The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mid-Willametle Valley News
from Tin Siatetmmm'i 4ummnity tlrmpilrttt$ .
Midwest Trip
Is Completed
By N. A, Davis
returned Sunday after visi ting in
Nebraska and Wyoming for two
week. ;
Mtlvin Teal and Val Carlson
were married In Dallas Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Craven of
Dallas visited here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Booald Taylor
and children of Dallas visited
friends and relatives over the
weekend: -
lrt. Vina Bull and Mrs. Mae
Campbell of Wheatland, Wyo., are
visiting their brothers, Virgil, Ira
and Norman Davis. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Marr and
Mr. and Mrs., Doyle Lorimer were
Salem visitors Saturday.
Grandma Oliver is seriously ill
in the Dallas hospital.
- The Rev. and Mrs. " Long of
Portland spent the week end- in
Falls City. He held two services
Sunday at the Free Methodist
Mrs. Eva Burbank and " Mrs.
RuMLa York nf h Rhkah rom
have been chosen as delegates to
the grand Jodge at The Dalles
in May.
Silvertoa Born at the Silver
ton hospital April 3. a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. John Slump.
Feor Corners No community
club meeting will be held at Au
burn this week, but the meeting
will be on April 11 when a Joint
school and community clubmeet
ing held.
Brush College The, p 1 a y f
which Zen a was to have present
ed t Brush College grange to
nlisht, have been postponed indef
initely, but the regular t grange
meeting will be held as planned.
Unkm Hill Sunrise' Easter
services will be held at the Union
Hill school house Sunday at 6- a.
m. A program will be presented,
and a message by the minister,
Rev. N. J. Reasoner. Anyone in
terested is welcome.
Bethel Farmers Union will
meet Monday night.. April 7. Re
turned delegates, reports.
Labkh Center Community
club will meet tonight at 8 at the
schoolhouse. There will be elec
tion of: officers.
Swegle The program of Swe
gle Community club for tonight
has been, postponed for one week
because of Good Friday. Former
graduates of the school have a
play and a full evening's enter
tainment planned.' - -
Silverton Willis English has
sold his McClaine and James ave
nue home to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Bye. Mr. and Mrs. English will
move to their newly acquired
property, the- former E. I. Starr
home on Brown street.
, naresvllle 'Burns Chrisloffer
son is setting out 7 acres of
berries ont his farm.
Kllverton Friends have re
ceived word of the birth of a son,
Parzy Rose III, to Mr. and Mrs.
Parzy Rose ;II at Oregon City hosr
pital, Tueday. The grandfather,
S. Parzy Rose, is local manager
for the Portland General Electric
company. ; f ' j
Silverton Dr. R. J. VanCleave
is taking a month in advanced sur
gery' at the Cook county hospital
in Chicago. He left by plane Sat
urday. His associate. Dr. Norman
L. Dodds will be in charge of the
offices during Dr. VanCleave's ab
sence. ' - ' ' - . "-
Silverton St. Monica's Altar
society of St. Paul's Catholic par
ish wiH hold its annual Easter egg
and cooked food sale Saturday at
the Western Auto store . from 9
ajn. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Ralph Francis
is - president of the society and
serving as her committee are Mrs.
Lu'dvig Moe, Mrs. Joe Ehil, Mrs.
J. Stahman, Mrs. L. B. Scharbach,
Mrs. Leo Geir and Mrs. Inez Heat
er.' : 1
Valley Obituaries
Arthur Ilowells
LEBANON Arthur Howells
who lost an arm and a leg and
received other disabilities during
the first world war died of a heart
attack Wednesday morning. Fun
eral services will be announced
by the Huston Funeral Home.
William Arthur Duville
LEBANON Graveside rites
were read Wednesday mornirig in
the IOOF cemetery for William
Arthur Duville who died March
30. Born in -Michigan in 18S3 he
Keizer Awards
For Cub Scouts
Are Announced
: KEIZER Cub pack awards
made Friday ' include the follow
ing: Wolf badges to Dale Wood,
John Gettis, i Da r re 11 - Valentine,
Kenneth - Wulf,- Jerry LaCelle,
Ronald Radke, Courtney Jacobs,
George Rhodaback and Russell
Lion badges to Fred pose and
Kenneth, Wulf; Bear, badges to
Roger Morse and Howard Pingel.
