B TTTF CTRCUTT' COURT OF- THE 4 STATE Or OREGON TOR MARIO COUNTY S4AHALA BHD. V Plaintiff. mos w.'ino, 1 Defendant. B . SUMMONS TO BYBO.V W. REED. THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to (appear tid answer the Cacnplamt filed acatnst you In the above entitled Court and cause, on or be tore the-8th day f April. 1947; the said date being more than four weeks after the put bcaiioa of that summons and 11 you Hail so to answer or eoiei wise plead !ta plaintiff Complaint for want there of, tne piamtm wui apply to tne court Jot the relief named for ta her Com plaint, namely: For dissolution of the .marrtate contract and of the bonds i of snatrisnony ertsl inr beteeu Plata- tiff and defendant, and such other ra. lief as may be equitable. Tsis tummoiM is served upon you by pubbcatfem thereof, for four con- seeutxv weeks, to tne Dafflr oreeon Statesman, ta pursuance of an Order jnade March 7th. 1947. by the Honor able George R- Duncan. Judge of - the above entitled Court; the date of the first publication of this summons is March 7th, 1947. and the last publica tion wW be April nth. MM7. ; , OTTO K. PACLtXS Attorney for Plaintiff 41 rirst Nat. Bank . - Bids, BsWm. Oregon. NOTICE OF HEAKTNO OF FIN AX. ACCOUNT ? Notice w hereby' given that the final account of Mabel Sullivan, as admin istratrix of the estate of Brooke T. Hedr.es. deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of 'Marion County. Oregon, and that the 5th day of May, 1947. at tne nour ox m.w wim.--. has been duly appointed by such Court for the hearing of objections to such final accounting and settlement there of, at which time any person Interest ed in such estate may appear and file objections thereto la writing and eon test the same. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 28th day of March. 1947. '. MABEL SULLIVAN Otto K. Paulus . Administratrix Attorney for Estate : "' - Address: 410 rirst nan nana. Biug. . First Publication: March 28. 1M7. Last Publication: April 25. 1947.. M 2S-A 4-11-18-23 lawn Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. By order of the Common -Council. . ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Ap 10-11-12 NOTICE OF rUBUC HEAEINO NOTICE la hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lm at the meeting of said Council to be held - at the City Hall, In Sa lem, Marlon County. Oregon, at I. -00 o'clock pjn. on April 16, 1847. will hear -all persons particularly inter ested and the aeneral public In the matter of the petition and proposal to change -from a Class I Residential District to a Cam III Business Dis trict the following, described prem ises, to-wn: Lot Three ID, Block Three (S). Oak- NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby eiven ' that the Final Account of Sarah E. Minzen mwr as administratrix of the estate of FRED A. MINZENMIEK, deceased. has been filed in Lie Circuit Court or Marion Countv, Oregon, and the 8th day of May, 1947. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock AM., has been duly appointed by- such court for tne nearing oi objections to such Final Accounting and settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear ana me oojecrions mere to In writing and contest the same. Dated this 3rd day of April. 