The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    ,4The Stat mem. Salem, Oregon. Friday. April. II, 1947
- '. "Ho Favor Swayt Us, No Fear Shall Awe"
. From First Statesman, March IS, 1851
CHARLES A. SPRAGUE, Editor and Publisher
Member ef the Associated Press i
(Continued from Page 1)
I fheir nlam HAfnrniisl V. The ffreatl
The Asaactatea' lrei b exelasively entitled te the bh for publication ( conductor, Emil Oberhoffer. strode
at all aews dispatches credited to It or net etherwlse credited la this I to the podium; and the concert
began. What the numbers were
T tin nnt recall, but I can never
iioundanes for Germany H forget the emotional exaltation
:kV ' , , . ; that came from hearing a real
At Moscow the conference has shifted from discussion of symphony orchestra. Nowadays
reparations to boundaries. There again the conferees bump into children sort of grow up on sym
the agreements of YalU and Potsdam. To western nations the jymeIradio and few
assent by President Roosevelt and Britain to the revamping of oat thrill nt first exnerienre.
Poland createsone of the biggest problems for the xe ace. They as I did. But there must be many
assented to Russia's absorption of eastern Poland and then to whose i book, of memory is Je
i?M?a'c f i come yellowed like mine, who
- F " " J ' . have vivid recollections ol an or
from eastern Germany. At Potsdam the American delegation rhestra "first night."
gave tentative agreement to pushing, Poland's boundary: to the I . The present conductor of Min-
neapolis Symphony is Dimitri
Following this the German population was shipped from the fett? g ST afS
it-fciun over in 10 me remainder oi ijermany, ana tne roieu I c h e s t r a. A native or Athens,
moved itt. 1 v . . I Greece and a graduate of its con-
'm h.n Qwfom t..,v.ii .... 1 u. ..- I servatorv. Mitropoulos has been
' ""'"w" wijuiga u tuc umnci ui in ' America since 1936 and the
Poland's western boundary Russia protests and asserts the regular conductor of v Minneapolis
transfer of population makes" the deal dosed. The tragedy ; is Symphony since 1937. Recently he
that the severance of eastern Germany from the Reich makes WM featured in "Life" magazine.
Sh,m. Ar,.i u s -c v .1 - But I'd like to say a word about
rt. TCT1W''UU".U' r Hjw.jwuua Oberhoffer, the real found-
- - - . " rwm i W UUI viujcsuu; tic I at
, heavily industrialized. Lacking that source of Drovisionins! the I native of Munich, studied violin
- people of the western nations have to ship to food to keep nd organ under his father, came
thirn alivA . f . 1 1 to 'America,-. became conductor of
mem aiive.- . . V Uh. iHa rli.h In St Paul in
A writer in the current Saturday Evening Post asserts Chat 187. In 1801 he became conduc- Cm Dnni,Jc a-
this situation must be corrected if Germany is to recover eco tor of the Philharmonic club in MJY3J., OOIITCIS lO
mmic uif.nff;mannr h. ,ww-. tu w ,;.,., i. .iJ Minneapolis, and then undertook
. - " . . ,IUKVH uv AkiWWU 1UVUTC IU l U
moting'the deal because it makes the Poles, in his judgment,
dependent on" Russia for defense , against a revived Germany
anxious to recover its lost provinces, a ..theory whicli seems
quite logical. ' -' t ; ' ::; - ,:
Due to Russia's position, and Poland's, it seems improbable
if-: V' Lr-
Lions Hear
Dr. Steiner
Talk" on Peace
"la the Interests of harmony, gentlemen, we mast Ignore petty
differences aad unite te dodge these vital issi
the establishment
.gave its first performance in 1903
i and he remained
ts ana men unaexxooK
SSi Finish Work by
rrt Derformance in 1903 - . . J
lained its conductor f7 -J z 71 IT ' al
untU 1922. In 1933 he died in J2iIlCl OI lTlUliUl
San uiego.
