The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 12, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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    ntty Mows
Lefiore Headier. Marion county Marion county court postponed
health educator, will be in Eugene issuance of an order to name a
Fridar to attend a meeting of new street yesterday, until an
the Oregon health instruction adequate description is filed for
committee for health and physical I the street, first one east of Lan-
. . ... rvnrn . StVW r P mV VrIBFR :
the taster seai saie 01 1 J iTrranren John S conjunction with a course in tag to Judge Grant Murphy. No
te copter of the nauowl s 5e "? .JJ? g; lamily Ufe education conduded opposition to. the proposed name,
eiety for crippled children and Harper, "fCourtsL, Ivan &. at ih University of Oregon. Com- Byram avenue, was voiced at Fri-
dolt. were thanked ttusweek by -S-IS mittee chairmaJ Is Mrt George day's hearingT
taTplerchairmsn. McKay said G W. Chappell of the ;ChaPpell- Moorhead of Salem. Dance tonight CrysUl Gardens.
the results we're short of expec- Marshall company, Portland, and Dance Sat SUverton Armory.
tations, but encouraging and tnat v. j. urn "sv new .aisvici - . Auto radios, Philco or Motorola,
tse need for funds for the society manager of the Farmers Insur- Wayne Strahan now playing Old available now. Let Morrow Radio
continues. - ance group. , Time dance, VFW hall. Sat nite c 153 s Uberty 11. one in
He location Cronlse Studio, 439 Dance Sat SUverton Armory. 5 - your car. Fh. 5955
WunpmBnuw ""' The Pike, foP !ce cream 12 flavors." . " - Irvin auger bit sets. 10.Farmer
.. . 2 ; h-i.j Wn 1B C T ;K.rl tloils until I T1EFV Tft PDPTt 1VH Hr)uf fn 11 S Cnm
n t. riMroni ra. ! 11 PJM. Ooen Sunday until 6 PM. Portland police took custody I
- I Open at 150 N. Com'l daily until I yesterday of Noma W. Ramev.j Ironing boards, $1.93
TOnKSCXD tun hui g p.m. " 1 19W0 w m 81 - wno oeen miHdw. co., 115 a. com.
Tnwnvnil rlut 3 will meet at! . I Marion county iail since his sur-l
1 o'clock Monday night at the j Plate glass now available. Don render Thursday, to state police. NAMED TO AID DRIVE
laome- of Florence Shipp, 1880 Ne-1 Brown, Elfstrom's. ' Local authorities said he had con-1 Additional community chair-
fcraskast. MftTmfM . VAVT rrvrR.i v f essed . he was involved, in at- men for the 1947 cancer fund
. MOTTIEES LEAVIj GENtKAl tempted robberies in Portland and drive were announced Friday by
Planting your garden? Pansies, Mothers, dismissed from Salem decided to give himself, up after Marion county chairman Clair
bedding stocks ana vegeiaDiei m " reading that others involved had I Brown. They are Mrs. H. A. Beau
plants Breithaupfs, 211 E: MiUer.j A. V.Helt, 405 Morgan ave and confessed. I champ, women's division. Stay
1 Mr. Robert P. Arthur of route , -i; . . . . ton: Mrs. Norman Yergen, Don
Salem, with tneir wiant aaup- ransies, auc a ooz rooiea geran- ald and Mrs Erma Lindquist
icts; jhtj. rnuiip operung, in- iuu iui""Si . nuwiauw i Butteville.
dependence, and Mrs. Lawrence pianu, ana sj. rn. vwa
W. Kerber, Stayton, both with 895 N. 21st st ,
uance oau ouvenon Armory.
Mrs. Clara E. Harper, at the red-
"J. u..rU.,.li Ol.,-. .;it n n arw 11 jM-f
of Sln. and a 'man. Chte om Sand Ar CnveL Ph 21968 I IOn't forget the old time dance at
i Wnislla- 1 Grandchildren. I I WW hall Sat nito
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
STaS? -r S Refrigeration sales and service .1
Special for the 'teen age Miss. The
Little French Shop has the cutest
frocks in town. Stop and shop at
The Little French Shop, 115 N
amr. A or J IS. at 133 B m in the
Oaufb-Barriclc 'chapel. Interment at Salem, Ore. Phone 6909.
