t SaUrm. Ortxyon, TTmredgy. March 27, 1M7 8 DAILY AND SUNHAYf wrHE YOUNG II)EAV By Mowler TheJMation's Toi Comics Thure. KSLBI KOIN KGW KEX RADIO (ISSflke) (I7t ke) tt k) (UN U) Morn News News IHaneym'n, NY. Bugler X Timekeeper iKOIN Klock Honeym'n. NY.1 Bugler X M March Tims (News ! Kneaw. News -Bugler X News I Bugler X News Farm Tim Sinking Cowboy t:M Rise & Shin INews I Asrortsx Id News I Bob Garred lOld Songs Uames Abb 1M Farm St Horns iFact Finder ISam Hayes (Stock Market Haven of Rest lUser News IFred Waring IBreakatt Club Haven of Rest Art Baker I Breakfast Club Pioneers I Grand Slam IJack Berch (Breakfast Club : LindUhr iRosemary IJames Abba (Breakfast Club Orchestra Kate Smith 1 Music" IK. Baker : B. Harrington 'Aunt Jenny iKneasa, News IK. Baker Pastors CaU Helen Trent IWords. Music I Breakfast Hywd t:4S Art Baker I Gal Sunday I (Breakfast Hywd News (Big Sister J School Cast IG. Draka :! Bing Sings IMa Perkins I BUI Lang lt:J Hit Time Dr. Malone ICiuintet ITrue Story If :4S Harmony House Road of Life J Jordan I True Story m Your Home NcWspMX etoocs be fn so?a tt DON'T GO WITH AT ME SINCE I TMEM, DD I ? . f TCXO MGP WALLV V AIO MIS FRIENDS A3WEO I Mg TO GO OxmOmG V WITH TMEM LA9T I TMANKED fTHM FO? THE- INVITATION A SO CAMS STPAiGi-rr NGMT HOME 7 just stomoed jl i y" M rt V wOUe FOOT AND Jll k WHAT I ' X ltd 7 WALKED AWAV.'.J SHOULDVE DONE bi V - . WAS NOT MENTION J " ) r ( ShOlM-OnT J HAVE ( TMA.MKEO ) V. THEM z BLONDS VES. WP TAKING VOUP -AD AWAV UKTV COO JUST A PEW DA VS. WE WANT TO EXAMINE IT T9H DICX TRACT LITTLZ ANNIE ROOKZT Bf FU9C w CIKT.,A 6 MOT, OB CKAM6C THAT AAD- BUZZ SAWTEB wvae TMNOT TUUM aOMANTlC TVPm OQ.OuR. MOMS AOVitUT. 9-ZT u Miczrr Moosi BAJtNZY COOCLI LONE RANGES f YOU KNOW. ZERO -THE MULE j I OOivEGS AOfcT ALL SO AN j ST00N6 AN TWEV TREAT J : 3 sj NOT! J IT il i I . r v ocnrTMki' Lrr 4 I UATOEP. WUVSE M CET RjH 1,1 K I NT ClVIN" UP , OA I j " TWO-LE66ED COW ( CUIQIAJ ' ni Ul' ''" ;?TV 'jjT'jL IHDlH IVOL'VE 6CTT) teU&B ,GUEKlFFi BULLET MEAN A PRIQC6 WU. Wt Off PCNEEffS 'OJ? I- s X Jl rg a I I'M JUST THE ORIGINAL. BAD LUCK GIRL I GET A NEW CAR AND I M MG Dl ATPLV A MUf?- DEPEO MAW IS POUMO Its! IT. TUEV TELL ME NOT TD BE" SCALED - THAT TWc SHEOlFP WAS PUT M. MEANY IN JAIL WHERE HE CAMT CATCM ME OUT I CAN POTMJUMUStGAL COMiCAL STJF. LJICJ" THtS 0.4S r i i MOT mOUiMJ UT tOJ MJK A4 WCLL I yN. V THEN WHAT rvt ncrrc mc II cirff tuc r4rc wueaec II &i tuc ija lie V -- I U T K,iTTCR IK AiT I I well, "V AVl I ""1 DO, DOCj TVtf V NEVER ) I ARE vtX)T Altt 1 AslL l I MTENO TOR US TO I 1 MDOWIUINGTO ?7r Av- frnl LSMC THIS A ACE XIV AMBLE VOURUP U T t I T rtf , ALIVE, JVi-. IT 1 OH A 10 TO I SHOT r MLS swmm I SUPPOSE YLISTENt AMN I MAV EVEN 1 GOING TO GOTO JAIL WaE TPOUGUT myself t a wrm vou? M BUT r CAMT HELP TWlNKlN'f" ( I KEEP MAKING BELIEVE MO MEANf MI6HT GET OUT I'M NOT SCARED - BUT J O' JAIL -AN' THEN WHATT INSlDE OP ME I PEEL j W0ULDDQ BAPLOVER -J y i4T r i ql. m " 5-O'anmaMAN T m-not vrr... a-jT it ) ( )9Pr A -TuUH WELL ' Vrn WONT be LoZrV A MAN I ENTITLEP TO UPE, UBERry AM? THE PURSUIT OF HAPP1NE$. N' PUKSurr OP AtN'T &V1N" Ail RIGHXTHEN, I'VE TR0 EVEW- thing