' it t "(Dnity.Mews QBiriteffs FUtST AID CALLS . -v-. Salem first "aid men made three calls" yesterday. Arlene Klampe, - 3417 N. Liberty st, was treated lor hand cuts incurred when she . - Jell from a. horse; Diane James, ' x v About 2 years old,' was treated 'X. ' "and sent to a doctor after the end of her .finger was mashed in a : car door, and II. W. Winter of route: 1, ! Salem, was given: first - - sid after his left thumb was man gled by .a power saw. First aid was also giveaArthur Melea,. 1790 S. High st; after his finger was caught in a lawn mower at 1515 - S. Commercial st. Tor Sale: By owners. House and 9 lots. 1225 S. 25th st- AVrite P. O. Box 533, Salem. Mrs. Purvis now welcomes all her customers back to the Upstairs Antique Shop, 439 Court st dosed Friday one day only--Open as usual Saturday.. Special Easter Dinner starting at 1:30 p.m. Sun day April 6th. Plan to bring your -" ' family. Lounge closed until 60 pjn. Normandy Manor. Ph. 5585. OPQDDiDiisQirnes DEVINE ' ' I '.. - Eva Emetic Devine. late resident of 9607 S. 4th st. In this city. Vrch si. at tHe age of SS years. Wife of w. Everett Devine of Salem; mother of Rut!) B. WahJ of Sayersfield, Me and L. . A net Davidson. Missoula, Moot: siterNof Anton Hassinger of Secuien, Tex J and Miss Minnie Has mingtt at Salem. Four grandchildren also survive. Services wilt be held Friday. April 4. at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with -concluding services : at Belcrert Memorial park. The Rev. Cora Gregory will officiate. XELSON - At the residence. 1J45 N. Commer cial st, April 1. George Earl Nelson, at the age of 7 years. Husband of Zada Xelsoa of Salem; father of Mrs. Mabel E. (Gradiel Robinson and Claude James Nelson of Salem. Leo Earl Nelson of Riolinda. Calif.; and brother of Mrs. Pearl Kurth of Bel irv. Iowa. Also surviving are three grandsons and three granddaughters. Services will be Saturday. April 5. at 10 JO a m. in the W. T. Rigdon chapel. The Rev. Seth Huntington - will of ficiate. Concluding services City View cemetery. . - . .. Mrs. DeQa May Burton, late resident ef Salem route 3, at a local' hospital. April 1. at the age of 34 years. Sur vived, by husband. Tom R. Burton; two childav, Roy Burton, and Se ' donla Burton; sister, Mrs, Eva Straus baugh: brother. Eugene Weathers; and parents. 4s and Mrs. Wiley Weathers, all of Salem. 'Member of First Baptist church and Maccabee tent fcrve S4D. Services will be held Friday, Aprfl 4. at 1 3t p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Inter snent in Belcrest Memorial park. - BXACEX : " John Brauer. at a local fcorpTtaT April 1. at the age of 79 years. Survived by lour daughters. Mrs. Mary Van Lyde fraf of Salem. Mrs. Emma Hein and Mrs. Bertha Handel, both of Denair, Calif., - and Mrs. Hukla Rehana'. of Kuffhson. Calif.; four sons. Bob Brauer of Odessa. Wast, G. E. Brauer f CUSS . w : INQUEST CALLED ' An inquest will be held Satur day at 10 a. m. to determine the cause of death of Elmer Lee Hud dies ton, who was killed in an auto accident March 29 on the West SUyton-Aumsville road, accord ing to Miller BHayden, district attorney. Death was attributed to a fractured skull as the result of the collision of two cars, one of which was driven by Huddleston, Miller said. . ;. ' Easter Gifts for all Box choco lates, cigars by the box, Easter baskets at Ruth's Lobby, Pioneer Trust Bldg. : New line of samples on hand for furniture upholstery. For esti mates call 9560. ; ' MEIIAMA GRANGE FILES Chester R. Smith filed an as sumed business name certificate Thursday with the Marion county clerk's office for the Mehama ga rage and . service station. - At the same time H. W. McCarley and Frances McCarley filed a notice of retirement from the concern. Manhattan Beach. Calif.. Rudolph Brauer of White Swan. Wash., and D. B. Brauer of Stockton. Calif.: 11 grand children and nine great grandchild ren. Member of the Baptist . church. Services will be held at the HoweU Edwards chapel Saturday, April S, at 10 ajn. with the Rev. H. A. Schlotter oficiating. Concluding services in Bel crest Memorial-park. BROWN Charlotte Frances