The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    2.. TLe Stattciian." Scflwnj 'Oracjon,' Thursday. 'April 3lii7
Mrs. Duncan
Teacher, Dies
Funeral services will be held In
Pnr?lan4 this BMOHne; for-' Mrs.
Misci V. Duncan. Salem school
teacher for 20 rears, who died
Monday at her. boas on route 1,
Rite tn Riverside abbey at 11
am. U be 1 eUered by . inter
ment to Rivervtew mausoleum.
Cloufte-Barrick company is in
cbsrs. . . . -. 'v:-
Mrs. Duncan - had been chief
Haw? Saras Thrills! -
Jawfka U
tke Arctic!
1 i -
I fvnuk
Opeas : r, M.
JSaw! TereaJca Lake
Charles gUmtt
instructor in the remedial work
with special school pupils through
out Salem public schools from
1935 until last November when
poor health forced her to leave
the work. She also had taught in
schools here and been principal
of Wsshington school between 1921
and 1930.
She leaves the widower James
A. Duncan and brothers and sis
ters In Portland, Lafayette and
Yakima. . .. -
448 to Vic,
DAY Contest
Salem post,' Disabled American
Veterans, has enrolled 448 local
babies and youngsters as partic
ipants in a post-sponsored baby
show and "Kiddie Karnivar April
26. . :
Mrs.. Alta Barbara, show direc
tor, closed registration yesterday
with 104 children entered in tal
ent contests and 344 babies, in
cluding five sets of twins, in baby
show competition.
Parents of the babies entered
will be notified by postcard of
their appointments for health ex
aminations prior to final Judging
of baby beauties.
Musicians predominate in the
talent entries, Mri. Barbara
said. Unique is the entry of 4-
-y ear-old Jerry Lambert, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lambert, 99
Evergreen ave as "trick and
fancy roping artist'' .
iwi ram mirs inrwY-
umskimw m t t -A
:4S TM.
H eri
v -
....... j
Mm r
In j . c
tCO Weed
V. flHereceMcNalty
I Cm - Ilit! :
Wlieat, Coni
Prices Break
CHICAGO, April 2-MP-With-
drawal of - government buying
agencies from the flour and corn
markets, coupled : witht much
more optimistic reports on Euro
pean crops, broke grain prices on
the Board of Trade today. Wheat
and corn were down for -limit
declines at one time.
Selling was heavy and the
plunge was accelerated by touch
ing off of stop loss orders. Ex
cellent -outlook for the winter
wheat' crop and a large expan
sion in cash corn offerings by the
country were additional factors
In the downturn. Cash prices
were lower in most markets.
Wheat finished to 10 cents
lower,: May $2.46 V, corn was 5
7 lower, May 1.73-H. and
oats 2; to 3Vi lower. May 85i.
Professor Sees
Congress Okeli
For Greece Plan
"Let's be honest, we are go
ing into the Mediterranean to
protect 'Arabian oil fields," Dr.
R. Ivan Lovell, head of the Wil
lamette university history depart
ment, told Salem Rotarians
Wednesday. '
He predicted the Truman pol
icy would be approved by con
gress with some jokers in the way
of umbrella amendments includ
ing a belated oneto "get under
UN," soft pedaling relief to
Greece and saying nothing -about
Arabian oil, "unless Burton K.
Wheeler gets his Investigation in
to the open before then."
Listing himself as one of "the
voices crying in the wilderness
like Leland Stowe, Sen. Pepper
and Henry Wallace," Lovell quo
ted freely from editorials in The
and from articles ly Edgar Snow.
"I do not look for war with
Russia but I do fear the long-time
effect of this policy will be bad,"
the teacher argued.
James Walton, chairman of Ro
tary Boy Scout committee, pre
sented Kenneth Schroeder, Cub
scout -of the month, and his own
son, Jeff Walton, Boy Scout of the
Labor Contracts
Signed by 2 Firms
New union contracts with the
Valley Packing Co. and the Sa
lem Sanitary Service, calling for
substantial wage increases, were
announced Wednesday by Ward
Graham, teamsters' union repre
' The Valley Pack contract grants
teamsters, artyers ana ware
housemen 13 tents an hour in
crease with a graduated scale of
vacations with Ipay. The Sanitary
Service agreement increase driv
ers' and helpers pay $4 .a week
and includes a vacation with pay
clause. . . '. "
Motorcycle Clttb f
Elects M. Combs
Merle Combs was elected presi
dent of the Salem Motorcycle
club as It completed organization
last night. The club will be affil
iated with the American Motor
cycle association.
