8 Thm Stoterencra, Salem, Oregon. Wedae-day. April 16, 1947. For Sale - Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Furniture Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate ' KOTICB OF APPOINTMENT Or ADMINISTRATRIX Notice ts nrcby Riven, that the nn-S-nirnfl hu been appointed ad rntnitrtrl of the estate of George E i Lfn, deceased, hr the Circuit Court of the Mat of Oregon, for the Counts of Marlon, Probate Depart idmI. and has duly qualified tuch . artminamamx: all persona having claims, acamst the estate of said de fcaiem. Orron. within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 18th sit ( Haren, 1M7. cedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by Uw re curred, to me at 205 Oregon Building, MARGARET MILLER LEWIS. . Administratrix of the Estate of George E. Lewis. Deceased. Ronald C- Glover. ' Attorney for Admnx. 305 Oreeon Building. Salem. Oregon. Mar !-. Apr 2-8-18 LirtMk and Poultry ENTIRE herd of Guernsey and Jer sey cows. 13 milk'ng. 1 to freshen soon. 4 2-year old heifers. 1 bull. Foshay Dairy, 1U mi. south of Pen 4 Cor ner. Phone 21294 4 CHESTER White silts months Id. James L. Fenley. Rt. 4. box 331. S mi. southeast of town. 1 ml. west of Fan-view home. Eves, and all day Sat. mna sun at sti'D' : " ' Registered thoroughbred stallion Chestnut Broomstick blood line. Good ouarter marc ero"s. - Standinr at Mirdf Stable. Box 404. Rt. 7, Silver- ton Hd ft) Z3I3X POSSE type pure white albino horse. 1 yr old sorrel colt, standard bred. Black two year old fi"r. Brown saddle Barr 3775 Silverton Road. Ph. 1-4308. FOR sale Team good work horses, fair harness. $'00. Out S. River road to Hails Ferry, left 2 miles. Roy Cheek. Kte. 3. BOX 710. F6"R sale. A-l 3-vear-old. fresh Jer- ee .Guernsey cow. S gal. Dandy 2-year-oki fresh Guernsey heifer. 4 gal.-t 7 : weeks old pigs Fart on Center St, 5th house on right east of Krueger's market. - 3TRSE Y-Guernsey cow T yrs. old. fresh X weeks, milking 3 gal. da v. Udder OJC $165. Z. J. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. "W RAMP, chicks from trapnested stock A Parmenter Red Chicks. Write for price lift. Gehring'l Hatchery. Sil verton ; . - WANTED All kinds of cattle and face Will call at farm Write E L zSncthen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 21345 mom or eve CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-261 Lees Hatchery. - WANTED: All kinds of cattle, fat bogs, sows h boars At your farm or deliver d Market price E C McCand lsh Rt . Box 233. across from Witer Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 BULL Service by artificial insem ination: Sires from the best of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per sonally . supervised by liceraed vet erinarians Salem Artif teal Insemina t kwi Station Ph 8583' . BABY-Chicks hatching twice week It m seven; varieties New Ha mo th Ires alwars available in .chicks Growing pullets any age. Phone 22861. Ijr Hetcherv FOR SALE Christie N H bab chicks every Wed Bovlngtona 3710 Etate St Phone 496 "hjGhiST-QtfALTTY CHICKS New H-mprtaires and White Rocks. 1004 free of pullorum. Hatcties every Tues day. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery A Poultry Farm. Lyons, Ore. Help Wanted " WANTED: Fry cook, night work. gbck A White Coffee Shoo. " MN For bop ,aru work But will pick vro at farm labor oflce at 7 m ' Working hours from 7:30 a.m. t 4 30 p.m. WU1 White Hop Farm. Ft. Salem 22681. Help Wanted Male WANTED: Young married man for grade A 'dairy.! Must be experienced and dependable. Box 215, care - of Statesman, "WANTED: Single man on dairy. $160. board and room. Phone 67F15: J. M Nichols. Route 6. box 141. Salem, Ore. " WANTED: Responsible men for sales work, aver are earnings 660.00 per week. Car and references required. Give ad dress and phone number in answer. write Box ziLcare ol&tates tan. RELIABLE middle aged" man" for light clerical poritkm. Box 213, States man, 'MARRIED MAN for general farm work. Ph. 22530. 3. W. Fltts. Brooks. Oregon. - Help Wanted Female STENOGRAPHER. Single. 40 hour tk. No Saturday work. Life, acci dent and health Insurance. Hospitaliza tion . surgical benefits provided. Call In person at 113 Masonic B)dg Metro- enuii Lite 7ns. oftice. WANTED: . Housekeeper for family ef 5. Room, board and wages. . 260 S. 23rd Ph. 3070. - ' . EXPERIENCES alteration woman. tust have local reference. Bernardty's, Boom 2no. First National Bank Bldg. " KECLsTTrEX) nurses. preferably, .public health experience, government aeency, hour 5 day week, excellent salary. Irving quarters. Write Helen Freeman. Otv Hall Bldg.. Corvallis. HOCSEkEE P"ER. wanted. Woman "With small child considered. Farm home. Room, board and good Wfres. Mrs. C. M Rtbinaon. Rt. 1. box 134. fcilverton. Phone Main 289 days. Blue 122 rn:nr. " TH Oregon Statesman has an open mg for an office girL Must type, short hand would be desirable. See Mr. Will-r-u"-th in the buirte office. " WANTED: Waitress. Black A White Coffee Shop. HOMA. for lisht housework and Jsetp wnh care of 1 children. Ph. 24444. STENOGRAPHER for sawmill office near Salem. Salary to start 645. Only experienced need apply. Write box 212. eere of Statesman. LADT 30 to 40. references. off-Thurs- ays. en Sundavs. Ice cresm counter aemite. The Pike. 138. S. Liberty. TrSHERETTES. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. iSalesmen Wante! COM3A.-Y representative wlU be at Bold Marion. Salem, t a. m. until noon May to Interview perron Inter ested in operating own retail business in Marion County. Car necessary. Write at one for advance Information and - appointment. Rawleighs Dept. 156. Oak- land 7. Cel. W ANT ED Real Estate Salesman. Hurt Picha, Realtors 837 K. High St. Ph. 3210. Res. 2-5243 ituationft Wanteil GARDEN plowing with rotary til- Vr. Ph. 8318. " WILL "care for children In my home ty day or hour. Ph. 8318. i Spray Painting OCR SPECIALTY Roofs, bams, houses, etc. Free esti mate. Fone. 2-1574 Crd or rail 1695 Berry St. ETS"NlN'Ghomes and small bull ttrnr. Ph. 6321 or 1300 N. Com'l. TiO ironing. Ph. 264"fl. " CtJRTAlNS waohed and stretched. Cti after 3 p. Tn. 706 N. 17th, Ph353."l. YiOCiCG lady wants part time wora ar kind considered. 