soft white (excluding Rex) tTl. White club 2.27; western red 2.27. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 27; 10 per cent 217; 11 per cent 2.40; 12 per cent 2.45. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 218; 11 per. cent 2.33; 12 per cent 2.40. Today's car receipts: Wheat 18, bar ley 1. .flour 4. millfeed S. Securities, Commodity Markets Closed Today By the Associated Press , Domestic securities and com modity exchanges will be closed Good Friday,' April 4. Various livestock and dairy markets will remain open. The New York stock and curb exchanges and domestic grain and livestock markets will operate as Grains Erratic, Close Higher CHICAGO, April 8-0ip-Vith the exception xt the May delivery of wheat, all grain contracts closed higher'' on the Board of Trade today after a session of nervous, erratic price movements. Grains drew strength from re entry of the production and mar- ketlng administration; Into the flour market and trade reports cf some export business in cash corn. May wheat failed to re spond as outside interest in this contract is small. Wheat finished i higher to 3i higher. May $2.45'i-2.46i. corn was i-24 higher. May 1.75i, and oats were !s-ls higher, May 86Ni-4. : PMA announced it j would ac cept offers of flour at prices 20 cents a sack under those pre vailing on Monday and Tuesday. Stock Leaders Give Ground and few customers appeared In commission houses, owing to to morrow's holiday when the na tion's principal securities and commodities exchanges will sus pend for the observance of Good Friday. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off J of a point at 63.1. . ' West Congressmen lb f Vsrvai ' w : "" ' '. at . Now York Stock Quotations tight Itecianialion i.uls WASHINGTON, April MVt Senator' Magftuson (D.-Wash.)' said ha and - other reclamation project backers would call . at meeting about April 21 to combat cuts In reclamation , apprcpria tions. - -Rep. Angell (R.-Ore l said In t statement . appropriation rutt would "bring hardship to the Pa cific Northwest." Congressmen from the area, he added, are doing; ail In their power to get adequat funds for Columbia basin hydro electric projects. NEW YORK, April 3-P)-Today's closing : Al Chem & Dye176 JGen Foods 43 . r American Can 82 jGen Motor 59 Am Paw c Lt 1 4 Vi JGoodyear Tire 55 ?4 1 Am Tel & Tel 165 Gt Korth pfd. 434 Anaconda 40 .Int Harvest .. 87. Atchison 88i Int Paper pfdl 03 quotations:' Radio Corp Rayonier Rayonier pfd . Reynolds Met Richfield 8 224 38 30 isy4 22 , 38 15 40 34 54 NEW YORK. April S--Stock market leaders generally gave ground today although there were a number of exceptions and sell ing pressure was lagging " during the greater part of the proced ings. Losses running to 2 or more points were reduced at the close and a smattering of pvoltals emerged with modest plus signs. Transfers of $80,000 shares were the same as the day before. Many floor traders '-stood aside. Safeway -EMPTY GUN FATAL PENDLETON, April S-P)-Mrs. Jesse Louis Wilson,- 63, acciden tally killed her 2-year-old grand son, today with an old gun she thought empty,' , Coroner Allen Folsom reported. The child was Ronald Raney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Raney, Reith. Bendix Avia 33 Manville v. Sears Roeh Sinclair Oil So, Pacific . Stan Brands Reth Steel 80a Kennecott . 