S-Tha Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Friday, April 4, 1917 Krug Supports Interest-Frce ' Reclamation WASHINGTON. April .-()-Secretary of Interior Kru said today that a move to force rec lamation projects to pay interest i to the treasury on power-unit costs is potentially dangerous to the western water development 'prucranv , The supported officials of the reclamation bureau in testimony before a house public lands sub committee opposing chances in the 1939 reclamation act to provide lor the interest payment. , AS per cent interest' payment is charged present revenues from reclamation power units to help defray imfiaUon costs. Kruf and reclamation officials aid that to require the money to be paid into the treasury and not for repayment purposes would probably boost reclamation -' power rates. -He told the committee: "If western water developments re to require the west to lift "it self tip by its own bootstraps to charge more for power than is ' accessary to Tetwm all of the pow er and irritation costs to the jov erament the resulting sales tax on' power will make many a use ful project impossible of develop ment and retard the growth of the ". west and its ultimate balance of Industry and agriculture that we strive to achieve. SCR S ( Aimm. iaz. com.) Pitroii Ins interim commit Im te probe- gam- buns' lit Oregon (rctaraing poaaioie inreaeton. control or Uslns). - Dr.rKATKO: MB til rlRM. French. eownl Would jJcenaa and l bookmaklng on US Zt (Rrs. Francis) Create board to supervise eoUection agendas. (.passed: sb k, 1M, m. RR JS. KtrKRRKD TO COMMITTEE: mb ii. sas. sa. s4s. . too. sst: HJR t; HJM tl. , DO PAIS" REPORTS ADOPTED: II , t. MB St., IN. 117. 411. lf. 4M. 4a. 459. tit. 4M, 144. 7S; MJR IS. INTRUIIVCKO: MR IS i Judiciary com.) Author Itxt aecretary of data to audit all fairs. hoi and associations who arc bene- flcfarle of atate- fund. R ZS (All senate memben) Con- rratuiationa to Earl and Gladys Blan kenahlp on birth of son. tP POR PINAL ACTION TODAY: - SB 9. 441: MB SS. IS. 1S4. 344. 41. 4J1. 44, 4Nt Ml, S4S, S4S, it, ; HJR IS. 21, 14. IINATI RESUMES IS AJML TODAT. Senate Action pAtr: SB n fBrr. of law asm. Rest) late watenmaking and elacfemaklag. cntlM fi vemea , board of examiners, eet SIS per diem. stipulate fee for wafctimaker and clockmakers. makes vwlation a sctademeanor. SB 42 (Ltor and Industrie com.) Oeara IM3 law which prevented cer tain colkect;na of assessment under ' workmen's eompensatloa act. ; - SB S1 (Joint way, means torn ) Aathoruea count t court la waa una i anart b!anoa' for aid of homeless. ; atea-iec-trd ciuadren foundlings or -way: ' ward rtilltfrea. i S 4i .' I Joint ;wT. insane com.) Appropriate til I2 for aalertea and expense of the Willamette river basin -aswfTi. SB a i Joint ways, meona eora. aVuoaapitate. 136 633 for aetarie and iMniii of the committee oa poat war B 1SJ Rp. VanDrke et'aU Pro- Vtdea that attorney in actteav eait or - aaeeeading cannot be csaaaseeel after Twdgment, aaciea of final determasa - H OMMa. and vat. affair com.) Aartfeorue national guard to bur arid eoitp ouonaet twits for place without ; adequate armor.; aparopctatea Sioa. B rr Rep. Dicksoal Seta ea for ww of property eaoaUan. mb rrs iRre. : Dxkmi that eecmearc and land aureevoee must Sale snap of surveys artth eountr eur- SB 33s Sep. Chad wick. We!U rawptt sarcpM merchandiae from hat of roods for which hotels are re- . an i iBbie under certain