The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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Easter Day Feature; Pie's Good
By Maxlne Bares 1
. ; Statesman Woman's Editor
Easier, most important family day of the spring and summer
season, puts the accent on dining. Breakfast of course is an impor
tant time for entertaining, but It usually, consist! of feeding house
guests or inviting acquaintances to Join in an elegant breakfast con
sisting of fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee.
; Dinner, thenr is the real time for the family to gather, sit at
table together and enjoy a pleas
n hour together. Many a fam
ily looks forward to this day as
snoct important of. the year.
Ham of course Is the traditional
meat thouih I am not sure why.
According to rriy way of seeing it,
ham has obligingly taken a slight
drop atiseme t the markets -Just
tmt of consideration for the
family who wants to eat iS-
Turkey this year has taken its
place as Un important contender
for champion Easter meat. West
erners have taken an increasing
like for this large fowl, reason
ably simple to prepare and not
too expensive as compared with
other meats.
Boneless hams are usually pac
t'ally - cooked, and only take a
good warming through to pre
pare for the table.- Regular, ham
is cooked : the slow way. Just as
are other meats these days.
Merely put cloves into ham, do
not cover or add water, merely
put in a shallow pan, and allow
IS minutes per pound for" 12
pounds or over or 18 minutes for
those under 12 pounds. Allow 22
minutes per pound, for half hams.
Bake at 325 degrees. The ham
should be skinned, but fat under
rind left intact except for cuts
made cross-cross. Many , women
like to bake frist in the regular
ham wrapper, later removing it
and finishing the cooking uncov
ered. : ' ;
.A good garnish is made by cut
ting orange rinds with small star
shaped cutter and sticking with
cloves in the center of the squares.
Parsley and the orange . seg
ments may be used for further
garnishing the ham.
Rhubarb pie is a good Easter
dinner dessert, and many per
sons, will be tasting ' their first
rhubarb pie for some time, as
sugar supplies have promised to
be a little larger,
i Some add an egg to thicken the
rhubarb, some women like to
combine fresh strawberries (us-e
some of the frozen ones which
are left from maybe even a year
ago and aren't quite good enough
to serve alone) or some add pine
apple to give a unusual flavor.,
A Birthday Dinner '
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer- S. Meade
entertained at a famliy dinner
Thursday night in honor of their
son, Billy, on his second birth-
Calyary Choirs
To Give Cantata
Combined choirs ' of Calvary
Baptist church will present the
cantata, "The Easter Triumph,
by Carrie B. Adams, at the Eas
ter vesper service Sunday at 630
p. m. E. D. Lindburg is director
and Mrs. D. B. Kleihege," organ
ist. Soloists are M. Benive
Kleihege, Mrs. W. C. Heringer,
Lola Spencer, Mrs. Howard
Houston, and W. I. Lowrey. Ken
ard Adams will play a violin solo,
"Cavatina" for the offertory.
Dr. Charles Durden will speak
on "The Glory of that First Eas-
day. The affair also marked the
birthday of Mrs. Meode's moth
er, Mrs. Elmer McKee. A pink
and white color scheme and the
Easter motif were carried out in
the decorations.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer MoKee, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. McKee and Bobby, Mr. and
Mrs. A; B. Weisner, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Meade and Billy.
ter," and the senior choir will sing
"Calvary" by Rodney and "The
Risen Lord" by Greene. The Jun
ior choir will sing The Garden
of God."
Court Street Christian "
Church Plans Breakfast
The annual Easter breakfast at
the Court Street Christian church
at 7 a.m. with the devotional pro
gram arranged by the young peo
ple's department of the church,
will be the first of four Easter
services, W. It Lyman, minister,
has announced!
The Bible school wilt present an
Easter program, at 9:43 a.m.. The
morning worship 'service at 10:50
o'clock will feature a message by
Dr. E. R. Moon on the subject,
"If a Man Die Shall He Live?"
-Dr. Moon will close the special
Easter series of services Sunday
night when he speaks on "Man,
Beast or Cabbage."
The Alabama, Confederate raid
ing ship, captured and destroyed
70 . Union ships during the Civil
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Munsingwear's Two-Way Stretch
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Munsingwear Two-Way Stretch
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You dcn't hare to be a Junior to know me Joy of a Munaiagwear two way
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