MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Mrs. A. P. Sprague of route 8, Salem, with her infant daughter, and four mothers with their sons, Mrs. L. J. Henry, 130 S. 24th st; Mrs. Harold McClain, 1655 N. 4th sL; Mrs. F. H. Gisse, Turner, and Mrs. Carl Jungblut, 2247 N. Lib erty st, were: dismissed Sunday from Salem General " hospital. Dismissed Monday were Mrs. Cas per Schweigert, route 6, Salem, with her daughter and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, 210 E. Superi or st., with her son. Brand new elec hot water heat gal. Brand new lTo. akens invited L. O. Arens, member of the Ore gon state industrial accident com mission, has received an invita tion to attend the naUonai fire prevention conference in Washing ton, D. C, May 6. 7 and 8. The invitation, from President Tru man, was addressed in care of the Marion county chapter of the American Bed Cross, for which Arens is disaster committee chair . man. Korthern Lawn ners. Urruted quantity- R. U Elfstrom Co. SALEM Br" ' with r. 32 and 42 "Very mucn F ch Chev. motor C37 to '40). Salem Salem and Oregon its B-B. rrencn Comrtmnit Auction. 3810 Silver- - w i iv annnui. m uui r ' ci ifMi rouiu,, i ton rd. with Mrs. French, iiest at the home of Fretf Raw-1 JUVENTLE HELD tons, local realtor. Frencn, wnoi A i4year-old boy from Idanha j 1. nil MS. livestock ana waftins' art inn nf Trt Marinn uccua v i 0 f ... o .... w wheat in western Oklahoma, win county juvenile court following his leave Salem this week with nis apprehension by a sheriffs depu- -wife and return home by way y Saturday at Idanha in connec- f California. tion with a burglary there last ..ui. o I week. The juvenile admitted tak i Plate glass now avauau.c. ing a -ealiber rifle. $5 in cash Brown. Ellstrom s. I and other items from the home of c-vfTriATRIST LECTURES Roy Morris, according, to the sher- V r, a minar of 21 if rs office. opcMi - ... nf nrecon state hOa- Ttal last week was Dr. Horace Cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, bed Miller hospital staff psychiatrist, ding, plants, pansies, perennials. Nurses' who arranged the session Closing out primroses, 15c each, were Elizabeth Johanson, chair- Boyd Nursery, 2440 State. anan, Katherine Hill uid Mary EVARTS RETURNED Louise BoeseL., . . B E EvartSt Grand Ronde, Will fiver silL top sou and fill dirt, appear in Salem justice court to 3n llnd fcCraveL Ph. 21966. day charged with writing! a check Speaker Here r with insufficient funds, the sher iffs office said yesterday. Evarts was returned here Monday from Com! Sand h GraveL MTLLAMETTE REOPENS wark from 10 days vacation. nearly 1,000 students at Willamette Dallas by a sheriffs deputy and resumed their classes I wanted here reeardine a S10 Monday morning. Most of the out- check passed on a local restaurant of-town students returned to the iast week. .... xampus late Sunday. fa Tor Sale: 6 room dwelling and ga- strayer Azalea Fields, 589 Lo- Tage on two lots at 3UJ nonn cust. Street Inquire at nonrei hum Company, Executor of Verna E, Stiffler Estate. Phone 3138. QPbituary CXDAJt Mrs sopwt FIREMEN TAKE TESTS Firemah's physical , examina tions will continue at the Marion county ' health department this week by appointment, Dr. .W. J. Stone, health officer, has . an CUr. late of VJnJZ: ' . i i Un h.r ol. Mrs. Alma C ZZf.'Zt sa ud C. W. Cedar of mined last week and this week's ivsical are scheduled for Friday a J. """ r e - n, I - SSVS? MrTAi. and Saturday mornings. , fa n 1 Utvts JtlCA nir I . t - l. fiv. Vandch.wrin in Chi- "Just received" a new shipment case. Shipment U bemf made to J of spring woolen materials, priced within rour budget , Thos. Kay : Woolen Co, 260 So. 12th st, Sa THiEL - r M . ' lem, Ore. - ' Ji J. Thiet Ute reridetvt oPt- Iwd. at l9iMMPrtjaPii GRANT GIRL HERE - "!u ..iud for services and u L Betty Grant, daughter of Ethan torment by tb HoweU-Ed wards cnap-1 Grant, local writer, has returned to Salem from Marysville, Mich where she attended school the past three years. ,She intends to bobn : RudouMi A Horn, at the residence. ie? m.J ioh UnroU at Willamette university m