The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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35 fio uC9tatesraau ,
"A'o fat'or Sways U 1, No Fectr Shall Awi"
Fir SUlniuB, March 2S. 1SS1
CHARLES A. SPRAGUE. Editor and Publisher I .
"-: i I. - - - '- '
The AmtUUI Preae It exclaslvely entitled U th mm far pabUeatlaa
i all news dispatches credited to It er aet otherwise credited la this
amHV. . i 1 -
Aid Pacific inlcrinalional
A pretty howdy-do was raised over the continuance of Pa
cific International livestock show's participation in pari mutuel
receipts tothe extent of $35,000 a year. The facts which the
stir brought to light reveal no reason for- discontinuing this
participation. " - .
The representation is that
to stockholders and the state
a. profit-earning and sharing enterprise. The fact is that the
preferred stock is the remnant of debt which was foreclosed
when the operating company defaulted on bond Interest. The
preferred stock is not held by a few ' Portland bluebloods but
many labor unions hold shares for labor they furnished to re
build Ike plant destroyed by fire in ,1924. ,
' . Over a period of 17 years the dividends paid average only
1.73 petreeRt. The stock itself of $50. par value kicks around at
from t2J$Q to $5 a share. No dividends are paid on common stock.
The -backers of Pacific International ought, to raise funds
and retire this preferred stock, which would clear -away any
doubt as to its being truly a non
fuEy worthy of continued support' by the state.
Pacific International has dona much to promote the live
stock industry of the? northwest. O. M. Plummer was long- its
great execctive. He has a very able successor in Walter Holt
who was one of the most capable county agents in the state, in
Umatilla county. The show-has helped to build up Portland as
a livestock center. -
Oregon can ill f ford to give shabby treatment to Pacific
InternationaL San Francisco is coming along fast with its Cow
Palace it gets $100,000 a year from a similar source of state
revenues. livestock is one of I the industries we need to en
courage and develop and sows
terest jn better breeds of farm
- Tie ttate money goes exclusively to finance premiums, the
same as at the state fair. Pacific International should not be
made to suffer from ignorance-'
Truman Goes Anti-Red j
. One factor which "helped
last elections was the adroit -use
particular 'instances as in
the commie or fellow-traveler
democratic incumbent. j
.EiridntJy, President Truman was quick to read signs in the
skies and to shift his political course to agree with rather than
fight (the elements. Thus he has adopted a strong anti-com-muntft
line- The Truman doctrine puts- a bold front against
RussiaJ The order for fresh purge of "disloyal" from govern
'mer.t posta l conforms, to the
droit change of attack may rob
1940- prize, issue. - j;
s . Significant is the action of the ADA in endorsing the Truman
policy of aid to Greece. The ADA is likewise trying to shed any
communist taint; and doubtless realized that expressing hostility
- to the Truman proposal would have invited charge of pro-
Bussian sympathies: Henry A. Wallace, however, godfather of
PCA wLich does not ban communists from membership, attacks
the. administration's Creece-.Tur'key aid as provocative of war.
'C. "These "- are merely fresh
which merit attention. -
INVgro Heal tlx Week
This is National Negro Health week, .in case you didn't
know. Really it does merit attention from persons of both negro
sod white races. -For the death rate among negroes is 37 per
: cent higher than among whites. In the case of negro girls be
tween 13 and 24 the death rata is three times that among white
girls of the same age group and
tality among negro boy is twice
diseases of the circulatory system
among negroes. '
One argument used for segregation in schools is the greater
incidence of infectious disease
of dieae-free children object
others uapected. of being tubercular or syphilitic.
What is necessary is a thorough public health job. That
requires better education of negroes and better economic oppor
tunitie. giving both the desire
wholesome family. living conditions. It is a long-time order.
Those who think the negro problem will be- solved merely by
pasting a law -need toatudy statistics to realize that American
negroes a a mass need to be lifted in knowledge, in health, in
morals, in living atastdard. The
'not merely in color discrimination.'. .- .
Threat to Northwest Power
Republican stubbornness endangers appropriations for ex
pansion of northwest power 'plants. Congressman Jones, who
. beads the vital subcommittee on appropriations for the interior
department, is adamant against
appropriations for reclamation
seemaio have mustered three republicans to his side while Con
greumaxi Stockman has the support of three democrats in his
battle for appropriations for Grand Coulee and Columbia basin
projects. The tie wooftt mean failure, so appeal is contemplated
to houao leadership That seems risky because the speaker and
majority leader will be reluctant
that of appropriations.