4S3 N. 23rd. CE tKT and stucco buildings re finmned. Business placet a specialty. References. C. E. - Todd. 1047 South Commercial. " ' I BUILDING BLOCKS "Drtve w rrtl pouth on River Rot. "tTkT Al NSW ASltED stretched, V So 22nd. - : PA iNTLNG it DECORATING. ' Pn 2-5ir "FLOWING: For immediate service -with FonJ equipment Ph. 4074 021208. S"HaY;OW. JBest prompt work. Ph. rrva. GARDEN Plowing A discing. Fergu- tractor. llM center. Ph. 9W9. Situations Wanted CONCRETE WORK l Sidewalks-, driveways and basements. Joe E. W tlon, Contractor, PJ, 3371 CRAwUCR'i wheal tractor phiwtng a discing, any amount, PhKljrj. ""POWER Dusting, trees7berries and hops, any amount. Ph. 22127. Lawn mower shapening by i factory machines at your door. Work guar anteed Call 874S Mr. Kellev.' 0TJBlW5TritKrh5ur 75c. Phi 4832. - ' I . WILL do small cement lobs and patching. 971 S. 17th. Ph. 3-4151 after 5 o WANTED: Small Jobs. Carpenter work. Ph. 25150. ' : Yes, ', we - . Spray Roofs Only Try Our Rates i Phone WOO, In 1 p m Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt. . Box 363 Phone 22306 Snray Painting Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster Dr. WINDOW FRAMES.' SCREENS, cab- inet doors, drawers A regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Convenient location ' blk." Ladd A Bush. Masterwoods Cabinet Shop. 164 S. Com'l Ph. 5596. TOPPING and danger trees removal anywhere. 412 Evergreen Ave. Phone M17. " WANTED: Furniture to glue A re pair. Lee Bros. 4020 E. State. Ph. 21233 PAINTING AND" decorating intZ ext.. where Interiors are a specialty, commercial or residential, also now taking work orders for exteriors. Brush or spray Da inter, house roofs, bun. farm buildings anvwhere in state Insured. Phone 25444 or 6255. Salem. Dick Orey. PAINTING: Best Quality work. Reas. Free estimates. Chet Horn. Ph. 5313 Garden Plowing Garden plowing and discing. Ford tractor. Rav Satter. Ph. 22504. SALEM Heishts A Prinele oickuo A garbage service. Ph. 9675. ' - Hollywood Transfer For local A long distance ' hauling Ph. B764. Burton's Mobil Station, af ter 7 D m.. Ph. 7804. PLOWING and discing. No lob too large or too small. Cas R. Javne Son. 1920 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 25753. FOR Custom olowine see C L. Dan- tel. Rt. 9. Boar 503. Ph. 22458. ROTO ROOTER Sewer service. Sew- ers St drains cleaned. Emergency calif on Sun. Free estimates. Prompt serv ice, pn. 5327 or 4ea. For your lawn & garden ing work call Laam'g, ph. FOR Better orchard' and tree spray ing call 22922. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm." West Salem. Ph 9468 or 5.127 HARRY Hill Gen cement contr. h 7641. 470 S., 18th St If your lawn has weeds call Laams for Extermina tion. Ph. 25564. PAINTER and Paperhanger Reason able prices Free estimates H J Woodworth Ph 3015 EARTH Moving. Basements. Ditches Canals Leveling. Pacific, Excavating . Comnany Power Shovels. Bulldozers Trucks Salem. Oregon. Phones 3456 or 8793 " HOSPITAL Trained nurse in vour home Ph 4315. PAINTING A Papernanging W Q Crowlv 857 Shipping Phone 9513 KEMTONE A Painting. Martsfield. Ph 26415. " DRAWlHS and designing house plans Phone 9621 Pie School Playschool. 1381 State Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. D. A. Huston General Designer OFFERS A creative and constructive design ing and planning service FOR Homes, stores, offices, buildings, in dustrial desten. patent drawings 411 OREGON BUILDING Modernizing Ph 20972 Remodeling Laams Waxing and Polishing Shop Window cleaning 4c floor waxing & putting in wood Ph. 2-5564. . Septic Tanks Cleaned K r Hamel. 1143 81 h. West Salem Phone 7404 . HANT5; Tractor work of all kinds. 10 miles S. on 993. O. G. How ard. Rt. 1, Box 54, Jefferson. Oregon ALL Work ruaranteed. Windows walls woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. For Sale Miscellaneous RESTAURANT Grill. automatic, electric 24 inches square. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty CHARIS - Corsetier. also dresses. Mrs. Bales. 437 S. Liberty. Ph. 7074. WESTINGHOUSE" REFRIGERATOR. 30 cu ft., ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty JUMASAKE and Grandiflora camel 11a plants. 75c each. Many other shrubs and plants. fi. 2iyr 30-40-50 and 66 gaL water heaters for Immediate delrvery. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Pressure Cookera-i4oX Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Libertv ' "Transparent PlasU-Kote for drainboards. floors and furniture. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LOOM Wire. 12- ana 14-2. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pupt pies, pure bred Females 825. males 835 Roy H. Simmons. Rt 4. Box 270. Ph 21143 IRONING Boards, metal and wooden pads A covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty STOVE Repairing arid parts. Woodry't Mkt.. 1605 N. Summer St SIDEARM water: heaters.i automatic, electric, fasten to your present tank. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ' LAWN Cart, all metal, rubber tired, lawn and garden tools. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. " a N' LDertv PALLETUNC one coat" washable oil paint for walla, ceilings and wall paper, dries in one hour. - Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N- Liberty " FARMERS Attention: Portable clean easy milking mach. YXATER APPUANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FOR Your cabin at the coast a radio that assures good reception. The Tropic Master. .,: YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty -cOMMRCtATTahges 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N. Liberty ELECTROLUX Vacuum cleaners 869.73 complete. Limited amounts available. Phone 6088, 175 So. High, ECTRTCRAomTieaters. All types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Churn electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Libertv i. R Watkiha Co. products. 