! " "'- , I ; - Dates Set For April Rites 'April 16 has been ret as the date for . the marriage of Miss Charlene Ruth ' Bauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bsuer to . John Norman Kirkwood. son f Mr. and Mr. I Eugene Kirk wood of Portland. ! The rites wi U tike rAace at the Jason Lee church at 8 o'clock With the Rev. S. Ry nor Smith officiating. " Mrs. ElnW C. Ray will be the vocalist and John Ray the organ ist. Miss Hazel Peterwm wQl be the bride honor maid and Keith Bce wHf- rve 4 best . man . for the groom. .j ' A reception will; be held In the church parlors after the service. The couple will live in Portland where he is attending Vanport college. Miss Bauer is gradu ate of Salem high Khool and her fa nee served in the army during the war. v"- ' i - Miss Hedges to wed Mif Phyllir Hedges and Robert Ricketts -will be married on Sat urday. April 5 aT 3'clbck in the Camer Room of the First Meth odist church with Dr. Joseph Adams officiating. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs.. Wynola Adams and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ricketts. Y Mis Patricia Hedges will be fcer cousin's- honor attendant. The wedding reception will be ; held t the home of the bride-elect's mother.. The couple will live in Salem following their honeymoon. Miss Hedges is with the unem ployment compensation commis sion. Mr. Rlcketts is engaged- "in farming and served in the navy during the war. WlUen-Bullfr rites ; Invitations have; been received in Salem to the wedding of Mrs. Dot it Elizabeth Buller, daughter ct Mr. and 'Mrs. George M. Dozier of Pleasant Hill, and Richard C, M'jfceon, son of Mr. and Mrs. James J4 Wilson of Salem? which will take place in , Eugene Saturday, April 5. The vows will be ex changed at St. Mary's Episcopal church at 3 o'clock. ; I ; The DelU Gamma alumnae will be entertained at the North Sum mer street home of Mrs. A. A. Rogers Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. All Delta' Gamma alum nae in the city are invited to at tend. - Stceet Stuff Molasses Serves as Sweetener for Pudding, Cookies;5 Good Flavor Too . By Maxlne Buren . ,' "; Statesman Woman's Editor During the war years molasses served us in good stead as a sweetener for several types V bf dessert- The molasses, people sent some suggestions which sounded practical for future testing, r ; j m A cocoanut gingerbread recipe among them can -be made now that coconut ' appears . more fre quently in the markets. COCOAXLT GINGERBREAD i cup butter H cup lugar ! - - " 2 eggs . . r - 1 teaspoon soda i ( ?i cup molasses I teaspoon ginger ; 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' l teaspoon salt I1! cups flour lv cup cold water . 1 cup -fresh' grated or moist packed cocoanut Cream butter and sugar Well, add eggs and beat all together. Dissolve soda in molasses and add to first mixture. Mix and sift remaining dry ingredients and add to. first mixture alternately -with the cold water. Add 1 cup of cocoanut. Pour into : greased pan and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) ior 35minutes. i. Gingerbread- can become an upside-down- cake 4oo, popular type of dessert dish we "used to know when sugar was abundant PSIDE-DOWN GINGEKBREAD 4 cup melted ahortooing j li cup corn 'syrup i j 1 cup fruit (canned or cooked) lJ cup nuts,.; j ly. cups molasses- ' ;.: 1 egg, beaten I 24 cups sifted flour ' ! . teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon ; 1 teaspoon ginger - -H teaspoon cloves H teaspoon salt; i 4 cup hot water. -1 M 1 1 Mm. .KnrfAntnd in A or 10 skillet; Add corn syrup, then arrange fruit and nuts over bottom ( of part. .Combine cup shortening nd molasses and add & Stir until well blended. Mix. and sift dry ingredients and add alternately with the hot water to first mixture. Pour .over ; fruit in skillet Bake ' n moderate oven (350 degrees) for 45 minutes. Turn out of pan immediately af ter, removing -from oven. Yields I portions. OATMEAL MOLASSES PUDDING : 2 cups'cooked oats lhi cups scalded milk - Eyes On . Tomorrow i - A i - -Safeguard your , Vision with Glasses A , ; Dr. E. E. Bering .' i i. You'll see better . . look correctly fitted glasses, if "you need them. - - j ' ' Dignijied Credit BORING OPTICAL COMPANY. 