13 The) Statesman, Sdern, Oreccn. Wednesday. April 2, 1347 . Mid-Willametle Valley News t s- , . - " . , . frm TIm Stalrtmmm' t (Utmmttmit) Cmrm ftrntlrm 1$ - FniUUnd Open house will fee held at the school Friday. April 4 at 8 p m. James Bishop will dis tribute 4-H awards and show pic tures of dub work and a plant ale wiii be held. f Trtinm - Rev. Ralph.Kleen of Salem is speaking at the Metho dtrt church each evening at S p. an. until Friday when the Metho dists will meet at the Mennrmite church to ihare in their : Good Triday service. FmltUftd Mrs. G. II. Kite k etmvalesclng' at home after re .eeiving treatment for pneumonia. Detroit A son. . Terry Ray mond, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard G.Dean at the Deaconess hospital March - 27. ' The child weighed nine pounds and 14 ounc es. A sister Penny Lou was 3 years old March 28. . Breaks Mrs. Waldo Lowery Is ill in the Deaconess hospital. naresvitle Virgil Pade, pro prietor of Pades Coffee shop. State street, is attending a national rest aurant convention in Chicago. He wi!I be gone two Weeks, and will vHat relatives in Leola, S. D., and Xladison, Wise, Silvertedl Harlan Loe has od his blacksmith shop on North "Water street to T; E. Sand, who lock possession Tuesday. Loe nouit toe shop two yean ago Irom Irfat Lentsch, who later open ed, a similar shop at Salem. 'FUyesTllle Mr. and Mrs. M. C: Knode are making an extended ' $ isii with Iriends and relatives in Nebraska where they -lived before purchasing the HayesvUle auto court on Portland highway. . Breaks "The Sewing club meets with Mrs. Golda Hadley Thursday afternoon. f Breaks Marie Bosch, student At OSC is spending her vacation from Oregon State college with , her parents.' Mr, and Mrs. H. Hv Bosch. Mary Zenger, student at Marylhurst college, spent last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zenger. HayesvUle -The Rev. and Mrs. '' Henry Barnet made a short trip to Tacoma to 1sit Mrs. Barnet's relatives. Her sister, Ruth Har tuns will' spend several weeks as their .bouse guest here. Valley Obituaries Sirs. Xese L. Miller ALBANY Mrs. Rose Leslie Miller, 83, widow of the late George iR. Miller, resident here tor 63 years, died here March 29. Funeral services were held Tues day, April I, the Rev. O. F. Mick, pf tor of the Christian church or twhich Mrs. Miller had been life-lonis member," officiated. Bur ial in Willamette Memorial park. Rose Leslie was born Dec 10, 1&S3. in Muncfe; Ind. Jan. 26, 1877. she was married to George XV. Jiiiuer m iiHuinwn, mint t came to Albany in 1884 where he shed in 1939. five nephews, all in the middle wxrst except one niece, Bessie Johnjson who made her home with Mrs. Millet and took care of her, - end a nephew, -Will Johnson in Bremerton, Wash. Mrs. Day tea Iletlewsy ALBANY Mrs. Dayton Hollow-ay, 55. died Sunday,-March 30, in her sleep. While not in the best of healm lor some time, her con dition was not considered serious amd her death came as a shock to her J many . friends. Funeral erv ices were held Tuesday, Ap il I, .burial in the Masonic ceme tery. , " Haiel Lela Pearce was bom in Germanta. Iowa, Jan. 8, 1892, and came to Albany in 1910. She was married to Dayton Holloway In Albany In 1913, who survives. Also a: daughter, Ceycl Ailecn HoTkmay at home. Mrs. Hollo way was a member of the East ern Star and of the Methodist church. . ( BareM Jarvfs Jnrllnden WOODBURN. April 1 Fun eral services for Harold Jarvis XurDnden, 14. wiU be held at 2 pm. Thursday from Ringo's chap el a ith burial in Belle Passi ceme Horn near Hubbard, February -4, 1933, he had been a pupil at - Johnson school near Woodburn, Survivors include the father, Wil liam A. Zurlmden, route 1, Wood burn, and a twin brother, Howard st home; a half brother, Everett Wise, Salem; half sisters," Vel isaien Singer, and Ruby Hagerott, Woodburn; uncles, Fred and Rob ert Zux linden of Woodburn. WOODBURN, April 1 Edwin Payne, 84, died Sunday at Broad cres. He was born Jan. 18, 1863 In Waterman, Til. Funeral services -will be held Wednesday at 2 pjn. from Ringos chapel with the Rev. 3JL Wesley Skinner officiating and burial in Belle Passi. Survivors are two stepsons, Wal ter and Bill Bryan of Sherwood. 'Brash' College The two wheel trailer .taken from the Tandy J. Burton place a week ago was found this weekabandoned at the Amnion Grice place in Orchard Heights road. It had been over turned In the driveway. " HayesvUle Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrew have returned from a two weeks trip to California. ; Their time was spent visiting relatives in Oakland, Hayward and Stinson Beach. - ' Breeks - Mrs; Margaret Za hare? entertained Brooks' Garden club1 Thursday. Don Rasmussen, assistant county agent spoke on "Landscaping and Shrubs' to 25 membrrs present. : Visitors - were Mrs. J. W. McClure of Aurora and Mrs. Ed Zahare of Salem. Silveriea Cj A. Toft, Colter, Iowa, came Tuesday for the fun eral otitis brother, Laust A. Toft Thursday afternoon.; ' - Zena Mrs. Henry J. Neiger will entertain the Spring Valley home missionary society Thursday at 2 p.m. