The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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Bud Hoffnell, former Salem
resident and con of the late Ed
win Hoffnell -who wu with the
state land board for many years,
died recently iri- Hawaii, Salem
friends of the family learned yes
" tcrday. He leaves his mother, Mrs.
' Robert. Peck, Carmel, Califs his
, widow and 10-monlhs-old baby,
ifetfnell left Salem to work with
the Dollar Lines and in recent
years had been living ux Hawaii.
Carpenters of Local 1065 are
urged to attend meeting Thursday,
April 10, 8 p. m. 3
You should read "When Will You
'Be Sued" on page 28 in April 5th
Saturday Evening Post See us
for rates. Scellars & Foley,. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Joyce and
son Jimmy of -Tillamook are in
Salem for the state foresters' con
ference. They are visiting their
' parents, Mrs. Lee Ann Joyce, 1515
S. Commercial st, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. C: MorrclL 289. N. 14th
L - ;
New 'location Crcnin Studio, 438
Court St. over Smith Baking Ca
The Pike, for Ice cream 12 flavors.
Open at 138 S. Liberty daily until
11 P31. Open Sunday until 6 P.M.
Open at 150 N. Com'l daily until
6 P3I.
An assumed business . name
. Co a sawmill st Idanha, was filed
with the Marion county clerk
Wednesday by ' George Stref f,
Gladys Stref f and Robert L.
Jones, all of Idanha. i
Plate glass now available. 'Dort-j
Brown. Elfstrom s. , ;
River silt, top son and fill dirt
Com! Sand & Gravel Ph 21966
entrusted to us is individually
planned and personally direct
ed --its cost determined by
the family's wishes.
Salem Fsmeral Chapel :
545 S. Capital St Phone 3672
with a
Townsend club 16 will meet to
night at the home of Mrs. Anna
Arnold, 2256 Ford st
Home; Owners and Builders-Bet-ter
insulation at the lowest cost
Salem . Rockwool Co. Ph. 3748.
1535 Broadway,
Rummage ' Sale FrU SaW over
Greenbaum's. Meadowlark Aux.
VFW. - . '
Charis Corsetiere. Phone 9495.
Mrs. Clara E.- Harper.' st the resi
dence. 1544 Ferry U Friday, April 4.
Surviving .are a daughter. Miss Hazel
Harper of Salem, and a son, Chester
Harper of Molalla: IS grandchildren,
several creat grandchildren, niece
and nephews. Services, postponed be
cause of the death of a daughter.
Mrs. rem Moores. will be announced
later by the Clough-Barrick company.
Mrs. Fern Moo res, late resident of
Nehalem. Ore., at .local hospital
April . Survived by husband. Albert
V Miwrn of Nehalem; a daughter.
M Ins Evelyn Mm Moores; a son, Mer
rill U Moores; a alster. Miss Hazel
Harper of Salens, and a brother. Ches
ter C. Harper ol Molalla. Ore. An
nouncement of , services later by the
Clough-Barrick company.
William Albright, late resident of
Cervais. at a local hospital April 4.
at the age of SI years. Surviving are
four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth La lack
of Dallas, Mrs. RosVDlckson of San
Francisco. Calif., Mrs. Anna Forest
of Portland and Mrs. Lillian Tatene
of Canby: one son. William Albright
of Gervais. and 14 grandchildren.
Graveside services will be Thursday.
April 10, at 10 a.m.. at the Masonic
cemetery, Gervais, under direction of
Howell-Edwards company.
TUhe Hansen, late resident of Tal
bot. Ore., at a local hospital April 8,
at the ace of 8 years. Survived by
her husband. Milton Hansen of Tal
bot; two sons, Melvin James Hansen
and Clinton Allen Hansen, both of
Talbot;- an infant daughter; parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tuin of Estelline,
S. D ; six sisters. Mrs. John Freesman
of Ebtelline. S. D . Mrs. Alvin Hensen
of Haytl. S. D.. Mrs. Don Knutson of
Volga. S. D... Mrs. Harry Leilhlad of
Spokane. Wash., and Miss Henrietta
Tuin and Miss Adeline Tuin, both of
Seattle, Wash.; and three brothers,
Ben Tuin " and John Tuin, both of
Estelline, S. D., and Ralph Tuin of
Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Services will
be held at the Howell-Edwards chap!
Saturday. April II, at 10:30 a.m.. wit
the Rev. William Schwab, the Rev.