A tall figure, bis personal ap-
Back Jn 'civvies this week fol-
received Tues
day, CoL Elmer V. Wooton, state
that the conference will succeed in making any change in this j pearance was - commanding, and J 1 .c ,twYJ?r
boundary. In the west, however, Britain and the United States I hi. direction of his orchestra ex- lowing UW.
have assented to the inclusion! of the Saar to France. Molotov I tlsX , conductor I selective service director, said he
1. . . K n '. it J t : i i : a - a i - a ai I. . . . A . . ' nnvlul that all OrMon draft
u w wuMimieu nuuu, anq nis vcio xzugni DiocK mis seiue- Doui to . auoiences, xne orcnesira z m , , r"ii f,v
ment The future of the Ruhr is stUl unsettled. France wants d its patrons. Oberhoffer was ""JfJJ complet,
it detached from Germany; Russia wants it governed by a .er'whS deveffpedMhl! ThiMarion county local board,
four-power commission the. United States wants it to remain neapolis Symphony into a great will probably complete and sub-
i nart nf fZmrmanvr thiumk rinnjui ;. .t AM..:,.s mit their. records to the state de-
laV as possible. . - took it and its grand music to V9ry imJfxJ
me music-nungry ioui w w , 7 ir " , , . . Tt U rvr, th- fmmHa- I WOOtOD thejT WOUld be finished
darjea are being drawn. And this history is in process of repe- tion he laid that the present or- 1 pit
; tv k. i.. j i : i i Lkt.. n :v. ' I Wooton and Lt. Col. Carlton t,
on the territory to be embraced in the new Germany. Last of Lf"' S"? noSme' i dSaUtguniform,
aU wall the Germans approve. Thus seeds will be sown which leave its review to moth balls, but 1st Lt.
-ftlA T Vnnw Loan O. AUsmi, persuiuici wiu
,.,r.i ht I employment officer, was not so
i"' ..r,r."r w 1 it,ited when the unexoect
Ri iJtmKn1 ' Orfli - " I ir,n rK 1 ed order came. He expects to buy
- - I j i m KV ... MHI W 1 ... . . f i il J.
The placing of an order for 173 million board feet of lum- ' Smoveru n t i 1 hi. Remaining
ber with mills in the Coos Bay area draws attention to the swarthy violinUts fiddling madly clothes arrive from his home in
iact that cops Bay is now the largest lumber-exporting port in I and incoherently to get fingers I "
the world. Columbia river, Puget Sound, Gray's Harbor, Willapa hniber and senses in the mood for
-tt,.k. v4l i it i ,t: t- m- a. I performance. . . , and to music
Wi T' . 1J,UJM- 7ju uie jHwnur me uougias nr; 10 aoos that filled all the cups of my
djr. ims u.Decause jumper nuuing nas movea.- soutnwara. soul, a long time ago. .
Timber in western Washington has been largely; cut off except .
that in government ownership. Northeastern Oregon is pretty PllDilC tsCCOrdS
well stripped ot forests. The loggers with axe and saw are work-
may yield the bitter fruit of fresh warfare.
TVT 1-a. ri 9
Rolls to Qose
ing on the great stand, in southwest Oregon. Lane county has PCIPAL COURT JSSSnSt to five
more mills and produces more timber than any other county in f Jf-Tr Oregon state system of higher ed-
the country. Coos Bay is the chief shipping point for export fined S50; charged with driving "f8"00 lon ?TV?
lumber. W f r while intoxicated, oleaded not . ?i wiSh P01 5555 to,!
The purchase reported is for the account of the British Uuilty, "released o $250 bail and aJk ina
nvprnmnt wK-ik ia huvirier t non tnm Anmn-tn rr.,! I ITiai Set IOr p. m- APTU II. 1 '.. 1 ...111 ,nt;nu. thrnnirh
Britain U buying lumber! over the world wherever it can be 0" bSLgaFfS o,yTol0egT WcSSetS
found der to providejmaterials Jor rebuilding of citie. and posted $5 baiL lSSSP'vStSi
towns blasted in the wars blitz. Canada is a principal supplier, nrsTtrR rnnnr more. 13 in current affairs with a
but the United States is shipping great quantities to the British! Willie Riley Pierce. 75 Fair-1 possible one more, 15 in Spanish
Icloc inn . . .-. i . I ha von iv rharrni with drivinff I and a total Of 29 in Upper ana
This foreign and other domestic business should keep the I i0!?3 fPPH. fS 10r1r? CUi ht rfs
lumber regions of Oregon busy for an indefinite time. Coos 74taii for adults, idle all of Easter week.
