(Dntty Mews fflfafielTg CHAMBER ADDS MEMBERS Salem Chamber of Commerce yesterday announced a new members Frank Sholkoff and Ben Cohen of Town 4c Country store. 23 N. Commercial St.; Carl Wicklander of Beneficial Standard Life Insurance Co.; J. W. Nor wood, r. and Earl Hitchman of Salem Trunk and Equipment Co.; Leonard Retmann and C. J. Con nally of Reicon Enterprises, 201 hi. High st. and Charles Jens, 321 Oregon building. Marion Post 81. B. F. W. special business meeting Monday. March XI. p. m. Important you be there. Perennial. primroses, pansies. rore bushes, shrubs. Ph. 8554. ! Boyd Nurery. 240 State. Open ; aundays also. j Expert watch St clock repairing. 5 ' day service at Stevms Jewelry. 1 CDuD5lQ0SuirQ03 UK Mis Ef fie Back, at hr reideno at 117S Chcmekrt at Salem. March I kucvlved bv I o brother. Ivan Pooler ui Joacpn. Ore . and Earl Pooler at Hratum. Ore Service v. ill be Mondi). March 31. at I 30 p rti . te dough -ttarrtck company. the Rev Louis While oil M.-iatin( Interment Mt. Hpe VMiiictery . MAM RICK In this nlv-Mdndtjr. March 2. Wil liam G. Hamrtck. late resident of ns Portland rd . Salem. Survived by three daughters. Mrs D. X Bullock. Mui Mildred Harm-irk and Mia Arlene Itamrirk. all of Salem, and U.e mother. Mr Mina Himnrk of Salem. Service will b held Satuiday. March 29. at ! a in at the L'louah-Barrick chapel uith mlrrmrnl at Belcrett Metitprial park Di JtMepli Adams will officiate AIIKNRY Arthur Jimn Allenby. late reident of 130 Oxford at . March M in a local hospital at the aa o( 7S Survived by a brothei. Thotna N Allenby. Salem, and three utter. Mr. Anna White and Mis. Minnie Mrl'Uughry . both of l.eter. Calif, and Mr. Agnes Lang aiaif in KnKland Service will be held at the Hoell-F.dard chapel Monday. Max-h 31. at IS 30 a m with internvent In the City View ceneteiy. riTtlDV J-n Prtrrwni. In a local hospital Ml'ili 2 at the ae uf 73 Service will he at IS 30 a m Saturday. March Sv at Hie Howell-Edwarda chapel, ui terment at City View cemetery. KOTINSOBDH At the residence. 1503 D street March 37 Harriet Klrntiorder. at the aice oi 0 year Survived by three children. Mr Edith Miles and Mrs Edna Flake both of Salem, and Alvin L Ktwten hxKiier of Sublimit) . 13 grandchildren and eight great -grandchildren Services will be at I 30 p m M.mday. March 31 at the W T Rigdon chapel. In terment City View cemetery II THIgfURD In thi city March T7. William Ruth eif'rd, at the age of M year Survived by his wile in Portland, and a sister. Mi J A Chambers of Oildale. Calif Announcement of services later by the H ell - Ed ard chapel CANTATA -PAGEANT ' 9 ew a fi MlTSIC 50 -voice choir sings s sav -Olivet to Calvary rheostatically controlled lights Pain Sunday, March 33, 7:33 First Evangelical Uniied Brethren Rev. Wilsaer N. Brtwa. Directar ' L SCHOOLS NOTE EASTER Among Easter programs sched uled in Salem public schools next week are assemblies at Bush school at 9 a. m. Monday: Gar field. 11 a. m. Tuesday; McKLin ley, Wednesday at 9:15 a. m. for primary grades and 10 a. m. for upper grades; Garfield, 1 p. m Wednesday; Washington, 9:15 a. m. Thursday; Englewood, 1 p. m. Thursday. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capital St. 4 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201 A.F. & A.M. will meet with Rickreall lodge No. 110 at Rickreall Wednesday April 2nd at 8 mjtx. All members are urged to attend., E. N. Mill W.M. For factories, offices Ac business uses. 12" General Electric wall clocks. $12.48. tax IncL R. L. Elf strom Co. METER Mrs. Ida M Meyer, late resident of tJS NOKth IMn street, at a local hos pital, at the age of 70 years. Survived by her husband. A W. Meyer of Sa lem: five sisters. Mrs. Frank Maikan tine of Portland. Mrs. George Gotbroth of Sheridan. Mrs. Wiebold of Vancou ver. Wash.. Mrs. Minnie srarumoe oi , Tlgard and Mrs. Louisa Fulton of Sher- I ! wood. Oregon: and a brother. Emil ! Sctiuman of Sheridan. Member of St. ! 