S The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, WodneadarV April 2. 1947 Ball Notes . t. rrrrJUBtBO. ru.. April i . (AT) After beldta U Yankees tm hit la the first fear inniacs ' Letty Al Br axle blew up In the. fifth and the New Yorker scored "ars. nu to beat the St. Louis Car- I-I Mi MK 2124 fans, j MIAMI, riir April I (AP) -Although trailing 11 to Z up to th sev enth inn in if. the SUV- Louj Brown lumped back into the ball gam with both feet to top the Philadelphia Ath . Irtica 13 to 12. piling ap five runs in , sbeix ball ' of the ninth. . . : , . rHorvrr. Apra ap Roas- W BUii Avers today liaalted the Cbi cace White Sea ta t htta while rKfctef the New Yet CiaaU to i victory In eshisltlen be haJl (aa here. I UKZ WALES. FTai April 1 (AP) Bunching . their elgtt '. hits '. In ,. the fourth inr.ir; to score three run, the CineinnaU Reds defeated Kansas City of the Aroericaa association, 4-1, here FOBT VOITB,- Apr? ' 1 AP ' Ted WUHaass blasted sa slaale. doa ble aad avoaae raa la foar. trips to -- th put here this aflcraooa to lead the . Boston M In li I M rk-. mt ettr tke Port Worth Cats of She Texas leaf a. . . r . . . TUCSOX.-Arit. TApra. 1-AP Bid Pat Seerey' of th Cleveland Indiana : bounded six runs, across tbe plate t . lay and. -presented not-so-rapid Sob er Feller with a 1S-8 victory over the " Chicaca Cubs. Closing out th ex hibition series with tnc Cub, which , In Kaoonai leayuexs-won. V2- Seerey -crd three runs on a round tripper 1 and tnree 'more on a double. - ; SAJTPOKo, ria - April l ap) ,SM- Hadsea, the tint Washiaxtoa Senators pitcher to ( the fall real tnis spriac, pitched ; la sntd soaaoa baseball farm today as the Senators .beat Toledo of th American, ass. : jdatloa 4 to I. ... . , . - . SEBRING. ria., April 1 (AP) The -.Pittsburgh Pirates, snapped out of sneir ha ttin lethargy, today with a fa-Kit attack which overpowered the . hcvirk Bears. 7-2. tn a' spring ex . kibuton gam her today. . - AVANA. Aprs -- CAP) Jo . ,lni, Brooklyn's speed ball seath- paw . pitched a f oar-hluer today as ,ae went the distance against Mom . trcal la th Ddyers 4-1 triumph mm Sorties: Not only has VOUger Bill Sevens been actliur np kn ..,preasirely an the Yankee spring training- hillock, bat he also indi cates he may be the gent to carry Joe DiMaggio's big bat until Joseph .shakes his foot wees. Bill belted anighty home ran in? helping to in a camp game the other day. . . . No mention of It has been tade. bt Bill has been doing , may be Hgr. Bocky Harris open ing ay ninger Apru i at Wash ington, Which would be a signal fconor for onr man. . ; . The town Senators aren't mlone In the WIL woe depX Yakima Skipper Har- 'aa ciift U shelved with an ap pendectomy sad S pence Harris has taken over the spring tntor tag assignment And over at . Walla WalU 21 -game winner "Beak" Federmeyer has been snspended and placed en the trading block by Bremerton following a bote! lobby argument over training rales with (of all guys to argue with) Manager Alan Strange. . . . It mast be catching. Reports from KJverside Insist Jim (Milkman) Tnrner, regardless of what he has work with will have the 'best conditioned and most hnstlhVest Beaver team ia years. Medford's Barry Chipman, oar cover man lor the Senator camp. Informs Mgr. Jack Wilson is. In such respect, as image of Skipper Tamer. .' . . Prediction: That Doane Crawford, Pui1,Bll'. .1 . I - ... . m - u win j car, xa n win i senators before June .L and that Dick Wenner and Hal Snmmen are her U greet him, if they don't balk at reporting:. ; . . One minute Inter view with Tex Salkeld: -I wouldn't take $20,00 for Roy Hawkins' amtract and that story going aronnd that Tve sold him to a Tacoma syndicate is strictly baloney." , , . "It VTUl be a Fine Fight," Say$ Salkeld Salkeid's armory fire, main event entree, for this evening 4eesa't boast the hot prospect of a knockonL which Is always, wel- "" - Bm ca aire jia snare or aurae- tiveweas aa a boxing match. And not a slew one at that. Challenger XJchArds. aoce victor over the negro sharpie and recipient of a tie with, him three week back, voices through Salkeld that he has invented a means by which be will stop both Lacey's respected