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem. Ph. 5395. Free del. ATWXYS a big stockT IWoodry s Furniture Mkt Ph, 5110. FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant. P. 8387 CUNCBlUUiYTrpsugrScach: Bring containers. Jos. 3. Bartosi, Rte. 5, box 100. Salem. 1 mil S.E. of Hill crest school. KERH1CK portable steam cleaner, large size, good condition. Le" Mo m ton. 2505 Pirtland rd. "HCoocl car heater. $20."Bed stead A Springs. $5. Baby bed and mat. 88. Also ige. passinet. 3410 Simpson St. "XWNTRG tti ft. . comoiete with frame. 1580 Norway. Ph. 8076. rTXT youngbeer71S)c lb. Inspect ed. Pho" Salem 22639. . , . MONTAG range, good cond. ' Ph. 43i aner s:3u p. m. '. 5 WHITE nurses uniforms, size- 14. good cond. 353 Leslie St.. rear. DAVENPORT and chair, pre war, 835 each piece. 1344 Edgewater St. ELEC. sewing machines. Rt. 4, box 473EE. Dallas hwy. ph. 8466. "RpyAtrtypewrlte'rTPhTfc-l, WHlTE"enamel' electric range," 163. WOO DRY'S FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer. Terms, trades low- est prices, BICYCLE in good condition, at 837 H. Commercial FT. Norge refrigerator 10 years old. ln fine condition. 100 cash. Call 4281. "CEDAR fence posts, shakes, hop posts. Order now, any amount. Also reasonapte hauling. Phone 23162, 8250 DIAMOND ring. Tiffany set- tmg, side diamonds. Will sacrifice for 8125. Call 25419 after 10 a. m. DAVENPORT bed and matching chair. $49.50. Woodry's Furniture Mar ket. 1605 N. Summer. Terms, trades A lowest prices. FT. refrigerator. 858 S. 15th GREENHOUSE grown veeeUble and rr flower plants. 20c and 35e dozen. First house west Kelzer school. H0TPOINT electric' range, large st vie, too KoDerts Ave. KITCHEN traeh burner with white enamel front and coDDer coils. S370. Woodry's Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. Terms, trades A lowest prices, WESTINGHOUSE electric range. 840 Game. Ph. 3641 after 6:30 p. m. ' -NW Wisconsin air cooled 20 h. p. gaa engine. Karl Heyden. Rt. X box 920. Salem. Ph. 22827 I PlCE dining room seL Walnut studio couch and library table. 2105 rew sireet. SOLID white oak dining room suite. $139. Woodry's Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. Terms, Trades, A, Lowest prices. DISSTON chain saws. See us for parts. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem, itob s. commercial st .Phone B0Z3 FOR SALE: Blue Tag Marshall strawberry plants certified by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are contracting additional straw berry acreage. Phone 5502 or write United Growers. Inc., Salem. Oregon, USED tin and galvanized hot air furnace pine. 8 in. round. Sell cheap. rnon ziiro OIL Circulators. 24 hr. service. Parts available. Ph 6072. BR1CK: About 700 No. 1 Rug. brick 5ceach. Ph. 3343 or 320 w. superior. PAIR of women's white shoe roller skates. Ph. 25719. PR. of women's size 6',i white shoe skates. Ph. 24290. REFRIGERATOR. 856 S. 12th. SPINET Pianos. Knabe. Krakauer. Luster A Betsy Ross spinets. Imm. del. Easy payments. Your old piano taken in trade. Finest selection of Spinets in the N. W. Tallmans. 395 S. 'I z. one mile from high prices. ELECTRICAL and mechanical door chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FASTER, cleaner, easier! Milking costs lers with milking machines from Ward's Farm Store. High and Trade Sts.. Salem ALARM clocks, electric desk, man- tle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty WARDS hydraulic manure loader for all popular makes of tractors now available. It loads tons in minutes. Ward s Farm Store. High and 'Trade Sts.. Salem. LE.S. Lamps and Torch iers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Libertv 1 NEARLY NEW TD6 blade iiU i less than 100 hrs. I-i-22 Caterpillar with blade. 1 Electric power saw. Atkins. 4-5 and i 8-ft, bars. 2-4 ft. chains 2-5 - ft. j chains 1-6-ft chain. Extra cable. ! ADDrox. 720 ft- 1 Custom built dual axle logging i trailer. 9:00x20:00 rubber. 4 new, 5 " i used tires. PHONE STAYTON 746 Rt. 1. Box 149. Stavton - FRUIT Juicers and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 255 N. Liberty EWTN' MacKInei repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, re gardless of condition. Ph. 7671 or write w. Davenport. 1930 North 18th. work Guar. . 1B42 ZENITH combination radio phonograph, arm chair model. Call 8807 FOR SALE: Busher trombone in good cond Clarence Holman. Y MCA. TWO office desks and 4 chairs. Ph, 8216 or call 1140 N. Capitol. 'TOMATO plants. c ooz. Petunias. marigolds, ageratum, stocks.- 35c doz. Snapdragons 40c. ' Silke's Greenhouse. Rte. 8. box 249. Out Center, 1 mile east Fruitland school. GIRL'S bike for- sale, in excellent condition. 1391 Market St. - WASHING Machines - that fit on your laundry trays, full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 255 N. Liberty : Bedding Plants 1 Pansles. geraniums. petunias, etc. Also vegetable plants. Rice's. Holly wood Dr. Out Stlverton highway to f5rt Shell 'Station, turn rleht. , HOT Plat. tneie A 2-burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. Liberty FERTILIZE as you Irrigate with con eentrated scientific Hy-Min Liquid fer tilizer. Increase your yield up to 25 per cent, rxow available tn any quan tity and any formula. Ward's Farm Store. High and Trade Sts.. Salem. Shingles : Cedar shingles, lumber and building supples on direct mill sale. PHONE 3-5950. EOLA LUMBER COMPANY Salem-Dallas Hl-wav ' ELEC. Floor polishers, ideal for home r store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY r V PUMICE BUILDING i BLOCK AND BRICK ' 12th ST. BLOCK CO., S. 12th St at Vista Ave. Ph. eve.. 8904 ; IRON and extension cords, i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty i GIBSON Garden tractor and equip ment available now. You ride. L C Miller. Rickreall. Ore. : CANVAS Paint to make awnings, buggies and Uwn furniture look like new, - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty : RADIOS. Record players, recorders for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 N. Libertv ' ULTRA Violet (sun) lamps, infra red (heat! lamps and nesting pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PIN-UP and table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist I do not sell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5763. 