Bctfoit Folic1" Entertain for . HI any Visitors DETROIT Mr. end Mr. John Nolan and Mr and Mn. Richard LadducJi and daughter and a niece Barbara visited Sunday with Mr. mad airs. Jack Wood of the Detroit hotel. Mrs. Nolan - and Laddussa are Mrs. Wood chil dren. Ker . son Jack and family live ntix and assist in operating the hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Drjrden vis ited Mr. -and Mrs. Red Rynearson ivaiurosy. An nanson was aiso a guest. . The intent son of Mr. andMrs. U. S. Flcyd of Idanha who has . , 1 1 i V Deen atnouiij iu a isesconess hospital for some time is better but is still in Salem. They expect . to oricx him home soon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnston and two yeung sons of Long Beach, Calif, are visiting with her sister. ITS TME CAMERA PLATE WOLDO? CLARKS MUBOEPEC LEFT IN TWE BACK SEAT OF MISTV Did TRACT tnupcr TTDri- I ACT UtTAiX f nCFAMTI I SAW MQS MEANY WITH A GREAT &6A?r, CHOPPING OOWN TH FRONT DOOR OF THE JAIL". 1 l 4 IITTIC AK&E ZQCSZH w. tcirvous. Pits. , TS rXOV 3St T OPEJlATKH. SUZZ SAWTZ3 Mjcrrr Mora THeJT t PONT KMOW. lecvr of jitMCE wjt rr VOJRS COW I CMJKH RJT i .. ,HJll;lHW 1 just II ..I.IHj fV just a VL (mxjtolome SvtOOD twe il ) f Js iXulwT TO ORDER leu tr . 1 y-sA fa- 1 IT'S ONt X I A AAOVtEf STOP 7j-K i trvin3 to errvoua 451 cvkca m run caaas.a TO BE. Kf? AM7 CUTTEX '--5 n v TVS: SM.1 tMT AV CASOXT2 AI1ET I vjhhrs 1 ' IVJUK II JH- " VOHCSI 1 VJZ SLEEPHST BABSTY GOOGU m Tf - i r r " ..hnll Oil ber brbtttwSntl ltff-hltlrir1WH and Mrs. Lon Everly. John Caldwell is visiting at the D. E. I Woods while awaiting ; re port on his navy tests. Mr. and Mrs. Virfil Kelly of The Dalles visited her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lin coln i Gilpin this week. Harold Pugh, former bus driv er for the Hamman Stage line is working at Arthur's Cafe. Earl Waters and his son B. E. Waters visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rice over the weekend and have returned to Bremerton. -- John Cook had stumps removed in front of their new place with a Caterpillar on Sunday. These men- also leveled the yard and cleared the, way for Cook's pri- vale road off the state highway. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wood went to Salem Monday on business. . Dave Crunnen of Fairmount, Minn., is staying at D. E. Wood is and may locate here. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy Wilson and three daughters are staying with 'Mr. and; Mrs. Frank Steen hout jr., and will live In the house rr V MAND ME 1 UAE VOU THAT CAM PICKED UP toP CAP BON -I SOME SERIAL -VAirpP THE SWERl KEEPIN' MR. MEAN Y LDCIEOUP-lOOURSEr KNOW IT WAS ONLY A DREAM - BUT IT GAVE ME THE WIMWAM5-, HOW, VOMT Bfi AM OLD MCANlC, ATt-SHAPC I'VE JO&T OT'D . FMO MYCOfAPACT. 1 LOST 0" TO THS RrVERa (ITTY INJCS Cg Wy OUT OFTtg WHAT ARE YOU, A MAN OR A MOUSE? TELL HER w VOU VMANT A JUSTICE THE OF THE PEACE. ANP CET IT OVER .WrTH. I 1- V JUGHAlD RUN OFf. wtF rr. occupied by John Cooks as aoon it they move into their lie w i ei dence. Wilson works for the Idan ha -Lumber Co. ' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ebright from near Salem have bought the small house near the railroad track from Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wood and expect- to move this week. Stanley and Clifford White are spending part of spring vacation with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Otis