fTTKnTONS M THE CTRC-Urr COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB MARION coLTmr V AH ALA REED. Plaintiff. BYBON "W. reed, DelendenL SUMMONS TO BYBON W. REED. THE ABOVE NAME) DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGCMx. you arc heteby required to appear and answer the Complaint (tied afiivt you U) tne above entitled Court nd ciim, on or before the lth da et Apnl 147; the said date being bcauoa -af tnis summons and if you fax! ao to .answer or otherwise plead to plaintiff s Complaint for want there f, tne plaintiff will apply to Ue Court for tne relief earned for In her Com plaint, tsamehr: For diaaolution of the mama eon tract and of the bonds eg matneMzry existing between plain tiff and -attendant, and such other re lief aa aaav ba eouitatole. Tfcis summons is served. upon you by pubatcatioct thereof, for four con- seruuve weeks, m fne Daily uregon Statesman, am pursuance of an Order Livestock and Poultry - FCREBTIZ3 Buff Coachin eggs 75c aertinr Pn. 23470. """"EASTER Bunnies 82 a pair. Liberty ejtstnet. A. B. McClellan. Rt. 9. Box 497. THAT OUR COKtmNION NEWS MAGAZINE FOR DICZ TRACT WVKAT5 TKf MATTER. ZERO?- IS SOMEBODY 00MJWG f I KM0W YOUR NOSE IS BTTI?, n TAXH MY EYES- OKIY VOU CAN MF, avjAMBO. J T MUST ) OAGVVOOD, "sf OP VOLtf J 'amosE MA'S? t$ own ZJL TMiS i FCLTO S V-j-JT ! ON VOUCCCAT? jpL : - J 'irv -Jm 1 SfE.XRUBONSOVif UkNT CORK- BUZZ SAV9TE3 i HNiiiinrm TAKE CAAB 0 IGAVUSU...NOU TWB RLM fWaCV... TRUST AAE! EPrr pry! MICTET MODS MTH A 049QC K3R 4H05O TO- CET A. Cb37 TO LOT JAN? WLP(Sa. GASOICsX ALLEY GUE ME M3UR RED BfVOOANWA-' I'M GONNA HACS SOME FUN VTH SNUFFV'! BAENET GOOGLS WlSftt'rTll. gome T you V, P0T4-T 0UK MEAN 1 1 J - - made March 7th. mi. by the Honor able George R. Duncan. Judge of the above entitled Court; the date et the first publication of this summons is March 7th. 1947. and the last publica tion will be April 11th. 1947. OTTO K. PAULUS Attorney for Plaintiff - 410 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon. . M.7-14-21-38 AM Auctions v Salem ; Community Auction , : 381 Siiverton Road .' Every SaU10 :30 a m. " ,". : " '.and " , Furniture Tuea.7:30 p.m. Lots of good merchandise Including ranges, beaters, .hot water tanks, dressers, tables. blankets. towels, chenille bed spreads, wool blankets, new linoleums, etc. LIVESTOCK t . Cows, heifers, calves, pigs. chickens, rabbits. Farm Machinery Farm Produce If you have no way of hauling your consignment we are equipped to do Just that for you. This barn la run by a disabled vet eran. Phooe l-4i4 Miller. Manager. : Alderman. Auct. NOU'PE PlGHT deaW" rrs OF MINE- I CAM SES THAT GEE, ZERO - ITS MR. MEANY1 -I SAW HIM C0MIN 'ROUND THE BEKO IM THE TRAIL - WE GOTTA H0,QUICK! Hf LP YOU THEN ITEF0R8 TO 60 CHAM THE PQEMIERE S TOMOStiJOw NI&MT! USTSM. ONE 1 r r vav EXCCLLEMT tluQ TPACV 1 TELL TMaTM TO I TO SEE GO RIGHT -XS SOU. fr 8 mm . a? a BT . aa aaaa r-1 1 N.&MT! I KICE IT A 1 OrjVNTY PH3 ) 0 WHXET Y HAVE S0C W0KrVr TO go on vdur ornon. mw C-ff KH KeTwf Suwi-tatf.. IW , Lirettoelc and Poultry ' Llvestoclc and Ponltry FOR SALE: Fresh S yr. old Jersey WANTED: . All kinds of cattle, fat cow with large red heifer calf. Also hexs.-ows A boars At your farm or about 20 yds. fertilizer $150 per yd. delivered Market price. E C McCand- at place. E. B. Hatfield. 