Scottatilia meetr. im nmv. irau-i i
It, tirnn ww ucu. nn t Kilvorton Armonr.
Refrigeration sales ana service ai Vn nr winv
George Electric, 493 Center st, ALTERATIONS TO BE MADE High.
. . ' . i, . J . Pvrmiti frr altratfnn vera
issued yesterday by the city en-1 Pansies. primroses. perennials.
1 pineers office to William Mc I iii-iK1m nH HjsMirv nUnt.
v ivVWViW iasv vWua srawaaa
ifnTrert Moore, lau resident of 1 WOMEN VETS AT HOSPITAL A erty st, to cost $1,000; Mrs. Bir- 23346
Xenaiem. Ore, at a. local hospital I Five women .veterans -of Sa mineham. 360 N. 14th st, 11.500
iTuTZ &7TtutZZ?. lem's Pioneer post American Le- and to A. L. Vinson, 1706 N. 4th Dance tonight CrysUl Gardens.
Kjss eijti Mm Moore-, a aon, Mer- gion, will visit patients . at the St,; ?25. ( . j
nil L Uootm: a sister. Miss Hazel I DnUn1 v(rni Kncnital trwtaw I "TOprv im UlCSIMn
H.mof"Moi"iU0or: "1 1 They are Mildred Christensen, Ranted: Walnut dining set Ph. Report, to city police Friday in
Felton Informs
New Court
Traffic safety studies through
out the United States have shown
that -the quality of the lower
courts directly affects the traffic.
This was the statement! of Joseph
B. Felton, Salem justice of the
peace, before Salem Credit as
sociation Friday. i
Because of this fact! a gradual
evolution of the lower courts has
taken place with a correspondine
improvement in courts and their
location, the speaker said. Pass
age of the new district ourt mea
sure abolishes the Justice court
in the county seat of counties
with populations from
100,000, and provides
Felton said the new
handle civil cases involving uo
to $1,000 and criminal cases carry
ing penalties of up to
prison or fine of $3,000. and that
the Judge must be an attorney
and may not be in any private
business while holding
Senate bill 383 which, changes
the law providing for Justice
courts provides, for a jsalary in
stead of fees. Neither the justice
court nor the district tjourt mea
sures have been signed by the
governor, Felton said.
Camera Club lo
Judge Pictures
The Salem Camera club, recent
ly formed group of camera en
thusiasts comprising a community
project of First Methodist church,
will meet at 7:45 pjn. Monday in
the fellowship room of the church.
Members photographs will be
judged in a program under the
idrection of Martha Kumler.
Donald Darby is president of
the group which is open to all
camera hobbyists. . Meetings are
to be held on the second and four
th Monday evening of each month.
50,000 in
a district
court will
aw Saturday. April ii. at 1:30 p.m., t Florence Cameron, La Verne Hew-
toH?J,,"ta.rn1 ith ? itt Mrs. Virgie Perry and Mrs.
Brr. Dudley strata will officiate. 1 Veima LiaviS.
Sansen I Weslx electric z.s K. w. & z k. w.
TOlte Hansen. late resident of TaJ- hnil.lm wall hoatora. now avail
IM ace oi z years, aurviveo djt i
. . ny, ui mi llini,n n T.t. I t
t: tw soaa. Meivin James Hansen ) Dexter lawn niower and grinding
and CUntao Allen Hansen,- both ot
Talbot: an Infant daughter; parents.
Ms. and Mrs. lorn 1 urn of tsienine. I r; j tk
A. D : six aisten. Mrs. John Freesman ""'
at EcteOuie. S. D, Mrs. Alrin Hensen I ana up. wuoern txnuij college,
of Harti. S 'D Mrs. Don Knutson of I 1TO M TlhaHv
Mnlva S r Mr, Hirrr LiUlad of I
Spokane. Wash- and Miss. -Henrietta I v a Tv w a tb s vrt o
Seattle. Wash.: i and three . brothers.
Spring housecleaning F 1 o o r I
cleaned, waxed, sanding and fin
ishing. Olsen Floor Co. Ph. 7874.
dicate that Nora Derenzy, 60, is
missing from Oregon state hos
pital and that Alcium ; K linger.