White. Telephones were installed this week for John Arthurs Cafe, Fred Rice and J. A. Wright. Charles Wolverton of Mill City visited the Idanha Veneer com pany's plant three miles above Detroit : this, week. " Mr., and Mrs. - R. D. Johnson made a trip to Salem Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hamman of the Hamman stage line spent some time in Detroit on the way back to Salem from a trip to Bend last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore and - children visited friends at Shevlin over the weekend. ' S. T. Moore and T. A. Davies 0?A2V t TOLD VOU TOOTOER TW6NTV GCfOSS OF SCPAM8LEO SMAOOE BOLTS BETTER THAN THAT. ALL THEBES A NAME HERE OR THERE WAS A MAM HERE TILL, SOMEONE THIS tS THE ONLY TRAIL TO CLIMB UP OR DOWN THE MOUNTAI N - ALL THE OTHER SIDES ARE STEEP AN DANGEBOUS 1l DsasV'AMlkBBl 'LOOK QT Tf. mf to , Sum4 -in m : QAWYE HIS rTBSONERS'cytfOUNp. I KOULPNT CARE AS BEST FOK THAT. EITHER. BUSINESS SA0SE. BUT WOMEN TO ME AN' MJNKV9 WANT SUCH rrs AU. A BO WECWNCt M rr snappy. XJSA. v&aw. V IGUE5SY0U I (v.J i W0M-T6O FAR I 1 ylJpY ;LTV StiverloiiFn,miIyIFaf if Accident Near Eugene SILVERTON Mrs. Lloyd Fry sustained two broken ribs and a sprained ankle, her husband sus tained severe bruises and bis mother, Mrs. Walter" Fry, cuts in the face and on her right leg a.s well as severe body bruises, when a car hit them heid-on as they were traveling south. on Highway 58, about 7.0 miles east of Eugene. Jhey had struck snow and . the oncoming car, the Frys reported, slipped over on their side of the highway and the driver was un able to control the car sufficiently to get back onto his own before colliding. The group was on its way south to attend the wedding of a sister of the younger Mrs. Fry but re turned to Silverton. The Fry car was badly damaged. were n Eugene fcior days this past weex auenmng ranger meeting. RIGHT, I'LL FENCE THeI WHAT ON I EARTH ARE A las SCt?AMBLEO ) i 'M s SHACKLE Vr- STUFF, NOW? WE'LL TURN II INTO CASH. HAND ME THE PurMF Tl"M CLAD VOU SEE IT OUR t SO WE GOTTA BE TERRIBLE CAREFUL - CAUSE IF WY DREAM WASN'T A DREAM, WE GOTTA KEEP WATCH IN 1 ALL THE TIME- C" SOME 0MSIAOCS LEGS, AMD WATTS. riy WAV hvro 7he three of tjTHM P1ANX3 MEETATTXED6C OFTK JUN6LE M20MNUTi& 1. MAN, IV VOUR AGENT. LEAVE fu. SEE THAT DONE PBOPER 1 tr OCAV... -r " -ii r in .1. " r-riCJ Wed. RADIO KSLM KOIN (tSt ke Nes Tt mete per March Time New New KOIN KOIN tie t4 I. I:M I:1S T:M 1:4 New Rise n Shine New Orchestra New " Bob Garred Fact Finder Dr. Talbot Dr. , Talbot Pioneers Lindianr User News S:1S :S Art Baker Grand Slam Rosemary S.-M :1S M :4S Orchestra Orchestra IPastor Call Art Baker Kate Smith Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday News Bins Sines . Orchestra Big Sister Ma Perkins Dr. M alone Road of Liie It.ll l:S Harmony House? il:M Waltz Time I Mrs. Burton Day Dreams I Perry Mason II M Queen for Day! Lone Journey ll:S Queen for Day Roue of Nea Pioneer Spirit I News IX: 11 News I Come Get It It-M Hillbilly Bob. Victoria 11:43 Varieties I Kind's Jesters I :e Jamboree' i House Party Backstase Wife Sunny Side Up l:l News House Party I Stella Dallas lSunny Side Us I 'J Orchestra. I News of Air I L. Jones IKay West l:4 Orchestra sNewi of Air I Widder Brown IKay West ' CM i:l ?:M t:S Bill Gwinn Air School Air School Heart's Desire I- I J:l 1:4 With Music Winters News Orchestra I Bob Trout - Fulton Lewis (Country Report: Woman's Secret-Rhythm -I Rex Miller '(Melody House I News of World I Northwest I iM Johnson (Bible I Life Beautiful IN .Westerners 4:4 Announced HMeditation I Chuck Foster I Jed I S.