coodittuaa. oTB 414 rood. laatock com. I let cour'jr courts specify payment te tects for Bang's diseaaa and tuber rukiuk: ezefnpu beef cattle except un oVe contrary order of county court or . wttea eucn caUie are pastured adjoin- an? evarrr here). --.. B 41J iAwml tas. earn.) Pi a vide zor 1 per cent sthholdinc tax. to aopty ea inceae taxes on aU lneoa to of S5S monthly. . B 44 .tUp HeaUer at al Add Mid-Colurr.ba ahow at Too Dalle to - events t-cn share in ractng commi- " revenue, and Incn aaua . general rona tate or cemtntMion rrrenue from ne-aurtjf to taro-fifths. MB S .Aaaea. tax. eamt Ralae aneame tax rumplMM U aalaa tax aaatituied. Mmers them U it M 4t- fe'. B tot (Anew, tax earn.) TSub . Sar HB 23S Prevtoea for S per cent aasea tax: exempt food eotd for off. prwie tomumpUM. B V. Awa. tax. Cam Set! .:aet tax ejection on Hoeoutber 4. MB Rjvifim of lav com 1 KeearO.na committal to state noaptut ro'ectinc r. fits of poteoUet aatleota. ': It 4S4 iJeir.t way, means eora,i steatre coantiee to levy in to (i mill properrv tax for public welfare f raeo? net etaerarxte oinaiiiiilt. eat JoM)t -mmf; mean com.V T" tranaJer. of praperty by appii cant for cld-aee assistance. If our pose i to Qualify or svetd ctam for reMWjremerjt. - MB - Rep. Wiley) AppropriaV e49 for tr:r.:ns of two deaf, dumb ana bund cruidren at apecukl lnautu turn B sat 'Judiciary com.) Author BBsa orate ihm board o aetUe any aaertcaee. ijdfmtnt or otbar claim rtLnc from. aie or leave af land tin aer tta tunwirtuin. MB SIS 'Joint way, means I Ap- propriMr ijn for executive de partment budcet division: .award of ' eemri paroie- boa rd. ote. ( ? t - MB SJS "Joint way, means com )- Aoprojjrurte S49S11 for department : of acnrulture. MB IB Junt wars, an tea .com.) Appropriate 7tHi.(i00 fur homeless . o.adreB. indent orphan and way , saard g rt-bv MB SaS (Jnint way, means iAp- prapraw anzr uvo for etae-actU: tw of Klamai-T Marine barracks. .MB JSJ-Mjcint ways, meanii Pyo-' wfif per CifTH jegistatree expenae auur irv: HJR 2i (Rep Eberhard et alt Rat ' ifytna proponed amendment to limit pv-iaer-tuU tenure to S year.- y i Com. on rcaol titaans I At' proprsa'et up 1a t!0 Per senate mem- bar snd chr clerk for official ror raspondenca pottage during tntarim. m.) Cannery Company Appoints Aclolph, David Adolph, formerly of Sa lem, has been appointed vice president and comptroller of the Starr Fruit Products Co, which operates av' cannery : In . Salem, friendc and business acquaint ances In the city learned yeiter day. . A banker since 1927, Adolph was vice president 'of First Na tional Bank of Portland. At one time he war assistant manager of Salem branch of the First Na tional bank. KB MS (Joint way, means) Pro- tbook cotnmlMion. PASSED SB 42 (Railroad com.) Author Ues highway commlaston to imtall road lights. SB nt (Judiciary com.) Valid a tin marrlfa consummated tlx months or more after -divorce. SB TJI (Judiciary com.) Mak polycamour anyone coha'biUna "with another person within six months af ter divorce. viding funds for text etc. HB S4S ( Joint way, means) Pro viding Tunas lor - state legal depart' menta. HB U (Joint way, mean) Pro viding fund for state utilities, and aaaeaament-taxatlon, division. mb z (Joint way, mean) Pro viding $10,000 for experimental fur- farm unit. HB SS3 (Joint way, meant) Pro viding S260.000 for legislative expense HB II (Military affair com.) Broaden choice of schools for veter an getting aid. s