Bay will be a busy port. Railroad movement of lumber and Kenneth Charles Howe, Brooks, enrollment remains at about 400,
intra unit K v.ra n,,f an i ik ;it;a kMni mtim A in . Aa George Porter, director, said yes-
lumber carries its own warning. The speeding up of cutting 23Tf 5 fT ' V 1 tort
means earerexhaustion of virgin timber. It ought Jta be fol- Y.o a'ctosld
mwiM s;- i son. iouna mnoceni. i
ration likes the business harvesting the timber provides the! Irvin Kasper, Silverton, ang-1 Ths
Mrm1rvnon ttw nrofUa tka' -Amomiu. vU link., t. n I 1 1 n 9 for tmilt in a closed Season. I III
w"rJw'M'"i.Mt f was ka . iu, um m 1 I - '
exhaustible resource. Unless stem are taken in nmvid rmo i imea Z3 ana cosis.
LINCOLN Entertaining' with
an Easter supper at their Lincoln
home were Mr. and Mrs. jAvalt
Miller whose guest list Included
Mr. and Mrs. Enc Stahl and Ed
win and Magdalene of Middle
Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Ceriing of Salem and the im
mediate family. i
Stock Market
Edges Upward
NEW YORK, April lOWv-For
the first time in seven sessions
the overall stock market average
edged upward today although
losers were plentiful and ideal
ings sluggish. Transfers of i 680,-
000 shares compared with 850,000
Wednesday. !
Timid professional bidding was
attributed partly to the thought
that the list was due for a tech
nical comeback. Hopes for end
ing of the telephone strike and
the return of coal miners to work
served as a bolstering factor. The
president's comment on prices
and wage, provided little bullish
The Associated Press 60-stock
composite was up .1 of a point
at 63.8, first forward shift since
April 1. The rail average was un
changed. While that for the utili
ties slipped to a new 194T low.
-The VttJamette-ufflTersity ehoh
broadcast from Bend will be given
i at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday, Dean Mel-
vin Geist stated before the choirs
departure yesterday.
LyleCaTor, 1000 Monroe ' ai,
reported to city police Thursday
that his car, driven to San Fran
cisco, caui, by his son,
stolen there. .
Individuals must be as willing
to pay the price of peace as they
are willing to pay the price of
war. Dr. Richard Steiner of Port
land's. First unitarian church de
clared before Salem Lions club
Thursday noon in the Marion ho
Decrying the "hate-fomentors"
and others who write of a third
great war as inevitable. Dr.
Steiner called for a fresh ap
proach to world peace based on
"a broader application of democ
racy in the religious sense."
He stressed the religious sense
of democracy over the political
sense, stating the latter often
breaks down because of over-em
phasis of self-determination prin
ciples to the detriment of an un
derstanding that other peoples and
other naUons, too, are seeking
The - Lions club also heard an
Army week talk by M. Sgt. Paul
Layden of the Salem army re
cruiting office, who noted the
armys' dependence on public co
operation in its share of main
taining national security.
Spring Clearance Sale
One Week Only Apriril-19
Prices Cat 10 to 25 .
Steward's Dopartaent Siore
Phone 3624
263 N. Commercial
Five Fined
For Gambling
Five local men were fined in
city court Thursday after their
arrest at 3 a. m. the same morn
ing by Salem police on gambling
charges. Police confiscated 62
"game" money, cards, chips and
a table in their raid at 1945 Ox
f .d st
Peter L. Wiens, banker for the
game, was fined $250 and given
a 30-day suspended jail sentence.
Four others fined $100 each are
Warren Keith Paynter, 19, of 791
S. 13th st; Raymond Sidney.
Cherry. 21, of 'route 2, Salem;
Stanley M. Zeeb. 19. of 2327 S.
Commercial st and Francis B
Southwick, 20, of 1179 Marion st
AU were released upon payment
of fine except Paynter, who was
committed to jail after he failed I JC
to pay the $100.
