetian blinds, hardwood tkyin Ail . flnnr furnace, beautiful i'feitcheri. lota of built-lns, attached ga rage, targe iox. Ed Byrtit, Realtor 330 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981, eves. 3434 A10.500 3 bed rms, large living room, dining room,-in one, hardwood floors thru out, fireplace, guest closet. Nook. Ga rage. Good location. North on bus line. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 330 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3981. eves. 3434 fu 1.725 New 3 bedipom home. This la reaUy a tine home. Large living room with fireplace, good sized dining room, nice kitchen, utility room. Patio., attached garage, large lot. Thia is a lovely home in a new aub-divtaion- with high restrictions.- Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemexeia St. Ph. 5981, eves.. 3434 hJ Umma Thiirtiliv i In k n Ri- SeS N. Summer. 3 B Rs. Large living room. Dining room. Modernistic kitch en Basement. H.W. heat. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. ' Commercial Phone 8841 $53092 B.R. ON 4 ACRE, close to school, atorea and bus. Immed. Peas. $8800 8 B.R. on 4 acre near school. store end bus. Barn and poul - try house. $8900 New 3 BJL nice district, close in. North. Will go 80 FHA. $90004 BJL full basement. Hdw. firs. fireplace, corner lot N E. $11,500 Beautiful 3 BR. with nice view, full basement, hdw. firs.. large lot. $11,000 Large 3 B.R.. electric heat, ex tra large rooms, hdw. firs., beautiful surroundings. For these and many other fine homes See W. M. CHIPMAN. Phone 4100 with A. A. Larsen, Broker Guardian Building TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL 4 MILES' EAST IB A. ail cult. 2 A. prunes. s A. cherries, ts A. apples, rest in gram. 38x33 barn. 3 chicken houses 20x30, double garage. 1 borse. 1 cow, some equipment. Excellent $ room plastered house, with full bssement. Terms will be arranged. $20,000. Sal 173. BUTTERMILK SKY 30 A. 61 cult., mostly In rye grass gx clover. Pine 6 room modern home with full basement. Large family or chard. 3 all year springs. 53x36 bam with 16 stanchions, 13 head of stock. $19,300. Sal 163. - ' WALLACE RIVER ROAD IS A. all cult. Clover, boy sen berries, Ot large family orchard. Pretty 3 bed room cottage type home with full ce ment basement, lovely shrubs, outdoor fireplace, sunken garden. 25x40 barn, chicken house, fine Willamette Silt Loam. Fronts on Willamette river with 40 foot bank. $17,000. Terms. Sal 163. BUILDING SITE 1.383 acres, t acre in prunes, near Keizer school. $2000. Terms, $1000 dn. $20 per month. Sal 166. , ANGORA RABBITS 00x80 rabbitry. 334 built-in hutches. 500 Angora wool rabbits. All tools at equipment. Modern furnished home, garage. Ply. sta. wsgon, 1 acres. $8500. Ask for Sal 170. Estimated income $13,000 thia year from this fine orchard. 60 acres. 50 cult. 21 acres cherries, 7 A. peaches. 1 A. walnuts. 4 A. filberts. 1 A. prunes, 3 A. apples.' 4 room bungalow, pack ing house, tractor A all equipment. Only $32,000. $7500 DOWN PAYMENT. Ask for No. 595. SALESMEN WANTED , If you know valley farming, like to meet people, and have a ear. we will train you to be a real estate salesman. Call 7002 for appointment. ; Charles Delfel, Realtor 013 N. CAPITOL Phone 7002 Call us snv time, dsy or night SO ACRES Live, stream, nice building site, 30 A. culti. Beaverdam. $10,800. $2000 DOWN AND IT'S YOURS 4 rms and nook, lots of shade, nice lawn, $4800. m acre. . 3 BEDROOM HOME Close In North, large lot. lota of shade and fruit. $7250. Lawrence Real Estate 520 N. High- Phone 750$ For Sale Farms CITY COUNTRY 10 Acres with perpetual wat er. Family orchard. Very mod ern 1 rm home. Lota of ma chinery. 10 minutes from down town. $5000 gets possession. No. 324. A FARMER'S FARM - Present owner retiring after 17 yrs on thia 00 acres. 25 A. bottom. 