The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 09, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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Picketting Spreads
To Mid-Valley Towns
By the Associated Press -
Washington negotiations to break the telephone strike deadlock
continued into the early morn in a hours today amid an air o hope
fulness that a settlement basis was in signt.
The New Jersey legisj&ture last night approved legislation to
compel arbitration of the strike. . ' .
In upstate New York, union councils at Schenectady and Bing-
' The complexion of the -1947
legislature was conservative. The
wire-hair i invasion of the 1930'a
was definitely a Ihing of the past.
Lawyers. ; farmers businessmen,
chiefly composed the assembly,
with not a radical thought in a
carload. The small group of dem
ocrats displayed no consistent
liberalism, some being among: the
legislative stalwarts on such is
sues as labor legislation and sales 1
tax. There was even a tempta
tioti to let the state remain out of
conformity to the federal social
security laws, but the 916.000.000
t stake overbalanced the anti
federal ideology. After all, the
eld people must eat.
' The conservative character of
the members carried through Into
the legislation enacted. Two laws
restrictive of strike were passed,
the first 'strike -control legislation
by the assembly, in many years.
Another bill limits the filing of
Tvu-tal-tn-nnrtal claims for Day to
one year. In 1943 a six-months'
limit .was imposed, which was
knocked "out by the supreme
court. Labor's gains this time am
ounted to a slight extension of
unemployment compensation and
a substantial Increase in allow
ance fori industrial accident com
pensation. -
Private utilities 'did not get all
they asked for; but they got SB
59. removing the recapture pro
visions of the state hydro-electric
law from licenses for develop
ment. And the holding - of PUD
elections was limited -to general
elections. PUP o It i e e r sought
permission to sell revenue bonds
without : vote of , the. people but
got nowhere.'
A community property law was
passed under the frank represen
tation that it would save residents
of the state , some $15,000,000 in
t?TP5t chiefly
(Continued on Editorial Page)
Smith to Direct
PORTLAND, Ore., April oWP)
Robert Lv Smith, 28, Eugene pub
lic school trade and industrial
training coordinator, today was
named state director of appren
ticeship by the state apprentice
ship council. .
Smith, ; who succeeds Lords H.
Andrews, Portland, graduated
from the University; of Oregon in
1941 and worked at Oregon ship
yard until entering the army. He
is a graduate of Salem High school
and attended Willamette univer
sity before enrolling at Oregon.
The job has a $5000 a year salary.
Vets from Midwest:
Mav Get Bonus
.Veterans whose pre-war resi
dence was in Illinois or Michigan
may be eligible for bonus pay
ments, , According to George E.
Sandy, - Oregon director of vet
erans affairs.
Sandy advised yesterday that
such veterans write for informa
tion to Illinois' Veterans commis
sion. 223 E. Monroe sL, Spring
field, I1L, or to Office of Veter
ans Affairs,. 411-15 W. Michigan
ave., Lansing 15, Mich.
The bonus Is $10 for each
month of service In Jhe U S. and
$15 for ' each month in foreign
service. ' ;
Anirnaf CracFtcrs
n By ymm Goodrich
"Left not go in this one. The
bartender always asks to see
my rattles.
7 t-tfrAiriKAL.
nairtDlon. ana suouroan counui
of the Empire. State Telephone
Workers union, representing
nearly 400 workers ni 13 counties,
voted to " return - to work. But
workers in eight other counties
joined the strike yesterday.
Otherwise, the walkout contin
ued effective over 39 states with
lonf distance service at less than
a fourth of normal. - ;
Dial Systems Working
Local calls went through with
out interruption on the 18,700,000
Dhones connected to dial systems,
but service was crippled severely
on most of the 12,900,000 . others
requiring operators. " :1
The important question was--
how long would dials systems and
nation-wide teased , lines used
cress and -- radio- networks and
other businesses function without
killed . maintenance?
Pickets Extend Activity .
- Picketing was. extended to
West Salem; Dallas and Indepen
dence yesterday in Salem district
of the Pacific Telephone and Tel
egraph Co.. as the nationwide
telephone strike went through its
second day. .
Unionized telephone workers of
the three towns, with the air of
some Salem workers, put into ef
fect a schedule calling for picket
ing from 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. i
daily the telephone buildings In
Dallas and Independence and the
company's construction and cable
garage on. Wallace road. West Sa
lem. Meanwhile, 24-hour picket
ing continued at the Salem tele
phone building.
Service Little Chanced
Telephone ' service remained
little changed Tuesday in Salem,
with - dial calls going through as
usual ' and emergency i long dis
tance calls also getting through.