j( state affairs com.) Pro vides ror S7M.000 highway comml aion building. Salem. SB 414 (State affairs com.) Re moves S5O0JKW limit for highway build ing SB 444 (Judiciary com.) Soecifie It year period for property recovery under divorce decrees. SB 4t Education com.) Abolishes elective of f ice of county school suot. in rot ties under rural school law. HB S3S (Ren. Yea ter. fhadwlrk Doerflerl Providing for refund ol gasoline tax said bv mall earrtera. Slav f Resolution com.) Would line-out. Instead of bracket-out, dele- uons m oiua. . i ADOPTED: MJM II (Rep. Hrtiler) Asks bet ter faciUtie for Indian at Celil PalU SJR II (County affair com.) Set up interim committee to study county sslartes. SJM S (Sen. Lynch. McKay) Ask retention war asset oi land. REPASSED fAaaeaded): HB 4J ( Making rural school di- inci law operative Jan. I. 14S.. HB 41T, 4ST. 4J4. tat, taS, SSS. SSS. DO-PA t REPORTS ADOPTED: SB Ml, SSS. MS. 41. BK-Rfr ERRED TO COMMITTEES' SB JSS. tJP PtR PTNAL ACTIOM TODATS SB Sat, S2. sst. 1U. 41. . SJR SS. . HOVSB RESUMES It A.M. TODAT, Port ton, as Judge, sentenced Ihs pair to lire; in marriajce. Part of their punishment was the acceptance of gifts from the senate, an electric iron, toastmaster and an orchid. They were married March IS. Industry Club Talks Hazards Sixty five Industrial men rep resenting 18 Salem industries, at tended the YMCA sponsored In dustrial Supervisors club meet ing last night at the "Y". Charles Fox, Vancouver, Wash., safety engineer for the Columbia River Paper mills, discussed Men tal. Hazards concerning safety work, industrial management and personnel. " Bemice Kleihege sang three numbers as part of the entertain ment following the meeting. Stearns Cushing; president, an nounced the next meeting will be May 1, and Invited all foremen and supervisors of industries in I this area to attend. Inventor of 'Pup' Back from Firm's National Meet 1 i ' A former Salem man, ! George Boyington. has just returned from the first national meeting of the Pronto Pup association, held in Chicago in March, as president of the company- and inventor of the nationally known "skidless" hot dog. Boyington invented his. Pronto Pup before the war but produc tion, curtailed by the war, was delayed until 1944. The product no wsold in cities over the coun try, is a frankfurter ; on a stick, dipped in batter and deep fat fried. N Boyington, who has offices in Portland and lives with his wife, the former Vrcsa Beugll of Sa lem, at. Lake Shore, Oswego, is a brother of Floyd and Wayne Boy ington both of . Salem. Mrs; Boy ington' picture appeared in the Chicago Daily News during the association's convention, eating one 4f the Pups. Portland Police yice Squad Ousted PORTLAND, April ,3HT-The police vice squad. organized nearly a quarter-century ago to combat such illegal establish ments as houses of prostitution and gambling dens, was abolished today as ineffective. Chief of Police L. V. Jenkins said the squad had not accom plished its purpose, and combat ting vice will be taen over jr police on their regular beats. BABBIT 8nOW OPENS PORTLAND, AprU iHffV-Some 850 rabbits, more of them New Zealand Whites than any other breed, went on display today at U.e opening of the first annual Pacific Rabbit Show. The ani mals cams from Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, California and Montana breeders. ; Standard "proof spirit! eon tains 57.27 per cent of Alcohol by