12 A. orchards. All crops in. 0 room bouse, good barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 includes 4 milk cows. 4 young tufl croP- N Reimann R eal Estate 201 South High Phone 9203 40 ACRE HOP ranch for lease. See A.'Ai Larsen, Broker 403 State Street : Phone 4100 12-Acre Farm Good modern 4 bedroom borne, barn. 2 largo chicken houses, about 4 acres fruit and nuts, balance in farm land. This place is close in on Garden road. Price $13,000. This is the best buy we have. Morris Realty Co. 379 S. Commercial Phone 4217 JOS HUTCHISON. REALTOR 45S Court St. Phone 7690 FRUIT FARM 10 A. SOUTH. Heavy producing cherries, apples, pears 4s prunes. All cultivated. No bldgs. A real value at $2800. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 459 Court St. Phone 7000 BuMtteao) Opportunities ESTATE AGENCY! Evenings 4937 - 9340 - 6901 - 7163 For Sale Farms FARMS I 10 acres with modern 3 B R. home, barn and poultry house. Equipment and stock at $12,500. 310 acres stock or turkey ranch now equipped for both. All equipment and 5000 poults go. 3 homes clone to Sa lem. 140 acres under cultivation. $30, 000. 100 acres in strawberries and logan berries, niee home and all equipped. See W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 with A. A. Larsen, Broker Guardian Building ; FOR SALE OREGON STOCK RANCHES And diversified farms If Interested write for listings. IL H. SCHMITT. Real Estate Broker Prineville. Oregon j Acreage Two Acres j Plus 3 rm. plastered house with bath, includes furniture, elee range, oil circ Price $4750. See Allen Jones; or Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State St.. Room A ff? owner: 2TJ acres. 4 i bedroom house, chicken house, barn and stock Ideal for large family. Rt. 7.: box 1S4. On Lancaster Drive. F. W. i Foley. NEW" e , $5000. li acre. 4 rooms, bath, utility rm. garaae, nice trees, creek, just out city limits. City water St gas. Part furnished. Call RAY DAVIS, i Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 9441 $5800. FOUR RM- home on 5 acres good soil. Lots of fruit, apples, pears, grapes. 1 acre filbeits. Call Mr. WAL TERS., Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves, 3-52 72 ACRES, 7 rm bungalow type hse. $12,500. 37 A. red clover. 32 A. oata. 3 chick haes. barn, shop." brooder rises, nice location. Call ED SMITH. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 Bargain, $3250 30 acres, all in fruit A nuts. 4 rm. unfin. house, 3 springs. $1230 dawn, $25 month. , ( See Hess Nelson J. William E. Moses 331 V2 State Phi 4993 ACREAGl $1000 Down. Uufinished hse. V A. Good dist. Modern const. Bus line. Edge of city. j Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Cornel. Ph. 4590; Eve 9536 $8500. 8 ACRES. 5 rm. modern hse Also small hse. Variety fruit. Tele- hone. Close "to school 4k store. 7's mi. .W. of Salem. j Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Cornel. Ph. 4380; Eve. 9536 SSSftn FOR 4-Rlf hnm. I- good sandy loam. Keiaer school dist. las elect, water pump. - wired for range. Cone. fdn. garage. ; Jack Henningsen STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 SWEGLE District. 1 acre, new 3 B.R. home. $4900. 2 ac;, 2 bir. home, hdw. floors. $4450. 1 ac. S rm. home, by school. $8500. 1. ac, S rm. furn.. by school 8c bus. $7330.. 1 A.. 4 bdrm. home. $7400. easy terms. See Hess Nelson with. Wm. E. Moses 331 H State St. Phone 4993 BY OWNER. 5 acres on Lancaster Drive. 2 acres in strawberries. 2 in boysenberries. See owner at 045 Htgh- land ave. j t&iiO. U A. of filberts with New modern 2 -BR home. Close In East. Ga rage. Good well. Elect pump. Elect water htr. . Wired for range. Immedi ate possession. Will take GJ. loan. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Cd., Realtors ! 153 S. High , Phone 4131 Evenings 3-5581 Suburban EAST by Pen 4 Corners: By Owner. 4 acre, 4 room house, bath and ga rage, dinette A living room has hard wood floors. Lots of built-lns. $6400. 3850 Mahrt Ave. Wanted Real Estate WE HAVE buyers. We need listings badly for 3 and 3 bedroom i homes, acreage . farms and large or small business,. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 i g. Commercial Phone 35497 WANTED to buy a small: home: Have 1939 deluxe V $ Ford coupe in food condition and some cash. Address '. O. Box 181. Salem. Ore, j ACREAGE with 3 bed rooro house. $1000 dn, $50 per mo. No dealers. pn. Z43i'or Box 203 Statesman. WANT TO BUY from owner 5-10 A. of land N. on or dff highway 9BE. with mod. 3 or 3 B.R. hse, chicken hse. A barn. Write P.O. Box 332. Salem 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS for all tvoea of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate: Broker 555 N Liberty Phone 7327 LISTINGS WANTED i An exclusive listing Is a mark of confidence: worthy of every effort and consideration. Why not give us an ex clusive listing of your property JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 458 Court Pnone 7698 Business Opportunities AUTO Paint Shop. $1000 equipped. 3 car capacity. Jack Henningsen State Finance Co'Realtor 153 S. High Ph 4121: evenings 7227 real ass value Neighborhood grocery doing; a very satisfactory business with an exclusive trade. Fine equipment. Look into It $9000. No. 731. Reimann Real Estate 301. South High Phone 9203 Business Opportunities BY OWNER: A photography studio in the heart of Salem business district that is selling for inventory and will pay tor itself many times over in a short time. Phone 4522. Business Opportunities Good buy on the Portland rd. 10 return on investment and can be in creased. 38500, Excellent tourist court on 99E. Just right for a couple, clean, neat, well located where value will increase. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8316; Eve. 7217 FIRST TIME on the market. Brown's Grocery by Swegle school. Good in come, living quarters, 3 gas pumps, stock A fixtures. ome furniture. $5500. $30 month. See Hess Nelson. Wm. E. Moses 331', State St. Phone 4993 Good income; property located on main st. in West Salem. 3 Apts. and shoo, bring in $116 a mo. can be re modeled into large store rooms. Price $8500. Hansen's Real Estate Phone 2-45fi 971 Edeewater St. A Good Deal Mr. Barber Barber Shop. 3 chairs, mod. equip, good location A business. 3 yr. ieae at $20 a mo., for quick sale. $1500. Cash. Hansen's Real Estate Phone 3-4366 971 Edgewater St. For Sale Wood Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR 4 ft. Slab 16 in. Slab Mill Planer Trimmings Sawdust Highway Fuel Co. STOVE A DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 6444 West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWOITST RURAL DELIVERIES . DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem. S4031 SPECIAL Rates: Did fir plywood cores. Ph. 3380. 844 MHL Elmer Boje WOOD 18" mill Mock and heavy stab wood Can be burned now. No sawdust, dirt or edglner Good clean wood. Phone 9453. 3025 South 13th SL. Salem. Ore Tri-Citv Fuel .Ph. 6683 3-eord load. $10 - 18 mtllwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 16 slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft slab We Give S. A H. Green Stamoa 1 8 24 inch dryfir Ph. 35140. FRESH Cut sawdust. Immediate de livery $8 a load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. Mill blocks & planer ends immediate deMverv. Phone 32S4 l4C6RD tm nite del. IiKT. edguura Ph. 6683. HAND Picked 16 Inch block A slab wood. Ph. 14554. CrEEN Slab and edgings 3 cord load S. urecon rue I to. Ph. S53X GOOD DRY U" wood. 1mm. del. Or- esron Fuel Co. Phone 55.T3. LARGE Block and Slab, no edgings, $8 .00 per rd. Phone 4363 or stop at 1379 s. izia st. Trailers 1944 34-FOOT National trailer house. 3 blocks east Four Corners on State street. 130 N. Elms Ave. li-FT. Glider trailer house. Sleeps 4. Good condition. Call after S. Must sell. R. B. Gallatin. Shady Rest Trail er rarx SMALL F. B. trailer house. Best of fer over tSOO takes. 3825 N. Cherry Ave. FOR SALE: Trailer house, furnished. $350. Phone 32383 Eves. 1943 NATIONALTrailer house. 