waater-ponchina- and net-so-a pprecUted dowt-then-clinch tavcUes. If the former San Francisco sailor boy who now teaches fistic ABCs at Portland U can accomplish the Utter, end. the fight Is sure to be much faster and more palatable to tbe clients. , . . Farthers Salkeld, who doesn't hesitate so spent that "tha fight m -f sinse- iron a iinanctai standpoint it s gotta do aroand $200 ai the gate If any money Is to be made." "these boys want to win this big one badly enough that 111 predict it will be a fine fight, one erf Jfce best of the winter in Salem." . . . And don't forget, M. Salkeld ,a seldom wrong. Upcoming Elks Tourney Dandy of All Speaking of the "big" and "fine" sports items alone the local Ji-eait these days, how about Uie upcoming- Elks club sponsored MJd WlHamette Valley links derby? No. J3I has done bang-up Jobs on 4TUy opens in the past and took no profit for them. This time the lodge, intends dwarfing the previous projects, thanks muchly to the Perry. Charles Claggett and Fred Phillips and current Ruler Tars Aafranc Should yoo belittle the Intention engreasing the coming eJaasie, take a peep at the hardware which Is to be won when it is windowed this week at the Bishop clothing works. What's more, the Elks want to sponsor tbe excursions every spring-. . i And With Aof So Much at a Calling Card! i . "There oughts be a law." hissed Joy ster Skipper Johnny Kolb daring a warkent with his state leaguers the ether day as Valsets xrpresenUUves took to the field and buzzed affectionately with three ,. lour prospective Joyster players. . "-. No, Vera Reynold 1 not .with either the Senators or Beavers. Unable to reach contract effi ciencies with the Bevos, Vern say he has retired from pro rank and will play in the Cascade league this season. . . . Another who very likely wont be Jiack is Eddie Wheeler, the deer-footed lnfielder. Eddie has been told by the parent Portlands to make' a deal for him self a .polite way. of saying ."We don't want you, bud." - Young to Sign Widi Grid Yanks CHICAGO, Aprtt .L The all-America football conference today signed three new players and a fourth, r Claude (Buddy) Young, former' University of Hli iiois halfback; indicated he had xxime to terms with the New York Yankees. " At the second session of a spec ial ' league schedule meeting, the Xxo Angeles Dons announced sign ing of halfbacks Russ Reader, Michigan State college's leading gTound-gainer the -.past two sea sons, and Johnny Andretich of ClHcago, prewar Purdue star. The third player signed was end Hu bert .-Bechtol. ail-America star at the University of Texas In 1944 and 194S. Deck Pins Men's City league results' last night at B eV B Bowling courts . Included: Newman's Men' store 4, Comet Cafe : Larseu; Home dk Loan - sjnited Growers 1 : Remington Rand' 3, Stevens i BUZZ BUGGY: Jndd TmUer (right) af Fortlaad, ,wh Is president . of. the Oregon inidxet saU rsctsjr association, is shown stArtlng his model strplane with the help of Yote Mlhk ; (left) and a ; nsfem-Bude sUrtinx Baechsniscn daring the. Trl-Clab Beet last Snndar at Waters -park. The plane Fuller Is holding1 flew IIS miles per hear: to win first place ia the . Class C division. (Don Dill Statesman photo.). ' ; TALK, FATTY, WIN MONTE CARLO, April lMh Robert Falkenburg of Hollywood, Calif., aiid Budge Patty of Los Angeles advanced another round today In tbe eliminations for the Butler doubles tennis trophy cup iwrnm EDDIE WIIEELES Jewelers L, Warren MJUer had high series with C50 and E. Ra-' boin chalked top game, a 265. Dusette Tourney Winner Georges Dusette, by popalar demand,- last night emerged winner of the mat tournament at the armory. The ultra-popular Frenchman with th bulging biceps gained a leg on th per petual trophy and a shot at Junior, Heavy Champ - Bill Weidner for his victory. Pow erful Georges didn't actually flatten bis opponent. Herb Parks, la the final session tbey went IS - sizzling minutes to a draw. But the customer, given the privilege of applauding for their version of the winner In ease of draws, wasted little time handing the win to Dusette, - In the earlier scuffles Gorilla Poggi half -crabbed a win over brand newie Pedro Cortex; Da