4310 SUverton lish, Rt. . Box 233. across from Rd.. t mi. E. of Fairground. . Waters Ball Park on S 25 St. Ph 147. STUD - BABY Chicks hatching twice week- Registered thoroughbred stallion ft " "JluT. N chestnut Rroenstick blood line. Good Lh wSLJrSS quarter rniTe . cross. Standing at proving PuHeU any age. Phone 1861. Ward s Stable. Box 404. Rt. Silver- .SSfe$Trtt At w uWii m ton Rd. Ph. 25153. . T HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS New " " " - ' ,. . . v Hamprhires and White Rocks; 100 FOR SALE: All black Mddle mare free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues- eormne 4. about 15.1 -tatt at weighs ay. Send for free catalog. Wilson's 1010. Well broke, gentle very good Hatchery Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore. disposition. $100.00. Herb Wood, Rt. 2, Albany. a mi W. A ,i No. of Millers- . burg. Phone 3F43. 1 - - ; Hrln YPnntfrl Mailt "blG Guernsey heifer to freshen any llCIP W "'? "WO day now. W. H. Lehman, mila west of N. Howell store. - ' EXPERIENCED shipping and re- WAnTED: All kinds of cattle end reiving clerk. Please apply in person, hogs. Will call at farm. Write C L Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co.. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster -Drive. Ptv y Siiverton Road 21345 mora, or eve. - LOCAL Merchandising firm, sub- CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any stantially In credit business, wishes number. Prompt service. Dressed pouL SLHic" mn w,th credit experience, try wholesale our specialty. Phone Good salary, opportunity for advance- 2-2081. Lee's Hatchery. ; ment. Write Statesman Box 177. FOR SALE! Christie N H baby WANTED: Experienced dairyman, chicks every Wed. Bortngtooa. 1710 Wages f 150 per month plus board and State St Phone 4669. room, a day week. Rieck Broa., Rt. BULL Service by artificial tnsein- 5' B"'1L8 . . tnation. Sires from the best of blood GROCERY Clerk. Saving Center. lines. Reasonable fees. All work per- Port la nd road. sonally auperviaed by licensed vet- Art AUTO Mechanic, ateady work, erinarians. Salem ArtlfJcal Inaemtna- your . own boss. $00 Edgewater St, tion StaUon. Ph. 65B5. W. Salem. 0 MR. CLARK. WOULD IT SUS PRI$E VOU TO kTMOW THE MURDERER OF YOUR SOU WOPKED MR. JIM TOLD M 70 STAY OUT OF THIS FOREST, 'CAUSE I MIGHT GET LOST- BUT THECES NO PLACE ELSE TO CO- ' ruxrocVA HYTO. VvJU CAN I lf y fOCHT WE0E ONI ukdpA IT OR rJ (JCO "GLANCE" LnSlvvlH BORROW YOUfiT HAT AND I'AA READY TO C6CAP1 X GO, HCKE'S MY VWCH W!TH THAT FINE OTYCW5, aV. sBuT L 1 fci BaaaCaBwasswawaBaBwaBS "i ; , vou rajLOws YOU am MEAN VOU tCSTTATE TO CET 4V405O HJRS&T PUT WGHT IM : i VOX WNP? oriel tlphn waawaaasi I W WHERE CXOOU PUT ijljp THAT HAIf?? I WANT ( TO TAKE ANOTHER ) j r t 1 II I WEN IV CjKAND T ITL I I EVEi?Y CEMT TAKE 1 I ttXLCIVE POR mk IT. XJ BESIDES. t0 SOONER BE LOST IM THE FOREST THAN FOUNO BYMR.MEANY- I MUST ROAD JUST WOULD V 'wa k -ri F PROBABLY PM KtNft WATCHED. ABOVE ALLZ I MUSTrfT HUWtY. ' 1 TAXI W TIME.VAIX r JTn A4 M'JAMBO GMvVaSH.X WON DEO IF TtttS "1 J 1 WILL WILL HURT THUM FlLfvV ANV ? WBL.YOJ KNOW THAT STOP THE KBMT TMAT3 COMING IS. ' tgs 111 k'LL'' .2& Cfr. IS4T ky IMW fcMM tyaeWat ka. Vi-B "Cob Id I take It home on approval. Uli I the dancer Help Wanted MEN For hop