The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 13, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Tb Stat man. Salem, Oregon, Stmdorf, April 13, 1947
L -V Frit Th State fwiwIVjri
ar ' hit iiariiiii iiiii ii ii n i ll
Liberty The Liberty Women's
dub will present tle Sit lent Civic
players in "Professor, How Could
You" at liberty haU on April II
at 8 psa. . - , ;
Hayesviae Mm. 'Jake Pernod
of Reiman garden, who has been
in the 4)eacones hospital four
weeks rweveTinc from goiter
operation, will be home soon. Her
daughter, Mr. Clarence--Paslay,
flew IfM Gletuiale, Arte, to be
with her mother; ; - v
RiversUIe A. W. Buisman is
buildinf double garage on hia
place. -
Zena Spring .Valley Christian
Endeavor .society was represented,
t the Christian BvSevor rally in
Perry dale by Peri McKianey, Mrs.
Seth B. Dodge. Jr..; Mrs. Robert
Yungeo and Seth B. Dodge. Next
rally wffl be May H at Dallas.
RiTerdaJe Four-K-girls cook
ing club gave tea- for their
mothers -and saoe friend Thurs
day at the home of their leader,
Mrs.'A.Wi Biussneo. ,
" i - .- , . "' -. - "
Central HaweJl Auxiliary of
the Central HweU Farmers-Union
extension unit received second !
prize for its scrap book at the
Hmaenakers Festival and the 100
per cent achievement award.
Members present weie Mrs. Frank
vTray, Mrs. Tad Kimsey, Mrs.
Clarence Johnson. Mrs. Milton
K-phart, Mrs. -John Anglin, Mrs.
Wilbelsn Sjvangn, Mrs. Leonard,
Mrs. Lawrence Hammer. Mrs.
Paul Baasett, Mrs. Emory Goode,
Mrs. Frack Butler, Mrs. Leo
TVix, Mrs. Lee Dow,- Mrs.' George
Piane, Mrs. Henry Trover. 'Mrs.
Clyde Desart, Mrs. Ray McKib
ben and Mrs. John Cage. '
Sflverion The Rev. and Mrs.
B. A. Franklin, who have been
senilis the Silverton Missionary
Allianre congregation for the past
three years, have accepted a call
to Walla Walla, Wash, and will
leave -after Sunday services. A
resident pastor will be obtained
again -as aeon as possible, congre
gation members state. -
Pristgle Plans far the bazaar
Friday, May 2, will be complet
ed by ttte Pringie Women's club
at the so-bostea meeting Wed
ntidij, April 18.
SBverton Mrs. Clifford Alm
Sraist has keen nominated for pres
ident; Mtt. H. Sherwood, vice
preswiemt. and Mrs. Hay Boe, sec
- rotary-treasurer for "the Silverton
Lions club auxiliary. . Election is !
in May. Mrs. L. P. Oehler is the
SKitgotng. president nd Mrs. Wil
liam Bioch cbainnao -of the nomi
nate; : committee. -
Mill City Frances and Verna
Caraway of Portland visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cara
way for Easter. Ruth Higdon,
WAVES, is spending 20 day
leave with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs,JG; Higdon. Mrs. Robert
Beeson visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leland Caplinger this
vfetki-.v-: ' - J.
- 'AaaasvUle Sgt. Glenn Klein,
army .. air corps, San Antonio,
Texas, made a surprise - Easter
telephone call to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Klein, from
Miami, Florida, where he spent
we noiiday.
Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Brassfield are visiting relatives
and friends in Los Angeles. Their
daughter, Mrs. Helen Kilmer of
Salem -and Nelda Trueax are in
charge of the store during their
absence. 'j - . f .
AasosriUa A baptismal ser
vice was held af the T. C Moun
tain ' home Easter Sunday when
Mr. Mountain baptized his grand
children, Robert Allen and Mari
lyn Christy" children of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mountain of Port
Pedes Reports on the Polk
county Farmers Union quarterly
meeting Wednesday at Mistletoe
school were -mad by Mrs. Rufus
Dodge and Mrs. Sidney Howard
at Pedee Farmers Union Thurs
day. It was decided to have a
meeting , at the school house Tues
day, April IS at 8 pm to dis
cuss p r o p o s e d development of
flood control and drainage of the
Luckiamute river. E. M. Cates is
In charge., :. '- '
Gervals Mrs. Sam Brown Is
the house guest of Mrs. C. T. Brix
ey at Cutler City.
Aumsville 4-H and grade'
school achievement days will be
held together April 18 in the din
ning room of the gymnasium and
the school rooms. '
Gervals Miss Sophia Nibler
who has been in poor health re
cently was taken to the convale
scent home at Brooks.
Pedee Mrs. M. Lacey has
been notified her son-in-law, IV.
Clarence Kearns is suffering from
serious heart ailment and has been
a patient in the Eugene hospital.
He is at his home in Springfield
now and will be carried to. bed
for several 'weeks.
