8 Thm Statesman. Stjttm. Oregon. Saturday. March X9. 1947 Monet to Loan For Sale Keal Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Krai Estate Additional Oassified Ads on Page 7 Salt -Miscellaneous or HEAVY Duty a II P. gas paint cut fit, complete Willi 50 it. hofe. Also mall Yi. ton hydraulic pm?. Fied Andtrwn 753 Mill St.. Sheridan. Qic. FIELD Grown Pansy piants. bloom ing. 3355 Gaiden Rd. BRICK, used, clean Ph. 6252 "BEAUTIfUL Baby gland piano, good Meet bed pring $S Oriental rug 7'x9. Sanford rug 6x9 1820 N. Cottage. MODERN a loom "houe on laige creek lot. full basement, hardwood floors. Immediate poeit ion . Ph. S345 beloie noon. REMNANTS: Special r-ai of labnc remnants in arapcry cep;. Eiftiom . second floor. i 'j HORSE Ga motor. Dining loom -set. Prewar ditno. Poitaole launurv tray. Laige chair w .th matching footstool k inside doors. Call be fore noon. FOR SALE: Colonial Wood range, May enamel With coil, good baker. $25.00. Lang tiash bui net with coils $15.00. Mrs. James Adam?. Rl'e. 1. Box 34. Jefleion. Ore. 'a mile noith of Midwayon S.9E. Ph. 693. FOR SALE: Stroller-walker in good condition. Hugh Aldnclv ilO McCiaine St. Silverton. Oiegon. Phone 1994 GOOD Burbank potatoes 12 00 a hun died. 1 mile eatt of fruit and chool. Paul Silke. Rt. 6. Box 249. Out Cen ter St. 3 CARAT white ziican ring. White cold mounting. Call 3060 NONE ARE EXEMPT E.cpt Te lepent ye sliall all perish. ' aid the lord Jesu- Chi ist God now i-um-mandeth all men eveijwheie to le- ptnt.'" i Bible i TOR SALE: Pit-war mahogany din ing loom fum.tu.t . drop leal, claw loot. Duncan-Phyfe table and 2 extra leaver, hutch, f.ve chairs host chair. Made .n Grand Rapids. Mich. Like new. $Z50.tW. 130 S. 24th St. Tel. 6770 BREAKFAST Table uith 4 chans Oak nbrar table. Also a cotton mat tress Monarcii range liii B SI PRIM Roses. Many varieties. Wal lace Rd to 3id turn to L. then 3rd turn to L. aeain. 1st lis. F. W. Miinson. ENAMELED Coiled tiash buineT. Built-in bookcase. Ph 38a SMALL tiaiier house. Accommodates 2 peop'e Aiso a B. bottom 12 foot ply wood boat and a folding 10 foot fac tory built bot 1018 Seventh St . W. Salem Ph. 7876 NEW Speed Graphic cameia 2'.3'4 - Phoni 6198. SPECIAL Bonified inner spring mattress and box spl ines, oi iginally $85 "iO. now at the exttenielv low price of $59.50. V OODRY'S Fl'RNlTL'RE MARKET 1605 N Summer Tiade. terms, lowest prices. 2 30 GalTwater heaters. 20 tal. auto gas water heater, testauiant size gas jange. kitchen cabinets, wood cucu- lator Ph.3178. CHILD'S Bed i tricycle, dbl bed. large round dining table, wah boiler Ph 225.'.2 N'lCE Enamel wood range Also iound solid oak table. 555 N Chuich SIMMONS iLALITY PLUS Simmons beds. Simmons mattress and box. Simmons coil springs. Sim mons davrno. All reasonably- priced. WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer Teirr.s. Tradts. Low est prices. 1 QUARTER H P. elec. motor i nev ti used. Ph 865. " SINGLE Bed. box springs niat titss. bureau. dreser. dark wood 2USO M.Mtle Ph. 24690. GOOD Singer sewing math. Ph 8350. WASHING Machine, excellent cnd. I'll 21289 SPECIAL N w Simmons bed. inrei spring mattiefs Simii'ons coil spi ings for onlv $49 95 WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET l'35 N. Summer Tei it5. Trades Low est prices ELECTROLUX Vacuum cleaners $89 75 complete. Limited amounts available Phone 8088. 175 So.High. 15 COUNTERS WITH lued V G lops Suitable for store or home work hop IJK8 State ELECTRIC Room heaters All t pes Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 2S5 N Liberty RESTAURANT Grill. automatic, electric 24 niches fquaie. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2j5 N Libeity FhUlT u leers and can openers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 2Ci N. Libeil SEWING Machines lepaired and t-nied Cah paid for machines, it f aid less of condition. Ph 7671 or write V Davenpoit 1930 North 18th Work Guar BUTTER (liuins elect! ic Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Libeiiy FULLER Blushes. 1745 Grant. PT 835"; J R. Watkins Co. products. 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem Ph. 5395.Free deK ALWAYS a hie stock WeodrysFurniture Mkt. Ph 5110 LIGHTING Fixtuies (or kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent A incandescent Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LOOM Wire. 12- and 14-2 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FOR Your cabin at the coast -- a radio that assures good reception. The Tropic Master " YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty COMMERCIAL Ranges - 4 burner and 2 burner W'th half grill YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty S1DEARM w ater heateis. auloint i , electric, fasten to our present tank YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Pumice 'ncrete Buildings Blocks and BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO South River Rd Phone 5968 NEW "W'alnut bed room suite. 2075 North 18th. 5 600x16 tires A "wheels for Ford. Will trade for 17 or 18 inch tire? and wheels. 540 S. 19 T- p.l. " KlUQr 1 T X LJL V V3A kJll I MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Cravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 FARMERS Attention: Portable clean easv miiktr.r mach. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5N Liberty I E.S. Lamps and To'chiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Z55 N. Liberty TAKE our Clocks to 190 S. 14 for repair. Clock Doctor. 30-40-50 and 66 gal", water heaters for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "RIVER SILT Phone 2-1749 PR ESSlffi CCookers 16 Qt. