The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    S Tho Stcrtoamcm. Salomv Oregon. ThnradcrrY April M.-H4T
Tif ni i
more r layers
Sign, Handball
Tourney's Deadline
For Entries Tonight .
The entry deadline in the Sa
lem YMCA Handball tourney has
been extended to 6:30 tonight, Y
officials announced yesterday.
The meet, the biggest event of its
kind ever to be held in Salem,
thus far boasts 30 signees.
Nine trophiejrhave been put up
by local firms as prize in the
competition which includes Class
A, B and C brackets, both doubles
and singles. Anyone living within
a 25-mile radius of Salem is eli
gible to enter the event. Entry fee
is 50c. ,
Latest entrants are Norman
Wins low, prominent handballef in
pre-war years, Ed Schiess and
Glen Lukinbeal.
Doubles teams formed thus far
include: (Class A) r Warren Doo-little-Russ
Bogart; Bob Duncan
Bob .Hamilton; Lee Shinn-Bob
Smith; D. Calfy-John Kelly.
(Class B) Horace Mounts-Don
Douris; (Class C) BUI Shepherd
Ray Alderin; Dick Chambers-Ed
. r r - ' - .,,
i :: . : .. . ...... ..: ... ...
KoHitt' Along II
I By Jerry Stone "
I i - r . ;
. ;yOnaaajaaaii
sssax mt1t-- r i - i iff r ti if rL iffrt'f J'""tr f'-"--'-'''''''' fcMiHKMhmamtai israariwiisai
Word from the south advises that the Snnset alleys in LA where
'the ABC Is belnr ran off is one of those sound-proof affairs. Meaning
that when you put the ball ln-there for a strike you're not going
to hear the crash of those pins you Capitol Alley trondlers who are
making the trip down. Now this
oond-proef business may
to be a. move in the right direc
tion to the engineers but to many
a roller It would take ill the
kick out of the same. After, all.
what Is the bir thrill of a bulls
rye pocket ball but to hear the
wham when those pins scatter . .
. Too bad Glen S tetter didn't
. stick with- Sacramento (and
we're still wondering why) for
he's the nice quiet sort of . guy
you like to see go places . . . Ray
Orteig. the ex-Vancouver Cap
belter, is still taking a back seat
to Ted Jennings at third-base for
the San Francisco Sealsbut they
can't keep Kay. out of the line-up
for long what with that big bat
of his. Incidentally Kay has a bre- - t ; ,
ther. Larry, playing the middle STEVE O'NEILL
patch for Washington State . . . Biddy Gentxkow la continuing to
bring a sparkle to Jack Wilson's eye down at Medford. Kiddy Is pul
ling that hard ball with a solid power equalling that which he
showed to the local Softball league. Right now Gentxkow is bothered
a bit by a sore arm which might be attributed to the changeover
from softball . .'. With Del Balllnger out of the Beaver line-up for
two months.' the chance of Bank Sousa bolstering the Senator catch
ing corps appear slimmer ...
Minor Complex
. This strange minor league complex which seems to affect a' certain
type of diamond performer is once more in evidence as Bob Joyce
came up with a pitching win as he resumed his career with the Seals
last week. Joyce, on hte strength of a Sl-Wln jear with San Fran
cisco In 1943, went up to the Giants last season but didn't have It
New he's back down and will probably come near duplicating that
'45 record. Psychology of some sort, you'll have to call It . . . There've
been a lot of 'em In the same category. Lou Novlkoff. the Russian
ripper. Gene Lillard (who hit 52 homers for LA one year and eouldnt
even get a bunt with the' cubs). Larry Barton (always a good hitter
on the coast), Kewpie Dick Barrett, a top hurler In the PCL but not
even qualified to tote the glove of a Breeheen or Cooper when ho was
p far a National league try-out,- and there are plenty of others In
the same bracket . . .
Don't Worry, Lillie
. Lillie Larsen. our sheet's esteemed Farm editor from the Silverton
vicinity, was perturbed the other day over a rumor she'd heard that
Silverton's State league franchise might be moved to some other town.