About 30 supervisors and ex ecu
tives manned the local PT&T of
fice, according to E. A. Berglund,
Salem manager for the company.
Berglund said four persons
were doing their best to keep the
business office running smoothly
and to take care of customers
coming in to pay their bills or
transact other business.
Berglund placed "the ; official
count of Salem workers off their
jobs Tuesday at 229.' i
Strike May Cut
CHICAGO, April 8 -UP)- An
proximately 1700 free lance writ
ers in Hollywood and New York
who turn out the scripts for most
f9 . tKa likflt ina! n4v4mn.L wmhM.
v- ,tvu.i! iiciwvya )iu(iaiu9
will file a 30-day strike notice
tomorrow,. a spokesman for .the
Radio Writers Guild said today.
The spokesman said five Tissues
were involved, topped by the writ
ers demand for ownership of ae
cepted scripts. Under the present
arrangement, the Guild said, the
writer surrenders all rights , on
sale of a script. - i
Hop Growers Slow
To Sign Contracts
V .... :
PORTLAND, April M)-Few
1947 hop . crops are being con
tracted by Oregon and Washing
ton growers, - the department of
agriculture said today. ;
The department said . virtually
the entire Sacramento valley crop
in California had been contract
ed, but that northern growers
were showing reluctance. The few
contracts were for a price of 45
cents a pound for seeded hops.
U S. Drops Case
Against Pate-Patter
TOKYO, Wednesday, April 9
UPy-Tbe international war crimes
tribunal today dismissed the in
dictment against Dr. Shumei Oka-
Sa, who startled the early days of
e trial by slapping Hideki Tojo
on the head. .
The tribunal acted after receiv
ing, medical reports that Okawa,
who has been on trial in absentia,
was Incapable of "standing trial
and conducting his defense."
Soap Ope
Henry Ford to Be Interred Near
Scene of Industrial Triumphs
By Arthur Everett '
DETROIT, April S.HP-A na
tion today mourned the passing
of Henry Ford, hailed by his co
horts as the father of mass pro
duction, who died 'quietly; of a
cerebral hemorrhage late Monday.
The body of the angular indus
trialist will lie in state throughout
Wednesday in Greenfield Village,
not far from the little red brick
building memorialized as the
home of his first crude horseless
carriage." -.-': ;
A public funeral service will be
held at 1L30 a. m. (PST) Thurs
day at St. Raul's Episcopal cathe
dral on Detroit's Woodward ave
nue, the street which echoed the
Startling sound of his first auto
mobile a half century ago. ' '
He will be buried beside his
mother and father in a private
!''.-. -; pounddd 1651 -
IP oatpou-a Crawls to 4
Wreck Victim
, 7-' y
SEATTLE, April 8 Rescue workers eat through the roof of a large bus and remove the body ef one
of the eight passengers who died when the vehicle plunged Into the shallow Duwamlsh river after
belnx Involved In a collision with an oil track n a bVidae at the Seattle city limits. This picture
was made shortly after the accident by a member of the Washington Highway PatroL (AP Wire
photoo to the Statesman.) (Story on page 2.) .
Opens Turkey.
Greek Aid FigKt
Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.)
opened. the drive for approval of
$400,000,000 in aid to Greece and
Turkey by "telling the senate today
that rejection of the program
would "give the green light to
aggression everywhere." t
The foreign relations chairman
declared that unless the aid is giv
en, a communist dictatorship will
rise iri Greece, Turkey will be
menaced and "chain reaction" will
imperil world peace. Then, with
out mentioning any names, he con
tradicted Soviet Delegate Andrei
A. Grornyko's assertion to the U.
NVsecurity council yesterday that
the United States is "by-passing"
the United Nations. Vandenberg
said he knows of no better way
to destroy the United Nations than
to give it a job it was neither in
tended nor prepared to do. Then
he added: - r. v
, The only better way to destroy
the United Nations of which " I
know is to overuse the Veto."-
Board Defers Action on
Ilillcrest Alarm System
The state board of control
Tuesday received a letter from
the state fire marshal directing
installation of a fire alarm system
In Hillcrest school for girls. s
There would be 24 fire alarm
stations with the cost of installa
tion estimated at $525. The board
deferred action pending investi
gation of systems in use in other
states. -
British police constable was killed
and another was wounded tonight
by an attacker who fired a fusi
lade of shots at them in an alley
of Jerusalem's Jewish quarter,
the Palestine government , an
nounced. '
ceremony, in the little Addison
Ford cemetery near Greenfield
Village..-- ;- v
Industry circles concede that
his passing will have little effect
on the Ford Motor Co. since it has
been firmly managed by 29-year-old
Henry Ford II who took the
reins from his aging grandfather
in 1945. V
It was assumed that the elder
Ford's personal fortune of up
wards of $200,000,000 will go to
his widow,' Clara Bryant Ford,
who was with him when he died.
