The Statesman. Sclera.. Oregon. Thujsdarv April 10, 1847 Miss Harriet Hawkins Is Engaged Today's exciting romantic news is the announcement of the be trothal and forthcoming manage of Miss Harriet Hawkins, daugh ter of Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and Harry Hawkins of Portland, to - William S. Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Duncan of Silverton. . ' . v " The news was told Wednesday night at the Kappa Alpha Theta house on the University of Ore gon- campus -at a bridal shower for which Miss Hawkins. Miss Gretcben Nicolai and - Miss An toinette Johns were hostesses in honor of 3Iiss Nancy Kirkpa trick, a June bride-elect- When dessert was served the guests found the names of "Harriet and BiU s on the individual cakes. The young couple have also set their wedding day. which will be Saturday, Sep tember 6 at St. Paul's Episcopal church. . -: The blonde, bride-elect Is a senior at the University of Ore gon and a member of Kappa Al pha Theta. She is also an active member of, the Salem Spinsters. 'Her fiance is 'a junior at the university and his fraternity is Phi Kappa PsL He served in the navy for three years. The couple will live in Silverton after their marriage. Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and Mrs. Robert Duncan motored to Eu gene for the announcement party. Mrs. McGee AjHostess Mr, Horace McGee will be a bridge hot tess for a group of ma trons Friday night at her home. After several hours of contract a late supper will be served by the hostess. Spring flowers wilk. be used in decorating. Gut of Mrs. McGee will be Mrs; Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mrs. Eugene Tupker, Mrs. P. S. Wolfe. Mrs. Jerry Wing, Mrs. William L. lad beck and Mrs. Charles Camp bell. Mr. and Mrs. WarreB Baker and children spent the Easter week end in Baker with friends and '..relatives. - Here's One Of The Greatest Uwwyycc) buy If yea tztt SIMPLE ANElilA! You girls and omta who suffer so from simple anemia that your pile, &. "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-Iron. So try Lrdla E. nnrhinnsTAELETS ona of tha beat aom ways to build up red tlood to get nan atreogtb in uc& cams. . f'l-nlthsm'sTablgtor.ona of the great est blood-iron tonics you can, buy! TheBeauij: Bar 211 First National Baak BIdg. I Formerly Beauty Hacienda Under, the New Managenrmr of Nan Williams and . Zana Hales Features . Heslle Peraanenls ' .' and -' ., T7-li:..II P.1J T7.H.. uouiwcu wuia Haves Other r m remanents Phone 3925 and BP -ELFSTHOH'S- Mi? EiV Jtij i? - Give that old chair a new face . . . with a crisp slip- cover. Your room w ill be more charming - vheri the "blaclcshep" chair becomes a decora- - live aset. Arid it's so simple to da '. . . with slip . covers. W cue now quipped, in. our enlarged , slip cover, shop, to give you Immediate well, ejrr.cst "immediate r service. Coma up to tfw secend floor and select yjur materia! from our . Ixge Spring display. - , ' Society.... Clubs Music .... The Home CLUB CALENDAR THURSDAY Sniournerm meet for dessert lunch eon, Salem Woman's . clubhouse, . 1 :1S pjn. . - Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club with Mrs. Russell Scott, 1344 S. Liberty at., no-host luncheon at noon. West Salem Woman's dub meet at city hall auditorium, 8 p.m. .Prlngle Pleasant foini social ciuo with Mrs. George Gueroe, all day. Brooks Garden club, with Mrs. Nora Westling. 1 p.m. . ( : Little Garden club of Salem Heights with Mrs. Robert Hawkins. 2750 S. High St., Mrs. L. L. Bennett hostess. 1 p.m. Merry Mirtgiers eiuo meets wnn Mr. Albert Fabry, H25 N. 18th St. St. Joseph's Mothers club meet at parish hall, 2 p.m. Woman's Benefit, association regular meeting with Mrs. Jennie Miller, 351 S 18th st p.m. . FRIDAY . Craft class and bridge class, YWGA 1 pjn. - North Salem WCTU with Rev. Cora Gregory. 2165 N. Church St., 2 pjn. SATURDAY Salem Woman's club meeting, club house, 2:30 p.m.. board meeting, 1:30 p.m, k Nebraska club carnival, 243 . N. Commercial St., :30 p.m. MONDAY - ' Chapter AB of PEO. with Mrs. Rob ert Fenixv 2000 South High itewt, 7:43 p.m. - ' ' .; Marion auxiliary 681. VTW, open installation, s p.m.,- vrw nail. Named The annual meeting of 'the Wil lamette Presbyterial society win be held on Thursday and Friday at the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. E. A. Collier, president ; of the Presbyterial, announces that Miss Ellanore Ewing of San Fran cisco will be the feature speaker at the meeting on Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock. At the close of the morning session Mrs. Ralph Mort, president of the Synodic! society for the synod of Oregon, will in stall the newly elected officers. Following a fellowship luncheon at the church Miss Helen B. Mc- Clain, who