yard work. Bus will pick up at farm labor of ire at 1 a.m. working hours from 7 : 30 am. to 4:M p.m. Wilt White Hop Farm. Ph. Salem 23SSI. MAKEUP and rewrite man or woman for "Your Town," Salem's Weekly pic torial newapaper, 3S3 Court St. HELPANTETiMALE OR FEMALE Bkpg' typing. Real Estate off. Man or lady. G. I. will receive preference. Write Box I7S statesman ; WANT6: Trained or exp. comp tometer operator at once. Basic salary $150. Apply Mr. Fritz, Rm. 111. State CanHot Bldg. WOOL Preaaer. silk finisher, dry cleaner, ateady work, good salary. Ex perienced only. Ph. S44S. Foreman s Cleaners A Dyers. 1070 S. Com ). rnCoooTOpportunity for man interest ed in selling tire insurance: typing and some bkpg. experience necessary. Good location, downtown real estate office. Write Box 175 Statesman. Help Wanted - Female LADY to care for 10 mo. old girl afternoon and evenings. ; Box ISO Statesman. " WANTED: ExperieSa-BeauTyOpe- rators at Standard ' Beauty Salon, Cor valita, Oregon. Can help . find two room apartment, can IQ4Q. x). alteration woman, steady work, good; wage. Bernardtyv Tailors, Rm. 200, First Nafl Bk. Bid-. oaition for ambi tious young lady 2 to S5 years. Must be free to travel, able to meet public A type. Good salary while training A ample opportunity for advancement. Write- Statesman Box 170 for inter view. ' SALESWOMAN Age 23-30 for Jewel -ry store. Some typing ability. Top salary. References required. Write box 10 statesman. WANTED: One Dart time aecretary. Shorthand preferred. Parrish Junior hign school. Phone 3197. Sitaations Wanted I HAVE the truck, do you have the Job? 72 ft. semi lbr. truck.; Call 4118 bet. a-S. or 25353 eve. TOPPING and danger trees removal anywhere. 413 Evergreen Ave. Phone Z1Z3Z or 3349. COOK a Hskpr. for 2 or 1 retpect. men, nice home, in city or out, mid. age ref Write Statesman Box 179. ftsnr-K. cook. reitaDie. elderly. Small family of adults, capable full charge. Write details Statesman Bx 178 Complete Sprav Service TREE a WEED SPRAYING. LAWNS A ACRES PHILIP W. BEELKE Ph. 21208 HOUSEWORK. Monday, thru Friday, for adults. Ph.' 28457 bet. 10 a 11. A.M. PLUMBING Repair service. Oil burn er sales and service. Wm. ! C. Drew. 493 N19th. Ph. 5395. j EX-MERCHANT Marine wsnU steady work. Service Sta. operator,, conrtruc tion work, truck driving or what have you. Ph. 24865. : HOUSEKEEPER wants work on farm. Motherless home: pref. Write Box ITZ statesman. TYPiTtfG. Ph. 24483. ELECTRIC Wir ing. no delay. PIT. 9740 Salem. Ball Bros.. Turner. Ore. after 5. ""CURTAINS WShid-alidt?SuSe3n 395 So. 22nd. ; : ris'ETwORK by hr. 1173 &. IS. CaU Eve. . EXP. Lady wishes cleaning. At .00 an hour. Ref. Call eves. Ph. 26983. Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removals, cavity filling. Expert work and insured work men. Ph. 94030. "Roof Painting" "O N L Y" 2390 N. Liberty FOR Concrete busting 38J In- denendence. Charles Gregg 1 CARE Of ch0din my home, large play yard . Phone 2-4828, i . VPltNTtDTTurnifure to glue A re palr. Lee Broa 4020 E. State Ph. 21233. LANDSCAPE Oardenlng. New lawna a specialty. New tractor, plow, due. harrow and lawn roller for i rent. Ph. 25823 WILL Care for elderly lady in my home. Ph. 8713. PAINTING - AND decorating inT.. ext.. where Interiors are a ; specialty, commercial or residential, also