f 4 The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tn day, April .11917 ."JVer Favor Sways Us, Fresa First Statesman, March 28. 151 THE STATKSMAN PIJIJUSIUNG COMPANY CHARLES A. SPRAGUE, Editor and Publisher Mmber W the Associated Frees. The Aaaaeiaiesl rreas la exclusively entitled to the ase for pnblleatloa f all stews dispatches credited to It or net otherwise credited la this" Willamette Reconciliation It is pleasing jto note the Astorian-Budgct's comment: The : Willamette project as ..; now constituted by the army engineers no longer attracts the opposition of the fishing industry, for the south Santiam and McKenzie have been saved for fish propagation In the new plana,; giving hopes of saving the Wil ls metteJas a producer of some of the best quality Chinook, salmon that the Columbia basin can boast. , . , i Also the lisrurrg Industry- Would, prefer the development of the . Willamette" basin project, jnot only from the evident value ff it would yield in flood control, but because it believes that the . additional .flushing action that stored water would provide at low water would help keep the river pollution- down to the point where fish life can live. ' . Also, the Willamette basin project would provide a potential ' : 193,000 kilowatts of power. If there is any substance to the claim -of public power, dam -advocate that the northwest needs more -power, .this factor should not be overlooked. The Statesman can claim some credit for this resolution 'of past conflict. It steadily urged, recognition of. the economic vaiues n commercial iisnuig ana eiiorts at reconciling uooa control with protection of salmon -migration. Jt opposed dam ming the McKenzie because of loss . of recreational and scenic values. The afmy engineers have reviewed their problems and conx up with satisfactory solutions. Costs will be higher, but some easting resources will be. preserved. - In the plans the army engineers make provision for hatch eries to maintain the fish runs. This, with a cleansing of the Willamette may result in improvement in the runs of Chinook. lVew- Oil Inquiry 1 This employment of ex-Senator investigator on oil deals excites tending -a helping band to an hater, or are they: hot oh the scent of an ojl scandal and want . man with experience in oil probing? " " The report is that James A. Moffett, ex'-oil executive, claims that subsidiaries 'of 'Standard Oil of California and Texas corn . pany-owning oil producing properties in the middle east over charged the navy Tor petroleum products during the late war. . The charge. is serious.. -' 1 m r i ' f jnoiitii. lumseii was tmce executive neaa 01 ine suosiaiary4 His revelation ma r be "sDillin? ployers orit ma ybe a case of a i n tnenj. ine puduc , wiu nave 10 vestigation is made and findings Wheeler probably is eager into an investigation of. this Jtind. sCuts in Public Welfare According to announcement of tha public welfare com ' . mission "-drastic cut" in . public assistance and narrowing of its scope -of activities will be forced by the anticipated reduc tion by the legislature of Us budget of $51,009,000 for the next . bienniusa to $43,850,000. . ; This announcement leaves a substantial increase is allowed in the new budget . for the current -fciennium is $32,876,000, so on the face an increase of $10,000,900 is approved. Actually the increase is less because a supplementary allowance of some $2,000,000 Is made for the , present- biermium. But eight increase. ' ; . "' ' ' What will happen is that to take on all who come rapping at the door for assistance. It is doubtful if persons in real need will have their allowances reduced- unless there is a decrease in the cost of living. But some who are able to support themselves or who have close relatives able to doao may Jind The Oregon City Enterprise yipes like a dog hit by a pebble from a nigger-shooter over Dick Neuberger's piece on Portland. The OCE credits the but also "bitter with few or none of the beauties of the city's soul revealed and hardly any of ' its physical enchantment or historical perspectjyeiW think the OCE if too "severe. Could it be the author's name excited The Great White Father, ;ten furnish camp cites - for . mid-Columbia' Indians replacing .those inundated by Bonneville dam. One site proposed was at the mouth oCWfcite Salmon; river, which pleased Henry Charley who declaimed at the conference in The Dalles: God made the big White Salmon river for