The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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"Slight improvement" is indi
cated by the condition of Clyde
Hill, 478 N. CotURe st., who was
injured Friday night when he was
thrown from a hoe at the rid
ing pavilion of the state fair- .
ground., the attending physician
st Salem General hospital stated
liist night. Hill incurred a brain
concussion when he landed on
his head, club members said, after
Afchich the horse fell and rolled
ever onto Hill's leg.
Marion Post 661. B. F. W. special
business meeting Monday, March
31. 8 p. m. Important you be
there. .
Expert watch it clock repairing, 5
day service at Stev?ns Jewelry.
Air-Steamship tickets anvwhere.
Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capital St. ;
Mrs. Carl Fitt. 4830 Cherry st , '
with her infant daughter, and
Mrs. Robert Mundt. Mill City, i
v ith her infant son. were dis
missed Saturday from Salem ;
LVaioness hospital.
You are invited to the Grand '
Opening of our " ultra-modern !
tore today, poon to 7 p. m. Flow- 1
ers for the ladies. LuU Flower;
fchoppe, 1274 No. Liberty. '
Communicable diseases report
ed in Marion county this week
include 65 cases of influenza, or
flu. with the bulk being students
at Chemawa Indian school. Fifty
students are afflicted with influ
enza, according to Marion county
health department record. Other
cases reported are four of scarlet
fever. 11 mumps, two chicken
pox and one each of tuberculosis,
septic sore throat and lobar pneu
monia. A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201
JjSf A F- & A.M. will meet with
f-X Rickreall lodge No. 110 at
Rickreall Wednesday April 2nd at
8 a.m. AH members are urged to
attend. E. N. Mill W.M.
For factories, offices it business
uses. 12" General Electric wall
clocks. $12.48, tax incl. R, L. Elf
strom Co.
New line of samples on hand for
furniture upholstery. For esti
mates call 9560.
Cars operated by Neoma Virgie
Phillips, route 7. Salem, and Jesse
Frederick Akers, 1010 Fairv iew
St.. collided Saturday at Cottage
and Chemeketa streets, city police
report. No one was hurt.
Mr Effie Back, at her residence at
J17 Chemeketa it . .Salem. March 24.
Furvived by two brothers. Ivan Pooler
of Joseph. Oec.. and Earl Pooler at
Pratum. Ore Services will be Monday.
March 31. at 1:30 p.m.. the Clough
Eamck chapel, the Rev. Louis Wmte
officiating. Interment Mt. Hope ceme
ter. Al l KN BV
Arthur James Allenbv. late resident
of M.'iU Oxfoid ft . March 26. in a local
hospital at the age of 75 Survived by
a brother. Thomas N. Allenbv. Salem,
and three sisters. Mrs. Anna White
and Mrs Minnie McClaughry . both of
Exter. Calif., and Mrs. Agnes Lang
staff in England. Services a ill be held
at the Howell-Kdvi ards charxl Mondav .
Jilarch 31 at 10.30 am. with inter"" rit
In the Citv View cemetery. The Elder
C. T. Dickinsen will officiate.
I Hatespek of Salem. Services will be
l Tuesaay. April 1. at 2 p m . the Clough
Barrick chapel, the Rev Dudley Strain
officiating. Interment City View cemetery.
Oiling of four-tenths mile of
the road west from Horner's store
Lat the railroad crossing in Gates
was requested of the Marion
county court in a petition pre
sented Saturday by C. R. Haun,
Charles J. Tucker and E. J. Rich-
ards and signed by 16 Gates resi
dents. The oiling is sought be
: cause at the large amount of dust
) caused by log and gravel hauling
Opening Monday. Unique Clean
' ers, 1554 Fairgrounds at Cottage.
Ph. 2462.
G. E. automatic blankets a year
i'round comfort and pleasure
limited quantity at Appliance
; Dept. R. L. Elfstrom Co. ;
Wesix electric 2 5 K. W. it 2 K. W.
built-in wall heaters now avail-
able. R. L. Elfstrom Co. i
Arthur B. McLaughlin, J. Al
bert Barry and Robert D. Mc
Lauchlan have filed articles of
. incorporation with the Marion
county clerk for the firm of A. B.
McLaughlin, Inc., to operate an '
iron works and machine shop in .
i Salem. with capital stock of '
$45,000. j
! Dexter lawn mower and grinding
service. Ph. 6833. 866 Center.
i i
For sale: Registered Polled Here- ;
ford cattle owned by Warren F. j
; Pohle estate. Call at Pioneer Trust ;
j company, Salem, Oregon, for de
tails, rn. 3Ut.