21 and Harvey Sageon, 19, both
of Portland, are missing from
Fairview home.
G. E. automatic blankets a r ,.. j,l. i,,i.
round comfort 'and pleasure- tVL'L t
service.; Ph. 6833. 966 Center. luiarted qunUftr at A P p Hicj pUnbi rarf marigold in bloom.
Nathan N..Nixon, St Paul, was! . m
irl tn .nr t th .mnrf I,, Bummae sale Sat, 12 to 5 p. m..
434 Umon, 3 blks. north of city
a m
Mrs. Amie E. Mills. 545 Court dangerous weapon, when he ap- nau- .
Ztt'E!!5ti- S 2 . fcy train last niht for Peared in Woodburn justice court KEIT1I POKELL SPEAKS
riJm ree-months trip to CaUfornia. Keith Powell, president of Sa-
be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel She will .visit , her son, Harry Q. d Monday, was being held jn lem Federal Savings and Loan as-
ilTZ- A&.h ? JfJ J?r riH1 Mi", formerly of Salem, in Los Marion -county jail last night V Friday snoon discussed
Maj. Ben Browning
Wins Promotion
' Eight appointments and assign
ments in Oregon National Guard
were announced Friday by Acting
Adjutant General Raymond F
Olson, including: j
Maj. Ben F. Browning, officers
reserve corps, to Lt. Col., corps
of chaplains, assigned to position
as chaplain, headquarters 41st in
fantry division, with station at
Double Funeral for
Mother, Daughter
This Afternoon -
Double funeral services will be
held at 1:30 p. m. today at the
Clough-Bannck chapel for Mrs.
Clara E. Harper. 74, Salem, who
died April 4, and for her daugh
ter. Mrs. Fern Moo res, 44, of Ne-1
ha lem, who died April 6. Mrs.
Harper died at her home, 1544
Ferry st, and her daughter died
in a local hospital, after an emer
gency operation.
The Rev. Dudley Strain will of
firiate. Interment for Mrs. Harper
will be at Scotts Mills cemetery
and Mrs. Moorea will be interred
at Silverton cemetery.
Thw Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Saturday, April 12. HI7 S
Employment at
McNary'Dam Small
Guided by a recent report of
Oregon state employment service
officials relative to operations at
the McNary dam project in Uma
tilla, Silas Gaiser, acting direc
tor, Tuesday cautiqned those in
terested in immediate employ
men there.
Gaiser said contracts presently
let would provide for a peak
employment of approximately 250
men, primarily from skilled
brackets. Unskilled jobs at the
project can be amply filled by a
sizable surplus of unemployed
now in the Umatilla area.
WU Debaters
Due Back from
Contest Toiir
Debaters Charles Mills, Salem.
and Robert Sayre, Beaverton. are
expected to return to- the Wil
lamette university campus Sun
day after an 8,000-mile trio
through the country. .
Representing the university as
a debate team. Mills and Sayre
won four of their eight debates
in the national forensics tourna
ment at the University of Vir
ginia. Mills also was first-round
winner In the Impromptu re
joinder speaking class. -
Mills and Sayre spoke on the
affirmative of "Resolved, that
labor should be given, a direct
share in the management of in
dustry." Speaking on both sides
of that question during the aca-J
demic year. Mills and Sayre have
won 24 of 29 debates. Before
the national tourney they , had
lost only one debate.
Dr. Herbert Rahe. Willamette
speech department head, return
ed yesterday from Virginia where
he acted as a judge in the na
tional speaking contest in which
49 colleges had entries. Mills and
Sayre were to continue their trio
via Florida, Louisiana and Cali
fornia, Rahe said.
ner, Yvonne Goode, Carol Hil
fiker, Joan Scharf and Ruth
Greene. Guests included Eleanor Trin
dle, . Marion home demonstration
agent; Constance Hampton,; assist-.
ant club agent; Jean DuBou, Mat
Ethel Ramus, Mrs. Drorbaugh,
Mrs. John : Fabry, Mrs. William.