1X3 Ceart Society.... Clubs Music.... The Home CLOB CALENDAR TUESDAY Missouri club with Mr. Wade Week ly. 790 South St., covered dish dinner, 12 JO p.m. -' ; District No. . OSNA. meet at Sa lem Woman's clubhouse, p.m.. Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliary meet at SaHcm Woman's clubhouse. 1JM p m. Theatre Arts croup with-Mrs. W. E. Kirk. S65 Court sU.l:5 p.m.- "".---.- Yomareoa with Mrs. E. C. Richard. 1240 N. 21ft St.. 1:1S dessert luncheon. Alpha Chi Omega mothers meet, at Court street chapter bou.se. T:44 o.m. American War Mothers meet at Les ion hall, 2 p.m. i: WEDNESDAY. St. Paul's guild of St. Paul's Epis copal church ro-hot luncheon and business meeting, parish house. 1 p.m. , Women's guild. First Congregational church, meet at church. 2 p.m. PEP club dinner meeting. Cold Ar row, p.m. .. WSCS of Leslie Methodist church wttlf Mrs. S. C. Rundiett. 15S5, S. High est. 2 p.m. . . . Pythian Sisters, k meet KP hall, p.m.' Sons of Union Veterans and auxll lary meet . at Salem Woman's -club- nouite. i sv p.m. THURSDAY American' Legion auxiliary, Salem unit 136. meet in floral room, cham ber ox - commerce. S p.m. American Gold Star Mothers regu lar meeting, viw nail, S p.m. - pioneer post. No. 149, meet Amer ican Legion . hall, S p.m. , . i DA V auxiliary business meeUng, Sa lem woman ciuDtiouse, a p.m. Spiritual Sunflower club with Mrs. Sam Harms. 379 N. Cottage at., 1 p.m Walstrom-Bolirv Vows Exchanged The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Bourne at 1625 N. 19th st was the scene of -a wedding March 29 for Miss Harriet Bolin and Al fred L. Walstrom. . The bride wore a dress of white wool with gold accessories and Carried a bouquet of pink roses wnn wnne carnations. Her at tendant was Mrs. Averill Bourne Joe L. Bourne was best man. ; Out-of-town guests -were Mrs. Koss Porter from Bend and Mrs A. D. Knepper from Portland. ; The Rev.' Raynor Smith per formed the ceremony. The eounle left for an evfpnrl. ed honeymoon trip and. will be at home, in Astoria the latter part of April. - . ".. 2 eggs ..-:' - 1 cup molasses , Mt teaspoon cinnamon . " . .4 teasroon allsnir . 1 cup chopped raisins, dates or fi a a : Cold .or fresh cooked oatmeal may be used. Mix, the milk with the oatmeal and when ' free f mm lumps add the beaten eggs, mo lasses, spices and raisins. Pour into a greased baking dish and bake in a slow oven (2QQ decrees V about 40 minutes or until firm. Serve hot or cold, plain or with muK or cream. A wholesome pud ding for the children. Deep and Lasting Defreshnenl To hundreds of thousands, the thoughtful reading of - the Christian Science textbook has brought feeling of renewal, and with it release from dis ease and other difficulties,. in creased usefulness, success and happiness benefits Avhich have proved to be permanent Men and women in all walks of life, by Applying the teach ings of this book, Science and Healih with Key U the Serlptares ' by Mary Baker Eddy have found '.their' skill in creased, and have been enabled to . work' with greater; inspira tion, assurance, and . accom plishment 'i' ;:- V--"v" In simple, , direct lengyage, the book gives the complete explanation of Christian Sci ence and its scientifically Christian, method of liberation from sickness. )f a tigue, frustra tion, and other evils. , A book, for everyone to .un derstand and use. f CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 14J Seflta High 1 Dr. San Baghes . feel belter . . in belter