1947. SARAH E. MlNZENMIER ) -Administratrix. OTTO K. PAULUS Attorney for Estate. - Address: 410 First National Bank Bldg, Salem, Oregon. - First publication: April 4, 1947. -Last Publication. Mar 1. 1947. ' - A 4-ll-18-25-My 2 It is estimated that 40 percent of the total U. S. railroad passen cpt traffic in 1944 consisted of members of the armed forces and a substantial portion of the re mainder represented movements of the families of service people Portland Livestock WTHE YOUNG IDEAV By Mcc?0r I Th Stcrto.-cm-Seitrxu Oiwqoti, TMaf. April 11. IS 47-1 3 PORTLAND. Ore.. April 10 API- Salable and total eattle 100. calves 25: market active, steady to strong: medium-good light steers 18 00-23.50: few 500-620 feeders 20.00: common-medium heifers 15.00-20.00; good light heifers to 21.00; cannes-cutter cows 10.00-13.00; fat dairy type cows 14.00-50; medium ood beef cows 16.00-18.00: odd sau sage bulls around 18.00; good veers 23.oo-29.oo; extreme top at zs.oo. Salable and total hogs 100: market active, fully steady: good-choice 185- 250 lbs. 28.00: 1 lot 270 lb. weights 27 JO: 345 lbs. 25.50: 150-156 lbs. 27.00- 23: good sows mostly 24.00-23 .00: light weights to 23.00; good-cnoice feeder pigs Z9.3O-30.3O. - , Salable and total sheeD SO. market slow, undertone weak; strictly good choice wooled Iambs scarce. Quoted 20.50-21.50; few medium-good grades 18 00-20.00; common grades held above 1S.00-: goog 214 lb. ewes t oo. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore:, April 10 (API- Wheat futures not Quoted.' Cash wheat (bid) soft white -Ml. Soft white excluding Rexl 2.32; white club 2-32. Western red 232. Hard red winter: Ordinary ?.32; 10 per cent 2.36; 11 per cent 2.42; 12 per cent 2.48. . Hard white baart: 10 per cent 2.32; 11 per cent 2.38; 12 per cent 2.44. Today's car receipU: Wheat 32; flour 4; corn zs; nay i; muiieea 3. OSANOr :' THAT STUFF are. UPSTAW9 IWPUftCP (THAT?) ?Sl- TVI- vSr ' yu-''s&wf :"-M'ssz,; Immil gLONDg "' " ....! . - , I ' I rFIVG DUCKS FOR)4-" I'LL MOLD MV WAkID IM THE W lJ .HfJ ) . -Tv TM IC PAIL OFS njOvVEPS-TVC PAIL WILL QHMErTjLQ ue DCAT nyMFS pSovmnsttiMS s.oato4 the blood? I'll rasst-' DOWW THE I WAS J wnlitkXK Trt&XX WlEAVE UP TRAIL! zr--?irE2S2&. u p- 5 yg IICE M0NEST. IX TERRIBLE TIRED HUNGRY-1 rVlSMT WE COULD S0MFBOOY OP SOME PLACE 7- J AM' Nsv UTTLE AKIIH EOOTTIt I USED TO THINK FORESTS WERE JUST GRAND - NICE am: quiet an foiendly- BUT THIS Al NT THAT iiurtA crioccT rxti rwrsa 9 v aB " a aaasarw-taas - r mm Fio-a ' iaa5 ?f; THIS FOREST AIN'T FRIENDLY a w a a a aw A as lr ss-Sg Al ALL" 1 1 AUIO LIKC - ,fd TERRIBLE MAO AT US AN II I WISHES WE WAS KIT HERE-I tit Vk$& 11? - ' St M AM r W1SHT WE WEREN'T UPD FiTOft -.'CAI ISE Irt JUST LIKE A Blfe JAIL, WITH TREES FOR IRON BARS. LIKE A GA&& THAI WON I Lfcl TUU OU X"' WU POP VOli At 1 'aa WANNA 60- af 5 " '"' 5. is Jar 1 MCUlPg p .1 i r " ... CO tSCAPff, THE CUMTPd MAKE A " WE( SAhVYER IS COMZT TIC 4trU. 60WE! IWOTJ SWtUEi YOU MlVt PCS. MfTTtf TMSia CSCAjaff! 