Plate glass now available. Don
Brown, Elfstrom's.
Turkey pickers Monday morning.
Willamette Packing Co., W. Sa
lem. ;
At the residence. 3595 D tieet. March
17 Harriet Kostenborder. at the age of
K tars Survived bv three childji.
Mn..Edilh Miles and Mrs. Ednj Flake,
both of Salem, and Alvin I. Kosten
border of Sublimity: 13 giandihildren
and eight great-grandchildren Services
will be at 1:30 p m. Mondav. Maicti
II. at the W. T. Rigdon ciiapel. In
ttniKiit City View cettieteiy.
In this cty March 27, William Ruth
erford, at tne age of 5S vear Survived
bv his wile in Portland, and a sister.
Mrs. J A Chan bers ul Oildale. Calif
Announcement of services later by the
lowell-Edwards chapel.
: r.R
Mis Ida M. Meyer, late resident of
39 Noith 15th street, at a local hos
pital, at the ae of 70 eais Survived
Ly her husband. A W Meier of Sa
lem, five isters. Mrs. Fiar.k Mj-kan-tine
of Portland. Mrs George Gotbroth
of Shenaan. Mrs. Wiebold of Vancou
ver. Wash . Mrs Minn e 'Slocumbe of .
Tigard and Mrs. Louisa Eulton of Sher
wood. Oiegon: and a brother. Enul
Schuman of Sheridan Member of St
John's Lutheran church Sedvicei will
be at 2 p m . Wednesdav. April 2. at
Howell-Etiu ai ds chapel, the He . H W
Cross oificiating.
Mi Elizabeth Maiion Sineer late
resident of 1143 Sixth st . West Salem,
at a local I 'ospital Vlaicn 7. Surv iv
ing are live d.iilshteiv Mrv Ann
Church Mis Bttty Wills ,,nd Mrs.
Sadie Toktad. all ot Saltvn. Mr- Kath
eun Staats of Portland and Mrs The
resa Baer of Concord. N 11 . four
grandchildren. Sharon and Sandra
wells and Bettv and David Baver. all
of Salem. Ann Baver of Tacoma.
Wash . and an aunt. Mrv Margaret
We wish to express our thanks
for the many kindnesses and the
beautiful floral offerings at the
time of the death of Ralph J. Wal
ling. The Walling family.
We w ish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our
many friends and neighbors for
their beautiful flowers ;nd words
of sympathy in the losefour
husband and father, Albert H.
Fate hell. Mrs. Susan Patchell,
Mrs F. W. Welton. Mrs M. E.
Snyder. Walter L. Patchell.
Donald James Felger. late resident
of 343 Lancaster drive, at a local hos
pital Friday. March 28. at the age of
28 years. Survived bv parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Ben O. Felget of Salem: grand
mother. Mrs. Laura E Jones of Port
land an aunt. Mrs. Bertha Held of
Portland, and two uncles. Jack W
Ehringler and Archie Herron. both of
Portland. Services will be held Mon
day. March SKat 3 p m. at the Clough
Bairick i ha pel with the Rev. S. Ray
nor Smith officiating.
At the residence. 1740 South Winter
-treet. Match 28. Mrs Veronia Cad
well Mother of Mrs. Oliver Meyers of
Salem. George Cariwell of Salem and
Frank C.ndwell of Portland. grand
mother of Gloria Myers of Salem; and
sister of John Bouillard of San Simeon.
Calif : Mrs Helen llirons and Miss
Julia Bouillard. both of Salem Serv
ices will be held Mondav. Maich 31. at
10 ao at t',e W. T. Rigdon chapel with
concluding services in Belcrest Memor
ial park. Dr. Joseph W. Adams will officiate.
CLARKSON To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clarkson, route 2, Scio, u
son, Saturday, March 29, at Sa
lem General hospital.
OSTRIN To Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ostrin. 150 N. 18th st.. a
son, Saturday. March 29, at Sa
lem General hospital.
ROADHOl'SE To Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Roadhouse, Albany, a
son, Saturday, March 29, at Sa
lem General hospital.
COOK To Mr. and Mrs. John
. Cook. 2492 Prospect lane, a son.