Gavo Time in
ed "A! EastT
for r rvofie'mi
Afrport Terminal CoR 3848
'. authorized travel agent
WASHINGTON, April 10-iJP)-
The way was apparently paved
for a general 10 per cent boost in I
railroad passenger fares in the
eastern states today as the inter
state commerce commission grant
ed an increase in that amount to
the New York, New Haven and
Hartford railroad, a 930-mile line.
replacement industry or fresh crops of trees the economy will I "J "i 7 V I " -J
go bump when; the saws sing the requiem of the last forest.
for trout iri a closed season, $25
fine suspended on - payment of
costs for no angling license, and
Never have I seen a finer group
of legislators, most of them per
sons of intelligence ana gooa
Emma Marie Kirov vs. Frank itf nnrinc the entire seion
V irhw TWr nf riivnrp Mn.l . . . - . t i
aia noi see a sm&ie memwr ui
the house under the influence of
liauor while in the house cham
ber. That is more than can be
said of some previous sessions.
The back-stage and lobbyist or-
riTC Uliei IS IUgy fined $25 and costs for angling LEGISLATOR APPRAISES
rire Chief Koble is going at his new job as though he means for trout r I SESSION
Hlieric n.-ViirVi 5 urhat Qalam nonnls in inlaracta in TI lia,lnnnm imimn ' 1 To the Editor!
v intT-fv4inw4 tniniro nrir 4 j.. I virin. t nrroin. oh icon : vs I -There Is mucn mat can oe saia
uuvmm..u (uiLutBj Twaa a.vra iuukiij ascaa uiCU- eiUUT I f ukiuh ww. I
. . . .. . I -1 a. l- aTAa. A . I
Buiiamg interiors so they may know better how to fight par- nooert x-erry w.u. oun "'"I has -ius4 ended at Salem. Some
- rJticular fires, and has done inspection work on institution, like and some is bad.
the state hospital. In the latter case he recommends numerous I maiden name of Virginia Lorraine
alterations intended to insure a greater degree of safety for Cupp. Married May 2, 1945, at
. inmates. Such thoroughness should be welcomed, because we Vancouver, Wash.
jt . -t:ti- v v j i v J Emma Marie Ki
, 7 . 0WUMwiu e. Kirby: Decree of divorce con
v m it- M ip'. - : . I firms property settlement
In this work Roble will have the full support of property A. W. Morris vs. Charles L.
owners, homekeepers and ordinary citizens, for the menace ,of J Morrow: Default judgment in fa
but.enG-ngers hie we get too many stones in the papers of Rich u Reimann and others: Suit ganizations, however, seemed to
loss ef life, often of children, when a house caught fire. This to recover $1407 plus interest as be running true to form, and they
menace too is growing, as statistics of losses compiled by insur- payment for goods allegedly sold got results. Gambling legislation
ance companies proves. The way to combat it is to do a better to defendants. seemed to have a freen light at
iu v..:i L 1 4: , , . .. - . G. R. Hemmelman vs. Ed Kat- all times. The same group that
, m iimuuij wimiuiiHiiH ouuus Kuuu Muiu w wmpsncjr, Bn(j Roy, Wallace: Suit for fought the present old-age as
and maintain a strong, well-equipped fire department. Fire I S400 damages alleeedlv arisinzl sistance program and Its liberal!
Chief Roble is on his way to provide the city with an able fire out of an auto accident December j ration were almost solidly lined
a-t-.. k.. vj- aa: - i.. .: j 4 1. 1 13. 1948. on hiffhwav B9E two I UP in favor of the sales tax, com-
mu..,,.! ..uuuuuiin jiutiijr vwiicis miyx kikum "'.iC 1. TIVIZT E v,-u ,if rvrnr laur and other
may be stirred to greater activity in preventing fires. h,1" r'hTr3 wm1 lelatt in Ihe interest of the
neelieent driving. . I comparatively small group of
Only 31 votes were mustered against David'E. Lilienthal's Delia Janet. Neison vs. Alf E. I Oregon s wealthy citizens who
confirmation by the senate. This result was long foreseen. The Nelson: fntiff les supplemen-
prolongation fine. fight was a senseless .brake on public busi- Mnhrandt v wn. dens on to the shoulders of those
ness, serving merely to ventilate McKellar's grudge and give F Hildebrandtr Amended f ' our d"?ens who least mhl
republican party leaders in the senate a chance to stumble. I complaint filed.