has served for a num ber of years as a Presbyterian. missionary in China, .will "speak. The meeting will close with a consecration service led by Mrs Glen Sanders and Mrs. James Moberg of CreswelL. - Mrs. Ralph Scott, president of the Missionary society in the lo cal Presbyterian church, is- chair man of the entertainment commit' tee. Those assisting her are Mrs. Willis Dallas, Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. w. L. Osborne, and Mrs Howard Pickett. A tea will follow the afternoon session today with .Mrs. Ches ter W. Hambhn in charge. In the evening dinner will be served in the dining room. The board of the Methodist Old People's Home met in the fire place room of the home Monday afternoon with the president, Mrs. E. O. Welling,- presiding. The pur chase of chimesfbrihe home was announced, these being the board's choice of a memorial to Mrs. Em ma Gunning, for many years the senior nurse at the home. Chimes have been placed on each of the three , residence floors, with two chimes on both the second and third floors. The Lansing Neighbors borne extension unit ' will meet to day at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L H. Sion, 220 Evergreen ave., Salem, The - subject, "Furniture Arrangement, will be presented by Miss Eleanore Trindle, home demonstration agent. . The discus sion will include types of furni ture which go well together and rules to- follow in- arranging them in "the various rooms of one's home. Homemakers who are in terested are welcome .to attend. tyM Pre-Dance r Parties Slated The . Wisteria club's formal dance Friday night is the incen tive for a number of parties. Mr, and Mrs. Lester F. Rem ington will be hosts for a p re dance party at their home on the Portland road. Assisting the hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Evert Givens.i Bidden are Messrs. and Mes- dames Lawrence Lister and Wil liam W. Youngson of Portland, Max Al ford. W, H. Bell, Stayton, Russell, Beutler, H. M. Boesch, Estill Brunk, Robert Driscoll, Ralph Eggstaff, A. H. Fish, Car roll Ford, - Evert Givens, Bryan Goodenough. Louis Lorenz, Carl Quistad, Charles McCabe, Claude Post, Edgar Reay, Ronald ' Ross ner, Floyd Seamster, Carl Soos, L. J. Stewart, Harry Wehderoth, Mark ; Wilbur, E. JV Zwaschka, Douglas Yeater and Jordan Fisher of Albany.' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilcox will be hosts for an informal party at their E street home preceding the dance for a group of friends. Mr. 'and Mrs. Emmett Kleinke and Mr. and Mrs. J, Deane Pat terson will entertain twenty-two guests at a midnight supper at the Kleinke home on South High street following the dance. ' Mr. i and . Mrs. M. D. Thomas have invited a few friends to a dessert supper party before the dance at their North 21st street home. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. James. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Peterson, -Mr. and Mrs. J, Deane Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Anderson. Golfers Play in Rain Wednesday- Mrs. R. 1. McLaughlin was winner in class A for the lowest number of putts at the regular ladies day j?lay at the Salem Golf club Tuesday. Mrs. Leon Perry was' winner in class B and Mrs. Robert Burns In class C. Thirty- four feminine golfers braved the stormy weather and turned out for the second official day's play of the- season. Luncheon was served at the clubhouse following 18 holes of play. New members welcomed were Mesdames Fred Vinson, Lewis Roth, R. E. Smith of In dependence, Chester R. Chase and Jack Doerk. Little Girls Welcomed Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. CasDer - Schweieert ( Mar garet Ann Blfgh) on the birth kf a daushter. Claudia Ann. WH. nesday morning at the Salem uenerai nospitai. The little girl, who weighed six pounds and sev en ounces, is the tfranddaurhter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bligh and Mr. and Mrs. George Schweigert w at a . - , jura. Ann uugn is ine DaDy ereat crandmothn- U Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steinke (uoris Harrington), are the par ents of a Alllfhtpr RnhKia Ton Lborn Wednesday .morning at the oaiem general nosDitai. The Ki pound, three ounce girl is the granaaaugnter oi Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Steinke and Mrs. Martha Harrington. Mrs. , Carlton J. McLeod ' or. sided at aj dessert luncheon and afternoon of bridge Wednesday at the Chemeketa street hom nf hr mother, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, in compliment: to members of her ciud. contract was m nlav rlnr ing; the afternoon. Additional guests were Mrs: Herbert Stiff jr Mrs. Holland Mersereau, and aars. w ayne riadley. Judy and Bobbv nnrn M1 dren of Mr. and Mrs. a R r.nex were hosts for an Easter