MrsJ John Carson Is President , "Mi. John H- Carson wrs elect ed president el Ibe Salem General bofcpital acxlliaiy or tlye ensuing p ysr at. the annual membership tea nseetirg hejd Tuesday "after noon at the Mayflower auditorium. Other newly elected officer are Mrs. David Bennett Hill, first vice , president; i Mrs. George Schwarz, . cond vice president; Mra: Robert E. Joseph, recording .secretary; ' Sirs. Vernon Perry, corresponding secretary; ; Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, treasurer:: Mrsl Dourl'as .McKay, iirs. Wallace Hug' and Mrs. Rich ard L. Cooler, board of director? elected lor a three year term; and . Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, director, to EH the unexpired; term of Mrs. iMary Margaret Phillips,, who re ciened. - Mrs. Chandler Brown, who has erred sspresideot the" pt year, '..pres-ided and pave her annual re port as did 'Mrs. Glenn Paxson, treasurer. A report on the success ful membership drive just closed, with Mrs. Richard Cocfley as chair man, was, given. " J - I . M: Iiliten McDonald, super intendent i of -the Salem General hosTMtal. . introduced the speaker. ySulxoo L. .Meyer, president of the- 'ncrpital board oi directors. He told tii the - growth and accomplish ments of the hospital and future plans for a new. builcjing. . J 1 A tea hour followed the meet mg with .Mrs. Robert ,G. Brady, Society.-.:. Cliibs Music :...The Home i I CLUB CALENDAR I . WEDNESDAY I St. Paul's fuild of St. Paul's. Epis copal; church no-hot luncheon ' and business mtinr,-'Prih house. 1 p.m. Women' guild. First Congregational church, fnect at church. 2 p.m. i ; PEP club dinner meeting. Gold Ar row. 6 pm. - 1 ' WSCS of "Leslie Methodist church with Mrs. S. G. Bundlett. 1595 S. High est. 2 p.m.- -i -,. . . Pythian Sisters, meet KP hall, DJn. f ' S - V . - " Sons of Union Veterans and auxil iary meet at Salem Woman's club house. 1 :ISO p.m. .- ' i - Ladies of the Grand Army of Re public. YWCA. 2 p. m THURSDAY i American Legion auxiliary, Salem unit- 436. meet in Coral room, cham ber of commerce. p.m" - American Gold Star Mothers regu lar meeting. VFW halt, t p.m. Pioneer post.-No. 149.. meet Amer ican Legion halt, t p.m. DAV auxiliary business meeting, Sa lem Woman's clubhouse. p.m. - Spiritual Sunflower club with Mrs. Sam Harms. 379 N. Cottage St- 1 p.m. AAUW Thursday evening Literature, froup with Mrs. J. Parker Unebepry. 15 Kingwood drive. p.v m. Friendly Neighbors Garden club with Mrs. Hubert Dunn. 130 Salem Heiehts ave., S p. m,. Keizer Sewing dub with Mrs. A." Goldsby.-covered ili luncheon. '-. srl and Mrs. filgar T. ? Pierce pouring. The table centerpiece was. a silver bowl filled witn an ar rangement of varied garden flow ers. . i r. Look Your Best Nil n ! Wear a Bernard! . Custom- . Tailored To Suit Your , . Pocketbook 1 Or Have Your Suit Ren- . - . . , ovated and Make i It Last Longer Tailoring fronj a Patch to a Neiv Gprm'ent . Boom 200, 1st National Bask Building Phon 21335 mi OP ' DfilV mm Values galore! Smart acw wash frocks with faakio detailsl ' Zipper frosjes! New Ml skiraf. Youthful California styles k wash i able, wearable fabrics for Spriag! Only MODE QDAY caa briog yoM so much VALUE at uus low pric- 1 - ak ... Y-i to- I v f?fcrflJ1C mm a a. ! Mail erders filled Include .1Z pottage mODSO'DflV I 373 Slate Street Alsor Albany Corvallis - EageM Au Revoir Party for Matron Mrs. Hugh William McElhinny was hostess for ah au revoir party Tuesday night at the .senior Charles McElhinny home on Court street in compliment to M r s. Charles Stuart McElhinny, jr., who is leaving Thursday for Nampa, Idaho to make her home. Mrs. McElhinny will be accom panied as far the The Dalles by her mother and . sister, Mrs. M. P. Duffy and Miss Florence Duffy, where they will visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. McElhinny will go on to Nampa Saturday to join her husband, where he is now in business. : ' - - A dessert supper ivas served by the hostess, with several hours of contract bridge following. Bou quets of spring flowers provided the decorative note. Honoring Mrs. McElhinny were Miss Margaret Bellinger, Miss Edith Moxley, Miss Janice Nelson, Miss Marianne Low, Miss Jean Taylor, Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton, Mrs. Robert Gormsen, Mrs. Robert E. Barnett, Miss Florence Duffy, Mrs. John Kolb, Mrs. Benjamin Whisenanfl and the hostess. Chapel Rites ' At St. Paul's Thursday, March 27 the chapel of St Paul's Episcopal church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Charmaine Bartlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Sid Bartlett, to By ron Forest Wiens, soi of Mr. and Mrs.- W. Wiens of Salem. The Rev. George H. Swift officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Truth Bartlett, and best man was Elmer Doll, brother-in-law of the groom. The train bearers were? her small ; brother, Billy, and cousin, Lani Gay Knox of Ashland. The- groom's sister, Mrs. Elmer Doll, was the or ganist "' . The bride iwore a white bro caded taffeta - gown with ' finger tip veil, bouffant skirt and long tram. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. The maid of honor wore a pink gown with overskirt of net, dotted with sequins. Her nosegay was of pink roses. . The bride's' mother was. dressed in grey,: with white " accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother wore a black ensemble and a corsage of deep red carnations. - " Following the ceremony a . re ception was given at the Wien's home. After a trip along the coast the young people will make their home in Salem where Mr. Wiens Is employed by the McKay Chev rolet company. . The Liberty Wsman't clnb will meet -Thursday ( afternoon at two ! p.m. with MrsvA. E. Ellison on the Boone road for its mohlhly business session.' Delegates to the county federation will be selected. Assisting hostesses are Mesdames Gerald Newton and C. W Stacey. All women nf the TJhertv mm. ftnunity are invited. A plant and shrub sale will be held for the benefit of the, proposed new co operative house at Oregon State college. Mrs. Homer McWain will give a talk and demonstration on "Flower Arrangement. f - f Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Young are their son, David, who is home for spring vacation from the Brentwood School for Boys in Victoria, B.C. and his classmate, Arthur Bridges, who lives in China. They will be here until next Tuesday? They will spend part of their vacation at the Young's summer place at Tidewater ' on the Alsea river. Englewood Woman's elnb will meet Friday with Mrs. 1 A. Pep per, 1040 North 16th street Friday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Jennie Chal mers, Mrs. H. R. Mitchell and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson will assist her. The Rev. Louis White will review the book, . "The Lost Word. Una Fedderri will furnish music. ... . i - Mrs. J. Parker Lineberrr and Mrs. Jack Napier will entertain members of the Thursday evening AAUW Literature group at the former's home, 815 Kingwood dr.. at 8 o clock, Mrs. Walter S. Brad ley will review "Music with a Feather Duster." ' From Eocene comes news of the birth of a son, William - Burton, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Currey f Norma Jean Gubertson) on Mon day, March 31. The baby's grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gilbertson and Mrs. Olive Currey of Salem. ., Mrs. Bryan Goodenongh has re turned from a six weeks visit in Phoenix, Arizona with her son-in- law and daughter, .Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Sheldon. En route home the travelers stopped in Los An geles for a visit, with friends. . Minglers Meet i Merry 'Minglers, meeting at Mayflower, hall Thursday night, entertained their families with a covered rlih supper. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fabry and Jo anne, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wagers and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagers and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Viker Wagers, Mr. and 1 Mrs. ' Lee Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Malm, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scharf, Joan and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickerel and Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprick, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Page. Shirley; Eddie, Marilyn and Daryl, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Case and Donald. Mrs. Albert Fabry will entertain the club April 10. Bridal Plans Plans have been completed for the wedding of Miss Lorraine Jones," daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Jones, and Roy W. HerY, son of -Mrs. Ida Herr, which will take place at the-Pratum Mennonite church on April 11. The Rev. Wil bert Regier will officiate at the 8 o'clock nuptials. Singing will be Miss Evelyn Clipfell and Grover Welty. Mrs. Wilbert Regier will play the accompaniments and wedding marches. Miss Jones, who will be given in marriage by her father, has 'asked Miss Shirley Kaufman to be her honor maid. Bridesmaids will be Miss Josephine Haury and Miss Shirley Hall. Darlene Roth will be flower girl and Phillip Riensche the ring bearer. ; Clarence Herr Will serve as best man ' and ushers ' will be Paul Riensche and Robert L. Elfstrom, jr. A wedding reception will jol low in the church parlors. Legislators Are Guests ' Several informal parties are on the social slate this last week of the legislative session. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lam port were hosts -for an informal dinner party Tuesday night at their Ben Lomand-park home for a group of their legislative friends. The Lamports plan a similar al fair later in the week. : Rep. and Mrs. Frank Doerfler entertained . Informally Tuesday night at their suburban home on Lancaster Drive for a , group of their legislative friends. Assisting the hosts were Mrs. Wallace Doer fler and Mrs. Donald Doerfler. Later in the evening the Doerflers and their guests gathered for din ner at the Buchaneer. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Glfford (Beth Greenlee) are the parents of a daughter, Cheryl Louise, born at Good Samaritan Hospital, Port land, Sunday morning. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Gif ford' and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Greenlee, all ox Salem. GRADUATION WATCHES Lay-it-A way Now Take Your Pick of ' . Beautiful New Designs. Prettier .than ,Ever.' Our Prices are Reasonable. A Large Stock of Watch Bands Guests Are Bidden to A Party ' Mrs Richard Chambers will be hostess for an informal party Thursday night at the G. F. CharaT bers home on North 13th street in compliment to a group of her friends. A dessert supper will be served by the hostess with guest seated at small tables centered with in dividual bouquets of spring flow ers. Contract- bridge will be in play -during the evening. Guests of Mrs. Chambers will be Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, jr., Mrs. Roland Merseteau, Mrs. Roger Quackenbush. Mrs. Douglas Cham bers, Mrs'. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Wilmer. H. Page, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde. Miss Beth Siewert, Mrs Halvor Halvorson, Mrs. Rob ert Brownell, Mrs. George A. Ar buckle. Mrs. Cobum G.rabenhors,t, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and Mrs. Dale Shepherd. Hostesses to Fete Clubs Entertaining this week centers around several infromal affairs. Mrs. Donald McCargar has bid den her club to a bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon at her Fair mount Hill home. Mrs. Claybourne Dyer will en tertain members of her club at bridge and a late supper Thurs day night at her North 13th street home. . . Also a hostess Thursday night will be Miss Phyllis Fisher, who will fete her club at a dessert supper and evening or bridge at the State street home of her par ents,, the Earl Fishers. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shepard will be hots at dinner and bridge Fri day night in- compliment to mem bers of their club at their Marion street home. - - . Mrsl. Frank Myers presided at a bridge luncheon Monday after ihkii t lier North Wlnln nil rt homejfor members of her club. . I Mrs. Fisher Wins Award A distinct honor has come to former Salem woman, Mrs. E. E. Fi-hef. who now resides in Port land. For her outstanding work in health activity she recently won first place in a nation-wide conr test sponsored by Hygeia maga zine. Mrs. Alice B: Fisher is the widow of Dr. E E Fisher, former Salem physician and surgeon, and the mother of Dr. Arthur Fisher, who returned to Salem to practice after the war. The national magazine, pub lished by, the American Medical association, ; based its award to Mrs. ! Fisher for her record in health work which began hi 1920 i while she lived in Salem. She has ; held office in a number of pub j lie health organizations, for the past 'two years serving on the staff of the Oregon Tuberculosis association. The Portland woman has been national treasurer for the Ameri- Tho Statosmcnx. Sol a Oregon, Wodaoodory. Jlprfl 2, 18473 tionar in Oregon public schools'. where texts ; assisted teachers, in j can Medical Association auxiliary and is a charter member of the Oregon Stite auxiliary. When the latter group was first organized she held the presidency for two years. Mrs. Fisher was appointed state chairman of Hygeia magazine in June, 1946, after which she worked with the Tuberculosis as sociation and county health asso ciations to place 12S0 subscript k ' outlining courses of health wcrk.' SheJis a member of the Portland SornptimUt club. Friendly Neighbors Garden club will meet Thursday night ati the; horn of Mrs. Hubert. Dunn, i VSQ Salem Heights ave t o'clcck. There will be a plant exchange, and 'Mrs. Louis, Anderson w i 1 1 speak on 'Containers." i FOE SALE: BLUE TAG IIABSHALL Strawberry Plants CERTIFIED by Oregon Siale College It pays to plant the best. We are contracting addi tional strawberry acreage". Phone S502 or write ; UNITED GROWERS, INC. Salem, Oregon i-ii 5.95 Exquisitely carved cross, complete with f ine chain., 441 COURT ST. Wow is the time to safeguard your i furs and have them rebuilt or remodeled, cleaned, glazed and stored- ' . . ' r'"'"''" ' : -': r; i rej offer the finest cold storage service and i finest fur uork at the most Reasonable prices. Try BERNARDTY. TAILOR and FURRIER, for fur work and cold storage Furs made to order, restyled, remodeled i and rebuilt, cleaned and glazed All furs insured for fire and theft. . Fur work from a patch to a new garment. BERNARDTY, TAILOR and FURRIER Room . 200. 1st National Bank Eldg. Phono 21935 7j ? n. n p H (fj If )J) -3 la . ' 3 . ) - K nn UVU Ask for "ooVoTooofloloflofMolHooloVlol A Prcdcd of Mkj Mlmg y SALEU'S OIILY "0IIITED STATES G0VEI1IIIIEIIT IIISPECTED" IIEAT .PACKIIIG PLAIIT CASCADE , HAMS MAY BE PURCHASED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: ( 1 PARAMOUNT MARKET HIGHLAND MARKET C M. ROBERTS GREEN SPOT MARKET . ORAL LEMMON k WM. ROSENTHAL SCHREDER'S 4-STAR MARKET J EMIL HOFFMAN W. F. PERLICH IIIXON & MARS LAND OOMITS GROCERY j SAVING CENTER STORES HERB CURTIS MARKET CARTER'S MARKET! BAILEY'S GROCERY BERG'S GROCERY PEDERSON'S GROCERY EBNER'S GROCERY CENTER STREET MARKET PADE'S MARKET TOMKINS MARKET COVER'S COTTAGE GROCERY S. A D. GROCERY j : ANDERSoirS DRTyE-IN MKT. HAMILTON'S GROCERY . . ' CLARK'S MARKET RANDALL'S HOLLYWOOD , MARKET , SALEM SAFEWAY MKTS. WERNER'S MARKET AT KRUEGER'S KASH & KARRY S J