May Wheat
Holds Strong
CHICAGO, April 10-;P)-Stren-gth
in May wheat was again a
feature In grain dealings on the
board of trade today. Other wheat
deliveries weakened. Corn: was
easier but oats held steady.
Buying of the May bread cereal
delivery reflected higher cash
Wheat stocks on farms on April
1 totaled 139.855,000 bushels
against 198,481,000 a year ago.
The agriculture department re
ported after the market had clos
ed , ;
Wheat closed 2i lower to li
higher. May sz.36t-Z.37, corn
was V to 1 cent lower. May $1.78-
Ya-Vi, and oats unchanged to
higher, May 88Ts-i.
Selling of deferred wheat fu
tures reflected good crop pros
In three and a half months of sitting not one major piece of
legislation has been enacted into law by the congress. Thus
far it rates as a do-nothing session, and doing that badly.
Hazel O. Simms vi Enroll J. I
Simms: Plaintiff files reply ad
mitting and denying.
In Hobart, Oklahoma, grocers overcame the - telephone
silence by calling on customers and taking orders, then deliver- J Turner, and Bernice Marie Schaf
to pay. There are three rays of
hope for the common people the
possibility of the goverpor'rcto.
a supreme court decision against
sueh laws, or finally the vote of
a majority of the state's citizens,
when the initiative or referen-
Robert E. Boyer, 14, rancher,! dum Is Invoked to place such
ing them. That was the custom in days before the telephone. If er, 33, clerk, Salem.'
The grocer or his clerk made the early morning, rounds of hisj Alfrd, Dettwyler, 26, farmer,
rim-. rw4 t,ir nM.r. TTo vor .n4 x-A and ' Helen LoretU Kuenzi,' 20,
-.. I domestic, both of Silverton.
the fresh groceries e. would have on sale for the day. Camel
th telfnrtnn and f h mwM'i nrdr.ta1rr rtinvml irAnrr in I PROBATE COURT
. . ! Florella E. Phillips esUte: Or-
measures on the ballot. The same
group, to a large extent were the
ones who played Santa Claus to
the already well paid public offi
cials in the higher brackets, hnr
ing out millions of dollars of state
money, over the protests of a fv
of us who tried to stop such raids
der authorizes ' sale of personal J on the public treasury. There is
property by Andrew Phillips Sil- 1 ATMrTO
ver. tartminictrntnr . I JOSEPH E. HARVEY
" I - . Twvro A im
! cree. - r
Joan Barnes and Suzanne ship estate: Order approves an-
Barnes guardianship estate; Ac-1 nual report and account of Pio-
i count of Esther B. Downs, guar-1 neer Trust company, guardian.
The senate committee on foreign affairs voted 13 to 0 to dian, approved. Evelya Lewis estate: Myrtle
approve Truman's program oT aid to Greece and Turkey. Sena- ,w" - raM estatejjraer xor i Rogers appointea aammistramx
Tr.k. !4. - .ru ; u f. sale of personal property by Pio-1 and Guy N. Hickok, S. G. Demp-
.r 7v ' , . . ii-ii. j neer Trust company, executor., sie and R. B. Hynd appointed ap
w e ca-e an iaea nis uik was preceaea 07 nara guipuig. , James G. Theodorian guardian-1 p raisers
A market report says thehirt supply is on the upgrade
interesting news, -with father's day just around the Second
corner. Now when the price hits the' downgrade, life with
father will again be bearable. .
Wiscarson to ,
- . i
Judge Content
Vernon L. Wiscarson, instru
mental music supervisor of the
Salem public schools, will serve
today and Saturday as a judge of
the Northwest-Oregon district
music contests at Estacada. About
1,200 students are entered. David
Petrasso, music director of Esta
cada, is chairman.
Wiscarson will ludgc all Wood
wind and percussion solos today
and bands and orchestras Satur
day, jwith John Stehn of the; Uni
versity of Oregon and Leon
Handslik of Portland. Winners in
this contest-are eligible to enter
the regional finals in Ellens-
burg, Wash., May 9-10.
