The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1947, Page 16, Image 16

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    It- Tha Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Friday, April lit 1947 .' y
School Vote
Set for May 3
SILVERTON, April 9 Esti
mated expenditures lor- Silvertorv
tdiool district No. 4. were placed
at $193,01 Van- increase? of $71.
124 over the year Just completed,
to the budget approved : by the
bvdget committee Tuesday, Much
f the increase In explained in
the raise in- teachers salaries
which will total approximately
J4SJ?38 more than for the year
just completed. Total' estimated
salaries for teaching and super
vision of teaching are $134,150.
Remainder - of the increase 'will
cover new. equipment, , repairs , to
buildings and grounds neglected
during , war years.
The levy necessary to raise this
amount W3ll exceed the six per
cent limitation by $11,475 and a
" special election will beJbeldMay
1 to vote upon it. T
Auge Anderson, superintendent
ci schools . and district clerk re
ports the new. source of ' revenue,
the state school support fund, will
furnish $72.0i3. which is ap
proximately $30,000 more than
received from the state for the
present year.
Serving on the budget com
mittee were Rholin Cooley, Rob
- ert Duncan, Elser Aarhus, C B.
Anderson and troll Ross.
Eastern Star
At Anniversary
SILVERTON . Mrs. George
Gusiter, only charter member
present, cut the cake at the 49th
anniversary party of Ramona
chapter. Order of Eastern , Star,
Tuesday night Mrs. Gusiter also
reviewed briefly the years of the
order since its organization.
Mrs. E. A. Finlay, matron, and
George Towe, patron, presided. A
C20 dinner preceded the regular
meeting. During the dinner hour.
Georgia .Towe, accompanied by
Mrs. Harrison Fischer, sang a
group of solos; Gayle and Janet
Larsen sang a dueL The tables
were arranged in star shape with
Mrs. Errol Roi and Mrs. George
Towe in charge of table arrange
ments and decorations.
At. the lodge session, the char
ter was draped in memory of Mrs.
Isadora Wesley, a member, who
died at Salem on Easter Sunday.
Initiation will be featured a
the next meeting.
Church Societies
Schedule Meets
SILVERTON Immanuel Luth
eran Men's clubs meets Tuesday
night at the church social rooms.
At Trinity church fellowship din
ner will be served Sunday follow
ing the morning services with
Mrs. Alvin Legard, Mrs. Richard
Larson, Mrs. Lawrence - Larson,
Mrs. Walter Larson of Salem and
Mrs. J. C. Larson, as hostesses.
Trinity Sunday school teachers
will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m, at
the parsonage and the quarterly
congregational business meeting
wiil meet Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Calvary Naomi society will
meet Wednesday night at 7:30 at
the home of Mrs! John Hougham
at 916 S. Water st.
Service Attracts
Large Number
Zea, April 9 Approximately
85 persons attended Easter sun
rise services at Zena church Sun
day. The Rev; Lloyd Anderson of
the Firrt Baptist church gave the
Easter message. Herb-Hanks led
singing. Also participating . were
John Neufelt Wilbur Friesen. Ed
ward Srhlegal, Leslie Hershfelt,
and the Rev. Peter Becker. Mem
bers of the Zena Sunday school
served breakfast.
Sunday school was held with
Air. R, A. Quering leading the
singing, a vocal duet by Pat
Standley and Mabel Zimmerman,
ccordian number by Leslie
Hershfelt, Mrs. R. A. Quering was
organist. .
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
fiprtJer. Mr, and Mrs. J. C Le
Cler and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
IUbmt and Leonard, lr- and
Marie Ann motored to Vernoni
Sunday to help Micheal Phillip
Johnston, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Johnston celebrate ills
birthday. He is a grandson of Mrs.
3 lamer, Mrs. LeClerc.
J5 A. Country Home
. .m
Keatal Properties
15 A. Carden
s Portland
15 N. Capitol
A? Charles DeUelVr
BeautyShops . . V-'
Service Stations Offieea in I Home In Portland
Women Meet
At Adams Home "
'KEIZER Mrs. Hugh Adams
entertained : the Woman's Mis
sionary society at her home on
North River road Tuesday, assist
ed by Mrs. Mervin Hickman. Mrs.
David Hamm, Mrs Charles Ronk,
Mrs. Lee Wiens . and Mrs. J. E.
Clark were on the program.