1 s 11 - .i . i t i ' 1 kizz SAwna LlEZ- 'in i3 jrT.KV t... . g p ; r - ' ; i- J If - look at tv place . oav, tx55. if 11 1 the boss gets thess f what he cotN' Q ' , r.,- r-Tar I FELL0W5t HTCH IN Af DO VOJ 5AV SO. A: T10VIN UP STREAK J TO START A Kg - WTM ST-.J'Sr I R A BANC -UP CLEAN-ilP JOB. A- 1 'jmJ-tT. EVERV NOW AN THEN. LINGERIE H0PT iff SfV HCCMIIVOLTLL ROUST J UWIXIS!! ;- - h v. TfTTER TRAP!! J t SfatJrTy firufFV1 from hs - A mjixio:j vSrcs ) fXXXvDW NAP!! 7 DUCKS!! rt 7 M ' - ,1 wsjra lerxn rv-wAjaU m.T-ryc .m fmJasm TUC CA. a. W wTV ncr! rV"V I KaSSrwr aV"" ' rs VLEAM OH THAT PADDLE, SISTER WFKE 60N6 TO KEEP M-LThs oTAK I W UW bkl A. A ,m my. ' ffyfP ; Caa.. I4T sy tlsiles rsl.s tyssWa. Us. H H -1 Salem Markets BUTT Est FAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Whoicsal Retail r:Mi. Bnytai Price Extra la rite . Mediums Standards Pullets, cracks EGGS, SeUiBi Price Wholesale. Urge Mediums POVL.TKT Colored hens. No. 1 , no. a rryers LIVESTOCK IBy Valley Pack) Top lamb . - Yearun iamb - Ewes Veal .14 .73 69 . .70 .75 .44 SS9 JO .33 48 'jxt 3 U ."14.00 ' J3.00 StHJ 12 to 23.00 Site to 13.M 10.00 to 13.50 Dairy cows ; -Dairy bulls Hoc prices 33e pet hundred under Portland Prices for each particular class Stags bought subject: Stocks and Bonds (Compiled by-the Associated Press You cot any sisters?" . ' j Fri. RADIO KSLM (ISM ke KOIIS (7 kcj K(;w Ut ke) ia:x (lit ka) April 10 STOCK AVERAGES 3o is is aa - ' Indus. Rails UtiL Stocks Thursday ... 89 5 32.7 43.6 S3.S Previous day , 891 32.7 u s S3.7 Week aco KI 33.1 44.1 S51 Month ago 9 2 33 9 44S 04.3 Year ao lin s t e S4.e f- s 1947 high 94 0 38 5 472 89 0 1947 low ... . 87 J 32.7 4.S HI New 1947 low. BONO AVEStAGES 20 IS Rails Indus. BOND AVERAGES Thursday - S4J 104.1 Previous day M O 104 l Week ago 94 7 103 9 Month ago - 4 a ioi.t i Vesr ago log 4 '04 9 Situations Wanted BOT IS years of age wants Jnba after school and Saturday. Ph. 2157S. HOUsEKifEPINO for middie aged fentlcman. Ph, B. - - WANTiXi: Earm work, any -rork e-cept milking or driving tractor. Call Farm Labor Camp Store. Ph. . 4sax WlLX. do scnaD cement lobs' ibd patching. 571 S. I7th.n Ph. 24751. T T-QECTRIC wiring, no delay. Ma tertal available. 97 40 Salem. TlXPI batryman. married. Write State-man. Bon 193. rSPRAy"fiow?or apple and pear cab. SvneU beetle. Philip W. BeiUta. tal 212Qg. WANTED: RmaU Jobs. Carpenter work. Ph. 25150. -. Yea. we Spray Roofs Only . Try Our Rates ; Phone 3900. -3 to 7 p rn . Painting Contract or by the boar. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt. 8. Bo- 363 - ! Phone 2230S . U Contract Plastering. ! ' Ph. SSIOS - T" 10 IS Uul.rrgTi 105 j 7JJ 1053 75.7 104 3 75.7 104 5 75.8 IPS ft 7 8 Livestock and Poultry 8:9 Newa News lHoneym'n NY. IBugier X 8:15 Timekeeper KOIN Klock Honeym'n NY. I Bugler X 8: 39 March Time KOIN Klock IKneasa. Newa t Bugler X 8:43 News KOIN Klock I I Bugler X 7:99 News KOIN Klock rarm lime Ringing Cowboy 7:15 lltlse 'n Shine News Aionay 7:39 IN vis Hb Caned The Old Songs James A I. he 7:45 Orchestra ract r.inder Sam Hayes Stock Market 8:98 " -(Haven Rest User News rred Waring IBreakfast Ctub 8:15 jllaven Rest Art