'Gervals R. S. Hasty and Mr.'
and ! Mrs. Frank Kovey. Hart,
Mich- who spent the winter in
Arizona -and Texas, stopped over
last weekend with Mrs. Cecil Col
by, postmaster. They -are enroute
to British Columbia and Alberta,
Canada.;;-' -Prinrle
"Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Brumfield are the parents
of a daughter, Sharon Irene, born
April 10, at Salem General hos
Gervals Mrs. A. D. Jardin is
in charge of the Cancer Control
drive for Gervais.
Uimi Hill Mrs. J. O. Darby
and Mrs. J. J. Doerflar will be
leaders for "Care of the Feet"
project at 10 p. m. Tuesday,
April 15, at the Doerflers, with
Brs. Darby as hostess.
.ML Angel First post-lenten
card party will be Wednesday,
April 18, -at 8 p m. in the
St. Mary s auditorium. Bridge,
-500- and pinochle will be
played with prizes . offered w for
each. Mrs. Val Eberle Is chair
man of the committee in charge
of arrangements.
TJaion Hill Mrs. John Rollow
entertained Union Hill Woman's
club at her Salem home Thursday
for 1 o'clock buffet luncheon.
Mrs. FJdon Reynolds of Roberts
was a guest.
Four Careers A demonstration
on "Furniture Arrangement," led
by Eleanor Trindle, Marion home
demonstration agent, will be the
program at .Four Corners Home
Extension unit Tuesday, April IS,
at 1 p. m. The meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Harold Colgan,
route -six, box SOS. All interested
hosnemakers are invited.
Rlverdaie Connie Newton was
surprised Wednesday night when
she came to the choolhouse and
found a large croup of her friends
gathered to ' give her - a bridal
shower. Each guest -. presented - a
stunt. Refreshments were -served
by Mrs. Harvey Schuebel, Mrs.
Mary Painter, Mrs. Alfred Klein
and Mrs. William Keeney.
- . ' i
Tit. T f . ir u : .
(ton county, will be the speaker
Wednesday, April 16, on KOAC
for the Farmers Union hour. Top
ic will be -Shall We Plow under
Two Million Farmers.'
Maxqn&m Two farms recently
disposed of here were those of
Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen and
Mr.and Mrs. Vincent Sowa. The
Sowas plan to move to Salem but
the Jensens have not given out
their plans.
aurerion uuu ine local
a wu ia t aujiiuai v 11 lo
tion to North Howell grange Mon
day night
Everrreen Rov Williams fa one
of the few local people whom
the telephone strike has affect
ed 'Williams is a long-distance
hauler and both contact mil ar
rangements have . been made by
xeipnone untu now when tele
grams have had to srv TVii.
week Williams hauled a load nf
beef cattle. 180 head, from Day-
' I
: I
' i
0 .
i .
II. Snnner Sl.
Salen's Fines!
Residential Disirici
Spacious - comfortable -built
for better living - large
living room - nice dining
room - modernistic kitchen
4 bedrooms - roomy clos
ets - double plumbing, hwd.
floor - ven. blinds - full
basement - hot water heat.
n. e. iiEnEDnn.1 qealtod
till ! 178 Cosnmereial.
ton to Burns . from the famous
U. S. Anlderman Farms. Alder
man will feed out the stock on
eastern Oregon range lands.
Brush Creek Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Maurer are moving from
their Paradise Alley home this
week. Maurer is employed by
Charles Hoyt and plans to live in
a trailer house during the sum
mer months. He moved to the Da
vis farm on Paradise last October.
is reported as ill at herl home in
the Loim Pine community.
JeMersan Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Lake have returned from a
trip winch took them as far as
Nebraska! ' They visited f relatives
in Colorado arid Los Angeles.
Anally Marlynne Benjamin has
been named queen of the May fete
at Amity Union high school. Maid
of honor will be Margie Goss arid
princesses will be Margaret Jan
yen, Fern Compton, Phyllis Jor
gensen and Erlene Webster.
Silverton Dr. F. R. Schmidt,
chiropractic physician, will open
offices Tuesdav at 106 South Wa
ter str. He was graduated from
National Chiropractic college at
Chicago in 1942. and snnt thro
years on the -staff of tb criro-
pracuc sanitarium at Waukesha,
Wis. Dr. Schmidt' served 28
months in the navy during the
war-ana is biiverton s second chi
ropractor. .
SUverUn Harrv Rirhe M.r
i' county agent, will speak on
"Affrirtiltur in Mnrfh t.iM I
Italy" Monday noon at ! the Ro
tary luncheon. Rholin (InnUv i.
program chairman. Riches spent
wv wr years in mese countries.
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Frank!
Glaftr became the parents of a
seven pound nine ounce son, Den
nis Frank, April 4 at the Salem
Deaconess hospital. They also
have three daughters.
Brush Creek Scarletina has
broken out in this community.
David Overlund, son of the John
Overlunds, U one of those ill.
Close watch is being kept upon
the children in both Brush Creek
school and the neighborhing com
munity, Evergreen, where light
cases have also been reported.