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PHILLIPS BROS Cedar posts, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fer tilizer and soecial timber orders Rt- 6 Box 118. Ph Dial 0-C8F22 "ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pup pies, pure bred. Females $25. males $35 Roy H. Simmons. Rt. 4. Box 270. Ph 21 143 i LAWN Cart, all" metal, rubber tired", lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Libert PALLETQNE. one coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wall paper, dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FARMERS Attention: West mghouse auto elec. milk cooler YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty DINT Rm. set, oil circulator," bed. 695 N. Church. For Sale Miscellaneous TRANSPARENT Plairti-Kote for drainboard. floors and furniture. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FOR APRIL DELIVERY New V4 vd. AMERICAN "(i o p h e r"1 Shovel and Dl tt 1 jn , rag lllie Lnit With 40 r ! Boom, 22 Treads and 6 ; cylinder International! IT - T- 1 T? : narvrsirr uirsci riijiiiic Write-Wi re-Phone STAR MACHINERY COMPANY 801 S W. FRONT AVENUE PORTLAND 4. OREGON ATWATER 73S5 STEEL 12 inch walking plow. 2 -hears. $7. Rolling colter 12 50 Cast plow. S in.. $5 1 horse cultivator $4. Galvanized 10 fl. flue pipe, base 13 18. $5. 2 sets of harness a collars 21 k 23 in . $15. 80 pieces 2 inch flooring. 9 ft length. Two hand sprayer shovels. 2 potato forks, hand corn planter and many other items. Rt. 4. Box 396. 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. on Orchard HeiehtsRd - HOOVER Sweeper, good condition. L. C. Smith typewriter. A-l condition. 15x650 Pl mouth wheel and heavy duty 6 ply tire. Oil circulators, large k small tank k tubeing. 50 ft. steam hose, good condition. Trailer house range k A. GM. camping cookers. 3042 Portland Rd. COMPLETE bed room suite, brand new. 9x12 blue Axminster rug with pad. new Hartman all steel wardrobe trunk. 5 pc breakfast set. red fox fur piece. 515 S High after 5PM THORNLESS Evergreen blackberry tips at $4 75 per hundred, due. O. W. Gronke 1055 Hunt St.. Salem 24 FOOT Factory built trailer house $1500 Castle Hall Cottages. 3'2 miles South on 99E MONARCH Wood range equip, with fuel oil burner. Ph. 24338. WHIZZER Motor bike Excel eond Ph. 24336 Everett's Garage. Salem Dallas h'ghway. SALE of household goods at "Aunty" Brooks home 1320 N. Com I.. Sat . 10 A.M. to noon. CAMKRA Argoflex f4 5. coated li case: filters A film. 1106 3rd. W. Salem NAILS 20 kegs,, $ box and 8 common. Also a few kegs of 16 box and common $15 a keg Call 21413. ICE Boxe. Lawn mowers. Elec. Mixmaster. Book cases. Kitchen sink 8x10 ued linoleum. Steel cots. Floor lamps h table lamps & misc. items. MACS 145 S. Church Wanted Furniture WHY TAKE less for vour furniture? See Russ Bright Ph. 7511 CASH foi used piano k other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evening;, or serus description to . Jaquith Music Co . 191 S High 1 WANT TO Buy Used " Cameras 4 lenses. MeEwan Photo Shop. 435JState USED FURNITURE. Jh7 9185 USED FURNITURE. Phone" 5110 CASH For vour used furniture Ph 7596 State St Furniture 1900 State Wanlel Misrellaneous WANTED HEAVY LADEN sin ners The Lord Jesus said. "Come unto Me all ye that labor and aie heavy laden and 1 will give ou est "' i Bible WANTED Small tent.'" prefeiably umbrella. Must be waterproof. Phone Mr. Burn. 9101 days. 2-1634 evenings o Sunday CLEAN Top soil. Ph. 26232 Salem Watch Shop 2381 State St. Sa!em Cash paid forOid Gold. "WANTED " Trailer house circulator and range. Ph. 6072. ANTIQUE Dishes, dolls bnc a biac. bought and sold Upstairs Antique Shop 39 Court WANTED. used washing machine and small .ce box. Ph. 5698. Mineellaneou GAIiDENSpotfree 855 Breys Ave REMNANTS: Special sale of fabric remnents in drapery dept . Elfstrom s. second floor. NO EXCEPTIONS The Lord Jesus the Son of God, said. "Except a man be born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God " i Bible 1 PIPE COLLECTORS PORCELAIN HAND- P. , , . , . i-A I J 1 . U 1 11 r . . , , . . . .- MEERSCHAUM PIPE. ETC. MAKE VOI R OF FER. Ph. 26457. 2320 S Commercial St AUlO uainting lust a snade oeiier n Rav ETTER Call Shiock Motor rn 8502 - Tree Surgery Trimming topping, removals. Ph. 24030 Workmen and your property in? ui ed SUMMER Line Construction Co GI owned and operated. Telephone lines and power lines constructed. No job too laige or too small. Phone 25759 3111 Sunnvviwavr. I WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or ' irrigation Duffield Bros.. Rt. 9 Box 423 Phone 2-131' . GRAVEL And silt garden sand Leveling and dozing. Bos ley and Mey- er Ph 3Q46 or 22160 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist I do not sell new machines Parts for all makes. Pinking :JSr?"PL . PL5,65 1940 N 18th HEAVY Hauling. Excaval on ana rioaa nuiiaing uano (.tearing Dozer , Work Ditching Basement Excavation , Sand Gravel Crushed Rock Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement i . , 0 , , i salem Sand a lravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 944 or 11924 WF.ATHFR strins Pllllmin Ph 5C65 ' 1 J Mattresses "Capital, Bed Cj ;P 4099 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg , State & Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele, etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 BULLDOZING. EARTH moving it drainage ditches dug Ph 4047 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur 8t Maerz. 173 So Com'! Phone 6223 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LES SPRINGER 464 Court SIGNS AND SHO' CARDS ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635 Monev to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ! 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 General Einance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock farm man-hinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered; was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 13$ Sou'h Commercial Sit.. Salem Phone: 916 Licenses S -138 & LOANS FOR SHOPPING S2S to $234 or more on signature, furniture or auto. No outsiders. M 38 a mo. repays $100 loan in full in IS .no. You get full amount of loan. 4 out of 3 who ask for a loan at Per sonal get it Call today. Personal Fi nance Company. 