47 Boeing Air 21ilLong Bell A 18 Calif Pack 27Maytag 10 CanadiariT Pac 12H Miami Copper --17 Vs a. - iit a- ' Stan Oil Case J 1 38 i Mont Ward a- 17 32 Stew Warner 17 21H 11 21 123 27 , 20V 72 15 :.25 . 48 usual Saturday, April 5, but the New York and New Orleans cotton and New York wool markets will remain closed. Roman military forces were finally withdrawn from England iq 408 to defend Rome against the attacks of Alaric. ! Chrysler ; , Com with Sou Cons Edison . Cons . Vultee 96 H 'Nash Kelvin SUlNat Dainr Studebaker . Sun Mining . 27iN Y CentraL. 17Vi Union Oil Un . Pacific Un Airlines . Un Aircraft . U S Steel Warner Bros West Elec Wool worth 17 (North Am Co 284 52iiNprthern Pac 19 Cent Ins Crown --Zel - 28W'Pac Am Fisb-L, UVa Curtis 'r :, 5i Pac Gas Elec. 39Vi Douglas Air . SHilP T Sc T Dupont de Ne1854!Piney J C 43 Gen Electric 35TlPan American . 131s 10 Tha Stataracnw Salom. Owyn, Friday. April 4. 1947 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, April 3 CAP) fVSOAl 1 Salable and total cattle 1: calves , ; market rather alow, early sales steady; late bids on dairy type cows 25-60 cents lewerr fat kinds off tsoetr few medium-food fed steers 20 00-22 50; light cutter steers down to 13 Mr. common heifers 14 00-18.75; good reiJers up to 20 50; eanner-eutter -cows J0J-13.3tt: shells down to 1 00; fat dairy type cows largely 14 00-50; outt siarxlinc heavy Guerrweys tip to 16.00 i tnedmm beef cows 15-50-17 00; good beef bulls up to 18 00: medium-good aausace bulls 15 00-16 00; , common medium calves 15.00-20.00; selected dealers up to 24.56. ----..-. Salable bogs 300, total 450: market 25-50 cents higher: good-choice 180-245 lb. trucking larrely 18 50;. one carload 250 lb. averages 28.00: heavier weights scarce: good -choice 159-175 lbs. 26.50; good 35O-S50 lb,, sows Z3.5O-J4.00; one Jet good-choice SI lb. . feeder pigs Steady at 30.00. - - Salable, sheep none, total 1025; mar ket nominal; f -food-choice wooled lambs quoted 20.50-21 JO; shorn lambs salable around 20.50 down: closely ahora Mo. , 3 pelt lambs Wednesday 19.50 down; good-choice wooled ewes salable SJO-9.50; shorn ewes quotable 1.00 down, 1'ortiand Produce . PORTLAND. Ore.. April 3 (AP) tButlerfat tentative (subject to im mediate change! premium -quality of J36 of -1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. ?S-76c lb: first quality, ?4-75e lb; second quality. 10-7lc: val ley routes and country points, 2c less than first or 72-73C lb. Butter Wholesale P.OJ3. bulk 68 1b cubes: Grade A A. S3 score, as-S7e; A. S3 score. eft-CIc: B, so score. 65 6c: C. 89 score. 63c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 42-48c: Oregon loaf. 41-i2c; triplets. 3't-50 Egr To wholesalers: A grade, large CJ'-48'ic: medium. 43',-44'icr A grade small. 40la-41e; B trade, large, 4J,-43'K. : - . Eggs 4 Purchases from farmers: current receipts. 4o-45c; buyers- pay S-3'rc belew . wholesale quotations oh graded basis for best hennery egg. - Lve chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers, under 3 lbs.. Snr lh --frrefav 2 to 3 lbs.. 30c lb.: 3 to 4 lbs. a4-3sc lb.: roasters. 4 lbs and mfer. 34 -35c lb.: fowl. Leghorn, under ' Jb.. 1S-20C lb.: over 3 lbs. 34e lb; fol. colored, all weights. . 32-34C lb : stass 14-16c lb. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 t2c lb dressed: prices to producers. 4Jc: fryer. UY. white. 20-24c lb; colored. -e lb. , Onor Green, local. mid-Columbia. 