to eer vxjr help. MR QCVF THKS rS r.LAUi; TUP NEW MAGAZINE tUaTS COMING OUT JUNE GTU WE I X LIKE TO RUN AN IV ARTICLE. HAPPtNES 5 WHAT UP YCXTVE TREO EVERYTHING TO HOODWINK U6 WT rp& NO 60 WRE UNDER ARRE5T. NOW HAND OkK YDUR G0N5 ll:t Organalitles Mrs Burton 'Today's Child IHymns 11:1 Day Dreams fPerry Mason IWoman White Melodies ll:M Queen for Day Lone Journey Masquerade IListening II : Queen for Day Rose Light World lEthel. Albert Ntraa Pioneers INews IKneass. News IW. Kiernan IZ:1 Nrvs ICome Get It IMa Perkins Stars Today 11:3 Hillhilly Bob. Victoria I Pepper Young E. C. Hill I2:ti Variety Show Money on the Happiness Dave Rose I : Checkerboard ! House Party Backstage Wife Sunny Side Up 1:1 News I ISteHa Dallas ISunny Side Up Orchestra I Air New spaper Lorenzo Jones Kav West l: Orchestra ! ; Widder Brown Kay West l:M Bill Gwinn i School of Air iGirl Marries IWhafs Doin' S:l Bill Gwinn ISchool of Air iPortia JWhat's Doin' 1:J Heart's Desire 'Meet Missus Plain Bill IBride. Groom 8:4 Heart's Desire I IFarrell IBride. Groom S:M With Music (Art Kirknam IRoad of Life Re Seated 1:1 With Music IE. Winters ILora Lawton !Be Seated 1:3 News ICIare Hay lAunt Mary I Dorothy Dlx 1:4 Orchestra 'Robert Trout IDr Paul IMus. Memories 4:M Fulton Iewis IMv Opinion ' This Woman (Rhythm 4:1 Rex Miller lOrie for Book INews IN W. Today 4:J T. Johnson 'Mr Keen ILife Beautiful N. Westerner 4:4 Buck Rogers I C. Foster ITenn. Jed :M H. Harrigan Knox Manning Stars Today I Pirates 5:15 Superman IMuic IG. Moorad Sky King S:M Capt- Midnight News I Sing America IJack Armstrong S :4S Tom Mix I Bob Garred I News F. Hemingway : G Heatter IDick Haymes IMusle Han Be Friends? :1 Turve-up Time ! Rhythms I :J Treasure Hour Crlma Marquee I Foreman's Place ti Treasure Hour " Town Meeting 7 : 7:1 TJ4 7:45 Family Theater Radio Digest Playboys 1 Holly wd Stars Playboys I IM Sound Off 'Lowell Thamas Supper Club ILum n Abner :15 . IJack Smith 1 1 -aw ton (Cheer Songs I M News IFBI The Aldiicha I Music 45 Orchestra I Music t -a News 1 Ellery Queen Burns. Allen Music :1 James Crowley Music : Header's I Inspiration 'Noah Webster Campus Heads :45 Heider's I Inspiration i Campus Heads Fulton Lewis Star Final INews INews It News ISymptionett M usic Hey. Motorist ' Mia News I EddM Cantor I Concert Hour 14 4 SUte SafetT ;Te. Rangers I Concert Hour II :M 11:1 II a 11:4 Open House Open Houm Open House News i Serenade lOrchestra 'Air-Flo I News Silent 11: 12 Sign Off K.OAC k. 10:00 a m News 10:15 Especially for Women: 110 School of the Air 11:15 concen Hall; 12:00 News: lziia p.m. noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy, i-i hnnl of the Air: 1:45 Eyes on Future: 2:00 Home Garden Hour; 2:30 Memorv Book of Music: 3 00 News; 3 IS Music of the Masters; 4:00 Oregon New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Al Cbem & Dye American Can . Am Pow St Lt. Am Tel & Tel -Anaconda Atchison Bench x A via Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac . Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou ... Cons Edison Cons Vultee Cont Ins Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Dupont de Ne Gen Electric March Ze--Today1! 