Horaemakers Festival Set For April 9 By Margoerite Gleeson " Statesman Valley Editor ' . ' Home Extension units of Mar ion county will hold the annual bomemaJters festival Wednesday, April 9, in the Veterans of For eign Wars hall on Hood street in Salem. Registration opens at 10:30 and the program starts at 11 o'clock ?ith Mrs. Rex HSgV? presiding at the morning sesflSn. -Making a Jiffy Skirt" will be 4-H ciub demonstration- project at , this , morning session. 5oris Lane and Donna Plenge of: lib erty will give the demonstration. The Hufebard unit will present a skit and Azalea Sager, state home demonstrsticn agentleader,. will speak on ? What the Extension Service OMers" at 11:40. Ankeny grange Home Ec club ELOKK2 8J50SWOULDEX? WOUND? Qi rr T on t ir- t i kucvc HOI rm LIFE J W DANGER. WET J fi Imi tcrr rrr uti -rn T Li THE HOSPnAL.r DICZ TRACT MAKES YDU FEEL KIN OA RJNMY LIVIM ALL ALONE, w r WAY W IN THE 10 WILD ANIMALS' LITTLE AHNIE COOrST ONCS MORE, AoSEEO TIMTWEILMCET CWTMC ROW BYTMf fcC6 TK JUN6LL7 3 lUXSr03ESCATfl BUZZ SAWTEa iMICZET MOUSS GASOLDTE CRN 1 TAKE THIS rUNNEL CXXW HAIO OFF FER ASGCDNT? L,''1'!!lJ MRS WOOTXEy W M - U " rv Aru " fr? 1 i v. awo "1 -ACACMOKS I OM V I BIT 1 GUS7n 7 TlMC. I I awn aav hi- a sosm 6oopv -i OifrVAPON!I OOWHOWIDgSEXXi Jl actverv IN TUIS NOUS I TSiT GOOO- MOVIE1 VOU A- in CANT M3U GREAT BK3 I 1 CUT BKi B . ! LJJ A7 NOT VET. and Mrs. Floyd Fox of Union Hill will preside at the afternoon ses sion, with" Mrs. , I. J. Stewart ' of Four Corners leading in group singing. Salem high school , stu dents, will furnish music under direction of Lena Belle Tartar. - . :Acts and Attitudes" will be the subject 6f the talk by Bishop Bruce Baxter at 2 pjn. The style revue, high light of the year's work, will be presented at 2:30 by Four Corners, Lansing Neigh bors -and, Pratum-Macleay units with Constance Hampton, assist ant club agent, as commentator. Mrs. Alf Nelson will furnish the music for- the revue, j Eleanor Trindle, Marion coun ty home-demonstration agent, will present the unit achievement rec ognitions at the close of the pro gram. Exhibits .will be on display in the hall showing the : work of the. more that! 20 extension units of the county, a total of 23 are now active, several having been added to the total this year. boo-hoo.' she ip -imm, WAS SO RUDE, lU. V. uvltt NEVER SPEAK TO J A- 9 HEP ASAINL ANO h JVJL, fTWATS ALLTWERE IS TO fT MV HUSBAND CAUCWTl ONE OF THEM IN THE ACT. ThEY PRETENDED TO BE JUST YDQ Atf ME AN TM BlROS IT5 LIKE UYIN' TOPOP A PftETTY CHIMNEY-I WITH NOTHIN TD 00 AM NO PLACE TO GO vww AND I PONT CANT READ OS warrE. SPELL VERV '6O0&. ErTUER one MRry suNwy. ANI7 HEXES ANOTVCR t FOR TOOAy SHux-xcRHue A DRINK C C0RN.90UEZlf,S yANOTHKRX TwtNA: w any- ONEKCVCNA ' . MINUTE UTE.TKf I OTHtS MUST 1 I CO N TMCY I I MOST NOT KHDtMbtf 1 V TMfJIR CHAMCE5 OFESCATSrr As "n a f it vr-c 51 i i. v. ruisseu, Retired Marion Farmer Dies , . . .-" X Charles Clement Russell, 85, of 1078 Highland a ve an Oregon resident for 42 years, died at a J local , hospital Saturday -after a week's illness. Funeral services will' be at 1:30 pjn. Tuesday at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel, Dr. Charles Durden officiating. Con cluding services will be at City View cemetery. ' Born May 18, 1861 at Vermil lion S.D., the son of Miles and Jane -Russell, he married in 1893 Mae j Josephine Adams, who sur vives. Coming to Oregon in 1905, he moved to Marion county after living a' short time in -Grants Pass. He retired from - farming about three years ago and moved to Salem. f ; .Surviving are the widow; three BUT HERB ANDI Af?f GOOD FRlENDS-.THEf?eS NO REASON WHY HE AND I SHOULD BE SORE AT EACH OTHER I WANT TWI TUOr FENCE D 1 I want My SHARE OP THE DOUGhYY rM SKIPPING TOWN. I'WAy; way down there tkin see the tjTae town where the A K.