egg hunt .Monday afternoon" with refresh ments following. Guests were uearwa aiewart, Miaron Simming, r'aui t Van Houten. Nancv Nnff singer, Carl McCormick, jr, Dan and Don Yamell, Bill, Carol and von neara. AakOBg the" Salem Delta Gam ma alumnae motoring to Eugene this weekend to attend the bian nual; province conference at the cnapier noue on the University of Oresron camous are Mrs. I Perry. Mrs. Robert Lantz. Miss Lorena Jack, . Mrs. Albert Cohen aim iut's. tfeall JJUUgiaS. The Kappa Alpha Theta alum nae will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. George Schwarz, 985 N. Capital st at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Rosalie Porter will be the assisting hostess.. , Enduring Beauty in Venetian Blinds FLEXALUM Oyster White Pure White Tht most adaptable tones to blend with today's decorating: colors v , ,-.-- Mr. and JMrsD wight, Lear of Seattle are the parents of a son. Dwight Oron, born April 7. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Lear of Salem and Mrs. E. A. Frink of Portland. The little boy weighed ' six pounds and twelve ounces. Mr. Lear, former ly of Salem, is now engaged in Red Cross work with headquar ters in Seattle. Food Good At Festival By Maxine Buren . Statesman Woman's Editor' The menu served at lunchtime at the Marion county home eco nomics clubs Annual Spring Fes tival on Wednesday was typical of the sort of meal that can be prepared ahead of time, looks nice on the piate, tastes good to the general run of guest and leaves one feeling at just about the right degree of fullness. The menu consisted of tamale pie, (and the chicken predomi nated, believe it or not), apple and celery salad, hot rolls, butter, cake and coffee. Guests were served cafeteria style. Dishwashing was cut to a minimum with everything, includ ing forks and spoons, of paper. The festival, to my way of thinking, was? unusually success ful, for the crowd was large, the program excellent and the dis plays showed great thought and care in assembling. Eleanor Trin dle, her assistant, Constance Hampton, deserve great credit for the affair. Parties After Rehearsal Miss Dorothy Hardie and John Hay, whose marriage will be an event of Saturday night at St Paul's Episcopal church, will be honored at several affairs this week. Wednesday night Mr. Hay's ushers, Claybourne Dyer, Joseph Devers, Jr Robert DeArmond, Harvey Quistad. Bob Napier of Corvallis and John Dunn of Myr tle Point entertained with a stag party in honor of the benedict elect at the Dyer home on North 13th street. After the wedding rehearsal Friday night, Mrs. W. J. Hardie will be hostess for a supper party at her home on Breys street for her daughter and feminine mem bers of the bridal party. Honor ing Miss Hardie will be Mrs. Ar thur Hay, Mrs. Bob Napier, Mrs. Robert Pickens, Mrs. Gervaise Elliott, Mrs. Richard Harmon, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley and Mrs. Byron C Mennis. Mr. Hay will also entertain with his bachelor dinner following the renearsau Sf Louis A -cara party will be held at the St Louis parish hall Sunday, April 13, at 8 p. m. Lunch wui uc servea ana uuui live Hun r 1 1 t ji j v . . i - . t dred and pinochle will be played. Committee in charge includes Mrs. Carter Keene, Mrs. Henry Kirk wood and Mrs. Edward Grossman. From Sacramento, Calif., comes news of the birth of a son to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Harrold (Mary Jean McKay) on April 5. The baby's grandmother is Mrs. Edna McKay of Salem and the great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs E. C. Davidson of St Paul. Disabled Americaa Veterans auxiliary will be entertained at the home of Mrs. A. L. Brewster, 580 N. 2 1st- Friday with a no- host luncheon. They committee will make plans for the member ship drive which will close May 30. I . The Senth Salem Woman's Christian Temperance union has; changed its April meeting date from the second to the third Fri day in the month. On Friday, April 18, the group will be the guests of Mrs. Walter Barkus, president of the Marion county WCTU, at her home, 220 Vista. The Ladles of St Vincent 'de Faul church will hold an Easter card party at the hall tonight. Chairmen are Mrs. C. J. Stupfel, Mrs. Max Woods, Mrs. Flav Meier and Mrs. Chris Free, The Willamette Country club will meet "Saturday night at the West Salem city hall for a 7 o'clock dinner. