I .-a I 5 . .... ..," 5S Z1 Mrs. John O. Burchara of SalenC who was elected pre sident of the Oregon division of the American Association of University Women at the biennual convention held on the University of Oregon campus last weekend. She is a past president of the Salem branch, AAUW. (Kennell- Women Attend City Luncheon Motoring to Portland to attend a luncheon at tht Congress hotel far past district presidents. Presi dents elect and presidents were the following from Marlon auxil iary 61, WW: Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs, James Be 11. Mrs. Ralph Har lan, Mrs. Joe Hornifer, Mrs. Ar win Strayer, Mrs. 'John Peterson, Mrs. Clarence Forbis, Mrs. Gene vieve Olson and Mrs. Russell Mudd. Mrs. Grace H. Davis from national headquarters was' the speaker and . Mrs, Marie Dana, national guard and Mrs. Louis Starr.1 wife cf the national com mander were also present. A coun cil meeting in the afternoon and an open meeting in the evening were included in the program. -.- - The sewing club of Marion aux-J .luarr661 will meet Friday at I o'clock and at 7:30 - with Mrs. Genevieve Olson. 535 South 30th street. The auxiliary will hold open installation April 14 at VFW halL ; - Mrs. Orral Rraak was fcesteas for-a birthday party honoring her baband Thursday night: Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cart Holro stedt. Mrj and Mrs. Don Jacobe. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smyres and Donna Smyres. Pinochle was - in play with, lunch served at a late Dining at the Ed Fawera resi dence Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ltbiskv and sons, Wallace and Ronald, from Aberdeen, S. D. E. W. Powers, Sr., and Eunice Osmin, of Salem, H. Kent Wechter of North end, and tht hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powers, and Patricia. Hons guests ef Mr. and :. Mrs. Walter B. Minier and Mr. and Mrs Ervip Potter have been Mr. and Mrs. fcianiey K. Stevenson of Eu gene and Monday was enjoyed in roruana. Victorian-Grand Rapids $ Brands Find Grand Hotel Mixture of Old-New; Visit Berlin, Hitlers Shelter ' Batter's Net: Fonowtas Is saother of tfco scries of exelaslv stories ssads available to The lUtMimu by Sirs. Janes T. Braae. wtfe , , . ef the Orecea supreme eoort Justfra stew servlag ea the aailltarr Uibamal coailSerlM had wax ertoes.) NUERNBERG, Germany (Special to The Statesman)- The lobby of the Grand hotel here is narrow and dark, with pillars of marble the color ot liverwurst, topped with bronze. The furniture is a combination of early Victorian at its worst and Grand Rapids, ditto. The elevator has a narrow glass door; the operator steps out, smil ing, bows you into the moving room which contains an uphol stered settee complete with anti macassar. - On first arriving, and after Fd finally presented the proper pass, we ' were taken to the second floor and, covering our ears to protect them from frost 'bite,, fol lowed the porter down intermina ble hails the temperature of a frozen food locker and into a charming, warm three room suite. The desk opposite the door, is a carved rosewood rarity the rest of the furniture cheap and dilapi datedbut somehow comfortable. We steep under two feather mat tressci apiece, each encased in beautiful damask and our table cloths and -sheets!! The solid brass door handle and hinges the mar ble window sills, the huge bath room with built-in tub and walls! 