, There still i a chance in the senate where republicans are
much rore liberal than in the house. Senator Cordon is on the
senate committee and may be .able to insert fresh appropriations
for western development. ; ' , -- -
- "The situation indeed becomes critical for there are no re-
serves of power here now and private companies in Oregon and
Washington have deferred to the federal government for in
stalling generating plants.
One thing is. certain: the republican performance is doing
nothing to Avin votes for 1948. "
New King for Greece V
King George II of Greece has gone into his final exile.
.Death, the; final deposer of all monarchs, removed him from the
throne. But not long -went the royal .crown of Greece unworn.
Prince Paul, younger brother to George, is successor as , king
of Greet. - - '
George was an in-and-out king, his last term extending
only aixmonths after his return from exile in London. The
populai 'mandate supported his restoration, and gives validity
to .the tir.uance- of a monarchy in Greece.
The democratic world has had little friendliness to this
shopworn- king, and felt Greece would be better off without
royalty. There evidence that he accomplished much since
his return. It is possible however that the new King Paul may
make some contribution to political unity in Greece. "At least he
brings a new name and face. If he can make himself popular
he ni2y accomplish more toward pacification than Truman's
gift of shooting irons to use on guerillas.
.-. Even the basy bees will have to work harder to meet the
' exactions of the taxgatherer. The senate has passed a bill in
. creasirjjrihe aniary tax 15c per hive. ' -
the corporation pays dividends
ought not to be helping, finance
- profit enterprise. But the show
like PI do much to stimulate in
or petty malice.
republicans win congress in the
of anti-communist propaganda.
the Seattle congressional district
; tag was successfully tied to the
usual - anti-communist line.. This
republicans in 1948 of their
eddies - in the political 5 current
- - -
in the age group 15-19 mor
that for whites. Tuberculosis,
and syphilis take heavy tolls
among negro children. Parents
to exposing their youngsters to
for and the, ability to, maintain
real inequality is in these lines,
making, more general fund
and power development. He
to overrule committee like
House Action
MM IM miliary affair com.)-.
Allots lor national guard to
acquire quonart hut.
HB l I Elections com.) l-ets
voter set absentee ballots If they
are Ul or reside IS miles or more from
polls, without notaried certification.
HB 421 (Rep. Harvey Provide
for adequate car of mental case prior
to comnuUtl.
HB Ma Joint way, means) Ap
propriates $23,000 for legislativa costs.
HB S41 (Joint way, means) Ap
propriates S27S.Z5S for department of
veteran affairs, SS83J7S for national
HB Sit (Joint way, means) Ap
propriate S61J.S2J for state health
board and related activities.
HB Ml (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriate 18244 for small claims on
HB M4 (Joint ways, means) Ap
prpriate S12.351.S4a for prison, 'hos
pitals, training schools, deaf and blind
schools, parole staff, etc.
HB MS (Joint ways, means) Cre
ate $100,000 revolving fund for ad
ministration of proposed cigaret tax.
SB 1M (Sen: Rand) Eliminate re
quirement for employer rate- Increase
under workmen's compensation.
SB 1M (Med. Dharm den. com.)
Require health board ' sup rev Is ion of
new or altered water supplies.
SB XI (Sens. Wallace, et al.)
Ms he Oregon a community property
SB (Judiciary com.) Author-
tie attorney general s office to su
per visa ail actions involving state.
SB SCI (Livestock com. by rej.)
Allows formation of livestock district
SB Ss (Roads. Highways coin.)
Gives state control over unallocated
portion of beach between high and
low tide. ' . ,
SB 431 (Roads, highway- com.)
Limits epeed est beachea to SS
aa hour.
SB 44S (Banking com.) Lata state
bona commission invest in beads,
notes ee morttgagea of counties, and
port and school districts. -ADOPTED:
JK SS (Social welfare com.) Pro
vide Interim committee to invssti-
f ste state care af blind persona.
SB Hi (Sen.
qualifications of
FaUand) Specifies
SJB 1( I Med., pharm, den. com.)
Provides for interim committee to in
vestigate the healing arts.
BE PASS ED (senate amended):
SB 31 (Joint ways, means) Boosts
pay of state employe (senate set
parole offtcer'a pay at $400. house
at SU20. Compromised at $5000).