Brown at Tacoma. Wash., April 1. at the age of 11 years. Survived by eight children. Mrs. Net tie M. Blodgett of Tacoma. W. . E. Brown of Shelton. Wash., Hiram A. Brown ef Cannon Beach, Ore.. Herman H. Brown of Seattle. Ben Brown of Salem, Mrs. Alice Shewey of Silver ton. Ore.. Mrs. Jane Hamilton of Eu reka, Calif., and Mrs. Bessie Wilson of Portland; 37 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Services wilL be held at the ' Howell-Edwards chapel Friday, April 4, at - 1 p.m. with Elder G. T. Dickinson officiating. Con cluding services in the City View cemetery. : : j - CLADWILL . - I William Z. Glad will, at the residence at 25M Brooks ave.. April 3. at the age of 71 years. Husband of Mrs. Monta Gladwill of Salem, and father of Mrs. Ruth Langenburg, Mrs. Alice Hain and Clarence D. Gladwill, all of Santa Cruz. Calif., Mrs. Mabel Martin of St. Paul. Ore., Mrs. Marcella Wal lace aad George W. Gladwill of Red monds Ore.. Mrs. Buby Barker, ' Mrs. Dorothy Johansen. Howard J. Glad will and Robert H. Gladwill. all of Roseburg. Ore, and Joseph R. Glad will of Alameda, - Calif. Announce ment of services . later by Clough Barrick company. STURGEON .' . - William Thomas Sturgeon, infant ion of 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sturgeon,, at his borne at 355 Taylor st, Salem, April 3. Survived also by two sisters, Betty and - Sarah- Sturgeon of Salem, and a grandfather, Carl McLoughlin of Sweet Home. Ore. Graveside services will be held Friday. April 4. at 1:30 p m under direcUon , of the Oough Barrick chapel. AGAIN AVAILABLE! For Beautiful Walls 4.10 1.19 Gallon Quart B1AI.1B- For Han d THREE FINED Berland Rauk and Randal Rauk, both of 1334 N. Summer st, and Glenn D. Price, ,405 Marion st., were fined $25 and costs each in Salem justice court Thursday af ter all . three pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct. .The three ' were arrested - by sheriffs deputies Wednesday night at the Pink -Elephant when they, became belligerent upon ' refusal of the bartender to sell them more beer, deputies said. . , -. . - Wesix electric 2.5 K. W. & 2X W. built-in wall heaters now avail able, R. L, Elfstrom Co. . Dexter lawn mower and grinding service, Ph-1 6833. 966 Center. . HAMRE SENTENCED Jens Hamre, Aurora, was sen tenced to one year in Oregon state penitentiary Thursday after plead ing guilty to a charge of non-support before Judge E. M. Page in Marion county circuit court. Ham re was picked up On a secret in dictment by the Marion county grand jury, arid brought ' to the county jail .Wednesday. Elec' wiring, no delay. Ph. 9740 Salem. Ball Bros., Turner. Char is Corsetiere. Phone 9495. .... V - . " SCREEN SHOP NAMED - - ' Clyde E. Moore and Myrna R Moore filed an assumed business name certificate with the Marion county clerk's office Thursday for the Salem Screen shop. The shop will manufacture window and door screens at 425 N. 23rd st. Easter lilies. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 23346. Pythian Sisters Lodge. Food, bake & fancy work sale at Portland Gas Sc. Coke Thursday. MRS. WATTE, SON HOME Mrs. Harold Waite and her in fant son, of 2210 N. Commercial st, ' were - dismissed . yesterday from Salem Deaconess hospital. ' v ,-!-- . . - Johns-Ma nville slate surface shin gles aDDlied br exoert workmen. jNothing down 3 yrs. to "pay .-Ma ims Bros. Koonng co., 164 fi. ComX Free estimates. Ph. 4642. Births HICKS To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Hicks, 1320 Norway stl, a son, Thursday,. April 4, .at Salem General hospital. : ":-V -j .. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith, Gervais a' son Thursday April 4, at Salem Gen eral hospital. BLAN KEN SHIP To Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Blankenship, route 3, Salem, a son, Thursday, April 4, at Salem General hospital. McCLAIN To Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClain, 1665 N. 4th st, a soe, Thursday, April 4, at Salem General hospital. AA5ERUDE To Mr. and Mrs! Arnold C. Aaserude, route 6, Sa lem, a son, Thursday, April 4, at Salem General hospital. - i 1 ..C. K .... For fresh, bright-looking rooms the year 'round try Wards finest toashabU wall .enameL It's smooth, mirror-like finish cleans so easily! Resists strong soaps, boiling water, and stains. Ideal for kit , chen, laundry, or bath.' Get Super Gloss .Enamel at Wards .always-low price! Assorted Wall Brushes 1.05 & up so m e F Boors 1 SUPER MAR PRO OF . Floor Varnish Accent the beauty of natural wood floors with 'durable Marproof Varnish! Keeps its t bright luster. Now cut-priced at Wards! , ; Qaart 1.43 LIONS TO CLEAR STADIUM Salem . Lions . club members have been called to set aside Thursday evening for their an nual "cleanup" work at the fair grounds stadium in preparation for the Boy Scout circus, sched uled this year for April 12. Cas cade area scout council scout units present the annual circus un der the Lions club sponsorship. Northern Lawn mowers, limited quantity. R. L. Elfstrom Co. Henry P. Toeys is now associated with The Real Estate Market, 433' N. High st. Phone 24T93. ARMY WEEK SERVICES SET Maj. Reginald -Williams of the Salem Reserve r Officers associa tion announced yesterday that a feature of the local observance of Army Week beginning Monday, will be special memorial" church services throughout the city April 13. ' . . - TV River silt, top soil and fill dirt Coral Sand St Gravel. Ph. 21966. Plate glass : now available. ' Don Brown. Elfstrom 'a. 4 CLYDE HILL IMPROVING , Clyde HUl'i condition is im proving and is now described as "fair" by Salem General hospital officials. Hill, who lives at 478 N. Cottage st, was injured last Friday when he was thrown from a horse. Dance Sat nite, Silverton armory. Woodry's Orchestra. For factories, offices St business uses, 12 General Efectrie wall clocks, $12.48, tax incL R. L. Elf. strom Co. i . MRS. CREECH FAIRLY GOOD The condition of Mrs. T. W. Creech, 1880. S. 14th, st, who in curred, head injuries in an auto accident March 26, was described as "fairly good" last night by Sa lem General hospital authorities. G. E. automatic blankets a year 'round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept R. L. Elfstrom Co. insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem .Federal Savings Association,-130 South Li berty street . VETERAN GROUP CALLED . The . Marion county veterans service committee will meet for luncheon this noon at the Spa restaurant. Secretary Susan Fa herty announced yesterday. For Easter give her a pox of "The Spa's fine chocolates made fresh daily In our candy kitchen, Spa, 382 State. New location Cronise Studio, 439 Court St. over Smith Baking Co. MOTHER LEAVES GENERAL . Mrs. James O. Jolly of route 5, Salem, and her infant daughter were dismissed from Salem Gen eral hospital Thursday. YMCA BOARD MEETS ' "The Invisible Bridtie," a mo Vie depicting need for recon struction of lYMCA facilities and emphasis on youth work through out war-devastated j countries, was shown the Salem YMCA beard of directors Thursday noon. The Rev. Dudley Strain present ted the Easter story at the special holy week meeting of the board. i For Easter give her a1 box of "The Spa's" fine chocolates made fresh daily- in our candy kitchen, - Spa, 382 State. ' , Dr. Charles S. Campbell, Dr. Hor ace D. McGee St Dr. i Robert F. Wulf announce the removal of their offices from Rm. 504 Guar dian Bldg, to the newly completed Physicians Bldg, 1280 ; Center st. Ph. 9275. SEAMAN VISITS HAWAII James G. Cannon, S 2c. son of Mrs. Mable Youngblood, 94 Ewald ave., has been given lib erty in the Hawaiian islands fol lowing his service aboard the oiler USS Cimarron during; the recent Pacific fleet maneuvers, accord ing to word from navy press head quarters. Special Easter permanents $2.50 and up. Open on Saturdays. Mod ern Beauty College. 