1 ... . . a completely covered wnn wniie uie. me maroie iioorea oau De- speak an earlier period of luxury, The dining rooms are utilitarian with a few beautiful pictures, bat tered dishes, silver marked UJ5.N. which looks like pewter, good, prompt service and heavy meals ending with rich deserts! ' Last week the judges of Tribu nal III met with. General Clay in Berlin and the wives went along for the ride in the general's pri vate car. All along the route, through Wierzburg we saw miles of battered buildings. The Ger man cities know who won the war, and even the. country dis tricts know they have been in vaded. . ' Arriving in Berlin we went straight to the A-M.G.U.S. housed In the former Luftwaffe headquarters, a series of huge white buildings, connected by breeze-ways. We stayed at guest house, formerly the house of Dr. Rust, the Reich minister of edu- Journey to Jernsalcm Maxwell Anderson's -Pulitzer Prize Winner Broadway Presentation of Passover Pilgrimage lo Jerusalem TWO HOUR MOTION PICTURE - Without Charge to Children, Youth, Adults Showings 9:30 a. tW 1:00 p, m.. 3:15 p. m. GOOD FRIDAY First Ilethodisi Church Carrier Room cation, a palace set in a park! The music room is furnished with "Louis Quatorze settees, chairs and tables, and the rugs are so fine Jn weave, so delicate in col oring, it seems a sacrilege to step on them. We went on two sight-seeing tours of .the city. Ruin every where. As for the Reich Chancellory itself, it was dreamed up by a man with delusions of grandeur. We walked down miles ot bat tered cofridor floored with gold and blue mosaic Turning in the central doorway, we faced what had been Hitler's shrine! All dis tinguishing marks and furniture nave been removed, also most or the roof and rear wall. We passed down a broken flight of steps. across an open courtyard, past a huge snow filled swimming pool to . Hitler's , air-raid shelter. We walked down concrete steps, 50 feet underground, into a series of small rooms, a complete house with a tile lined, earth floored kennel for Eva's dog! Everything removable has been removed. The smoked soiled walls of the sup posed death chambers are cov ered with initials and caricatures of th,e. man with the moustache and a lock of hair over his eye. One exit leads through a tun nel into an office building 50 feet away. He thought of (almost) ev erything! We shopped on Monday, prowl ing among ruined buildings and through back alleys, but; bought nothing, my supply of marks and my pidgin German were -insufficient. In the downtown districts street after street is demolished, but many of the beautiful homes are undamaged. (A continuation of this letter, with housekeeping details: will be published soon on the Woman's Page.) Shower Honors Lorraine lones CENTRAL HOWELL i- Miss Lorraine Jones, April bride-elect, was honored at a shower Monday night when Miss Carmen Roth, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, jr., and Mrs. C. L. Simmons'; sr. enter tained at the home of the latter. Spring flowers were used ', in dec orating. , Alarm clocks timed to go off at different times' helped the honor guest to find the hidden gifts. A mock wedding and games were enjoyed. Present were Miss Lorraine Jones, Mrs. L. F. Jones, Mrs. El vin Herr, Mrs. Paul Riensche, Mrs. Henry Beutler, Mrs.! Harold Roth, Miss Shirley Ross. Miss Adeline Haury, Miss Josephine Haury, , Miss Doris Roth, Mrs. Leonard Roth, Mrs. Clarence Herr, Miss Ruth West. Miss Vemetta Herr, Miss Shirley Roth and the hostesses. I tr r i J ?reV t I. A famous namo for Quality for Savings Gas date b CUE 11 ! - v. Arc fully automatic and cost less . (E495 " 6.50 Down Modern convenience is yours with this 30-trallon size, zinc dad gas water heater! Advanced engineer ing features make It safe, econom ical and dependable. White, baked on enamel finish steel outer' jack et. Fiber glass insulation. Approv ed by American Gas Association. 72&( txmtj. 