the Indians." But how, we wonder, as Indians are released as wards of the government and merge into white society, can they indefinitely retain tribal rights to fishing spots and camp sites? No one has answered that question. : f Louts E. Starr, Portland, national commander of the VFW, is doing, a better job of hitting headlines than his American Le-gion contemporary. He got! publicity on his statement about communist schools in Oregon, and cracked front page again with N testimony before a house committee urging return of atomic '! " a a. x a " -- : a.1 a. 9 a. energy control 10 ine army, oorr.enow uiougn nm country pays little attention to these "kings for ; Tuberculosis is still an enemy. .The January report of the state board of health shows !23 deaths -froml that disease. The ' number of-esses of TB reported -increased from 41 to 86 in the year. One month's comparative m - .- - -' ' a i . l1 : mr ueicrriiuiuuK irruui, uuv uie iultcuc uiuuiu aiaiiii tuc puuuc to the incessant need for early- checkup of any symptoms of x j A year ago The Statesman contended the appropriation of $400,000,000 for subsidies for producers of building materials was unnecessary. Now it turns used, and the remainder reverts being what they have been producers were straining every effort to turn out materials as it was. ; People kid themselves! a lot taxes. What the government doesn't get now or in one way' it will get later or in another way. ('may be shifted to someone else. shifting. i Two characters have sued Betty MacDonald, Seattle writer, for $100,000 claiming they were held np to 'ridicule' in her book, !The Egg and I.w Perhaps i Betty made the mistake of 'putting too much in her text Who says evolution has ceased working? Before prohibition John Barleycorn was a bulbous-nosed, seedy bum, a social out cast. Now, by grace of ' the advertising art, he has become a man of distinction. i Wholesalers are said to be Manufacturer? keep inching up prices, but retailers balk at pay ing more money, insist that the public will hot pay the prices. Ko one wants t6 get caught with of a price ilump. This week mi Holy week. Next week is Army week. If people only absorbed the truth of the former, the latter wouldn't No Fear Shall Awe" Burton K. Wheeler as special curiosity. Are republicans ex ex-senator and ex-new deal . j .. i m , , ; the beans" on his former em his trying to get revenge on reserve judgment . uniu, we in . . . t. . i .. announced. . . for the chance to get his nose Si v. "- a wrong impression Actually million, dollars is a substantial public welfare will not be able their grants reduced or cut off, Post article with being clever some emotional reaction? years late, is getting ready to a day." figures are too narrow a base i l j 1 f ui:. out that only $65,000,000 was to the treasury. Profit margins " about "saving on their income The trick is to see if the load Tax laws offer a study in tax '''.;.''. about "the egg- and you." taking something of a beating. heavy inventories at the edge (Continued from Page 1) by private philanthropy, which Is where the Oregon Chest comes in. It consolidates the financial re quirements beyond resources and conducts through local organiza tions a single financial campaign in their behalf. Perhaps I can tell the story dif ferently.! Something happens in a home. The father deserts the family: the mother may be not a fit person td raise children. Neigh bors report the case to puduc authorities. Neither state nor county has any place to put the childrenj permanently. The au thorities then call some agency like the Boys and Girls Aid soci ety, which gathers in the children, gives them temporary care until they can be disposed of in homes or . in institutions. ' Because the machinery of eating for such chil dren works quietly, the public hears little about such cases. Others, may have contact with these agencies when they seek children for adoption. They apply to one of these institutions hav ing committed to its care; and if on investigation they appear to be fit persons and able to give the child a. proper home the judge in authority will approve the adop tion. , l - -v . .. The public is well informed of the work of the Dornbecher hos pital id caring for, children who are -ill and of Shrine hospital in remedying children suffering from physical deformiUes. But because of the shadows of broken homes. of illegitimacy, of neglect which often attend children for whom