179 N. Lib erty. HUB CAPS STOLEN j Dohald A. Nusom,; route 1, Gervais, reported i to icity police the theft of a set of hub- caps from his car Wednesday f night, while parked in the 700 block of North Commercial st j j Jt j ARROW SPRING .TONICS One swell way to get yourself in trim for Spring is to drop in. and give yourself the Arrow Spring Tonic Tie treatment. Their vivid colors and restful figured patterns have just what it takes to give you a lift i ' , 1.00 - I i nnncr-nfihnDv( ATTEND CONFERENCE Mrs. Gladys Turn bull and Dean Omens, farm labor assistants at the Salem farm labor office, are attending, a three-day farm labor conference at Corvallis. The con ference is due to end today and the local office made ready for the coming season of farm activity, according to farm labor "clerks. Tor Easter give blooming azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons, mag nolias. Shrubs that live on thru theyears. Knight Pearcy Nsy. So. Liberty 3 blks so, of State. We need 20 turkey pickers. Mar ion Creamery. Thurs. 8 ajn. 245 D ft W VACATION TO START " Willamette university students begin their 10-day spring vaca tion after classes today, with most of them planning to return home' until classes are resumed April 14. Rummage sale American Legion aux. Fri. St Sat., April 4 St 5. over Greenbaum's. Garden Tractor on rubber, with attachments; 2 electric ranges; electric washing machine. Salem Community Auction, Saturday, ?610 Silverton rd. KITNDERT STILL "GOOD" Jack Kundert of route 2. Salem, is still in "good" condition at Sa lem General hospital, where he was taken after an auto crash March 21. f Prompt wiring service. Judson's, 279 N. Com!. Phone 4141. ere PIP Tli Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday. April 4. 1947-5 ADD PARTNER Frank J. Dye was named as a new partner in an assumed , busi ness name . certificate . filed' with the Marion county clerk's office Thursday for the Salem ' Smoke Shop by Ellis E. Cooley and Glenn F. Powers.-. - t - f Dance Sat nite, Silverton armory. Woodry'a Orchestra. . " Listen to ' Burke's ' Radio , Camera Program, 9:50 a. m. today. TRAILER PARK NAMED Homer D. Robinett and Mamie V. Robinett 'filed an assumed rusiness name certificate Thurs day for the Oak Lodge trailer park with the ' Marion county clerk's office. The park will be located at 1155 S. 14th. Tried Rabbit ' Fricasse Lately? Tenjder rabWtf ready-cut, with tested recipes. Sat morning. Sa lem Public Market, Hi St Union. $145 Child's Tea Sets. 35c. Farm ers. Hdw, 115 S. Coml. SPARHAYVK FILES 1 Percy E. Sparhawk and' Edna S. Sperhawk, both of 1940 Mc Coy ave, filed an assumed busi ness name certificate with - the Marion county clerk's office Thursday for the Sparhawk Plumbing and Heating company. For Easter: .Potted Azalias In bloom,' Camellias, dapheniums. geraniums. Closed : Easter. Ph, ft! RnvH Nnnwrvr Rti at BISHOP'S ----- . .. v ; Just in Time for Easier! ARROW Made of the finest j quality broadclotH, smoothly tai- -i .v . -- - i t ' lored and cut full for these will be a addition to your: Easter wardrobe. Colors are blue, green, gray and tan. i What's better than II on gneased it. Arrow nndTterchieTs! They work like a charm in your pocket to make your outfit look just rightl Come In and choosa soma from HITS PARKED, CAR ! Salem police report that an auto operated by, Francis' Herbert Chambers, 685 Court st, crashed info a parked car registered t Winston James Buck, 2720 Cherry st, in the 1200 block of SL Com mercial st No one was injured. Easter lilies cut flowers box d candy. Ha ms.'f Green Spot Mkt, 520 N. High. ' ! f Dont forget the old time dance at VFW hall Sat. nite. . i , For Sale: By Owners. House and 9 lots. 1225 S. 25th st Write P. O. MARTIN AT SEA . Alvin C. Martin,: S lc,f son of Mrs. C. O. Budlong of Albany, is now serving aboard the land-, ing craft USS Donner, at' sea, a navy press release disclosed yes-, Expert watch Sc clock repairing, 5 day- service at tev?ns Jevelry. Glenn Williams' and his ali-Veteran Orchestra, Salem Armory, Sat urday night April 5. Sponsored by Marine Corps League.- Xicket sale: Wills Music "Store, Jac quith Music Stores. Salens Rec ord Shop..' Heider Radio. Tickets 85c, tax inc.- j. ' j PRE-FABS NAMED - D. A. Miller! filed an assumed! business name! certificate with the Marion county clerk!s office Thursday for Well Built Homes,, already-made jhomes concern. ' comfort welcome 3.95 a rabbit's foot? 35c Now! : i s : J ' H ' i ,:J i- t 4 m f 4 - 4 i 4 i i , 4 4 9 4 4