HB tZt. 447
SB S. -221. 222, 3S. 421, 44, 412. 444.
44S, 4M; SJR IT SCB 4.
HB lit. SC; HJM 21, HJB 24.
HJB ti; HB S4T.
HB S44 ( Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates $020,000 for state-acquisition
of Klamath Marine barracks
and place barrack under supervision
of board ef control:
HJR (Rep. Eberhard. et al)
woum raury proposed U. S. consU
tutlonaJ amendment limiting president
to two terms.
HB $41 (Roads, highway com.)
Let trailer or semi-trailers dispense
with stop lights if vehicles are op
crated only in daytime.
SB IS, 4T. $2, 11T. 12S. 144, 212, 221.
Kt, It. 145. m. 411. 414, 421, 424, 4U,
HJB --
HJM tl; HJR 24; SCR 4; SJR IT.
Seriate Action
SB 4M (Multnomah county deleg.)
Give state board of control Juris
diction over Camp Whit.
MB $4 (Rep.. Dammasch) Provide
that -anyone involved in proceeding
involving possible commital for men
tal disease shall be cared- for in coun
ty hospital of county where proceed
ing are under way. or In other suit
able quarters, pending commital.
HB 22 (C. Hill) Compels firms
and corporations, public and private,
aa well aa persons to get permission
of highway commissioner before cut
Ung tree In right-of-ways.
HB 112 (Rep. Francis. Sen. Marsh)
Raises aalarie ef official court re
porters, to $3000 (par now varies).
HB SIS (Rep. J. C. Johnson) Al
tar fee schedules Charged for work
of Multnomah county clerk, la regard
to photostats.
HB Ms i Social wel. com.) Appro
priate SIM.OOO for boys' camp at
lunoer ui weaning ton county, mov
able elsewhere after iw wean - with
agea limited to 12-11. for delinquent
boys or wards of courts.
vitaiesn nay except DV
regular crab neU. 7,
MB US (J. O. Johnson) Alter
acale of county recording of deeds.
. ""fl". etc.
low state tax issues! to be voted on
In primary elections L
a !( Roads. Highway com.)
Regulatea construction of private roads
1?Tk, . "-hh way trucks, across
pubUc roada, except by approval -of
publie Utilities commissioner; bars pub
lie joada from crossing such- private
J".- TP? fna perm lesion.
. S. rTRyi2,on' Uw com.)
.'"' juire that wa
ter auppUea for human eonaumption
Public Records
' i. . uecree.
i.i?fyIi,W't,ln' "dmlnistrstor Le-LP1-
f,11" "l"1- v Stanley Jones,
tJ2ul J'nf"- ter Lelack. Ronald
aa5enU: D,m ult
asking 10,400 damages a result of
. Meredith P. Wilson Vr.n urn
son: Suit for divorce charging cruel
,""neni; marriea Dee,
S. 1944, t Salem.
"n Ann uiaae Vs Laurence M.
vmw; ucm or a i voce award cus
tody of minor child to plaintiff and
Per month support money,
Grace ML Lawkeea v lim. u T
less: Suit for divorce charging cruel
Si ""' reaunent; married Dec,
23, 181$. -
f. tamb and Clara M. Lamb
T . "T" ' awon and others:- De-
leuii oaeree in settlement' of estate
Norbert W. Holme; 57, brick maker.
Bend, and Ruth Warnlck, 2s, domes
tic, San Diego.7
Dawson McCutcheon. 30. farmer.
Salem, and Eleanor Bisbee, 2$, house
wife. Independence.
WUliam Dale Clearwater. 23. mail
carrier. Salem, and Virginia P. O' Mai
ler. U. housewife, Rickreall.
Henrv A. Hinm. Si Imi.
Juanita D Wilson. 21. stenoeranher.
both of Silverton. .
rrank C- Pearee. 27. longshoreman.
Portland, and Ma eel T. Blair. 22.. ste
nographer, Albany.
William r. Kaplinger estate: Order
approving final account. -
John Sheehan estate' Orde fnr nav-
tial distribution.
Amelia Cerig Bickell guardianship
estate: Order for sale of real nronertv.
Alex Knutaon esUte: Order setting
May S for hearing. i ,
'Alvin L. BrouMher estate: Order
setting Mar S for hearing.