Present were Mesdames' Edgar
Sawyer, Lauren. Stettler, Louis
Cross, James Hurd, Charles
Ronk, Paul Geil, J. E. Clark Por
ter "McFarland, Robert Schroeder,
David Hamm, Lee Wiens, Arthur
Oldenburg and the hostesses. -..
Woodburn Editor
Again President
Of BPWClub
WOODBURN Mrs. Mabel B.
Grass, associate editor and pub
lisher of the Woodburn Indepen
dent, has been- reelected presi-
Ident of the Business and Profes
sional Women's 'club. Other new
officers are - Mrs. Henry Stange,
first vice president; Mrs. Eugene
Stoller, second vice ( president;
Mrs. Alta Westover, recording
secretary; . Mrs.' John P, Hunt
corresponding c secretary; and
Gladys Adams, treasurer.
The club is sponsoring a
Stephen Foster program May 1
at the . high 'school auditorium.
The program to be given in Sa
lem, April 29 will Include a
chorus of 23 'Salem singers, a
mixed quartet, male Quartet, folk
dances and a one-act play by Sa
lem civic players.
Two 4-H scholarships to sum
mer ; school will be given by the
dub to deserving club members
and, $50 " will be presented to a
ftlgn school-senior girl who will
attend business school or pursue
a business career.
Betsy Verboort, small daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Ver
boort, winner of the "city, beau
tiful slogan contest, will be hon
ored April 17 at the monthly club
dinner and presented with the
$10 cash prize." Her slogan was
-Let's All Be Active in Keeping
Woodburn Attractive." ' Ninety-
five slogans were submitted, en
) tries coming from Oregon City,
! Portland, Salem, Gervois, - Hub
bard, as well as Woodburn. The
slogan will probably be used in
a poster contest which is planned
In local schools as a continuation
of the "city beautiful" campaign
here. .
We are Specialists in
1 '.":;.:'-
428 Court Street
Coll 7522
Subdivision Sites
.1. "'rfV'L.tvoy -Vi.7-. g;ym Ptt
" A. Country Bome
Offieea in
Vancouver Sherwood
Every Listing in Every Of f ke
S 202 A. Dairy
Stamp Show to
Honor Postal
: .. Rare and outstanding stamps
owned by Salem philatelists will
be exhibited : Sunday from 2 to
SCUpjru at the. YMCA snrn
sored by the Salem Stamp society.
The event ; will mark' the cen
tennial: of , the first U. S.' postal
issue. ' - - -. -
Nearly 40 frames of stamps have
already been entered by Salem
collectors:! More "have been -promised
from Bend, and - other 4 Wil
lamette valley communities are
expected to participate, according
to Gilbert L.. Sterpes, president of
the local group. Included are
copies of the first U. S. stamps
and early S Oregon Territory can
cellations, shown by Edwin Payne.
A program following the ex
hibit wiil : include a talk by Al
Burns of 3 Albany, ' editor of . the
Western Stamp Collector,' a quiz
show and a 4 luncheon at which
the Salem club .will be host' to
members of other clubs. ; :
Payne :1s general "chairman for
the show; assisted by Joe Webber
and Carl Smith, welcoming com
mittee; Mrs.; Laura Alexander,
luncheon; Connell Ward. Paul
Dixon and : H. R. Robinson, ex
hibits. CDA Plans for' -Conference
Soon -
STAYTON The . Rev. Father
Eggert sprite at the monthly
meeting of the CDA - Tuesday.
Plans were made to attend the
state conference : at Mt.i Angel
April 20. . ;
, A card party will be given at
Forester hall April 13 at 8. p. m.
by the juniors. The annual elec
tion of officers will be held at
the May meeting. -
LINCOLN Spending the Easter
Vacation 'With her grandparents,
Mr. and -Mrs. - Nels Yenckel of
Lincoln was Waunita Mackey of
Corvallis.: Mr. and Mrs. R. J,
Meissner and Allan and Judy
were guests of relatives in Hal
sey and Eugene Easter Sunday.
Salem A West Salem
How long has it been since you .
last had your radio set toned op,
cleaned and thoroughly checked
by an expert? Chances are, we can
gxeady improve the performance
of your set make it gire you far
more enjoyment at nominal cost.
Bring in your radio this week
for special tunc-up offer. Or,
phone for special rates on ier
ice performed in your home.
Salem s
9a.rn.to6p. m.
View Lota,
City and
Sab urban Homes
Gresham .