Dale Wood, Kenneth Wulf and
Jerry LaCelle received -the geld
arrow and Kenneth Wulf the sil
ver arrow.
Ronald Radke, Ralph Sipprel,
Arnold Peterson, Roger Morse,
Kenneth Wulf and Evan Hitch
received their Denner stripes.
' Eight new cubs were taken in
to membership. They are Court
ney Jacobs, Howard Lillighy,
David Adams, Bruce Estes, Rob
ert Yunker, Claude Goldsby,
Tommy Frigaard and Clyde Rem
pel. Plans to present the sound
film, "The Oregon Trail"' at the
next pack meeting were an
nounced by Dale Pingle, cub master.
About 50 million quarts of fresh
milk are delivered to American
homes and stores every day.
had lived in this part of the coun
ty for several years. His opJv
known survivors are sisters, Mary
Phillips of Walton, Ore., and two
others in Washington.
"- -y--';V -'--I f' '-:
Eearutifully designed necklaces,
earrings, brooches and brace
lets. Now back ; at pre - war
prices. ' .'
and up
The largest stock of women's spring and summer wearing apparel is now
arriving irom the largest New York resources. In all the latest designs
and striking new styles. We are putting this merchandise out at prices
- that will insure a quick turnover. You will be . surprised at both the
change in styles and the trend of the market.
. ' v. - j
- Propr-Bilt Children's Shoes;
For boys and girls in both high shoes and oxfords. All sizes to select from. Range
from 6 to 13 and 13 to 2: This is a scientific shoe, recommended by all leading
physicians and orthopedics. To be worn by children in their growing years in order
that their feet will properly develop for the future. Made from the finest leather
with the view of long wear.
Moderately priced at t w to
S5.50 to $7.00
Get your Easier bonnet now. The largest slock of exclusive fine millinery in
the Willametie valley. We do not claim to sell the least expensive- hats, but
we do have the most attractive; beautifully designed and most wearable num
bers procurable. All moderately priced considering quality.
House Spalding Shoes Dress
SlmnPrQ O JJ1 Dress and street shoes in i SllOeS
OilJPPIb SaddleS suede, patent and kid. i , - . V
wuv4vvtf In iow heels. Beautifully
Moccasin type in brownA . ' . Both black and brown. trimmed gabardine shoes
black and blue. All sizes. just received' large ship- ' Every pair the finest $10 I made by a fine New York
Come and get them while ment oUhe genuine A. G. shoes, and you can select n'o? JtVI
thy last Regular , 34.95. SPALDING saddles You f w at $10.95. but for this pro
It i orvujuv saaaies. , i ou one or more pairs at only motion they will go at
now only i must be here early to get i V lonly
52.95 : S5.95 ; : $6.95
- ......
A Slips, Gowns, Bed
Jackets and Dickies
Many wonderful riew numbers and
styles. Plain and lace-trimmed. Tea
rose and white. Be sure and see
these outstanding styles in the finest
quality. For personal wear and
gifts.- '
: - - . ....
Mmc. Huntingford
Treatment Line
Most inexpensive line on the ! mar
ket for benefits realized. For mare
beautiful skin and hair consult our
beautician, who will 'explain each
special item in detaiL' Economically
priced. . : :-' ' ' j-
Lucien LeLong
The best-known gift line of perfumes
and colognes in America direct from
Paris. Popularly priced from
S1.C0 te S25.C0
Large selection of beautiful i prints,
wools and plain crepes Sizes 9 to
24. Regularly sold at $19.95- To. go
in this promotion at only . -'
R'egJar3y sold at $22.95. Prints and
pastels. - One and two-piece.i While
they last will be sold at only .
Beautiful women's suits in all
the newest patterns and of the
finest materials and colors.
Every size. Regularly sold to
$55. Now you can have them
at only
i95 ,
Closeout of broken lines in calfskin.
Both black and brown. Wonderful
$16.50 values. Will not last long at
only .