No need to bo alarmed; Lillie, for there's obviously not a shade of
truth to the story. The league fathers would-be craiy to remove the
franchise from one of the best dang baseball burgs In existence,
SUverton. with it colorful baseball history and its Bill McGinnls,
is a must, that's all . . . ,
Vico Rise Dramatic
The poignant drama of a kid Jumping from Waters park to De
troit's Briers stadium within the apace of a year still has better than
t 5e-5o chance of materialisation. For George Vice still Is Impress In
'cm. There Is, however, a small battle of opinions being waged by
Tiger General Manager Bill Evans and Field Pilot Steve O'Neill.
Evans thinks VIco should have the benefit of another year's season
ing In the minors. O'Neill, perhaps dreaming that there might be an
immediate compensation for the going of Grecnberg, wants to start
George right out as Detroit first sacker come opening day. It's still
anybody's guess as to who will win out but one thing Is certain
George Vice won't be the loser !n any case. For the lanky, former
Solon Is gonna be at the No. 1 bag eventually. Incidentally, the Tigers
were offered 535,08a for "Veek" by an unrevealed source In the
early stages of spring training .. .
it --
Betz Skriigs
Off Suspension
" PARIS, April P-iaV-Pauline
Betz, barred from amateur tennis
by the game's ruling body in the
United States, arrived here, from
Monte Carlo "today and, while
still undecided about future plans,
declared the suspension "sort of
nudges me toward professionalism.-
' V
"I don't want to sit in a cor
ner,' said the feminine turf court
champion of the United States
and England, here for a lew days
before starting a vacation . in
Switzerland,' "I want to play ten
nis. If I can't play amateur ten
nis then 111 play professional ten
uis." '
Gals to Open s
Bowling Classic ,
IHP-A dozen of the nation's top
feminine - bowlers, y survivors of
city and district eliminations, toe
the line here tomorrow in a six
game sweepstakes feature leading
off the " Women's " International
Bowling Congress tournament
Although the event originally
was scheduled ' to continue for
only six weeks, indications were
that a record entry of 1,700 teams
and approximately 9,000 individ
uals would continue to shoot for
.the $62,000 in prize money into
mid-June. V - ' " :
GONE: There will be n Wally Flager at shortstop for too Salem
Senators this season.4 The club released the crack shortstop
(above) outright yesterday; Fitter was injured In spring train
ing at Riverside and has been wearing a large east, on one leg.
- He had hoped to be In shape to play in -about three weeks. Flager
said last night he was undecided on Immediate baseball plans. '
Truman Gets Annual
Pass from Griffith
President Truman, in high good
spirits, received today his annual
American league baseball paai
from Clark Griffith. The south'
paw chief executive, who Is ex
pected to throw the first ball at
Washington's opening game
against the New York Yankees
Monday, also got a wallet to put
the ducat In.
But the president - confided to
reporters and photographers in a
ceremony on the -porch outside
his executive office that Mrs. Tru
man "got the best of if The first
lady's pass was la an alligator
bag bearing the gold Initials
B.W.T. -
Amity Plans League.
AMrTY-(Special)-A local soft
ball league will be organized at a
meeting here Thursday night,
probable entrants including four
Amity teams and clubs from
Hopewell and Perry dale. Towns
people will condition the local
field for play. Director Wilbur
Johnson plans to schedule a num
ber of outside games during the
season. .
Ducks Slate Montana
PORTLAND, April &-F-The
University of Oregon will play its
first home baseball game of the
season against the University of
Montana tomorrow afternoon in
a double-header. "
Old Sol Beams on Bailers
Senators (Drill Hard
For Weekend Contests
a ..
MEDFORD. April 9-(Special) -Old Sol beamed down on Salem's
spring -training camp here today and Manager Jack Wilson was
quick to take advantage of it by ordering the club through a stiff
drill lasting practically four hours.
Onlookers Surprised
jt Beaver Formations
April 9-(Special) Campus ob
servers watching the Oregon
State college football team in
spring practice sessions this week
came away talking about the way
the Orangemen are throwing the
pigskin and the deceptive new
formations being taught by Coach
Lon Stiner and his aids. .