oette fuH-nelsoned the nod over 1 at the Monte Carlo Country rlub, defeating Louis Wertheim ard Van Pach of Luxembourg 6-2, 8-2, erV; ., -:; Eggs of the albatross are four or five inches long. : ' - , Lacey, Richards Waft 8n Title Scrap Tonight ' Negro Champ to Face New Offense'; Abbey .' Seeks Kayo in Semi; Ayres, Fries Ready . Bobby Richards, long on class, speed and boxing ability and the nearest piece of fistiana to com close to whipping negro artist Harold (Snooks) Lacey sine the latter started a win binge here 'way last year, takes his 15-round fling at Lacey's northwest feather weight championship tonight at the Ferry Street garden. The bout, a rematch after the. 10-round draw the two tapped off here three jHnior Bailers DiscussSeason Junior baseball league officials and sponsors discussed in a gen eral vein plans for the coming season at a meeting at the cham ber of commerce last night. Sec retary Ralph Caley-handled the discussions and appointed a com mittee to choose candidates for the offices of league president and sec retary. : Among the questions' dealt with last night was the matter of play ing fields, which proved quite a problem last year. A and B loops will be in effect' again this season with action to start soon after the close of schools. Represented at the meeting were the following' clubs: Valley Mot or, Mayflower, Curly's Schrocks, and Eagles, all of the A circuit; and. Yea ters, Elf stroma, and the West Salem Lions of the B loop. ansen, Witekk Rej join Giants . PHOENIX, Ariz., April IHfl Second baseman Mickey Witek and pitcher Larry Jansen, a couple of early casualties in the training camp of the New York Giants, have rejoined the : team. . Witek fractured ; his left , arm several weeks ago and went to his Luz erne, Pa., home. Jancen, who was hit in the face by a ball off Bob Feller's bat and suffered a brok en left cheekbone, also had gone home to recuperate. Both players will undergo medical . examina tion here. Vandals Learn New Formation MOSCOW, Idaho, April 1-VP)-Unlversity of Idaho football play era will start learning new formation under a new. coaching staff when spring practice opens next Tuesday. Millard F. (Dixie) Howell, the Vandals' new head coach, said "We're going to move pretty fast, during - the 30-day session. "We have a lot of work to do." The Vandals will , learn the Notre Dame box formation. They will line up in the. standard "T" formation from the huddle and then shift into the box with a balanced line. ' - - Buck Weaver as . the latter' tricky backward spring back fired into Georges powerful arms; . the Gray Mask butted and body pressed Bearded Ben ny Trudell; Dusette, in a seml- final role again sprung his nel son to dump. Poggi, and Parks, far idle, with a bye, bruised, battered and giant-whirled a win over the Mask. Then Cana dian Herbie and the Atlas-like Dusette. went at it It wasn't on the menu, but an other of the- better matches of the evening came between Bef- , eree Tony Boss and Weaver. These two had scuffle In Al bany the,, other night a rough and rugged sortie and it blos somed again last night during the Weaver-Dusette scrap. Nelson Returns For 'Masters' Hogan, Demaret Made Favorites in Tourney AUGUSTA, Ga., April l.-P)-Byron Nelson, who won the mas ters golf tournament here twice in past years, comes out of retire ment Thursday for. the 11th an nual event to find two. other ex Texans established as -the favor ites Ben Hogan and Jimmie De maret Hogan, twice the runner up here last year and in a 1942 playoff with Nelson has been here two weeks getting in some long prac tice sessions. Demaret, the 1940 king of the fairways and the mas ters winner, that year, apparently is back at the peak of his game. He and Hogan have won the lion's share of the' honors, in r e c en t months. Hogan led the money win ners las year with something over $42,000 and Demaret is pacing the pack at, present. . Sharing a sort of "darkhorse" .role with Nelson, is Bobby Locke, the South African champion who reached New York by plane today with Sammy Snead, currently the British . open ..champion, i. Locke bested. Snead in a series, of recent matches in South Africa. Dragons Name