-l PISHEPIFF HAS MR. 7 (MEANY LOCKED fiHEWS "UTTtf THAT NlMT. tztzt: THANK SAY WHEN, BROTHER r GOSaT GUESS A "T46ae isnt....4 ) AAINUTB...! ) - V7 5AV -V-l 7 fM CLAP WB V OKAY, UNCLE WALT, dOT ftM ON TH15 BUT HOtf IV APRAll? I I OCCASION BSCRZ I HE'LL EXPECT TWO I JTaE 7 I ! ftl urora. Otto W. Russell of Springfield and Miles J. Russell of Salem; one daughter. Hazel Patterson; eight grandchildren, two- ret-grand children, a nephew and a, niece. Pallbearers will be Oral Gar ner, E, Hendrickson, Robin Day, Morris Dunmgan and Vern .Ri mann. Honorary pallbearers ane A. L. Laub, Al Collins, John Hen- drickson and Fred Chapman. Customs Men to Return to Work WASHINGTON, March 31 -(&)- Some 1500 customs bureau offi cers who received dismissal no tices this week got assurances to-i day from three . senators that many will go back on the job. Senator " Cordon (R.-Ore.), chairman of a senate appropna uons suD-committee, tola a re porter he does not approve of the mass firing. ! - . "We'll have to find some other way to economize," Cordon , said. uvcn N I think- rru. be UUIH - 1 MORE PLEASANT AU-) a"3 AROUND If WE'RE I l7l ALL MAD AT ONE )T l-d r PAI4TS OU! WEVE CONE TOO PAR. skipping NOWHERE t AN EVEN IF HE WASNT lM JAIL. I WOULD NT HAVE TO WORRY. tAUSE MRJlM SE2 Hoi I ONE EVER TAKES THE TROUBLE ITOCUMBWAV iUP HERE X f It HWkXO, msti AFRAO: ONuF j TM1CT WESC TIME TO 1CEAU.Y fVAN I TV. THmi IP OMtY T COULD TROT TMAT WOMAN.' -.WMy r.l ' Wf WAVS S1BT , I NOTHIN4T0 i I . loc airr LlfaiIInn), 'LPirgDgiraaimiis Tuai. RADIO KSLIU uni ) KOIN tfl?t no ' ' LNews Mrrvn 15 Music Timkpr iKOIN :30 I March Tim IKOIN :43 INew I Newt Rise At Shine News News News Orchestra 7 0 , T:1S I T:3 T:43 I IFsct Finder SKH Haven of Rest lUser Newsr IS (Haven of Rest I Art Baker - 30 Pioneers IGrand Slam :S ILlndlahr (Rosemary - 00 :1S JO :4S prchestra IKate Smltn lAunt Jenny Hot .Time Pastor's Call 4rt Baker I Helen Trent I Our Gal 100 10:15 t 10:30 10:49 INews IBif Sister Bin Sings- IMa Perkins Merv tirlflin ur. Ma lone Harmony Hse iRoad of Life 11 DO 11:15 11 -JO 11:45 Organ IMrs Burton Day Dreams iPerry? Mason Queen for Day (Lone Journey IQueen for Day I Rose Noon 12:15 II 30 IS .-45 I Pioneers News Hillbilly Shrock News Come tc 1.-00- Uamboree (House Party (Backstage Wlfe'Sunny Side Up 1:19 (News iHouse Party (Stella Dallas (Sunny Side Up 1 JO (Orchestra ' lAIr Newspaper tLoremo; Jones (Kay West 1:43. I Air Newspaper iWidder. Brown IKay West 10 2:15 2.3C 1-45 IGwrnn Show IGwinn Show (Heart's Desire I Heart's Desire SiW :15 3 JO :45 With Musw With Muiie News News t Winters sute TraMia News Orchestra ' a 4 .-00 4:15 J0 4:45 Fulton l'ewlaf Science Rex Miller K. Johnson Buck Rogers 5:00 8:15 5 JO 5:45 Harrigan I Knox Superman I Music leapt Midnight IFlannery rom Mix IGarred K2. Heatter IVOX Pop (Tune-up Time I -: f 00 IS :30 85 rorum iror These (Fibber Mcliiw iftex Mauptn . I Foruro iPortlaiM Story I , Res Maiptn I 1M 7:15 7:30 7:43 Forum News Red Ryder Red Ryder Money Money Money IMonev 00 15 30 : (Country .House ILoweii (Country c Fall-on IJ Smith I Mel- Blanc IM. Berle IM4 Blanc I I Falcon AO INews (Big Town (City Quia 15 IJ Crowley (Big Town' (City.QuU :30. (Sports (Duncan Sisters ITHeatra S:4S (Orchestra (Over Rainbow I 1M F. Lewis 10:15 News 10:30 News 10 45 Orchestra 11.