Herman Bo hi and the Rev. Henry
Tumid officiating. Interment in
Belcrest Memorial park. -
Mrs. Rose Alice Dukehart. late resi
dent of 425 South 23rd street, at a
local hospital Tuesday, April 8. Daugh
ter of Mrs, "Celenda George of Co-
j , . u
- ' X
nex Kerosene Range
Only- $5 monthly on
A beautiful, new kerosene range with all the important,
usable features that afford efficiency, convenience and
economy! Three giant size wicLless burrrro especially
designed for concentrated heat and provide greater fuel
economy. The extra large oven holds ten 1 -pound loaves of
bread ... special baffled flues promote even baking saves
food, saves fuel! The sparkling white finish is easily,
cleaned with a damp cloth. Storage space for kitchen utensils.
Atk about Words Monthly Payment Plan ...
Among Vancouver, Wash., marriage-licenses
this week were
those issued to Molly Tyler, Dal
las, "and ; Arthur J. Reynolds, 280
N. 23rd 'st, Salem, and to two
Lebanon i couples, Aileen Hake
and". Geary W. FJIenburg, and
Mary Louise Morse and Lawrence
M.' Warren. f
Northern - Lawn mowers, limited
quantity. R. L. Elfstrom Co. .
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol St
Cooked food sale Friday. Portland
Gas & Coke Co., 109 S. Com'l.
American Legion Auxiliary 136.
quille. Ore., and sister of Mrs. Pearl
Jolin of Seattle, Mrs. Ethel Draut of
Crannell. Califs and Henry, Marion.
Frank and Dave George, all of Co
quille. Ore. Services- will be held at
Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday, AprU
10. at 10 JO a.m.. the Rev. Dudley
Strain officiating. Interment at Bel
crest Memorial park. r ;
SAWYER . " ;
Joshua Stewart Sawyer, formerly a
resident of Salem, in New Yof k City,
April 6. Survived by his wife. Mrs.
Minnie P. Sawyer of New York City;
a son, Joshua 5. Sawyer, Jr., of Lake
view. Ore.: a daughter, Mrs. Irma
Wells of Halem. and three grandchild
ren. Services at tha Clough-Barrick
chapel Monday, April 14, al 1:30 p.m.,
Dr. Charles Durden officiating. Con
cluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey
mausoleum. .
JOHNSON . . ,-T"
Emory Clinton Johnson, late resident
of Warrenton, Oregon, at a local hos
pital, April 8. at the age of 77 years.
Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Blanche
Scriver of Victoria. B.C.; and three
brothers. George Johnson of Colum
bus, Ohio, Henry Johnson of Jack
son, Ohio, and Ch aimer Johnson of
ChUlicothe. Ohio. Member of the Meth
odist church.- Announcement of serv
ices later by Howell-Edwards chapel.
CUTLET - ' ':
George Edward Kltley, late resident
of Salem, at local hospital April I.
at the axe of 81 years. Survived by his
wife, Mrs.' Dora Kitley of Salem; and
five daughters. Mrs. Alma Corlett of
Seattle. Mrs. Maude Scott of Chewela,
Wash., and Mrs. Pearl Mors. Mrs. Elsie
Burrus and Mrs. Freda Mosley, all of
Spokane, Wash. Member of the Meth.
odist church. Services will be held at
the Howell-Edwards chapel Thursday.
April 10, at 11:30 a.m.. the Rev. Orval
Jenkins officiating. Shipment will be
made to Spokane, Wash, for Services
and Interment.
In this city April S. Nicholas G.
Price, at the age of 88 years. Shipment
is being made to Medford. Ore., for
services and interment under direc
tion of W. T. Rigdon company.
In this city. April t. Jimmie Lee
Brown, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Brown of Independence. Brother of
Betty Lois Brown and Stella Emma
Brown, both of Independence. Grave
side services will be held Thursday,
April 10, St 10:30 a.m. at Lee Mission
cemetery, the Rev. Charles Durden of
ficiating, i
Word reached Salem yesterday
that Mrs. Joel Roman, formerly
Of Salem, has recovered from a
six weeks illness in a Beverly
Kills, Calif, hospital, following an
attack, of thrombosis. Her hus
band at one time was manager of
First National bank here,
Richard G. Severin Every form
of insurance, 212 N. High st. Dial
Water conditioning equipment,
softeners, iron removers, etc.
JUDSON'S, 279 J. Com'l.
In an assumed business name
certificate filing with the Marion
county clerk Wednesday the well
drilling firm of R. A. West and
Son is changed to West Well
Drilling. The certificate was filed
by Marion E. West, route 9, box
78, Salem.
Refrigeration sales and service at
George Electric, 493. Center st,
Salem, Ore. Phone 6909.
George Electric for electrical in
stallations, maintenance and re
pairs. 493 Center st, Salem, Ore.
Phone 6909. Res. 4986.
Henry Manasco, Idanha, was
found guilty by a Salem justice
court Jury of drunk driving Wed
nesday and was fined $250. Man
asco was arrested near Idanha
March 30 by Sheriff Denver
Dexter lawn mower and grinding
service. Ph. 6833. 966 Center.