an institution offers the only imme diate home, the work of these specialized agencies is not well known. It is for their support and that of two other special welfare agencies that the uregon Chest raised some $375,000 last year. Those who contributed to this cause have the satisfacUon of knowing that their gifts helped provide food and clothing for lit tle children, discipline for boys and girls who lacked parental re straint, a haven lor .unfortunate girls and a protective arm 'for their babies. As this knowledge spreads the task of the. Oregon Chest will be lightened. PASSED: at (Joint wars, mn) -Re quire counties to levy up to 4 mUI tax for nubile welfare. HB 4SS (Joint ways, means) Voids transfer of property Belonging to pen inn reaiptenta. HB SM (Joint ways, means ) Lets state recover from gifts or lesecies to persons receiving public welfare. BB SS Judiciary com.) Authorizes state land board to settle state claims. BB ill (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates 921,000,000 lor public wel . MR sis f Joint wars, means) Ab nrooriatea SS47.S3S for secretary of tefts. eeoital build in and grounds, audits. . elections, printing, bounties. HB SIS (Joint ways, mesnw Ap propriates $567.51 for executive de partment, budget division. Willamette basin and nostwar commission, board f eontrol. narola board, etc. BB S2f (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates S496.320 for Doernbecher hos pital. . $1MJ90 for crippled children, BB ! Szl (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $300,000 foe emergency hoard. .- HB J SOW Joint ways, means) Ap- $38,7UO for child guidance. propriates S21S61 for OSC expert mental station. . BB S2J Joint ways, means) Ap propriates 16000 for Patton home. $12. 00 humane society.- $7800 battleship Oregon commiasion. $27,000 Oregon his torical society, $2000 Lincoln Memorial nark. $800 Greenwood btu cemetery, HB S2 (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $774,430 for OSC field Work in (Ricuiture ana nomi tanrania.. HB' S2S ( Joint wivt. means K nals chaDter 424. Oreeon laws IMS (which gave fish commission $162,000 for tne biennrum enarag tnis year; BB ; 534 Joint ways, means) Ap nroDriates 177.05S for fish commis- ainn. BB 527 (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates SlOlM for state treasurer department. ' ' HB 52S (Joint waTS means) Ap propriates SSO0S to eradicate gophers, etc. ' . HB SIS (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $752,359 for investigations and experimentations of state ooara of his her education. HB SM ( Joint . ways, mesns) Ap- DroDfiates $499311 for department of sericulture. BB SSI (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $12.00 tor collecting farm statistics. i hb UX (Joint wavs.' means) Ap- roprlates $9947$ for state board, of irestry. - . HB SIS (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates . $30J7t for . publio utilities commission. -a ' HB SJ4 (Joint ways, means) Ap- Drooriates $1500 for state flax board BB $35 (Joint ways, means) Ap- Drooriates $200384 for state engineer, reclamation and hydroelectric commis sion . ' BB S3 (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $6,052,45$ for state board of high education. HB 537 i Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $223,481 for bureau of labor, wage-hour commission and appren ticeship council. BB 53S (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $700,000 for homeless chil dren. Indigent orphans and wayward girls. , BB 15 (Sen. Belton et al) Adds regulations to cosmetic therapy indus try. SB 44$ (Multnomah delegation) Provides for state -acquisition of tamp White for hospital use. ADOPTED: HCB 11 (Ren. Wells) Sets ud Inter' im committee to study possibility of having common carriers and public utilities insured by resident brokers. REPASSED: HB 29, 39, 32, 411. SB 314. DEFEATED: BB 54 (Rep. Bennett et al) Boosts collectible limit of damages in wrongful deaths. 