J3, Bora ot saiem; father of Mrs. in the fall as a pre-denUl stu- 1 c. Baymood of tnappaquew. .. t dent. Mrs. C. B. JHevcl ox rT.umuK, SSi' sieVWw?TCuVIai:m and Top dirt and fill dirt free for the Sergeant R. Horn of the U.S. arony in hauling. Reinholdt ic Lewis, 569 . .nrf hrothM - of Moa Anna Horn of Cum. Kmti . Charles F. Morn ot Benmniton. Kans and rd tk Morn of Cawker City. Kan. Vet- of ne SpantsnroerK-an war ana S. 21st st. SEAMAN NOW ON CRUISER L. E. Salchenbereer. S2c. 19- World War I and member ot St. Mark's year-old Son of E. Salchenberger, Lutfteran ciurrfi and the Garden club, Services wiU oe Wednesday. AprU 19, Salem,' Is serving aboard the Monday. Births t ijo am at the cioufh-Barrick I cruiser USS Astoria on maneuvers rhapeU The Rev M. A. GeUendaner jn he paciic a naVy dispatch said m-ii officiate, interment follow rnr at , the City View cemetery. MCXLCX ' At tH midencw. 1IU N. 17th it.. Lil- lian Margaret Mullen, at the ar.e of M years. Saturday. AprU 12. Surviving are the hunxna. james s. muiwh feaiem; three daughters, A He. Theresa and Genevieve Mullen, all of Salem; five surteis. Mrs. i P. Forlus. Twin FaUs. M inn Mrs. H. J. Loughran. Bur bank. Calif.; Mrs. Rosaue Tierney. St. Paul, Mirvn : Hn. C. C. Eaton, Salem; Mrs. L. B. Sullivan, Twin Lakes. Minn.; three brother. J. T. Donahue, Lyn wood. Cahi.: Waller Donanue of Twin Lkes and E. 1. Donahue of Chicago, la Recitation of the rosary Monday. AprU 14. at 8 p.m. at the W. T. Rif don chapel. Services wiU be held Tues day. AprU IS, at a m. at St. Joseph's church with interment in SU Barbara cemetery. - JAQCET Mrs. Bertha-Mathey Jaquet. 71. at the residence, Victor Point, route 3. Silver ton. Saturday. April IS. Wife of Henry Jaquet of Victor Point; mother of Martha Cooler and Minnie Goode of Salem, and Alice and Paul Jaquet. - both of Victor Point. Twelve grand children and a niece, Alice Mathey of Silfm.- alto survive. Member of the Free Methodist church. Services will be held Tuesday, April IS. at X p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with con r hiding services in the City View cem etery. The Rev. J. R. Stewart will officiate. SATTER To Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Satter, route 8, Salem, a son, Monday, April 14, at Salem General hospital. HAINES To Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Hairfes, 795 N. 18th St., ; daughter, Sunday, April 13, at Sa lem Deaconess hospital. JUST To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Just, 255 Norway st., a daughter, Monday, April 14, at Salem Dea coness hospital. ANDREWS- To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Andrews, 3225 Silverton rd., daughter, Sunday, April 13, at Salem General hospital. DEPENBROCK To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Depenbrock, 2469 State st., a son, Sunday, April 13, at Salem General hospital. Dr. Hampton Adams, pastor af Union Avenue Christian church. St, Louis, Mo, whs will be ruest speaker at First Christian church Wednesday for the local church night meeting-. Charches of surrounding common 1 1 1 e s have been invited to send repre scnta tires. CAIN TO BUILD HOUSE Leonard Cain was issued a per mit by the city engineer's office Monday to build a $4,000 house at 1380. 18th SL Other permits were to the Miles Linen Mill for $1,500, to move a house at 2150 Fairgrounds rd.: N. L.' Emmons. for a $2,000 house at 1675 Baker St; to John A. Fletcher, construe tion to cost $600 at 700 Stewart St; E. C. Kruger, $250 construc tion at 1415 N. 4th St Correct hard water conditions with a "Refinite" water softener from Judson's. 279 N. Com!. INSPECT BRIDGE Marion Countv Commissioner ta itogers and county Koad Fore man Ted Kuenzi insrected several bridges on the Little North Fork of the Santiam river yesterday. One ot the bridges, lust above Smith s mill, has been slated for repairs, because the Underninnina is rotting out Commissioner Roll ers saia. a Home owners it builders, better insulation at the lowest cost Sa-, lem Rockwool Co. Ph. 3748. 