Lid Travelers to Leave on. Travelers continue to come and ko during the early spring days. Mr. and Mrs- Brown . Sisson, their daughter, . Mrs. Charles - N. Fiitton, and Mr. Sisson's sister, Miss Estelle Sisson of McMinn- ville, are leaving this morning for the south. They plan to spend most of their time .vacationing in Carmet Mrs. fiitton will be witn her parents until her husband. Ensign . Fiitton, arrives in San Francisco from Honolulu. He has been' in Japan and other Pacific bases. The navy officer expects to be here several weeks before returning overseas. The travelers plan to be away over a month. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ross are leaving Wednesday for Vancou ver, B.C. to spend Easter with their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn D.' Fraser and children,; Glenn Douglas and Greg ory Bruce. Mr.- and Mrs. Ross plan to visit in Victoria before re turning home in a week. Mrs. Rene tBesse has returned to the capital folloVing- a winter's stay in Stet Adele Enhaut, Que bee, where she has been with her husband and son. Jack. The Besse s other son is attending Ore' eon State college. Mrs. Besse is now at their apartment at the Royal Court Trotters Club Dance Trotters i. club will entertain with its , monthly .dance Friday night at j Crystal Gardens with dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 o'clock. I Claude . Bird's orchestra will play for the affair. Mr. and Mrs. vern Rejmann head the committee for the! dance. ; . - - - r ! . -' . Past Presidents Entertained, The Past Presidents club, ifnit- ed Spanish War Veterans auxil lary, was entertained at the home of Mrs. Joe E. Wood, 1089 S. High street, Friday at a no host lunch eon.. The table was decorated with a basket of colored Easter eggs flanked by pink candles. " Those present were Mesdames Roy Page, Clyde McClung, Charles O. Wilson, John Bertelson, Mark Baker. P. C. Peterson. Leroy Hew lett Sherman Nelson,' Harry Bon net Charles Kinder, E. E. Buckles, Arthur WelcbwJerry DeSart and J. B. Parker, John D-' Humphrey of Portland. Assistant hostesses were Mrs.. Fred Thompson and Mrs. Lew Gordy. Guests were Mrs. C. Buisman . and " Mrs. John McKeag. Next meeting will , be April 25 with Mrs. Sherman Nel son, 1811 Chemtketa stree. : . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gillette spent the weekend in Kent Wash, as the guests of their son-in-law and: daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shaffer. The Shaffer's daughter, "Mary Gayle returned to Salem with her grandparents for a several weeks stay. 'SiRi','.-' You can now help avoid unnecessary ' service to you and in the interest of acci car trouble and possible accidents by dent prevention, your Mobilgas Dealer 'getting a free 4 -point your Mobilgas station. 1 it If il ; Regular MobiLubrication with 4-poimf tajely ebeck will tfclp put your car on the safe side and keep it there. Needed mechanical repairs, as observed by your dealer, will be reported to youl Get the free safety check andMobiLvbrlsation at CJlbDD(lS- eab.gr - r- r v: - - CENEIAl PETROLEUM COKPptATION t Goins Have Reunion- A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Coin Of Macleay. Trnwe present were Mrs. Orley Graves, Mrs. Effie Carson, of Chariton, Iowm, Mrs. B. S. Wilson and Susan of Gardena, Calif., Mrs,- Sara Stew art Henry Spauiding, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Avitt, Bill and Dwain of Corvcllis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pen gra of Eugene, Mrs. Ira1 Coin of Hood Riyeri Mrs. Hugh Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goin ' and children of Salem; Lee Cain and Mr. and Mrs.