-00 11:15 11 JO 11:45 11:53 11:00 Open Mouse Open House Open Bouse News ISerenade Serenade Air-Flo Air Flo (Silent (Sign Off KOAC-f DIIDAT Ke. 10:00 News: 10:15 For Women: 110 School of Air 11:15 Concert Hall: rj 00 News: 11:15 Farm Hour; 1 00 Ride 'em Cow boy: 1:15 School of Air; 1:30 Melody Time: J 00 Red Cross: 1:30 School of Air; 1:45 Memory Music; 30 News; 3:15 Music Masters: 40 Oregon Re porter; 4JS Favorite Hymns; 4 JO Be Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Warch 31,-J?VToday's closing quotations: Al Chem &Iv.vl75 Gen Poods American Can ... 93iGen Motors Am Power & Lt 14 Goodyear Tire . Am Tel & Tel.. 65 Gt North pfd... Anaconda ..; 39 Int' Harvest Atchison ; 88 Vt Int Paper pfd.. Bendix Avia 34 Vi J Manville Beth Steel 91 IKermecott Boeing Air 2 Hi Long Bell Calif Pack 28ViiMayU Case J I 37 Mont Ward Chrysler ..' Comwlth Sou Cons Edison . Cons Vultee... Cont Ins Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air... Dupont de Ne.. Gen Electric ...... 35 i Penney J C Portland Prtxluce PORTLAND. Ore, March 31 AP) Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change) premium quality of JS of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 75-TSc lb: first quality. 74-7SC lb; second quality. 70-71c: val ley routes and country points, 2c less than first or 72-73C lb. Butter Wholesale F.O B. bulk 68 1b cubes: Grade A A. 93 score. --S7c: A. 82 score. 86-87c: B. 80 score. 85 86c; C 88 score. 83c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oreeon. singles. 42-49c: Oregon loaf. 41-S2c; triplets. 30 ',-50 lie. Eggs To wholesalers:' A grade, large 47'.-48l,c: medium. 43.-44Uc: A grade small. 40'-41c; B grade, large, 411-43',c. Eggs rurcnases rrom farmers: current receipts. 40 -45c. buyers pay S-3'sC below wholesale quotations on graded basta for best hennery eggs. ' lJve cnicKens raying price to producers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs. 29c lb: fryer?, 2 to 2 lbs 29c lb: 2 to 4 lbs. 23-35C lb; roasters. 4 lbs and over. 33-3SC lb: fowl. Leghorn, under J'i lbs. IB-19c lb. over 3', lbs. 22c lb; fowl, colored, all wts, 30-32c lb: stags. 14-lftc lb. . Rabbits Average to retailers. 48- 52c lb dressed; prices to' producers. 43c: fryers, live, white, 20-24c lb; colored. lT-Ilc lb. Onion? Green, locsl. mid-Colum bia. 40-SOc.' Onions, dried Oregon yellow, INo. 1. 3 Inches and larger. 82.50-2 75 a 50 Ib sack: mediums. $1 fti-1.75: boilers. 10-lb sack. 30-33c: SO-lb. SI 00-1.10; truck sale, medium, 8180-1.80: 2 inch. SI 26-2 33. ' - Potatoes Oregon ueacnuies, no. 1. $3.75-3.90 cwt: large bakers. $123 4.50 cwt: No. 1. 25-lb sacks. $1 00-1.05: 15-lb seeks. 0-85c: No. 2. $1 1S-1 30 SO-lb sacks; Fla . Bltrs Triumphs No. 1. 83.65-3.73. sizes A and B; track sales. Baker Gems. S3 20-3.25. ' Dressed meats Veal light, top quality, 32 -34c; heavy, topt quality. 28-30; B. 25-2SC: C. 22-24c: cull. 18 20c: hogs block butchers, packer style. 125-180 lbs, ,37 -38c; over 213 lbs. 38-37C lb; sows, all wts. 38-35c lb: lambs AA. 38-40c: A. 37-38: B. 34 36c; C, 28-SOc lb; mutton 10-15c lb. according to quality.- beef best qual ity. 30-32c; B. 25-26c: C. 20-22c: can ner and cutter, lS-19c; bologna bulls. 2-2c. " Cascara bark green. 