1535 Broadway. . ' FILES FOR SPRAYING . . An assumed business name cer tificate for Philip W. Beilke Co a commercial spraying firm, was filed with the Marion county clerk Monday by Philip W. Beilke, 3410 Sunnyview Ave. Beilke also filed a notice of retirement from the Salem Tree Co., a landscaping con cern. . . . ' . - ' Save $500.00 buy direct from owner. Modern home with elec trie heat and hardwood floors Good location. For appointment call 7487 - . . , Dr. Wiles Dentist. 701 First Nat Bank. Phone 4924 for immediate appointment, ' KINDNESS DOES PAT Proof that kindness is apprecia ted is found in this tiostal card addressed to The Statesman "Lo cal Editor," by Mrs. M. Starr. 536 N. 17th st, which reads -Will the lit tie lady who was so kind to me when I got mixed up in di rections and who took me to 2245 Laurel ave please send me your name and address. v Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol St STOLEN CAR RETURNED A car owned by H. J. Reinke. 250 Cottage St- was recovered by city police early Sunday morning before the owner knew it was stol en from the S. P. garage, where he had it stored. A witness who di rected policemen to the auto said he observed a youth parking it at Gaines and Summer street; where the car was recovered. Refinish your own floors. Rent, a floor sander from Wood row's. 440 Center st TTIOR LODGE PLANS Plans for a past president's night and for a May 17 Norwegian cele bration will be made by Trior lodge. Sons of Norway, at its meet ing tonight in the Salem Woman's club house, 460 N. Cottage St. Mrs. O. H. Lunda will report on nursing in Norway and a social program will follow. Pansies, primroses, perennials. vegetables and bedding plants. Pemberton's, 1980 S. 12th st Ph. 23348. LOG PERMITS GIVEN fermits to naui logs over cer tain market and county roads were issued by the Marion, county court Monday to Wayne Smith, Mehama; J..H. Wilkinson. Turner: Mildred Volkman, Aumsville; Eugene J Ennis, Monmouth, and to Joseph W. Lance, Leo G. Jackson, and Clarence Louden, all of Albany. Expert watch 8c clock repairing, 5 day service at Stevens Jewelry. JATCEES TO HEAR TATUM Lofton Tatum. of Portland, na tional vice-president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, will ad dress the local Jaycee chapter at its luncheon today in the Chamber ot Commerce dining room. Planting your garden? Pansies, bedding stocks and vegetable plants. Breithaupt s, 211 E. Miller. COUNTY OPENS BIDS Bids on about 450,000 gallons of oil for road purposes wiU be opened by the Marion county court at 10 a. m. Thursday at the court-house.v GAIIERAS Mercury II 82.90 7.25 7.30 Everready Case Flash Unit Court Street Radio & Appliance Co. 357 Court St Phono 3028 Salem, Oregon DISMISSED BY DEACONESS Mra, Arch Wilson, 533 E st, was dismissed from Salem Deaconess hospital Sunday with her infant son. Mothers dismissed Monday are Mrs. Glenn Skeels, Alsca, and Mrs. Ernest Satterlee. box 1000, and Mrs. Wallace Ayres. 1810 N. Cottage st, with their daughters; Mrs. Clarence Guab of Silverton, Mrs. Joseph Myers of West Stay- ton and Mrs. Francis Weaver of Monmouth, with their sons. Re-roof now Johns-Manville shin gles applied by Mathis Bros. 164 S. Coral. Nothing down 3 years to pay. Free estimates. Ph. 4642. GEOGRAPHY MEET SET Geography teachers in high schools and colleges in the mid Willamette valley, and others in terested in the subject, have been invited to attend a geography con ference at the Benton hotel at Cor vallis tonight to hear Dr. Frances Earl of the University of Washing ton, who will speak on "A Geogra pher Looks at the Far East." Insured savings eirn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li berty street " FIRE LV HOTEL Traffic was blocked by police on High street, between Court and State streets, Sunday afternoon when firemen, were called to ex tinguish a fire in a linen closet of the Grand hotel. Little damage was done, and only a small boost er line was required to stop the blaze. Origin was undetermined. Reduce the health way. Be slim and feel good. Phone. 