- C. M. Goin. Visitors Are Honored Visitors in the capital are Ma jor and Mrs. Howard Adams, who are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Corey, and his. folks, Mr and Mrs. Hugh E. Adams. Ma jor Adams is stationed at the Pre sidio. Fort Ord. Calif-, and the couple live at Monterey. - Several. informal affairs are be ing arranged to honor the couple Sunday a group of friends played a round of golf at the Salem Golf club with a no-host supper fol lowing vat the clubhouse. In the group were . Major and Mrs. Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Waterman and Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood. Matrons to Fete A Visitor Mrs. E R. Frederickson and Mrs. E. L. Herrell will be host esses for a bridge luncheon Wed nesday afternoon at the former's home on North 14th street in com pliment to Mrs. Maude Moore, who is here from her home in Sari Francisco visitirfg hef sister, Mrs John Wick of Dalla. Covers will be placed for Mr. Maude Moore,' Mrs. Jonn Wick, Mrs. William Domashofsky, Mrs. William Ross, Mrs. Bert Smith, Mrs. O. L. Scott, Mrs. E. L. Hef rell and the Mrs. E. R. Frederick son:' Chadwlck chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will 'hold a meeting Tuesday night at Masonic temple, beginning at 6:30 with covered dish dinner. Chapter members will be honored during the eve ning. . Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Miss Georgia Roberts, who is home for spring vacation from Mills college and three of her classmates . who are her house guests, Misses Mir iam Bostick, Marilyn and Mar jorie Meyer, will motor to Eugene today to be the guests of Miss Margie Cooley on the University of Oregon campus. Mrs. Carl G. Collins will pre side at a bridge luncheon this af ternoon at her Market street home : for members of her club. safety check at As a personal will check these key parts of your car as a part of regular MobiLubrication.' VIMM MRU INSPECTED noils, bits' of gloss, and other foreign particles removed from treads. ' STEERING ASSEMBLY this mechaniim, so vital t to your safe ty, h checked and lubricated. : rsr " Miss Colling Is Married At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Colling, Miss Viola Maye Colling, became the bride of Keith C. La Due, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. LaDue, on' Sunday, March 30. The nuptials were performed by the Rev R. A. Krueger at 2 o'clock. The bride, given in rdarriage by her father, wore a white net gown over taffeta and a fingertip length veil which was held in place by a coronet. She carried a white prayer marked with Easter lilies. Mrs. Robert Pickle of Ukiah. Calif., Was her sifter's matron" of honor and Harold Holler, brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. ' . A reception followed the cere mony Mrs. Williarht Werner, sis ter' of the bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Claude Hupp presided at the coffee urn and .serving were Mrs. Richard Reiling. also a sister of the bride, and Mrs. William Val entine. The couple attended Salem schools. After a short trip along the Oregon coast-the newly weds will be at home o Hollywood Drive.' Federated Club " Program Tonight The Federated Music club. pro gram will be presented tonight at the YMCA at 7:30 oi clock Coun sellors of .those participating are Mrs. Harvey Gibbons, Mrs. Dal bert Jepsen, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mi?s Margaret Hogg Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich, Charles Hargrave, Miss Ruth Bed ford and Sacred Heart Academy. The program is as follows: Puppctown . , .... ; T . Kevin June Ddrnaskc In the Hall of the , Mountain King .. i . Grief Betty Font Habenera - t Bizet Wl Stuart Goldblalt y the Sea ......... Beatley Jean Spauiding Arabesque . Burgrrroller Edith Frederick Bowee .... ; ..;. Bach Anoe Gibbons Waltz, opus Ml No. 2 I Chopin Marion Cofil Flight Of the Bumble- V be Rimky-Kors.ako(f Patricia Meeguirn Valeik Mokrejs Ilene Susbaurr Polonaise op 53 . .. r Chopin Betty Jo Davenport . Out-of-town guests at