8-8'ic: dry, 20c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium WANTED STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will furnish certified plants and finance under term contract1. " . , STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS Phone 6073 - Church & Mill St. - Salem, Oregon KEX I11M M) New I H one v moon iBugler X Klock ffloneymoon IBuRler X Klock Ktims News IBuicter X . IDave West- iBuxier X Fanh Ttme The Old Sous ISinx. Cowboy M, Azronsk Jamet Abbe - Sarn Hayes Mkt Reports - IFred Waring Uack Berch I James Abbe (Breakfast Club Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club. (Breakfast Club IMusle JKneass News (Words. Musi a Kenney Baker Kenney Baker Brene man's Bfst Brene man's BCst Sundayt- 20 Time (Quintet J Jordan G. Drake Ted Malone IMy True Story My True Story (Today's Child In White (Masquerade iLt of World IHymns Melodies ILtstemna Post i Ethel ac Albert IKneass News W. Kiernan Get It IMa Perkins Stars of Today KGW (St k) Bob. Victoria i Pepper Young Money on Use I To Happiness K. C Hill Dave Rose Air School IGirl Marries IWhat's DoJn' Faces Life IWhat's Doin Meet the Missus Just Plain Bill tBtide A Groom IFarren . IBrtde At Groom Road of Ute Lora Lawton Aunt Marv IBe- Seated I He Heated Dorothy i Dtx iMusie I Dr. Paul (Woman's Secret'Rhythm 1 for the Book INews of World (Northwest i Melody Hour I Life Can Be IN Westerners ' I (Chuck Foster (Tennessee Jed Manning (Stars 'of Today ITerry aV Pirates . IG. .Moorad (Sky King News (Date with Judy Jack Armstrong News ! F. Hemingway I Amos n' Andy e -Friends , ... ' . Rhythms I Talks Talks Talks Talks Bob Hope (Red Skelton i I Modem Musi Modern- Musie iHportscopy Alvin Wilder Tnomas (Supper Club ILum Abner (Cheery Songs (Dark Venture Dark Venture Sfaow'F. Ijrwton (Boston Sypnrih. (Boston Sypmh. Boston iSynmh. I Five Star Final 'News Fleshes IMcCall 'News (CrirrSnologist For Living ' I Hey. Motorist (Veterans. Bui. (Let's Dance (Concert Hour (Texas Rsngers (Decision (Concert Hour News . (Concert Hour Biltmore Orch IConcert Hour Hotel Orch. . (Rose Bowl Och. ' Rose Bowl Och. News IX-Tra Hour (Sign Off I News , . ' hind the News: 4:45 Children's The atre: 50 On Upbeat; 5:55 Spotting the Sports; 00 News; :1J Organist?- :30 'Round the. Campfire: 7:14 Evening Farm Hour; :00 Music for All; S.1S Proudly We Hail: 8:30 Songs to Re member; 8:45 News: 8.-00 Music That Endures: 845 Evening Meditations; 100 Sign Off. f 43 Radio Corp 22 H 594;Rayonier .., ...u. 378 55Ryonier pfd 31 42!Richfield h 15W 87 IReynoldg l Met... .... (Safe way 23 , 124 ISears Roeb .U 38 .!47!Sinfclair Oil 154 .!18U'So Pacific 40a IStan Brands ; 33 A . ....... 58 Stew Warner 18Vi . 95 (Nash Kelvin ;16iStuchbaker . 21 i . 3!Nat Dairy ..... 17 Sun Mining 11 . 27N Y Central i 27 Union Oil ......... 21 . 17North Am Co 19. jUn Pacific ..:.....123Vi . 51Northern Pac .... !lJn Airlines 26 . 27!Pac Am Fish.... 39 Un Aircraft 18 . 5Pac Gas Elec 110U S Steel 72 . 69P T.& T 13.Wamer Bros 15 188iPan American. .. 43 iWest Elec 25 9 Woolworth 48 Portland - Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. March 31.-(AP) (USD A) Cattle: salable 1800. total 2150; calves salable and total 200: mar ket active, strong with last week's close: 'mostly 2350 cents higher than last Monday; common-medium cows leas active: bulk medium-good fed steers 1B.5O-23.0O: load good-choice 1021 lb Wyoming steers 24 00. new recent high: common-medium heifers 14.00 20 00. good fed heifers up to 22 50; canner-cutter sows largely 11.00-13 50: shelU downward to 8.50- fat dairy type cow4 slow at 14 0O-3 00; mediunt goodi beef cows 1S.50-IJ 00: load young cowsXup to 19.00; good beef bulls 17.00-90. odd bead to 18.00: common sausagexbulls down to 13 00: - good choice bealers strong to 100 higher at 23.00r28.00. select to 27.80-50. Hogs:f salable 560. tout 1300; market active, steady with Friday or 75 cents below last week's high tide: good choice 180-250 lb 38.00!: 263-330 lbs 28.00-50: good sows 23.00-24 00: choice feeder pigs 1.00-30 higher' at 30.50 31.00. Sheep: salable 200. total 1300: mar ket active, steady: one lot good-choice mixed lambs 22.50; good-ehotce wool ed lambs 21.00-50; number S and 3 pelt lambs 20.50; common - medium grades 15 00-19 00; good ewes 8.50-8.50. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March 31. (AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: oats, barley and corn unquoted: No. 1 flax -8 30. Cash wheat (bid I: soft white 2 34: soft white (excluding Rex) 234; white club 2.35; western red 2-5. Hard red winter: ordinary 2 35; 10 per cent 2 40; 11 per cent 2.45; 12 per cent 2.30. Hard white' Baart: 10 per cent J5; 11 per cent 2.42: 12. per cent 2.50. Today's car receipts: wheat 04; flour 2: corn 9; oats 1; millfeed 7. grades. 45c lb. Mohair 4c lb on 12-month growth. Hay Wholesale rait shipment: al falfa. No. 2 or better. 835 00-34 00 ton: No. 1 timothy, g37.50-39.00 ton: oets and vetch. 822.00-27.00 ton. depending upon quality: clover Jh'ar. uncertified, baled jm farms. $22.00-27.00 ton. TnW Stofaitman. Salem, Orocon, wniE YOU1NG IDEA" By Mossier - . ;. -, ' , ; - .1 ! - v I -. i ." - i -i i? - j -: ' - j "Why, BafersV what Chief Roble Advises Spring j Check to Remove Fire Hazards ' j.-- , I . ; ! ' ! - By Eoberi E. tiangwar - !- f --. - Oty ffjd4tv..Th Statesman- f ; 1 ! Sprlnf housecleanlnf is th tSest tim of year fog- houschoWers to check their homes for fire, hazards. Fire Chief W. P. Roble de clared yesterday. j - !. He said household hazards are so numerous that, event: the j most vigilant home owner, without at least one thorough examination his premisei every year, may needlessly endanger his family and property. Firemen are-not auth orized to make home inspections unless requested to do so- by the property owner, it was explained by Chief Roble. He added that al though such inspections are rarely asked, nearly every home , fire demonstrates to city firefighters the existence of avoidable haz ards in Salem homes. II sards Likely Anywhere : Hazards are likely to exist any where in a house, from the chim ney and roof to the' corner work-table in a basement, said the new Salem fire chief as lie ticked off dozens of dangers of the house hold variety. a. f Take the bedroom, for ! in stance," illustrated Roble, "and without even referring to smok ing in bed;, what' could you find? An electric curling iron beating alongside a celluloid brush? A drop-cord for electric light wound around a metal bed? A hot light globe against clothes, in a closet? A stopped-up flue hole? Or may be even an electric- heater only inches from a dresser cover?" "Hazards, all -of.'thenC' he em phasized: "Any one of them might cause a fire." , ! . ; , And -every room In the house; plus attic and cellar, has at least as many potential dangers if the occupant drops his guard-only briefly, ay the chief. -Advises Boom by&aom Check Rnbie advised householders to check their places, room )by room, lor any of the following' common fire-faults, as well as for other careless practices that common sense would soot as a fire hazard: In living rodflhs an unscreened fireplace, waste batket Just below an at tray, lint -accumulated in an air reeUter, overloaded electric outlet. Attic ' chimney crack, kindling dry old papers, combustibles against the chimney., - Kitchen ' wood range, too close to wall, unguarded