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. C. F. Merrick. Mrs. Lois Crawford and Mrs. Ivan Merrick. HayesvUle - Boy Scout troop 20 has renewed its charter - for the ; coming year. Meeting at Wayne Powers on Claxter road recently . the following signed as committee . members: ... Harry Milr ler, Charles Andresen.' Carl Kom yate, John Versteeg, Wayne Pow ers, Charles Garrison and George Strozut. Scoutmaster Monty Cris tofferson will be assisted by Bob Hartzell and " James Stettler. - - Oregon's finest .repair dept. for irons, toasters, mixers, lamps, percolators, vacuum cleaners, small motors, el ectric razors, waffle irons, etc Fast, efficient service. Guaranteed. CTeTf rdsle Edith Schifferer returned Monday to Oregon State college after spending the Easter vacation at the home of her par ents, - Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schif ferer. ; Falls City Mr. and Mrs. John Neil are the parents of a daugh ter born at the Bart ell hospital March 28. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cox are the parents, of a daughter born at the Dallas hospital March 31. - - ; - - Cloverdale A pie social and, card party will , be held Friday ( night, April .4, at 8 pjn.t in the school house. Proceeds will be used to buy needed equipment for the school kitchen, and a general ' invitation for all interested to, a.t- tend has been extended. Cleverdale - The local school soft ball team lost-a return game with Pringie team by a score of 13 to 12. Karl Wipper acted as referee for the game. Brash Cellete Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burton are taking care of their grandchildren Roy and Sedmia while their mother Mrs. Tom Bur ton of Macleay is ill at the Dea coness hospital. Cloverdale Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drager, Karleen and Margie, drove to Portland Sunday and were : guests ' of - Mr.' and Mrs. Irving Lincoln at a party given in honor of Karleen's 14th birth day. Macleay, The Easter party planned for the school children on Friday has been cancelled be cause of the illness of Mrs. Tom Burton. ., , 4s KiJi is by far the MOST IMPORTANT and MOST USED of all Because of the importance of your eye - sight to you, H is best to be sure your eyes ore in . perfect condition at all times. Come in for on ex amination now. Make sure. Don't guess. CLASSES ON TERMS DliGWS pPTICAL SERVICE Since 1928 liberty A Court St wmm im mm mm you SUFFER THESE MM FElUfJGS? due to this functional mIdd!e-Ei8? cause? ii you're, in your "40's" and this functional 'middle-age' period pe culiar to women is causing you to suffer from hot flashes, nervous irritability and weak, tired, high strung feelings-then do try lordia. K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. This great medicine is famous tor this! Taken regularly Plnkham's Compound helps build up resist ance acainst such middle-aee' distress. Thousands have reported ucucuki m ibw m (ituu w- machic tonic. Worth trying. W1S J? ( J The symbol of the cross brings peace to minds , v' disturbed by uncertainty and change. Amcmial i"lif! :lg JpTOpj of beautiful granite af fords m nemanenrv to family identification whkh is attuned to faith. It is a boni of fidelity to our religious convictions against f which no lejtructive force, physical or spiritual, prevail. BLAES1NG GRANITE COMPANY HERMAN N. JOHNSTON, Manager , At Entrance te City View Cemetery - Telephone 1653 Miji - 14 Vf I t I pair work cuaranteed, of Your Motor on Its "Last Legs9'? New Motors Installed Take 1 Year to Pay! . Has your engine lost all its pep? Do you creep along when you should be zooming? Loder Bros, will install a brand new motor in record time for you at minimum cost! All re course! 1 SEnVIIIG SALEIl 21IID VICIIliTY' FOn 19 YEiDS ' ' '' i , ' . , Ue?f SAVE ON SURPLUS NAVY CAMP COTS AT WARDS Yes, you'll'save money on these NEW canvas folding, cols at Wards! Buflt 5.95 to rigid Navy specifications rugged and tough. TUey have seasoned hardwood legs, rails .with a, ? double stitched slip-on duck cover. See . . , BUY several, at this low Ward price TQDAYI SALE! WIRE CLOTHESLINE Rust-resistant wire ... 1.2Z just the kind you need for outdoors, and basements. 100-foot length. 7.86 MEDIQNE CABINET REDUCED for this sale! Smart, simply designed medicine cabi net with 14x20 clear glass mirrorv t 23c SPARK PLUG SALE Riverside plugs you can't get finer! Engineered to give easier starting, better gas mileage, more powerl . WARDS FAUCET JUG j y y Green enameled 1-gaL jug! Cork insulated, aluminum cap. Large 2 gallon size jug 5.99 1.02 SCREEN-DOOR CLOSER Cut Price! Closes doors silently, quickly. For heary right or Big 10-inch cylinder. ESc left hand doors. SALE I POLISH CLOTH Heavy polishing cloth. absorbent knit. Ideal for cleaning the car, household use! H lb. rolL ROLLER SKATES A It You'll really whiz along plr on these sturdy ball-bearing skates! They're all-steelwhave leather strap. 1.67 lit frjrVV' DUST MOP REDUCED! Washable cotton yarn: picks up dust and lint cuicllr. 10x1 - a y n spread. Smooth wood ' handle. Save ! tit SfONGES CUT-PRICED! 1.33 Regnalarly 1.471 Finest prewar quality. Sheepswool sponges. 7 to 8 inches. Extremely durable! Save! - . 1 i . i -...