Baker IBreakfast Club S:30 tPioneers Grand Slam Jack Berch IBreakfast Club 8:45 tLindlahr Rosemary James Abbe (Breakfast Club i i i i i 99 (Camera Club (Kate Smith Music IK. Baker 9:15 (Onrhestra Aunt Jennv Kneass. News IK. Baker 9:19 t lPator s Call Helen Trent I w Lar-y lltreneman 9:45 I Ait Baker Gal Sunday Words, Musle IBreneman ' 19:98 News Big Sister Matinee I G. Drake I9;t5 Bing Sings Ma Perkins I Ted Ma lone IS:39 Song Road Dr. Malone I Quintet (True Story 18:45 Woodry's Road of Life I J. Jordan I True Story 11:00 Waltx Time Mrs. Burton Today's Child IHymns 11:1$ x Latin Tempos Perry Mason White Women (Melodies 11:19 Queen for Day Lone Journey. Masquerade (Listening Post 11:45 Queen for Day Rose Light World lEthel. Albert Nooa (Pioneers News ' I Kneass. News W. Kleman 12.15 iNews Come Get It I Ma Perkins Stars Today 12:30 (Hillbilly , Bob. Victoria I Pepper Young E. C. Hill 12:43 Variety Show King's Jesters I Happiness Come Get It i AT STUD Registered thoroughbred stallion j chestnut Broonsttck blood line;' Good ouarter mare cross. Standine at Ward s SUble. Box 404. Rt. 7. Silver ton Rd. Ph. 25153. NEW IlAMP." chicks from trepno-ied stuck Parmenler Red Chicks. Write for price list. Gehrlng a Hatchery, ail- verton. WANTED: All kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm Write E. L Snethen. 1S50 Lancaster . Drive Ph. 21343 morn or eve. i ! ' Spray Painting ' Ralph Ahmtn. 1729 Ijmrastar Dr. Phnne 3-4248. nwTNTjQw rftAkzS. sCrn. cab: tnet doors, drawers 4 regular cabinet work. Large or small orders ac ote d. Convefiient location bik. Itdd 8 Bush. Maaterwoada Cabinet Shop. 184 S. Cnm'l. Ph.550S. ' - rToPPlNTS and" daruter trees 'renovel anywhere. 413 Evergreen Ave, Phone 25117 "WANTfD: ' Furniture to glue A re pair. Lee Bros. 4020 E. State. Ph. 21233. . PAINTING' AND decora Ung tnt, ext where Interiors are specialty. commercial or- resideottal. aiao now taking work orders foe exterior. Brush or spray painter, house roofs, barns, farm buiWinga anywhere In tlale in-iired Phone 23444 or S238, i n,i r i w raini wu: tt-ai ajuaury wora. "CUSTOM dressing ot chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone S-2981. lees Hatchery. BULL Service by artificial insem ination. Sires from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees. All work per i sonally supervised by licenced vet erinarians Salens Artlftral Insemina- tion Station. Ph 6585. WANTED: All kinds of cattle, fat hogs, sows a boars At your farm or delivered. Market price. E C McCand- Ihth. Rt. S. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on S 23 St. Ph 8147 BABY Chicks hatchtna twice week ly In seven varieties.' New Hamp shire, always available In chicks Growing pullets any age. Phone 2286L tec s Hatchery. rree estimates. Chet Horn Ph. 5313. I Garden Plowing Garderf plowing and dtdng. Ford tractor. Rav Setter. Ph. 22504. 5ALT.M neurits 8 prmgl pickuO Si erneee. aervlce. Ph S73. IKTAL a ions di.lanceaurtraf is number hauling from Camp Adair. M. M, G-tda, 835 Norman Ave. Hollvwood Transfer For Vocal' A lone distance baulina! Ph. 0784. Burton's Mobile Station, af ter T p m..