Waldo Hills Mrs. A. N. Doer-
fler, who was ill in the hospital,
with pneumonia, is able to be up
nd about again. She spent sev
eral days at the home of her
parents in the Hazel Green dis
trict after leaving the hospital be
fore returning to her home.
Marqnam Mrs. Paul Duns
worth was complimented at a
surprise party Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Paul Blackman. In
vited were Mr. and Mrs. Duns
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cra
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Oneth, Mr. and Mrs. James Long.
Cards were played during ., the
Evergreen Mrs. Fred Knight
who has been ill for several weeks
is said to be somewhat . im
Silverton Hills Mrs. Floyd Dale
has returned from an Oregon City
Residential District
One of Salem's grand old homes overlooking
the city from Fry's hill.
Would subdivide into several choice building
sites. Large attractive home with 6 bedrooms,
hot water oil heat, double plumbing, 3 car ga
rage, nice yard and shade trees.
For particulars, se
Grabsnhorsl Bros., Ocalfors
134 SUbortv SL Ph
hospital where she recently un
derwent a major operation. She
is conva'esang nicely, ;- .
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Shields are leaving f Or Bur
ingame, Calif., to visit with her
uncle, J. O. Angel and family.
Their son, Richard, stationed at
a naval hospital in San. Diego,
is at home on leave. He has re
eu'isted for another four years.
Tamer Hester , Crume is
spending several days visiting
friends in Aberdeen, Wash. .
Keiser Members of the Kei
zer grange will meet for a no-
host 8:30 p. m. dinner at the
hall Tuesday night. This will be
an open meeting and all interest
ed are invited to be present
8wegle Meeting of the Swegle
PTA will be held at 3 p. m. Tues
day in the school house..
Tarner Mr. and Mrs. Don
Reiber of Coos Bay wore dinner
guests of the Harlan Bones Thurs
day. ' -
Gervals The St . Rita Altar
society met with the new. presi
dent Mrs. Fred Manning. M rs.
Martin Geifer was elected vice
president; Marie Mangold secretary-treasurer.
Nineteen members
were present and served for the
Jefferson John Henderson is
in T a coma to visit his son and
daughter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Henderson. Mrs. Ada Wat
tenbarger; of Independence ac
companied her.
Evergreen The Willard Worn
tn's club meets with Mrs. Em
manuel Kellerals for a covered
dish luncheon all day April 17;
Brush Creek L. H. Meyer, em
ployed ; at the Hartman garago
in Silverton, has been confined
to his home here several days this
week with a severe case of influ
enza an-, is being cared for-by
his dnughter, Al thee Meyer.
Seotts Mills Fred' Gosneir is
one of i the victims of scarletina.
His mother, Mrs. Martha GosneL
local teacher, is. caring for him.
while her sister, Mrs. Robert
Shepherd, is teaching.
Tarner Home Extension unit
meets all day Wednesday, April
18, with Mrs. John Powell. "Cam
of the Feet" will be the subject '
presented by project leaders and
election of officers will be held. .
Gervais -The annual Junior-
Senior Prom will be held April -
17. Banquet will be at 7 p.. m.
and by, invitation only.
We're a fresh up'
ts fay far the MOST
MOST USED of a!!
! Becouseof th"
Importooco of yoor eye- -sight
to you, it-is best to
be sure your eye ore in
perfect conditio of oil
times. Come in for on ex
amination oow Moke
euro. Don't gueu. ,
.. 9
etassts on .recMS
l SlnesrlttS
Liberty Conrt SL
v5r nQVi
J mnn
1 m..:r 33?
; 'VSSn --, 24 PIECES
terms? ir : -C-"
: WHY SURE... 3- ifFZzsi
ell. Takeas I VMS. L..--J. . '. ' ;
Full tizn divan, opens to full siza Joed. Matching club chair
w;th ieversibl spring-filled cushions, a swing rocker uphol-'cxntratin3 material, lamp tabls-wilh two drop
leafsvcoife tabid wtth magazine -shelf below, okay, well
put an end table in for good measure. For tho dinetlo thoro
is a beauJiful Honde shade, sandblasted extension tabid. -with
four chairs and tho' daintiest littla di3h hutch you could
wish for. Now that you've finished In the dinette let's go
into tho bodroorn -blonde shade, modem r styled -lnj the. -
SAATH, you'll know what we mean. There is a bed with a
genuir.e Sisnmons spring, a 50-lb. felted cotton mattre33, a
vanity, chiffonier, bedstand, bench i and a plaid bedspread
with drapes to-mafch all right -so it's dark so we'll put a
set d 2 boudoir lamps on the vanity, there that brightens it
up to where we're qroingr to quit Wish we could ao on and
on but even $393 has its limits and thi3 one is really bulging.
We give terms on everything we
long as 18 months to pay.
Tourist cabin owners
Beach cabin owners . . .
Figure any way you like you just cannct beat this deal . .
if there ever wa3 one.
. it's a natural
L343 Court SL
Phone 9221
:vi ii rit.1 jil.;
-3 0-a
. . 4
-- .... ,--'