The Beavers wasted little time
in getting under way with im
portant work and with a week and
a half gone the rumors from the
dressing rooms indicate that' the
Staters will spring a new type of
fense next fall. Indications are
that it will be the most wide open
play seen in the Pacific north
west in-many a day and will re
semble the style of play used in
the ' southwest, which for many
years has led the way In offense
for- college football.
Stiner picked up the new for
mation from the experience he
had helping coach the West all
star : team to victory last New
Year's day over the heavily fa
vored East team in the San Fran
cisco Shrine grid classic - The
West completely baffled the east
ern squad with the tricky passing
and, offensive formations used.
Ball Briefs
HICKORY. N.C April 9 AP)
Th New York Gianu defeated the
Cleveland Indians 7 to 4 in a baseball
game here today, advancing the Na
tional league victors to a IS edfe in
their exhibition series with the Amer
ican league club.
St. Leui Brewnie harlera NeUea
Potter aaa Jack Kramer aUewcd
the PttUkargh Pirates IS fciU bat
kept them scattered aa the St.
Xoais dab won S to 4.
' CHATTANOOGA, Tenn, April -
(AP) Oscar Judd cracked a two-run
homer in the second Inning and Emil
Verban cam through with ioup sin
gle today at the Philadelphia Phillies
whipped the Washington Senators , S
to 2. -
j Tbe Philadelphia Athletics west on
. : a Bitting rampaga today, peand
, tag oat 2S blows 4a whipping Sa
. vaaaafc of the Sally lea g ye, 2 to Z.
RICHMOND, Ind April t (AP) A
long outfield fly by Third Baseman
Bob Elliott in the last of the ninth
scored Connie Ryan from third base
today to give the Boston Braves a
5-4 victory over their American as
sociation farmhands, the Milwaukee
Brewers. ) ,:
! ATLANTA, Ga April S (AP
Pat Mallla smaskea a two-ran autta
laaiag homo ran to save a victory
for Southpaw Hal Newhoaser to
adght as the Detroit Tigers defeat
ed the Atlanta Crackers, S to X.
Emit Kush and Doyle Lade, dividing
the pitching duties for the Chicago
Cubs, today whacked out a 7 to 0
victory over Shreveport to wind up
the - exhibition affairs with Texas
league-teams. The winners collected
nine hits off: four Shreveport hurlers.
! KINGSPORT, Tena, April li
(AP The BstaRd Sex baafed
oat five hoaxers ana is other hits
today to roU over the Ctactnattl
4 Reds 11- tm aa oxklhittoa game -:
wltaessed by a crowd of more than
ATLANTA. Ga.. AprU 9-UPh-
Treddie Hutchinson pitched a six
hitter and Dick Wakefield collect
ed a triple and two singles as the
Detroit Tigers trimmed the At
lanta Crackers, 10 to 2, tonight.
Bunnell ' Venetian Blinds
493 Center SU Salem, Ore.
Phone 6909
Snap to Fight
Second Mainer
K-Falls Comer Shows
Wednesday at Armory
Jack Snap, the . sharp-handled
fistic lad from Klamath Falls, will
help take care of second main
event chores at the armory next
Wednesday - night, . Matchmaker
Tex Salkeld announced last night.
One of the most promising mid
dleweights in the state, Snap will
collide with the hard-swinging
and always-aggressive Ray Garcia
of Denver who makes up with
fortitude his scarcity of class.
Snap and Garcia will go eight
rounds, as well the first mainer
featuring Villager Bud Abney
against the tough Portland negro,
Sonny Jackson. Salkeld wanted to
shove Snap right in with Abney
on the next show, but Abney's
manager, Sam Duncan, nixed the
plan until he had a look at the
K-Falls clouter in action. Should
both Abney and Snap come
through with Wednesday wins it
is likely they will mix in a mainer
in the future.
Three four-round prelims, will
be added to the card later, the
top one featuring Salem's Ralph
Ayers, Salkeld hopes. Tickets go
on sale at Maple's next Monday
Although the infield was too wet
l for much work, the Senators
chased fungos and went through
lengthy batting practice in which
all pitchers took a crack at
throwing. Dick O'Boyle's turn on
the hill was cut short by a sore
arm but the rest of the mound
staff looked good. A short infield
workout wound up the afternoon.
Monday the Solons chased flies in
the rain and Tuesday's drill was
rained out completely.