Greene, Mrs, Harvey Page. Mtav
Theodore Kuenzi Mrs. Daniel
Scharf, Mrs," Rueben Hilfiker,
Mrs. Emory Goode, Mrs. Albert
Werner. :
Joan Scharf and Joyce Kuenzi
gave a demonstration on bread
Herman Boat and toe Rev. Henry 1
Turajdge officiating. Interment in
Belcrest Memorial park. .
I Dane Sat Silverton Armory,
real estate investments before the
CT . 1 I J I . . 4 : It.
rirn."Fi meeting in the. Marion
Jdua Stewart Sawyer, fonnerty a I v-'""-"-". - w aDrjointmmit.
randeat of .Salem, in New York City, jstrom Co. '
Mini a. aurviveo or nia wire. airs. ,ir-j n , , ,.
' Minnie P. Sawyer of New York r.tV- vt:, 1-., .a I neuu me neaun way. oe sum
. d c r -.l1 1 and fMl panel Phone 253.
rrr- - I hoo Phow 2-441S nr 6909 or atoD 1 . .
mi- m uvgnicr, fan. uma i : . . 1
Wells of Salem, and Ihrre arandehild- in at-Georee Electric 493 Center 1 JOINS HEALTH STAFF
Tr tt Ctouth-B" st- Salem. , . - Marv C. Stevens, who is takine
Dance tonight Crystal Gardens.
Refinish your own floors. Rent, a
floor sander from-Wood row's, 440
Center st
Lebanon Well Driller
On Job Fatality (List
Four fatalities, 869 covered ac
cidents and six claims for occupa
tional disease benefits were filed
with the state industrial accident
commission during the week end
ed April 10. The fatalities in
volved Emest C. White, Lebanon,
well driller; Roy E. Lewis, Med-
ford, janitor; Clarence Palmer,
Beaverton, laborer, and Emil
Golse, Hillsboro, logger!.
i?LfleS, Ab Dane, tonight Crystal Gardens
chape! Monday, April 14. at 1JI p.m.
eluding ser
crDAJt . luinus
Mrs SoMtia Cedar, late Maiden at
d.r. April ll!" Mother of Mrs. Alina r I McCLAUGHKY To Mr.
Phfec of Salem and C W. Cedar of I Mrs. Elmer MrClauehrr. route 2.1 w.4
CTitcato. and sifter of Mrs. Annie c., prM a Aril 1 1 ;i -
ours ton r st. Paul. Minn. Also sur-l"""' w" -v'. Burner, rn. aooz.
vtved by five srandehildren in Chl
cae. Shipment is betas made to Yak-
wssto... by Cloush-Barrick com
pany for services and Interment.
entrusted to us is individually
planned and personally direct
ed - - its cost - -determined by
the family's wishes.
Salem Faneral Chapel
MS N. Capital 8t Phona 367 S
graduate studies at University of TWO COUPLES TO WED
Oregon nursing , school in Port- At Vancouver, Wash marriage
land, has joined the staff of the I licenses have been issued to Mar-
Maribn county health department gie Locke, 25, of 1520 N. 19th st,
according to Dr. W. J. Stone, and Michael P. Marks. 41, Sena
,j county health officer. tor hotel, and to Lucille Johnson,
uu I lit xr t rt i ,i
- ' i
Salem Deaconess hospital. . Air-SteamshiD tickets anvwhere.
naliita 10 wr. ana u. uauicu ssvuip earn more uud Kum 7H94 715 N Panitnl ?t
Andy Walyer, 975: Edgewater. st, two, per cent at Salem federal
Wet Salem, a son, Friday, April savings Association, law soutn LJ-l Saturday service costs no exta
JUDSON'S Plumbing, Heating.
Wiring, Pumps. Phone 4141.
Maj. Robert Brady, Jr., Salem
officer in Oregon national guard.
expects to leave Salem today for
Ft Leavenworth. Kan., to attend
refresher ' course at the army
command and general staff col
lege. -.
Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens
Dance tonight
11, at Salem Deaconess hospital. J berty street
jt-mv i u &ir miu mi. u 4 . -
pert E. Park, 677 N. Church st, f.L "
m nr sviriav Anril 11 at utnn I bedding stocks and vegetable
a son, Friday, April 11, at MJem . .'. tti v m,n
General hospital.