172 ;Gen Foods . 93 'Gen Motors . . 14sa Goodyear Tire .I66I4 .Gt North pfd . 398 Int Harvest . . 87 '2 Int Paper pfd.. . 34 iJ Man vi lie . 92 a Kenneoott . 21 Long Bell A . 26' i Maytag . 12N 'Miami Copper . 36hi Mont Ward . 97'Nash Kelvin ... 3' 4 Nat Dairy . 27 N Y Central . KU North Am Co 51 Northern Pac . . 28 Pac Am FLsh .... 5'- Pac Gas Elec 69 P T & T 187l4 Pan American . 354 Penney J C Portland I'rMiucc PORTLAND. Ore. March 26 'API -BuM-rfat tentative (subject to im mediate change), premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity. Holt Equipment PHONE 167 Salem Road. Independence, Ore. Machine Work Fabricating Welding Blacksmithing Arches Bulldozers Grubbing Teeth Heavy Harrows Land Rollers Farm Wagons Tilt Machinery Trailers Hiway Trailers Lumber Rolls Stacks Tanks Pipe Well Casing Portable Keyway Machines FOUNDRY All Types Foundry and Pattern Work Carriage Wheels and Knees Sprockets Dolly Boxes Split Bearings Stove Parts Grates of All Types Hop Picking Machine Parts HEALTH 'TO YOU WHEN Hemorrhoids Fistula ' Fissure Pre laps and atber Rectal tUsarders are eorrected. Ne Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynold Clinic Naloj-PrwrtaUzist 218 N. Liberty SC. SarJem. Ore V4 I Abbot, CosteL Town Meeting Town Meeting Portland Choir 'Town Meeting Monitor News News Orchestra lOrchestra INews ISin Oft Concert Hour Rose Bowl Or eh. Roae Bowl Or. Orchestra IX-tra Hour Reporter: 4:15 Music for You: 4:30 Xavier Cueat: 4:45 Children's Thetre: 5 00 On Upbeat: 5:5 Soottmg Sports: 6:00 News; :15 W. Meeder. Organist: 6:30 'Round the Campfire: 7:15 Eve ning Farm Hour: 8:00 Veterans at Col leee: 8:15 Sons Time: 8:45 New: 9:00 Music That Endures; t:45 Evening Med itations: 10.00 Sign Off. closing quotations: 434 Radio Corp 9 60 la Rayonier 23 554 Rayonier pfd 37 U Kejnoias rviet .... 84 Richfield 15 'Safeway 23 122 iSears Roeb 36 47'i Sinclair Oil 15 17i So Pacific 41 104. Stan Brands 34i 16'2 Stan Oil Cal 5lTs Stew Warner 175s Studebaker 217i 32 14 Sun Mining ll1 174 Union Oil 21s 27i 194 Un Pacific 1244 Un Airlines 25 Un Aircraft 174 U S Steel 73 "4 Warner Bros 157 West Elec 25 Woolworth 49 . 39 7s 1621-2 . 13s8 . 422 delivered in Portland. 80-8lc lb; first q.'ali.y 73-80 lb : second quality. 75 7 be. valley routes and cohntry points 2 rents less than first or 77-74C. Butter Wholesale fob blub 68-lb. cubes : Grade AA. 93 wore. 73-74c lb : grade A, 92 score. 73-74c: grade B. 90 score. 71-72c: grade C. 89 score. 69c lb Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 42-49c: Oregon loaf. 41-32c: triplets. 39i-50',c. Eggs To wholesalers r A grade, large. 46,I-47,2c: medium. 43'j-4-!i2c; A grade small. 40'a-41,2c; B grade large. 402- Eggs Purcl'.as from farmers: Cur rent receipts, 37-41c; buyers pay 3-3'c below wholesale quotation.- on graded bais for best hennery e"gs. Live chickens Paying price to producers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs.. 29c lb: fryers. 2 to 3 lbs. 2c: 3 to 4 lbs. 33-3tc lb. roasters. 4 lbs and over .T!-34c. fowl. Leghorn, under 3'j lbs. 18-19c lb: over 3 lbs. 22c fowl, colored, all wts., 30-32c lb; stags, 14 16c lb Rabbits Average to retailers. 