Vince Lazor, who joined camp
last week, has been called upon
to pitch Friday night's game
against University of Oregon.
Ken. Wyatt will throw the first of
Satusday's double header against
the Collegians while Paul Soder
berg will handle the second
game. Dick Sinovic will oppose
Wenatchee Sunday. Buzz Sporer,
Dan OToole, Frank Smith and
Jerry Nelson will handle relief
chores. Balance of Friday's line
up will see Bud Peterson at short,
Jim Wert at first, Mel Nunes at
second, Ben Gregory, right field,
Marty Krug, left field, Paul Hal
ter, center field, Hank Bartolomei,
third base, and Don Cook catch
ing. Some changes will be made
Saturday and Sunday, Wilson
saidTed Kerr will catch the first
game Saturday and Cook will be
behind the plate in the nightcap
and on Sunday.
Dads' Banquet
Fridav Nielit
The annual Salem hieh school
Dads' club sponsored basketball
banquet will be held Friday night
at 6:30 o'clock in the high school
cafeteria. Upwards of 100 of the
city school system's basketball
players, many of whom played
on championship teams during
the season, will be honored.
Tickets for the banquet, open
to the public, are on sale at Ma
ple's sportseree.
Principal speaker for the ban
quet will be Coach Slats Gill of
Oregon State, who will bring
along Beaver players Lew Beck
and Cliff CrandaJL Spec Keene,
OSC - athletics boss, will , also be
an honored guest, j '
Men Clubbers
Meet TonigKt
Another weekly Men's club
session is in store for the Salem
Golfing dan tonight at the South
River road course. As usual,
weather permitting, there will be
a nine-hole feature tourney. Oth
erwise activities will be -confined
to the clubhouse. v
Qualifying Play In the Elks
tournament is expected to speed
up as the weekend approaches. A
number of linksters have yet to
turn in scores. Deadline for the
qualifying rounds is Sunday night
Fletcher, Osborn
Pace Coasters
-Righthanders Gay Fletcher of
Sacramento, ahd Don Osborn of
the Los Angeles Angels,' with two
wins apiece and no defeats, paced
Pacific Coast league pitchers
through games of April 6. League
Statistician William McGees' rec
ords, released today, listed 25
moundsmen undefeated ' in the
first week of play.
Durocher Banishment Checks Brawling, Colorful Career
By Whitney Martin
NEW YORK. April -(VTbe
one-year suspension of Manager
Leo Durocher of the Brooklyn
Dodgers brings to; a temporary
check one ' of the: most hectic
career In baseball, a career
highlighted by great triumphs
and bitter disappointments, by
brawls and arguments and fines
and eonrt actions.)
' From the moment be stepped
foot on a diamond as a pro back
In 1925. to receive a brief try
eat with the Yankees that same
year, the garrulous, aggressive,
fiery Lippy never has remained
Long Contest
Winds Up, 4-4
Angels, Seals Both
Lose; Sactos Victors
i (By the Associated Press)
San Diego and Portland fea
tured Pacific Coast; league play
last night as they battled to a 15
inning 4-4 ' tie, the (content being
called because of the midnight
time limit. The Padres neverthe
less increased their ! leading mar
gin as both San Francisco and
Los Angeles dropped contests.
The Oakland Oaks took their sec
ond game of the new campaign
with a 10-inning 4-3 victory over
the Angels, while the Hollywood
Stars whitewashed the Seals, .3-0.
Sacramento beat Seattle, 7-4.
The PadrepBeave- tilt was a
thriller all the way with both
clubs doing all their score-making
in the initial five innings. For
the next 10 frames it was one
goose egg after another. Johnny
Bianco started for the Beavers,
being replaced by Ad Liska in the
Portland ....Oil 020 000 000 0004 12 1
San Diego . 110 020 000 000 000 t 7 0
Bianco. Liska (10) land Muratore.
Holm (15); Vitalich. Trtner (6) and
McDonnell. Kerr ( 10). j
Oakland 000 020 001 14 11 2
Los Angeles 000 IIO 000 03 S 1
Arnold. Hayes (S). jSpeer (9) and
Keacse. Kaimondl (9)
(10) and M'alone.