140 N. 18th DESK and pedestaF fans for offices. garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, can neries. Yeater Appliance Co 255 N. Liberty. - i-CYCLE Garden tractor 3 fi. P. nlow-cultivator. discs. 42 tn. sickle bar. Rt. 1, 1 mile west of Independence. Lee B. Sawtell, Rt. lf Box 206. BY'SnBicycIerS Division. Bsmt. OIL Burner sales A service. Wm. C. Drew. Ph. 5395 WOOD Circulator: all cast Iron. 510 Lancaster Dr LIGHTING Fixtures lor kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent A Incandescent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty ' OIL Corculating heater. Good cond Call Nelson Bros. 4149 FISHING Tackle boxes. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 W. Llbertjr ' , - i PRODUCTION BRED Farm Master CHICKS MEAN POULTRY PROFITS FOR YOU Available every day In 'the year. White Leghorns. Austra Whites. New Hampshlres. White P. Rocks, Barred P Rocks. R. I. Reds. Cornish. New Hampshire Cross. Choose Sears Farm Master Chicks and Be Sure. SEARS FARM STORE Ph. 9192 or CT . 173 S. Libertv ONE set of track renalr for MIC. 35 diesel. Set Includes la roller hafts, 20 rawhide steal seals, 40 bus. 60 fella. New. never uncrated. Rt. 3. box 626. John Behrens. MONARCH gas range with trash burner. 20 Beach Ave. BABY bueev. Dlav oen. 476 Gerth. West Salem. FOR SALE or trade: Combination wood and elec. Dutch oven range, low back, all white enamel with water tank and coils. 3870 Monroe. Ph. 23114. River , Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS Of GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-310A FOR SALE: L, C. Smith typewriter. A-l condition. Phone 6072, CUT tulips, all kinds of varieties. Will deliver on large orders. Paul Schaad. Rt. 2. Bx. 272. Salem. Ph. 23418. Salem Watch Shop " 2381 State SL Ph. 21957 D. E. Decker, licensed watchmaker. Promot service. Cash oaid for old fold. For sale: used guaranteed watches. all makes. RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 PLASTI-KOTh paint, the cellophane finish (or floors, furniture, automo biles on wood, metal, concrete and linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 N. Liberty ANOTHER SHIPMENT ot Western garden tractors received. None like it for pulling power in it's class. See it at Kingwood Used Car Market. 1221 Edrewater. SOLID OAK breakiast set with lea- therette seats. Ph. 22557. RIVER SILT Ph. 25912 LARGE. SOUND mountain grown cedar poets, also hop poles. L. D. Eg bert. R. 7, Box 412, Silverton highway to first left hand road past Middle Grove school, first house. ROSE DAVENPORT, chair and ot toman, coca cola ice chest, aluminum steam cooker, kitchen step stool. 1908 N. Summer. r FOR SALE: Duo-therm oil circulator with tank, tubing Ac fittings. A-l con dition, price S55. 3042 Portland Rd DAVENO At CHAIR set. used 3 months, good cond., reasonable. 1396 N. Cnml. UlNETT TABLE and 4 chairs, col fee table, round able, youth's bed. Taylor tot. ironing board, painted cnest or drawers, no Everereen Ave ELECTRIC Washing machine, good condition. 936 Trade. WILL BUY for caan. sell or trade, guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers Don Madison 990 No High 9 SHEETS BLEACHED mahogany finish sheetrock, porcelain aink. Ph. 3248 "WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC ra"nse! Old model. Excellent condition. 257 S. Winter. The H. J. Store 330 Chemeketa Ex. specials in beds, used furniture, stoves, radios, guitars, tools. See us and save, PRESSURE Cookers, sauce pan type. tUH APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Libertv EXPERT washing "machine service and wringer rolls all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. Liberty stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric aopliances. household goods KLIG M AN'S 285 N Commercial Ph . 9AM ""TOASTERS 2 .lice, $2.10-4 slice S3 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Fans, kitchen and In dustrial exhaust, desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FLASHLIGHTS guaranteed forever lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPUANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PANSY Plants. 846 N. 16tH7 TELEPHONE A jntercomm. sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty GAS range and ' tank, nearly new. Trade or sale. 730 Mill St. "H5TE-L frame. 16 in. wheel trailers. 12.000 lb. trailer axle. Chev. wheels, 8U tires. 1790 N. Front, DOUBLE bed mattress. In excellent cond. Ph. 25441 WOOD range with oil burning at- tachment. used 8 months. 3870 Mon roe. Phone 23114. COBONADO washer, good running cond. Rt. 4. box 454F, LARGE .circulating oil heater. Ph. 22478. GUERNSEY 3 yr.. fresh in June. Jersey Guernsey heifer, single unit milker, separator, chick brooder. Large new Duo Therm heater and drums. Rt. 4. box 227, Sunnyside. "TR0N bedstead and coil spring. Ph. 9660. 116 Marion. 50.000 MOUNTAIN grown improved Marshall strawberry plants. Maurice Dorgan. Scotts Mills. Oregon. Rt. 1. BURBANKTtable and seed potatoes. Ph. 22281. BOYSENBERRY tips. Ph. 22281 JOHN Deere Model "D" tractor. Ph. 21140. Richfield service station, 3Vs mi. south on highway. 1946 FARNS WORTH radio console A automatic phonograph. Excellent cond. A real bargain, 5125. 1621 Cross St., Apt. 1. Call after 6 p. m. "DEXTER double tub elec. washing machine, almost new. Ph. Black 246. Wood burn. Ore. CHALLENGER Movie screen, 39x52. like new. 820. Ph 4979. . BREAKFAST table, swing chair. Ph. 6370. FRIGIDAIRE. Coldspot, very good cond. 2030 Hazel Ave FARMATrH"l?actor 3 yrs. old. Also heavy 4 wheel trailer. Geo. Knaupp. 4a mi. N. of Independence. LAWN mower, $9.00. Lawn seeder new. 91.00. 695 S. 18th. "TWIN or bunk beds, double coil sprinrs. Mattress used 6 mos. 2-2564. GOOD ice refrigerator. 