6253. CRASH HURTS NONE Cars operated by Milan H. Gil man, route 9, Salem, and Daphna Hunt, route 3. Silverton, collided at State and Church streets short ly after noon Monday, police re port. No one was injured. G. E. automatic blankets a year 'round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept R. L Elfstrom Co. TRUCK GENERATOR GONE C. W. Nichols reported to city police Monday that a generator was stolen from a 1946 GMC truck parked at the Keith Brown lumber company. For factories, offices & business uses, 12 General Electric wall clocks. $12.48. tax incl. R. L. Elf strom Co. KNIGHTS HAVE MEET An entertainment program will follow the regular 8 o'clock meet ing of the Knights of Columbus in the council chambers tonight. DRIVER PAYS Henry Vaughn Russell of Turn er posted $60 in bail on three traf fic charges after his arrest by Sa lem police, who chased Russell across the Marion-Polk county bridge before apprehending him. The three charges were reckless driving, violation of the anti not'se ordinance and driving with out an operator's license. Dexter lawn mower and grinding service. Ph. 6833. 966 Center. TWO IN. TWO OIT Shortly after returning two in mates to Oregon state hospital Sunday, cily police were notified that William Burrell, 21. and Har vey Saigeon, 20, were missing from Fairview home. Wesix electric 2.5 K. W. & 2 K. W built-in wall heaters now avail able. R. L. Elfstrom Co. FILES FOR ELECTRIC An assumed business name cer tificate for the Ace Electric Co. was filed with the Marion county clerk yesterday by V. C. Ingram, 645 Ferry St Planting your garden? Pansies; bedding stocks and vegetable plants. Breithaupt s, 211 E. Miller TAXES TURNED OVER Sheriff Denver Young turned over taxes to the Marion county clerk Monday for the period of January 1 to April 7, amounting to 53,022. New location Cronise Studio, 439 1 oiirt St ni-w Smith Rakins fv TOWNSEND MEETING Townsend Victory club 17 will have a social hour following its regular 8 . o'clock meeting tonight in Deaconess hall, west of Salem Deaconess hospital on Oak street. FBI SPEAKER BOOKED Salem Rotary club Wednesday noon will hear H. I. Bobbitt, Port land FBI chief, talk on "The Cost of Crime" at its luncheon in the Marion hotel. Venetian Blinds - ELI1ER - The Blind Man West Salem. Oregon Phone 7328 1545 Plaza St Slats in Aluminum, Steel and Wood . Choice of Tape Color Call Any Time for Free Estimates Measured and Installed Pay Nothing Down Pay Monthly The Statesman, Salem, Or agon, Tuttdof. April IS. 13475 GOP BOARD TO MEET Attorney Steve Anderson, exe cutive board member of. the Young Republican club of Oregon, will attend a state board meeting of the young GOP Sunday in Bend, Several other young Salem repub licans may attend, Anderson said. LICENSED TO MARRY A marriage license was applied for at Portland Monday by Beu- lah Crippen of Salrm and Will iam J. Edmunds of Medical Lake. the Associated Press reports. FIRE AT MAPES A roof fire at house owned by Mrs. Frances Mapes at 710 Cross st.. was extinguished wftlr little difficulty ot about 120 pm. yesterday by city firemen, ROBLE TO HOLLYWOOD LIONS Fire Chief W. P. Roble will b the speaker at tomorrow's Holly- wood Lions club luncheon. SILVERTON MAN HURT OrviUe McCool of route S, Sil verton, was treated and reiased by Salem Deaconess hospital ot 11 ajn. Monday after an antra accident, hospital officials report. Before World War II nearly al cabbage seed grown In tho United States came from Skagit county, Washington. BEST HUliard C Bt. lata resident of ledford. Oreioa. at a local hospital. " April 14. Survived by a dauxhtrr. Mra. Laura Fuk nf Nw York; a son, Charles A. Bert of Reno, Nev.. and four grand child: en. Announcement of service later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. ITTU! : At trie residence, 20 North Summer) weet. April , or. William Harrison Urue. Husband of Myrtle Lvtle of Sa. lem; brother of Dr. Carl C. Lytte of Dubuque, Iowa: and uncle of Or. Ralpti f-vtle of Dubuoue. Iowa, and Dr. Eu. gene Lvtle of the U5. navy in Chi cago. Member of the Masons, the American veterinarian Medical asso ciation, the Orel on State Veterarian Medical association and St Paul's r-P!