40-50C - - - ' " Onions, dried Oregon yellow, , No. 1. 3 Inches and larger. $2.50-2.75 a 50 1b sack; mediums, $165-1.75; boilers. - NOTICE Or HI AUNG Of FINAL ACCOUNT ' Kotice is hereby given that the Tinal Account of Sarah E. Minzen nuer. as adminfutrarrix of the estate of FRED A. M1NZENMIER. deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, and the Sth day of Mav. 1947. at the hour of 10.00 o clafck A M . has been duly appointed by such ' Court for the hearing of ' objections to such Tinal Accounting sad settlement thereof, at which time any person interested tn such estate to in writing and contest the same. ' Dated this 3rd day of April. 1SM7. . SARAH t MINZENMIER Administratrix. . OTTO K. PAt'LUS Attorney tor Estate. Address: 410 First National Bank Bldg.. aaler.i- Oreeon rirst pubiicauon: April 4, it47. Last ruaitcauon, -May z, mi. ... A 4-11-18-25-My 2 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final ' account of Mabel Sullivan, as admin -. tstratrix of the estate of Brooke T. Hedges, deceased, has been filed : in the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon, and that the Sth day of May, i9ii. ai me nour oi 10:00 ociock A : baa been duly appointed by such Court . for the bearing of objections to such - fcnal accounting and settlement there of, at which time any person interest . ed- in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and coa- Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26th day of March. 1947. MABEL SULLIVAN Otto K. Pattlus Administratrix -Attorney for Estate Address: 410 First Natl Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon. - First Publication: March 28. 1847; Last Publication: April 25. 1947. - M 28-A 4-11-18-25 16-lb sack. 30-33ci 50-lb, $1.00-1.10; truck sale, medium. $1.50. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes. No. 1. $3.75-3.90 cwt: large bakers. $4.25 4.50 cwt: No. 1.' 23-lb sacks. $1.00-1.05: 15-Ib sacks. 0-65c: No. 2. $15-10 50-lb sacks: FU Bliss Triumphs. No. 1. $3.65-3 75, sizes A and B; track ales. Baker Gems. $320-323. Dressed meats Veal light, top quality. 32 -34c: ' heavy, top quality, 28-30; B. 25-26c: C. 22-24c; cull. 18 20c: - hoes block butchers.' packer style. 125-180 lba, 37-38c; over 213 lbs. 3S-37C lb: sows, all wt. 30-35c lb: lambs A A. 38-40c; A. 37-38; B. 34 36c; C. 28-30c lb: mutton 10-lic lb. according to quality; beef bet qual ity. 30-32c; B. 25-26c; C. 20-22c; can ner and cutter. ' l$-19c; bologna bulls, 25-26C. - Cascara ' bark green. ' 8-8l4c; ' dry, 20c." - -. . Wool Valley, coarse and medium frades. 45c lb. - Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth. Hay Wholesale rail shipment: al falfa. No. 2 or better. $35.00-36.00 ton; No. 1 timothy. S37.50-39.00 ton; oats and vetch. $22.00-27.00 ton, depending upon quality; clover hay, uncertified, baled on farms. $22.00-27.00 ton. Salem Markets BTJTTESFAT Premium,. No; 1 NO: 2 PRINTS ... . Wholesale "ZJL Retail . EGG. Baying Price Extra large ' Mediums Standards - Pullets, cracks EGGS. Selling Price , Wholesale, large Mediums POL'LTRT : ; t- Colored hens, No. 1 '; ;,'' , ' No. 2 ,t ,, Fryers : ...; : LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Top lamb -Yearling lamb ' Ewes , , ,,,, Veal .74 . f .73 M . .70 . 75 . 44 . J . J6 . .30 .' M , .48 : -f . J2 . JZ9 . 14 00 45.00 8.00 ! 