Knights of Columbus will hold
an Easter dance at 8 p. m. tonight
for members and wives at the K.
of C halL
Four mothers dismissed from
Salem Deaconess hospital with
their infant sons Thursday are
Mrs. Rex Manard, route 3, Salem;
Mrs. Reginald Rees. 1620 Ferry St.;
Mrs. Frank G laser, Jefferson and
Mrs. Dawford Murders, Indepen
Howard McCall of route 2, Sa
lem, was dismissed Thursday from
Salem General hospital, where he
was taken early Tuesday morn
ing after an auto crash near Kei-
Allen Bates. 4, son of Mr. and
Mrs. David Bates, route 9, box
15, Salem, was treated for minor
injuries at Salem General hospital
Yesterday after he fell from an
auto, hospital officials report.
Back tax turnovers filed by I
Denver Young Thursday with S.
J. Butler, Marion county treas
urer, included 1926. $18: 1928, $45;
1929. $40; 1930, $9; 1931. $44; 1932,
$16; 1933, $58, and 1935, $21.
MASSER To Mr. and Mrs.
John Masser, Aumsville, a son.
Thursday, April 10, at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
GUST To Mr. and Mrs. Monte
Gust box 1000, Salem, a daugh
ter, Thursday, April 10, at Salem
Deaconess hospital.
MINEELY To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mineely. 2147 S. Winter
st, a son, Thursday, April 10, at
Salem Deaconess hospital.
SATTERLEE To Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Salter lee, box 1000, Salem,
a daughter, Thursday, April 10,
at Salem Deaconess hospital.
WOLF To Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Wolf, Sublimity, a daughter.
Thursday, April 10, at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
MYERS To Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph Myers, West Stayton, a son,
Thursday, April 10, at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
AYRES To, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
lace Ayres, 1810 N. Cottage st, a
daughter, Thursday, April 10, at
Salem Deaconess hospital.
PORT To Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Port, Jr., 665 N. 16th st., a daugh
ter, Thursday, April 10, at Salem
General hospital.
BRUMFlfcLD To Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Brumfield, route 4, Salem,
a daughter, Thursday, April 10,
at Salem General hospital.
Dependable and Reasonable Service
Frem a Belt to a Motor
U Yonr Car Needs Mechanical Attentiea
.. Let Us Give Yoa an Estimate
f Protect Year Investment by Keepiar
Year Car In Good Serviceable Condition
355 N. Liberty St Phene 7M1"
Standard Form Policies AT LOW COST
Comport Oar Raftt.
: Before) Yoa Buy
V. J. -BiirOsko
Dtst Areat
466 Court SU Salem
- Phone
' . -
Prompt. Peraeaaf Ctalmt Senrk
4 yTiraTv
fiom where I sit Joe Marsh
tt )
A 1
The Best Glasses
Cost No More . . .
Dr. Sasa Haghe
Dr. E. E. Boring
Your eyes deserve the best, and the best in quality
precision and appearance costs no more. Come in for
an eye examination today. "
Dignified Credit
$83 Cenrt rhone 50
And That Ain't Hay
-Or Is It?
I gas all of aa seeretiy kaaker,
fret Ubm to tisse, far tfce goad
Id days aad the geea" eM
fashioaed aleaaarea. Least waya.
Bedoy Rkkards doae a tkririag
baaiaesa reriviag the aU-tiaM
With a teaai f Wses, aad a
stoat straw-bedded rack. Baddy,
eaa take aa many oa thirty admits
f fifty cenU a baadT f
Two ar three tiasea a week Chey
start frees Tewa BalL aad ga
aloag the liter stop far a friendly
rlasa ml beer at Skereuoe Ta
aad eeoM heaM by way of
Ridge . . . aiae aulas ia alL
Not very exciting, yea might
say; Bat from where I ait if aot
excitement that we need these
days bat those staple eoautiy
: ileaauisa that are part and parcel
of America the eld-f ashamed
hayride, with Ha song aad jollity -thaaratshoa
Kames; Vam friendly
glass of beer; aad the good com
panionship that they engender.
t - ,i
Cpyrigmt, 1947. Uiul4 Stmtm Avows FmmmJmtim