Phon 7002
New Secretary
For C of C
SILVERTON At a brief busi
ness meeting of the Silverton
chamber of commerce Tuesday
night, presided over by Earl J.
Adams, Jack Spencer, Clinton
Weiby, .Morris VanSomeran and
William Bloch were made a com
mittee to find a new secretary for
the chamber of commerce as M.
G. Gunderson v. resigned some
weeks ago. Gunderson is serving
until a replacement can be
John Main heads the luncheon
committee whose members will
arrange for the dinner meetings.
Heretofore, the secretary made
these arrangements.
J, C.
Scholars Are
Cliosen, Amity
AMITY The FFA has chosen
the following members as all
round students to receive FFA
letters . this year: Junior-senior
class, Verne McKee, Randolph
Scroggan, Kenneth" Pike and John
Nauman; sophomores, Charles
Castell, Wayne Ojua and John
Davis; fraehman, Anerj Buczyn
ski and Russel Taylor.
WEST SALEM Mr. ihd Mrs.
Homer Kuhn of Seattle spent the
weekend at the Fred Kuhn home
and attended the funeral of her
mother, Mrs. Pearl Norris.
Shoulder Pads . . 19c io 98c
Buttons . .
BnfQings . .
Plastic . . .
Paslel Colored Zipper
Satin Qnill Binding .
Safely Pins J. . .
Transfer Patterns .
Fetea, Rouml-Ups on
Entertainment Program
For Oregon During Year
More than 100 events ranging
from festivals and bathing beauty
shows to .round-ups and historic
pageants' are included in Oregon's
1947 entertainment program, the
state, highway commission infor
mation department announced
The events are listed from April
through December and cover vir
tually every section of the state.
Two of the major t events are the
Portland Fose Festival opening
June 9 and the Golden Rose Ski
tournament on the slopes of Mt
Hood on June 15.
Yet. w now havo over 1000 yards of fin quality pleco
goods. Pro-war quality' In dainty, novelty and bold
prints. Smart strikingly new patterns In porfoctly blended
Spring. Ideal patterns for girls dresses, aprons, smocks,
dresses and many other items. They're all' hero at
only ...
Woolens, soft and smart in .the season's loveliest new
light gabardine serge weave, soil lieece if
in plaids and plain colors. 60 wide .
Eider Down Fleece
50 wool and 50 rayon fleece with
100 cotton backing. In soft, lovely
pastel shades of pink and blue and
white. 36" wide.
Yard 2.29
1.60 to 2.00
. 8c lo 59c
10c lo 98c
. 4cIo23c
25c lo 29c
. . 39c
Card 8c
. . 10c
Assortment of all-over designed eyelet
pique. In those wanted pastel shades of
blue, pink and maize; of course there's
white too! 36" wide.
3.30 i. 4,78 ,1
Polk to Reduce
Welfare Grants
DALLAS Public assistance
grants will be reduced by the Polk
county; public, welfare commis
sion in the next two months, and
in some cases it is expected that
grants will be entirely suspended.
: This plan of the commission is
in line with the drastic action be
ing taken in many Oregon, coun
ties running short of welfare funds.
Polk county has anly. $8000 avail
able for welfare over the next
two months. .
According to Walter Williams,
chairman of the Folk county. wel
fare commission, grants paid for
old age assistance for" April . to
talled $2001 for April, with a
Buys in Colorful
cost to the county of $4901. AM
dependent children costs wtra
$3729, the county ; portion beinv
$ 1 665, blind assistance cost th
county $87.40 for total grants of
$361. In addition to these grants
for the social security cases, gen-'
eral assistance will cost the coun -ty
$498.6$ for its April budget of
$3700. ; ; ?. -. " :.
The - total " amount of money!
M.;tnkU Ait -.
fiscal year was $31,030 or $10,000,
lessMhan the amount requested by
the welfare . commission. , .
WEST SALEM The ' West Sa
lem Grange Card club met at th -home
cf Mrs. Fred Kuhn Monday,'
April 7. After a one o'clock lunch,
pinochle was in play. . y
- Feather-
Corduroy Yardage
Large assortment of bright colored nar
row rib corduroy. Suitable for little
suits, sports wear and many other uses.
36" wide. V
Cotton Balls
Made from new cotton fiber in comfort
size, 72"x90". ideal tor padding toy an
imals, pillows or upholstery. Conven
iently packed.