Other officers are David Elf
strom, vice president; Ted Stark,
secretary-treasurer; Gordon Sims
and Lloyd Adair, directors.
The board of directors will
name road captains to take charge
of tours arranged by the club.
Memberships is open io all motor
cyclists of the Salem area, ine
club will meet again next Wed
nesday evening. -
Stock Changes
Hit Average
NEW YORK. ADril t-(Ai-An
irregular, slow-moving perform
Wt the stock market at the
end of today's session, just about
Where it started.
Selective improvement by some
rails, aircrait ana air transports
and industrials was balanced by
1 weakness of other issues.
The Associated Press 60-stocK
composite finished unchanged
from- the previous aay ai oa..
Total transactions of 680.000
shares compared with 770,000
Fere Marquette issues ipunea
in response to interstate com
mrr commission aDDroval of
the proposed merger with Ches
apeake & Ohio. Eastern Air unes
closed up at 23 Vi and United
Air Lines down at 27.
Avers Lewis
Failed to Act
Rep. Reeves (R-Mo) told the
house today that "the recora
fails to show" that John L. Lewis
rtd at anv time to safeguard
the men whose loss he now offi
cially mourns.
Further, Reeves said the per
inA nt mournine decreed by the
United Mine Workers chief for
the dead in the Centralia, III-, mine
disaster ia "a thinly veiled and
mocking strike."
Aides laid Lewis would make
no reply to Jteeves. Lewis is
scheduled to testify tomorrow be
fore a house committee concern
ing the disaster and the six-day
mourning period now in effect
20-Ycar Rail
Rights Asked
(Story Also on Page lj
An ordinance bill io grant the
Southern Pacific railroad com
pany a 20-year franchise ti op
erate on Union street was given
its first reading at last night's
city council meeting. .
The firm's present one-year
franchise expires April 16.
Though the railroad has been in
operation there for many years,
its request for franchise renewal
was so strongly protested last
year that permission was gtanted
to operate for only one year.
Public hearings were scheduled
for 8 o'clock on April 16, the
night of the next meeting! The
hearings will be, held for -zone
change requests, from residential
to business zone at J7th arffl Mar
ket and at 17th and Center streets.
Too Late to Classify
"URGENT Prmrvnt. reliable bul
mm man imm1 horn immediately.
Hollywood dietrlct. Excellent refer
.iPhm 1-lltM
"X55icTNr?or an Wee! home? Here
a lovely modern S no. home. Herd
wood floors thruout. Inlaid linoleum
in kitchen and ' bath. Ven. blinda.
fplace. floor furnace. Comer lot. fence
oa S sklea. Nice lawn and shrubs. Ga-
-. . 4 rnnn furnished With
I n B&tawvu. j
Hhew turn. Incl. elec. stove and rerr.
Will accept late moaei car pari pay
ment: Drop In and sea this. 10 Edina
lane. K. off Center st.
tagrlf Kabert V
Berraaaa Meatceeaeryl
- la -
"Heme Street
II -sajaaaaV'
arkvikaa a. Vn
-t - Jady Caaava"
la - ,
"Stasia faa the Cava"
Oyems f:IJ
i ii
Jssaes Oair - Dnma Reed
u n
Eliminates' the. back breaking
job of hand trimming of
hedges and shrubbery. The de
pendable electric motor oper
ates , on AC or DC current.
Flip the thumb switch and
watch this easy-to-handle
Trimmer go to work. Cuts uni
form or special shapes in a
fraction of the time cleaner,
smoother. -
Cooabta with 8 ft-rakW
aeieteS card, extra handle
aad Hia adapter.
PINCOR for smootb ,
quiet mowing. Modern, all steel
construction lightweight .: '
16" cut easy to handle---hancl
- adjusted cutting height' from
y" to 2" with a twist of the
: hand knobs built-in sharp-ener--and
sealed lubrication.
Ontario Hop Knives
Dozen -.
HeUer 8" Files
36- Stneeo Nettinsj, )50 foot rolls
1-Inch Mesh tC iCC
20-gauga ; U UaOO
l'i-Inch Bfesh
1-Inch Mesh
Outside While Painl, 1
Eii 5 Gallon Conlainers
123 Ilorlh Ccancrrial
a?2lC38 4wwl
90 Enrolled
In Classes
Registration of 15 Saleni per
sons in a psychology class for
adults last night at Saleni high
school brought to 90 the total en
rollment in five University of
Oregon extension courses for the
term beginning this wek.