They were to have celebrated
their 59th wedding anniversary
and her 80th. birthday Friday.
Ford returned last week from
his annual visit to his Georgia es
tate and his death was quiet and
Scfiool Students Die inQirash
Taken from Submerged Bus
--x ...
, 0 ... v- - v .
And They Used to
Swallow Goldfish;
A three-quarter inch magnet,
suspended by a string down the
throat of a 16-year-old girl,
painlessly removed a two
inch sewing needle she had
swallowed, doctors at the Uni
; versity of Pittsburgh medical
school reported today.
The unidentified girl, a pa
tient at Western State Psychia
tric Institute here, accidentally
swallowed the needle last
Recluse Found
Under Debris
NEW. YOSK, April 8-()-Lang-ley
Collyer, 60-year-old recluse,
was found dead today under the
debris in his fantastic Fifth ave
nue home victim of one of the
booby traps he set to shield him
self and his brother from the
world.. ,
His body, stumbled on by the
police as the climax of an 18-day
search, lay sprawled only a few
feet from the spot where the ema
ciated body ot his blind and crip
pled brother, 65-year-old Homer,
was found March 21. Malnutri
tion was a contributing cause in
Homer's death and it appeared
certain he died because Langley
no longer was able to bring him
The position of Langley's body,
detectives explained,, left no
doubt that he was burrowing
through one of the tunnels which
made his house a labyrinth when
the debris collapsed around him.
Milk Price Hearing
To Begin in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore, April &-P)
Milk distribution costs will be re
viewed at a hearing conducted
here tomorrow by the state milk
control board. .
Ervin L. Peterson," director of
the state department of agricul
ture, said the meeting was called
at the .insistence of groups seek
ing lower prices for milk in stores
than for home delivery.
Teachers Undecided
On Sales Tax Issue ,
PORTLAND, April 8-VP)- The
Or e g o n Education Association
shelved the question of support
for the proposed 3 per cent retail
sales tax at closing sessions here
The assembly of the state's
teachers voted to postpone indef
initely any action on the tax issue.
Mrs. Broadhurst Gives
Music Lessons in Prison
Warden George Alexander said
today that Mrs. Gladys Broad
hurst, serving life sentence in the
Oregon penitentiary for complic
ity in the slaying of her husband,
is instructing women prisoners to
play the piano and accordion dur
ing her free hours from the sewing-room.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, April 9. 1947
Petition Filed
For Power Bill
Orange and Farmers Union rep
resentatives filed a petition for
referendum of the controversial
senate bill 99 which permits pri
vate' power companies 4 to keep
their dams f orhe period for which
they are licensed, with the state
department today.
The move automatically defers
operation of the law until after
the 1948 election.
Morton Tomkins and Bertha
Beck, master and secretary of the
Oregon State Grange, and Ronald
E. Jones and Rep. Ly lei Thomas,
president and secretary of the
Oregon Farmers Union, signed the
petition, '
In order to place the measure,
which was passed over the gover
nor's veto, on the ballot at the
next general election, signatures
of 11,856 qualified voters must
be obtained. .
Tomkins said circulation of pe
titions would start within a short
time .and he predicted , that no
difficulty would be encountered
in obtaining the number of sig
natures required by law.
Traffic Unhampered
New Snow in Cascades
More snow fell in the Govern
ment Camp, Odell lake and Sun
Mountain districts Monday night
but there was no interruption in
traffic R. H. Baldock, state high
way engineer, reported here Tues
day. ;
Rain was reported in virtually
all sections of western Oregon.
. j
Wallace in Europe
To Unite 'Progressives'
LONDON, April 8.-P)-Henry
A. Wallace arrived in England to
day on the first leg of a tour of
Europe. The former United States
secretary of agriculture; and of
commerce said the over-all pur
pose of his trip was to make con
tacts between "progressives" in
western Europe and the United
ATHENS, April 8-(P)-As one
of the first and possibly one of
the most decisive acts of his reign.
King Paul of Greece was reported
today to be prepared to open a
mighty offensive sometime this
week against Greek guerilla forces
who in the past year have reduced
the kingdom almost to a ; state of
WASHINGTON, April 8 , -JP)
The senate gave . unanimous ap
proval on a voice vote today to
a one year extension of the gov
ernment's commodity credit cor
poration, until June 30, 1948. The
legislation now- goes to the house.