Adams, Baker
Seattle 003 1100 0004 It 0
Sacramento 600 001 00 7 10 3
Pearson. Orpbal (1), Velovic (8) and
Hill. Stagf (t); Orphan and Fitzgerald.
Hollywood .'OOO 100 300 37 IS J
San Francisco . . 100 110 010 0 11 3
Smith. Hutford (71 and Unser, Shee
ly (. Cameron (10): ; Melton. Rosso
(7). Powell (9). Jensen '(10) and Ok-
Todowski, Leonard (9). I
Viking Bailers
Pocket Opener
Coach Harold Hauk's Salem
high diamond crew j made a be
lated season's debut yesterday on
Olinger field and did it impres
sively enough as they conked
Dallas 17-1. The tilt, moved to
Olinger from Waters Park be
cause of wet grounds, went only
five innings because! of rain but
even in that brief showing the
Viks showed flashes of potency.
Cleanly outclassing the Dragons,
the Hauks.' attack featured a 10
run . second inning with Del
Kleen's triple the sparkler. Craig.
Coursey and Stoutenberg all .did
effective hill work jfor the Sa
lems, holding Dallas) to two hits.
Hendrie, Dasch, Osborn and
Fleming all garnered two blows
for the locals.
Dallas 000 01 1 t
Salem J 10 4 117 12 2
Kunz. McCully (4) I and Yeager:
Craig. Coursey (4). Stoutenberg (3)
and Allison. Cummings: (5).
Joe's Progress
Raises Hopes
sMAVGus Maueh. New York
Yankees trainer said today he
hoped Joe DIMaggio would be
ready for use as a j pinch-hitter
by opening- day of the American
"DiMaggio's progress for the
last two days has been great If
he keeps on this way he'll be
ready to pinch-hit opening day
If Manager Bucky Harris needs
him.' said Mauch, who left here
with a small squad of players
when the Bronx Bombers broke
spring camp.
The Yankee Clipper, recovering
from a skin graft operation on
When you qo fishing with Dad this summer, have a
dandy fiahlno kit
And Here They Are To Close Out!!
While They Ixist
Cub Set .
Scout Set
Ranger Set j ....5.25
All Kits Are Complete with Red, Reel, Line, etc
Mother and Dad These Make Excellent Gifts!!
Sportsmen's Headquarters la Salem
19 N. Front SU Phone 4555
oat of the spotlight for any pro
longed period, and since his ap
pointment as manager of the
Brooklyn dab by Larry Me
Phail In January, 1939, his name
has been almost constantly in
the headlines.
A remarkable shortstop bat
known as the "All - America
Out" at the plate, Darocher's
career carried him from - Hart
ford to the Yankees to Atlanta
to SL Paul, back to the Yankees,
then to Cincinnati and the Card
inals, and finally to the Dodgers
where his success reached its
peak. Daring this hectic Brook
Beavers, Padres In 1 5-
r,,l "i i r 71 f " :;
r w. V;.,i : U
Durocher (left) and Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn
Dodgers, following today's announcement of Baseball Com
missioner "Happy" Chandler that be was suspending Durocher
for one year from his Job aa manager of the Dodgers. The action
followed a prolonged quarrel between Dodger officials and Larry
McPrull. president of the New York Yankees, (AP Wlrephoto
to The Statesman)
Brook Fans Astoiuided :
NEW YORK, AprU -"-The Flatbash baseball faithful who
lost their Leo the Lip today reacted to the loss with aa aprear of
pretest such as not even the most brave umpire ever has had to face.
-I don't believe it ... -
-You're kidding me ... "
They can't do that to Leo ..."
This was the initial. Incredulous reacUoa of Brooklyn's man-ln-the-street
to the news that Basebatt Commissioner A. B.
Chandler had suspended Lee Durocher, manager of the Dodgers,
for 1947.
George Pfeifer, a clerk, said: They'd better have their extra
cops out when Chandler comes to Ebbeta field. -
The general sentiment probably was summed op ' by the
statement of the little fellow In the bar two blocks front Ebbeta
field who said over his beer:
We was robbed.
i terns ft
WLPct. WLPct.