31 ft., with butane cooking, elee brakes. boon cond. sua n. Cora l. 21-PT. trailer house, sleeps 4. fur- nished with radio, comb. htr. and cook stove, oil. ' built-in bed. etc. Full price $496. Ph. 31200. - Apartments for Sale New Soartan. Columbia. Universal. Schults. Luxury Liner. Indian and otners. All sizes from 14 n. to 37 ft. Some with tandem wheels. Either oil or butane heat. Aluminum and Mason -ite covered. See us for bargains in used trailers. Jayhawk Trailer Sales 3690 Portland Rd. Phone 8043 16"F. House trailer, like new. $500. After 4 P.M. 2085 N. Com!. Trailers Many makes A sires. New a used, cash or terma. Every trailer a bargai-i at Security Motors & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded, la mile north of Underpass on Port land Rd. 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 35164 Wanted Used Cars LATE model Ford. Chev Interna tional or Dodge , ton pickup. Walter A. Zosel Co. ; "WANTED" Your car for cash (Will pay more for clean ones) "See Us Now" . SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 So. 12th St- Salem Hudson SALES - SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting "Give Shreck a try. youTl know why" Shrock Motor Co. Phone 6503 Salem CASH FOR LIGHT CAR Ph 4508 Wood Sawing WOOD Sawing. R B. Cross. Ph. 8173. La st and Found LOST: Billfold. Kola district. Finder keep money, return billfold. Pat A. McCargarJ 1795 Fairmont Ave. ' LOSTjBaby fox Sun. eve. in Salem, corner Church and State St. Mrs. Ralph rjhastain. Rte. L Box 313. Indepen dence, Ore. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. DO A. P. a A. M. Stated meeting; Friday, April 18. 7: JO p. m. SALEM LODGE No. 4, AJ. 4c AJd, Wed, Apr. 1$, r. C de gree. 1 JO pjn. L O O. F. meets every Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Second degree. Tke SttTleawnrm. SdUmu Oregon. For SaleUsed Cars Try to" Match TRUCKS 1943 1940 1939 1943 1933 FORD 8 BROWNIE & EATON. New motor. 825 rubber, very good condition . ... , 3 TON INTERNATIONAL FLAT BED.' 3 speed trans, 160 wheel base. Only : FORD V-gjVAN. New motor and radiator, a bargain at DODGE 4x4 PICKUP, five 750 tires, low mileage -DODGE FLAT BED. good rubber & good motor ! CARS 1941 1938 1930 1935 1933 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION.. Radio, heater A overdrive, new paint St clean. CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE. ! Heater, spotlight, new paint and upholstery S?st TERRAPLANE SEDAN. New motor and a good buy at 43 FORD FORDOR. New motor and good rubber at 393 CHEVROLET COUPE. New paint, ' Many others to choose ACME USED CARS For the Best FRONT CENTER " 1936 FORD, good Urea and motor Just overhauled. Write Rudy Brun. care Martin Fox. Molalla. Ore, or call 6FS1. . ' 1936 FORD tudor touring sedan, good motor, body and tires. Reasonable. Du rand Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 316ftt. 1937 FORD coupe SO. motor over hauled, new paint, excellent tires, clean Inside. $493. McCall's Used. Cars, 1297 Stat. Dial 3108, " ' 1935 FORD 4 dr. $283. 093 Highland Ave. Phone 0009. . - -. 1931 It TON Model A track. 095 Highland Ave. Phone 0000. NEW 1947 Studebaker '4 ton pick up. Radio, heater, fog lights, etc Ph. 2-3411 - . - - : 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan, "good cond mechanically, good tires, needs a grill. A real value at $395. McCall's Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 8108. 1931 CHEVROLET coupe. If you want good dependable transportation see this one. Motor Just wernauted. Good trans mission, rear end and brakes,. New black paint. All good wrndow gkts doors lock, good top. clean mside. $275. McCall's Used Care.? 129? State. Dial St 08 ;'4l DESOTO custom eedan. radio, heater, good rubber, runs" like new. Ertvste. Call after p. m. 1073 High ind Ave. - FOR SALE: 1S34 Dodge, sedan, motor completely overhauled. S. 3. Dauen haur. 3W0 Center. Phone 3-4384. lSOTTOfiB-Deluxe coupe, heater, spot ticht. Marvin Van Cleave. RU 7, Box S44 Ph. 25161. CHEAP Cars fo cash. Fords. Chera, Chryslers, also Chev. truck. Oregon Auto Wreckers. 