- Ph. 7804. j PLOWING and discing. No lob too laree or too small. Chaa. R. Javn as Kum. 150 Lancaster . Dr,Ph 23753 run t UlliMil plowing see C, L. pan lei, Rt. S. Boa 5U. Ph. 2243S. ROTO ROOTER Sewer servieeTBew-.. era At drains cleaned. Emergency calls on Sun. Free estimates. Prompt serv-. ice. Ph. 5327 or 9468. 1:99 1:15 1:39 1:43 (Checkerboard JNews (Orchestra Orchestra House Party IBackstage Wife' Sunny Side Up Stella Dallas sunny side up Newspaper H-orenio Jones IKay West (Widder Brown IKay West 2:99 2:15 2:39 2:45 (Bill Gwlnn (Bill Gwinn Heart's Desire ttieart's Desire ISchool of Air Meet Missus Girl Marries " Portia. Life Just Plain Bill Farrell What's Doin' What'a Dotn' Bride. Groom Bride. Groom FOR SALE: Christie N B baby chicks every Wed Boytngtona 3710 State St Phone 4969 HlG HEST QuALlTYCTnCKSNew Hamprhires and White Rocks. 100 free ot pullorum. Hatches every Tues day. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery A Poultry rarm, Lyons. Ore. 340 1:15 1:39 3:45 Red Cross llnvader (News khorus lArt Kirkham t IE. Winteri (Serenade I Robert Trout tRoad of Life ILora Lawton Aunt Mary IDr. Paul I Be Seated I Be Seated (Dorothy Dix I Music Auctions 4:99 Fulton Lewis Wash. Report iThls Woman Rhythm 4:15 iRex Miller Melody House I News N. W. Today 4:JS IE. Johnson (Linger I Life Beautiful N. Westerners 45 News IBill Bryon Trio C. Foster Tenn. Jed S9 H. Harrigan . Frank Gosa Stars Today Pirates 5:15 . Superman Music G. Moorad Sky King 5:39 ICapL Midnight News JSing. America Jack Armstrong :45 Tom Mix Bob Garred INews )F. Hemmingway 8:09 KJ. Heatter (G. Slmma I People IBe Friends? 8:15 Bock Wool I I pleasure 8:39 INews (Durante. (Waltz Time IThe Sheriff 8:45 lOrchestra I IThe Sheriff 7:80 Meet Press j Sports Spot. Theatre Sports 7:15 (Meet Press (Strange Seems ' ISports 7:39 jcisco Kid (Friend Irma i Bill Stern I Sports 4S IClsco Kid I Long Ufe 1 Music. ISports 8:99 8:19 8:39 8:45 IGeorce Do It tL Thomas (Supper Club (Air Strip (Georx Do It Uack Smith (Lawton ICheer Songs Burl Ives I Sound Oft 1 Alan Young it our im On Future I Sound Off I I Your FBI Salem Community Auction ; 361S Sllverton Road Every Sat-, 10:30 a.m. and ' Furniture Tues.7:30 p.m. Lota of good merchandise including ranees, heaters, hot water tanks. dresa lers. tables, blankets. t-wala. chenille bed spreads, wool blankets. new linoleums, etc. , LIVESTOCK . Cows, heifers, calves, pigs, chickens, rabbits. -Farm Machinery Farm Produce If you have no way of hauling your consignment we are equipped to do just that for you. This barn ta run Dy a arsabasa vet eran. Phone 2-5434. Miller. Manager. Alderman, And 940 9:15 9:39 9:45 "News (Pictorial (Sports IH J. Taylor Fanny Brice fThin Man (King's Men IB. Grayson Public Interest Break the Bank Break the Bank (Western Skies Western Skies Help Wanted 10:00 10:13 19:39 19:45 Fulton lewia INews News Orchestra S Star Final INews Flashes INews Be Ign. I Music (Here's to Vets Il'i Dance uoncert nour I Tex Rangers I Band Wagon I Concert Hour MEN For Imp ard work Bus will pick up at farm tabor of ice- at 7 a.ni. vi.ini m ra iin i .aw- a.m. to 4:30 pm Will White Hop Farm. PIC Salem 22881.' 