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smart and Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smart are to be hosts. Mrs. Ferd bchlapkohl will en tertain members of her club at luncheon and bridge this after noon at her country home on Pioneer" drive. RUST PROOF - Unaffected by atmospheric changes. Neither salt air nor moisture will rust or corrode. FIRE PROOF - Slats will not burn, and even the smooth plastic finish is flame-proof. SUN PROOF . Plastic finish will not chip, crack, peel or discolor. Symphony Orchestra : Here Tonight The year's biggest musical treat is scheduled for tonight at Salem high school auditorium, when the full Minneapolis sym phony under the direction of Di mitri Mitropoulous will appear in concert. The program is ! being given under the auspices pf the Salem Community concert associa tion and is for holders of i mem bership -tickets only. No tickets will be sold at the door.. The following piogram is sched uled for the 8:15 concert tonight: Toccata No. 1 in C major, Bach-Wemer Prelude and Isolde's "Liebestod" Wagner Minstrel Show J Gould Symphony No.' 5. in E minor Op. 64 -Tchaikowski Andante. Romanza. ' Vatae. Finale. Weekend guests at the Homer Nordyke home on East Washing ton street were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nordyke, Newport A sister. Mary Frances NorHvlco of Vancouver, Wash., and i a sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Dotson of Seattle. Included with the Easter Sunday jdinner guests were Mr. and Mrs; Rob ert Nordyke and their child Darrein and Nancy, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Noblgren have returned from a three weeks' trip which took them to Chicago, Minnesota and other eastern points. In Chicago they attended the National Restaurant conven tion, j SUITS . ; .COATS. . . DRESSES iff GREAT Group One Val. to 3935 1 group 1 group Group One Val to 39.75 SjprpflnQg Mrs. Theresa Pennlauuw 1S25l Center street, was the honor guest at a surprise birthday party Sun day afternoon, the occasion being her 85th birthday. The party was arranged by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George B. C : of Corvallis, witb the invited guests including those residing at the Center street Methodist home. Musicians to Be Honored Mr. and Mrs! J. D. Campbell are entertaining a few of the Minneapolis Symphony ' orchestra players at dinner tonight at their home on Breys avenue preceding the concert at the Salem high school auditorium. Mrs. Campbell was well acquainted with the or chestra while she made her home in Minneapolis. The Campbells motored to Port land Tuesday to meet the orches tra personnel and Mr. Campbell accompanied them to Eugene on Wednesday. They also attended the Portland concert. Guests will be James Creco, John McKay, Raymond Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Redemes Angeluccie, Mrs. Ralph Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Campbell, The North Salem WCTU will meet Friday at 2 o'clock with Rev. Cora Gregory at 2165 N. Church street Prof. R. Ivan Lov ell ef Willamette university will speak on EWorld's Crisis." Mrs. C. W. Parker Is spendiag a few days in Portland with rel- aUves and will go on to eastern Oregon to join her husband, who is there on business. O Group Two Val to 45.00 Val From 1 1 JLLnS II a Lr piriinilg I t i : ! ODOD HtfB Group Two Val to 45.00 AuRevoir i-" Party ; Mrs.' Harrison W. Elgin, jr., will be hostess for an au revoir party Friday night at herr King wood Heights home in compliment to Mrs. Manfred Olson, who is lea ving the first of the week for Medford to make her home, j , Bridge will be in play during the evening with a late supperf following. Spring flowers Will pro vide the .decorative note. Honoring Mrs. Olson wilf be Mesdames Ralph Nohlgren. Harold Shogren, William i Trindle, jr Donald Reitzer, Oscar White, Ken neth Hanson, Wayne Doughton, Wheeler R. English. Wilson Sieg mund, Kenneth GManning, Miss Eleanor Trindle and the; hostess. rTedtr, juicy, rich with gravy IYNDEN iKICKIN f tICASSEC "Half a chicken ia a can" Already coked fvst heat and eat. Delicious with dusapliags rhMbuKuk.1 C wm cm md rmnic Group Three Val to 49.75 12.95 to 29.75 group group Group Three Val to 49.75 Mr. audi Mrs. It Fills and Mr. and Mrs, Guy Irwin spent the Easter weekend in Klamath Falls with Dr. and Mrs- Harry Fred ricks, formerly of Salem. On Sun day they witnessed the baptismal of Susan Elizabeth and Virginia Lee Fredricks.: daughters of Dr. an Mrs. Fredricks, at the First Presbyterian church. V The employed wemea's eJeb ef the Jason Lee. church met Tues day night at the home of Mrs. S. A. Wheatley. Book reviews : were given by members and a late sup per served by the hostesses. Mrs. Mary Tindall t and Mrs. Evelyn Batdorf. . v ' .-.-- i .' - . J ' ".. Mr. and Mrs, WUlUm Delew will return today Irom a several days stay at. the Grand View apartments near Nelscott L c c REDUCTION! O a ! Group Four i Vol. to 65m I group t group Val to 65.00 Am Group Four Sorry! No Exchanges or Refunds ... All Sales Final Schlesinger & Good ftfiniioiDi ay lewis : 560 So. 21st St. 340 Coart Street Phone 9221 Phone 3118