j Tho Statesman. Sal am, Oregon, Friday. April L. 1917 New Sales Tax Bill Would Cut Income Levies (Stery alse on pager 1.) 'H The sales tax bill, as it ap parently will rest : when . given , final "approval today, I provides "for 3 per cent tax pn retail sales, - nptinf feed , ;old lor home consumption. I . . BarrMHT further changes, : .the compamm bill regarding income tax would specify; if the sales tax ' becomes operative, ',. that - $2000 -would be exempt- for t married persons,' 11000 for sine! persons and $406 for each dependent. In event the sales tax is defeated, the exemptions in the first two categories would be halved: and the exemption tor each dependent would -be $300. Votirnr against the sales tax bill were Sens. Beitott, Jones. Lynch Mahoney, Pearson and Wallace. The ailes tax iaaue has been up in Oregon several time's pre viously, with the following re "suits: Tei ins smi ' Hi S44T7 ' 1S3C 32JM - 1M . M.CM Meanwhile, Perce, taf. M OMe4 1C1.SIS 11.1 1SS.14Z - UJf. in Ait tt . acajns - i final' accounting f the joint . ways : and . means committee Thursday showed . the state's -deficit for the next two years at just under $3,000,000. It woukl te increased if the $4, QJ.000 cigaret tax is taken to ref erendum and defeated, and de creased -or .wiped out if other rev emies exceed present estimates or if the tales tax is approved it tae pcus. If a substantial deficit remains 'by. next year, token tax on property to be. offset by income levy revenues will be sought at the' Jievember, 14S, election, wnder permissive' 4egi station ; en acted earlier this week. Leirion Women Plan Journey i Members of Pioneer post -149, will Journey to the Portland vet eran's hospital April 12 to visit women patients and investigate facilities there after action taken by the all-woman American Le gion group last night. ..Twelve members, ' including , a new member, Florence Cameron, former army nurse, now assistant superintendent at the Deaconess hospital, decided to j publish a monthly bulletin to be called ,Forty-niners. - ' The next meeting wiU be April 17 at 8 pm. at the Legion hall with ritual team practice at 7:30, Rose Grimaldi, adjutant, announc ed. Members who were present signed the post's newly acquired charter, which was placed in the Legion- hall. FLAXER ENDS STOLEN 1 The Oregon Journal office at 433 Ferry rt, "last night reported the theft of an entire truckload of planer ends, from its downtown property.- L 1 TONIGHT & SATURDAY OIIEIOYE was not - - i T i. a m at - Mig' 1 1 ; 1 r CO-HITl ester Marris - Chester fas "BOSTON KLACKIE AND TOT LAW- SUNDAY THE MAN 1 LOVE" British Rule 2 Jews to Die JERUSALEM, April 3.-P)-Two more Jews accused of terrorism were doomed today by a military court and the four others already under sentence of death were quoted by the underground or ganization Irgun Zvai Leuml as defiantly renouncing appeals for clemency in their behalf, i Meier Feinstein and David Azu laL reputed- Irgun members ac cused of taking part in an armed attack on the Jerusalem railway station last October, took the sen tence calmly. When the president of the military court pronounced their fate both, chanted in unison a line from a Hebrew, nationalist song: -. f ! "In blood and fire Judah fell, in blood and fire it will, rise again." .- . . - ' , - i ' Good Friday Services Set . . i . Good Friday, will be observed in several Salem churches today. There will be the mass of the presanctified at St Vincent de Paul's at 8 a. m. and at St Jo seph's at noon. Stations 'of the cross - are scheduled j at 2:30 and 7:45 p. m. at St 'Vincent's, and im mediately following the noon ser vice and at 7:30 p. tn. at St Jo seph's. . The Union Good Friday service, sponsored by the Salem Minister ial association, will be at the First Congregational church from noon to $ p. m, and St Paul's Episco pal will observe the same hours. St' Mark's Lutheran church will hold services at1 3 p. m, Christ Lutheran at 7:30 p. m., and First Christian at 8 p. m. J - Milk Strike Called off NEW ORLEANS, April MSr Actirig "Sheriff John Holstead of Tangipahoa parish said tonight he had been officially informed the Louisiana mijk strike has been called . off and union dairymen will begin to ship milk to New Orleans tomorrow morning. The announced end of the strike came in a flurry of excitement af ter two Louisiana sheriffs had by passed Governor Jimmie Davis and called upon the national guard to preserve order in their parishes. TODAY! ' "''" ' ' ' aw m - m . UjMsl MAIN ViaooaA O'BRIEN " . : EncxTtocHUTa"ANDEllN -CO-mT!