-opa! church. Services will be held at St. Paul's Episeooal church. Tues day. April IS. at 2.3B pjn with coa . eluding services in Belcreat Memorial Prk. Direction W. T. Rigdon company.' Tne Rev. George H. Swift will officiate. ' . .. , V on your trip: East--. C3 EIITTLIA' QZiDlL FAQE3 EVERY FUNERAL SERVICE entrusted to us is Individually planned and personally direct ed --its cost determined by the family's wishes. HOWELL - EDWARDS Salem Funeral Chapel 54 N. Capital St Phone XS73 " ' i a, f I " ' v I 9m I 1 1 ml Afriif tilMIJ ii Ststtai Pacific: MT. SHASTA SHASTA DAM SAN HtAMCJSCO ' IAJCI TAHOI ICNO OtEAT SALT LAKI DCs, MONTI SANTA SAlaAtA YOSEMTTt t TtfES IOS ANOCLES HOLLYWOOD . -: rttOM TUCSON R. PASO f ft tilt Aft CA VEINS SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON MEW OtXIANS When you go east, you might aa well get all you can for your money. And f t'a pretty hard to find A bigger bargain than this: On your round trip ticket to Chicago, New York and most other astern destinations, you can go or return via California for not one cent extra nil fare. You actually tee twice at much as you would by going- and returning on tba aauna route. If your destination is New York, you can sea New Orleans for no added rail . fare. (A thrilling .aide trip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park costs only S 10.63, sJl-sxpeskM from El Paao.) Sol? Tne frlanslly Sowtrrer Poeffk C A. Larson, Agent Phone 4108 ill U u M L3 1- no) no u u u u vu m m liiff IS NOW COPIES FROM SHELL RESEARCH It brings together all the important qualities needed for engine protection - NEW-FORMULA Golden Shell Motor Oil achieves a goal Ions-sought by lubrica tion engineers. For now, Shell Researchtakes the latest and most important of many steps forward t It brings together the best df new-found com ponents . . . combines them in a unique new formula for motor oil In one of trie most extreme tests ever made, this New-Formula Golden Shell Motor Oil ranked at the top in every oil quality. With all the important compounds needed to clean your engine ... to irr it clean . . , and to provide a protective oil film of lasting, stay ing strength, New-Formula Golden Shell is proved to provide engine protection far in excess of the demand of average driving. Ves, in every sense, this is a Premium quality oil. Yet it sells at a non-premium price. Your nearest Shell Station has New-Formula Golden Shell Motor Oil now at just 30 cents a quart 1 A premium quality oil iwnpnce at anon f rem J '"WG.7 01 - L - .YTrv. If tVaVj a GOLDEN SHtLL Camas a rmflllmUa cant, a4 a prkf h fvlf 30c per qt. The Best Trademark in the Paint Industry WHEN YOU GET Dnlch Boy While Lead . You Get the Best I We Can Give Good Service for ihe r Ilexl Few Weeis WALLPAPER DOOF STAIII Green, Bed and GrapHile and oa FIIA 12 MONTHS TO PAY Complete Personal Supervision of Every F. 0. REPIIIE GO. 17 Tears la Salem - . Thone 47t3-S71S Largest and Best Equipped Paint Shop la Sales. . - ALSO OTHER OUTSIDE BRANDS : We have paper hanrrs available ; and will help you make selections. Sample books. 0 o XT LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR" OLD TIRES Why ride on old rubber when you can get .Paciflc Premium Tires tne tire that set such anvrring rec ords lor stamina and long I : lite . during the war at fhB4 sale prlcss. FREE MOUNTING Lhniled Time Only Lowest Price. Offered on This First Line. First Quality Tire Since the War 60016. Reg. Price 16.10. ss..147S 650-16. Res. Price 19.95. 90 Sale Price 700-1 6. Rejf, Price 22.15. c.l- J Jt t 1-arw Price . 650-15. Reg. Price 19.05. 40 Sale Price Yest and credit too if desired. Federal Tax Extra (MS Wai?G3 395 N. High St. Distributors Phone 4841 ASSOCIATE DEALERS TED GORDON, 205 Center, Salem, Oregon 0. W. RUBBER WELDERS, Wooflburn, Ore. WARREN'S SERVICE STATION, Scio, Ore. EVANS TIRE CO., Dallas, Oregon. DON & JOHN'S AUTO SERVICE, Mill City O. K. RUBBER WELDERS, Canby Oregon RON'S MOTOR CO., 240 High Su Salem O. K. RUBBER W ELDERS, Sweet Home, Ore. O. K. RUBBER WELDERS, Willamina, Ore. WEBB & ANDERSON, 790 S. 12th, Salem. HOWARD SMALLEY OIL CO 1405 Broad way, Salem. PRATUM GARAGE, Pratum, Ore.