1140 11:13 11:30 11:45 11:33 12:99 (Open House (Open House (Open House (News Sign Off Serenade Air-Flo . (News jSllent INews I Speaker I Ron Salt (Concert Hour Concert Hour Rose Bowl Ore. Rose Bowl Ore. News Sln Off Help Wanted Male X-Tra Hour KOAC 530 ke.-10:O0 Newil 10:13 Ra pec tally for Women: 11. -00 School of the Air: 11:15 Concert Hali; 12300 News: 11:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Aln IM Melody Time: 2:00 The Club women's Half Hour: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 News: 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Oregon Reporter; in Song Time; 4 JO Strictly Ja: 4.4S Children's Theatre: 5:00 On the Upbeat: 5:55 Spotting Sports: 8:00 News: 8:15 These Are My People: 6:30 Music of Czechoslovakia: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8 00 Here's to Veterans: 8:15 Youth and Music; 8:43 News; BOO Music That Endures; S 43 Evening Med itations; 10 00 Sign Off. APPRENTICE Mailer, early morning hours, (toad opportunity for G.I. Aee Mr. Clark, Circulation Dept.. The Statesman 'Al ALOMechanlc. Steady work. Your own tmaa. eoa Edgewater St New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Power & LI Am Tel & Tel . Anaconda Atchison Bendlx Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack ....... Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Edison Cons Vultee Cont Ins . Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air .... Dupont de Ne . Gen Electric .... April jO-0P)-Today's mWOen Foods , SamGrn Motors . ,. 13ViC-oodyear Tire .. 165 Gt North pfd .. 39 Int Harvest nt Paper pfd .. 32 7s J Manville , 89 Kennecott 20 V4 Long Bell A , 27 Maytag . 12 Va Miami Copper .. . 354 Mont Ward ........ . 93 4 'Nash Kelvin . 3t,'Nat Dairy closing quotations: YOUNG Married man to learn com mercial flower crowing. Permanent. Housing furnished. Call at 211 E. Miller after S P.M. Ktr phone Information. win. party thai railed Easter re garding Mrs. oaaman a property on Belcrest Rd. call at once as tne deal did not fo throuah. - BOYSTfor "YOURTfOwNS" route Reasonable weekly earnings guaran teed. See Mel Crowe between s and 5 p. m. at 363 Court, or call 7835. N; Y Central ... North Am Co . I Northern Pac . Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas Elec . P T & T 1844 1 Pan American 35 I Penny J C 27 16 52 28 5 as I 1 1 "4 42 y 57 , 51i . 42! 83 V4 103 . 45 . 17 !'! . 55 . 16 . 16 . 26 . 18 . 11 . 37 .108 - i-',a . 42 Radio Corp Rayonier Rayonler pfd Reynolds Met Richfield Safeway - Sears Roeb Sinclair Oil . So Pacific Stan Brands . Stan Oil Cal . Stew Warner Stbdebaker .. Sun Mining . Union Oil ... Un Pacific . Un Airlines Un Aircraft U S Steel ... Warner Bros West Elec ... Woolworth ... 84 21 36 15 22 34 15 39 3 53 17 20 11 21 122 26 20 70 .15 24 48 Help Wanted Fcml -TtMSTINS! r-ra for S v..r aid 4l .., OK jslt PART Time clerk. It to 30. evening work. Vpply in person, urana sweet ELDERLY Lady for housekeeping Small home. 2 adults. Phone 8480. . house mother, re net eooav ana re lief night watch. Ph. 23022 for ap- nointment. WANTED: Exp. bakery sales girl. Apply Ben-on Bafcery. 284 W. cw i. WANTED: Housekeeper?