W. H. Helton estate: Order fivlne
Msy S for final hearing.
Eliza be tha Paulus estate: Order fix
ing property valuation.
Ottilia Recce guardianship estate:
Report of euardian filed.
Jack Spoelatra. 12SS N. 5th at., axle
overload, fined $10 and costs.
Msnrin riagg. 10 Fairhaven ave
pleaded Innocent to belne drunk on
public highway; trial act for April $;
posted $50 balL '
Kenneth A. Anderson. 1131 Union
pleaded Innocent to drunken driving;
trial set for April S: posted $37$ bail,
Donald Gene Hackrtedt. Silverton
violation of basic rule, posted $730
bail: violation of anti-noise ordinance,
posted S3 bail.
Lee Weaver. 2690 Ma Die ave dis
orderly conduct, fined $25.
Murray Kerns. Portland, violation of
baaaa nils, patrd $31-bail.
"With so ButBj aeetoenta, we have atnly two alternative clttier
raise the rates oa ar lictc or silo sotoo Jokers :
UU the) flneprlntr
shall not be contaminated by ether
BUB 49S (Asses, tax. ma.) Reouires
atae tax commission to -establish uni
form assessment on . property, includ
bur timber, timber lands, mineral de
posits, etc, and to carry on training
program lor assessors.
HB S7 (Joint ways, means com.)
Let counties use unexpected bal
ance for public welfare.
HB SIS (Joint way, means) Ap
propriates $447333 for secretary of
atate; capitdt - building and grounds,
audita, elections, printing, bounties.
HB Sza (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates $496,320 for Doernbecher hos
pital. $134 .990 for crippled children.
HB S21 (Joint ways, means 'Ap
propriates $500,000 for emergency
HB $22 Joint way a, means) Ap
propriates $21$.Ml for OSC experi
mental station.
HB S21 (Joint way, means) Ap
propriate $4000 for Patton home, $12.
000 humane society, $7000 battleship
Oregon commission, $27,000 Oregon his
torical society. $2000 Lincoln Memorial
park. SHOO Greenwood mil cemetery,
SB S24 (Joint Ways, means Ap
propriates $774.434 for OSC field work
in agri culture and noma economics.
HB $25 (Joint ways, means) Re
peals chapter -424. Oregon laws 1045
(which gave flab commission $18.000
lor the btenniura ending thta yeari
HB $24 (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriate $77,05$ for fish commis
HB Sat (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates 181 Jtzs for state treasurer
HB SIS ( Joint ways, mn)-Ap-
proprlates $8000 to eradicate gophers.
HB ' $2$ (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriate $752.15$ for Investigation
and experimentations of tat, board
ox fugner rauauun.
' HB 411 (Joint way, means) Ap
propriates $12,000 for collecting farm
statistics. ;
HB $12 (Joint way, means) Ap
propriates $8M.S7$ for atate board of
HB SIS (Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates S30 J7J, for public uyittie
BB 54 (Joint way, means) Ap
propriates $1500 for state flex board,
HB SIS C Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates azuejao for atate engineer,
reclamation and nydroekKtrlg commis
sion. .
HB J (Joint wars, mesns) Ap
propriates $4,052.45$ for state board of
miner eoueaiion.
HB $37 Joint ways, means) Ap
propriates az .41 tor bureau oi labor,
wage-hour commission and appren-
SJM $ (Sens. Lynch and McKay)
Asks lor regional office of W AA in
Oregon for surplus property.
HCR 4 (Rep. Hellberg ) Provide
ror interim committee on fisheries re
sources to confer with Wash lug ten
ana taano committee.
HJR 2 (Rep. Van Dyke, et al)
Provide for interim committee to
study sources of meat used for hu
man eonaumption and to draft leglsla
tlon regarding sanitation.
SB 15; HB 514.
' SB 447 (Joint ways, means com.)
Authorizes county court to use unex
pended balances for old of homeless.
negtectea cniaaren lounoiinga or way
ward children.
SB 45$ (Joint ways, means com.)
Aooa Directors, assistant directors, su
pervisors, teacher trainers, guidance
specialists, and instructors in state vo
cational and technical schools te un
classified service- of the state civil serv
SJR IS (Joint wavs. means earn I
Requires that departmental bills for
tne satn legislative session be Hied
with the governor five daya before
tne convening Of the session.
UH S40, SOS, ,$17, $44, $41, 542.