51S State St.. Rm. 12S Phone 3191 Lie. S-122: M-165. E Gallinger. Mgr. FARM and CITY LOANS 4', and 5'. -Your own terms of repayment with- m reason vazn lor neai uiaic Lun - tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pvr",r TrU!rt Bidg Phone 7i2 MON EY t REAL p!aFalans CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie S-214 M-222. 153 S High St. Financial First MORTGAGES ON REAL FSTATE SSS WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real etate. Salem and vi cinity, amounts $500 to $5000 NET in vestors' ST- interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal Sc interest payments made by us without charge to the investors. State Finance Co., 153 S. High St. MONEY FOR EVERY pUKPOSt ' A. strawberries. Garage. If you are capable of building 10 to $9000 Modern 5-Rm. home well lo 100 houses. Salem or vicinity, during cated South. Basement, furnace. Ga 1947 and need financial assistance 1 rare Immediate possession. CONTACT US We are also interest-, $10 000. New 5-Rm. home N E. Floor ed in financing one or two large apartment rouse units STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S216 M222 153 S High St Tel 4121 For Rent Rooms CALL Morn, before 10 A M. or after 6 30 470 N Church ELDERLY Man alone, would rent part of comfortable home to middle aged lady alone who would help care for it Ph 937 noon time or eve NICE Furn sip. 'rm. 992 N. Cottage PLEASANT FronT room and .r.t.. Reasonable Breakfast if desired Mrs B B Flack Ph 8392 SLEEPING Room, hot 4 cold water private entrance. men only. 2623 Brooks Ave. SLEEPING Room with cooking priv ihge. forgirls 1880 Center NEW'LY"Decorated sip rm6uts'de entrance. Bath adiommg. Emp gent 1210 N Front SLP. Rm. Twin beds Cooking pnv or 2 wk girls. 68.1 N Church Ph 7764 SLP Rm. Gentleman only. 704 N Cottage. SLEEPING Room". Gent 681 Union 2 SLEEPING Rms 692 S Capitol SLPT emp. ladies. 960 Marion Room and Board WANTED: 2 elderly gentlemen also lady, to board A room Ph. 2-4936. For Renl A par Intent s " " RM Furn apt Gentleman pref smok. or drinker Bx 140 Statesman 2 No For Rent Houses MOD. all elec 5 rm furn home with earage From May 1 to Sept 1 . blks. to State Cap 4 6 to buss dit No children, pets or di inkers. Box 155 Statesman. For Rent OFFICE Space for rent. Room 4 147 No Com ' PAINTING Time will soon be here Save half your time do a better joh with one of our pa nt 'nravers. Rea sonable rates. Howser Rent-A-Tool U32Edgewater. Ph .T646 IF Your time and money is a pre mium, see or call us for step saving power tools Cement mixers, drills skillraws. elec. hammers car tools A weed burne-s Howsers Rent-A-Tool H32Edfe water. Ph. 3646 FOR RENT Large office or store room 475 S High Also several base ment storage rooms for rent State Finance Co.. 153 S. High FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward TRAILERS for rent SOc per fir Woodry s Mkt ,1605 N Summer TRUCKS for rent You drive. Mc Cune Love I.I Phone 9600. Shatlv Rest Trailer Park Space available tn Redwood Grove, away from noise. Children welcome 150 Williams Ave Phone 9521 FOR New looking floors, rent our floor sander. edger and polisher Howsers Rent A Tool. Ph 3646 1132 5if-r - . wiiEtl- CHAIRS, hospital beds Max O Burrn. 745 Court St Phone 7775 FOR RENT or leae: Exrellent ware house space on South-rn Pacific track About 12.0O0 Sq Ft Available in fire proof bldg Phone 9225. 314 Pioneer Trust Bldg . A TMORAYS Ozone GooVT health Rent-sell H C Pugh. 684 N. IJ 4692 ' ti I'w Piano H I. Stiff U-DKIVE TRUCKS t OR REN I Hisnkets furn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9062 r LOOR Sander elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877. Wanted to Rent DENTIST and wife need furn apt No childien. no pet, no drinking Box 154 Statesman. COUPLE want 2 B R hse. or apt", furn. or unfurn., citv or suburban Ph. 7891 SMALL Farm within 15 miles of Muisl nave ,iectrj0lty. j c ford Bldg T314. Farm Labor C or write P. O Box 1000. raw r-.mr, furn He rr ni i,,,,; j Sch L E Ralltv Cherrv f"itl- r"ln g E Bal!'- Cherry City Cabin -ir-Tt-r a r . QLIET. Refined woman wants rm. in r?" "q"" or smaii apt Ph $350. I rsniL. furn. apt Emp vet wife. No children. Ref. Ph. 4348 or 21475. MARRIED Cple. need 3 rm furn. - "j"' pho,"00"1 hS' " furn or unfurn. VET & family of 2 desperately in need of furn. or unfurn. hse. or apt BJnfref JN.LancasterDr. LOCAL Mill supt. and family want 'o rent 2 or 3 bed rm. house. Ph. 23641. EMPLOYED Couple, no children, no ! pets, no drinking wish to rent 3 or 4 rm. furn. or unfurn. apt or house. Ph. 26656. Blue Anchor Cafe. STATE Employee will pay 4 months rent in advance for furnished or un furnished 2 bed room home, or will lease for I yr. Phone 8081. 2 BE"D Rm. house or apt. unfurn. or partly furn. Reliable quiet family of 3 Ph. 9541. GOOD 2 bed room house unfurn- ished. Middle aged couple. No chil dren, no pets, no smoking, no drink ing. Need it by April 10th. Best of references. Permanent. Call 657. For Sale Real Estate FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realtv Co NOW BY OWNER: Attractive, clean 2 bed rm. home. elec. cooking and water I V.. W. ..I w- u . I "' " irw wij buuii. reaving sa- tern. 153S th St. wrsr aaiem NICE LOT. Walnut Park, trees. h. 8835. Walter Socolofsky. SHAKE House. Furn. Imm. poss. t A. land. Berries, fruits, 2 rm. chicken hse.. dbl. garage. Must sell this week. Best offer. 600 Beck. 4 Corners. 6 ROOM House, garage, barn. 1 acre, fruit and nut trees. $6000.00. 120 Park ave.. Salem. BY OWNER: 1 acre, good 3 bed rm. home, dble garage, north of under pass 1 mi. and 2nd house east of 99 hiway. Ph. 24210. North Summer St. ENJOY THE COMFORT OF THIS NICE COLONIAL HOME. LOCATED IN SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. SPACIOUS IJV ROOM OPENING INTO AN ELABORATE DINING ROOM. MODERNISTIC KIT CHEN. 4 LOVELY BED ROOMS. PLUS SUCH FEATURES AS H. W FLOOR. FIREPLACE. VEN. BLINDS. HOT WATER HEAT. GOOD LAWN AND SHRUBBERY. WALKING D!TAN"F OF DOWN TOWN. AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176S. Commercial Ph S84 1 2 B R . LR. kit. dinette bath. All elec. com. furn. Built 1939. ' acre. See inside before deciding. $5950. Ph. i 5312. 