IRVTIN To Mr. and Mrs. R. C
Irwin, 1515 N. 16th st, a daugh
ter, Friday, April 11, at Salem
General hospital.
vi-x - OPEWS
Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion countv
health officer, will conduct Vihv-
MORRO W To Mr. and Mrs. sical examinations of 4-H cluh
Robert D. Morrow, route 9, Sa- members on April 21 to deter-
lem, a son, Jrtday, April 11, all mine the county's healthiest 4-H
Salem General hospital. I boy and girl. The tests will be at
BAKER To Mr. and Mrs. Rog-1 the Dairy Cooperative plant
er D. Baker, 1625 N. Capitol st, . r - -
a daughter, Friday, AprU 11, at wmtni. irjsiai oaraens. -
Salem General hospitaL ' tt,a,r-K ii a
day service at Stevsns Jewelry.
George Electric for electrical in
stallations, maintenance and re
pairs. 493 Center st, Salem, Ore.
Phone 6909, Res. 4986.
Gtddw-Fr Steel
Casiing Bods
$19.95 $1195
Beds and Reels ;
Penn Deep Sea Reel J.M
Oceaa City Salt Water Reel.
254-y. .$9.1
Oceaa City Castiog Level Wind
Reel., . 17.15
Perrbse Free Stripping Aate-
amatle Fly Reel ..$8.85
Packard Steel Casting -
Aaaerleaa Whippet Tr Tem
per Castia Red -SJ.St
Tran-A-LMae Red
Holders ..$Ot
Bear Talley No. 2, Ford Fend
ers, Dee ShHtons. A Is a large
of lake spinners. "
Hooks and Pings
S-Pe. Gaff Heek ...
Leather Fly Books
4 J1.65 te $6J$
Jitterbug Pings .. S9e E.
Hala Daaeer Baas .Plags SL1I
Oilier Fishing Heeds
Saap-Tlte Egg Jar Cover, fe
Folding Landing NeU $2.M
Tackle Boxes with Foldinr
Trays - 12.85
Minnow Palls
Ashaway Doable - Taper
Fly Line
' - -
Ply weed Bcals
V Only
Easy , to transport
Regular price, $85.00
1 Only Model No. 11 AaUmatie Shotgvn. 2f-gaage . $99.85
1 Only St mochester Bolt Action Repeater .. .426.66
We have a "large stock, of ammunition .22 shells, shotgun
shells and others.
Froat Cort Sta. ' - Paaa-9U2
Guest lecturer at Tuesday
night's bacteriology class at Wil
lamette university will v be Dr.
w. Stone, county health offi
cer. .; .
Re-roof now Johns-Manville shin
gles appiled by Mathis Bros. 164
S. Com'l. Nothioe down S years
' Replacements for
ALL MAKES in stock
Doa't let S weak ailing bat
tery rob jo of four radio enter
tainment. HepUce it now with
fresh, power-packed Philco Bat'
tery. We have them for aQ audtes
of radios old sad aew models.
Come in and get yourt todar . .
428 Ceart St - Call 7522
Old Time. Dance tonight. 259
An ancient steam roller, used
the past several years only as
extra equipment, was sold for
8100 this week by the Marion
county court to the Star Lumber
company at West Scio.
Two mothers dismissed with
their infant daughters from Sa
lem Deaconess hospital Friday
are Mrs. Kenneth Ellis of route
9, Salem, and Mrs. Herbert-Car
ter of 970 N. Church st
The Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
mm here resumed operations yes
terday after ' repairs were made
on the flume which had broken
Thursday and necessitated shut
down of the plant.
Salem Grange Home Ec club
will meet Tuesday for a covered
dish luncheon at I Mrs. Theodore
Nelson's, 856 N. 17th st.
An apprentice in the funeral di
rector and embalming profession
Is subject to control of the state
apprenticeship council. Attorney
General George Neuner ruled Fri
day. .
Public Records
Betty Anneva Amos vs Alfred Vance
Amos: Default decree of divorce grants
custody of minor child to plaintiff.
State industrial accident commission
vs Don D. Goode: Judgment of $834 31
for plaintiff.
w . u. cable and others vs Grant
T. Beeman and others: Default decree.
C. D. Matsuda and William K
Mstsuda va William Noble and oth
ers: Decree for plaintiff
Elizabeth Wallace vs William Wal
lace: Default decree of divorce grants
custody of minor child to plaintiff.