-ee Harriaan I Knox t:l Super man ilMuoic t:M Capt Midnicjhl News : Tom Mix J 'Bob Garred G. Heattef New , Traveller jSinatra I I Dinah Shore :IS t:M :4S T.-M Twilight Time ;! Dream 1:IS TwHight Time i 7 Cisco Kid J Dream f:4S Cisco Kid I :M 1:11 1:41 That Song? That Song? Announced Announced M Lowell Thomas' Supper Club Jack Smith IF. Lawton 1 1 Dr. Christian I Gildersleeve 'Carol! Alcott I :M :1 :4S News SJack Carson D. Day Show IB. Crosby Pictorial II B. Crosby Welding Shop N.W Neighbors Dist Attorney iHerury Morgan Orchestra il Henry Morgan Fulton Lewis News , News Orchestra 5 Star Final Barry Wood About Town I:1J I:45 i Rangers II :M 11:13 II :M , :U ' U:M v Open House Open House Open House .News Sign Off I Army Voice I Ian Santl J Air-Flo l News I (Silent KOAC JS k.c. 10:00 af.m. News; 10:13 Especially for Women: ;ll:O0 Oregon-School of the Air: 11:30 Concert Hall: 110 News: 11:15 p m. Noon Farm Hour; 1 :08 Ride 'Em Cowboyi 1 :1S This Day: 1 :30 Melody Time: 2QD Behavior tn Making: J JO Oreson School of Air: :43 Memory Book of Music; 3M news; 1:15 Music ot Masters: 40 Oregon Re sw ' New York Stock Quotations ' NEW, YORK, Al Chem it Dye.. April! l - OPr - 174 Gen Foods jAmerican Can. .. Am Power & Lt Am, Tel & Tel.... Anaconcia ......... Atchison '. Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air -, Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou .... Cons Edison .'. Corw Vultee - Cont Ins Crown Zel Curtis Wr .... 93 4 Gen Motors ... Goodyear Tire. Gt North pfd .... Int Har'est .. Int Paper pfd . 14 16.6 40 89 33aU Manville 91;K;eonecott 21 ii Long Bell .... (Maytag 12!Miamt Copper.... .... (Mont Ward 97 Vi Nash Kelvin 3V9Nat Dairy 27i'N Y Central 17ltiNorth Am Co 51 (Northern Pac...... 28 Pac Am Fish SViPac Gas Etec.- 7i4;P T St T 188 . jPan American. 35 S Penney J C Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric Salem Markets BCTTEBFAT Premium t .74 .73 No. 1 No. 1 : SKITS! . Wholesale - .70 .73 Retail . - EUU. Bey lac Prtre Extra large . ... Mediums ; J 30 ja Standards Pullets, cracks KGGS. SelliBK Price Wholesale, large . - Mediums Pdl'I.TIT Colored hens. No. 1 31 13 No. 2 :: Fryers ; ;;Tr- v.ii., eck Top lamb ' Yearling Umb ; j w.ww Ewes i 8 " Veal . i :... J. 12 to 23 00 Dairv cows ' 00 to 13.50 Dairy bulls 10 00 to 15.50 Hog prices c pel nurtarea unaer Om-tianrf nricea for each I particular crass. Stags bought subiecU Portland Liveslock PORTLAND. Ore.. April j 1 (AP) (USDAI Cattle: Salable :12a. total ISO: calves, salable and total 23. mar ket active, fulle steady; few mediums-odd steers? $19-22.50: liiht cutter steers. $12.50-14.50: medium-low good heifers. $17-20.50; top Monday $22,50; canner and cutter cows, S11-1T.30; shells down to $9:, fat dairy type cws. $14-15: medium beef cows, $15.50-17; good young cows Monday up to $19;' good beer duiiv sn-m; itgnt sausage bulls, $14-16: medim-good vealers. $20 23: choice quotable to $28; pdd selects up lO BZf. Hogs: Salable. SO; total. ; 700: mar ket active, steady: good choice. 