2655 So. Summer. $7500. Late built English style -rm. home and 2'j acres. Located close to citv bus and city schools. $7500. 5-Rm. home close to McKinlev Sch. Has batement. furnace, unfin. attc Corner lot. $7900. Neat attractive home North. Oak floors in LR Oil floor furnace. Attach, garage $8000. New 5-Rm. home on Shipping j St. Has oak floors. Elect, heat. Unfin. upstairs. See this home. ; $3000. New $-Rm. home in Keizer Dist. Plastered. Oil floor furnace. Lot S0 ion $8500. Neat attractive older home East. Has 3 BRs all on ground floor. Completely furnished with extra good furniture Lot 60x130. $9000. New 7-Rm. home and S A NX Has 2 A. red raspberries and fusnace. H.W floors, fireplace, garage Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S High St Phone 4121 Evening25208 NEW 2 B R home Keiier DiM . wired for range. 40 cat elect. W.H . large lot Good terms. $6150 Sullivan Realtv Inc. REALTORS ?365 Portland Rrl Ph. 3255. Eve 70."i7 OWNER "on the premises at 15,35 Trade St will show you her home Fridav. Saturday or Sunday afternoon Sh na! heI ov n llv,n g quarters and $95 p r month income from room tent principally to university students The price is only $7500 for quick sale 2 ACRES with" 2 BR Hse mo bath 1 . good deep well, good dark soil, lo cated East Pice $4750. New 3 BR home-, comb LR a DR Kit. Utility Bth. att earate. oil fir furn. elec w heat. HWD firs on big lot. Reduced for quick sale Price $8250 57'j acre, all cult with good 6 rm hse. garage barn, stan for 10 cow p'trv he. hr. he. fm orch. Am-tv dark soil on good oil rd. located 4'2 mi. S E. McMinnville Ore Price $11,000 EXCLUSIVE LISTING 2 BR he barn. 2 chic hses. elec w system par. & shop, on 10 acre of good soil. 6 acres of berries itraw. rasp-:boysen 1 . 4 acres of timber and nasture. lam orch . this place hroueh' in Gr income of around $4ono last yr. see. this today' Price $10,000. Hansen's Real Estate Phone 2-4566 971 Edeewater St VACANT NOW Nice little 2 B R P'astered home H W. floors. E W. heater. W. for range. Oil heater V blinds Attached garage Nice garden spot Paved t Phone B090 or call at 570 Gaines $l.00 Down TERMS O.N BALANCE OF 5.V1 5 room modern sub home located east of Center. 'a A ground. Shrubs and lawn Bu service OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY. MARCH 30 FROM 2 30 TO 5 PM Mm BIEBER ST 2 blocks past State hosp;tal Owner: Ph. 2t2."i MONEY TO I.OAIN on nrt mort gages 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS j 339 Chetnrketa Street Phone 5981 NEW Home by owner: Attached ga rage, utility room. elec. heat, etc Beautiful pull drapes, with home Has low interest GI loan Immediate pos session. $10 500 total price with $3250 down Ph 9502 1820 N Cottage A REAL Buv for $4750 New. mod ern cottage. B R . bath. L R . kit. A utility R i, A choice land First house left on Macleay Rd . off Lan caster iusl So of Tour Corners ' New. Movable Houes j 8x24 ft Well insulated and wired for all electric Can be used a trailer houses or set on blocks. Additional rooms can be built on for permanent house. Thev would also make a nice court Price reduced for qu'ck sale or make an offer Across from Waters Ball Park on S 25th St.. Salem ATTEN Why let PROPERTY OWNERS' vour house stand vacant when responsible party, vet. wife and 2 yr. old son desperately need home1 Will sign contract to vacate within 30 da. if property t sold. Please call Joe Hutchison. Realtor 455 Court Pho 7696 BY OWNER: lmmed possession, neat comfortable 2 bdrm home unfin ished attic, attached garage lawn a shrubbery Priced for immed sle 1535 6th St . West Salem BY OWNER: 3 B R hse. in good location (V good repair. Will fell furn or unfurn. Ph. 3943 after6 P.M "BY OWNER " Formerly $79O0. now $7500. Ciean 5 rm. hse.. inc. oil cir culator, laundry trays, gar . rug drapes 1 A . lots of trees. Must have cash. 3 mi. S on River Rd. Turn left on , Croisan Cr . 4th hse. on right side Mrs. R J Kuenstler BY OWNER: New 2 BR home all modern, hardwood floor, ven. blinds, auto, gas heat Wired for elect, range. Lawn in. Near schools, bus k stores, on quiet street. Must sell. 1170 Spruce anv time. 3 LARGE ""Lots Vista-AveT. fine view, price $1000, terms 2 fine large lots E. Salem $1500. One k half A tract just off Silver lon highway, fine bldg. site $1500. Nice A. tract close in S. E $850 E B. Perrine Valley Land Co. A NEAT LITTLE MODERN HOME BASEMENT. FURNACE. 2 BD RMS. fireplace, close in location, with an extra furnished apartment that net over $40 00 per month. $7500.00 w ith some terms. See Vick Bros, or F G. Delano 290 N. Church. Phone 5710 BY OWNER: 5 room house. Auto matic electric water heater. North on paved street. Fruit trees. Garden spot. Ph. 26955 BY OWNER Knob Hill. Kfodtm 3 bed room home. Has everything. 2 car garage. No agents. Ph 7862. HOUSE and large lot. Facing on 2 streets. Lots of fruit, berries k flow- ers. 395 N 23 tt fcr j - . . i lis rverzer uisirici. si room rramrin " T'tll;Tt V.tlergri!UFrdurit i room, 'j acre f me garden soil. Fruit . , , c. i and nut trees. Bv owner. 870 Cade St. i FURNISHED THREE B R. nome on 99E South. Bsmt . auto, furnace, garage. work shop, fruit, acre with 100 ft. frontage. $7900. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd Ph. 3255. Eves 7057 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to "m. Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS X39 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 NEW 2 bed room, all modern, with oak floors and automatic heat. A Teal buv. Eve. 728 N. Commercial. Ph. 26539. A BEAUTIFUL All modern home in ; with hwd firs, fireplace. Kitchen. 2 Keizer district. Hardwood floors, all BR. bath, unf attic, full bsmt, fur modern. 