San Diego 7 1 J75 Holly wood 4 500
San Fran 3 .823 Portland J I .175
Los Angls S 4 J5S Seattle S S J33
Sacramnto S 4 J553 Oakland S 7 .222
Last night's results: At San Diego 4,
Portland 4 (IS Inning tie). At Los An-
teles ' 3, OakUnd 4 (10 innings). At
acramento 7. Seattle 4, At San Fran
cisco 4. Hollywood 7.
his left heel, is equally optimistic
about his progress. Dr. Mai Stev
ens, team' physician. Is highly
gratified with the rapid recovery
of DiMaggio.
lyn career the club had changed
hands,: the scholarly, sedate
Branch Rickey taking over. the
presidency as MacPhail left to
cast his lot with the Yankee. .
There was much speculation
as to bow the fiery, boisteroos -pilot
would get -along with the v
aobdoed and businesslike Rick
ey, bnt Rickey stock by the man- '
ager he had inherited from the
MacPhail regime, and last year
was rewarded with a team that
finished the rerular season in
a tie with jibe Cardinals, losing
oat in the playoffs. . s; ;
'Lip' For Year;
Con.ii.isli Sets
Fish Reiease
Fish tank trucks of the game
commission have now moved to
the Butte Falls hatchery in Jack
son county and the Wallowa
hatchery in Wallowa county, to
release trout held over the win
ter at those stations. At Butte
Falls there are 177.000 legal sized
rainbows to be released in the
Rogue river watershed while the
88,000 rainbow trout at Wallowa
will be liberated in the waters
of Union, Baker,' Wallowa and
Malheur counties. '
State and Cottage
- : ' ' fJlj
hay muf .00al4 TaaQH(y aaral "v f
vTJr la ear Mara. Omar steas ataasrtU x f
atoiy lew. s ' I
Writ BUY mm4 pmf tp arte far yaar I
awaaaat Nraa artajaat OaaO ar tacaaa. 1
' The defamation of character
charge brought before Commis
sioner A. B. Chandler by Mac
Phail apparently was the one
straw too many heaped on the
tronbled man whose- watt haol
been piling op rapidly ever the
past few months. The commis
sioner heard the charrea. an4
took the drastic action. v'-c
It clear that the action waa
based not alone on the one In
dividual case but en the ww
bailing of pubUcity which he
deemed ; not conducive to the
welfare of tbo game.
U nun i on
Baseball Boss
Becomes Tough
Action Follows Feud
Between Bums, Yanks
(The Lip) Durocher. one of base-,
ball's mct explosive characters
since he became manager of the
Brooklyn Dodgers eight years
ago, today was suspended for the
1947 season by Commissioner A
B. Chandler.
"Durocher has not measured
up to the standards expected cr
required of managers of our base
ball teams," Chandler said. ;
The suspension of the belliger-
ent Leo, who left a shortstop's
job to become baseball's highest
paid manager an estimated $70,
000 year was the "result of the
accumulation of unpleasant inci
dents in which he has been in
volved," Chandler said.
It was Chandler in new char
acter today a determined, punch
throwing i commissioner who said
in the same report that the peo
ple in baseball will not be per
mitted to associate wuh known
and notorious gamblers' and that
"swift disciplinary action will be
taken against any person violat
ing the order.' ,
Chandler exonerated Larry
MacPhail, president of the New
York Yankees, from any associa
tion with known gamblers, and
also said he was convinced that
Branch Rickey, head of the
Brooklyn club, had not made any
statements which might be con
strued as detrimental to Mac
Phail's character and integrity.
But, "because their officials en
gaged in. ay public controversy"
damaging' to baseball.' the ; New
York American league club nd
the Brooklyn club are hereby
fined $2,000 -each,! he added. -
He said both Rickey and Du
rocher had admitted making some
statements regarding MacPhail's
guests at the Havana game.
It was those statements, along
with others made in a newspaper
column under Durocher's name
that led : to hearings in Florida
recently and to Chandler's de
cision today. MacPhail brought
the case to . a head by filing
charges of defamation against
Durocher and Rickey. .
Mercury II S2.S0
Court Slreel Dadia
Cr Appliance Co.
35? Court St. rhoae Ml
Salem. Oregon -
Phone S26S