3 burner gas stove with oven. 985 Saginaw after 5 WING rockers as low at $39M Woodrv Furniture Market. 1605 N Summer. Terms, trades and lowest prices. MARSHALL strawberry, very good plants. 83 per 1000 m field. C. F. Webb. Star - Rte.. snvcrton. " VXLOUR daveno. good cond.. Hoi lywood bed like new. Reasonable. 496 S. 19th. ; TlRTtC. 4x. 12x24. l6xCT6x8 ft Rte. X box 431L. McCain Ave. off Sil verton road. FULL ENAMEL eas ramre. oven con- trol r light. Good cona. i s. ism Ph. 6576. Wantetl Furniture WANT TO Buy Used Cameras a tenses. -McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State USED FURNITURE. Ph. S185. VVil YTA K less for your furniture? Sec Russ BnghL Ph. 7j1L -. USED FURNITURE. Phofrie 5110. CAbll tot used piano" 4 other mu sical Instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evening ot send description . to Jaoullh Mimic Co, 191 S lllf-'h "" CASH" For your ui tuiViituie, l"h 7590 Htale SI Furniture ilWKi Mats Wanleil -!Ui6ceIianeou ANTIQUES of all kinds, old dishes, bric-a-biac. dolls, bells, old furniture. 220 N. Lib Ph. 7100. j WASHERS.- Tefrigeiatorij." eTectrlc ranges, top cash puces, at once. Ph. siio aays. WANTED: Old dishes over 25 years old. Highest prices paid. Upstairs An- tique anop. 433 court at. WANTED, used washing machine and small ice box. Ph. 5698 Miftrfllauroiia CASTLE permanent wavers. Phone 3663. Special this week. $7 50 oil per manent for 15. j DON'T Throw that damaged furni ture away. Let Lambert restore it for you. Ph. 5564. j . LUtllRCUSTOM planning ajid car loading. Lumber Industries Inc. successors to H. and S. Lumber Co.. Wallace road. Wet alerr. Ph. Q5PT AU1U oaintine lust a shade oeitei o- Rav ETTER -Call Shrock M"toi Co S50? i HEAVY Hauling. CxcaVat on and Koad, Buildins Land Clearing Oozel Work Ditchma Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed RH'k Mason Sand. Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon i Phone 9408 or 2197 WEATHER strips7PuHmanPh. 5965 Mattrefses. Capital Bed. Co. P. 4QS9 BULLDOZING. fcARTH J movine A rtratnaee ditches due Ph 4047 , Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State tt Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele, etc 1533 Court j Ph 7569 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur tt Meir in "o Com'l Phone 6223 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-131 - ; , MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 51.00 LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. Financial 8SS First MORTGAGES ON . REAL ESTATE S$$ WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on Improved resl estste. Salem and vi cinity, amount 1500 to 15000 NET In vestors 5 interest. Make your own selection. Collections ef all principal & interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. State Finance Co., 153 S. High St. MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE, If you are capable of building 10 to 100 houses. Salem or vicinity, during 1947 and need financial i asslstsnce. CONTACT US. We are also interest ed in financing one of ; two large apartment house units. ; STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S216 M222! 153 S High St- j Tel. 4121 Money to Loan CASH FOR SPRING $25 to $250 or more on signature, furniture or auto No outsiders. 88 38 a mo. repays 8100 loan in full in 13 mo. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan at Personal get It Call today. Personal Finance Company. 518 State St.. Rm. 125. Phone 3191. Lie. S-122: M-165. E Galllnger. Mgr. General Financej Corji. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses.; livestock, farm . marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance ts locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a man Ap plications for loans made by phone 138 Sou'h Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone: 9168 I Licenses S-138 A M 338 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN j BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 FARM andCrrTbANS 4'b and 5 j Your own terms of repayment' with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 8 MONEY 8 j REAL ESTATE LOANS i PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS Lie. S-216 M-222 153 S High St. For IfentItoom HOUSEKEEPING rm. Ph. 6490. LARGE sleeping rm.. bus. cafe near. Phone 26518. NICESIpg. rm. men U 448 Center St. In alley, rear Wood row Bldg. NICELY Furn. sip. rm. for empTTady. bus by- door. Ph. 4023. SEP. RmTTor man. 395 r. 14th. LDERLY Man alone has comfort able home tor middle aged lady alone who would share its care and living cost. Ph. 9327 before 2 p.m. Room and Board WANTED: Room and board In com fortable home. Rm. 320, Senator hotel. For Kent -Apartments 3 rm. apt. furn. 310 Bellevue. Call after a p. m FULLY furn. light hskping rm. Wert Salem. Call 26495. For Renl Houses SMALL CABIN. Siagle person pre ferred. 1005 S. 21tt Wanted to Rent PLEASE help. An ex-Gl and fam ily would like to have it in a sub urban part. Pay 940 to 945 month. 1475 N. Com'IA. Holmes; RESPONSIBLE party will pay up to $80 a month for unfurnished or $100 for furnished 3 or 4 bedroom house. Will sign lease. Please calj 833ft LOCAL dept. store "floor manager, wife and, infant child desire small house, partly furn. Witrpav up to $55 per month. Call 3194- ask for Andy. BALLPLAYER, wile and baby would like furn. apt. or small house. Call Paul Soderburg. Marion hotel. ALLPAYftind wifeouTdTiki; furnished apt. or small house. Call Ben Gregory. Marion hotel: ; RNTLY needtdTby employed la dy and employed sAn veteran apt. or small house. Phonk4979 day. 5090 eve. WANTED by mid ale aged couple. Apt. or small furnished house. No children, pets or drinking. 923 S. High., Phone 2-4657 after s p.m. """YOUNG couple desire fUrn. or un furn. 3 or 4 rm. house or apt. Box 214. Statesman. " YOUfliG MARRIED couple both em ployed desire 2 or 3 rm. apt., no chil dren. Ph. 24568 between 9:30 and 5:30. 