100 Waldo ave. Ph. 5348 eve. ' nace. This is the Best house in town " BY OWNfJT: 3 B. R. plastered home j for the money. Call OMER. yrs. old. Liv. rm. Din. rm. Kit. Lots . XT ff Rjjl Ffitafe di of built-ins Modern bath. Utility rm. I X1UII Ileal t.Siaie 0. Elec. water heater. Fenced back yard. : Realtors $41 Chemeketa St. 2 cherry trees. Bus by door. Pay half i Phone 2-154$ Eves2-5091 the price, rest like renL Furn. or FORAtEby Owner: Vacant "3 bed unfurn. 1231 Ruge St.. West Salem. ; room house. L. R . D. R.. Kit., en- NEW THREE ROOM HOUSE WITH closed porch with laundry trays, at BATH: ONE-HALF ACRE: terms, j tached garage, nice electric range and $3700 00. C. E. NELSON. 485 MA- ; water heater, concrete foundation, re DRONA AVE. ' tently painted, clean, good condition. BY OWNER: 2 bed room home on I large lot. east front. 2 blocks to bur. large Corner lot. Price for quick sale. ! Nice location, close in south. No No dealers. 1810 Waller St dealers. Owner at 490 North 21t HOMES FOR SALE 9510 Phone 6155 $5500.00 New I bdrm. nice location, north. Lot is large enough to give you a nice gaiden space. Elec water heater. Laundry trays. lmmed. possession Easy terms. $6700.00 New 3 bedroom, north, lge. lot. lo cated in restricted district of all new homes. Elec. water heater, wired for range, nice kitchen, plenty of room in all parts of house. Small down pay ment, balance easy monthly payments. Should go GI. with $500 down. $6850.00 New 2 bdrm North 'j acre. Elec. water system. Elec. water heater. Im- lr ,r,n on this one. . . . . $6900.00 New 2 bdrm. north, a dandy lora- 1 This store and cider plant, well lo tion in citv. Elec water heater, wired caled on ln, mal thoroughfare are for ranee, attached car . laundry trays. -1 i ,- M.,nriiUi iih th. ihnvt Terms. Should go GI at $65 down. $7900.00 Just completed. New I bdrm. north, good lot. in nice dist Hardwood fir, F.ler water heater, wired for rinff, unfinished upstair, with ptentv of1 room for 2 bdrms. Im-ve. Pwi. Terms. Should fo GI v. ith $730 down. $8500.00 New 3 bdrm. North, lge. lot. Aut heat Flee, water heater, wired tor range, plastered throughout. ha near ly lion ft of floor space lmmed Poss. with tne best of terms available. Should go G I. at $850 down. $8650.00 New 2 bdrm. with unfn upsta'rs. Eat. aut. heat F'ec water heater, wired for range, part hardvood floors, lots of builtin and clost space, con crete driveway arrl walks. Terms. Should go GI with $850 down. $12,600.00 Hue i a brand new 3 bedrm home, riM in a lovely lo-.ation. Aut. ail heat, elec water heater elec water sys tem, plenty of ground for that gar den, kitchen ariangement and built ins that will please the wife. Hdwd floor throughout, inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath, a dandv tiled fi-e-p'zee make tne living room cozy, at tached garage with lots of room It its a home you want, here's one to look at before you buy. Terms. Im mediate poesion For additional information, call Ahrams &. Skinner. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Insurance Phone 9510 Mortgage Loans Hurt Picha. Realtors Houses 4 Bedrms 8 v rs old LR. DR. Kit Ixt 8 x 109. 5 blks tn bus Highland sch ec Only $3950. Call " ELM R" AMIN'DSON $47502 B Rms , Bath. I. R . Kit A Nook. Ldrv Rm Garage Bus at Dr Good location North. Call "ELMER'' A MUNDSON. icrea:e $.tiO Acre 1'4 mi N E of Salem. I BR. DR A 1. R . Kit Wired for ranre Poultrv H-e. Several young fru't A rut trees.' Call "'ELMER'"' A MUND SON $72O05 Acre 2 B Rms. L R . K.t St DR. Bath Dhle gar.Tge. barn and poultrv he H Ml out So Pac Hwv Call '"ELMER ' AMCNDSOS 40 Acre. F.a-t. One mile from town. 5 room hou-e. garage, strawberries, filberts. family fruit. $000 Call GARDNER 10 Acres. flose to Cannery Prunes AV walnuts Verv good huv i.OOO (all GARDNER" Farms $50O0 dn ha! at 5'.. 8 acres. About 4 mi from Salem city limits Old room house Large harn. good well. Some timber About 50 acres of bot tom ground, part in crr-,p Paved high way run through place. Price $15.0r0. A very good buv. Lot Rosedale district $1000 for this fine lot 50x100' on Jefferson St between 2 new homes Burt Picha. Realtors 337 N High Street Phone 3210 NEAT 2 B R cottage on Evergreen ave Bus at door $45O0 8 A River View . 2 B R bung 8 rs old Fair orch. $3850. Terms. Alfred Dumheck or W. A. SauresMg J7 L Commercial I WHY RENT' $100fi cash wTJF give possession of 3 room home on paved st Balance like rent. Total price $2400 $3600 down, balance mall monthly payments. j of the monthly rent Pav ed St.. all utilities A modern 2 bed room home Total price $6000. This home has everj t mg. 5 bed rooms, full basement. itomatic oil furnace, ga'age in bae i nt. paved st . cement walks, lawn, garden, fruit, all ; utilities, bus service A good income , property Owner sa s sell 'a cash will 1 handl' good terms on balance: will on way. Total price f ..ooo C. A. Reel 2442 Lee St Extra See SoeciJi I 'iiecials New 2 bdrm. homes in Ready to move in. Little NE Salem down, bal- ance easy. 2 bdrm. Hollywood dist. Plastered, hardwood floors. ga- range inc $6850 West Salem Excellent 3 bdrm plas tered basement, new condition, corner on bu. also additional 3 rm furnished house for income, rented $50 In Dallas 3 bdrm a basement, din ing rm. and dinette: automatic heat: corner, excellent condition, plastered. $8950 If You Want a Home You Can Buy It Here. Property, price and terms right. Rawlins Realty & Insurance. Realtors 201$ Fairgrounds Rd Phone 7819 Night 4876 $740O NICE CLEAN 3 bdrm subur ban home north. Liv rm. kitchen, bath. 2 lots. This is very well-built. Call OMER- Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549 - Eves 2-5091 j Homes & Aereage TODAY'S SPECIAL. Excel, location 7 rm. mod. lge lot. Fireplace, p'ast built ins. Beautiful grounds, pvd. at. walks. Onlv $7500 with S4SO down. ONLY $3500. 2 BR. new home well lo- cated. Close in. Needs little finishing. $6500 buys good 4 BR. on 3 lots. Pvd' , st. Close in. REAL buy c r. . icu . . d d w. . r ku. fP'-. furna..,td. tie JM. TERMS tr - in . .j i xia xr km. .. $ i50. 