12 to 23.00 ; 6:00 to 13.50 10 00 to 15 50 Dairy- cows Dairy bulla- :is.i Hog prices 35c net hundred under Portland prices , for each . particular ciaai. aiags oougnt suoiecx. Stocks and ' Bonds (Complied by the Aoodated Prenn) : April 3 ' ' .' STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS IS 69 Indus. Rails Vtil. Stocks Thursday - ' , 90.6 33.8 - 44.8 , 65.1 Previous day 91.1 34.3 44.9 , 65.4 Week ago .'..:. 91 9 34 3 44 8 65.S Month ago . 92.2 36.0 46.1 67.2 Year ago 406.$ . 47.8 54.0 79.5 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Bails Indus. Util.For'gn Thursday ' 94.7 103 J 105 J 75.7 Previous day 94 8 104.1 105.4 73 9 Week ago ..,.,. 94.9 103.9 105.3 76.0 Month ago 93.T 103.5 104.7 78.1 Year ago 106.8 104.7 k 108 1 77 J PoriJand Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Aprfl 3 (API Wheat futures not quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 238 lb. white 70.oo; barley No. 3 45 lb. B.W. 66.00; No. 1 flax 8.50. Cash wheat (bid) soft white 127; SPECIAL AUCTIOII nooDBunii AUCTIOII April 4, 6:30 p. xn. Come early for new and used fnrnitare, lots of new hard ware, tools, roofing, blankets. Nice shrubs and, ornamental trees. EASTER LILIES Come Early : Lunch Albert Obrlst, Owner 155 N. LlbertT Telephone 3194 Gar Balieries Uinler King Heavy Duly 24-imonth guarantee outright.. 13.75 Uinler King Slandard 21-month guarantee outright Ewick Start 18-month guarantee outright. 12.15 mm Liberal Allowance for Old Battery ' - ! '. r j : i Heavy duty, light truck and heavy passenger cars priced Accordingly OFFERS HER OU A L W-JiY S GET 5 IDEA AT 16 A ' ' Jiimi.WiNitj, " EXTDA VALUE In each package Paas Pure Food Easter EGG COLORS 10c Pkg. . 3 for 25c Food hoppjng for Easter is easier and more pleasant at your friendly neighborhood IGA store . where your dollari seem to go so much farther because PRICES ARE LOW EVERY DAY! WMsaaaBaaBaaaaBBaBaaaaaaaaaa. aaasaiaaaaBBM aaaaaMaBBsssBB ia MassaaBaaaawaBBsaaaB aaaaasBBsaaaaaaaaasB . "2 mk . FRESn FnUITS Ct VEGETABLES - , - Snnkisl Oranges 288 Size 1 -CQaaA 3 Dozen 5P Snow Boy Tcnalocs .Peund Solid ripe, fine for slicing. Add to your favorite salad. Radishes or Green. Onions 5 c Garden fresh. Add color and flavor to your salad. Sweet Polaloes or Yams JE-lbs. A delicious and colorful addition to your ham dinner Tear neighborhood L a A. store has a complete line of fla vor fresh Frosted Foods to choose from. All the goodness is .sealed In at the fleetlnr moment of perfection. The prices are the same LOW EVERY DAY. I. G. A. Fancy Peas Na. t can 19c Small, tender peas with fresh garden flavor. I. G. A. DicedCarrols , ea 1 1 C Keep some of these; diced carrots on hand for so many dishes. Elsinore Whola Kernel Corn N.. en 20 C Just lik'e corn on the cob without the cob and such sweet and tender kernels. Larsen's Layer Pair. Vegetables. 23 C A layer of carrots, celery, peas and lima beans. Taylor Sweet; Potatoes No. s can 23 C Just naturally goes with ham dinner. tlsmore Cul Green Beans -v. . X can sbbsw No. S can ata Tender, young beans picked at the fleeting moment of perfect flavor. ; TASTY PAK Asparagus No. 2 can Tender cuts and tips. Serve creamed on toast. In salads or Just as a vegetable dish. I. G. A. Tomato Jnice .oa, can 27c Rich In flavor, rich ln vitamins. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. ; Hunt's Peaches No. iu Large, sweet halves. Use them right out of the can, in des serts or salads. Elsinore Bartlett Pears -4.No. t can 41c Delicious halves, for tantalizing, and colorful salads. s ... ... Year elchbrbo4 L(LA. store has choice of nationally known branda of flavor rich, tendertsed llama for year Eas ter dinner and at a LOW price, too. " . World Over Stntled Olives. Green Oneen Olives ,-'! , 30c Gianl Size Lindsay Olives . , 43 c Your relish dish won't be complete without some of these large, luscious olives. Buy some of each at these EVERY DAY LOW PRICES. - ' Dill Pickles Del Monte Kosher style 14-os. Jar With just the right tang for xestful flavor. Ilaraschino Cherries Tor dress up- fancy dishes. n j n 1. u. ii. atuaa urcssmq ,....,....,..riat jar .t-os. Jar Creamy in texture, rich in flavor. SiiVE lGil SPECIAL OFFER Save c when yon bay both Sugar and Fisher's Cake Floor, at your L G. A. Store. SUGAR tai l-lb. bag JS7 JL C Usher's CAKE FLOUR J-lb. pkg; Turn In Fisher's box top and re ceive 6c credit on your purchase. 7 CAIIPBELL SOUPS Tomato ...Each 10c Slushroom "..l Each l$c Chicken-Noodle Each 16c Vegetable .2 for 25c Buy all you want of these home like flavor soups. CITRUS JUICES I. G. A. ORANGE 46-oz. can . 25c L G. A. BLENDED 46-oz. can 25c I. G. A. GRAPEFRUIT 46-oz. -can ..J. 23c Contain . all the tang of zestful fresh fruit. BAKIIIG SUPPLIES DRIFTED SNOW OR Gold Iledal Flour 10-Ib. bar SIMPLE SIMON Biscuit Ilix pkg. 2 ,.r 33 c Turn out tempting biscuits every time and so easy. Baking Powder eM1 25 C Baking Chocolate 21 C Hefshey's Cocoa .m. Pkr. 14c Ilolasses Brer Rabbit 16-os. Jar 20 c Over 60 natural sugar and rich in iron. I SrJPPTHPAfYi TV l wwwsawiaw avsoaan r5U TOILET SOAP m 2 Yeg. bars 210 " V iT V I i 't BETTY CROCKER 1 -Each 24C 10 Individual trays. 4 Wheaties. 4 Cheerios and 2 Kix. - Cereal Trays Cream qf Wheat ..L: ...xe. Pkr. 28 C Kellogg's Shredded Wheal 14-c TMt tOA THAT AO!!! gTM TOVt HUN iBest ! pk,. 35 c j Oceans of suds for dishes or duds. .: i - Peels Granulated Soap m 47 C Not a soap powder. Great Northern Beans ; Large, clean, whole beans of superb quality and at ',; a' new low price. . 89c ji'iump, meaiy, sun-soaaea xruii h i new low pnesy- Bi-Ho Crackers i -lb. pkg. 25 c ! Delicious with soups or salads. CANNED IIILK All Brands TALL! CAN EACH - SMALL EACH 6c Seedless Raisins Post Grapennts 14-os. pkg. SPECIAL PRICE Whealies -8-os. pkg. 15c 12c "-nnuv x DAY .aaasa ImI Vki. xm w a is-w f A Strong America Is a Peaceful America - IGA EVERYDAY LOW PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THESE; STORES. " STATE STREET HAHKET i I I DERG'S GOOCEDY STORE I r Save Every Day , 1230 Stat Street i 1701 Csmter Street ::( Save Every Uay At IGA "In the Heart ol the CUy i S - At the Comer of 17th I "- At IGA ' i BBUEGEQ'S EASD t EMBY . : ', . : ; . TnTTTTTTlf C " Eoart Center at 40th 4 . - About 1 MU East of Slate Hospikxl At 'C TTTTIIPTV ' . nOIIIIEQ S i Plenty of Parking pace dlUiilllX GEUCEIIY - . - : 1 ; n ! f IlMinET Gerrcds. Oregon OREY'S DI10ADUAY GDOCEBY j LEIIIIOII S IIAREET f DaDasu Oregon i i Broadway & Market j 598 North Commercial StT ' ' " ' '' ' ' Complete Food Store Ample Parking Space ' 1 j.J. i l-..slsi ' . IIIBEPEIIBEIICE - i SEBVE-LIITE; FOOD IIADKET CABTEB'S IIARKET I . IIODEL FOOD IIABEET ! GHQCEBY . Independance. Ore. S1 I 2l5 N V Sf! " i Dalla.. Oregon ; It s Easy to Park at Carters s s - Free Parking Lot . ...........