1 John s Lutheran murcn. Announce ment of aervlces later bjr the Howell ! Edwards chapel. SINCE Mrs. Elizabeth Marion Singer, late resident of 1 1 43 Sixth St.. West Salem. . . I I W . I If. w-rt Clirwilf. t me mrm ft v. rijujhlri Mrs. Ann ' Church. Mrs. Betty Wells and Mrs. t Sadie Tokstad. all ot Salem. Mrs. Kath ertn SUaU of Portland and Mrs. The resa Bayer of Concord. N.H.; four grandchildren. Sharon and Sandra Wells and Bettv and David Bayer, all of Salem. Ann Bayer of Tacoma. , . Wash . and an aunt. Mrs. Margaret , Hatespek of Salem. Services will be Tuesdav. April I. at 1 p in . the Clough Rarrick chapel, the Rev Dudley Strain officiating. Interment City View ceme tery. riLCIl I Donald James Felger. late resident or o i-ancasier arive. li a local no pital Friday, March ZS. at the age of 2S yeai Survived by parents. Mr. and Mr Ben O. Felger of Salem: grand mother. Mis. Laura E Jones of Port- l - . . . D rt I M IHJ BUI 1 1. m I Mtm mmmmm " . Port Land, and two uncles. Jack W I . Ehrtngler and Archie Herron. both of Portland. Services will be held Mon- 1 day. March 31. at 3 p m at the Hough- , Barrick chapel with the Rev S. Ray nor Smith officiatiny. CADWEIJ. At the residence. I740 South Winter street. March . Mrs Veronia Cad well Mother of Mrs. Oliver Meyers of Salem. George Cadwell of Salem and Frank Cadstell of Portland, grand mother of Gloria Myers of Salem: and sister of John Bouillard of San Simeon. Calif : Mrs Helen Htrons and Mm Julia Bouillard. both of Salem. Serv ices will be held Monday. March 31. at IS 30 at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with ' concluding services Hi Belcrest Memor ial park Dr. Joseph W. Adam will of - fictate. Pre-Easler Services at Bethel Baptist N. Cattag-e and D St. Monday Through Friday 8:00 PM. (ood Special Music Every Night Sunday Services Morning Worship 1 1 :00 Evening at 7:30 ILLUSTRATED n 'ft if t TARRY YE UNTIL" ART Colored art pictures under Where M Art en Crsxaes Saanaaer Street Ciif Armory Speaker T. W. WiLson. the man with the Southern dra wL Film "Journey Into Faith' 7:00 P.M. Elvin SwatvMMi song master and cwloiit. Pacific College Male Quartet Musical Quiz - Surprises Doavt Forget FUaa Starts at 7.-4) P. M- BAKERY ROBBER HAB8ED Salem police have boen notified by itaU police official of the ap prehension of on of the tnree men who stole several thousand dollars from the safe of the Cherry City Baking company when they held up the night watchman there recently. The arrested man was identified as Amos Emery Jones, ex-convict of the Oregon penitentiary, who is now serving an eight-year sen tence in the McNeil island fed eral prison for a post office rob bery in southern Oregon. Police said Jones refused to reveal the identity of his two accomplice. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. New line of samples on hand for furniture upholstery. For esti mates call 9360. G, E. automatic bUnavets a year 'round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept. R. L. Elf strom Co. 19 FLU CASES IN COUNTY Marion county reported 19 cases of influenza during the week ending March 22, according to the weekly report of the state board of health. 