6 yr old 3 BR. V. bids, attcn. ga- v. . c. c , nrntTrgTi tn utono to a with mod 1 rm home. Furnace, fplce. Indy. dble garage, barn, pltry hse. for 1200 Tnel ctnrk tractor and Miuin CHERRY & NUT grove Mod. 7 rm home. All full production. Near Sa lem on pvd. rd. Good buy at $l2.0O0. 125 A. Stock A equip. Good 6 rm home and bldgs. Elect, press svst. pvd. rd. Fruit and berries. $15,000, Strout Realty 959 S. 12th St. Paul A . Carter. Associate. ROS EDA LE ADDITION $10.500 Nice liv rm Ac dining rm TO BUY OR ELI. SEE CHARLES D ELF EL CITY FARM 13 acres, all rn cultivation. $ room modern house, barn, garage, chicken house. Tractor, plow, harrow, disc. 2 cows, heavy draft team. All 13 acres well inside the city limits. An excep tional subdivision possibility. See it today. $IV0 complete. Ask for Sal 171 FARM AND ORCHARD 18 acres, all cultivated Fine 5-room plastered modern home Cherries. prunes, apples, grain. 28x33 barn. brooder house. 2 chicken houses, dble II set' horse . ..il-f garage. 1 cow. I horse, fu drawn eouipment Land is $20,000. Sal 172. APPLES. WALNUTS ft. FILBERTS 30 acres, atl cult. 52 filbert tree some walnuts and the rest is all in j apples. Spits. Newton. Delicious and Jonathans. Good 5-room modern house, garage, shop. Packing house Wnn K l . imn an. a. . ' Machine shed, chuken house six hog ' t .- r ..,-.,. . i i,ht - ' tra cost. $20 000. Sal 174 i 1 COMPANION PIECE I I m.ntlonpd orchard Store sells farm ; produce from this section a well other parts of the country, cider man- 1 i ufacturing plant is operated to mar- I ket products through the produce store and to take care of anv sur plus of apples from the faim. 101 feet of highway frontage right In the cen ter of town not two miles from thi office. See us now about this one and get ALL the details. Ak for Sal 126 INC KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT RABBITS' Here is a complete business and home with 1-13 act e of ground. South near Roberts. 500 White Angora rab bits, pens. feed, water, shearing room, tattoo outfit, stationery, typewriter 4-room modern house, all household furniture including wash. ma h . re frigerator and sewing machine. '3Q Plymouth nation wagon Over $200 month net from wool alone. Every thing goes for $8500. Terms to right party. Sal 17$. Charles Delfel, Realtor 1$ N CAPITOL Phone 7002 Call us any time day or night 1 $6800 2 BDRM here Fast, hwd firs, j V. Blind, large garst;e. utility rm. Elec water heater. This Is a real t,u so don t wait to see this I mm Po Olson anil Reee. Realtors. 945 S rnm'l SI Ph 4590 Fve 2-5.-,0 SPECIAL I20O0 down ru thi love ly. 7 bdrm home, hwd firs, fireplace full basement, close to bus and store Imm. Poss. Olson and Reee. Realtors 945 S ComJ St Ph 4V0; Eve 2-5830 j "$12.600; LOVELY 4 hdrm home Fat with large lot. moM modern kitchn I I in Salem. Breakfast hr. lots of built- ins. hwd firs, firep'are. oil heat, att ' garage, plastered garage This is a leal home, so Don't Wait. ; Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S Cnm'l St Ph 4590 Eve 2-5830 $68S0. 2 BDRM home cl-e to school and bu fireplace. 2 lage bd'ii. V Blinds, large lot. citv hu in front of door. Don't wait, see this rperil I Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S r-m I St Ph 4590 Eve 2 -5830 $7500 2 RDRM home in Keire- Di1 Hwd frs. fireplace, oil heat extra large lot Imm. poss . hum. this won't last. ! Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S Cnm'l St Ph 4590 Eve 2-5830 ' WEST SALEM $65O0 J bdrm home, nice A clean 1 hwd fir, elec heater. This Is priced , to sell. Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S Cnm'l St Ph 4590 Eve 2-5830 $11500 VIEW Prop"rt lovely 2 bdrm home in the he 1 1 location, ft bus in front of door Tins home h-s one of the most modern kitchens in Sa lem, elec heat, beautiful fireolace In sulated Weather stripped 2 car ga rage 1mm. Po Olson and Reeve. Realtrs 945 S Com I St Ph 4590: Eve 2-58.70 ilOTtO DOWN, "unfinished" hve ', A just oyt of citv paved t. citx water, bus line, full price $3500 Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S Com'l. SI Ph 4590. Eve 9536 .2 BED ROOM home w ith bath, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, fiie- Dlace. Electric cookine Oil furnace Double garage Basement ceiled with hem Iocs Has fireplace Price i $14 000 00 2 bed room house on South Winter Bath, living room, dming room kit chen. Fireplace Electric cooking Wood furnace Garage N ire gaiden and shrub Priced at 1 685f no 2 bed room bungalow tvpe home With bath I'ving room, dining room kitchen. Ba'ement Gas rooking OiU. circulator Rus at door New garage Price $6300 00. Beautiful home with 2 bed rooms bath, living room, dining room, kit- Chen Fireplace Venetian blinds r.lec- iric cooking. Aawuur lurnart trou ble garage Basement has fireplace and rs ceiled with knotty pine Hard wood floors throughout Double plumbing. Place i in excellent con dition. P; iced at $10 500 on V. H. Bell. Realttir 510 GUARDIAN BUILDING ! SALEM OREGON PHONE 48S6 uir ( ihoice ' Thrs modern 2 B. furnished bunga low style home in fine local it is vours with immediate possession for onlv $2600 dn. Bal. like rtnt Full price $8500 Need a Hme? i 2 Br. Modern Home Tiled drain hoards Tiled bath laige lot located Northeast. Full price $6000. Good i terms can be arranged. N. E. Suhurhan Brand new 2 Br Home acre Close to tranportation $1500 down will handle Balance like rent Full price $4750 00 $7200 Yes we have a new acreage located South. 5 acres. Modern 2 Br home with elec heat. For furthet infotma tlon call or see us todav OPEN SUNDAYS P M Murphy Realtv do. 1260 S. Comm." Phone Dav 6t76 Eve 9785 NICE Medium sired 2 BR house ga rage attached oak firs, swell lot. pav- ! 