Nylon Hose
In unlimited numbers from the finest
makes. Come and get them when
the doors Openyv, :
'1.50 $1.65 1.95
Our vaults are now open and we
are happy to receive a few new
patrons. We offer you that fa
mous moth-proofing that is so
necessary, in this climate. Our
methods of takinf care of your
garments- Is exclusive. Be sure
your' coat, in which you have a
heavy investment, is placed in the
kind of vault and under condi
tions that will protect garments
that are as' delicate and as fine
textured as beautiful fur coats.
The finer the coat the more de
sirable it Is to moths.
Vaults. Where fee-
Better Coats Are j
Stored I : !
Consult' bur -specidP fitters re
garding ouf foot - corrections
and foot troubles. You; will be
surprised at how much more
comfortable, you can be.
Owner and Operator of -
r Price's Beauty
i 4 . Salon
i . - -,
Offers you the services of the
finest operators in Oregon. It
would be to your advantage to
contact Miss Enyeart and become
permanent patron of this exclu-
sive shop. Miss Enyeart has Just
added new operators,, so she may '
have an opening for a select few
new patrons who demand finer
work and personal attention
Silverton Police
Have Busy Week
SILVERTON Lotal police
courts have been unusually busy
this week, liquor offenrs (outnum
bering all others. Paying fines
were: ;4' .-y-
Ted Anderson. $10 and coVt,
charge being drunk; John Dirk
$25 and costs, drunk on- street.
Harry Pendergrass, drunkj $10 and
cost; Henry Jerry Lehrf drunk,
$20 and costs: Albert I Thomas
Tracy, drunk. $10 and cost; John
K. Johnson, drunk $40 and costs;
Gerry Kent Wood, .violation of
basic rule, $5 and costs; Kenneth
Trimble, incorrect parking, $7.50
and costs; Marvin Totland, speed
ing, $10 and costs; Amos; Justice,
reckless driving. $10 and costs;
destruction of public property, $10
and costs; John Olaffon, drunk,
$15 and Vern Plummer, drunk $15.
Arthur Dahl sat as police judge.
Salem PaMor Will Be
Zena Speaker on Easter
ZENA Rev. Lloyd Tl Ander
son, pastor of Salem First Bap
tist church will be in charge of
the Easter sunrise services at Zena
church at 6 a.m. Sunday with the
Youth center in charge of singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kime of
Tillamook will assist the! Sunday
school membe.'j in serving Easter
breakfast after the services.
Mrs. Fratzke to
Head Women
DALLAS The Polk county
council of. Parents and Teachers
met at Dallas, Monday. Mrs. Hugh
Van Loan presided. Five countv
associations were represented:
Dallas,, Independence, Monmouth,
Pedee land West, Salem.
During the business meeting the
following new officers were elect
ed: president, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke
of Independence; 2nd vice" presi
dent. Mrs. W. A. McCormark of
West Salem; secretary, Mrs. D. T.
Schrieber of Independence; treas
urer. Mrs. R. P. Nelson of Dallas.
Mrs. Irma Little, extension spe
cialist in family relationships at
Oregon state college spoke.
As president, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke
is the delegate to the state con
vention being held in Portland
April 29 and 30 and May 1, with
Mrs. J. C. Lundy named as alternate.
KEIZER' The Community
church will hold a Good Friday
service in the school auditorium
at 8 o'clock to which the public
is invited. Special music will be
a feature.
ber has been confined to his home
since March 9 and is recovering
The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Trtday, "Aprfl L 13473
Tyear as chanced with the mass of
the pre sanctified at noon instv4
of . in the early morning a hasr
been customary here unUl"thi
year. Tenebrae at 7:30 p.m. will
close the Good Friday services
in St Mary's church.
Services Holy Thursday will In
clude solemn high mass at 9 m.
followed by the procession to the
altar of repose and adoration, riar
inajjstffriours following until noon
Frfusy. '
The blesings of the Easter fire,
the candle and Easier water will
toke place Saturday follow irc th
high ma s at 7:30, a m. Easter Sun
day masses at 5:30.-6:30,
8.9:30. and 10:30 with benediction
after the last mass. -.
Eat Salem Soldier
Tells of Promotion
EAST SALEM Mr. and Mrs.
Earl A. Wood of Lancaster drive
received a letter frum their sou.
