I P Th Slcrr man. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. March 30. 1947 ) vas; small vase, over 6 inches. Arrangement in antique contain j er; corsages; primroses. I Refreshment will be on sale j during the afternoon, with a cov j ered dish supper af 7 p.m. Rick real 1 Flower Show Wednesday At Grange Hall R1CKREALL The annual; , - . spring flower show, sponsored by ! UllirCll Ol UiriSt 1 lans ttie grange Home Ec - club will , be held at the grange hall. Thurs day afternoon and evening. April 3. Mrs. Ora Lantz is general chairman. For Building in Keizer KEIZER The Church of Christ plans to begin construction of a General rules follow: Any a ma-' new church building, in this com-j munity, in the near future. Thej building will be erected on the E. A. Lee sub-division on Prince ! road, just off North River road. j trur flower grower may exhibit: exhibits must be in between 10 and 12 o'clock, Thursday morn ing; exhibitors to furnish their own containers. Horticulture should be named I T" Church of Christ will not if possible: show open to the pub- solicit funds with which to build, lie at 2 p.m. I but does extend to the Keizer Schedule includes: Horticulture immunity a hearty welcome to Single speciment or 3 of a kind atlend the services conducted in in all v arieties of narcissus, prim- j Elding. rrses. flowering shrub or any The building will be 37'x99' with flower in sea?on. five large class rooms, and an Arrangement: Buffet: dining' auditorium with a seating capacity table; all white; coffee tabic; 1--' approximately 400. miniature. 3 in. or under: mini- ', Lumber and materials will h VFW Croups Have New Officers SILVERTON Public installa tion of new officers of the Veter ans of Foreign Wars and post and auxiliary will be held April 2 in the Silverton armory. New officers of the post are A. J. Clark, commander; Lloyd Greenfield, senior vice command er; Roy Gingrich, junior vice com manders; Lester Standard, quar termaster; Zayn Norton, post ad vocate; Nevil Hoi an, chaplain; Frank Porter, surgeon; Brunk Conley, trustee. Auxiliary officers to be install ed are Lenna Elliott, president; Marie Thomas, senior vice presi dent; Bessie Porter, junior vice president; Edna Wall, chaplain; Gertrude Moen, patriotic instruc tor; BernJce Grant, eondu Olaf Tokstad, treasurer; Matilda Pierce, flag bearer; Sarah Burch, color bearer; Mamie Chandler, musician; Sadie Barkhurst, guard; Ruth McPike, historian; Gurine Standard, trustee; and Lillie Cox, Lois Madden, Alice Egan and Ada Geren, color bearers. Aumsville Girl Given Party on 3rd Birthday AUMSVILLE Mrs. P. B. Col lins honored her daughter, Patty Nichols with a party on her 13th birthday. Gabies were played and a birthday cake and ice cream served. Others present were Eliza- j beth Tate, Carrol Jacobseq, Joyce Cox, Vida Schaeffer, Irene Erick- son, Doris June Willard, R e t a Whorton. Lois Holmquist and Shirley Nichol. ' lbnrn VFW to Hold Installation WOODBURN Installation of new officers of Champoeg post 4173, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be Tuesday, April 1, at the Woodburn armory starting at 8 p. m. Formal dedication of the new post colors is planned and the public is invited to attend both ceremonies. Auxiliary officers elected recently will be installed April 16 at the IOOF hall. ! G. O. Pike of Portland, state VFW service officer, will install 1 the new officers of the post and D. A. Huston of Salem, district i commander, will dedicate the post colors. Music will be by the i Woodburn high school band. ! New officers to be installed for the local post will jb Raymor! J. Geyer, commander; Charles W. Mendenhall, senior vice comman der; Les Barrett, Jr., junior vice commander; Charles Tyler, quar termaster; George Reck, judge advocate; Mourice Spage, sur geon; Charles A. Underwood, chaplain; and Harlow C. Dixon, trustee. State and district dele gates are Reck, Bob Tice,John Pelto, Henry Stange, George Ron- 1 tycus. Walt Scarborough, Dixon, Albert Leonardos, Barrett and Underwood. ! WANT WATER SYSTEM j MT. ANGEL The committee in charge of the drive to raise funds for the beautification and preservation of St Mary's ceme-; tery, where many pioneers of the community are buried, is asking donations to the extent of $400. Six hundred dollars collected last Masses Planned-' " f For Holy Week SCOTTS MILLS The holy Rosary mission at Crooked Fin ger wrll open with a high mast at 9 o'clock Palm Sunday morn ing and close at the same hour on holy Thursday. Special night services will be conducted on Sunday, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. These will consist of the rosary com munity singing, sermons, benedic tion of the blessed sacrament. The Reverend L E. Banfield. a dominican father from Portland, will be in charge. Non-Catholics are invited to join the Catholics for the Easter mission. year for a sprinkling system vinr found insufficient at present t,t In the M year tine fold discovered in South Afik-a, U area has yielded some 10 billK-n, -dollars worth of the precious metal. D 0 IIT THROW YOUR WATCH AWAYI WE FTX -THEM WHEN OTHERS CANT Garateei WaUh fcesalrtur ture, over 3, under 6 inches: twin vases, large: twin vases, small; basket: kitchen window; large 1 after. placed on the lost next week, and construction will start soon there- A Selective Beauty Service r - 36, State St. Scientific Beauty Care Luxier's Fin Cosmetics and Perfumes Backed by a money-back guarantee Exclusive in Salem at Monique Beaute Salon Ph. 614 iBQLl In Chance of DR. FRED PAGEL.ER. Registered Optometrist, .isroruir rtegtsierra optometrists: Dr. M. J. Kelly. Dr. Fred E. Chambers. Dr. Win. L. Stephenson. Dr. Harry R. Scribner, sirr. ivourri n. uoiarn. (Dun? FammnHy HBmidlqjjeii IPHsuiq I ew many mt4 f lasses im year family? Yea caa pu rc kese ritem el a aa accauat fey tekiae eeVeateea af Mr Family Beeet Fiaa ... make aaly ea snsaH weekly ar monthly payment. This Liberal Serrke casts yaa NOTHING EXTRA. mm4 yaa caa spreea tlse payments aver aay immbls leajth af lime. BBBBsSa. SSSSSS m, . T M T W W 55 mm 1 to 3-DAY SERVICE Year Glasses pcompMy aeWree' . . ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. FREE EXAMINATION Penney 's Present Your Easter Dress Parade of Gay Prints, Darks and Spring Colors Dea taea caaaces! tieaa tae a FREE Optical Emamtaa- aaiy if SmMssatVstVV Ml .9- I.V, Yaa) vvsl ajaja)eacsa4s) llW aacy s ia fa arraaga far X m as aa affMca mmHmm, aaaVyeaTcaa teAa S, 10 ar IS isatfcj ra pay. MISSES! WOMEN! JUNIORS! You're all Invited to see our newest fashion arrivals frcm New York! You'll see pastels soft as a whisper ... vibrant rayen prints . . . sleek black and navy frosted with white! You'll love the freer feeling in iashion expressed by skirt fullness and length, pleats and peplums, tricky new sleeves! What's more the Penney-low prices will help you stretch that Easter budget! No charge on alterations. 9.90 to 10.90 1 II u -il n fjfP Penney 's Ready-to-wear DepL - - 2nd Yicc: Be sure to follow t Oifrriani Blossom Day Rauie Sunday, March 30th. S WATERS-ADOLPH I hs. iwM C3HTS Ct COZLIXLIIIIICXZims eT a