-- -Aa Earfal mt Khrthaa Roars! Jm4j Caawva - Allen Jenkins r . -M- V "SINGIN IN THE CORN EXTRA Colar Cartaen it Late News! STARTS EASTER 1'IV I bv SUNDAY I n - 1 lk x aUtTMA VtCKUi ' -3- OOM MCOUUE TONY llkNO ' m m IAOUI waisVT ..AINOtD AISIIT noww to mgu Mm uiiont l0 MOtL f MiTTarOU Warcsrs' ELSIIIOIIE Thcdro Fastest 15: S. Bomber in Test Flight . . . . , . s ' ' S ; : - -.- ..- , . ; -' I i r n :..;; .. .. -..-3, -.. . - ' . , '. ' h "1 ": - - . - , -cl --v -. ,,. - - ,- ' v,- - -v .. I .. ; ; - """," " 3 ",' " , " - " - - ) - ? r " -r ' i , 'v .. . ' .MMI,lr iia liliimlHHi '' "' ' ' " ' n" , ' -- - ' 1 "" "' ' " '" , SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 3-The XB46, Jet bomber baUl for the army air forces by Consolidated Vul tee, takes off from a field at Saa Dlege, en a test flight The army said It Is America's fastest bombe and asay be the world's speediest (Ar Wlrephota to The Statesman.) Search Witfened For Escaped Con KLAMATH FALLS, April 5-(P)-Norman Jacklin . arid Alfred Paine, escaped San Quentin con victs who fought a , gun battle with police here Monday ' night were i charged with assault and robbery while armed today. Meanwhile northwest police were alerted to watch for Paine, who 1 eluded - pursuers Tuesday and was thought possibly headed for Idaho. - Hacklin was captured Monday shortiy after a service station holdup. Mdrse, Wherry Near Blows - i . . - " . WASHINGTON, April Sen Wayne More (R--Ore.) and Sen4 Kenneth Wherry (R.-Neb.)' cam close to blows on the floor of the senate last night over 'a decision by Sen. Wherry, tempo rary presiding officer, cutting short Sen. Morse's ' objections to the calling of a recess. Morse issued a "statement of facts today saying Sen.' Wherry had asked him later "in anger" if the action was unfair. When Sen. Morse replied in the affirma tive, Morse said, "he squared off in a pugilistic manner, grabbed me by the front of my coat and started pushing1 me backwards. To protect myself I put my books down and advised the senator from Nebraska to keep his hands off me. At that point other sen ators intervened and the incident came to an end.: CRASH VICTIMS BETTER - CANBY, April 3 Dr. James Ginsmore of Canby tonight stated Roy I. Pottratz, 20, and Ray Price, 19, were, progressing "quite well" after their March 29 crash into a power pole near here. The two youths incurred brain concussions and Price was reported in a crit ical condition as late as two days after, the accident occurred. LEGION TOURNEY SET -.. BRAZIL, Ind, April : 3 -(JP) Champions from fourteen states began arriving in Brazil today for an American Legion national basketball tournament which the Legion plans to make an annual affair. The tournament starts to morrow morning and will wind up Saturday night ; . -v SOLDIER AGAIN ACCUSED TOKYO, Friday, April 4 -VP) For the sixth time, accusing wit nesses today pointed out Pfc. Carl J. Havalda as "the tall soldier" they saw clubbing Japanese mer cilessly the night five teen-age U. S. soldiers allegedly beat five Japanese to death on roads west of Tokyo. 4' Miners9 Strike Blankets Ruhr ESSEN, Germany, April S.-ifV Crowds demonstrated in more than a score of the Ruhr's cities and towns today in support of 300,000 miners whose 24-hour strike over food shortages brought the area's giant coal industry al most to complete standstill.. British occupation authorities made no attempt to intervene in the mass protests oyer the food situation. No disorders were re ported. British authorities described the Ruhrv stoppage as almost 100 per cent complete. Reports from points throughout the industrial valley indicated that almost all the 170 mines were idle, and the one-day protest was expected to cause a loss in production of a half million tons of badly