180 240 lbu.. $28; 255-295 lbs., $28 50; 140 165 lbs.. $26.50-27; good. lb. sows. $23.50-24.25: good-choice fe,eder pigs quotable around $29-31. Sheep: Salable and total, i 50 market steady; few common-medium lambs, $15-18.50 ; good -choice salable. $21 21.50: good ewe up io $9. i Velazquez, a Spanish artist, died in 1600, but did not become famous until' 200 years later. WAIITED STRAVBEBRY ACREAGE Will furnish certified plants and finance under terra contract. STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS Phone 073 - Church & Mill St. - Salem, Oregon KEX (lit ke Klork Kloch I Honeymoon I Honeymoon Knrtu New Roundup Busier X I Bug let, X Bugler X 1 Busier X Farm Time loid Songs I Sam Hayes ISinging Cowboy Agronsay 1 James . Abo 1 I Stock Market I IFred Waring I Jack Berch 1 James Abb I Breakfast Breakfast (Breakfast I Breakfast JMuaic K. Baker Kneass Newk IK. Baker IL. Lacey u (Breakfast Hywd I Words, music I Breakfast Hywd 1630 Time I I Quintet I Joyce Jordan IG. Drake Ted Ma Ion True Story True Story i Today's Child IHymni I Women White IMelodies I Masquerade jl.istentn( Dreams Light of World I EtheL Albert I Knasa News ,)W. Kiemaa Ma Perkins (Stars Today Pepper Young R. C. Hill Happiness tCome Get It Girl Marries (What's Doin I Portia. Life I What's Doln' Just' Plain Bill IBrxie. Groom Froet Pane, IBride. Greom lltosvd of Ufe Losa Iwtoa Be Seated Be Seated Dorothy Dta . KGW Ct ke) My Serenade Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul Musical . Mannina' Stars of Today tTerry Moored tSky Klna Sine. America IJ. Armstromi I IE. Peterson T. Herolncjway IDuffy's Tavern Be Friends? , I t. Am. Rhythm Musical Sirre ITBA I TBA I Design Design I Morgan Show I Lone Ranger Lone ' Ranger IKay Kyser (P. Whitetrtan P. Wniteman ILcm 'n Abner 1 (Good Cheer I Willie Piper Willie Piper I Mews Flashes I News (Let's Dance I Band Wagon INews (Hey. Motorist Concert Hour I Concert Hour INews . IConcert Hour I ' Morgan Orch. I Concert Hour I R. Salt Orch. I Rose Brfwl Orch. Rose Bowl Orch. (News . I I Sign Off IX-Tra HAur porter; 4:13 Favorite Hymns; 4 JO For These We Speak; 4 :43 Children Thea ater; 3:00 On the Gpbeat; 5:53 Spotting Sports. tW) News; 15 It' All in a Song; 30 Band Stand; 1:00 farm ers Union: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: S0 Radio Shorthand; J0 Vet eran's News; 8:43 News; tflO Campus Heads: 9.30 Album of Songs: t:43 Eve ning Meditation; 10:00 Sign Off. Today's closing quotations: 43 4 1 Radio Corp 8T 594jRayonier 23 55Vx!Rayonier pfd 36 7i 424lReynolds Met 314 87 iRichfield Oil 15 (Safeway ' 23s 1222, Sears Roeb 36 47a Sinclair Oil 15i 18 So Pacific 404 1 CUs Stan Brands 344 164!Stan Oil CbI 544 58 Stew Warner 18 16WStudebaker 21 32 4 ;Sun Alining 114 .. A 173 Union Oil 214 27VUn Pacific 124 19 JUn Airlines 274 114 Un Aircraft 194 394 U S Steel 734 111 Warner Bros 154 134 West FJec 254 424 Woo! worth 484 Export Com Demand High CHICAGO. April 1. -A- Re newed export demand for corn developed a sharp closing rally at , the board of trade today when prices mounted sharply from the day's low to dose well above the previous finish. There were some mild rallies when commercial interests bought at the day's low, but sustained buying was not touched off until near the finish. Wheat outspurted corn in the closing minutes to finish 14 to 7 cents higher, than the previous finish. May $2.56-2.564- Corn was 4 to 14 higher. May $1.80 1.81 and oats were unchanged to 14 higher. Three ActrFarce is Presented at Detroit DETROIT-n-The Junior class of Detroit High School presented the 3-act farce, "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town" March 28. The, cast of 11 students included Catherine Fry er, Jean Bray, Charlene Bell, Nan cy Haseman, Rose Marie Zullig. Donald Fryer, Harlow White, Dick Haseman, Glenn Denton, Pauline Gray and Dixie Davenport. El sie Caldwell directed the play. Porlfand (raia Portland: ore , April l ap Wheat futures not quoted. Cash grain: Flaxseed. 