volume. - j II The Cmcifixion By John Stcriner First Christian Church Friday, April 4th, 8 :00 IV M. Th e Pu blic Is ' Cordially I n vited At the Capitol Another one of the welcome breaks in the final hectic week of the legislature was the April Fool's day , presentation, in the house of a stuffed Easter bunny to the baby daughter of Speaker and Mrs. John 'Hall of Portland. The bunny, tucked in the middle of several various sized boxes, Mcas presented in t large carton to Rep. Hall by the house dean, Rep. Harvey Wells of Portland, and subsequently was . handed un wrapped to the little girL who was brought to the rostrum by her mother, on Wells' invitation; A quick grab and a smile was pay ment in fulL , The house, its employes and lODoyisis tooK run cognizance Thursday of the "faithful and faultless service" of Reading Clerk Richard Wilson of Eugene. Resolutions., read by C M, Haf ehbrack, chief doorkeeper,", and Joe enninghoff of Portland, page boy, paid tribute to Wilson's work the past three sessions: feli citated him on his, marriage to morrow to Doris Buuer, of Pleas ant Hill, and advises Rep. W. W. Chadwick that the couple should have the Marion hotel bridal suite, and Rep. W. W. Doerfier that he should provide them flowers' from his nursery. A check for S60 wa presented Wilson on behalf of the house by. Rep, Har vey Wells, and an Indian robe was presented br Hafenbrack on behalf of tht doorkeepers and pages, v a. a a ' Lester Cour, staff correspon dent for the United Press at the legislature, and his bride of three weeks, the former Maybelle Frazer, secretary to Sen. Allan Carson, - were" "indicted' by the senate Thursday for "malicious matrimony . Sen. Howard Bel- Half or Whole ' . cDOWELL'S BEST HAMS Sugar cured and Smoked with oak wood ;. Lie Dowell's Ilarkcl f 171 &. Commercial - - Phono 8757 I Inspected Meats , jrjjuij 'ii w i n 'iij 1 i--iiircnrrnr-i-v)-r Tirnn"nr '.rr i p 1 r T--T "1 1 tt Tirinr " i r -i n r rnrr- -1 r ------i T'tj n jjT" -nri'-r-rr ii--ji -ir L - l .1 n t n 1 n iniii 11 ui'i -. N 1 1 1 1 rJ ' ' n Hi mji" ( Rfltfr StinrlflV Hinrtfr riilla ttvr rwrfwi en in ' . , , , xvwz-ar7' a-fj - ... ca p i . . far la ' .MM .saw sVatw- I Ideas for Easter brunch and dinner EARIT EASTfR 1X1 AKFAST No matter what the morning's activitift, thi hearty breakfast will see you through,. Chilled Grape or Applo Juice Thick Slice of Broiled Ham with Broiled Pineapple Slice) ' Corn Fritters - Maple-flavored Syrup ,. ' - ' Hot Coffee , . tATI IASTEX ItUMCM v ' Sere 4hU combination brtakfatt and lunch after church or after the Egg Hunt. Chilled Grapefruit Sections in Orange Juice Served in Sherbet Glasses) or Grapefruit Shells ' . Baked Eggs in Nests of Corned Beef Hash . New Peas in Cream Sauce Hot Rice Muffins Butter or Margarine (Substitute cooke 1 rice for half the flour in your favorite muffin recipe) - : Plate of Sugar Cookies . Coffee for Grownups '. Hot Cocoa Tor the Children oiOaFASKIONED SASTEI DINNEX If the family' $ ravenous after the Easter ; Parade this dinner will fill them up. Boaart Chicken and Herb StutSng with Hard-cooked Egga Sliced v.----into the Gravy 4 Fluffy Mawhed PoUtoee lima Bean and Corn Succotash Wilted Lettuce with Crisp Bacon Bits. Hot Biecuita Apricot Jam y :-', lee Cream - Yeflow Layer Cake with White Frosting iastex iufFet SCTHK This menu is festive enough' for guest, easy enough for Just the family. . Platter of Sliced Cold Roeat Lamb or Chicken Casserole of Hard -cooked Eggs and Asparagus with Cheese Sauce . (Use some of the egga the Easter bunny left) Potato Chip Celery Sticks Spiced Peaches Hot Popovers : lmon Meringue Tarts CoJVof fofloJkt Director The Horaemskers' Bureau v ' Am Emtrm SJtwmy itrvic f.