Isla Dornbusch vs Melvm Dnmbuarh:
Defendant ordered to peyi f 10 weekly
for support of minor child
Pearl Charlotte Voth vi Jacob frank.
lin Voth: Order modifies decree, gives
defendant custody of minor children.
James K. LyKe vs Theodore Olsen:
Trial postponed from April 22.
Emma Pinkham vs George Pinlcham:
Default decree of divorce awards
plaintiff custody of minor: child.
Helen Cay wood vs Floyd tavwood:
Complaint alleges cruel and. inhuman
treatment. Married Dec. 23. ISMS, at
Jefferson, Ore.
G. L. Wheeler vs O. L Wheeler:
Default dceree of divorce, restores to
defendant her former nane. Opal Lee
State of Oregon ex rel Katherine
Frances Wright vs Gilford Allan
Wright: Defendant ordered to appear
at hearing April SI . and f how cause
why he should not be adjudged In
contempt of court.
Stanley G. Neunst 2663 Portland rd .
failure to stop, posted SJ SO bail.
David G. Wright. Brooks, violation
of antt-noise ordinance, posted S3 bail.
Morlano D. Kartell. 14 Broadway
St., Ulegal reverse turn, posted S3 SO
bail. ' r
Estate of Louise Marie Beach: Order
approving final account.
Estate of Veronia CadwelK -Verona
Myers appointed administratrix.
Estato of Amelia T. Joost: Hearing
on final account set for May IT.
Leslie Mathew Zogg, Mehama, axle
overload, fined $50 and costs.
Ray Edward Davis. Salem route S.
defective muffler, fined' SI and costs.
Richard Alford Scnaback. Silverton.
no operator's license, fined $2.50 and
costs. j
Willie Riley Pierce. 73 v rail haven
ave.. driving wtttle intoxicated, 30-day
Jail sentence suspended upon payment
of S2SO fine and coats.
Jack Sizemore. Salem general de
livery, larceny, pleaded guilty, sentenc
ed to 10 days in jail.
Alfred Stanley Heosley. Portland,
overlength load, fined $10 and costs.
Bernard A. Scrim id. Aumsville. no
lot hauling permit, fined $50 arid costs.
Richard Jennings, lt, rook. Wood
burn, and Carolyn Gllmour, 17, wait
ress. Salem.
Albert Wilbur Toman. 20. store clerk.
Mill City, and Halle Stevens. IS. office
clerk. Lyons.
Kenneth L. Eilert. 23. student, and
Lucille Earlene Bair. S3, office clerk,
both of Salem.
Plan Conference
For Coming Week
The Rev. and Mrs. Lester Jus
tice of Tacoma will speak at the
two-day conference of the Oregon
Child Evangelism Fellowship in
the Christian and Missionary AI
liance church Sth at Gaines st.
April 14 and 15 which is open to
publlC. jr
s Teacher training will be the
theme of a series entitled "Je
sus. the Master Teacher. Other
subjects will include "Handling
Discipline Problems," "Building
Attendance, "Preparation and
Use of the Flannelgraph, the Uses
of Choruses, Christian Education
and Evangelism. Demonstration
lessons will be presented.
ine conference win be in
charge of the Rev. and Mrs. I. B.
Shafer, directors of the state child
day afternoon at the Alliance
church. North 5th at Gaines st
evangelism fellowship.
'4-H Sugurles Cookery
Club Holds Tea Party
sugarless cooking club gave a tea
at the home of their leader, John
Cage. The table was covered
with a lace tablecloth with a cen
terpiece of spring flowers and
Pouring was Joyce Kuenzi and
serving ice cream and cake was
Joanne Fabry. Nut bread sand
wiches and cookies "were also
served.- The cakes, mit bread and
cookies were made by members
of the club.
Other members present and
assisting were Janice Scharf,
Gloria Curtis. Shirley '"Page
Gladys, Delores and Shirley Wer-
r""i'3..?- -gZ-T1l.
Mi.HHitHiury Will SpcAk
On Army Day in Keizer
Army and missionary Sunday
will be combined April 13 at
Keizer Community church. Lee
W(rm, the pastor, states. Recog
nition will be given to present
and former army personnel. El-
don Johnson, missionary of the
Bolivian Indian mission on fur
lough, will speak.