Enrollment. which remains
open through next weeki also
shews 24 in painting, 18 in char
acter education, 19 in Spanish and
14 in current -affairs. Weekly
classes in all courses will continue
through June 4.
Openings also remain in
the public school night clas4e for
adults, according to Director
George Potter, who announced
yesterday that approximate-
night students are now inj their
second week.
His office in the public
administration building has in
formation about the few openings
left In welding, marhinc
shorthand, bookkeeping, Kuglish
review and mathtrnatics (review
classes. The machine shop
meets every Tuesday and Thurs
day and the others every Monday
and Wednesday.
isix of
PORTLAND, April 2-Wj-Port-land
added 21 new industries last
month and saw 13 plants expand.
the chamber of commerce report
ed today.
Committee Agrees
Oii U. N. Aid Halt
WASHINGTON. April 1 -(P)-A
plan empowering the United
Nations to halt American aid to
Greece and Turkey provided
U. N. is willing to give such aid
itself was reported agreed up
on "in principle" today by the
senate foreign relations commit
tee. In an earlier session today, the
senate committee voted to re
quire senate confirmation for the
chiefs of the proposed missions
to Turkey and Greece. It alsp vot
ed to bar use of American funds
to pay off old debts of the two
Paul to Fight
Greek Rebels
ATHENS, April 2 -(- King
Paul acted tonight to carry on
the fight against leftist bands
which his dead brother, George,
had been mapping. .
As Paul took up his new re
sponsibilities, his subjects learn
ed that Soviet Ambassador Con
stantine Rodinov had been called
to Moscow for. consultations. The
news first appeared in a Royalist
newspaper this afternoon and
later was confirmed by a Soviet
embassy spokesman.
While most ol Greece tonight
mourned the passing of George,
a part of the country organized
to casry on guerrilla mountain
fighting against government forces.
H 82.90
Everreadjr elP
Case SeSal3
Conrl Siree! Oadio
& Appliance Co.
S5T Cart St. Fhont S02S
Salem. Oregea '
ervicc '
Aide Named v'V
Robert W. Sandstrom, has been
appointed assistant manage r of the
Salem office of the Oregon state
employment service, W. H. Bail
lie, manager, said Wednesday;
The appointment is one of the
changes being made in organiza
tion since the service reverted
back to working with the state
unemployment compensation- com
mission. The new program strives
to give added aid to employers
who are asking more help of the
employment service in screening
potential employes, Baillie de
clared. Sandstrom served In the U. S.
navy as a chief yeoman,' and has
been employed as an UCC employ
ment security deputy In Portland
and in Salem. Sandstrom and his
wife moved to Salem from Port
land last August. Before entering
the navy ha graduated from Ore
gon State college.
Committee' assignments were ;
made and monthly objectives dis
cussed last night at the monthly.
district scout commissioner meet
ing. .Richard Alverson, district,
commissioner, named Arthur Lam
ka as assistant district commis
sioner; Sam Randte, program di
rector; ? Harrison Elgin, commis
sioner reviewer; Jack Watson and
Bernard Orrel, assistants. New
Cherry City district neighborhood
commissioners are Claude Graham .
ASTORIA. April 2-OVAs-
toria's bonded debt was down to
$1,407,000 today, and itr officials
predicted it would fall below the
million mark within two or three
years. ..y ' - j
1 . One Day Only
Ilomandy IIan:r
The Modern Way to Window Beauty
LIGHT made of a special
aluminum a 1 1 o y, no heavier
than your hand to lift. "
FLEXIBLE bends to fit your
brush as you whisk the dust
away, then snaps right back In
aha pa.
LOVELY Jts4ia.tin smooth plas-.
tic finish blends with every
color schema, resists stains and
soiL I . : j '
Custom mad in our own work shop to fit; your windows to
T?, Let us give you an estimate1 and discover for yourself
how little this new window costs. V I ; ,
( death 21st St
Thane Sltf
Changing seasons arc not a matter of months here la
the West . . . but hours. That's why "climatic control
plays sucH a vital part in the production of the new'
Richfield gasoline. ;;
These new fuels will give swift evidence of Richfield!
research and modern refining facilities the first timer
you try a tankf ul on your own personal road test. .
Fill your tank with th? new Richfield higher octane
gasoline. Then test it with scientific sureness. Demand
instant starting . . . smooth acceleration. Drive on any
highway. . . in any climate and then switch off the key
and add up the extra mileage. ;!We believe you'll agree
with us . . "The new Richfield is truly a great gasoline
Ask your Richfield Dealer for
your free copy of Richfield's
Western-Travel Almanac.
. ..
B D S G3 P 0 B 11