the Til- licum club dinner 'dance at the Marion hotel Friday were Presi dent of the Senate and. Mrs. Mar shall E. Cornett of Klamath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. .Ivan Kafoury of Portland, who were the week end guests ofhLs brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shafer. ' Mrs. John L. Klerluff and chil dren, Niel and Larry, of Portland were the weekend house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kugei. Mrs. Kierluff is a daughter of Mrs. Kugel. ' . . . - The G. T. club has postponed its meeting this Thursday until April 10 at the home of Mrs. Cora Keeney. BRAKE FLUID level in matter , . cylinder checked i keeps your brok ing system on the sofe side. WHEEL BEARINGS inspected, and condition re ported to you. Club Fetes Ilunbaiitls The Merry Time birthday club entertained their husbands with a covered dish dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jasper Button. Cards ' were . in play during the evening. Those present were Messrs and Mesdames G. G. Caig, Charles Hagan, Carl Carlson, Lyle Shep herd, Horace Bell. J. E. Schrom berg, i. f. Jamison, Charles C. Hagen and the hostsj Oneta" Fowler Is .Married V'S Qneta Fowler, grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hodges, and eth Undeiwood, son of Mr. and! Mrs. Edward F. Un derwood, wei married, at a dou ble ring cerembny on March- 30 at the Jason Lee church at one o'clock with the Revt S. .Raynor Smith officiating. For her wedding the bride wore a mint blue suit with white ac cessories and a cordage of pale pink carnations. Miss-Mary Thom as was the honor , attendant ;and wore ; i r pink suit with white ac cessories. William Gauthier .was his brother-in-law's best man. ' A reception was held at the Hodges home after the ceremony. The couple will be at home in Salem after April 5. 155 North Liberty " . - x I - ' ' V New 4 Shipment ; ; NYLON HOSE lively, sheer, full-fashioned nylons. Reinforced mercer izetl top. All Nylon rein forced foot. Sizes SY2 to' 10?. Color: Sun Shadow. RAYON HOSE pr. All Rayon hrjse full-fashioned in 75 derA ier, 45 gauge. Sheer, Oar, even texture. Sizes 8V2 IOV3. Color: Sky Dawn. '; 1 ' Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Heater Boys Have Birthday Party I .Jlmmy Johnnyand Jerry Heal- er, rons of Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Heater, were honored on thelr birthdays Friday afternoon when their mother entertained at their country place at Union Hjlls. Jim-, my was seven, Johnny live and Jerry three years old. : . ;j Attending from Salem were Mrs. Holly Jackson, Phif and Clark, Mrs. Loring Grier,--Billy and Susan, Mrs Roy Mink and Roger and Mrs. John Rolow. v The Amertna War Mathers win meet at the Legion halt this af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Gunn of Portland, who. has charge of .the rehabilitation program of the American Legion, will, be the speaker. ' . . .Mr. and Mrs. Kkrl Kagel pre sided at dinner and bridge Mon day night at their North CapiUl ICE CHEAH Quaris . 330 SAVING CEIITEIl Salem A West Salens f " ' .' " ? .''ill,7 - Tuesday, April I. 1947 3 r street home for members of tiheir club. Covers were placed .fori eight guests.- - ' .'. ! : I f: Castle . Permanent Wavers Fheee 3M Hi Hrst National Bank' RiHing Reeler Waves nalliwell Keld Wares : Machine Permaaeats PermaeeaU C ff .Complete waJ J tad Bp OPERATORS Blanehe Keller EeleU i Arnold Phone. Yeor Appointment New Here's One Of The Greatest yCt) OUYt If Toabm SIMPLE IXDZlkU Tod .gliH mnA women who uaH ao from aimple nemta Uiat yoo.'r pais, weak, "drainred out" t&L may be 4uo to lack of blood-Iron. o try Lyci KL. niikhkm'i TABLETS on of tb twrt home waya to build op r4 bk4 to get more trn(rtb la uctrcaea; Plckham'sTableUareonaof thegreat- at blood-iron, tonics you caa buy I Telephone 3191 V I . " ) ' " . ' ' u - V'.:i' v i 1 ' .1 J