590 N. Capitol, ; UKNliHKl5 OR partly iurnii.ned house or apt. for vet and family. Pre fer suburban. Will pay 3 months in advance. Box STS. Statesman. APT. for employed couple. Ph. 9065. It BED Room house by April 10. Call 9101 bet 5:30 A 10 pxn. Ask for McCain RELIABLE GOVERNMENT em ployee and family need 2 BR. house or apt. References. Mrs. Carl E. An derson. 4373 N. E. 90th St., Port la nd ..... ,. , w aim'I k.U 'mi a.l. itiniiiei meoi iint lrd apartment; middle aged dentist and wife, no children, no pets, no drinking; substantial and price no object for the right place. Box 207, Statesman. YOUNG Christian cpl 2 infant daughters, desire mod. 2 B. R. home. No smoking or drinking. Best. ref. pn. 3513. HALF ay ear's tent in a3vanceTor three bed room home, needed some time this spring. Can give best of references and best of care. States man Box 199. CIVIL Service employee would like furn. hse. Will pay substantial re ward for inf Can give best of ref. Ph. 2ISS2. WANTED. 3 flF.DH0OM tiouW furit or unfuin Family of 4 2 girls high A ir high school age. Bent of refer ence. Occupancy July 1. Box 157. Statesman. Fur Rent FOR leare or rent. Welding shop or garage wilh or without equipment. Good business. 4 mi. north. USE hwy. to Portland. See Lake Labish Welder. PAINT sprayers, gas and elec.. 2'a pal. pots with hoses or quart guns. Reasonable rates. Howners Rent-A-Tool. FLOOR sandcrs. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Howrer s Rent-A-Tool. Ph. 3646. - FOR your tool needs, call or see Howser"s Rent-A-Tool. Ph. 3646. 1132 Edgewater RENT one of these time savers. Elec. hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, skillsaws. belt and disc Sand ers, power cement mixers, drill?, auto tools, plumbing tools, weed burners;, etc. Howger's Rent-A-Tool. WELDING shop for rent. fully equipped. 890 mo. 1790 N. Front. PAINT Time: Rent a sprayer, do your own work A save. 3175 Lynn Ave. Ph. 24344. t TRAILERS "75c first hr.. 50c hrs. following. Woodry's MkL. 1605 ' N. Summer. 'FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont- eomerv Ward. TRUCKS for rent. Voif drive. Ho Cune A Lovell. Phone 9800. ATMORAYS. Osonc Good health Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 QMI llet Piano H I. Stiff U-DHiVE TRUCKS IUK MEN I B'snkem furn 197 S Libertv Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store. Ph. 6877. For Sale Real Estate $3000 Full Price Brand new 2 rm. house, plus bath. lg. lot. South. Completely furn., city wat er, 1 blk. from store tt bus. Imm. poss. $4700 Full Price 2 bdrm. older type hour, utility A bath. ar lg. lot. South, city water, 1 blk. from mkt. tt bus. Gas range A wood heater included in this price. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. j Phone 2-4596 Englewood Special Excellent 2 bdr. home, large unfin ished upstairs, full deep basement, auto, heat, hardwood floors, fireplaces, corner lot can be purchased furnished or unfurnished. Shown by appoint ment. See Joe. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor 1140 N. Canitnl PhB2!fl: Eve. 7217 OT60x l20.jTtorthofebraska on23nd St.8725. Ph. 5630. NEWTiHRE ROOM hSuSE TITH BATH: ONF-HALF ACRE: nerms. $3700 00 C E. NELSON. 483 MA DRONA AVE. FOR efficient and ertective sales service call the Salem Realtv Co NOW 50x100 LOT near Hansen Ave. 8375, Inq 3570 S. Com'l. LARGE Home, income creek prop erty close In. Ph 25619, BlTOWNEB: Older home. 4 br., lge. liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit., bath, furn., two lots $7500. Ph 25619.- BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. country home, modern kitchen, fireplace, range, re frigerator, elec. water heater, dble. garage, tennis court, boat dock. 500 ft. river frontage on truly beautiful (rounds. Call 8907 for details "MODERN llome." elecr " heat, com- Jiletely furnished with good furnish ngs, equipped with elec. refrigerator, stove A washer. Priced low for quick sale, owner leaving state. Reasonable down payment A balance like rent. Inq. 2090 Mill. 3 BED Room house. 1 acre. Good outbuildings. Ph. 24504. First Time Listed Exclusive. Beautiful home at 1885 N. Church. L.R.. din. rm.. 2 bdrm.. kit., fireplace, hdw. fl.. full bsm t , furnace, elec. water heater, beautiful yd. Terms. Beautiful 5 bdrm.. neat tt clean, in Hollywood dist.. hdw. floors, fire place, oil furn.. full bsmt.. dble plumb ing. $11,500. Terms. See Hess Nelson. William E. Moses 331 'y State St. Phone 4993 BY OWNER: New 2 BR home, all modem, hardwood floor, ven. blinds, auto, gas heat. Wired for elect, range. Lawn in. Near school;, bus A stores, on quiet street. Must sell. 1170 Spruce any time NEW KOZY 2 bedrm. modern home. Electric heat and el. hot water heater. Pecan floor. Ready to move in. Large lot. See this value. $6500. Good 5 rm. home on paved street. Not far from State Bldgs. Priced for quick sale. S6SO0. Geo. D. Alderin, Realtor 431 Oreron Bid". Ph. 5780: Eve. 2-1462 Quality, charts; conVEni.nc Beautiful English house in beautiful garden. Close to transportation, with all the seclusion of a country place. 3 bdrms . double plumbing. Basement, automatic oil heat. 2-car- garage. See by appointment Geo. D. Alderin, Realtor 431 Oregon Bide. Ph. .1780: Eve. 2-1462 "BY OWNER $4850 Small 2 BR home, gas heat A hot water, close to bu A chool5. Call 4917. 5 COTS with nice view, in city, 50x220, all improvements, only $650.00 each. OLAF THONSTAD. REAL ESTATE L'N- Capitol St. Phone 7903 OWNER being transferred. Must sell modern 2 bedroom newly decorated home. Phone 26450 OWNER: 'j AChK. good 3 bdrm. home, clean, interior, elec. cook, heat A water. Garage. Small chick, house. Variety of berries, bus at door. Priced for nu ick sale. 97750. 1.10 I-ana Ave. MONEY TO LOAN on first niort gases 4 to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 $.500 A CLEAN 5 rm. home in a beautiful setting of trees on one acre. L.R.. DR. K.. 1 bdr. bath, utility r. tt garage. Oil circulator. has nice shrubs, walks. St and artesian well. 4th ho. up Croisan Creek rd. on So. Jack Hcnningsen State Finance Co., Realtor 153 S. High Phone 4121 SMALL 2 room shed type "house A lot. very livable, beats paying rent. $1000 Call at 220 Hansen Ave. for infoi mat ion. NICE 2 BEDROOM house with bath living room, kitchen, fireplace. Vene tian blinds. Electric cooking and heating. Garage. Lot 50x100. Priced at $6,000.00. Lot 100x150. 