13 SO. Cash wheat bid: Soft white. M.SS: soft white i excluding Rexl, $2 3S: White Club. S2.38; Western Red. S3.45. Today's car recetps: Wheat. 104; barley. 1: flour, 1: corn, 1: oats, 4; hay. 2: millfeed. t. , . Tho) Stcrtoamon. Salam, Orsyron, W4stnssc!crf. Jtpet! 13177. "THE YOUNG II)EA By Mossier si Cr. 4f ay WaM "If yasj'tt aaly atari wmrttic Uwm I es0l aalsaMl a few a Chrlatmaa atrelUa mm yaar Stocks Start Month in High NEW- YORK, April I.ArVThe stock market today started the new month with a selective re covery shift led by aviations, mot ors and steels. Many pivotals, though, continued to stumble. Professional short covering and bidding was credited partly to the idea of technical comeback was in the cards after three successive losing sessions. Another pleasing batch of earnings and dividends was helpful. . The coal mine holiday and a threatened-telephone strike pro vided a restraining influence. Transfers of 770,000 shares com pared with 72ff,000 -Monday. v . The Associated Press 60-stock5 composite was up ,1 of a point at 65.4 owing to a few wider, swings of key issues. By Rural Reporter, Dairying is but a small part of the farming - operation of Ben Catching on the Bill Kloft place at ML Angel, but U doesn't take numbers to have quality. Cach ing's one grade Jersey cow pro duces about six gallons of milk each day and this spring presented the Catching with the first set of twin calves , bora to artificial breeding in Marion county. The Kloft farm of 115 acres is well diversified. Sixty grade ewes have produced 150 per cent lamb crop this spring. Feed for th sheep is produced on 23 acres of alia fes cus and five acres of aeubterran ean clover. Ten acres of bottom land is under irrigation and pro ducing excellent fescue and Ladino clover." -;. I To carry the diversity . of the farm lurtner. it nas live acres oi gooseberries and five acres of lo gan and boysen berries, along with some fiber flax that is just com ing up. ' George K. Austin of Aurora has been elected to. the American Guernsey Cattle club. Austin milks 40 cows on the Cnampoeg Guernsey farm. . The damage done by (round squirrels in Marion county is prob ably more conspicuous that that of any other rodent. Damage to fields and crops sometimes gets as high as 25 per cent, Ben A. Newell, , assistant county agent, says as' he is now encouraging farmers to pick up poison barley at the banks in St. Paul. Wood burn, ML Angel, Silverton and Stayton or at the county agent's of Gee in Salem. He adds that there is no charge for ' the poison grain in Marion county since the county court has appropriated a rodent control fund in the budget for many years.' 