4 House .refused to consider bul on grounds it is too aim Uar to one already defeated.) DO-PASS BEPOBTI ADOPTED: HJB 2$. ' SB 14S, 399. - BE-REFEBBED TO COMMITTEES t HB S91. REFERRED TO COMMITTEES; HCB 12; HJB 23; HB 549-54$ tnc. SB 35, 294, 423, 434, 459. INTRODt'CED: . BCR 12 (Rep. Bates) Urges new buildings at state hospital as soon as feasible. HJB 23 (Social welfare com.) Pro vides for Interim committee to study and make report on care given by state to blind Dersons. BB 54S (Joint ' ways, means) Ap propriates anotner szs.ooo for legisia Uve costs. , BB $41 (Joint ways, 'means V Ap propriates $278,259 for department of veterans' atiairs, $6B3,B7B lor national guard. HB $42 (Appropriates $282,998 for state board of health, $332,925 for other health purposes in eluding vital statis tics. GRIN AND BEAR "PoliUcians, empleyees and radia I year Intelllgewee, Otis propriates $8348 to settle small claims retarding bountieselection costs, etc. HB S44 (Joint ways, means) Ap propriates $13,351 J4S for prison, hos nitals. trainins schools, deaf and blind schools, blind commission, parole staff. HB 545 (Joint ways, means) Cre ates $M0.009 revolving fund for state tax commission to use in administer ing proposed eigaret tax. UP TOR FINAL ACTIOK TOD AT: HB $49, $4, $42, $43, $44. $4$, 334, 119; BJR 23. SB 47, 52, 117. 129, 184, 198, 329. 348, 391, 345, 35$, 399, 419, 414, 431, 449, 443; SJB 19, . HOUSE RESUMES 19 AJS. TODAY. Alteration Plan of Brewery Okelied A permit to make a $12,000 al teration of the Sicks Brewery Co. at 238 S. Commercial st was is sued by the city engineer's office Monday. Other permits were granted to A. M. Hansen, to build a 15000 house at 1435 Bellevue st.-; D. A. Larmer, to relocate a house at 1058 Larmer ave for $200; Wil lamette university, for a $2000 re pair shop; E. A. Russell, for a $250 garage at 2325 Maple ave.; J. Hamiel, for a $2000 fence at 3360 Portland rd., and to Mrs. Rasmussen, for house repairs to -cost $200 at 1130 N. 15th st. Senate Action PASSED: SB 35 (Mil. affairs com.) Estab lishing within department of veterans affairs a records division for war rec ords. SB 294 (Insurance com.) Makes dis tribution of false or misleading state ments or advertising on insurance a misdemeanor. i SB 433 (State affairs com.) Auth orizes highway commission to build of fice building in Salem. SB 434 (State affairs com.) Re moves - $500,000 limit which highway commission is authorized to spend on building. . SB 459 (Com. on educ.) Provides appointment of school superintendents by rural school district board of di rectors in rural school -districts, in stead of by election. BB 298 tRens. Hendershott. E. Hill) Raises juror's pay from $3 to $3 per day. in Justice court to J. HB 273 (Com. on assess, tax) Pro vides that state tax commission shall Initiate action for warrant for col lection of taxes due on slot-equipped music and amusement devices. HB 40S (Rep. C. Hill) Provides for replatting of county roads if survey faulty, if doubt exists, or if five or more persons state via petition such roads have been used 19 years or more. HB 451 (Assess, tax. com.) Regard ing pari-mutuel take in Portland, gives state 3 per cent of 1st $4,900,000- tti Koss receipts. 4 per cent of 2nd $4. 1.000 and 8 per cent of balance. (Now state gels 3 per cent of total.) . HB 4 (Judiciary, revision of laws com.) Authorises purchase of 83 sets of Oregon laws and supreme court de cisions, t BB 599 (Joint, ways, means com Appropriates $9000 for agricultural ex periment station In Umatilla county. HB $19 (Joint ways, means com.) Appropriates $8000 for salaries and ex Densea of aertcullural ex pert men tattoo. HB $11 Joint ways, means com.) Appropriates $33,949 for state agricul tural experimental stations.' HB $12 (Joint ways, means eam.)- Appropriates $20,000 for field labors tory at The Dalles. HB 513 (Joint ways, means eom,)- AnnrOnriates SS00O for agricultural ex perimentation in Deschutes, Crook, Jefferson counties. - HB $14 (Joint ways, means com.) Appropriates $3.33aji for state p bee. . , ADOPTED: ' - SJR 17 (Com. on county affairs) ADooints interim committee of two senators and three representatives te study and investigate salaries of coun ty officers. REPASSED: SB 31, 33, T7, 314, 318, 393. 394, 494; HB 217, 411. DEFEATED: SB 329 (Sena. Marsh and Belton) Appropriates $15,009 for placing statues of Dr. John McLoughlin and the Rev. Jason Lee in statuary hall in fVashing- ton. D.C. SB 378 (Com. on state affairs) Authorizes board of control to bur build residence for governor tn Sa lem at coat of $50,000. INTRODUCED: SB 453 (Com. on alcoholic traffic) Authorizes liquoV commission to is sue a license to sell bottled beer for consumption at entertainments held by non-nt-ofit erouns. SB 454 (Sen. Mahoney) Authorizes county clerks to accept drans. money orders, checks ana outer negotiants in struments and relieves clerks from lis bllitv. SB 455 (Multnomah county deleg.) Authorizes state board' of control to have Jurisdiction over Camp White. SB 458 (Com. on state affairs) Leta service of nublie employes who had reached the age of 75 years as of July 1. 