2 bedrooms downstairs, bath, living room, dining room, kit chen. Fireplace, Venetian blinds. Dou ble garage. Nice lawn, shrubs and flowers. $15,500.00. On South Winter: 2 bedroom home with bath, living room, kitchen. Laun dry travs. basement. Fireplace. Ga rage. $6,850. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 510 GUARDIAN BUILDING Salem. Oregon - Phone GI HOME by owner. 2 bed rmt .. liv. rm.. din. rm kitchen, utility rm. in attached earaee. All electric- Cose to school and bus. $6500. Inq. 995 Highland Ave. Fn. oww. PHONE 3131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 189 South High ' $7500-ALL FURNfltED, large lot. two sloty. 4 HR home, LR. DR, K. Bath, el heat, garage, bus and grade school 4 blocks, closed in beck pot in, fu -niture incudes electric range, washing machine, good furniture, -od floor coverings. $8500 1 wo bedroom house, LR. DR, K. Bath, plastered Interior, fir floors, omposition roof, basement, laundry Uays. electric or gas cooking, one block to bus, electric range, refrigerator, davenport and few other Hems go. Apartment in basement now rented. $11750 Very nice district. 3 BR home. Bath. large cheerful DR. LR. Kitchen with lots of builtins. Fireplace, Basement, automatic air conditioned gaa heating plant with, thermostat control, automatic gas water heater, lota of builtins for fruit and storage in basement, double garage with ce ment floor, large corner lot. good lawn, shrubs and flowers, good gar den spot, back yard fenced close to bus, grocery store and grade and J? High school. $11.750 very nice some, clean, beautiful hardwood floors, stucco exterior. - plastered interior, composition roof. 2 BR bungalow, LR. DR. K. Bath, built In. Fireplace. Basement with'wah trajs, electric cooking. Garage, ous by door, trade and high school vliwe. SUBURBANS $5000 Five Acres South, one Bedroom houae. ' bath. LR. K. single' garage, sc'tool by bus. 4 acres cherries and 1 acre mixed fruit. f IO.iOO Just Suburban with One and one-tenth acres, two story. 3 BR house. JL DR. K. Nook. Bath. Venetian Biinds. plaster and firtex interlcr. fir floors, electric cooking, oil heat, garage, bus by. door, one acre in filberts, garden, tools go with place, very nice. $11.50O-FURNISHED. acre. English style. 2 BR house. J-R. DR. K. Bath. UDStairs unfinished but sub-floored. HW floors, Fireplace. Basement, electric cooking, garage, bus by door, school by bus. house well built a td arranged nicely, nice yard and shrubs and shade trees, nut and fruit trees, all furniture. $19.50u -Portable Sawmill. 8 room house and 120 acres of rolling land, beautiful surroundings with Worth Ssnttam cutting thru one corner of property with 16-inch trout. Sawmill is number one American make, brand new. 100 horsepower diesel motor, new. approx. to million feet ot timber, can get additional timber, 14 acres fescue. 12 acres oats and vetch.- law 1 Cleared for cultivation, hot and cold water, spring water piped xm house, electricity, telephone. Bam with 9 stanchions and a milking; machine, chicken house with approx. 50 chickens. 3 mil cows, calves, team of horses, mowing machine, rake, disc.-wagon, seeder drill. Fam ily orchard. 4 men to operate mill. FARM 230 000 EQUIPPED. 310 Acres, outstanding turkey farm. S. BR house, electrt lights, electric water pump. Bath. Basement. Garage, Bam with 4 stanchions. 10 poultry houses. 140 acres cultivated. 3 acres orchard. 160 acres pasture. 18 acres timber, all fenced, one spring and on stream, tractor. 4 horses. 2 cows, drill, spring-tooth harrow, corn plant er. hv rack. etc. 4000 or 5o00 turkeys going, in brooder April 15, aiso two five-room tenant houses. PHONE 8131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High GRABENH0RST SPECIALS S. SALEM 9 I III. iiu,. .--.. - - - L.R. A D... breakfast nook, basement, sawdust burner, large lot. Family . V. ifli iruiw arage. wn ous uw. rw . 7 rm. plast. home with h.w. firs, in L.R. tt DR. Basement, furnace, cor, lot, fine location near Leslie Jr. High. Price $9750. SMALL AtltMUU ! - m i a with 4 rm. house with unfin. attic, elec. water system. Mill, wired lor cv. -....., fruit, also small 3 rm. cottage. Price 84900 10 A. located E on Macleay Road, e? Dmim a mtrm Nw 4 rm. house with 2 bdrms.. very neat St clean. Large dble. garage, eiec. waier imwr, water system. Home furnished. Price $6500. . . I 35 A. approx. a a.-oi nra oin filberts, some family fruit tt berries. Bal pasture tt timber. Good 4 rm.. plast. house with garage.: New tile K4-niiM - ha used for chicken or brooder , house. Price $10 aw. . GRABENH0RST BROS.. REALTORS 134 SO. LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings 7772. 2-5089. 2-2948. 2-5338. 2-4457. 7973. 46a For Prompt. Courteous Service. List Your Property With TJs NELSON WT50. I BDRMS. N. I. A modem cottage with 3 piece bath. L.R.. DR.. Kit.. 3 bdrms.. util ity porch tt fruit room. unf. attic, ga rage, fruit trees, on paved at off Capitol St. 4 BDRMS. 1 FLR, HOLLYWOOD Good substantial plastered modern home with L.R.. D R.. Kit, 4 bdrms. 8c bath on 1 fir, full baamt, piped fur nace heat, garage, large corner . lot. paved st, near Hollywood, disL Priced for Imd. sale. $7900. .,-A- ; 3 BDRMS, ENGLEWOOD A good substantial home with hwd. firs- fplace. L.R, D.R.. Kit, bath. 3 bdrms, glassed-in. dinette, with view NELSON & NELSON 1 "'T . SPECIALIZING REALTORS . Rm. 300-3 Masonic BWg, 495 Stat SL ; Ph. 4419 or 4822. Eves, 2-1350 ' - . " REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ingle wood Home. Nearly Nu-well built, oak floors. 4 bed rms. Dbl plumb ing. Delightful for $14,250. No. 403. 3 rooms-modern acre South. $3700. Terms. No. 3. t Beautiful Mill Creek location. Un usual 2 bdrm home. Very modern. Make an offer. No. 204. Kelzer District. 