1 ' ' A. J. Wilson of Albanv wh re elected president of The Linn coun ty. Poultry association at its re cent annual meeting. Kenneth Ar nold of Albany was elected vice president and W W. Abraham of Shedd, secretary. Why Suffer Any Longer wfcea ethers tail, axe ear Cfctaese reaseaies. Aaaaaiag secrets fr SSM rears la Chlaa. Ne aaaitrr with rhat ailieata yea are afUirteg Sisrders,iaasirls. heart, laags. liv er. fcMaeys. gas.. eenstipaUoa, al sers.. srtaeetes, raeamaUsaa. gall aaS blaster feeer. skin, female eeaa- ataiats. - chabt.it: CHAN CHINESE BCIIB CO. Offfcre Hears I U i Taea. aae aac aarr. tS4 N. Cvtnmerrial. rkeate X-IS3 SALEM. OXE. BETTER ZIEALTXX1 NaeserrWMb Secfstf aa Ailiaasa eafrigiffear Treated vitKoirt Hesprbi Opanina Writoarolorrm MmUtp nm$$ fndsyt j A. M. 3 P.M. Ettmmgu Masairs, TUmd FmJuf rnrntH $ Dr. C J. DEATI CLUHC N. X. ConJBmskU aid bead Aeeaoa Tatepbeaa lAat 3918. Forllaad 14 Oreooa Ranch Ramblings liiiH, k. Stayton Mother Receives Awards Won by Her Son STAYTON A letter from, th war department was received re cently , by Mrs. Claud J.. Lewis, mother of Lt. Darel D. LewU. of ficially declared dead in February, 1946, after having been listed as "misiing in action" over . Austria since Jan. 20, 1945. !" k The letter listed medals and ci tations to which, be was entitled. He received the air medal with one oak leaf cluster "for meritori ous achievement ihj aerial)! flight while participating In sustained AnAfKllinn.l -'.jrfiitttiu 1 it. - enemy from Aug. 6, 1944, to No-' vemoer i. I5M4, with the 15tl air: force, 733th bombing squad ron. 454th bombing group, j ! The purple heart was awarded when he received wounds: when his plane was shot down in Sep tember, 1944, and he was 'miss- in in action" for fjve days. - Because he paid the suprema ,. sacrifice, Mrs. Lewis has aba re ceived the purple heart certm- rate, and presidential citation awarded posthumously, 'signed by President Harry S. Truman. In addition he was entitled to wear the American theatre ribbon; European-AMcan-middle eastern ribbon with one silver star for service in the North Appenines, northern France, Rome - Amo, ' southern France and air combat ' Balkans campaigns; World War It victory ribbon: distinguished unit badge; aviation badge, pilot and. marksman badge with pistol bar. It was explained that although' the American theatre, European African - middle eastern - theatre ?and World War II victory medabr have been authorized, onjy the ribbons representing these medals are available for issuance. . Lieutenant Lewis was the pilt of a B-21and had flown 18 mis sions. Born at Aumsvflle Sept. 4, 1922, he attended Stayton grade and high school, and was graduat- a t IAJA tl . . . . and Mrs. Claud ,J. Lewis. Detroit School Girl- lias Birthday Party 's i DETROIT Delores HuetU ! ebrated her 16th birthday March" 21 with a party at school. Her mother Mrs, D. E. Wood sent tar large birthday cake and ice cream, Guests Included. Mancy Bray, Cnarleen Bell, Nancr and Billy Budlong, Dixie Davenport. CW Denton, , Opie Clark. Catherine and Donald Fryer, Nancy and Dick Haseman, Bill HarUm, iir ley Huettl, . Gary Crivasv Betty Ketchum, Nell Irons; Darleen Phillips, 'Nina Jean, Tucker, Don na and Cecil Willis. Harlo White.' Mildred Wright, Rose. Marie Zul lig and Pauline- $ray. ; , 171! AT CAUSES . ipitBPsyr z. -a be sea net, wkO W last. bv 5W Kf Am. New Tart, K. T, DUta i HEALTH TO TOO WHEN Deanorrhelds Fistala Ftsstv Prelapsa Itchlnc o and ether Rectal disardera aw eerreeted. 1 . Ne nosplUIIzatlea Qmlck Kelief j Dr. R. Reynolda Clinic NataiPrectalaciu 211 N. Liberty St, Salem. Ore. i DBS. CHAN . . . LAM U.T.TXaasJiJ. DrjG.CkaauN ! CniXESE ITXXBAIJSTS , , Z41 North Liberty f Cpstalrs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday only. IS am. tat I st-m t T 4 au Censu tatioa. Blood pressure ana anne tests are fret of cfaarga Prscnced since HIT , MM sV m-tf-iim mBjt