smoke pipe, matches tn reach of children, oil mop In closet with bot water tank, clothes or dish towels drying, too near the stove. Furnace room - unprotected floor )oisU too near furnace, cobwebs be tween Joists, ashes tn combustible con tainers, too much litter in general. Garage or shop oil leakage, emery wheel sparks near gasoline, oil-coak-ed rags, poor wiring. ( Outside house curled shingles, dirty chimneys, aerial or electric wires over roof or too- near chimney, back yard brush. Trade Board Grain Lower CHIC AG O. March S1-V Wheat led all grains lower on the board of trade today, reflecting a drying up of buying power, belief of some traders that the advance may have run into at least a temporary halt and con tinued excellent crop reports from, the southwest. Trading was less active than in some time, although Volume usually picked up on the sinking spells.. Corn had fairly substan tial losses at one lime but a late rally about halved the decline. Oats showed a little more resist ance to the selling than v other grains. -. . :.---- ' . . ' Wheat closed 34 to 6 cents low er, May $2-543-2.55, corn was unchanged 'to -Us lower. May $10H-l, and oats were' Y-14 lower, Majr -is'i-Tsi IRRIGATION WATtR LOW , THE DALLES. Ore, March 31 MV North central , Oregon will have less irrigation water than normal this year, the annual fore cast meeting reported today. THE BEST in Radio Repdmrj Two lo Three Days Service . A 1 Pick-up and Deliver ! j , Phone 5955 MORROW RADIO CO. v i 153 South Liberty : ( Tuaadcry; Xprfl 1. IU7 a waaulerfal sarprbseT BUTTtRFAT Premium No. 1 No. 1 PRINTS Wholesale Retail OU. Beytag Price Extra large , . ,, , , v , Mediums Standards Pullets, cracks ; EGGS. Selling Prtce -Wholesale.1 large ; . - POCLTRV : Colored hens. No. I ' No. I- ; - UV ESTOCaWBTaUey Pack) Top iamb Yearling lamb - ' - - , Xi Jisa 154 Ewes Dairy cows- -Dairy bulls - , 8 90 to- 13 SO 10.8O t 1444) Hog prices 33c pei hundred smeer Portland prices for each pStrttesjier class. Stags bought, subiect. i NOTICE Or ' EGISTATU?I Or TBA-B-MAJUt r i NoUce is Herebr Give- i that Writ Right Manufacturing Company. -a cor poration, has filed with the tkcuwy of Mate of the Stta t Orn its Trader Mark, consisting ef tim ft4-; lowing wocds: .---.f-. - I-- , t j ' : . -witrrx rightt j ;- i - sata woros oeing written in script torts and printed, stamped or Bastskt on wrappers or container, of peper pro durta and printed or temped est note books, notebook "Covers and - tarpng tahleU. . f- - i ' J' i : That, the name- of the eor wi owning said Trade-Mark ts , WRITE RIGHT MANUFACTURING i COM PANY, located at 141 Uaguni Street. S Atlanta. Georgia, said corpora tion bemg WganlKed under the taws of the StateS ef Georgia, and the ar ticles of merchandise to whferht said Trade-Mark firto applied are 'pesec products, namely writing tablets tor. both ink and pencil, small notebooks, stenographic, notebooks, eorpposuiaai books.- typewriter tablets, envelopes both commercial and personal, station ery, adding machine paper, .and) ring binders. ,1 i WRrrt; Rioirf M ANUr At TURING CO j Rv Mrs. M. fi B..I-. ; ; , Secretary -Treasi re. j AJll CIouj;h-Barrirk 203 S. Church Ph. 8139 HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Hesnerrheida ristala J Ftsaara' Pre lapse Itching and other Rectal disarders jure corrected. v . j No nospiutisatioa i i Quick Relief . ! Dr. R. Barnoida Gink Natar-rrects4gist I til N. Liberty SU SaJeas, Ore. ? t r Salem Markets , ...-.!, ts ; ! ; n ! i BAETTX GOOCL5 - j. ... f ..v?- 71 (mm T, l.i