-i adults. country. Ph. 7233" eves, or write Mrs. U Ta.ln. Ut M hA I MAN with"iwo sniall "children needs homemaker, own home. Write States man. Box 198. i SaleMtten Wanietl I Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. April 10-AP Butterfat tentative (subject, to Im mediate change) premium quality of .33 of 1 per cent acidity, aenvereu in Portland. 75-7BC lb: first Quality. 74-75 lb. second quality. 70-71c: val ley routes and country points, zc less than first or 72-73c lb. Butter Wholesale f o b., duik ob l lb. cubes: Grade AA. 93 score. 6-S7e: A. 01 score. -5-89C-. B, 90 Score. 83- Sc: C. 89 score. 83. Cheese selling price to roiiisno. .Kiil-ul.ri' . Oreeon suialest. 41 -49c: Oregon loaf, 41-52c: triplets. SVli-SO titer To wholesalers: A grade, large 1 47l,i-4S1,ic; medium. 43..-44tc; A grade smau. 40-41a; B graae. largc 42i-44,sC. , ! Eggs Put chases from ; farmers: current receipts. 40-45c: buyers pay 2-3''tC below wholesale quotations on graded basis lor oeat nennery cirb. Poultry Live chickens Paying price in nroducers: No. 1 broilers.: under 2 lbs. 30c lb.; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs. 30c lb.; 3 to 4 lbs. 34-35C lb.: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 34 -33c lb.: fowl. Leghorn. under 3a lbs. 20c; 3',t ids. ana over. 24c lb.: colored all weight 32-34c; stags. 14-16C lb. j. I Kabtul Average to reukiiers. o- 52c lb dressed: prices to producers. 43c: fryers, live, white. 29-24c lb; colored. 17-Zlc lb. Onion Green, local. mid-Columbia. 40-50C. Onions, dried Oreeon yellow. No 1. 3 inches and larger. S2.30-2.7S a 50- lb sack: mediums. IIB-17J: boilers. 10-lb sack. 30-33c: 50-lb. Si. 00-1.10: truck sale, medium. 81-50. Potatoes Florida. Bliss Triumphs SO In. size A 3 85-3.73; size B 1U-JU: Texas A $4. Track sales Florida Bliss Triumphs sire A 50 lb. sacks 3 05; old crop No. 250 1h. 90-1.00; Baker Coun tv No. la 3.-3.10 hundredwetaht. Dressed meats Veal iht. top quality. 33-3flc: heavv. top quality. 78-30: B. 23-2BC; C. Z2-Z4C: CUti. IB- 20c; hogs block butchers, packer style. 125-180 lbs. 37-38c: over 213 lbs. 38-37C lb.: sows, all wts. 29-34C lis.: lambs A A. 3S-40c; A 37-38: B. 34 36c: C. 28-30C lb; mutton 10-15c lb. according to quality: beet bet qual ity, 32-34c: B. 25-26c: C. 23 -24c: can- : ner and cutter; 18-2 lc; bologna bulls 25-28C Cascara bark green. "S-8'ic; dry. 20c Wool Valley, coarse and medium. erades. 45c lb. Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth. Hay Wholesale rail shipment: al falfa. No. 2 or better. S-io.uu-JS.uu ton; N-. 1 timothy. S37.5O-39.00 ton: oaU and vetch. $22.00-27.00 ton. depending upon quality; clover hay. uncertified. baled on farms. gzz.nn-Z7 oo ton. The accordion was invented in 1829 in Vienna. If you arc interested in selling and have a car Call between 9 4 12 a. m 147 N. Corrimercial, Rni. 4. Ak for Mr. Evan. Situations Wanted EXP. Girl would like work for room. board S wages. Ph. 8-M9. nCAftDTTiowihg Aisdng. Fergu son tractor. 