ATHENS, - April a-CPrim.
ers, reporters and office person
nel will prevent the issuance of
newspapers tomorrow in protest
against an attack on the com
munist newspaper Agonistis of
Salonika on March 29.
Fee - Geott
Pits Ruled
Coal operators accused John L.
Lewis tonight of perpetrating a
"hoax" and a "deceitfurdodge" in
an effort to delay a back-to-work
movement which the government
said has boosted soft coal produc
tion to 40 per cent of .normal.
Lewis, whose United Mine
Workers ceased labor last week
following the Centralia, I1L, mines
disaster, dispatched a telegram to
union district leaders today say
ing mining should be resumed in
any pit the federal government
certifies safe.
John D. Battle, executive sec
retary of the National Coal asso
ciation, issued a stafement saying
this was a hypocritical, deceitful
"dodge" designed to prolong a
"deliberate and p r e m editated
Inspection Would Be Long ;
Lewis, the statement said, "is
in reality telling his miners not
to return to work until the federal
inspectors have had time to re
visit all the mines and recertify
them a matter of weeks "or
"Mr. Lewis tried to bluff Sec
retary of Interior Krug into tak
ing this position and Krug re
fused. Mr. Lewis is trying to ob
tain the same result by compul
sion upon his own members."
. - The coal mines administration
announced that 1368. mines em
ploying 107,738 miners operated
today. Estimate; dproduction to
day was 40 per cent of normal.
The operating mines included 700
United Mine Workers mines em
ploying 66,000 U.M.W. men.
To Appear in Court
Lewis sent out his order forty
eight hours prior to his scheduled
new appearance before Federal
Judge T. Alan Goldsborough, to
ask for return of all but $700,000
of the $3,510,000 fines levied
against Lewis and the union in
connection with 'last fall's 17-day
61 Die, 119 Hurt in
Moroccan Riot
CASABLANCA, Morocco, April
8 -(iP)- An official announcement
said today that 61 persons were
killed and 119 were wounded
yesterday in a frenzied street bat
tle between Moroccans and black
Senegalese riflemen, caused by a
fight which began in the city's
red light district.
Most of the casualties were
Moors,! slashed or shot when 50
Senegalese ran ; amok in the
streets at the climax of the see
saw battle. Three of the wounded
vjere Frenchmen. ?
3,000 Operate Pinball,
Slot Machines in State
PORTLAND, April .-MVFed-eral
income tax figures here to
day showed more than 3000 per
sons operated gambling devices
in Oregon last year. The govern
ment tax take was $463,002 from
the pinball and slot machines.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, April
8P-King Christian X, 76, who
stayed with his people through
out 'the German occupation, suf
fered a "severe" heart attack on
Sunday, and a royal decree today
deputized his son, Crown Prince
Frederick, to act as regent in his
Big 4 Admit Deadlock; to Move
On to Cerman Boundary Issue
Br We? Gallagher
MOSCOW, April 8-0P)-After
weeks of fruitless arguments, the
foreign ministers agreed tonight
to shelve the stalemated questions
of reparations and the makeup of
the German government, and to
proceed to the discussions of Ger
man boundaries.
. The deadlock finally was
broken by Soviet Foreign Minis
ter V. M. Molotov, who previously
had blocked all moves by the
United States 'and Britain to take
up the next item on the agenda.
United States sources; had said
before today's meeting that if
Molotov persisted in what the
Americans called "obstructionist
Price 5c
On Record
8 Andrei ' A. Gromyko. Soviet
deputy foreign minister, of
ficially put his , government on
record for the first time tonight
as accepting strict inspection and
eoBtroI , ef the atom from the
mine ere stage to Its oltintatedj
preparation as nuclear isei. i
Oregon Pulp '
Cuts Prices
By 10 Per Cent
Ten per cent reduction on prices
of all products Is effective today
for the Oregon Julp and Paper
company lumber division here,
Manager E. A. Linden announced
The cut, both In retail and
wholesale departments, was made
to encourage construction, particu
larly home building, according to
F. W. 1 Leadbetter, presides, who
gave the order. Leadbetter said
he considered present lumber pro
ducts prices too high. I
Linden said the mill is con
stantly busy on current orders,
with the sawmill on two shifts
daily and the sash and roof unit
on one shift.
Scientist Rules
Out A-Autos
TULSA, Okla, April 8-)-The
possibility that atomic energy
might someday be used to power
automobiles was ruled out tonight
by Dr. Arthur H. Compton, scien
tist who was instrumental, in work
on the atomic bomb, in a speech
before alumni of Washington uni
versity here.