Saturday, March 29, at Salem
Deaconess hospital.
i Members of U. S. naw reserve
electronics unit will meet Mon
day at 7:30 p. m. at the YMCA
for further organization and as
signment of men. Several enlisted
men and some officers are needed
to fill out the complement of 40
enlisted men and nine officers.
All navy veterans who were in
communications are eligible to
Johns-Manville shingles applied
right over your old root Nothing
down 3 years to pay. Mathis
Bros., 164 S. ComX Ph. 4642.
Insured savings rkm more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Saving Association, 130 South Li
berty street.
! River silt, top soil and fill dirt.
! Com'l Sand St Gravel. Ph. 21966.
Willamette university was is-,
sued a permit by the city engi- ;
neer's office Saturday to relocate i
a recreation hall at 900 State St., I
' the project to cost $400. Louis A.
Downing was granted a permit to '
erect a $3000 dwelling at 1845 E.
Nob Hill. J
I Northern Lawn mowers, limited '
quantity. R. L. Elfstrom Co.
Notice Call 3667 or 5862 about
I reservations for DeMolay Moth- 1
ers Club benefit March 31. Bring)
table accessories.
Preferred stockholders of Port-
land Electric Power Co. should
consult with our office concern
ing the re-organization plan. ,
Conrad. Bruce & Co., 203 Oregon
bldg. Ph. 4106.
Refinish your own floors. Rent a ,
floor sander from Woodrow's, 440 i
Center St.
Hearing has been set for 10 a.
m., April 11, by the Marion coun
ty court on a petition by J. M.
Cracroft and Ray E. Bates to gi e
the name Byram avenue to the
first street east of Lansing ave
nue, running north from Sunny
view avenue.
Browning .12 ga. imported, .22
rifles, revolvers, all kinds am
munition, bass plus and fishing
supplies, golf clubs, umbrella
tents. trappers baseball gloves,
car heaters. Nollman Sc Engler.
362 State st.
Salem schools will observe next
Friday as Good Friday by declar
ing a holiday, according to the
school schedule for next week re
leased by the administration of
fices. Further observances of
Easter will be made at assemblies
held at local schools during the
Announcing opening T. A. Berg
land Real Estate Office at 3205
Portland road. Farm, city and
business listing needed and deeply
appreciated. Lots of parking
space. Residence phone 6438. Bus
iness phone 21073.
Rummage sale, American Legion
Aux., Fri. and Sat., April 4 and 5,
over Greenbaum's. j
T qIacI Trr4m i i i n m An I in C -1 I
lem's new self-service laundry.
Watch for opening date at 385
Jefferson st.
An assumed business name ,
certificate for the Mid-Valley !
Lumber company of Salem was j
filed with the Marion county clerk
Saturday by Herbert C. Snider, j
Turner, J. G. Snider and George!
M. Meyer of Portland. i
Dr. Charles S. Campbell. Dr.
Horace D. McGee and Dr. Robert i
F. Wulf announce the removal of !
their offices on April 1 from 504 !
Guardian building to the newly
completed Physicians' building at
1280 Center st. The phone number
has been changed. 9275.
Henry P. Toeys is now associated
with The Real Estate Market, 433 !
N. High st. Phone 24793. j
Lawnmowers ground to a paper
cutting edge. Moore's 'Bike' I
Shop. Phone 3844. !
A. C. Kirchner, president of
local 452, Salem culinary alliance,
and A. B. Pederson, secretary of
the organization, will entrain to
night for Milwaukee, Wis., where
they will attend the international
convention of the culinary indus
try, April 4-11.
Hard Water? Make it soft as snow
with a water softener from JUD
SON S, 279 N. Com'l.
Fishermen, Attention. 15 day
chartered cruise to Alaska with
7 days finest of trout and salmon
fishing. All expense from Seattle,
$350T Phone Kugel, 7694. 735 N.
Capitol st.
You are invited to the Grand
Opening of our ultra-modern
store today, noon to 7 p. m. Flow
ers for the ladies. Lutz Flower
Shoppe, 1274 No. Liberty.
The Statesman. Salem. Oroqon, Sunday. March 30, 19473
Pvt. Harold KoonU, Jr.. is sta
tioned with an army engineering
company at Adak in the Aleutian
islands, an army release states.
Koontz graduated fiom Salem
senior high school last year.
Electric Fans Vince'a Electric
Two burner hotplates. Vince's
Rubber Gloss Wax and cleaner
Vince's Electric.