1880 Center St. "CRAWLER A wheel factor plowing a discing, any amount. tn. iu.vti. POWER Dusting, trees, berries and hops, any amount. Ph. 22127. INDABLE Girl wUTtake care of children Monday. Wednesday Friday after 8:30 P.M. Address ISaO S. High Lawn mower shapenuig by factory i nnarhinea at -our door. WOTK CUar anteed. Call 8145 Mr. xeuey. For your lawn & garden ing work call Laam's, pli. 25564. .FOR Better orchard and tree apray. ing can zzva. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 94flS or 5327. HARft IlilLGen . cement eontr. Ph 7M1. 470 S. 18th at. CUSTOM SprayingTCaudle. Ph. 79u0. If your lawn has weeds call Laams for Extermina tion. Ph. 25564. PAtNTKR and Paperhaneer R-aaoio- abl prices Free estimates H. 4. - Wondworth. Ph 3013, EARTH Moving. Basements. Ditches. Canals Leveling. Pacific Excavating . - CompanT, Power thovelt. BuUdozers. Trucka. Salem. Oreoav s Phones - 3458 or 879S WAT3TED: Tr-ctorwor of alt kinds. 10 miles A on SOX Q. G. B- ard. Ut. I. Boa 54. Jefferson. Oregon. ir Laams 'Waxing and r Polishing Shop Window cleaning it floor wasjng at-- puning in wood Ph 2-6584 H0PTYAX. TTainednurs to Burs ai your home Ph -4315. PAINTING it Papernanguig W Q. Crowly S57 Shrppmg Phone 9512 DRAWING and deauntna elans Phone 92l - PtrSrfwul Tlarachoo. IJtl Kt. Air".j,r'o,,.-"7iJwf-, i Garden Plowing Also leveling A yards Use Ford Fee- guaon tractor. Sone 58F15. D. A. Huston i General Designer OFFERS A creative and Constructive design ing and planning; service FOR Homes, stores, offices, bultdtnga. in dustrial desien. patent drawings 411 OREGON BU1LUINU Modemreing Ph 26971 Remodellnf Septic Tanks Cleaned It r Hamel 1143 Sin. Weat Salaw. Phone 7404 "87PalrIilng. M-rt"rt KEMlONE Ph. 26415. - T!AftPN'Ttt Work, rmt-bing and cabinet work. Ph. 68F12. ALL Work cuaranteed. Windows. walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed i Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning tfervtce. Phooe 4t. For Sale M iscellaneoua RESTAURANT GrllL automatic. electric 24 inches square. :.- Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. , . 255 N .Liberty . . BRAND New . C. Higgina about 2 mo. eld with basket S45. 1311 N. Capitol. ; - ; . CttAPJS - Corset ier. alao dresses. Mr. Bales. 437 Liberty. . Ph. 7074. "FOR "lent. Urpsfaieeping bass and a complete line of camping acctmori-a see Barbs Sporting Goods. 290 N. Front St., Sairm. Oregon. J nPlWTTitowerr"a6o small wd beater. 335 N. 25th. NEWHwaUs motor scooter S124) with license. li mile East of Frurt land. Ted Witham. Rt. S. Boic 247. ONE S Inch cast plow, eood condi ; tkm. 19 ft. galvanized extension ftuar pipe base 13x18, good condition. X sets of ha meet and . corlars 21 A -22 inch, good condition. $20 . for the 2 acts with collar. 75 pieces 2 in. flooring. 8 in. width. STL length, good condi tion, never used.- S1L Hand corn planter, good condition. 12.30. 2 hand fruit sprayers. Counter2 platform scales. Several hay forks. Several shovels. Tiling spades. Several lues. Ernest Anderson, Orchard Hetghtt SttL, 1 mile off Wallace Rd. : HEALTH TO YOU, WHEN HeaafTbeiU "j Hstals ' 1 J Flssar rrc4aM ItchtBC v- j and either Beets! tlsrslers are corrected. - .. Ne-HospiUIizatiM Qakk Belief , Dr. B. Reaolds Clinic NaisuFroIerts Z1S N. Uberty St, Salem. Ore.