0 er the state 241 flu cases were noted, includ ing 141 in Baker county. Otyer reported Marion county disease: two scarlet fever cases, two tu berculosis, three venereal and one each of meale. mumps and pneumonia and rheumatic fever. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. Wesix electric 2 3 K.W.42K.W. built-in wall heaters now avail able. R. L. Elfstrom Co. Dexter lawn mower and grinding service. Ph. 6833. 966 Center. YM LEADER TO SPEAK Dal ton F. McClelland, executive secretary of the international board of Canadian and U. S. YMCAs who was world service secretary in India for 30 years, will address Salem Chamber of Commerce at its Monday noon luncheon. His talk on world youth will mark the local chamber's Holy week observance. j For sale: Registered Polled Here ford cattle owned by Warren F. Pohle estate. Call at Pioneer Trust company, Salem, Oregon, for de tails. Ph. 3136 Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. 1 Plate glass now available. Don : Brown. Elfstrom's. 1 MRS. CREECH IMPROVING The condition of Mrs. T. W. Creech. 180 S. 14th st.. who in curred head injuries in a Wednes day auto accident at Center and Morgan sts.. was improving" last night, offiicals at Salem General hospital repotted. j Johru-Manville shingles applied right over your old roof. Nothing down 3 years to pay. Mathi: Bros . 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 4642. Spudnuts? Get them at the sign 1126 So. 12th, between Hines and Cross. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Mrs. I. W. Hatteberg of Silver ton and Mrs. A. J. Haslebacker of route 7, Salem, were dismissed from Salem General hospital Fri day with their infant sons. , Insured savings ram more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li berty street- River silt, top soil and fill dirt Com l Sand fr. Gravel. Ph. 21966. Northern Lawn mowers, limiten quantity. R. L. Elf strom Co. Spudnuts SpudnuU What are Spudtiutt? Buy some . . . you'll see' . DRAMA Disciples in upper room waiting for Pentecost P. II. Chnrch Mr. William Fawk. Org a 1st Ilarch 29 r3 1 3 YW COEDS AT NELSCOTT Fifteen retiring and new offi cers of Willamette university's YWCA chapter are attending a training conference at Nelscott this weekend conducted by Mrs. Margaret Norton, Portland, re gional executive for student YWCAs. The campus group will cooperate with the Nelscott com munity church in its Sunday wor ship service. Arrangements were made by retiring president Doris Bartholomy, Portland, and the new leader, Muriel Oliver, Yaki ma, Wash. Saturday service costs no extra. JUDSOirS Plumbing. Heating. Wiring, Pumps. Phone 4141. Turkey pickers Monday morning. Willamette Packing Co., W. Sa lem. Notice Call 3667 or 3862 about reservations for DeMolay Moth ers Club benefit March 31. Bring table accessories. EGGS FLOWN EAST D. A. Heinz of the North Sa lem hatchery Saturday shipped 12.000 turkey eggs by plane to Philadelphia, employing a Cali fornia plane of the Eagle Air Freight service. Officials of the service said Salem might soon be a regular stop for independent air cargo pickups if local business warrants The flight to Philadel phia was scheduled at 36 hours. t -i Dance Sat. Silverton Armory. Preferred stockholders of Port land Electric Power Co. should consult with our office concern ing the re-organization plan. Conrad. Bruce 6c Co., 203 Oregon "bldg. Ph. 4106. Refinish your own floors. Rent a ! floor sander from Wood row's, 440 j Center St. ROUTS ATTACKERS Fred R. Pankey of 4624 State st., told Salem police that he was ' i attacked Thursday night in the: ! 