W4 M5e
SJR 1$.
SB 244.
HB 44. 49S, $14. $3$.
SB 24.
" SB 244. . -Tr
im 514.
SB It Ye
a,""., JSr m
up roR Vtnal action TODAY:
, SB 177, -324.
HB.,!.,7 ' 337, 445. 417.
DAY AT 1$ A. M.
Deafened People Hay
v Row Hear Clearly
Science has now mad it nnei
ble for the deafened to hear faint
sounds. It Is a hearing device so
small that It fits In the hand and
enables thousands to eniov ser
mons, music and friendly com
panions p. Accepted by the Coun
cil On Phvsieal Medicine nf the.
American Medical Association.
This device does not require sepa
rate battery pack, battery wire,
case or garment to bulge or weigh
you down. The tone is clear and
powerful. Sol made that vou can
adjust it yourself to suit your
L : 1- : rm , -
Hearing cnajoges. x ne matters oi
Bel tone, Dfcpt. 6090, 1450 West
19th st, Chicago 8. 111., are so
proud of their achievement 'that
they will gladlx send free descrip
tive booklets and exDlain how vou
may get a full demonstration of
wis remarKaDie neanne device in
your own home without risking a
penny, write Beitone today.
Mrs. C. D. Cox, 594 N. Commer
cial at, with her baby boy, and
Mrs. Alexander M, Adams,: Inde
pendence, with her baby girl, were
released yesterday from Salem
General hospital.
Dance Tonighjt, .Crystal Gardeni.
Mrs. T. W. Creech, 180 $. 14th
st, wa$ reported as "improving'
last night at Salem General hos
pital. She suffered head injuries
in an auto accident here last
Condition of Jack Kundert, Sa
lem route 2, was reported 'fgood"
at Salem General hospital last
night and he was said to be rest
ing well. He waa injured in an
auto mishap March 21.
QRlntaaa To Mr. and Mrs.
Quintans, Salem route 6, a daugh
ter, Tuesday. April 1, at Salem
(Seneral hospital. j
Shelton TO Mr. and Mn. Ha
inan Shelton, Scio, a daughter,
Tueaday, April 1,' at Salem. Dea
coness hospital.
WUU To Mr. and Mrs. Cloid
Wigle, Gervais, a son, Tuesday,
April 1,- at Salem Deaconess hos
pital. OI Roemer. in Paris in 1676,
first deduced that light travels at
a definite speed by observing the
eclipses of the planet Jupiter;
v . ar .aaF m-a
Lo9 restricted ond not; ovoS
ble, tKese supplier for btnUin,
aaderNtt'iA9 oad report ore
I 4 vAs-S
Here are a few of trie MODERNIZING ITEMS which
may be had with NO DOWN PAYMENT and as little
as 5.00 per month i
, 45-lb. roll J 29
55-lb. roll .i .1 2.49
63-Ib. roll J . 3.45
Vi-H. R Ejector type deep well automatic
Size 14x2 J... At 6 Vic ft.
Size 12x2 J At 8ft e ft,
c 10x2 1...; At lie ft.
New the READING;
Lawn Mower
22.95 I
, Quality
Bait bearing, rubber wheels,
ejaiet action, aelf sharpen
ing, light weight, atreng.
Ilasier's Garden Carts
Have strong steel bed size 19x27 and rubber tires on wheels.
Easy 4 to push
Boy's lied Steel Wagons . 9.95
Choice of three designs
6c a pound is jour closeonl price on
(White not included) .
236 N. Commercial
Hie city YngfneeiV off fee Issued
building permits Tuesday to O. R.
Rodden to alter dwelling at 1191
N. Capitol st.. to cost $70; C. E.
Ankfum to alter Karaite at 1745 S.
Capitol t., .1200; llawkltw and
Itobnts to alter office building at
402 State st.. $300; Anna C. Wulf
meyer to re roof dwelling at 1275
McCoy st., $240.
Dr. Lewis D. Clark and Dr. May
nard C, Shi ffer. announce the re
moval Of their offices from the
First National Bank Bldg. to the
newly completed Physicians Bldg.,
E. Center at 13th St. Ph. 8275.
Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens.
Thirteen-year-old Louis Bryant
who had been returned to Fair
view home Sunday night after a
two-weeks unauthorized absence,
stayed only a day and was gone
again Monday evening. Officials
told state and city police the boy
was wearing blue overalls and
Shirt and a black jacket.