060 N. ComT. 1931 MODEL A 4 door for sale or trade. 936 Trade. Auto Painting 3 coat Job 949. Daniels Paint Shop, 1841 S. 12th. Ph. 7R3Q. 1037 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. trunk sedan. This ear kt far better than oversee in every respect. $835. McCall's Used Cars. I29T State. Dial 8108. 1933 CHEVROLET standard 4' dr. sedan, clean, original upholstering, rd. paint, excellent ' tires. A good running car. Priced at only $375. McCall's Used Cars. 1297 State. DU1 8108. "T940Ford aedan. for quick sale, 045 Belmont. - - 1931 CrfEVROLET. good condition throughout- Can be seen all day Sun. Week days after S PJ4. Motorcycles 1943 61 OVH Hariey Davidson motor overhauled, painted. For sate or trade for car. 815 Brown St, Daliaa, Ore. l40BiDlAN. new tires. A-l me ehanically. $250. Eisner Motor CO- 353 N. High. Indian BALES -r SERVICE PARTS AU makes used mototcvclea bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Pnone 0303 Salem Personal ALOOHOUCS Anonymous: PJa Box 724. Antomobilt 1 JEEP TRACTORS ' HYDRAULIC, EQUIPMENT with discs and plows available for IMMEDIATE DELTVTERY. Ask for a tree demonstration! No obligation. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 353 N. HIGH. SALEM. OREGON ' DAILY CROSS ACROSS 1. ScruUnlze C Begone! 9. The poplar lO.Suhstanco la fats lt-aty(Enr) 13. Flower liAnUered animal 15. Poker stake IS. Fluid In . veinsef theEOds (myth.) 20.RancJt owner IX. Flap 28. Perfect 27. River (FY.) 29. Arch 30. Gets one's bearings 32. Stop 53. Brig-hUy- colored fish 38. Performs 40. A billiard shot On fire 43. BrAZiIlAa fish 44. Melody 43. Guideway lna . knlttinr machine (ar.) il Malt beverages DOWN L Astringent fruit 2. Cavern 3. AnAUonal on , 4. Conjunc tion 8, Soak up . Distinct 7. An ago. 5. Slight shadoof Rcolor 9. Sumnp ' - -XL Brood of pheasants 17.Girrsjuuna IS. Pronoun -:- 19. A powder oedfat sachets 20. Vela of a leaf Wmdamudaj. April, IS, 19 7 3 For SaleUsed Cars . These Prices $1393 1 171 , . toes overhaul and ready to go from. Terms, Trgde. Buys in town SALEM. OREGON REAL .. VALUES 1942 Oldsmobile -Sedanet 466' $1095 1942 Hudson Super Six Tudor 993 1940 Mercury Club Cpe r 995 ORVAL'S . USED CARS Center A Church Phone 476 Sell now,.to get Today's Top Price late for sale. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Phone7SnS 37 WILLYS 4 door. 41 motor, low mileage, $300 340 Vista. Tel. 3-1653. , 1936 PONT1AC 0 coupe, new paint. A 1 tires. R. H. Good cond. through out. 944 Leslie. "30 CHEV. 2-dr good cond good tires, radio, heater. Priced for quick sale. Call after 4:30 p. m. Rte. 3. box 626. Evans Ave. 1933-International pateUexaV co station. 133a Broadway. ' - 42 lCSTf International logger -aflsl trailer. Phone MiU Oty 1203. ' 1928 FORD 2-dr. stdss, exeeUent motor.- good tires, fair body. Durand Motors, 540 Union. Ph. 31802. 194o'tCfS Civilian Jeep, ! Just right for any number of farm Jobs. Has many extras including buzz saw and drag saw. Sell eery reasonably with or without saws. Durand Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 31601. wagon, super model, excellent motor, body and tires. A 2 -owner car. Trade and terms. Du rsnd Motors. 540 Union. Ph. 31603. r3flANECrTruck newly overhauled motor, new brakes. Also 3 wheeled Hariey Davidson motorcycle. 143 8. vnurcn, tn 47ii. 29 F6RD "rordor' 195.00.28 Ddo pickup $85.00. R. W. Crenshaw. Farm Labor Camp. . 6 PLYM6UTk 5-nasa. coudc. iew paint. 1790 N. FronL. . Automobiles WQRDrg ? N 2LFuaa ' 2Xrreah 23. 2.000 lbs. 24. Emmet , 25. God Of pleasura 2S. Vigilant SLRaditirn (sym.) 32. A Job 33. Tuber 34. Moccasin. like shoes SInsfusdaesf (Asia) 37. River (Ft.) &&. Goddess of eUscord 39.r7,aa wise 4L8prinr month 42. Wine ; receptacle -r4 v --IE - " " T" . 5" T" "" mmm ft i '