300 block of State st. by two t I youths who said "Let's see what ' he's got"' and grabbed him by the i I arm. Pankey said that he kicked j one and struck the other and they ' fled without taking anything, ac cording to polite. j i Dance Sat. Silverton Armory. Bryant's dressmaking alterations, 360t, State St., Room 25. . Old Time Dance tonight. 259 Court. CRASH HOSPITAL HANDY Ira Jones of Gtesham, a Wil lamette university student, was treated for minor cuts at Salem Deatones-s hospital after his bi cycle struck a tar parked in front of the hospital early Friday morn ing, city police report. Harold Eckstein of Churchdale drive is the owner of the parked car, po lice said. ! New location Cronlse Studio. 439 Court St.. over Smith Baking Co. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. Turkey help report Monday, S a. m. Marion Creamery. Bl ILDING PERMITS The city engineer's office is sued building permits Friday to' Roy Farley, for a garage and workshop at 1040 Broadway st , to cost about $2000, and to Wil liam Hart for a $3500 duplex house at 2645-47 Brooks st. Vacuum Cleaners (tanks & up right) $49 95 up 14 diffeientj makes to choose from. Terms, : trade-ins, rentals, repairs. Vtnce's ' Elect! ic. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. Shorthand and typist wanted. Call Homer Smith. Ph. 9181. GET MARRIAGE LICENSES Two Salem couples receiving marriage licenses at Vancouver, Wash , this week were Betty M. I Burroughs. 575 Willow st., and ' David M. Riggs. route 4. and Amy j Johnson, 345 S. Leonard st., and i S. J. Merritt, Marion hotel. , c 1 Births BURROUGHS To Mr. and Mrs. D W. Burroughs. Blodgett. a daughter. Friday, March 28, at Salem General hospital. HUNT To Mr. and Mrs Cyril Hunt, 40 William ave., a son, Friday, March 28, at Salem Gen eral hospital. SANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanderson, 425 Mor gan ave . a daughter. Friday, March 28, at Salem General hos pital. HILTON To Mr. and Mrs. William Hilton, 65 Fail haven ave., a daughter. Friday. March 28, at Salem Deaconess hospital. Evangelistic Tabernacle Assembly of God Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Sunday, March 30th 9 a.m. Snnday School 11 a.m. The Pastor Speaks "Escaping Sataa's Sabtilities" 6:30 Young People 7:45 Evangelistic Rally Rev. E. F. Hewitt of Deuver Radio Broadcasts over KSLM: Tabernacle Echoes Saturday 5:45 p.m. Sermons in Sons " Sunday 5:15 p.m. W. S. Frederick, Pastor T COMMITTER FLANS ' The Salem YMCA boys' work committee yesterday voted to send, if possible, two delegates to the national youth conference sponsored by YMCA, YWCA and the Y Canteen, at Grinneti, Iowa, June 20 to 26. The group also laid plans for a "youth and govern ment program for next year, un der which Hi-Y clubs over the state would participate in a pe riod of training climaxed by a session in Salem, during which they would perform as a govern ment in action. Spudnuts are here. Get them at 1126 S. 12th. Try a Spudnut. Better be first and tell your friends. 1126 So. 12th. Electric Fans Vinre's Electric. DRAFT BOARDS TO MEET What is expected to be the final meeting, if the draft is allowed to die March 31, will take place Monday for all selective service local boards in Oregon, Col. Elmer V. Woo ton, state director, said Friday. Principal business of each group will be to bring all classi fications up to date. Chairmen of the boards in Marion county are Keith Powell of Salem, George Bell of Stayton and Ray Glatt of Wood burn. Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. Two burner hotplates. Vince's Electric. Rubber Gloss Wax and cleaner. Vince's Electric. HI-Y PLANS PROGRAM A party to help raise money for the world youth fund was planned Thursday night by the Junior Hi Y club as its portion of the Salem YMCA participation. The Senior Hi-Y clubs are working on varied plans. Support of the fund, to aid YMCA reconstruction in war torn areas, was voted Friday by the boys' work committee of the Salem Y. Dance Sat. Silverton Armory. Water Hiacynth and Lilies. Pem berton Flower Shop, 1980 S. 12th. Phone 23346. Perennial plants. Pemberton's Flower Shop, 1980 S. 12th. Phone 23346. i LICENSED TO MARRY Marriage licenses were issued in Portland Friday to Arthur En-, dresen of Boring and Lois Anne Barnes of Silverton, Associated Press reports. j Dance tonight. Crystal Gardens. Don't forget the old time dance at VFW hall Sat. nite. Turkey help report Monday, 8 a. m. Marion Creamery. 1 Easter , 1 j Baskets 1 &Vff ,''ren s thoughts turn to Bun- V fA nies, E?gs and Camlv at Easter J lh lvl Time. It isn't too early to selert fyf? N' fJ l v5 one of Metropolitan's beautiful vet utL fTr h A M &r trr f A I full maile-up Easter Baskets. Thev r?rYv V V" J are clim k full of gootl randv ami at N' A ulll prire that will save you. :J.2tHrr lii) A im $-1169 $&mk? t. ffl to- " umWT (ft TITLE SURVEYS ADVISED Title surveys before complet ing real estate transactions were advised before the Salem Board of Realtors Friday noon by Vera D. McMuIlen. Salem Ab stract ' Co. vice president, who addressed the luncheon in the Marion hotel. He said description of the property figuring in a sale is especially important where original land donation claims arc involved because competent sur veying often was lacking when 'the early claims were 4a id out. S. P. Club Dance and Box Social, no auction, March 29. Dance Sat Silverton Armory. COUNTY BOARD SLATED Marion county educational board, headed by Mrs. Agnes Booth, county school superinten dent, will meet Monday at her office to hear reports of the su pervision program and to elect school supervisors for the year 1947-48. The group com prises George Hubbs of Silver ton, P. W. Owre of Gervais, W. P. Emery of Macleay and Harley Libby of Jefferson. Rummage Sale over Greenba urn's March 29 at 8 a. m. Sponsored by Credit Women's Breakfast Club. Reliable businessman needs 1 or 2 bdrm. house immed. on perma nent basis. Hollywood dist. Local references. Ph. 24888 or 21664. . FERRY GIVEN LIMIT I A 10-ton load limit was placed Friday on the Buena Vista ferry j which was removed from service Thursday for repairs of the hull' and overhaul of the engines. The ! county court stated that lives and j property were being endangered i by overloading. Just arrived Thor Gladiron" Ironers for immediate delivery. ; Broadway Appliance Co., 419 1 ! Ferry, Salem, Oregon. NALLINGER TO SPEAK i Otto Nallinger. ex-army chap , plain and former Salem Y camp i counsellor, will speak Monday : night at a dinner meeting of the young men's council of the YMCA. Wesi room heaters (flush) all sizes for immediat'; delivery. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem, Oregon. BICYCLE FOUND LAMB'S? A maroon and white World bi-; cycle was found downtown Thurs- i day night by city police. It is be lieved that the owner may be Frank Lamb of 1595 Lee t. GOOD FRIDAY HOLDAY Public and parochial schools of Salem will be closed Friday in observance of Good Friday. Tba SkrlsiniiiL Snlem. Qrocjon Public Records MUNICIPAL COURT Vohn Steele, route t. Salem, reck less driving, found guilty, fined $90. Edit A. Troth. 