1949, be counted as continuous without regard to Interruptions. SJR IS (Com. on mining) Provides for an Interim committee to study leg islation regarding surface mining op eration. RECALLED FROM GOVERNOR: HB 439. RE-REFERRED TO COMMITTEE: HB 39, 37, 1$, $37, 439, 49$, $97. HJB 15. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE: SB 453.'454. 455. HB 445, $29, 523, $24, $27, 52$, $29,, 839, -DO PASS" REPORTS ADOPTED: HB 94, 33$, 345, 377. 3S9. tJP FOR FINAL ACTION TODAT: ' HB 94, 229, 295, 332. 335, 345, 377, 389, 437, 447, 4SS, 494, 495. 498, J 14. $19, $?9, $21, $22, 521. $14, 525, $29, $27. 52$, $29, 534. 531, $32. 533, $34, $35, $39, $37, $3$; SJM 18: HJR 29: HCR 8. SENATE CONVENES TUESDAY AT IT - By Lichly a nae oncers shew bo respect for why expect It of Junior?" SAIL EXECUTIVES SHIFT ST. PAUL. March 31-iPr-The Northern Pacific railway ' today announced appointment of W. W. Judson, as vice-president of main tenance and operation to succeed H. E. Stevens, who will retire April 1. Judson Is currently general- manager in St. Paul. BACK TO FAIR VIEW A boy who was reported miss ing. from Fairview home by auth orities there was apprehended and returned about three hours later Saturday night by city police. CYCLE BATTERY TAKEN H A battery was stolen from his motorcycle Saturday night, as it was parked in front of his home, David Elfstrom. 478 S. 16th st. reported to city police. GRANGE TO CONVENE Members of the Keizer grange will meet at the grange hall at 8 pun. Wednesday for the monthly session. A visit of members from the Ankeny grange is scheduled. DOG SAID POISONED Walter Nelson, 1715 N Capitol st., told Salem police that his dog died suddenly, believed of-poison ing, Saturday. TOWNSENDS MEET Townsend Victory club 17 will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in Dea coness hall behind the Salem Dea coness hospital. ILL AT HOME Friends of Mrs. H. C. Gilg. 1145 E st., will be sorry to learn she Is 111 at home, with pneumonia..' Only J 1 2 . I ew y vv. v.:,.' K r lra.'"-'1-!S 2k 1 iiar 484 STATE STREET i -s -.:;... I ' ; :. . ... f : , a " H r'l l 1 - I , I awae weia Mwwe mwwm wee "in 11 n t fi t tlpSnl w SUTERVISPRS RE-ELF. CTED ' - mi. i.imri!ie vteuurc aim Mrs.. Vivian Hoenig were re-elected Monday s afternoon asf rural school supervisors, for Marion county by the county educational board. Members of the group are Mrs. Agnes Booth, superintendent. George Hubbs of Silverton, P: W. Owre of. Gervais. W. P. Emery of Macleay and Harley Libby of Jef ferson. 4 CLARK DISTRICT AGENT James M. Clark was appointed district agent for the Banker's Life company of Iowa for Marion and Polk counties ? this week. Clark, a resident of Salem since 1928, is director of the! National Retail Credit - association and president of the Salem associa tion. During the war Clark serv ed with the army engineers in Alaska. ' T-' TAKEN FOR SURPRISE Hot on the trail of a jeportedly stolen car; Saturday night, city police were surprised to learn that it had been , towed -away as a practical joke by two .Salem young men. who said I they had been misinformed that the car was to be used by a bride and groom who would be married in a few; minutes. LEGION MEETS ' Post 136, American Legion, will meet tonight at 8 o'clock for an nouncement of winners of the membership contest; Col. Philip Allison will exhibit his collection of firearms and tell the.story con cerning them. TEACHERS DINE Members of the Salem -Teachers association will have a social din ner this evening at 6:30 o'clock at Nohlffrm'i restaurant. Toasl- T . . . . '-, , i v i master oi ine evening win oe vei maf A. RansdelL , CHURCH TO SPEAK Carl Church, Salem veterans administration contact represen tative, will speak tonight at 9:45 o'clock on re-instatement of GI insurance over radio station KSLM. Births Lakasunls To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lukasunis. 