now taking work ' orders for exteriors. Brush or spray painter, house roofs, barns, farm buildings anywhere in stateInsured. Phone 25444 or 8255. Salem. Dick Orey. CARPENTER WORK new or repair. Ph. 28798 or4605. . ' ORCHARD Spraying." Prices reason able. Ph. 7071. Large or small Jobs. CUSTOM Spraying. Caudle, Ph. 7900. PAINTING: Best quality work, fleas. Free estimates. Chet Horn. Ph. 531 J npOTROINCnPhoW 1-A411. Garden Plowing Garden plowing and discing. Ford tractor. Ray Setter. Ph. 22504. ""SALEM Heights A Pringle pickup A garbage service. Ph. 9673. ; Hollywood Transfer For tocaf A long distance hauling Ph. 9784. Burton's MobUe Station, af 4er T p m".. Ph. 7804. ; PLOWING and- iscing. No job too large or too small. Chas. B. Javne A Son?. 1920 Lancaster Dr. PhJ 28753 FOR Custom plowing see C. L. Dan lel. Rt. 9. Box 503. Ph. 22 458. Complete Sprav Service TREE ft WEED SPRAYING, LAWNS ft ACRES. PHILIP W. BEELKE Ph. 21208 PICKUP SERVICE, cleaning base metitsand etc. Ph. 9675. ROTO ROOTER Sewer service. Sew ers A drains cleaned. Emergency calls on Sun. Free estimates. Prompt serv ice. Pit. 5327 or 91&8. By Mossier see If I get a date for Situations Wanted For your lawn & garden ing work call Laam's, ph. 25564. WANTED: Tractor" work of all kinds. 10 miles S. on 993. O. O. How ard. Ft 1. Box 54. Jefferson. Oregon. ' FOR "Better orchard' and tree spray -lng call 22822. IMike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph. H6 or 5377 If your lawn hat weeds call Laams for Extermina tion. Ph. 25564. HARRY RUT. Cen cement contr. Pn 7S41. 470 S. lath at BABYiftmg7Ph. 26330. T'AINTER andTaperhlnrer. Reaaon able prices Free- eattmatea. H. J Wood worth ,Ph 301S. aKTH Moving. Basemen ta. Ditches. Canals. Leveling. Pacific Excavating Company Power Shovels. Bulldozers. Trucks. Salem. Oregon Phones 3450 or 1793 Laams Waxing and Polishing Shop Window cleaning A floor waxing A putting tn wood, fn. z-a4 HOSPITAL Trained nurse to nurse In your home. Ph. 4315. fAiNTTNG"grPapernanging W JjT Crow It. 857 Shipping Phone 9613 "TRACTOR Work, crawler A wheel tractor. No Job to large or small. Ph. 22127. ; , Barrett Electric ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS Contracting all your electrical needs, home, commercial or indus trial. Cet our free estimate. PHONE 5904 DRAWING and desicninir house elans Phone 9621 PreSchdol Playschool. 1381 State. Ages 2-8. Part or all day. Pn. 8430. Garden Plowing Also leveling of yards. Use Ford Fer giuon tractor. Phone 58F15 THE VEN711AN BLIMU LAUIiUKi, repairing, new tapes and cords. We pick up and deliver. Ph. wra. u cen ter St.. Salem. ; D. A. Huston General Designer OFFERS A creative and constructive design ing and planning service FOR Homes, stores, offices, buildings. In dustrial desien. patent drawings 411 OREGON BUILDING Modernizing Ph. 28972 Remodeling Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamel. ! 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 KEMTONE Painting. Martsfield. Ph. 26415. ALL Work guaranteed Windows, walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. For Salt? MteIiansoua WASHING Machines - that fit on your laundry trays, full sir.e. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty HOT Plates single a 2-burner. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty OIL CtrcuTaTors. 24 hr. service. Parts available. Ph. 8072. PlN-U7 arl tablenCrnps: Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. IM N. Liberty : C. W. wTLLIAMS. aewmg machine repair specialist I do not sell new machines Parta for all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 5785. 1940 N. 18th. FREE DIRT!Salem Armory. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pup pies, pure bred.' Females 32V males $39. Rov H. Simmons. RL A Box 270. Ph TRUCK and trailer tarpa. auto gtass for all cars. Ford 8 cyl. motors., heavy duty truck batteries and generators, new and used tires. Oregon Auto Wreckers. 980 N. Com! EASTElTBUNNIES N. Z. white, all sizes, reaa. Sweet dried . PRUNES 20c lb. WALNUTS, 30c lb. delivered Sa lem. R. SECOR. Rl.9, Bx 518. Ph. 22877 AELWool rug" t, pad $97.50. Occa sional chair 832.50. Platform chair A ottoman $3230. Study desk $15. Used 1 i . In good cond. 1680 Yew St . FLY. SALMON A CASTING REELS A POLES; MERCURY OUTBOARDS: CREELS. TACKLE BOXES. FLIES. LINES, SPINNERS. SINKERS. EGGS. POLE HOLDERS. GAFF HOOKS. LI CENSES. GAS LANTERNS STOVES. 13' Fishing . boat used two times; AIR MATTRESS light weight. Don Madison. 590 No. High i i 8x650 8pYy truck type " tires A tubes, used 1 wk- like new. Ala AJawn mower ft set of box springs. 903 Pine St. Ph. Z5483. . . 1 ALL Enamel range with colls. ' Al cond , very good baker, $50. Eddie Gaub. Brooks. Ore. 1 mi. E. of Brooks ACCORDIAN Wurlltaer. 120 ladies model, whHe, like new. 1555 N. 19th St. Ph. 8985. 18 MONTH ROAD HAZARD GUAR ANTEE on DeLuxe ZENITH TIRES at no Increase in cost in all aitea: Chev, ft Ply. IS' wheels: Sealed Beam con version ft replacements; Trailer axles with ft without springs: SPORT LITES, inside control; Lawn mowers New ft Used 18" wheel trailers: S port sm ana sleeping trailer; Aute bat teries; Floor mala with felt back; 3 rubber hall runner. . Don Madison. 590 No. High AUTO. Gaa water heater, like new, S50. Youth bed complete $10. Ph. 24828 APP. 17.000 ft. rough lumber. 2x4s to 2x12s. Also small amount reject dressed lumber. H. A 3. Lumber Co, Wallace Rd. ' BREAKFAST Set. elec. Hotpoint old er model range. Ph. 8400. 8 FT. Old Town canoe with sailing equip.; also mimeograph machine. th 4997 GOOD Stork Trailer with rack. Ph. 24504. Box 75 Falrview Ave. " Thm Slortwaanrm. Salem, Ofqon. Frirlay. April 4. 1847 13 For Sale Miser! laneoua Shingles ' Cedar ehtngles. luxiiber and building supples on direct mill sale. PHONE 1-5950. EOLA LUMBER COMPANY " - Salem-Dallaa Hi-wav rOR SALE: Deacltutes Netted Gem seed potatoes,, Phone U03 or write United Growers. Inc.. Salem,- Oregon. PLASTI-KOTii paint, the ceUopnane finish for floors, furniture, automo biles on wood, metal, .concrete and linoleum. - Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. t 253 N. Liberty, CANVAS Paint to - make awnings, buggies and lawn furniture took like Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. N. Liberty RADIOS. . Record players, recorders for immediate delivery. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S3 N. Liberty IRONING Boards, metal and wooden pads a covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 5 W. Libert; . STOVE Repairing and parts. Wondry's UkU laua N. Summer St. VACUUM Cleaners. WesUngbouse. Universal m Royal. Y EATER APPUANCE CO. V N. Liberty GOOD Burbank potatoes $3.00 a hun dred. 1 mile east of Fruittand rchoot. Paul Silke. RL , Boa: 24. Out Cen ter St. . - "StDEARM water heaters, automatic, electric, fatten , to your- present tank. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 fi. Liberty LAWN Call, all metal, rubber tired, lawn and garden 'tools. Y EATER APPLIANCE" CO. " 255 N. Liberty PALLETONETTone coat, washabke oil paint for walla, ceilings and wall paper, dries In one hour. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE AND FILL DIRT j ALL KINDS. OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH- 9-1988 2-3100 FARMFJtTAltention: Portable clean easy milking mach. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. t 255 N. Liberty LE.S. Lamps ' and TocchTeTS. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. - 355 N. Liberty 30-40-50 and86gat. water heaters for Immediate delivery! YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FARMEKS Attention: Westinghouse auto. elee. milk cooler. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty AREN'T Plasti-Kote for drainboards. floors and furniture. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty good steel bed A spring 88). Oriental rug 7',x. Sanford rug 8x9. 1830 N. Cottage. REMNANTS: Special sale of" fabric remnants la drapery depL Elfitrom's, ssapcwwt floor. tOOSrWire.l2-e.nd 14-1 : YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FOR Your cabin at the coast a radio that assures good reception. "The Tropic Master." - iATn APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty COMMERCIAL-Ranges 4 burner and 2 burner with half grtlL 2sa N. Liberty ELECTROLUX V a'eVu m cleaners $59.75 complete. Limited amounts available. Phone 6088, 175 So. High. ELECTRIC Room neaters. All types. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ' PHJiLsBRes: """" Cedar posts, corner posts, wood. hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fer tilizer and special timber orders. Rt- C Box lit. Ph. Dial 0-S8F22. Fri. RADIO KSL31 (1291 ko) KOIIN (171 ur IM 8:15 8:38 8:45 (News (Timekeeper March Tim 'News . (News 1KOIN Klock KOLN Klock t:ee 7:15 7:38 7:45 News I (Rise 'n Shine (News News News Orchestra Bob Garred Fact Finder 80 8:13 $:J8 1:45 (Haven Rest; Haven Rest (Pioneers. ELindlahr User News. Art Baker Grand Slats) Rosemary i so 9:15 9:38 9:tS Camera Club (Orchestra IPoarors Call lArt Baker (Kate Smith (Aunt Jenny 1 Heled Trent ICal Sunday IS:eS IS: is it.M 19:45! I Big Sister i I Ma Perkins fRoad of Life (Road of Ufa Bins Sings Song Road Woodry's Uo 11:13 11:39 11:43 Walts Time Lathi Tempos Queen tor Day Queen forTtey MrC. Burtoa Per Mason Lone Journey Rose .. I INews ri-is' 13:39 12:S tNews JCome Get It (Hiilbilly (Bob. Victoria (Variety Show King's Jesters. 18 l:l lam 1.