"It isn't .that : atomic energy
couldn't run your car. If used.
however, those riding in the car
would have to wear a three-foot
protective sheet of steel to guard
against the lethal rays and that
shield would weign S9 tons,- ne
said.- i - . ;
S100,000 Building
Permit Sought
Authority to construct a $100,
000 warehouse, immediately north
of his present warehouse struc
ture on Broadway street, v Is
sought by D. A. Larmer of Sa
lem in an application filed yes
terday with the civilian produc
tion administration at ' Portland.
Larmer says the proposed build
ing would be for general storage
A. A. Siewert - of Salem re
quested permission to construct
a $2500 warehouse here.
AUSTIN, Tex, April S-O)-Gov.
Beau ford Jester tonight
signed into law a so-called ."right
to work" bill which makes it il
legal to deny any person employ
ment because of membership or
nonm embers hip in a labor union.
tactics, the four-power council
might end very soon. 7
The ministers also agreed to
speed up delivery of war. plant
reparations . from Germany,- but
no progress was made on the main
reparations questions. Molotov, on
the insistence of the other three
ministers, withdrew, his proposal
to set up a nation-wide police sys
tem under direction of the pro
posed German government
Despite the minor agreements,
the ministers engaged again in a
number of acrimonious . discus
sions: and it was apparent that
after four and a half weeks of
arguments tempers were .wearing
- -, w . fy
No. 11
Total Toll
27 in Air
; CARACAS, Venzuela, April t
(P)-An Arc-postal Venezolana two
engine plane crashed in a moun
tainous . region 23 miles east of
here today, killing all 27 persons
Students and three professors. ,
,:- Police officials from the town
of Guatire, hear the scene, loca
ted the wreckage about seven
hours after the crash and report
ed the , bodies of the three crew
members and the 24 passengers
had been destroyed by fire.
The students, returning to' Ca
racas from a holy week vacation
at Cumani, Included five girls and
16 boys ranging in age from' 14
to 18 years- They were accom
panied by one woman and two
men faculty members of the Licee
Kazetti, school here. The crew
members were identified as Pilot
Enrique Santa Cruz and Co-Pilot
Rodolfo Hermandez.
"i -rh tV-S sir 1inr lft riimaM
this morning, and was scheduled
to land at Caracas' La Carlo ta
airport at " 9:30 a.m. When it
failed to arrive.0 military and
commercial planes b-egan a
search. ;
I Police went to the scene of the
crash, only a few minutes flying
time from Caracas, after farmers
tn the region reported they had
witnessed the disaster, worst in.
Venezuela's air history.
LimitSouglit on
Union Street
Rail Franchise
Limiting Southern Pacific's Un
ion street spur, track franchise to
a single year was recommended
to the city council last night by
Salem's long range planning com
mission. .
Several members at the meet
ing in the chamber of commerce
office expressed the belief that
the railroad company will remain,
more conscious of Salem's agita
tion for rearrangement of track
age now encircling the business
cosinci, li sucn xrancnises as that
for the Union street spur are ex
tended for short terms only.
h Paul Wallace's -parks commit
tee was instructed to confer with
city officials and the Bush family
on a plan for clearing brush ami
checking trees on Bush's pasture.
City Manager J. L. Franzen, who
with Mayor R. L. Elfstrom, was
present with the commission, sta
ted jtbat the city had no fund at
present for development of the
"pasture," but would be able to
protect it against brush fires and
1 The commission's roads and
highways committee was author
ized to approach, city and county
engineers on their plan for ex
tending Broadway street as an
arterial, as some commissioners
felt this conflicts with the long
range groups traffic plan center
ed on Commercial street and
Cherrv avenu arterial
Bids Received on
Santiam Project
1 PORTLAND. April 4P)-Ko-kenbers?
Construction comnanv.
Portland, submitted a low bid cf
$3,274,342 among five bids re
ceived today for relocation of a
ten-mile section of the North San
tiam highway, the public roads
administration said.
1 The project involves grading,
masonry and - construction of at
bridge to re-route the highway
above the level of the proposed
Detroit dam.
7-Year Increase in
Lumber Costs Illustrated
Back in 1939, 35 cents would buy
as much lumber as : one dollar
would in February of this year,
the commerce department said to
1 Its March lumber Industry re
port said, too, that a 1939 house
that required $1000 worth ot lum
ber would show a lumber cost
of $2828 in February.
' -M
. M -
San Francisco
New York
Willamette river S Stet.
TORECAST (from U S. weather bo-
reau. McNary field. - salens : Mostly
cloudy today and tonight with totn
nutteot IiRbt rams. Luttic ccanr tat
tmperatura. liiahart today A3, tea-
fl - v . ...
at 4JL ,