Barclay HOOD RIVER, Ore, April Raloh E., Barclay, athletic coach at Western Illinois State Teachers' college for the past 12 years, was named . Hood River . high school football and basketball coach to day. ; He succeeds Walter Buett genbach who resigned after putting- hts football team in the state high school championship play offs and his basketball team in third place in the state tourney this year. . weeks back, climaxes a sizeable 33-round show produced by the village VFW's and . Matchmaker Tex Salkeld, same starting at 8:30 o'clock. The armory gates go open at 7:30, and one of the larger crowds of the winter-spring sea son is anticipated. The advance sale A of ducats, at no hike in prices despite " the spangles donned by the evening's iare, has been good. Held to a tie by the counter punching negro , swifty the last time after beating him in 10 heats in Portland last year, Richards comes prepared this time with what he claims is "a new offense to stop Lacey's counter punching -and clinching." Richards has been hard at work , on It for three weeks, the same length of. time the Eddie Thomas, sharpshooter has been honing down "to the best fighting condition of my life." Both must enter the ring at no more than 126 pounds, which "will be made easily," according to managers of each gladiator. Should there be no knockout, a decision will be handed down by Referee Packy McFarland and specially appointed Judges Harry Collins and Frank Saunders. It is to be a "no draw" fight, finding Lacey. the favorite at 10-8 odds. Lacey's most recent outing, in Eugene week before last, netted him a sixth-round kayo of Duane Hoag. ' Although the' top shot may not end in a kayo, the "winner take all" six-round semi featuring Sa lem' Dick Abney and Denver' Ray Garcia probably will. Abney flattened the Mexican in five ding-dong stanza three weeks ago and Intends repeating the process, only sooner. The wild swinging Mex will mako a battle of it, however, and should he find the rang on Richard' chin, good bye Abney win streak. Th three four-round prelims line up in the following order: Hal Fries, ' Salem, vs. -Veteran Johnny . Archuleta, Denver, with Fries making his local debut in the featherweight clash. Glenn King, Portland vs. Nick Burley, Portland, middleweights. Ralph Ayres. Salem, vs. Kelly (Deacon) Jackson, Portland, welterweights. OILERS TD? BARTLESVTTJ.E, Okla April l-(P)-The Phillip Oilers, Nation al AAU basketball s champions, pulled up from a 31-29 halftime deficit to defeat the Western Col lege All-Stars here today, 52-47. Regisicr Your Youngster For ihc - i Prize Baby Show Children Talent Show " Conducted By Disahled American Veterans Chapter No. 6 J -Hdqtrs. at Montgomery Wards & Co. V No Charg Wedneidar, April 2 Lat Day Pitching Remains Headache As SolonsJ)rill f V MCDFORD. April l-( Special) Skies cleared over the training camp of Salem's WIL senators today and Manager Jack Wilson doubtless hoped that the same could be said for his pitching problems. With , five . weekend exhibition games' looming the Solon skipper looks at his skimpy staff and shakes his head. Two of the proven! hurl er on hand! Ken Wyatt and Paul Soderberg will be unable to work because of Injuries. Wil son' may have to figure himself la for mound chores to comple ment a half-dosea untried j rook Bevos Bow to Asugells; Solomis, SeaDs, -p'adlires Win as Coast Loop pens ; Fife - ' i i i ' i BEADY: Equipped with what he calls "a brand new offense," Bobby Richards (above) is ready for his 15-round northwest featherweight championship struggle with Harold (Snooks) Lacey In the armory ring tonight. The big battle caps a 33-round card, starting at g:3 o'clock. I . Boosters Beam Tonight The Salem Senators Boosters band, captained by ' Cliff Par ker and including a host iof the club's well-wishers, will convene tonight from to 1:30 o'clock at the Marine room In the Marion hotel to officially kick off the baseball season. A general dis cussion on the club and it prospects is on the agenda, plus a fall report from Business Manager George Emigh who has. been at the Solona Medford spring camp since It opened last week. Food and refreshments will be served to all and a large turnout is -expected. A report on! the ticket sale at Maple's will also be given. Thus far the opening night ducat have been selling fast. The Senators open at heme against Vancouver April IS. ' , ' r - WX.Pct WUPct. S. Tran 1 0. 