4bm I 4S4 Stale Si BUY TILL 9 P. II. EVEDY SATURDAY New Housewares Are In At Sears s. - f Mfi . . , . . . - . V - v. AilMefaOTHES Won't Bend, Break or Turn Set them-in ground box ... remev them easily. Galvanized all teel clothes poets never need to be painted. Stand 6 feet aoove ground when set in ground box. 3-foot crossbar with four hooks for plenty of clothesline. Without line. CLOTHES' PROPS 8-ft. alfranized steel 1.29 ea. POSTS ,93 Ea. zTjy- v li i;' . CLOTHES DRYER , 100 Lineal Feet. 8.49 Revolving ery.r bring, the CleUMlln te vey. bty to re. mov. from ground box. 100 ft. . cotto" rep.. I 159-Foot CapacltyJ 11.4 lM-Feot Capaelty 12.41 Copper Boiler 9.98 Cepper boll.r, sturdily mad. far long woar. for washeng or canning. YOU'VC DEGM VJAITirJG 'A FOR THESE SNAP-ON AMERICAN MADE CLOTHES PINS I0X Of 72 7Q. NANS SOTTID V 484 Slale Si. Harvey Aston Honor Guest A reception and dance was held Saturday in the Sunken ballroom of the Masonic temple, Portland, honoring Mrs. Fred Helbock, of Portland, frand royal matron of the Order of the Amaranth, Inc., state of Oregon, and Ilarvey As ton of Salem, grand royal patron, and their corps of officers. Other officers from Hanna Rosa court, Salem, honored were: Mrs. Ray Heckinger, grand truth; Mrs. A. A. Taylor, grand prelate; William S. Wilson, grand sword bearer; and Irving A. De France, grand representative to Ohio. Over 40 members from Salem vere in attendance. The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Friday, Aprti 4, 13t73 Silverioai Officers' j and . board men(bers of the Business and Pro fessional Women's club were hosts at a fun party Tuesday night held in connection with the regular April business meeting. Mrs. Victor Sather, a member, was given a gift during the social hour. Slides of Silverton scenes before the turn of the century were shown. The pictures were from the widely known collection of June Drake. Childhood pictures of club members were also shown. During the business ' session, announcement was made of the Parent-Teacher hobby show April 11. The club will hold Its annual election In May when employers will be feted at , musical pro gram and dinner, preceding the business session. - . Miss Hannah Olson poured at the lace covered table centered with pink and blue hyacinths and, lighted tapers of the same shades. ALBANY U Mr. aaol Mrs. Ar thur Beardsley have returned home after a visit in Cheyenne, Wyo., with her aunt, Mrs. Lena Wisroth and In Denver. They were gone two weeks. HOME CHANGES HANDS SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Benner.have sold a one-half acre tract on Lancaster drive U Albert, Mayhood who now has a home under construction. .. SDPED IIAKKETS COMMERCIAL AT MARION STREET COMMERCIAL AT COURT STREET ALWAYS QUALITY FOODS - AT IIQIIEY-SAVIIIG PRICES BBflgBB 1M 8.- &.1c c&s j nmicno PORK & BEAIIS TOtlATO SOUP 1-r.u-d m 1L(D)C 3 'r 25c UAIJCHO CHICREII SOUP No. 1 Tin H20 GOLDEN WEST EilFliliE 12e .Case GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRINCE ALBERT T0BAC60 , EUAFT DIIIIIEBS SDIIKIST CATSUP ' 2- for 250 bottte 230 OXYDOL-milSO SEEDLESSuAISniS -i. 330 ' ; ., 190 IIUCOA "t"' Mu italiaii pnmiES i b. 3-50 2 ib. 890 3 ibs. 330 Sanshine Grand Taste HI-HO C0ACKEES COBIIED BEEF HASII ; l ib. 230 unr 250 BriBed Snou Flour 1 ? AllenV ' Pacific Mist APPLE SAUCE APHICOTS This will save your sugrar. 4 P? -j' 2LL!i. N. 2Vi 3 f.r590 ' For " i i E n c Ii? i? p Fktiu 21 IhM fliccd Pears c Peaclici Your Choice No. 2V, OQ ABnOUB'S-SWIFT'S tin ' Fancy Selected m n gjjGAR STAMP "m-n PTtf good now. - Jm M M 3) WE HAVE PLENTY OF SUGAR FOR YOU. Half - Whole - Sliced " . , .. ' . ALSO LINK SAUSAGES ' 0F COURSE WE WILL HAVE 1 SELECT CUTS PORK - VEAL A GOOD SUPPLY OF FRESH AND GRADE A' STEER BEEF VEGETABLES AND FRUIT FREE DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE FOR EIITIRE CITY SUBURBAN East and North Thursday Court Street Phone 9176 Marion Street Phone 7962 Orders In by Noon SUBURBAN South, Wednesday WEST SALEM AND KING WOOD HEIGHTS Orders In by 10 6Clock Monday U Wednesday ' - - and-Friday r"."-' - - - - v------- - - .