1 st. Englewood Dist $6500. Luse Realtv Oregon Bldg Ph " 7952 THE BEST BOY FOR A G I 2 bed rooms, nice stairway to un finished upstairs, dandy kitchen and bath, large Liv. Room with fireplace oil heat. elec. hot water, attached ga rage. Hdwood floors paved tt bus , by door. Northeast. $7150 Total Pi ice Goodwin & McMillan Realtors Phone 4707 474 Court Rt Eve. 8715 or 81F2I $7350 New 2 bed room modern home Hwd. firs., elect, heat, insulated, fine loca- fon. $7600 2 bed room modern home on paved street. Nr. school 4 bus. Nice corner lot. Very good. $7600 Very nice 1 bed room home Dining rm.. living rm. kitchen. built -ins Large back lot. yrs. old. Very neat and clean, Englewood Dist. Very at tract ice 2 bed room home, close to Englewood Sch Large lot. Immed. poss. Will consider car or trailer in trade. 88250. nr t -mm rt -l . Walter Musgrave, Heal tors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 810$ KEIZER Dist. Large lot. fruit and nut trees, chicken house. New 2 bedrm home fully modern, large attic with subfloor. auto oil furn., elec. ht w. h. All rooms with painted malls and woodwork. House Is very nicely fin ished and substantially built. Will consider trade. Phone $847 er 2165 N. Church St. For SaleReal Estate I For Sale Real Estate ' HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP PHONE 25221 $6300 Very large lot, 77 x 31. 4 bedroom home with LR. DR. K. buillins. all piateied. double garage, close to bus and schools, soma fruit tiaesi and terries and nice garden spot. $7250 Large lot. I1, story bungalow, cement fcundlinn all p!atered. 3 bed rooms double plumbing. LR. DR. K. builtln, nook, rooking and water heating, garage, very close to honls $735 2 bedrooms English style dome with hath. I R. K. builtir and nrx.h, all plastered, hardwood and fir floors, cooking and water heating electrw. garage, close to bus. fenced in bark yard $79002 herdoom bungalow, bath. LR. K. builtin. Hook. new!. decoialed. haidwood floors fireplace, rooking e'ertrir .r water heating gas, healing futnace. basement, garace Clos. tn hm mrA u-nn!i 2 0'a hungalow. 3 bedrooms, haf'i. I R. I)H. K. built ir.. I atdw ood I Hoots, cook.ng and water healing elet trir. heating autoTatie auto- malic cil furnace, gaiage. beautiful rrt elne to bus and schools. saaon j bedroom bungalow, bath. LR. " water neanng gas garage, fakement. lose to but and wnwn. s750- Large lot, new 2 bedroom bungalow, rath I N. dinet'e. K. builtina. Venetian blind, all pla-tered. hadwrod tloots. cooicin electric or gas. water heating gas. heating automat a. utility 100m and ga rage $10.1100 4 bedroom home, fireplace cooking and waltr heath s e'ectrlc. auto matic oil furnace, full basement. clo to bus and school possess.. Imn rdiately $10,500 8 yr old 3 bedroom bungalow, bath. I.R. DR. K. huilt'r.t. Vert tan blinds, rooking and water heating electric, heating tutnrit.f ml. I -menl garage, well insulated and weather stripped. nlC 'ard with patio, close to bus and school uw- ,. . BUSINESSF s.W entry store, stork and fixture S year Itese with oo'r good loca tion doing a good huines hut :ore tould he enlaiged and bti'-nees increased $7500 Service t tat ion and gatagt. all tni k it sod eiu'pp-d r .'1 t.g .m cleaning equipment. Good lease w I'h t.ptirn Ven goo1 l.va'.nn. D' ina; a fine bu:ne $7541 -I aige business lot. 66 x !, n n am hghwav in lnvn fu n-nre lr. for mation come in and -r 11. Sl'Bl KRAN AND FARMS 10500 5 acre, good soi' family o'riaro rotd barn with 8 archton. all equ'pment and tools including 1 row J hogs, iriim i t4-,; hnt. I ttactor on lubber etc 1 bedroom I, one rath. I.R. DR K garage and machine hed. $12 500 49 Acres. 38 acres cultivated 11 a. e atuie and it. . 10 tlan cKjn barn, poultry h,oue. 7 room horre with lig ! ard e!trtr!4t water, close to school 54 Acre- 46 acres in crop and It acre in pa-lure, sll st k t 4 -t enii.pierl, 15 it'iik cows. 1 two vear old bu'l. 2 h'fr. ahnit f " i ..' ,tf hrt Deete tractor, etc 4 bedroom home hth I.R DR. K a' o'lMnirl, double gaiagr. big bain 40 x 50 15 tanrhion. laige pijltrx l.r ..r, hog hmi'e silo and machine shed iv gtxvl toil 101 Arit Peaut'ful view, close in. .1 bed r or m iwlfn ho: e d- . i.iege, barn, poultry house, tractor and eouip't'.ent 8 acre t-,-v .fvnu., 4 acres t aw berries. 5 aciet prunes. 16 ant filberts 5 a-e nidi: r and tlTber and 66 acres form land Come in anC see us ahj; t!i . PHONE 2."221 HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP RE A I 2075 Fairground Road SALEM REALTY PHONE 7660 $4750 Pi iced for quick sale Rkmi v 1 bedroom nn e on l'4 a e Vi it 1 r ilea i from tr.wn Partially furnished ir -hiding el iang elt- a'e ?...iv alent to nt water It's nice 'or t"e pine and hat enee'le- iissim'i' t a future hide site. See It and COMPARE IF YOU DO YOU LL fi'-'Y IT! Fxclu sive lltmg VFTS DOST MISS THIS We think it's more good houe for the money than vo:' fmrf iniuhtr4 else in town' This lovely home ha two lMdii'in. full bae - en' large llv, rm dmttte and a kitr-hrn the w-'e will A lo fu'n I a" 1d. fh.rs, attached garage is plastered Can't be heat for F.xclusn e l-.s-irg OHIVF BY AND SEE IT One enr old home at 2075 N' I8th I t-drm dn. ah'l U gs urf n. aifir, owner will finish if desired Hdwd floors throughout Atlnr'ni- imlgh fnmh p!ater In liv and din room, with coved re;l'ng Convefi:e" k-.ti'i-er tit lltjr rm and attached garage Has electric heat IUi.500 un Ml r r. . i.:ei . $I2.5O0 fur nihed Furniture flll new F.xHu .iv e l,lmr RFCFNTI.Y lir.DI I F.l tllH 11 II r. ni r. A truly lovrlv home on one acre t r.rt irrth. 4 bdr i sincirii 1'vlnfl ard dm nr Attiactive fireplace hdwd f 1 . r . auto he Bai'ifillv land waoed ard Sturdy small barn The country horn you've been watmg for. Only l 1.500. i DAIRY FARVt ' 21 tanihions In two h'in milking lure -ith 7 -ear around soring? 19 acre oat- end v tch 'F'i all toijin-rent Excellent eVclric u" 'liter ivKir Fanil heme Poultry house Dbl plurrhed, 2 hfli"' !-om I,r;r I Fireplace Vr i rl'nt kitrier- A" "i l rts cf m town 7', miles (rim, Salem All for $i9Vin r-c.. -ive li'ting. BARGAIN 3n good acres - 14500 About 7 m'le '-. Inv a. A I'OT 'POT t One of tie neatest small rMu a.