Lt. jg. Wayne S. Nelson, 260 W.
Lefelle t , has completed his na
val air force pilot training and
gold wings of a naval aviator at
the naval air training base ti,
Pensacola, Fla., according to avi
announcement by the navy.
Vacuum Cleaners (tanks ic upright-)
$49 95 up 14 different
makes to hooo from. Terms.
trade-ins, rentals,' repairs. Vince's
i Electric.
JgjsplWS Attention
2017 Fairrrounds Rd. Ph. 7681
Pickup at Delivery
1 1
qoufc a honey-
. . . wfiafl you trinfl m Hmlhmmk
totaarCoro'l Not itky baeaaM
iti crvorawng Cotter iwe atone, Jta
0oy ortgmot doaioaj . . . kwt bseama
So word Halmorfc on ftSo bock of
jrowr cord toft "thai poeiol
omoorto" yoo caroa1 owooflli
So oSooao Irte very boat.
toe our complata loloction of Rao,
distinctive HoRatork Earfar Cord a.
Commercial ,
141 North Commercial St.
I Phone 4531
Mi Mary E. Patton. late resident of
1000 Judon treet. Saturday. March 29.
at trve age of 97 year Survived by a
daughter. Mr. Lvi; Judfon of Salem:
two nter. Mrs. Rose Chamberlin and
Miss Elma Weller. both of Salem; two
nieces. Miss Mary Wellex and Miss
Martha Weller. both of Salem; and
three nephews. J. W. Chamberlin of
Poitland. M. II. Chamberlin of Los
Angeles and George C". Weller of Sa
lem Private services will be held at
the residence Tuesdav. April 1. at 3:30
p m Direction Clough-Barrick com
pany. Rl'SSELI.
In this citv March 29. Charles Cle
ment Russell, late resident of 1078
Highland avenue, at the mgt of BS
v ears Husband of Mrs Mae Ruil of
Salem and father of Ward C Russell
jnd Miles J Russell, both of Salem.
Otto W Russell cf Springfield. Oregon.
nd Mrs Hazel Patterson of Gervais.
Oregon Also survived by eight grand
children and two great-grandchildren
Services will be held Tuesday. April
1. at 1:30 p m. at the W T Rigdon
chapel with concluding services in the
City View cemetery. Dr. Charles Dur
den will officiate
Arthur French. 1883 N. Cottage t .
at a local hospital March 29 Survived
bv the wife and several sisters Serv- 1
ices will be announced by Clough
Barrick company.
Lynn M. Purvine. at the residence.
553 S 12th st . Saturday March .
Survived by the wife. Florence A.
Purvine of Salem. and a brother.
Frank Purvine of Riverside. Calif. Also
survived by several nieces and neph
ews Services will be Tuesdav. April 1. i
at 10 30 a m at the Clough-Barrick ,
chapel. The Rev. Chester Hamblin will
officiate '
Takes great pleasure in announcing the
appointment of James M. Clark as District
Asent for Marion and Polk counties with
headquarters in Salem.
1957 Saginaw Phone 25078
A. E. Gravengaard
Agency Manager
Jeivelers of Salem
Columbia Diamond Rings
entrusted to us is inrii idually
planned and personally direct
ed - - it cost determined by
the family's wishes.
Salem Funeral Chapel
B45 N. Capitol St Phone 32
Oregon's finest repair dept.
for irons, toasters, mixers,
lamps, percolators, vacuum
cleaners, small motors, el
ectric razors, waffle irons.
etc. Fast, efficient service.
Phonograph Records
Of the Great Songs
Sung by
Mv Mammv
Sonny Boy
April Showers
Anniversary Son
Ma Blushin' Rosie
You Made Me Love You
California, Here I Come
Rock-a-bye Your Baby
Oroxjon Bldg.
Mauric Hudkins
State at r&qh
Telephone 8632
r-: ly s - tr--:y' f w VA
'iv ,r't S Xt ft & N r4--r e. il
-4- , v.'X wr zr v vW- ; 1 1
'A--Jr JVow. iaVV I!
vl'jr A I -y f v ii-7- If
I YV Priced from 7)1
I Vv 49 50 a wt lo 1000 00
U) X
The classic construction of a Columbia
Diamond Ring embodies all the graces
of your love itself ... its desirability . .
its lasting beauty ... its dependability.
Columbia is all love seeks in a diamond.
Jeivelers of Salem
.1. jL oil ftniji b