-45 (Checkerboard New (Orchestra -. Orchestra IM t:IS 2:M S:U (Bill Gwinn (School of I Heart's Desire TMeet Mlssua Heart's Desire 3KM 1:IS J J 3:43 Red Cross invader (News Orchestra Art Kirk ham IE. Winters I Serenade j Robert Trout IM IFulton Lewie (Range CaU (This Woman Rhythm 4:13 Rex Miller Melody House News. ' IN. W. Today 4:JS E. Johnson . (Linger (Life Beautiful -N. Westerners ' 8:43 Announced I Wash, Report C. Foster . ITenn. Jed IM !H. Harrigan - Knox Manning IStars Today ' 8:15 . Superman I Music G. Moorad IM leapt. Midnight "News Sing. America 5:45 (Tom Mix (Bob Garred I News 8M 8:13 8 no 8.45 G. Heatter Rock Wool (News . News IG. Simms Durante IM 7:13 1:38 " U Long Life Long Life Long Life Meet Press (Cisco Kid (Cisco Kid Long Life ! SM 8: IS IM 1:43 lOoree Da It (L Thomas Jack Smith (Sparkle Tim kleorge Do It Burl Ives On Future 9:89 9:19 :3 9:45 (News jrtctorial ' wTjTaylor (Fanny Brie - JThln Man : MM 18:15 1S.JS 19:43 IFulton Lewis INews (New Orchestra IS Star rinal J Be Ign. -4 I Orchestra ITex Ranger I1M 11:18 11M 11:4 11:55 12 M (Open House (Open House tOpen- House (Serenade Air-Flo N News Sign Off (Silent KOAC 858 ke It-Ofi News: 10M3 Es pecUUy for Women; 11 M SchoeJ of the Air: 11:15 Concert Hall: 12M News: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; IM Ride 'Em Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon School of the, Air: laQ Melody Time: .00 The Club women's Half Hour: 2 JO Memory Book of Music; 3 M News; 3:13 Music of the For Sale Miaceflanrxjns VACUUM Sweeper, tank type. 3TJ ' N. IA Ph. 2558Q. Primroses. Soecuiir or iced for - Easter. Ph. 3328 - N SPRAY Painting outfit.. 3 gun out fit all set to go. Call 25108 after 8 P.M. FRUIT Juicers and can openers. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SEWING'' Machines repaired and rented. Cash paid for machines, re gardless of condition. Ph. 7671 or write, W. Davenport. 1930 North 18th, Work Guar. - j - -. BTTEk Oiurns electric " " YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 3a5 K. Liberty "PRESSURE Cookers, sauce pan type. 1 ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 253 ft. Liberty " ALARM clocks, electric desk, mait tle and wall clocks. --' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. - RESTAURANT Counter IT' witi i base for stools. Good condition- Bright Spot Cafe 375 N. High. FOR SALE: Busher trombone in corwf CUrence Holmsn, YMCA, TELEPHONE A intercomm. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. liS N. Liberty lights requiring no batteries.' YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty PANSY Plants. S4 N. 16th, " U'ESttNGHOUSfi Elec. ranee, por- ; celsin. trash burner. Ph. 24409. PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST. BLOCK CO S. 12th St at Vista Ave. Ph. e ve . 8964. "ttON lid utrnxon cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. T55 N. Liberty GIBSON ' Garden tractor and aejuial ment available now. You rtde. L. C Miller. Rlckreell. Ore. ' OIL Circulator. Super Flame. MadL size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty yd. or $ yd.- load 4M- Dial O. call WF12 Phillips Bros Rt. A Box 1 18, ; 3 GCN. gas. spray paint outfiLti ft. DeVilBiss paint hose. M ft. asr Koae. Good DeVilBiss gun. Ready to go. On f-So-18 tires- M. L. Gotts- A A aa aVUSBI BllltCTAJ aan 'W WB, berg. Ph. 4248. 1450 -N. 19th St CpIXAF'SrRLE BabVW8y--l!rla pen, Teeter-Babe A baby car seat. A. , e AU MONARCH Kitchen range slightly used. Wood Circulating heater . Irke new. Divan A chair. 3-way floor lamp. Occasional chair... kitchenette set. bird eye maple $ pc. bed room suite etana- Slete with new springs A mattress, euben Wilson. RL 1. Sublimity. , ml. north of Silver Creek Falls high way on Siiverton highway. 