-t setups In town If vou know anything) about the restaurant business, see this. SALEM RE MTV COMPANY C. W BARTI FTT I.F1TOR 149 N High St rh'.ne 'Mt ve 1-47T.1 1-VA 198 Art Holmes. Cleave Barrett. Jr. IV. n "Jjrirte. Sa -s-'Sf"! Ed Bxrkit. Realtor Phone .r9l , 2 bed-nom hen e in $600r 2 lots Ne'A paint pin" snoiiti All elrrtric. J Ivedroom roved bus 1 re rt.rth $2Wi will larrt'e I 5 room ir.ndern plastered iiMi'v ior trees K fr.nt. Overlooking yal'e-. tT'HSI k vear old. good paint very clean ' Clove to ( enter North $8250 Suhu'ban 3 bedrooms, brard ne sink Garage Irge lot $89M) 4 benrooms. oak floor. plate'ed ti-.,,i.r..l riw home in e x c ' i -1 v e with lovelv flowers and shrubs Piertv $18,000. Ed Brkit. Realtr 339 Chemeketa Street $T3.'0 Iivelv I H home nice sized ro-'. large krtchen k nrik. plumbing eler tr.c hot v ater heater, oil burne. etc large gaiage and utility 1 -a w n and shruhbe- vrr old Fxrelle"t con dition Also extra lot 50x100 TV. .s I a wonderful huv $2350 will hand balance monthly pvts possession m Ml I .New Yloilern I s-iftno terms A poss 4 room hf'iise i XjnX vtxlOO Plunbing clote to bu and school, nice location. $3250 People I-eaving lairr 2 rnn louse I room rtont'le p'umhing hot wa'' heater a -love go with piarr "lo e in lot HK'xIWi See this F". term and post s .on M. I). Ioney with Wm. E. Mose 331 State Ph ATTRACTIVE 3 HF.D RM HOME Drive hv ifi5 S Church St Only $2Vm down payment See The Real Estate Market 433 N High St Phone 2479.T Business Opportunities $20,000-2 pump service station k iH Ion'!, lunch room. 3 B R mon home oil furnace. I A. of land on 9F N of Salem Busines location on Highway in N Salem A with mod home other bldgs . a good buy foi $25 OOO 2 storv frame bldg. good for chirri. or store corner of Madison k Baker St lge lot $8000 Homes $l5.000 For the d cr iminat ing large' family who are looking for a permanent home that is com plete in run detail. 4 soacinus R R. Living Rm . D R. libra' v ktchen. fueplace Full ba".t oil furnace Dbl garage, tpa- ciou grounds Imm Pos. $7000-S"or this C room mod home Full bamt with oil furnace Lee lot Dbl garage Located edie of clt on Suburban bus lire Can be handled with very srr.l dn pav ment $2800-Co7v 3 Rm he . bath, garage nice lot. good location. Suhurhan $6400-6 A all in mature cherries an'l pear Good crop prospects I rn hse . mod . chicken hse Close lr. Polk County $11,500-5 A. Mountain View. mod home, out bldgs . almost a In -In from cherry nut crop $11,800-5 A . excellent soil. Famllv nr chard Good 3 B R. home Oth er bldgs. Larsen Home & Loan do. 164 S Com'l St Ph 8389 Eve 744i Rcdmcd $1400 One of the nicest exclusive hon es in South Salem. 2 bdr ma , full bsmt . air conditioned, party room In bsrr t with fueplace. weather stripped, in sulated, ranch type, has been ap praised for G I. loan. View prop erty., dble. garage. M. O. Humphrey b & Co.. Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 24596 immediate possession $15on dn buys tnts I BR home Llv rm. kit. $0 x 124 lot. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate do. Realtors $41 Ovemeketa St Phone J-1549 Eves. 2-VjI fi FT. tandem trailer hse. Also fot with small cabin and gar. on it Down payment lest like rent. 2343 N. Commercial. DR. K. bu'Hin. all plastered, rooking ESTATE Evening pl o 2-6862. 2-64MS rin-Sine 5J acres r. fie T rrst pa- ... ' it''or ylth i t tr-" ' n-m a " 1 it 'i c r in, ome on 72 at res. lnuie and out Clea 8r neat as ce 1 1 n g attarbed garafce. a"n" rooir. On ga . age Vtry grxl I a. ie. lr tt of l.i.rirt It t 1 bedrnorrs. a !,t hed garge. Fleet' r t i at ha'dv n Fn Oi't'u' Vo r.r.gid Ailrll'l " d fO'llt, d'.Kbl t ' 1 ". Ml .r J e g i ..r.da r.l ;rr ft.r tne kidd.es and their pets. M81. Eves J434 "G 1 $Mi.'C Nt w he in Keier in " merit nr store ', A Itest of .. Priced for a quirk a OUii anil Reeve. RcallrR 945 S Con I St P .l Fve V534I I o N. ( ihild. Inr., Realtor- riioir-F va:.' ' $42li Very nin ar a"d 2 bed r m I'm living !.irf mtcttn. Ail lean as a P' ' Gsiage g,'"1 hi -t this p'a'-e rtefo'e ; ou ce- nt F.Nf.l I V Of)D I iv.-, d nlr.g i rn . killl.tn 7 o rt 1 viii full ta'to.tnl Willi a - era ted 'r.r rn, lnihli f.txl la in $7W"' I.O f I Y RANCH T'i'PT 4. ! ver v ., a iii .ik t mt I .i ; - g dining un., k trhen 2 bed , w hui.l-.ti, '.. nt . I : v s t kk.kge. Nice lot f49n A- a iy.e to evtry- . rr.l will go t, FA I R MOUNT Hill. .)'4T I v i ly Fntlif.l. stle r:: l e liv i,g im.. li'rriatt dini'ig ki'ihen knrl rk 2 led tKnA I'rr.rt tlnt.llgl.ri v'l. w.th 1 ub and Hall shower tinf mlied l.p tlfciit. full haer -rT " gatage, lot altout 50x165 N celv indtitp. n ll'llflO t'AI !. t- 4FF JAMF.S H HAHrVtV or K N VOORHEE W Iff. Leo N. !liiltl4. Inr., Rrallori 31 vears of dependaS e service to home ov npn '" 344 Suit SI Pi, Kit) $oMi)-f, ix.m hou.t will IVt 1. at fir.rtt i.n 2 t'teels ir: Itusines n i.m. Fxctlltnt for man v i. wjnt rtr, and rifcte for small Imiii-w $i75fj-3 td rimr-, house !altd North. Full t.asen e-' with sawdust furnace, fireplace. t-ed for rarre. Small It.l Garage f't'.or -Mrrflern 2 bed .n hoi. e w ,lh iinfinithed upstairs Fu1! hasrrrttit, Muirurt futpiare. v r for 'trie. IxMated att near S"a"e ILxpiial. ; RJein & Adolpli. Inc. ilO't N ( ommerria! St Phone 3'W Fve $ or 4M ADVERTISING Wfslfrn Advetilsinc Hprn t 1 1 vft Ward Griffith Company. In. B m Francisco Eastern Advertiin( F-pre'ntati i Watd-Grlfftth Corr.panv. tne. Chicaro New Vork Detroit. Boston. At:anta Member Pacific OmM Division Bureau of Advertising; Entered mt tht Posfnfftce mt l lem OroM as Swcnnd Class af i(. fer Publnked every notsiss ex re pi Mrmday B.rrrtii of flea tit South Commercial Strtrt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES V.ail Subscription Rale In Arl v a nre Within Oregon; Daily and. Sunday Mo 80 cents. moa. $3 29; 1 year. $6 00 Fiaewhere go cents per mo or $7 26 for I tear ta advance. Per copy 8 cents By City Carrier. 79 cents a month. $tt0 a year In advance tm Mario and ad .latent count, aa.