1635 N. 20th st., a daughter, Monday, March 31, at Salem Deaconess hospitaL Eyerly To Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Eyerly, 2741 N. River rd, a son, Monday, March 31, at, Salem Deaconess hospitaL Frederic ksen To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fredericksoru box 20, Highway ave, a son, Monday, March 31, at Salem Deaconess hospital. ' I LaReche To Mr. and Mrs. wiiuam Lartocne, 844 s. torn mercial st, a son, Monday, March 31. at Salem Deaconess hospital. Wals To Mr. arid Mrs.L. A. Walz Dayton! dauahter. Man day, Kf arch. 31, at Salem General hospital. Beyd To Mr. and Mrs. pale Boyd, route 2., Salem, a daughter, Sunday. March 31, at Salem Dea coness hospital. ' Barry To Mr. and Mrs. George G. Barry, a son, -Tuesday. March 25. at Salem Deaconess hospital. a onih for Sfeel JACK POST 3)95 -Homart" adjusUbla at89l jack pests will bring your sagging floors back to nor mal! Easily installed . . will take the place of your worn wooden posts; - t rAEKTrVG BEINGS FINES 4 court costs in Salem justice court Monday after being cited for parking in a- no-parking area - in the northwest section of . the courthouse drive. The sheriffs office, said . the "cars involved blocked traffic .around the X-ray unit trailer Saturday afternoon. Ladies, what about your Easter permanent and hair-do.' Get them at the Beauty Nook, 31 Court. rnone ooji. , . Electric Fans Vince'a "Electric. KIMBALL IN TEXAS Sgt' George O. Kimball, Jr., son of Mrs. George Kimball, 328 S. Church st. Is assigned to the. 97th machine records unit In Gen. Jon athan M. Wain wright's Fourth army headquarters at Ft.' Sam Houston, Texas,, according to an army release. ' Browning .12 ga. imported, .22 rifles, revolvers, . all kinds am munition, bass plus and fishing supplies, golf ' clubs, umbrella tents, trappers baseball gloves. car heaters. Nollman & Engler, 362 State st. 7 Rubber Gloss Wax and cleaner. Vince's Electric. , HILL NOTX CHANGED ' The condition of Clyde Hill. 478 N. Cottage st, injured when he was thrown from a horse Fri day, is not changed since a slight improvement shown Saturday, Salem General hospital attaches said last night. ,v ; r Apartment electric washer, house hold scales, muffin and dish pans, flour sifters, pottery mugs. Noll man it Engler, 361 taite. , . - Home Owners and Builders. Bet ter insulation at the lowest cost. Salem Rockwool Co. Ph. "3748. 1536 Broadway. SPANISH WAR VETS MEET The United Spanish War Vet erans and auxiliary will meet at the VFW hall April 7 at 8 pjn. River silt; top son and fill dirt. Coml Sand GraveL Ph. 21966. Northern Lawn ' mowers, limited Quantity. K L. Elfstrom fn e Refinish yoyr own floors. Rent floor sender from Woodrow's, 440 Cente St. All Work Oaaraateesl 42S Cswrt Rt. Call 7S2R EEIPE'S Tfe Kfeto! wJkimi :X 1 - JUi- -f I . ' ' k Miaaraf Fill INSULATION 5L15 BAG Easiest pour-type insulation to Install. One bag covers It so, ft, S-in. deep. ; Ralph Shaw. Oregon comman der of Disabled American Veter ans, will be guest at the Thurs day meeting of Salem DAV,( ac cording to Charles Peterson, post commander. With Shaw will b other state DAV .officials. Mem bers, meeting Thursday at S p.m. at the Woman's club building. 460 Cottage st, will discuss ptans -for the Kiddie Karnival. Regis tration for the .'event ends April 3 at ontgomery Ward store. - OFFICE MANAGERS HECK THESE 7 ECONOMIES -3 1 with your Record iystecs ! i Ce ye write ee fe tie's el eesfe cerf Yee eee wMa sstiefesv--- PeatiKaea cenlt ere eviciity fateeeeeV ee tyaaiiei. ..' f i ' ! Tee have sis siwajs eeys a aiaael leg rMiiM FRm.. -; j taeriwg ceres fat. faeiaen Ht ti e ss4isecee jekt. Hi tiieticity pur mitt flf ea fraetlef, ia saaftest eee. a8sClfc 89$V988)( Vp 8JKA8) e - 8Bf fOMB) ef Peituieee cee be aeekiy ieeaaesl m yisittty leases a. r -; 1' . .- : x : 4 fees Pstrteees cmr4 is its ewe aeMee. v Ne Oe PeaiisJes, seek cerrf 'ti eialhle e eteece . . . nes Met ler ee iee HiM. nwt'i i4 tm Do your recordj gnre yott 08 tf9 economies? let ws prove the sov fng9 of PosHndex by mokirvg o iree survey of your present system t st rokes but o few minutes of .your time, ond moy uncover a source of extra savings. . ..(." ;v- ;;;; : ; :- j-- ! J.;T. :.t'f-1 Ccske Slaiicacxy J78 State ' rhee 4484 P0STINDEX ' VKIIir I IHDU flUS Custom Motft ITCE1EJ CABINETS 1:' mi mausiNS foa You can tavi yourself many steps by installing this "Homarf ultra-! modern kitchen! Cabi-j nets and storagi spaca whara you want . them' mean a lot tr.esa days: Cabinets art ,mada of well-seasonad and knot- frea Western lumber J all ready to ba' painted, stained or waxed to har-i monize kitchen. with your ! Klmsul INSULATION - ROLL' " I' 200 Sq. FL ' .v " . ' -T :v- ' ! Kimsul blanket-type Insula tion la moisture proofed, will not sag or settle. Snug, clean. ' - 1 . - " v V eaeeWe be , jjeedfd... . 7