Ail former personnel of the U.
S. army, now living in the Keiser
district are asked to be present
Mill City Bride U
Given Shower Party
MILL CITY Virginia Dawea.
popular bride-elect, was honored
Thursday when . Jeannine Howe
and Modena Downing gave a
miscellaneous shower at the Clar
ence Howe home.
Inrited guests were:. Mrs. Ana
Dawes, Mrs. Stanley Chance. Mrs. .
Meivin La Vine, Mrs. Carl Knut
son, Mrs. George Lohman. Mrs.
Clarence Howe, Marie Mason,
Ruby Angelsey, I sa belle Case
Jackie Potter, Betty Taylor, Betty
Class, Jeannette Nydegger. Helen
Roten, Adeline Clark, Virgins
Vandermeer, Carol Sletto, Vailed
Moberg, Shelda Lohman, Carolyn
Zinn and the hostesses. Betty Baa
sett Vai Faust Marian McFa4
den, Marian King, Mildred- To
man, Darlene Downer and Mrs.
Jack Duggan.
The milk of sheep and goats
was extensively used for drink
ing as for cheese in ancieat
You Will Enjoy Our
Services ' '
t:45 ajn. Sunday School
lt:5 a.aa. "All oat far Sonls
7:3$ p.m. "True Holiness"
Pastor Preaching
: pj
-Yoath How
13th at Center
Orrille W. Jenkins, Paster
CheaaekeU at Winter St ,
Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor
9:45 A.M.
Sunday School
10:55 A.M.
"Rainbow in the Sky
7:30 P. M.
The Power of Christ
Sersaeas Ty the Paster
Church llriefs
: Foreign missions will be
stressed at the biweekly youth
rally to be held April 12 at 7:30
p. m. in the armory. Eldon John
son, missionary to Bolivia, will be
the speaker. R. G. Burnett will
show motion pictures of mission
ary work in Ecuador; E. F. Irwin,
missionary to French Indo-China,
will tell of his two years intern
ment experience in Japan.
Stop - Look - Listen!
Dancer Ahead!
Moral wrecks everywhere.
What is your destination?
Whom do you follow?
Christ said, "I am the way,
the truth, and the life."
John 14:8.
I II II i.i h.i.U.h DJIU
Hear Evangelist
t J. C. Kastelein
SuadoY at fh M. B. Churck
f West Salem the follew
lug sabjects:
Sunday Mornlngt Tho Tost
I Faith" ,
Sunday NlqhU "When fh
Record Books of God ar
Opened, What ThtnT
Two . special meetings next
Monday and Tuesday night
See great demonstration next
Tuesday night on narcotics.
Dent miss these last twe
special services.
t 4-
Every- ene Is weleeaae.
Sunday Aliernoon, 2:33 P.II.
A Greal Ilissionary Bally
Representative Missionaries Appearing in Cost cm
R. G. Bumette from Ecuador
L. C Randale from Central China '
Helen McCIain from North China
Eldon Johnson from Bolivia, S. A.
E. F. Irwin from i French Indo-China
. Celicia Cross from Africa
An array of colorful costumes for one hour and thirty minutes
of most interesting reports, news of marvelous victories, greet
ings in the native tongue, miraculous provision wnue japan
An Interdenominational Missionary Assembly
at the
Christian Ilissionary Alliancs
North 5th at Galaws Street
$11,500. 2 bdrm. homo oloc hoort fireplace, one joi the
most modern kitchena in Salem. Imm, Poss. City bus
sonrico. Shown by appolnanent only.
v . :
945 S. Com! SL Ph. 4590 Eve 25830
Ilissionary Youth Rally . . . April 12
Speaker Eldon Johnson, missionary to Bolivia
Singspiration Bill Sherman, Eugene Y.F.C;
Trumpet err Lotte Anthony i
Many have requested her return visit
Salem Youth Center Choir
Ernie Friesen, director j
Testimony E. F. Irwin. Two year In tht hand of me lapaneM
in French Indo-China"
Film R. G. Buxntt"TGionary work in Ecuador
Salem Arnory 7:33 P.II.