1.800. Portland . 1 .000 L. Angel 1 i.uuvseaxiia .- Sacrmen 1 ijOOWHllywood 1 .000 S Dieyo 1 0 1 000 Oakland .0 1 MM COAI TANDING I Yesterday's results: At Los iAngeWs 8. Portland S; At Sacramento? S. Hol lywood 3: At San Diego S. Oakland 8; At San' rrancisco 11. Seattle 1. ; j Czechs Pacers I - BERLIN, April l.-(;P)-A tst, well-trained Czechoslovak; army team took the lead tonight, in the opening round t the four-day allied forces championship i boxing tournament in th Olympic stad ium sports club by scoring vic tories in five preliminary bouts. The United States ranked next with three winners. , j BELLOISB TRIUMPHS ! NEW YORK, April l-0PH5teve Belloise. 159, New York, out- boxed and outpunched j Randy Brown, 159, ML Vernon, Nj Y, To night to win an eight-round de- In 4Um main vnt ! st t h Park arena. It was Belloise's 23rd victory in .24 starts since his dis charge from the service, r ! ies, - among whom are Ron Bowen, and Dan OToole. Foci land lads; Dkk O'Boyle. Seattle, and Jerry Nelson, Winlock, Wash. With the weather taking a favorable turn. the. Senators re sumed heavy drill with a two hour hitting session and - an hour's Infield practice taking up most of the work-out. Though pitching Is a headache at this time, the squad shows Streaks of hitting ability. "BelUn Ben" Gregory, the hefty young out fielder from 'San Bernardino, Calif, and the boy who provides Pirates Gain 1 Homer Complex MIAMI BEACH, Fhu April 1.-(Jpy-Blg Hank. Greenberg Is the key man in the Pittsburgh camp where freshman Manager Billy Herman Is fashioning a home run minded ball club from1 a squad of "Interim" players. "If Hank can play every day," Herman observed, "I know well be aU right Right now, I think we are ail. right and 111 be very much disappointed If we finish in the second division." With a batting order predomin antly righthanded. Pirate officials have mored fin the left-field fence some 3 feet to make a better home run target for Greenberg, ' Ralph Klner. -ihe 194S national league champ, and Jim RnsselL FITZIE VICTOR . ST. LOUIS, April II - m - Scoring one knockdown, Hilton (Fitzie) Fit! pa trick of Los Ange les decisively outpointed - Jim Richlef of St Louis tonight be- i I ' ' 57 i well-timed departures daily from SALEM , . When yew travel, Greyhound is the way to go! Frequent scheduler make it easy to leave when you like. For business or pleasure, to nearby communities or distant points . . . this convenient transportation is always at your service. Ask your Greyhound agent for handy pocket timetable. C. T. Reaney, 228 N. High, Ph. 5054 this camp with the Ruthlan touch, took the spotlight again with some more clouts over "the none-too-chummy outfield bar riers. Infielders Lou Kubiak and. Dick Gentxkow also sparkled -with , the stick, In Wilson's mind one of the most promising rookies in the quad, both afield and at bat. is. Bud Peterson, youthful Portland lnfielder. ; With lnfielder Mel Nunes re portedly on the way from the Portland Beavers and Outfielder Hal Summer expected to fol low, Wilson says. "Fine" but Pindi Homer Beats Portland: ; -,- w as a ; - -(. a - o . Joyce Itlakes Auspicious Start (By th AssoeUted Press) - . - , - , Threatening weather discouraged any attendance records as the 45th Pacific Coast league campaign got under way in four California: cities yesterday,-with first day results bearing out, on the whole, the predictions of .the experts. . ;-. - '-j . ""." , Ominoiis Opener PorUaaS B K O A L. Angeles B H O A D CwfdJ 4 11 liCarlott.m 4 J 0 Rdlovch J S S S Schuster 4 0 4 Eacbar.m 3 1 1 O Sauerjr 4 3 10 Storey X 2 0 1 MaddernJ 4 S 2 UzorJ J 3 OOstrwska 4 111 Retch.r 4 S 0 Stringer 4.1 $ 4 Balln(r.c 4 J 3 1 Otero. 1 4 1 T O Crbould J SOS 4 Malone.' 4, 1 7 Salvesn.p '110 1 Lynn.p . Wenner.l 1 1 0Oborn. pO 0 Mooty.D.. 0 0 Pawelek.S I 1 M Dobbina. 