1 MAllSHALirstrawberry planU. trqn md ft packed. C H . South. RL 3. Box 72$. bv Sprint; Rd. W00d3ANCE Ph. 2-8448 : ' H ft R modeFwO Sportsman 23CaI: 38 Spl. S ft W. 4'' BB1: Colt SA: 9 MM Luger: K3-5. K4 ft Alaskan scopes ; Rem. 22 single shot rifles: 73 Win. A Lyman rec; 54 Win 38-08 Lyman ree: 38-08 Win aa issued BMM Mauser Sporter with K2A scope. Model 12. 12 ft 20 gauge; Model 97. 12 gauge; 12 Single A DB1 BB1; 22-418 43 Tea ire stock: 419 Stevens bolt acta: Asst Receiver A open sights; Lots e fresh ammo, most iee, Don Madison. 590 No. High 2x8. 3x8a. Sx lea. new aad used win dows, used doors and used brick. Uttt and Howard. 1280 Howard. ELXcTrIcAL arid mechanical door chimes. - , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . EXPERT washing machine and wringer rolls all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. Liberty. - WB buy- aad sell nirm mr a. nia ai. stoves, dishea. motors.- radios. Evctne soplisnces. household goods KLIG MAN'S m N Ceanmeecla Ph TAsTESSr slice. $2.10 -ft aUca 83,8a. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty ,' WILL BUY for ean. aeU or trade, a ns. ptstola. ammunitloa. boats ae trailers Don Madtsoe L SS No Hat H. ' ' ELECTRIC : Range Burners ner available for: all makes of ranges. High speed calrod type, solid lop. sssd replacement eoita. For service or part call 4311. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 N. Liberty KGW (Rt ke) KEX (till as) IHoneym n . NY. 1 Bugler X Honey m'n NY. I Bugler X IKneass. News I Bugler X I I Bugler X Farm time Singing Cowboy - ' .iAgroctsxy The Old Sours (James Abbe tSara Hayes I Stock Market IF red Waring Jack Berch Uames Abbe (Breakfast Clue IBreakfast Club (Breakfast CTab IBreakfast Club Music Kneass. News Lew Lacey Words. Music IK. Baker K, Baker Rr enema it Brenemaa Matinee G. Drake Ted Makxve Quintet True Story True Story J. Jordan Todays Child 1 Hymns White Women (Melodies ' Masquerade (Listening Fast Light World uttbeL Alkert . I Kneaaa. New J Ma Perkins , I Pepper Young i Happiness w. Xt Stare Today E. C. Hifl ICome Get R House Party (Backstage Wife1 Sunny Side-Up I i Stella Dallas J Sunny .Sid U J Newspaper iLorenze Jones IXay West . I -. IWidder anwwniKay West ; Air (Cirl Marries I What's Doia' Portia. Life What's Dots (Just Plain BUI Bride. Groom tFarreQ . 1 Bride. Groom IRoad of Life (Lo ra Law ton I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul , I Be Seated IBe Seated . (Oorotiiy Oix . tMuste ilea Sky King (Jack Armatron IF. Hemming lay (People (Be Friends? I Pleasure (The Sheriff (The Sheriff alts Time J Theatre (Bill Stern . (Airline Trie Sports Sport. Sport Sparta Supper Club LtwkM Alan Young lAtv Strip Cher Songs (Your FBI (Your FBI t Ktrtf's Me Break the Bank B. Grayson (Break the Bank Public Interest tWeatern Skies ( (Western Skies (News Flashes (News I Here's to Vets 1 Music (Let's Dane (Concert Bout (Band Wagon I Concert Hour News . rConcert Bout- 1 Speaker Ron Salt I Concert Hour Bearl Ore. Bawl Ore. News Sign Oft X-Tra Hour ' . Masters: 4410 Oregon Reporter; 4:19 Song Time: 4 J Strictly Jan: 4-45 Children's Theatre: IM On the Upbeat: 5:55 Spotting Sports: 8.-00 News; 845 These Are My People; 8:39 Music C Czechoslovakia; 1 J5 Evening Farm Hour: IM Ore. State Collece Chorus; $M Mews; it ;43 Evening MeditaUooa. i,'