Howard, telling them of his recent
promotion in the service. He is
now a technician fifth 'grade
which is the same rating as a cor
poral. The rating of technician is
given for specialized work outside
of the regular line 04 duty.
He is in Manila in the headquar
ters of the signal corps, where the
records are. kept up each day. for
the hundreds of men being sent
home each week for discharge.
He is expected home in May for
the required leave but as he is an
enlistee he will not be out of serv
ice until late in the summer;
Business Houses Close
Mt. Angel Good Friday
MT. ANGEL, April 2-i-Ali busi
ness houses in Mt. Angel will be
closed as usual on Good Friday,
April 4 and services at St. Mary's
church will start at noon with the
mass of the pre sanctified followed
by three sermons interspersed with
prayers and singing. Stations of
the cross will be held from 2:30
to 3 pjn.
The Good Friday program this
satisfactorily from slight heart
attack. -
Officers Elected
By FFA Chapter, 4
SILVERTON Future Farmers
of America have chosen their Sil
verton chapter officer for the
coming year: Robert Barne, pres
ident; Lawrence Fisher, lice pres
ident; Melvin Miller, secretary;
111.. A ....... .. -,..
Scott, reportf r; Thurman 'Metz-
ler. sentinel. i , .
Planning to make the trip from
Silverton to the FAA convention
at Pendleton on April 10 and 11"
are Tom Fisher. Don Miller, .El vin
Goode, Robert Johnson. Lawrence .
Fit her, Guy Scot,, Jim Metzler
and Robert Barnes. , . r -
ie a
Autit Jemima . . .
The Nationally Famous Pancake Personality
In Person
You are cordiallT lnrited to com
in and meet Aunt Jemima, and to
sample her - delicious pancakes.
Com and bring the children,
too, ior they will enjoy the event
Prices Effective Today' Throngh Ilonday
Skindby No. 2 cad
3 k. 251
Tasty Pak. No. 2 can ...
Jack Sprat Fancy Solid Pack
No. 2 can JV
Del Morlle
No. 303 ax ...
Fancy Cream Style, 4 O Of
No. 2 can t canmJfT
2 9Qj
Fancy Hit oi Valley
No. :Xu
Tasty Pak Cut Spears
No. 2 can '.
Walla Walla Fancy Spears
No. 2 can ;
"bid Monk Purs :
The World's Finest mad,
with OIW OU f f-4
Bos. Pint Jar VDV
. Fonicn
Old Monk with OUt Qil
Base. Lara 0"7l
Pint Jar V
Drip or Reg. l
I lb. Jar : VV
Crimson Ram- J
blen 24 os. Jar
. Sfringless
Santiam No. 2's
Blue Spot Fancy No. 2's
! cant
Rose Brand No. 2's
-S" cans
Red. j Kidney Bans j j
Van Camp No. 2 con X y
. ,'
! : - -
Sen,' Sprouts Q j
Ben Gee No.2 can
Stokeley, Ige, 4
Na k can XUy
Kadota Figs in Syrup
Golden Joppy
No. 2i can 4.
Apple Sauce-Fancy 4 Aa
Stokely No. 2 can IwC
Canned Oysters 1
Sea Shell. Tall can
Tuna Fish, Sea Dip I(Jj
Grated. No. can Ow
Closed Ml Day --Easier Sunday
Hamilton's Fin fl QQ
Assortment A Jh. Box WO
No. 1 tall, Wyandotte Med.
Lindsay Lara , 1
No. 1 tall can . OJV
Sweei Hnstard Pickles
Libby's 4)
12 ox. Jar .JL. JLL. feaJ
Evans ! JQ Ih. Jar 390
Fischer's Finest
Pint cart ....:..,.,
Fancy Fresh, N. 1
, Aspararss .
Texas Pink Grapefruit
Sweet sty
Ii Pays io Shop ai Erichson's
Anal Jemina
lb. pig. 37c
20 ox. pkg. ..... : .
-2Vx lb. pkq. 35c 3 lb. pko. 43c
Pancake & Waffle
20 01. pkg.
2V4 lb. pkg. 29c
Qulck or Regular
Larg package ,
ring Clothespins . I 1 j
aerican Mad v dot Ovn
Dr. Ross
TaQ can