-i 1 a,--.., f.'tat Chov5 1 ' Easter Sunday dinner calls for perfection in every detail . . . your best silver, finest linens. But above all, the food you serve is your measure of success. Be sure of perfection. Buy all your food at Safeway where every thing is guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. Select from Safeway's abundant variety of savory meats, garden-fresh fruits and vegetables and other quality groceries, knowing that you are getting the finest ycnir money can buy. I j " Baking Powder c- 22c . . ? - w . a Bat a (FQESG3 E6Q8 Spaghetti - er Egg Noodle DINNER 10 4 Stewed PHUNES RtxJTao Special aa H V Price Cake Flours s-!Z?k ,Jk' 34c .Yellow Corn Meal I4c Ginger Snaps oww ,-29c aAmerican Cheese 2-$l.09 Miracle Whip Dre$$?ng 45c 12-. jar 29C 7l7c N3.y4caa3c 29c Grade A Larpe Sizes Grade A Medium Sizes Per DOZEN Per DOZEN 5!c 48c IWaty Naxlaaa t I DICED CARROTS E!u No. 2 can sl c Tae only 111 Pacific Pearl Crcb Meat Special No. ft Price con 4 Chili Sauce Mt4t Tomato Patte Chopped Olivet Medium Ripe Olives Cranberry Jelly s NJ0027c Oiili Con Carne 25c Kidney Beans -J Sc Meat Balls Beef Stew Deviled Ham CM' Deviled Meat Vienna Sausage LJ"' Corned Beef Hash Tmim. 25c Pear Halves G'r" hA$Sc Fancy Prunes i'"7 Grape' Juice Ch0rtk'9 Ahcnovy Paste Yiim Pink Salmon '"u Clam Chowder w Tomato Soup Spaghetti Dinner -Ammkm fiiSc rW.lt47 Peal: m.10 3 w 25 l4-at.caa35c J0-es.cas55c I6c NtvVCca9c I6c Nliar23C jwart beftle3yc 2M8c Nleaa35c ltas.ea23c 3- 29c teds Ccffee1-D. c 2-D. 91 c Ccffce Almoy Coffee MJ.B. Coffee Coffee Ta?''4SIlf Ta Ccrda's llsna CHtn 1-D.598 size 47c size 47c Tats Ad j b. . aav fWfa Sa4urfay April S Canned MILK TaH 4 Or la. ttefltMeJty AajerMaed Cat SA9 Cat SUGAR Beei 4icii(iut Cane ltM 1 Spar. Stamp No. II Now Valid ASTff t.tA T VA lViS r Gy.r pec3 or can aJt Marft9 s t-ot. pig. 23t Attoriad CARAMELS How Orlaaaa l2-ez.plc9.35t 2 2lc M29c 2-25c Lifebuoy Soap rwT ., ;- Tay Cleaner v Blu-White w"" 10c Bleach 5 7c 32c Scotch Cleanser lc x Liquid Starch r -22c Swan Soap 3 T 23c C.aaj ' Oadol-Rinaa-Dtw- k. dOapS GnmOatcal . ; . . OwC Fryers For fester Diaer Ctrl Rstvtly te Caak Phteet Qaalffy . lb.47e Keaaiera. Raasy fa coal IK 47c HAMS TKey melt iLT ib. S5e Swoot Fresh a mm O O, SuwryUnk HO. 0C goes with everything f Mrs. 'Vrlgfcfs DREAD. Cracked Wheat Ih.14 Ilasier Bread A SFRIKG IAMB Legs lb.65' Lamb Shoulder Roast, tauare cut lb. 55c Lamb Chops, Loin or Rio j Ib. 79c All Genuinm 1947 Spring Lamb! SBSsasassssssBsssssessssaa Sliced BACON lb. 68c Boof Pot Roaot cui-itlb. 45c Fresh Ground Boof lb. 39c Portorh'oo Stoak & lb. 62c Fresh Oysters um 65c ; Fresh Wholo Crabs Fillot of Solo14 Thesi Prices Effective in Salem, Silverton and Dallas C FREStt CREEU FOODS lb. 29c lb. 45c ilsparagus Fancy Ntv 1 TetWkr Spears tke Season's Lewest Ftiee Lcllnce Crtap'-IM I,eds taliflowef 'f Crispy Celery Nf 4ri,,0 1i mmIa Beaaties. iippieS extra fancy aad fancy Grapefnul Ie- ib. 14c li. 14c lb. 16 c lb. 12Hc lb.9c THNOE-SWET UNIFORM SIZES Fresh Peas New Potatoes Southern YAMS EXCELLENT CAWOItO Crispy Fresh Radishes Green Onisns wld-yoful Avcccdos cZZSt 2 ibs. 3 ib. 25c 25c 13c 12c lCc ib. 32c lb. lb. lb.