needed coaL , Head-on Crash Injures Five Five persons incurred injuries, none serious, when -cars driven by William Fisher, 17, of Dallas, and Dale Simon ton, Milwaukie, collided head-on on Portland road a few hundred yards outside Sa lem's north city limits at about 1:30 pjn. Thursday, state police report Simonton and his passenger, Harold Johnson of San Jose, Calif., were taken to Salem Gen eral hospital where their condi tions were described as fairly good. . . Fisher and his three . Dallas companions were taken to Salem Deaconess1 hospital. Fisher i in curred a cut right hand, Keith Holdorf, 18, incurred a cracked pelvis,- and Jack Cook, 17, was given first 'aid treatment for a face laceration. - Police said that Fisher was at tempting to pass another car, headed north, when the collision occurred. Accident Cut Said CAA Job SEATTLE, April 3-(P)-Those aerial traffic cops, the inspectors for the civil aeronautics admin istration, are diminishing acci dents in private flying, directors of the CAA's 7th region agreed at a conference here today. Swift punishment is cooling off the enthusiasm of the "buzz boys," they said. R. D. Bedinger, region admin istrator, said "low flying Is the biggest cause of private accidents and heavy fines are the best way to combat it" Weather conditions are the second biggest accident cause," he added. ' State directors present includ ed Leo G. Devaney, Oregon. ' It's Coming" Tonight! "Accent on Efeic" SALEM HIGH AUDITORIUM Friday, April 4, 8:30 P.IL Greatest Stago Revue Salem. Has Ever Seen - -. U FrturiA9 such stars as TEDDY HALE Ted Lewis' Shadow s TONY KARLOFF, Boris Karloff'a Screen Double MANIACS OF RHYTHM, Harlem Dance Team PORK CHOPS and GRAVY, Comedy Dancers' SMILEY TURNER, Famous "Waterfront" - Singer - ALICE HULETT, foe Tap and Character . . ... 5 Dancer JAXSPONG, Sensational Magician tad many -others - , ; : . ENTIRE CAST SUPPORTED BY , Glen V7iiliacis 10-Piece Band Tickets 'on Solo Salem Record Shop Taylor's, Independence Bliven Installed By Toastmaslers William Bliven was installed last night as president of the Capital Toastmasters by District Governor Al Crose. He succeeds Wayne Smith, to whom a trophy was awarded last night for win ning the annual speech contest in the local club. Marion Curry was installed as vice president, Clarence ; E. Creig as secretary-treasurer and Harold McMillan as sergeant-at-arms. Wire Walkout Notice Filed NEW YORK, April 3 l-(JP)- A nationwide strike of 50,000 West ern Union Telegraph Co. workers outside of the New York metro politan area loomed as a possi bility today as the AFL. Com mercial Telegraphers union sent out tiotices of intent to call a walkout Jesse A. Paynes, the union pres ident, asserted there had been a "complete collapse of collective bargaining" and accused the com pany of effecting "wholesale lay- oris, down-grading and unilateral wage cuts." Payne said the employes were seeking a wage increase tot 25 cents an hour and a 40-hour week, plus health, welfare and! pension benefits. About 50,000 workers are involved In the i disDute. Payne said. IIUDSONS TO COST MORE DETROIT. April 3-Hiip)-The Hudson Motor Car Co. announced price increases of $25 to $69 on its automobiles today "because of increased material costs." The increases range from $25 on the three-passenger coupe to; $59 on the four-door sedan. BOMB BLAST KILLS S i BORDEAUX, France, April 3 WVEight persons were killed and one was injured today when sev eral bombs exploded at a military camp at nearby Cazaux. The cas ualties were French civilians en gaged in defusing war materiel. Too Late Jo Classify 'VETERAN and wife need furnished apt. Immediately. Phone 1-40S7. -Opens S:5 P.M. Pius James Craig- - Danna Reed "GENTLE ANNIE" Soviet Guns in Korea Noted SEOUL. Korea, April 3. -fP)-Louis Saillant of Paris, general secretary of the world federation of trade unions,, said today his touring WFTU party got a warmer welcome in Russian w occupied North Korea than in the American zone and that there was "far more freedom of organization'1 in the Soviet area. ' An American and ' a British member of the party said living conditions were far better in the