1 0 0 Kleloe.p- 1 Moasor.p. O' " Murator ' V-' "Spater. .. v.t. . , Totahu 37 Tl U 13 jTotaiSv-' 3 15 17 Tl Portland ; - IPS Pa ooo Loo Angeles ' 201 103 lOx S Left on bases Portland 10. Los -An- Eeles 4. Two-baset hits Garrtott -L. auer. D. Crawford. BaUinger. Horn runs Striner. - Pawelek. . Sauer. Sto len bases OJ Crawford. Runs batted in Escobar X, Radulovlch Z, Storey. Salveson, Sauer 3. Maddern, Stringer, Powlek 3. Double plays Gorbould to Radulovlch to D. Crawford; Storey to Radulovlch to D. Crawford: - Ostrow ski to Stringer to Otero. Time 2)9. Umpires Powell. Mazreo and Ford. Winning " pitcher Osboriu Losing pitcher Salveson. , - . ; 1 Youth Laughs At 50-1 Odds FORT .LAUDERDALE. , Fla. AprU 1-C?-Jerry. Kerschner, Co lumbus, .native who la August will endeavor to become the first person ever to swim the English Channel and back- again, laughs at tbe "long shot" odds Lloyds' of London quotes at his chances. Lloyds has established Kersch ner as a 5to-l shot. Bet SI on Jerry and youll receive $51 back if he makes It. The rangy Ohloan Is leaving no stone unturned In his tralnlnr program. He plans to visit Lon don In June. Recently, he swam from Miami to Fort Lauderdale s a distance of approximately 35 miles in It hours and 3 min utes, . ' : ; Jerry's mother 'and dad. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Kerschner, recall that swimming the channel and back again. Is not aa overnight dream of their son's. ' Viking-Dallas Ball Inaugural Rained Out The scheduled Salem Vikings Dallas Dragons baseball opener, booked for th Dallas field yes terday, was . rained oat. The Vikings hope to pUy the Leba non Warriors, at Waters park . Thursday. Another game with Dallas has been arranged for Waters park April f,,,, - fore a crowd of 5,179. Fitzpa trick weighed 180. Richief 174. or Exliibitions meanhll he's praying thai ' Some pitching help comes from, the same direction. Another ra-' mored addition from'- the Bevoa ' and he should receive a warm welcome even though not a hill-'' . worker is Hank Sonxa, j tha j good-looking rookie catcher with; the Portlands In the 194 earn' s palm. .r. . ; The Solon face Oregon State) ; under ! the lights Friday night ' and again la a . double-decker . i Saturday afternoon, then tak e , Portland university -In a pstr Sanday. V . The defending champion. San Francisco Seals opened rin ;im-' pressive fashion as a vicious' hit ting attatk "and the pitching of Bob Joyce carried the O'Doulmen to an 1 1-1 victory overt the Seattle) Ralniers. Jnvr rlnusn " frnm tai New York GianU and who iwon 31 games for the Seals In 1945, permitted the !. Seattle but seven blows while his mates' were tag ging three Rainier hurlers for 18. At Los Angeles the tagged-for-" the-second-di vision Portland Bea vers made a battlo of it befera losing to the Los Angeles Angels 8-S via a three-run pinch homer by Rookie Ted Pawelek in the sixth frame. Each club user three uiuuiiusmen win 1 wics Ojuveson getting the loss for the Beavers. A gathering of 7033 witnessed the curtain raisers. - r'.' ,1 Guy Fletcher, scattered 10 hits? effectively as the Sacramento Solons chalked ' a 6-3 win over the Hollywood Stars at Sacra mento before 10,634 fans. Gover nor Warren threw out the first ball. ' : ' Before a crowd, of 9648. the San Diego Padres took a hard earned triumph from the Oakland! Oaks 6-5 in 11 innings after the Oaks had come up - with a two run rally in the ninth to knot the fray. v Hollyweod 00 JO0 J T t Sacramento 00l 100 Slx-4- tl S KrakauHias, Caster 171 and Unats. Sheeley tSi, FUVcher and- ritxerald. , Seattle L---iOo' 000 001 1 T San Trancisco . . ,300 IU OUx 11 14 O Orphal. Velovlc (1). Jonas Sr and Sueme; Joyce and . OrodowsaL - -" Oakland : am OOO WJ 00 IS San Diego .f 000 120 020 01 C 11 I Gassaway. Buxton (St. Speer 9i and Rairnondi; Seats, Duriucr Ok, and Rice. J-.-.'.-. ! f . v . - 950 Here's What We Do: front waoals aad inspoct lining. - , y Inspect, clean and" repack front wheel baartngs. . :" ' . : t Extra Chg. 3 Inspoct brake driuns. m Chock aad add brake laid If needed. (Extra) l-Adjust, th brake saoos to 5 ssear fall coatsct with 6, Ckwafuny tost braka. Feci 250 ! WS bunt to insure leag ! Slf aad depeadahle per. fotmaaee. TheylgTastl9 i taeraase your car! tdemcy. Fircsionc Store ., Center sk Uberty Phone 1144 L ,