48-52c lb. dressed; prices to producers, 43c: trvers. live, white. 20-24c lb.; colored. 17- 21c lb. Dried onions Oregon yellows. No. 1. 3 inches and larser. $2.!0-2 75 a 50-lb. sack: mediums. $1.65-1.75; boilers. 10 1b sack 30-33c: 50 lbs. $1.00-1 10. truck sale rr.ed . $160. 3-inch. $2.25-2 35. Green onions Local, mid-Colum-bia. 5o-6oc $7 50-8 50: local. mid-Columbia. 0-70c. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes. No. 1 $3 75-3.90 cwt.: large bakers $4.25-4 50 cwt : No. 1. 25 lb. sacks $1 00-1.05: 15 lb. sacks 60-65c: No. 2. $1.00-1.15 50 lb. sacks: Fla . Bliss TriumDha No. 1 $3 65-3 75 A and B: track sale. Idatio. $357: Baker Gems. $3.25: Fla. Bliss Triumphs. $3.06. Dressed meats VeaT lijiht. top qual ity. 32-34c: heaw top quality. 28-30c; B. 25-2Sc: c. 22-24C-. cull. 18-20c; hogs block butchers, packer style, 125-160 lbs . 37-38c: over 213 lbs.. 36-37c lb.; sows, all wts.. 30-3.Sc lb : lambs AA. 38-40c; A. 37-38c: B. 34 -36c: C. 28-30c lb.: mutton 10-15c lb., according to quality: beef bent quality. 30-32c: B. 25-26c: C. 20-22c. canner and cutter. 18- 9c: bologna bulls, 25-26c. Cascara bark green. 8-8'c: dry. 20c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 40c lb. on 12-month growth Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Al- fa If a. No. 2 or better. $35.00-36.00 ton; No. 1 timothy. $37.50-39 00 ton: oats and vetch. $22.00-27 M ton: clover hav. uncertified, baled on farms. $22.00 $27.00. DBS. CHAN.. . . LAM Or.Y.TXaaaJJ. DrXkaavJ4J CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 Narth Uberty tips lairs Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only. 18 a.m. to ! pjn . to 7 pje.. Consul tation. Blood pressure and unne tests are free of charge Practiced ince 1917 3 'Haneat. moos. It's for a math pie and take away four, Salem Markets BCTTEKFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PKtXTS Wholesale Retail EGG. Bay lag Price Extra large .TS .7" .74 .74 .79 42 J7 X JO Mediums Standards Pullets, cracks F.CGI. SelHmg Price Wholesale, large Medium POULTRY Colored hen. No. 1 No 2 Fryers 4C 41 JO JS2 LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Top lamb . . 20.00 Yearling Iamb .15 00 Ewes . 7 JO Dairy cows 8 00 to 13 00 i Dairy bulls 10 00 to 14 JO Hog prices 35c per hundred under ' Portland prices for each particular class. Stags bought subject. I Mocks and Bond (Compiled by the Associated Preas March 26 STOCK AVERAGES 15 15 W lndu. Rails Utii. Stock Wednesdav 90.8 34 1 44 t 65 1 Previous day . 80 8 33 6 44.3 64 4 Week mo 89 9 34 44 4 46 7 Month ago 90 6 35 4 4 1 65 8 Year ago 103 1 47.8 53 4 77J BOND AVERAGES 20 io i in Rails Indus Util For'gn Wednesday 94 7 103 9 105.3 75 9 Previous dav . 94 6 104 0 lOi 3 75 8 Week ago 94 8 103 9 104 8 75 6 Month ago 95 8 103.5 104 7 76 ; Year ago 106 5 105 1 108 1 76 9 Leal Notice No 12873 i i NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the j undersigned, by an order of the Cir- cuit Court of the State of Oregon for j Marion County, duly made and enter- . ed on March S. 1947. ws appointed administrator of the E.