14 E. Wilson st, violation of basic rule, lined S7J0. Virgil Christensoa. Dexter, defec tive muffler, no operator's license, defective lights, fined $! on all charges, ordered to have horn, lights and muffler repaired and approved by police department. R- F. rulmer. Oakland. Calif., vio lation of basic rule, posted $7.50 bail. Charles Hail. Milwaukee, violation of basic rule, posted SIS ball. Clean P. Otto. Carlton, violation of anti-noise ordinance, posted S3 bail. Russel W. S locum. Lebanon, viola tion of basic rule, posted f 7.50 ball. CIRCUIT COURT Mutual Benefit Life Insurance com pany vs Helen Srhmiedecke and Emily Chamberlain: Suit to determine bene ficiary of life insurance policy of Charles Schmiederke. Martha Baker vs Herbert Baker: Supplemental complaint alleges cruel and inhuman treatment since filing of complaint. Roy H. Pease vs Julia Frances Pease: Complaint alleges cruel and inhuman treatment; married Nov. 11. 1928. in Salem. State vs Roy G. Petty: Sentenced to one year in county jail on charge of escaping from Marion county jail, sentence to commence at expiration of present sentence. State vs Robert Donald Douglas: Sentenced to six months In county jail and paroled on charge of lar ceny of auto. State vs Jack Matheney: Sent to Oregon state hospital for 90 days' ob servation. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Benjamin C. Kerber. 25. truck driv- MRS. MOOSE HURTS BACK Mrs. Harvey Moore of 1090 N. 5th st., incurred bacK Injuries when she fell from a second story window onto a stairway at her home at about 11 a. m. Friday, according to first aid men, who took her to Salem General hos pital. Authorities at the hospital said late last night that her con dition was "fairly good." Dance Sat. Silverton Armory. : BLIGH IMPROVED Frank Bligh. 1903 Fifth st.. who j underwent a major operation at Salem General hospital early this! week, is convalescing and is ablej to receive his friends. I CAMELLIAS t Largest supply la Central Willamette Valley. Wide range of sixes aad varieties. Most varieties now In Moom. Take River Road north to Keizer, turn west on paved road. 4 miles to Nursery. H. L. Pearcy Ilursery Co. Route 2. Box 19 friwrw, turn i.ir rtfoaVrt-nai aiHl Sf&Sabii. Saturday. March 29. 1847 3 er. and Irene Wacken. 22. bookkeeper, both of Salem. Theodore S. Walt. 14. student, anst Dorothy Irene White. 21. typist, botss. of Salem. Ralph George Burns. 22. farm lav borer. Salem route 2. and JuaniUa Joyce Patrer. is. student. Sales route 2. Ivan C. Caligan. 53. logger. Willa- mina. and Elizabeth Baunach. OS. I housewife. Grand Rande. ; JUSTICE COURT Harlie D. Harnm. 817 Mill st.. charg ed with disorderly conduct, plea con tinued to March 29 Lois Hulse. 17 Mill St.. charge with disorderly conduct, plea con tinued to March 29. PROBATE COURT Charles Bertram Davis, jr.. guardian ship: Order appointing Charles B. Da vis, sr.. as guardian: order approving" settlement of claim for damages. Estate of Frederick Wiblishauser: Final order. Red Hills Grange has Oregon Flower Program LIBERTY Red Hills grange held an open meeting in the grange hall Tuesday. Colored slides of Oregon flowers wert hown br the Rev. S. Raynoe Smith. Musical program included Brahms Lullaby" and "Whisper ing Hope" as vocal solos by Mrs. S. Van Dyke; piano numbers by Marylin Williams; Chinese Wed ding" and "Musical Sketches" as piano and violin duet by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spillche. The first voting machines wert invented in England more than 50 years ago. EVERY FUNERAL SERVICE entrusted to us is individually planned and personally direct ed - - its cost determined by the family's wishes. HOWELL - EDWARDS Salem Funeral Chapel 54S N. Capitol St Phone M7S it.Wi m! , rtoairfgyasansv T. W. WU