Plat glasa now available. Don
Brown. Elfstrom's. . '
Instruction in the writing of
reports and records waa given to
local law enforcement officers yes
terday afternoon in their weekly
refresher course. In charge of the
session was Capt. Art Pratt of
the Multnomah county sheriff's
Dance Tonight, Crystal Gardens.
Q. E. automatic blankets -a year
'round comfort and pleasure
limited quantity at Appliance
Dept. R. L. Elfstrom Co.
A change of meeting date, an
nounced yesterday by Salem unit,
UjS. navy reserve, places the or
ganization meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Friday, April 4, in the local YMCA
instead of Thursday night as pre
viously announced.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association, 130 South Li
berty street 4
For factories, offices St business
uses. 12" General Electric wall
clocks, $12.48. tax incl. R. L. Elf
strom Co,
Dancing, cards . and refresh
ments are In store for members
of local Odd Fellows and Rebekah
lodges at 9 o'clock tonight when
their monthly party U held in Odd
FeUows hall.
Orrin S. Pinney filed a certifi
cate of retirement from the as
sumed business name of Orrin S.
Pinney. contractor, with the Mar
ion county clerk's office Tuesday.
A special permit for hauling of
long timbers within Salem waa
issued Tuesday to Kay Simmon,
2235 Trade it., by the city engi
neer's office.
Clyde Hill, 478 N. Cottage st,
recuperating at Salem General
hospital from injuries , suffered
when he was thrown from a horse
Friday, was reported to be "im
proving" last night . -
las- .assr m m
ere. Start rikt with o trip to
our tier first for ol the suppaes
you need for home or Iowa. ' .
Briar Edge
Garden Cnllivalor
With three sets of
TWO U&MT l!f BlTMr ; ' ;
Two personssufrered head aiid
neck injuries Tuesday afternoon
when cars they occupied came to
gether on the Pacific highway two
miles north of Salem. Infant Paul
Skeen, 1160 N. 14th st., reportedly
suffered a bump on hi head, and
C. J. Hagen, 139 Duncan ave., com
plained of a "kink" 'in his neck.
Both were treated by Salem first
aid men and referred to their phy
sicians. For Easter give her a box of The
Spa's" fine chocolates made fresh
daily in our candy kitchen. Spa,
382 State. .
New location Cronlse Studio, 439
Court St, over Smith Baking Co.
For Easter give her a box of "The
Spa's" fine chocolates made, fresh
daily in our candy kitchen; -Spa,
382 State.
You can solve your painting and waterproofing problems is i
one easy, inexpensive; step with U. S. G. Exterior Texolite or
Cetnentico. Available In nine colors. Cementico costs only
$4.00 per 25 pounds. Each, pound covers up to 23 square feet i
use on any porous masonry surface.- Texolite costs $3.55 a :
gallon and -each gallon covers about 450 square feet. Fori
additional details, call us. Also : Pabco Alumi-Shield Roof'
Coating. - I
Plumber yard
Front and Ceart Sis.
, Red Winter Heather
Re. $L25 izt 0 flfl
At 3 for i?i.lJ
Mock-Orange , Eftf
Beauty Bush Ea. OUC
Ixmbardjr Poplar
Catnelllaa - rhededendrens aaaleas ahrabs -
' berry; bushes, etc. :r' - .
South Liberty 1 Blecks Seoth" al SUU
join,!i' r5
Eajler Parade ; i0f0h,0 :
In Clotting t t t'
48-mUr .yili-f ' -- '
Service . - i'l
Pick-up and ' " S. f if
Delivery ,' I
1070. S. Commercial '
i Mfi lo
And if spriag isn't also ia your step if yom doert
feet like joiaia; the birdie chorus la a chipper chirp--. '
well, then, maybe yon oeght to see a Doctor. Let him ,
look yo oaer and put you ia tma with the calendar.
Of coarse, you'll be sharp enough to heed hjs experi
eoced cooascL One thing hell probably tell yoei is to
hrinf his prescriptions to as! Veil be tad to serve you.
'::;y-,jmitari:;;.. '
Capital Drug Store
; Corner Stated Liberty - Phone 3118
Cloupb-Barrick -205
S, Church Ph. tl39
ram 91S3
i Franqaette Valnut .
Trees ,' .
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