2 bed room i large living room & kitchen. $4800. No. 213. Nu-Complete-VacanL 2 hdrm. Very modern. East of Garden Rd. $9750. No. 224. North 5th. A good buy. 2 bdrm. Full basement. Furnace $6950. No. 240. Nu and large. 2 bdrm. hardwood fls thruout. Located East. Completely ap pointed. $8300. No. 242. Very well built and arranged, all electric, 2 bedrooms, $8950. 248. Fairmount HIU. A grand, gracious X bdroom home. $1500.. No. 250. Very modern, radiant : heat, -really delightful 2 bdrm Rosemont disL $11. 200. ' No. 254A. j City-Country living. Up to date 2 bdrm North, i Acre. $8950. No. 2o5. Small farm. 1 A.- close in. North, grand 2 bdrm house, delightful setting. $10,500. No. 255A. , 20 yrs. old but well modernised. 2 bdrms. full basement, furnace, etc. $7500. No. 237. , G.I. Loans Secured F.H.A. Reimann Real Estate j 201 South High Phone 920$ ncf l r.ST 2 bedroom - unfinished upstairs. Ex tra large lot. Fireplace. Bus service 1 bloc. Attached garage. Abotft years old. Cement foundation. Part hardwood floors. Furniture can be bought.. Vie believe this is a very good buy for anly $7900. SUBURBAN 1 acre. 2 bedroom hose. cloe In. Family orchard. Near good school. Lo cated north, close to 99E.- Cement foun dation. Private well with electric wat er system. Liberal terms arranged Full price only $6500. -HUBBARD 2'i acres. 3 bedroom house. Garden tractor. New stoves. Double garage, l's acres in thorn less boysenbemee. i acre strawberries. Several walnut trees. Low taxes. Stone throw from school. All for only $8500. Better huiv ry on this one. SWEGLE SCHOOL s,i acre modern clean 2 bedroom house. Several outbuildings. Family orchard. Very close to school. Low Uses. Bus service. Paved street. Fuil price $6500. AUTO COURT 4 units. 2 finished, 2 under construc tion, which will be completed at this price. Modem 2 bedroom house com pletely furnished with new furniture. Chicken house which could be con verted Into 2 cabins. Private well with electric pump. 1 acre highway front age. Room for about 15 more cabins. Located north. A baain at $15,000. This is one of our choice .listings. M. 0. Humphrey a 2286 Fairground Road Phone 2-4596 Nursery and Home f Smalt nursery completely stocked, new ane bedroom house, electric heat, nice modern kitchen, see, en Colbath. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140" N. Capitol Ph 8216: Eve. -6rq ' ROOM house, barn, garage. 1 acre fruit and nut trees, large garden space. 120 Park Ave, Salem. Evenings 6901 - T163 - 4937 - 9340 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 2 - bdrm. bung -type home, auto-ofl heat, full basement. Jujt redecorated Inside tt out, completelr furnished. IT IS A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY 16500. S. SALEM Mod. 4 bdrm. home. 7 yrs. old. fcw4 firs, excellently arranged floor piae auto-oil heat. elec. h.w. heater, etas, plumbg. THIS IS A REAL FAMILY HOME. Price $13.000. SPACIOUS COCNTRT HOME Dutch Colonial. 4 bdrms.. dble. pibir spacious rms. thru-out, auto-oil heat, rumpus rm.. in basemt- dble. garage, outside fireplace, beautiful grounds. Close to schools At bus. LOCATED NORTH In Hollywood Dist . 4 unit ccurt. Each has 3 bdrms.. full bawmmt. fere place, garage. 2 have auto-ol heat good income. Priced at $30. OWNER LEAVING CITY Close-in, north, excellent 2 bdrm. home, full basement. au-oikieat. un fin. attic. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU NEWS of nicely landscsptdTbacIt yard wtth outdoor fplace, fun pool patio, full basmt, oil furnace, attached garagav on bus, nejrxschool tt stores. " . 4BDRMS. SCBCRBAX A very good substantial mod. home) with large spacious LJL, DJl, Kit, bdrm., bath.. 3 large bdrms. up. elee, water heater, hwd. firs., full baimt, new furnace, weatherstrippad doors i Insulated, completely redecorated. ObL garage, approx.- 'i , family orchard, close to city limits. . . If neither of these meet your re quirements tell us what you wanL W probably have It listed- Leo N. Chillis Inc. Realtors GRAND VALUES $3650. ONE ACRE good soil; ftnma timber. New one bedrm. home; elec. water system: close to bu Priced for Immediate sale. COZY, CLEAN COTTAGE: 2 bed rms- living rm. large kitchen. ' bath! closets:-built-tns. Garage; nice Jot. READ THIS ONE: Large living rm. nice dining rm kitchen witts built-lns. 2 larger bedrm. on small bedrm.; full basement: oil - furn.: large garage. Fenced-us large corner lot; lots ef fruit and nut trees'. Good location close aw $6850. SPACIOUS COMFORT A RLE HOME: Only 3 yrs. old-- Living rm, fire place, dining rm kitchen and nook, 3. lovely bed rms; full base ment with knotty pine rec. rm. and fireplace, also extra bedrm, an4 double plumbing. Att. garaee. Very well landscaped oL $UJ00. CALL or SEE ' JAMES B. HARTMAV OR X. N. VOORHEES . with - Leo N, Childs Inc., Realtors "31 years of dependable service t home owners." 344 State St. Phone 921 $6000 3 B.R. home with new gaa rang. Must sell! $7350 New 2-B.R. home In fin locatiosw Hdwd. firs., elect, heat, elect, mtr. htr Priced for ejuick sale. w 3-B.R. 4 $7800 Here Is a good 3-B.R. home, plas tered, good sized. dining rm. At livuuf rm. Large attach, garage with plenty of storage space, j. Waiter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE I10 rt flon?Olatesiiaa ADVERTISINO ' . Western AdvertlsingT Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, tne. ft as Francta co Eastern AdverUsInc Representatives Ward-Griffith Compart-, tne. Chicago. .New York. Detroit. Boston. AUanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising" Entered el the PostoftW ef Sa letn. Oreposi a Seco4d Class tfet . ter. P bushed eoerj rxor tn o ez cent Monday Bustnesi office 81 J , Soutk Commercial Street. ' ! :'l';". SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates tn Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo 60 cents; f moa. $3 IS; 1 year. $8 00 Elsewhere 80 cents peg mo or $1 20 for 1 rear ta advance Per' copy 8 cents. . . By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. $9-00 a year tn advance as Marwss and adjacent count. re.