Mark Twain colored dress shirts,
striped madras, fused collar, $3.95.
AlexJones,-121 North High st
Arthur L. Anderson, Lyons,
was granted a permit by the Mar
ion county court Wednesday to
haul spar poles over .certain
county and market roads.
Finger wave and shampoo. 75c
and up. Modern Beauty ColUge,
179 N. Liberty.
Should you care
Service Committee,
Dean Ivan K. Lnvell of Willam
ette university will, speak on
"World Crisis, centering his
theme on U. S. entry into Medi
terranean politics, at the monthly
public forum at Fnt Congrega
tional church Sunday evening,
April 20. He will lead a general
discussion following the talk.
Re-roof now Johns-Manville shin
gles appiled by Mathis Bros. 164
S. Com'l. Nothing down 3 years
to pay. Free estimates. Ph. 4642.
Expert watch & clock repairing. 5
day service at Stev?ns Jewelry.
Wanted: White enamel trash
burner. Ph. 5862. j
E. S. Benjamin, lopal secretary
of the cannery workers' union, is
in Seattle, Wash, this week at
tending a meeting of the West
ern Conference of Teamsters poli
cy committee, comprising dele
gates from. 11 western states.
insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 130 South Li
berty street
Announces it Will
Close al 12 Noon Today
in respect to the
! lienor? o!
llr. Henry Ford
YOU CAN JOIN WITH US in feeding the hungry children of Europe.
H.J. Heinz Company is giving outright to these children one mil
lion packages of Baby Food. In addition, we stand ready to give
one package of Baby Food for every package of Heinz Baby Food
bought by mothers throughout the United States this week, from ;
April 7 . through April 12.
This much heeded food will be distributed in Europe by 7 the
American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker relief organization.
The Committee will allot the Baby Food to the neediest children
regardless of nationality, race or religion.
"The gift of the Heinz Company means life and hope for human beings otherwise doomed. It also
means that the warm heart of America still beats true. Now millions of Americans can hate a
direct share in giving food to hungry children. Other companies may find ways of taking similar
action through the relief agencies of their choice, opening wide the floodgates of American generosity.
It is as certain as the stars in their courses that there can be no peace where children are starting."
MAIL THIS COUPON n H. J. Heinz Company
SO we will know how much Baby Food to send to
Europe's hungry children.
to make a financial contribution to the American Friends
tend it to them at 20 South 12th St., Philadelphia 7, Pa.
Alex ' Thompson, Salem, was
elected president of the Marion
County Beverage, association
Tuesday night at a regular month
ly meeting in the Marion hotel.
Thompson replaces E. R .Reaney,
Salem. Ralph Benson, Silverton.
was elected vice-president.
Sunday afternoon dinner af Nor
mandy Manor. Open 1:30 p.m
Bring the family. Lounge closed
until 6 p.m. -
Reduce the health way. Be slim
and feel good. Phone 6253.
Wesix electric 2.5 K. W. & 2 K. W.
built-in wall heaters now avail
able. R. L. Elfstrom Co.
Kenneth Charles Howe, Brooks,
who has pleaded innocent to a
charge of angling for trout in a
closed season, will appear for trial
in Salem justice court today.
Howe was arrested by state police
February 23 near the Pudding
Carpenters of Local 1065 are
urged to attend meeting Thursday,
April 10, 8 p. m.
Purchased from.
Th Statesman. Soflom. Oroqon, Thuradcrf, April 10. 1347 S
. Salem Truth . Center met for
class study Tuesday night at 262
N. Cottage st, later going to the
home of Dr. " and Mrs. Forest
Howard. Colored slides of Florida,
South America, Panama and Ore
gon were shown. Refreshments
were served to 20 guests.
G. E. automatic blankets a year
'round comfort and pleasure
limited quantity at Appliance
DepL R. L. Elfstrom Co.
'. Out of Raspoct to and in
Memory oi tha Late
, - .V; H A r . - :
llx. Henry Ford
Tho Valley Iloior Co.
RepTantatiT of fh Ford Motor
Company in Salem for Mora .
- them Thirty Year.
Will remain closed all afternoon
today, Thursday, April 10, iron
12 o'clock.
O O 6
VffiaVai; m.J, Htmu CsssSaay
Gentlemen: I want to help feed Europe
purchased packages of Heini Baby;
stand you will send an equal amount
without further obligation on my part.
If yoa prefcr, a postal card with tk sbov
Refini&h your own floors. Rent a
floor sander from Wood row's, 440
Center st.
AT -
Normandy Manor
Phone 531a
- -
. '
hungry children. I hive just
Food for mj baby. 1 under
to hungry babies in Europe
information win hm saasfacaory.