-tate of Ada- line Judd. Deceased and that he has duly qualified as such administrator All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present , the same, duiv verified, as required ! by law. to him at the office of E L. Crawford, attorney for the Estate : Room 310 First National Bank Bide . : Salem. Oregon, w ithin six months of ' date of this notice. ; Dated this 13 dav of March 1947. ! B G. COCHRAN. Administrator. E. L CRAWFORD i Attorney for Estate First National Bank Bide Salem. Oregon. M 13-20-27-A 3-10 200 'APEX' OWNERS CAII'T BE WRONG! n ft t Hii I !t f . - .1-- "Apex" Mtnlern Flexible-Glass Greenhoutie On Display at AIIDERSOII'S USED CAR LOT UO Center StrtMrt V7AIITED STRAWBERRY ACREAGE Will furnish certified plants and finance under tern contract. STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS Phone 6073 - Church & Mill St. - Salem, Oregon problem. If I have srix pieces how manjr are there left?" Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: One first calf Durham heifer has been fresh 3 weeks, gives 4 gal. daily. Sound and gentle. PI v mouth Dr.. Salem. Ph. 2-43nt. CHILDREN'S horses for sale. Sound 8c gentle. Marea to foal in spring. Can show sire. Also children's saddleV Ph. 9.T97 NEW Zealand white does. bred. A ten fryers & Easter bunnie 36 N. Ord. CHRISTIE N. H. puUels 10 wks. old. Rt 1 Box 264. Salem. Ph 23211. ONE Gotdrn Palomino stallion. 4 yrs- old. green broke: 1 quarter horae registered mare unbroke: 1 dbie. hotiw trailer, will take house trailer en deaL Ph. SiK-erlon 1661. WANTED: All kinda of cattle and nos. Will can at farm. Write B. L Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drrr. PH. 21345 mom or eve BABY Chicks hatching twice week ly in seven varieties. New Hamp shire always available in chic Ira. Growing pullets any age. Phone 23BS1. te's Hatchery. CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt service. Dressed pout ry bolesale our specialty. Phone 2-2861. Lees Hatchery. FOR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks every Wed Bovraartona 37 ta State St. Pnooe 4968 NEW Hampshire and White Rock Cockerels available Immediately. Wil son's Hatchery. Lyons. Oregon. BLLL Servtee by artificial insem ination Sues fiorn the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet , erinanans Salem ArtifiraJ Inacmina lion Station. Ph 5S5. WANTED. Al) kinds of cattle, fat nogs, sows A boars At your farm or , delivered Market price. E C McCand , lish. Rt. 9. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St. Ph 8147. WE Pay higher! prices for rabbit skins West Side Fur Co . West Salem. Auctions alem Community Auction 361 Silver! on Road Every Sal., 10:30 a.m. and Furniture Tiies. 7:30 p.m. Lots ot good merehandiae incfudm ranges. heaters. hot water tanks, dre-ssers. tables. blankets. tawvU. chenille bed spreads, wool blankets, new linoleums, etc LIVESTOCK Cows, heifers, calves, pigs, chickens, rabbits Farm Machinery Farm Produce If vou have no way of hauling your consignment we are equipped to do lust that for you. This bam is run by a disabled wet eran. Phone 2-5424 Miller. Manager. Alderman. And. J ll i J 4'