American-occupation zone and re marked on the military display in the north. Ernest Bell of London, interna tional secretary of;; the British trades union congress; said the American zone was "paradise" compared with the Russian zone and that "I never saw a place so stiff with tommy buns as Pyong- Srhwe1Ienlach May Ask Veto for Portal Pay Bill WASHINGTON, April ZMJP) Secretary of Labor Schwellen bach said today that unless there is a change in the present legis lation banning portal pay suits he will recommend that President Truman veto it Schwellenbach observed that labor department funds had been substantially slashed. He said that the portal bill in congress would bring on "a flood of law suits" concerning new interpreta tions of the wage-hour act ' 3 Fai ths Observe Rites Today in Bloody Jerusalem JERUSALEM, April i-4JP)-Tht peoples of three faiths will offer kup their prayers in Jerusalem to morrow in the Holy Day services of each religion. Moslems of the Islamic world commemorate the day for . the death of the prophet Moses, as Jerusalem's Moslems make the annual pilgrimage to the small desert shrine near Jericho where Mohammed's adherents believe Moses lies buried. . . For Jews it is the 5395th anni versary of the date Moses led his people out of Egypt , Christian services-in this trou bled land commemorate the day on which Christ was tried, scourg ed and crucified and include a symbolic .procession along the Via Dolorosa (Way of Sorrows) which is believed to correspond to ! the path He trod when He shouldered His cross and was led' to Calvary. DANCE Saturday Night at Normandy Manor rhane 55S5 Opens ;45 PJVt. UMT MRU - mm imj WKiHg KMim till CQOMlt I ' BSBraamaaw lW,liil i J? u Matinee Dally from 1 r.lL- New! Savage Thrills! 1 t mi A! Day From ' African Jungles U the Arctic!. co-nm 1 - I L. Etyorr tAlSTOM Pstriffc aTMaTHI it tduMknat I a I Opens t:5 F.M. . New! Tereniea Lake ; . Ssasr Tafti ' ' "MISS SUSIE &LAGLES" i Charles Starrett 4- HEADING WEST?'' Announcing . - '.'.. ' ' ('.!' : ':' -l " I - . . ' ,.; .r - Saturday and Smday ; y April 5lh ani 6lh ' .' i : .'".ar'. . v . TTDae IIBODMIIDIS y - v v . . , A , v 1 ".- i - v Located at Grand Ilonde, Oregon THE VALLEYS MOST MODERN RESTAURANT We will be glad to greet our many old Mends and new pxitroxu-drive over or stop on your way to the beach. GLENN WILBUR CHARLES THURSTON, : ll'ln Athit.frwot ' ' jMaaaiapr amacsaa 50J Founkzin Pons, like lino wat ches, should be Inspected at regular intervals. Bring In Shoaifer or Parker Pens. t Schaefer's Remedy orn Hundreds of people are taking advantage of our offer to re move corns. . No Cnre, No Pay A guaranteed corn remedy safe, efficacious and reliable, stops the ache and j soreness, the first application.; RUPTURED? See our stock of Trusses YOUR PRESCRIPTION ST4I1E WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS-THINK SCHAEFBR 1899 - 1947 "It Pays to Trade t SchaeferV " Prescriptions Acwaiely filled feftvy mpr1Tn'C to Candy Headquarters far Salem. Be dbuilEir Eill a sore and get Fresh Candy whes yea bay. Bay Schaefer's aad be sore; FOR EASTER 0) CHOCOLATES Sociele ... . $1.59 !o $3X3 Winslel .......... . . $US Sierra . . . ... . . $1.50 la $3X3 Johnston . . . . . . . $L25 & $1.50 The kind always find advertised THIS WEEK CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Filberts ' " - vk $1.00 Peanut Clusters Light Chocolate JLh. M W French Bnrnl Peannis iv 50c This is the official Peaslar Remedy Store far Marion Comity. Tea wHl find these preparatleas ef . highest quality and guaran teed te be exacUy for what they are seld and represented" U be. Schaeier's . Nerve and Bone Lininenl For the relief of the discom fort of muscular stiifness and soreness of musclast 5Qt mi Si Fel Fin! Rsst all night use Schaefer's Eld- Cft ney & Bladder PiUa DUf Eat cmythlng anytimo Eat 'what you like ' ' SCHAEFER'S ACID DYSPEPSIA TABLETS 50? Synptoass of vltstla defidendet asoy be werrew' wet fotloae, rettfenwets. Scbaefera 2.09 r ; - pBMBMHHBaMMIMMaa M , IccflilAfra?) raYl'llYc'S? ' 1 I Sale Agents far Pensiar Remedies for Mariea Ceoaty 135 II. Connerdal Si. Prescripiicns Ffflcd 1CS3-1S47 Ft:23 5137-9723 K